Unified State Exam test in English. Demonstration versions of the Unified State Exam in English (grade 11)

Increasingly, parents of schoolchildren are turning to our school with a request to prepare future graduates for the Unified State Exam. English language 2018. Therefore, we decided to write a detailed article in which we will tell you how to prepare for this exam: we will look at its structure and provide practical tips for successfully passing each part of the Unified State Exam, as well as present the best textbooks and online resources for preparing for this difficult test.

What is the Unified State Exam in English 2018

The Unified State Examination in English 2018 is a final exam at school, which is counted as an entrance exam to a university, which is why it is so important to pass it with a high score. For now, this exam is not mandatory, but if a graduate is going to enter a specialized university, he needs to pass this test.

In structure and level of difficulty, the Unified State Exam is similar to the international FCE exam. This means that in order to pass successfully, the student must have a level (above average). This is a high level, so we recommend starting to prepare for the Unified State Exam in English from the 10th grade, then in 2 years the student will be able to master the entire required amount of material at a normal pace.

In principle, you can prepare to take the exam in 1 year, but only if at the time of starting preparation the student already speaks English at an (intermediate) level. Don't know what level the graduate has? Then invite him to pass.

How is the Unified State Exam in English held in 2018? The exam consists of written and oral parts, which are held on different days. On one day, schoolchildren take the written part, it includes the following sections: listening, reading, writing, grammar and vocabulary. In total, on this day the graduate needs to complete 40 tasks in 180 minutes. A student can receive a maximum of 20 points for each section. Thus, for this day you can score 80 points.

The second part - oral - takes place on another day and is submitted at will. It lasts only 15 minutes and consists of 4 tasks. On this day, a graduate can earn another 20 points. We strongly advise all graduates to take the oral part: if your answers are unsuccessful, you will not lose anything, but if your answers are successful, you will earn extra points.

Thus, a graduate can score a maximum of 100 points in the exam. The minimum score to pass the exam is 22 points.

Below we present a table for converting Unified State Exam scores in English into a five-point system.

Unified State Exam results are usually published 14 days after passing the second part of the exam, but in some cases they are known after 12 days. You can find out your results on the official Unified State Exam website by filling out all the required fields. Paper USE certificates were canceled in 2014, so now only electronic certificates are available.

Structure of the Unified State Exam in English 2018 and principles for successfully passing each part

In this chapter, we will tell you in detail about what tasks the graduate will have to complete in each part of the exam. In addition, we will provide advice from our teachers who prepare schoolchildren to take the Unified State Exam. By the way, if you are looking for a teacher who will prepare your child for the exam, pay attention to. They have been doing this for several years now and have developed their own strategy for successful preparation; they know what pitfalls await them in the exam, what typical mistakes schoolchildren make and how to get rid of these mistakes.

As an example, we will present you with a demo version of the Unified State Exam in English, provided by the official website of the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements fipi.ru.


The listening test lasts 30 minutes and consists of three parts. The first two parts are the first and second tasks, respectively, and the third part is tasks No. 3-9 (out of a total list of 40 tasks).

Listening for the Unified State Exam in English in 2018 includes 3 audio fragments combined into one recording. The examiners turn on the recording and do not stop it until the very end, but there are pauses between fragments to read the tasks and transfer the answers to the form. For each correct answer in this and other parts of the exam, the student receives 1 point. Let's see what the graduate will have to do in listening.

Task 1: 7 statements are given. The student listens to 6 statements and matches them with statements, one of which is redundant.

6 points.


Listening task 1

Task 2: 7 statements are given. The student listens to the dialogue and determines which statements correspond to the content of the dialogue (True), which do not correspond (False), and which are not mentioned in it (Not Stated).

Maximum points: 7 points.


Listening task 2

Task 3: 7 questions are given, each of them has 3 possible answers. The student listens to the audio recording and selects the correct answer to each question.

Maximum points: 7 points.


Listening task 3

Our tips:

  • When preparing for the exam, you need to complete as many listening tasks as possible in the exam format. This way, the graduate will get used to quickly reading assignments and catching key words in speech that will help find the correct answer.
  • When choosing an answer, you need to rely not on the words mentioned in the speaker’s speech, but on the meaning of his words. So, for example, in his speech he may in one way or another mention all the answers to the task, but if you delve into what was said, you can understand that there is only one correct answer.
  • Reading

    The reading lasts 30 minutes and consists of 3 parts (9 tasks). We recommend spending no more than 10 minutes on each part in order to complete the allotted half hour.

    Task 1: Given 7 short texts (3-6 sentences each) and 8 headings. You need to read the texts and choose the appropriate heading for each of them. In this case, 1 heading will be redundant.

    Maximum points: 7 points.


    Reading task 1

    Task 2: Given a text that has 6 gaps. Below are 7 passages, 6 of which must be inserted in place of the gaps.

    Maximum points: 6 points.


    Reading task 2

    Task 3: A short text and 7 questions for it are given. For each question there are 4 answer options, from which you need to choose 1 correct one.

    Maximum points: 7 points.


    Reading task 3

    Our tips:

  • When completing the first task, you need to look for keywords that will indicate the meaning of the text and help you find the desired title. In addition, often the main meaning of a paragraph is reflected in the first sentence, and the rest give some minor details. Therefore, in some cases you just need to carefully read the first sentence in order to complete the task correctly.
  • To successfully complete the second task, you need to have a good understanding of how complex sentences are constructed in English. The fact is that the missing part in most cases is part of a compound or complex sentence. For example, if a student understands that in the subordinate clause who is used in relation to people, which - objects, and where - places, he will be able to successfully complete most of the tasks. It also needs to be repeated, for example, that the infinitive is used to express purpose.
  • In the third task, the questions are arranged in the order in which they are answered in the text. That is, the answer to the first question will be at the beginning of the text, and not in the middle or end, the answer to the second question will be after the answer to the first, etc.
  • Grammar and vocabulary

    This section of the Unified State Exam in English 2018 tests the graduate’s knowledge of grammatical structures and vocabulary. The student is given 40 minutes to complete it. Let's see what the student has to do.

    Task 1: Given a text in which 7 words are missing. To the right of the text are words that need to be transformed grammatically (for example, put the verb in the right tense) and inserted in place of the gap.

