Game programs for children of school age. Scenarios. Game program for elementary school children. Scenario

"Happy Creatures"

/ game program for elementary school children/

Leading programs: Carlson and Pippi Longstocking.

To the soundtrack of the song “Vytvoryashki came to us for the holiday”, Pippi Longstocking runs onto the stage. Carlson is sitting in the auditorium.

Peppy: Hey guys. I'm Pippi Longstocking.” Carlson didn't run here? Carlson is my friend. We have to do tricks with him, but he disappeared somewhere. Well, yes, I'll start, maybe he will fit.

/ Cheerful music sounds /

Peppy. Dear viewers! Have some fun with our vytvoryashkas, don't you want to? Want to? Great!

Today is for young and old. For obedient and disobedient. For doubles and excellent students. For the fat ones and the skinny ones. For sad and funny, with and without freckles

Our coolest creative show ever!

"Funny Creatures"

Today you can play pranks, play pranks and be mischievous! Hooray! And let me tell you different news. If the news is joyful, you shout loudly Hooray and clap, and if it is sad, then shout UUUU and stomp! Agreed?! Go.

    School holidays are coming!

    But then the head teacher comes in and says: the holidays are canceled, now there will be a math lesson.

    And suddenly the math teacher forgot to come to school.

    Now let's start to do the general cleaning.

    And then the attendant flies in and shouts: The school is flooded!

    And we all go to the Merry Vytvoryashki!

Got good news? Yeah, Carlson has already done his own (((

No panic! Peace, only peace! I'm already here! I have arrived!

Peppy. Guys, this is Carlson about whom I told you.

Hey, what are you doing there? The performance has already begun, and you are chilling.

K. And I'm not chilling! I am watching! I feel very good here! I sit myself, wag my legs, eat up the jam!

P. If you want the vytvoryashki to take place, fly here.

Finally, all the hosts of the creative performance are in place.

K. Cheerful vytvoryashki - this is a very serious program. And so it will go exactly 5 hours ..

P. Joke. The program will be running exactly 9 hours. Start Carlson announce the first number.

K. Russian folk dance - STEP!

P. Carlson, why did you overeat jam? What is this Russian folk dance?

K. And how? Even Russian coachmen sang: step, yes step circle! And the Russian name is STEPAN. So everything is correct.

Meet the Russian folk dance quadrille.


P. Guys, if you also want to step out, raise your hand and we will take you out!

/ Carlson pouts his lips. Goes to the door

P. Carlson, where are you going?

K. You said we'll take you out. And I want to step. Here I am driving.

P. No, we'll take you to the stage. But before you step, let's play. Guys, who wants to play?

/ game "who will get dressed faster" 2 sundresses, 2 scarves /

K. And now you can step out. And you will support us with applause.

/ the participants dance to the Russian song. /

K. Pippi, guess who is the best dancer in the world? Don't you know yet? The best dancer in the world - I am Carlson, who lives on the roof. In general, boys always dance better than girls. And there are more of us than girls in the hall!

P. No us!

K. Well, / pouts / I won’t play with you anymore, I’m getting out!

P. Wait! This can be verified. I know the game and we'll play it now

/a game /

Repeat after me the words and movements:

They ran, they ran

hedgehogs, hedgehogs

Sharpened. sharpened

Knives, knives

They jumped, they jumped

Bunnies, Bunnies

Come on, together, come on together

Girls, boys!

P. + K. together: And, in my opinion, they are all equally divided.

K. Something I wanted to play pranks. Do you want to? I can not hear. Now there will be a competition "global cape for a ghost"

P. Carlson, are you preparing to become a fashion model? What is it you decide to do?

K. It’s just that spring is coming and I want to dress up somehow! So I decided that it's time for you and me to open the Creative Model House. We will show all the children and adults how to dress in the spirit of fun tricks.

/ 6 people participate. They break up into pairs. Each are are given newspapers, scissors, pins. Participants must make a cape for a ghost. / Models are demonstrated to light music.

P. The creative performance continues

K. What to continue? Look at Pippi in the hall. What do you see?

P. I see girls sitting, boys, aunts. Uncles. They sit and look at us

K: That's just the point, they just sit and watch, they are silent. Just like normal ones. They probably have. tongues stuck to the palate.

P. And we will check this now. Guys, show me your tongues. Wonderful! Check if the neighbor's tongue is in place. Great! Now let's scream. Let the left half of the hall shout with me: “Boxes.” Let's try.

And the right half, together with me, shouts: “Cartilage!” Let's be louder!

P. And now at the same time. In chorus, at my command, everyone shouts their word! Three four!

K. what was it?

P. Guys, we heard the elephant screaming!

K. Pippi, now let the guys guess the riddle about the elephant.

P. you are stupid Carlson. Well, what a riddle it is, if you immediately said that it was about an elephant. A mystery is when you don't know in advance. So I’ll tell you now: He swims boldly in the sky, light-winged ... ..

K. The world's best pilot Carlson, who lives on the roof.

P. Ha-ha-ha. You. Of course, you fly Carlson, but this riddle is not about you. Guys, who floats in the sky? Well, of course the plane!

K. I understand, let's make another riddle.

P. Both in the forest and in the swamp

You can always find us everywhere

In the meadow, on the edge

We are green..

K.K. Pillows!
P. Carlson, Well, do pillows live in a swamp? Guys help. That's right frogs!

/ A song about frogs performed by children of the 2nd grade. "Simple song" /

K. We continue our pranks.

The next contest came up with the best inventor in the world! Who is this? Carlson, who lives on the roof.

/ Game "Purse on a string. 5 people are called from the hall.

In the center of the circle lies a large purse, a fishing line is tied to it. Peppy gives the command: gop. Whoever grabs the wallet faster, he will take 1000 rubles for himself. at first, Peppy gives false commands: Go-lubi have arrived!, Head above. The guests have arrived, “. 3 times the wallet runs away from the participants in the game.

P. Carlson, do you have a friend?

K. Of course, the best friend in the world is me - Carlson.

P. Do you have a friend yourself?

K. yes baby!

P. do you know that the Kid wants another friend, a four-legged one?
K. / pouts his lips / And what about me?

P. DO NOT be upset, from the song Puppy, you will understand everything now.

/ Song "My Puppy" /

P. Our guys love to sing songs.

K. But they don't know this song.

P. What song are you talking about?

/carlson whispers in Pippi's ear/

K. Yes, this is a good song. Let's learn it with the guys.

P. This song is sung to the tune of the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”, only the words are different.

Listen and remember

Flying, flying through the sky ball

balloon flies across the sky

But we know that the sky is a ball

won't make it!

P. Carlson, will you invite me to a feast tomorrow?
-to what feast?

Tomorrow is a holiday for dads and boys

Hooray! Tomorrow they will give me a lot of toffees.

P. Wait with your toffees. We have prepared congratulations with the girls for the boys.

/ girls read poetry and sing the song "Brave Soldiers"/

K. I'm hungry. Do you hear the gurgling in my stomach? It's time for us to round off our vytvoryashki.

P. Well, then let's