    Maximum points: 7 points.


    Grammar and vocabulary, task 1

    Task 2: Given a text with 6 gaps. On the right are words that need to be transformed both lexically and grammatically - to form a single-root word that matches the meaning of the text.

    Maximum points: 6 points.


    Grammar and vocabulary, task 2

    Task 3: Given a text with 7 gaps. You need to choose 1 correct answer out of the four proposed for each of them.

    Maximum points: 7 points.


    Grammar and vocabulary, task 3

    Our tips:

  • The transformation of a word in the first part, as a rule, occurs according to the following principle. If you are given a verb, you must either use it in the correct tense, put it in the correct voice (active or passive), or form a participle from it. If an adjective is given, you must put it in the comparative or superlative degree. If you need to change a numeral, most likely you need to make it ordinal.
  • The second part mainly tests knowledge of suffixes and prefixes, including negative ones, and the ability to form different parts of speech from a word with the same root.
  • In the third part, knowledge of word combinations, so-called collocations, is most often tested. In addition, out of 4 words, you will need to choose the most appropriate one in meaning, that is, you need to know the difference between similar words and read the context.
  • Letter

    The graduate is given 80 minutes to write and check 2 written works.

    Task 1: Given the text of a short letter from a friend asking questions. The student needs to read it and write a response letter: answer the friend’s questions and ask him questions.

    Volume: 100-140 words.

    Maximum points: 6 points.


    Letter, task 1

    A letter to a friend is written in an informal style. The structure of this work is as follows:

  • Making a “hat”

    In the upper right corner we write the address: on the top line we indicate the city, below it - the country of residence. No need to write the street and house number: this may be regarded as disclosing confidential information, even if the address is fictitious.

    After the address, skip 1 line and write the date the letter was written in the same upper right corner.

    Next, as usual, on the left we write an informal address: Dear Tom/Jim (the name will be given in the task). It is unacceptable to write Hello here. After the address, put a comma and continue writing the text of the letter on a new line.

  • Text of the letter

    We start writing each paragraph with a red line.

    In the first paragraph, you need to thank your friend for the letter you received (Thanks a lot for your last letter) and apologize that you didn’t write earlier (Sorry I haven’t been in touch for so long). You can also mention some fact from the letter you received.

    In the fourth paragraph, you need to summarize - inform that you are finishing the letter (I’ve got to go now! It’s time for my favorite TV show), and offer to keep in touch (Take care and keep in touch!).

  • End of the letter

    At the end, you need to write a final cliche phrase, which is always followed by a comma: All the best, Best wishes, etc.

    On the next line, under this phrase, you indicate your name.

  • Task 2: A statement is given (usually controversial). The graduate writes an essay in which he discusses this topic, expresses his point of view, and also gives an opposing opinion and explains why he disagrees with it.

    Volume: 200-250 words.

    Maximum points: 14 points.


    Letter, task 2

    The essay is written in a neutral style and consists of 5 paragraphs:

  • Introduction: we formulate the topic-problem and immediately indicate that there are two opposing points of view.
  • Your opinion: we express our point of view (one) on this issue and give 2-3 arguments that confirm it.
  • Opposing opinions: we write 1-2 opposing points of view and give arguments in favor of their existence.
  • We express disagreement: we explain why we do not agree with the above points of view, and provide arguments in defense of our own opinion. However, they should not repeat the arguments from point 2.
  • Conclusion: We draw a conclusion on the topic, point out that there are different points of view, and finally confirm our point of view.
  • Our tips:

  • Stick to the required volume. It is permissible to deviate by 10% from the specified number of words, that is, you can write from 90 to 154 words in a letter and from 180 to 275 in an essay. If a graduate writes at least 1 word less (89), he will be given 0 points for the assignment. If the limit is exceeded, the examiner will count 140 words in a letter or 250 in an essay and evaluate it, and will deduct points for unfinished work, assignment design, topic disclosure, etc.
  • Avoid paragraphs consisting of one sentence; you need to supplement and justify each of your thoughts. To do this, you can use the constructions In my opinion, I believe, etc.
  • Monitor the style of written work: colloquial expressions like Guess what? or Wish me luck!, but in an essay it is better to stick to a more formal style. It is important not to overdo it with “informality”: all kinds of well, cause and slang expressions are unacceptable.
  • Use linking words, they make the text logical and allow you to complement or contrast sentences.
  • Oral speech

    The oral part of the exam is the shortest, it takes only 15 minutes. The graduate needs to complete as many as 4 tasks, for which he can receive a maximum of 20 points. The student submits assignments in front of the computer, his answers are recorded using a headset, and the time countdown is shown on the screen. There is an organizer in the audience who monitors the progress of the exam.

    Task 1: A popular science text is displayed on the screen. In 1.5 minutes you need to prepare and in the next 1.5 minutes read it out loud expressively.

    Execution time: no more than 3 minutes.

    Maximum number of points: 1 point.


    Oral speech, task 1

    Execution time: about 3 minutes.

    Maximum points: 5 points.


    Oral speech, task 2

    Task 3: Show 3 photographs. You need to choose 1 and describe it according to the plan proposed right there in the task.

    Execution time: about 3.5 minutes.

    Maximum points: 7 points.


    Oral speech, task 3

    Task 4: Given 2 pictures. It is necessary to compare them, describe the similarities and differences, and explain why the chosen topic is close to the graduate.

    Execution time: about 3.5 minutes.

    Maximum points: 7 points.


    Oral speech, task 4

    Our tips:

  • Use the online trainer for the oral part of the exam at injaz.ege.edu.ru. It completely simulates the exam, so you will become familiar with the format and understand exactly what you need to do, what time to meet, etc.
  • To practice the first part of the exam, you need to take texts on different topics and learn to read them with the correct expression: there should be pauses in speech, logical stress, and natural intonation. In addition, the graduate must complete it in one and a half minutes, because the score is reduced if the text is not read to the end. However, you can’t rush either, because it’s not the reading speed that is being tested, but the ability to read the text expressively.
  • To successfully complete the second task, you need to learn to ask questions to various texts. In principle, the task itself is elementary; most errors are associated with the loss of an auxiliary verb or its incorrect agreement with a noun. This problem can be easily solved by repeating question-writing exercises.
  • In the third task, the examinee needs to choose 1 photo from 3 proposed and describe it. Here our main advice is to read the assignment carefully. The fact is that it changes a little every year, so learn to answer according to the wording of 2018. In 2018, graduates will have to describe a photograph to a friend, that is, the monologue should address him. In addition, you must answer all questions in the task, for example, if it says where and when the photo was taken, you need to answer both questions - where and when. At the beginning, you must definitely indicate which photo we will be talking about (I’ve chosen photo number...). Don't forget also about the introductory one (Would you like to have a look at my picture? / I'd like to show you a picture from my photo album.) and the final one (That's all for now. / I hope you liked my picture.) phrases that make speech logical.
  • In the fourth task, you need to focus your speech on comparing pictures rather than describing them. In this case, you need to use speech cliches: The first picture depicts... whereas/while the second picture depicts..., The main difference is that..., In comparison to the first picture, this one... etc. You will learn more similar speech cliches with the help of our article “Phrases for comparison and contrast”.
  • Textbooks and websites for preparing for the Unified State Exam in English 2018

    Now you are familiar with the structure of the exam and understand that graduates will face a difficult test. However, you can pass the Unified State Exam in English in 2018 easily and successfully if you prepare well for it in advance. And in this the student will be helped, first of all, by a good teacher, as well as resources for preparing for this exam. We would like to introduce you to some textbooks and websites that our teachers use when preparing their students for the Unified State Exam. Take note of at least a few of them.

  • The Macmillan Exam Skills for Russia textbook series includes books on preparation for each part of the Unified State Exam. With authentic texts and exercises, this series is one of the best for exam preparation. These books are quite complex, so we recommend using them for schoolchildren with at least an Intermediate level.
  • “Standard exam options for the Unified State Exam, edited by Verbitskaya” - exist in various variations and include standard Unified State Exam tasks with answers. Using the book, you can check how well a graduate is prepared to take the exam.
  • fipi.ru is the official website of the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements, which presents a large bank of standard tasks for the Unified State Exam. On the specified page, click on the inscription “English” and in the tab that opens on the left, select the skill that you want to train. Please note: there are no answers to the assignments on the site, therefore, to ensure that the graduate’s efforts are not wasted, we advise you to study with the teacher and submit completed assignments to him for checking.
  • , talkenglish.com , podcastsinenglish.com - sites with educational podcasts in English. Of course, there are no standard tasks for the Unified State Exam, but you can practice your listening comprehension skills in an interesting way and take a little break from the same type of exam tasks.

    Our teacher Natalya has already prepared dozens of excellent students for the Unified State Exam in English; in her article “Exam, be good to me, or How to successfully pass the Unified State Exam in English,” she shares her personal experience and advice for graduates.

    So, now you can imagine the amount of work and know the secrets of successfully passing the Unified State Exam in English. We wish all graduates easy exams and high scores!

    And if you have not yet found a suitable teacher for your child, our teachers will help you prepare for the Unified State Exam 2018 at.

    Hello, dear teachers and tutors!

    I often get a lot of letters via the form, where readers ask me to help them or tell them something that interests them. Recently, similar requests have been coming in related to preparation for the Unified State Exam.

    In order not to answer everyone in a letter, I decided to combine all the questions into one article and analyze everything in detail. I will write what I personally think about this and of course I do not claim to be correct, I will simply express my thoughts as I would do it.

    So, where to start preparing for the Unified State Exam if you have never done it before? What is the first thing you need to have for yourself and your students?

    Why are teachers afraid to prepare students for the Unified State Exam?

    Typically, teachers who work mainly with young children are afraid to start preparing students for the Unified State Exam in English for two reasons:

  • Language training is weak
  • Agree that when teaching children, you do not need to have a large vocabulary, and basic grammar is studied there. Everything is at the elementary level, both grammar and vocabulary.

    I don’t argue that some of the teachers speak the language well and are constantly developing, but in many cases there is no need for many. And this, by the way, is sad!

    2. Never in my life have I prepared for exams (GIA and Unified State Examination) and never passed them myself

    So it's time to start! If we follow the fact that the English language is gaining more and more popularity and there is a tendency that it will soon be mandatory for many, then it is simply necessary to learn how to prepare students for these exams.

    If only because if you work as a tutor, you will be competitive and a step higher than those who do not prepare for them.

    Courses, tutor or self-taught?

    If you suddenly firmly decide that you want to prepare children for the Unified State Exam, you must, first of all, be well versed in this exam yourself! For this you have a choice:

    • sign up for courses to prepare for the Unified State Exam in English in your city, if available. If not, then go remotely. Unfortunately, the courses I took are no longer available. And this was already on the site on September 1st
    • find a tutor who can teach you the intricacies of the exam and tell you step by step and show you what and how. Perfect option! But there are very few of them and they hide))). I'm not hiding and you can turn to me for help.
    • educate yourself and read a lot, read, read! And then implement all this, practice and draw conclusions! One of the most affordable options, but it requires a lot of self-organization and self-discipline from you!
    The first stage is to test your knowledge!

    Where to start for a teacher (tutor) who wants to prepare students for exams?

    First, you need to improve your language base! To do this, simply test yourself by taking one of the Unified State Exam options.

    By checking the answers yourself where possible (ask more experienced people to check the letter and essay), you will see a real picture of your knowledge and see your gaps.

    Based on what has been tested, you will already know where to strengthen your work and what types of skills to focus on. This can be a lexical and grammatical part or a letter. Or maybe you have a hard time listening or reading?

    In any case, you must understand one thing: you must be confident in your knowledge! (it’s clear that it’s impossible to know everything, but everyone has their own confidence scale)

    If you don’t have this feeling, then improve yourself until you reach a level that is sufficient for you to teach.

    Here I’ll make a reservation that you don’t necessarily need to know the language at the native level; we don’t pursue this goal. I’m talking now about making you feel comfortable teaching children with your knowledge.

    And everyone’s comfort level is different! What do I mean by this?

    For example, it is one thing to explain a grammatical topic to a student (from a methodological point of view, present the material in such a way that the student understands everything), another thing is why a particular tense or construction is used in a sentence (and here you are already showing your knowledge, directly linguistic) .

    If you do this with ease and without a twinge of conscience, you can look up something in the dictionary together with your student; if you don’t know something, then you have almost reached your comfort level.

    The second stage - we study everything about the Unified State Exam format

    I think that many of you are already familiar with what the Unified State Exam is; many teachers have already taken it. But I have already given some information about what the Unified State Examination is and what it is eaten with.

    There you can download the codifier and demo version, as well as get tips on preparing for the Unified State Exam in English.

    Our task, as a teacher (tutor), is to obtain complete information about the format of the exam and the sections of the Unified State Exam! Where can I get this? For example, . (Verbitskaya’s video lectures are very useful and will help you clarify some points)

    The third stage is preparing materials for students

    So, now we have found out our level of language proficiency. Now you need some materials that you will use to teach your children. Of course, you can buy any books where the Unified State Examination English is written, but sooner or later you will understand that these are just variants of exam tasks and they are all of the same type.

    We need a more systematic approach. That is, work on each section. I won’t talk about listening and reading for now, since these are sections that require more independence from students than our help.

    But I will dwell on the lexical and grammatical part in more detail. Where to begin? What topics should you study? I have prepared for you a list of grammar topics that you must study with your students. All of them may appear in the exam.

    Take topics from this list and go through them with your students. As you go through, pin it - put a tick next to each topic or cross it out. This way you will clearly see how much time you have left to complete, as well as how many classes you can pay attention to.

    You can also give the theory at home in the form of a video grammar (for example,) The student will remember the material again if he missed something in class or simply forgot.

    To reinforce grammatical topics, choose special grammar books that contain a lot of exercises. For example, I use the following manuals:

    • Round-Up 3, 4, 5 (series where all tasks are in English and theory too)
    • New Round-Up 3, 4 (Russian-language series, theory in Russian)
    New Round-Up: Student's Book: Level 3 / English Grammar 3 (+ CD-ROM)
    New Round-Up: Student's Book: Level 4 / English Grammar 4 (+ CD-ROM)
    "New Round-Up 5 (+ CD-ROM) »
    • Grammarway 2, 3, 4
    • New Grammar Time 3, 4, 5
    • Russian collections of exercises by such authors as Muzlanova E. S., Fomenko E. A.
    • Interactive English exercises. There are a lot of tests on different topics in grammar. It is convenient to use, since the program itself checks for errors. I wrote a review about this in detail.

    These are the materials I use to study grammatical topics.

    In general, when you take ready-made versions of CMMs, I recommend you a manual, which contains not only ready-made answers, but also comments on why this particular answer was chosen, with a detailed explanation.

    Such a tool could be the Oxford English Language Tests for preparing for the Unified State Exam. I believe that it will be of great help to those tutors who are preparing students for the Unified State Exam for the first time.

    At least you can then explain it to your children the same way. And then you will develop a habit.

    Take a tenth or 11th grader this new school year and work with him for free, honing your skills and thereby preparing yourself! Or for a small fee)

    Most importantly, take action and don’t be afraid!

    If there are questions that are not covered on my blog on the topic of State Examination or Unified State Examination, write in the comments. I’ll try to answer right away or in upcoming articles!

    Many future school graduates are faced with the need to pass the Unified State Exam in a foreign language. And the most popular language chosen for taking the Unified State Exam is, undoubtedly, English. If you are also faced with a similar need, it is important to find out the answers to many questions regarding the specifics of the Unified State Exam in English, the structure of the test itself and, of course, the technology of preparation for successfully passing such an exam. In this article we will try to answer many of the questions related to this area.

    Who needs to take the Unified State Exam in a foreign language?

    Currently, a foreign language is an elective subject for the Unified State Exam at the end of 11th grade. Accordingly, few graduates choose it, most often confident in their knowledge of a foreign language and intending to connect their future studies (for example, at a linguistic university) and career with it. It is no coincidence that only a few take this elective subject, because the Unified State Examination test in a foreign language is rightly considered one of the most difficult for school graduates, and the percentage of passing the exam is quite low.

    However, the situation may change in the coming years. More recently, there has been active talk about the introduction of a mandatory Unified State Exam in a foreign language from 2020, which was officially announced by former Minister of Education and Science Dmitry Livanov back in July 2013. But already in September 2016, the head of the Federal Service for Supervision of Education and Science, Sergei Kravtsov, in his short interview mentioned “the introduction of a mandatory foreign language exam after the ninth grade from 2020 and a mandatory Unified State Exam in a foreign language from 2022.” We'll see how the situation develops in the future. You can, of course, complain here about the inconstancy of Russian education, the low level of teaching a foreign language in schools, etc., but you can see in this situation an excellent opportunity for yourself to motivate yourself to “improve” your level of English, which will undoubtedly be useful not only for passing the Unified State Exam.

    What is the Unified State Examination in a foreign language?

    To pass the Unified State Examination in a foreign language, 2 days are allotted, during the first of which the examinee takes a written test, and in the second - an oral test. The written part of the examination is compulsory and the corresponding written test consists of four sections:

    • listening, that is, listening to foreign speech and performing tasks to understand what is heard;
    • reading, presented by three tasks aimed at monitoring different levels of understanding of what is being read;
    • grammar and vocabulary – a section aimed at monitoring language skills;
    • letter, which requires the graduate to be able to write a personal letter and essay discussing different views on a specified issue.

    In general, the written part of the unified state exam includes 40 tasks in 2017, and the test taker is given 3 hours (180 minutes) to complete them.

    The oral stage of the exam takes place on a different day and is voluntary. That is, the examinee may refuse to participate in the oral exam simply by not attending it. But in this case, he risks losing possible additional points that he could earn by showing his speaking skills. The oral stage of the exam is represented by four tasks, and in total, 15 minutes are allotted for the answer of one examinee, including preparation time.

    It should be noted that a maximum of 80 points are given for completing tasks in the written stage. In this case, the maximum primary score is now equal to the final score, expressed as a percentage. Therefore, in order to increase your final score, it is still worth attending the oral stage of the exam, which can bring the graduate a maximum of 20 more points.

    The features of passing the Unified State Exam in English in 2017 remain unchanged compared to the previous year. The minimum number of points to pass the exam is for the graduate to obtain a threshold of 22 points.

    What is the structure of the Unified State Exam test in a foreign language?



    Job number

    Response Format

    What does it check?



    listening comprehension with information search, the ability to compare heard texts with statements

    selective listening comprehension, the ability to determine the correspondence of a written statement to the heard text according to the scheme True, False, Not Stated

    listening comprehension with full understanding of the text, the ability to choose an answer to a question from three data points in accordance with the text heard


    reading with a search for the necessary information, the ability to compare read texts with given short statements

    reading with selective understanding, the ability to select missing fragments of sentences from given ones based on the meaning of the text and the grammatical structure of sentences

    reading with a detailed understanding of the text, the ability to choose the most accurate answer to a question on the text from four presented

    Grammar and vocabulary

    in capital letters without spaces

    form-building skills, that is, changing the grammatical form of a word according to the proposed context and the rules of English grammar

    word formation skills, that is, obtaining from given words their cognate derivatives, often representing other parts of speech (for example, obtaining a noun from a verb, etc.) required by a given context

    linguistic competence in relation to vocabulary and grammar in general, the ability to choose the most appropriate option from a lexical and grammatical point of view to fill in gaps in the text


    in words in answer form No. 2

    ability to write a personal letter under given conditions

    the ability to write an essay expressing one’s own opinion and different views on the given problem


    (held on a separate day)

    orally, the answer is audio recorded

    phonetic aspect of speech, skills of correct English pronunciation based on a short popular science text read aloud

    the ability to formulate questions regarding the proposed advertisement, skills of competently composing interrogative sentences in oral speech

    the ability to construct a monologue statement to describe a photograph from a “personal” archive based on one of three data on the choice of photographs (a description plan is attached)

    the ability to construct a monologue statement aimed at comparing two images according to the proposed plan with a brief final expression of one’s own opinion-reasoning on the topic raised in the images

    What are the strategies for successfully preparing for the Unified State Exam in general?

    First of all, you should approach preparation for the exam as consciously and responsibly as possible. Do not hope that your “A” in English at school reflects your real readiness to pass the exam. Very often this is only a reflection of your diligence, your level compared to the rest of the students in the class and your knowledge of the textbook material, which, unfortunately, is often not enough even to obtain the threshold points on the Unified State Exam. It is important to start preparing as early as possible, preferably at least 1.5-2 years in advance. But even if there are only a few months left before the exam, you still have a chance to prepare to pass it successfully, subject to very intensive daily training and a competent approach to preparation.

    Prepare regularly, preferably daily. Excellent assistance in preparing for the Unified State Exam in English, as well as other subjects, is provided by the Unicum Center for Pre-University Education. You can familiarize yourself with the preparation program for the Unified State Exam and sign up for training on the website. If you are preparing for the Unified State Exam under the guidance of a teacher/tutor, do not rely only on him. The teacher most often only guides you, controls and helps you prepare. You must add the main workload to yourself; it is you who can make your preparation for the exam as comprehensive, rich and effective as possible.

    Be sure to familiarize yourself with the structure of the Unified State Exam, the rules for conducting it, the criteria for assessing tasks (those boring codifiers and specifiers of the Unified State Exam that few graduates look into), guidelines for completing certain types of tasks, and practice, practice, practice.

    You also need to train wisely. There is no point in preparing for tasks that do not correspond to the format of the tests in the Unified State Examination - they can be as useful as you like for other cases, but here, first of all, demo versions of the Unified State Exam test materials in English will come to your aid, which you will be able to use in abundance find on the Internet. Particularly relevant are those posted on the website of the FIPI (Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements). It’s worth starting your preparation with demo versions, because they are equipped with answers that will help you navigate how much you know about the material on a particular topic. Mistakes made should be considered as a reason to repeat or re-learn the material to which they correspond. Unfamiliar words and phrases, especially those that interfere with comprehension or will be useful for completing tasks in the Writing and Speaking sections, should be memorized. Do you, like many high school students, have little time to expand your vocabulary? Carry a small notebook with you, get into the habit of writing down unfamiliar lexical items there, take it out every time you travel on public transport, wait in line and memorize words and phrases. Such a notepad can easily be replaced by modern gadgets. Do you love movies and music? Watch your favorite films and TV series in English, listen to songs by British artists, etc. Preference should be given to the British version of the English language, since it is used in compiling the Unified State Exam KIM.

    Any work on a training task should be divided into two stages - first, solve the task in conditions as close as possible to those that await you in the exam - adhere to the time frame, do not use dictionaries and reference books. Then check the answers received with the original answers to the task, analyze the mistakes, clarify controversial points, repeat the rules on which the mistakes were made, perform several training exercises on them (this is where collections of grammar and lexical exercises will be very useful).

    When you are already confident enough in solving the tasks of the demo options, making a minimum of mistakes in them, it’s time to move on to the tasks of the Open Bank of Unified State Examination tasks. This is part of the real tasks that you may actually encounter in the exam, posted on the FIPI website (see link above). The advantage of these tasks is their value as real USE tasks, the disadvantage is the lack of answers to them. But if you are preparing for an exam under the guidance of a knowledgeable teacher, you can always discuss controversial questions with him or ask him to check your answer.

    Be sure to practice answering on copies of answer forms in order to develop automaticity in filling out forms of this kind, to avoid confusion and loss of time in the exam. On the Internet you will find many images of such forms, sometimes their samples are presented in various textbooks for preparing for the Unified State Exam.

    How to prepare for each section of the Unified State Exam?


    Listen to English spoken as often as possible. Not only audio recordings of training and demonstration versions of the Unified State Exam, but also watching TV shows, feature films and documentaries, TV series in English, and listening to audio books read by native speakers can help sharpen your listening comprehension skills. At the same time, it is important to pay attention to quality, not quantity. Limit listening to 10-15 minutes at a time, but try to focus as much as possible on perception and extract as much information as possible from the text you listen to. Choose to listen to audio recordings with the British pronunciation, since this is what is used in the audio recordings for the Unified State Exam test materials.

    When training on demo options or tasks close to the Unified State Examination tasks, carefully study the proposed answer options. Don't be confused. You should not be guided only by individual words that you heard fragmentarily in the text and that coincide with the words in one or another answer option. This is often the trap for the inattentive listener. Only understanding the content can give you the key to the correct answers.

    Each text is presented for listening twice. Don't rely only on your memory, take short notes. Take advantage of the pause before repeating the text to carefully check the result obtained after the first listening. Even if you understood everything after the first listening, do not weaken your attention during the second presentation of the text - perhaps you did not notice something important. In any case, re-listening is a great opportunity to test yourself and eliminate possible mistakes.


    Expand your vocabulary in any way possible and be sure to read in English. It is important to choose the right reading material. In addition to the texts of demo versions and textbooks for preparing for the Unified State Exam, pay your attention to popular science articles and short texts of different styles (journalistic, artistic, popular science,

    pragmatic), which, according to the Unified State Examination 2017 codifier, can be encountered in the exam. When you encounter unfamiliar words, especially those that hinder comprehension, write them down and memorize them. Read carefully, often rushing and relying only on individual thematic words in the text, and not on its content, can lead you down the wrong path.

    Grammar and vocabulary

    The result you get from solving the tasks in this section is an indicator of your grammatical and lexical competence in the field of the English language, and therefore an indicator of how seriously you took grammar, expanding your vocabulary and becoming familiar with English word formation as you studied the language. If enough effort, time and attention have been given to all this, then this section will seem almost the easiest of all. If the work on grammar, vocabulary and word formation was insufficient, regardless of what was the reason - your inattention to these aspects of the language or the peculiarities of its teaching at school - you will have to do a lot of work to restore the gaps in proficiency in language material. To do this, use the diagram given above - when solving trial versions of tasks in the “Grammar and Vocabulary” section, pay special attention to the mistakes you make. These are indicators of your gaps in knowledge - repeat the material on these topics in as much detail as possible, complete training exercises on each topic. If mistakes on a particular topic are repeated, proceed according to the same scheme until you bring the skill of mastering one or another linguistic phenomenon to automatism.

    Fill out the answer form correctly - do not forget that the form of a word consisting of several parts in tasks 19-31 is written in capital letters without spaces.


    Study in English too. Be sure to follow the structure suggested in the assignment. And write letters and essays as often as possible and on various topics. Learn the figures of speech and clichés characteristic of these written works. Analyze your own mistakes in written texts and try to avoid them in the future. Follow the specified word limit and check your writing carefully.


    It is important to develop speech skills. It is not enough to have excellent command of language material - this will not help you overcome the barrier in oral communication if there is no practice in it. Try to communicate in English as often as possible - when traveling, with online interlocutors from English-speaking countries and, of course, with a qualified teacher. It is important that your speech is not just listened to and that the communication is successful, but that you can be corrected if you make a mistake.

    Hone your pronunciation, do not neglect “difficult to pronounce” English sounds, try to pronounce them correctly and in no case “slip” into replacing them with somewhat similar Russian sounds (for example, [θ] to [s]). Watch the intonation - remember that it is different in different types of sentences. Listen to English speech and say individual phrases out loud - this way you can also hone your listening skills.

    And of course, practice as often as possible on the tasks offered in the Unified State Exam in the “Speaking” section - read aloud, ask questions, compare and describe photographs. At the same time, keep an eye on the time, try to gradually reduce the time of the oral answer and preparation for it. All this will provide you with invaluable service during the exam.

    What textbooks will help you prepare for the Unified State Exam in English?

    Of course, you shouldn’t limit yourself to just demo versions when preparing for the exam. Moreover, at present, quite a lot of excellent teaching aids have been developed that will help you gradually and comprehensively prepare for the Unified State Exam in English. Here are some of them:

    Macmillan Exam Skills for Russia

    One of the most modern and complete textbooks, consisting of 15 tests in the Unified State Exam format, compiled in accordance with the latest changes in the exam and necessarily including an oral part. Important advantages of the textbook are its relevance, compliance with the real format of the Unified State Exam, authenticity and an excellent team of authors who worked on it, including British developers and the chairman of the subject commission on foreign languages ​​of the Unified State Exam M.V. Verbitskaya. In addition, the publishing houseMacmillan has released a number of textbooks for preparing for individual sections of the Unified State Exam, and on the websiteMacmillan.ru Additional materials for preparing for the Unified State Exam and Unified State Exam are presented for graduates and teachers.

    A.I. Nemykina, A.V. Pochepaeva - Unified State Exam. Oral part

    This is a real simulator for preparing for the “Speaking” section, containing a detailed description of the oral part of the exam as a whole, as well as 20 tests with detailed explanations and a strategy for developing an oral answer.

    English language. Preparation for the Unified State Exam 2015. Fomenko E.A., Bodogni M.A. and etc.

    A comprehensive guide for effective preparation for the exam, consisting of two books that complement each other, and audio applications on disk.

    Afanasyeva O., Evans V., Kopylova V. - Practice Exam Papers for the Russian National Exam

    A detailed study guide with an audio application contains variable tasks on various types of speech activity for optimal preparation for tests in the Unified State Exam format, relevant and authentic. The manual is another example of effective interaction between Russian and British authors.

    Verbitskaya M.V. - Unified State Exam. English language. Typical exam options.

    This manual is part of the group “Unified State Exam. FIPI - School”, published under the authorship of the chairman of the subject commission on foreign languages ​​of the Unified State Exam, M.V. Verbitskaya, which undoubtedly indicates the high value of this manual, as the closest to real Unified State Exam tests. Available in two versions containing 10 and 30 practice tests.

    Muzlanova E.S. - English language. Unified State Exam textbook

    The manual is presented in 16 thematic blocks that correspond to the topics specified in the Unified State Examination codifier. Each block consists of 5 sections corresponding to the five sections of the Unified State Examination test and containing test tasks, similar to the Unified State Exam tasks, as well as useful explanations for solving them.

    Is it possible to independently prepare, as well as express preparation for the Unified State Exam in English?

    In conclusion, I would like to answer a question that concerns many graduates - how much should one trust the ability to independently prepare for the exam, and is a tutor really necessary to effectively pass the exam? This question can only be answered based on your level of language proficiency, as well as your hard work, dedication and perseverance. When choosing a foreign language as a subject to take the unified state exam, you must be aware of what result you need to achieve and how much work you have to do. A qualified teacher, like an experienced conductor, will be able to guide your preparation in the right direction, gradually increase the complexity of the tasks and control YOUR painstaking work in preparing for the exam. If you are not particularly confident in your level of language proficiency, organizational skills (after all, you will have to independently organize and direct your own activities) and motivation, it is better to use the services of a qualified teacher who is knowledgeable in preparing for the Unified State Exam. If you think that your level of English proficiency meets the requirements of the Unified State Exam, and your own motivation and willpower will not allow you to relax when preparing for the exam, you should outline your own strategy and begin independent work on preparing for the Unified State Exam in English. But remember: regardless of your level of language proficiency, you will still have hard and painstaking work ahead of you. But it’s worth it - a high score on the Unified State Exam and, more importantly, a high level of English proficiency will serve you well more than once.

    But what about those who “came to their senses” shortly before the exam? Is there an optimal “express preparation” for the Unified State Exam in English? Unfortunately, the answer is likely to be negative, because a foreign language is a set of practical skills and abilities that are acquired through long-term and regular language practice. This set of skills cannot be acquired overnight or even in a week. Therefore, do not be fooled by all sorts of “intensive preparation courses for the Unified State Exam 24 hours before the exam.” If there are six months left before your exam, get involved in active preparation work with redoubled force - this will be a kind of “express preparation” for you, which, with a responsible approach, will definitely bring you a positive result.

    We hope that our advice will help you on your way to achieving the best results when passing the Unified State Exam in English. Good luck to you!


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    Natalya Vladimirovna

    Private teacher Experience 21 years

    from 2,200 RUR / hour free Contact

    With a tutor, remotely

    I am the developer of the Unified State Exam in English, I have a deep knowledge of the features and specifics of the Unified State Exam for passing the exam with a high score, I can help Expand with preparation for an additional internal test. I know all the intricacies of the exam, all the “traps”. I teach to see and hear the key words of the text. Extensive experience of working with children, more than 20 years, with students, adults. There are students who have entered various universities in Europe and the USA, as well as leading universities in Russia, such as: Harvard University, HSE, Moscow State University, MGIMO, REU. G.V. Plekhanov, etc. Classes with schoolchildren and students are conducted only using specially developed methods that take into account the set goal, as well as the characteristics of each student. Experience in teaching language courses. I explain complex things in an accessible and understandable way. I provided language training to managers of various industries who took part in the 2018 FIFA World Cup in Russia. I regularly communicate with native speakers and philologists from the UK and the USA. I thoroughly develop all materials for teaching with native speakers. I prepare for interviews in English. I bring you to confident use of the language. A practical business English course for marketers. My colleagues, who themselves teach English at Moscow State University, trust me with their children. Among my students are school English teachers who want to improve their skills and master the real language. I trained an actress for filming in a famous TV series in English, filming in the UK in 2019. I am engaged in translation activities, preparing speakers for speaking in various countries at thematic conferences. Individual psychological and a playful approach to children, voluminous visual aids on grammar. I painstakingly set up phonetics, reading rules, with speech therapy techniques and use neuropsychological training, if necessary. Lessons on overcoming the language barrier and getting rid of fears in spoken language. I teach you to think in the language and speak right away. I teach grammar, reading rules and phonetics in an easy and playful way. Students learn to use language as a skill, as a working tool in real life. In my lessons, I teach children to work independently, to take a systematic approach, to regularly listen and read in the original from primary school. I know and use various school and foreign teaching methods in my work. Preference for applicants entering serious universities.

    Very good tutor! The approach is correct, knowledge and information are at the highest level! We went for 3 months.

    All reviews (27)

    Children 6-7 years old Schoolchildren in grades 1-11 Students Adults

    m. Kolomenskaya

    from 1,300 RUR / hour free Contact

    Preparation for the Unified State Exam in English

    I have been tutoring since 2008. In 2011 she received a Cambridge certificate in English First Certificate in English Expand (FCE). I have successful experience working in international companies in the field of marketing and advertising. My students successfully pass the OGE and the Unified State Exam. Some students improve their academic performance, acquire new knowledge and are able to communicate without difficulty while traveling. Cambridge FCE certificate (2011). Graduated from high school with in-depth study of the English language (graduation year - 2001). In 2006, I received higher education at the Russian State Social University (RGSU) at the Faculty of Communication Management, Department: Advertising and Public Relations. In 2013, I graduated from Moscow State Regional University (formerly Krupskaya Moscow Polytechnic Institute). In 2010, I took courses at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs with a native speaker. In 2011 I received the Cambridge First Certificate in English (FCE). I am always happy to receive new students. All classes are held according to an individual plan drawn up by me for each student. During classes we pay attention to all language aspects: 1. Spoken speech.2. Grammar.3. Listening.4. Written speech. I use communicative methods. I use textbooks from Oxford, Cambridge, Macmillan, Pearson, FIPI, etc. I use cards, games, audio and video materials. At the end of each lesson I assign mandatory homework. I prepare for Olympiads .Preparing for an interview. In the process of preparing for the Unified State Exam and Unified State Exam, we repeat the main sections school curriculum, systematize knowledge, solve standard tasks and tests, pay special attention to audio tasks and preparation for the oral part of the exam.

    A wonderful English tutor, she quickly determined how the child remembers better and structured the lesson accordingly. Thanks to her Expand big.

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    Elena Grigorievna

    Private teacher Experience 32 years

    Preparation for the Unified State Exam in English


    from RUB 2,000/hour free Contact (TEA), 2000; knowledge of cultural characteristics and linguistic specifics acquired during multiple educational visits to the UK and the USA; High professionalism and exceptional communication skills. I have 14 years of work in a school with in-depth study of English and 14 years of teaching at a university the disciplines “practical English course”, “business English”, “linguistic and regional studies”. My many years of work experience and achievements allow me to consider myself a highly qualified specialist. I continue to improve in terms of modern methods and technologies and am proud of the successful preparation of schoolchildren and adults for international exams and the Unified State Exam. It doesn't matter if you are a beginner or an advanced student, I can help you achieve your goals as quickly as possible.

    Elena Grigorievna (for Helen's students) is simply the most competent specialist and a golden person! For almost six months now she has been preparing me for admission to a foreign university. Expand University, which includes preparation for the TOEFL exam, interview and subject GRE. During all this time I did not have a single complaint about her. My language proficiency has improved noticeably. Since I have worked with many tutors before and practice tutoring myself, I can confidently assure you that Helen knows her stuff! This teacher is results-oriented and selects an individual approach to each student. It should also be noted the high level of general culture and erudition of Elena Grigorievna and, what is important for me, her cheerful disposition!

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    Svetlana Olegovna

    Private teacher 10 years experience

    Preparation for the Unified State Exam in English

    from 1,400 RUR / hour free Contact

    With a tutor, with a student, remotely Passionate teacher. “In the language” from the cradle and continue to learn to this day. Target audience: children from 3 years old and primary school students Expand

    Svetlana is an excellent English teacher. Our classes with her began in 2010. Over the years, she has practically become a member of our family. Lessons Expand daughters with Svetlana’s English skills led to the fact that she became bored with studying at a school with in-depth study of the English language due to the lower level of her classmates, and we decided to transfer the child to a special school for French, while they continued to study English only individually. The second language very easily combined with the first, and the results are very pleasing to us: first places in both languages ​​among 14 parallel classes. Svetlana doesn’t just teach children a language, she does an excellent job of two more important tasks: instilling a love of language and removing the language barrier. We travel a lot, and the children are not afraid to communicate in English with other children and even adults. I cannot help but note the perfect pronunciation that the teacher has. This is another advantage that distinguishes Svetlana from most foreign language teachers. We intend to continue our training and would be happy to recommend it to others.

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    Aleksey Aleksandrovich

    Private teacher Experience 11 years

    Preparation for the Unified State Exam in English

    from 1,400 RUR / hour free Contact

    from 1,600 RUR / hour free Contact Department of Mathematical Analysis of Mechanics and Mathematics of Moscow State University. Experience in running small fur-mat clubs 2007-2012. Optional mathematics at Lyceum 1553. Teacher of algebra, geometry, computer science, English at Lyceum 1553 in 2011. Supporting the education of children in language camps in England and Malta 2011-2012. Three years of experience in retail management in the central office of the largest CIS bank. I conduct classes using a Wacom graphics tablet and an online whiteboard (paid, which has the ability to be used by several people at the same time, simultaneous editing, joint video and sound). After the lesson, links to the room remain - the student always has access to what was written in the lesson and has access to notes for the entire duration of the course, all materials written on the board are also sent to the client in PDF format. Both Skype and the online room itself are used for communication. The number of students prepared for the exams is more than 100, prepared for the Unified State Exam, Unified State Exam for admission to lyceums at MEPhI, Moscow State University. Prepared for exams students from various universities of Moscow State University of Mechanics and Mathematics, Faculty of Physics, Faculty of Economics, Moscow State Pedagogical University, Plekhanov, Financial Academy under the President, MGIMO, MEPhI, etc. I prepare children for the All-Russian, Lomonosov and Vuzovsky Olympiads under Bauman and Mifi, MIPT. Teaching is my main activity. I am also preparing for admission to English and Swiss colleges. Passing the unified A-level exam in English in mathematics and physics. I prepare schoolchildren to take the English Unified State Exam and Unified State Exam.

    At the tutor's, at the student's

    Officially registered teacher. Has a Cambridge advanced certificate BEC HIGHER. Taught at a university (MSPU) - 2 years, in languages ​​Expand courses - 2 years. Among the students are employees of international and Russian companies Alfa Bank, Subaru, Metro Cash&Carry, and Industrial Insurance Broker. Experience working with top managers (TKM company, Patrol company, Rostec state corporation). Classes are based on INNOVATIVE methods, instead of traditional ones (known to everyone from school). You will learn the language actively, with training taking place in all areas. 80% of the time - speaking practice, 20% theory. Rapid replenishment of vocabulary, bringing grammatical skills to “automatism”, serious work on listening comprehension, development of British pronunciation. There is no “cramming”; learning the material occurs naturally, just as we learned our native language in childhood. To make a breakthrough in oral speech, I use tasks according to the Callan method. Thanks to this, absolutely EVERYONE will start talking, you'll see :) Training programs. For children: assistance with the school curriculum, in-depth language study (Cambridge program), preparation for KET, PET, FCE, OGE, Unified State Examinations. For adults: general/conversation course, business course (sales, HR, advertising, marketing, insurance, negotiations, business correspondence, etc.), tourist English, preparation for a job interview, preparation for TOEFL, IELTS, BEC exams.

    The video course “Get an A” includes all the topics necessary to successfully pass the Unified State Exam in mathematics with 60-65 points. Completely all tasks 1-13 of the Profile Unified State Exam in mathematics. Also suitable for passing the Basic Unified State Examination in mathematics. If you want to pass the Unified State Exam with 90-100 points, you need to solve part 1 in 30 minutes and without mistakes!

    Preparation course for the Unified State Exam for grades 10-11, as well as for teachers. Everything you need to solve Part 1 of the Unified State Exam in mathematics (the first 12 problems) and Problem 13 (trigonometry). And this is more than 70 points on the Unified State Exam, and neither a 100-point student nor a humanities student can do without them.

    All the necessary theory. Quick solutions, pitfalls and secrets of the Unified State Exam. All current tasks of part 1 from the FIPI Task Bank have been analyzed. The course fully complies with the requirements of the Unified State Exam 2018.

    The course contains 5 large topics, 2.5 hours each. Each topic is given from scratch, simply and clearly.

    Hundreds of Unified State Exam tasks. Word problems and probability theory. Simple and easy to remember algorithms for solving problems. Geometry. Theory, reference material, analysis of all types of Unified State Examination tasks. Stereometry. Tricky solutions, useful cheat sheets, development of spatial imagination. Trigonometry from scratch to problem 13. Understanding instead of cramming. Clear explanations of complex concepts. Algebra. Roots, powers and logarithms, function and derivative. A basis for solving complex problems of Part 2 of the Unified State Exam.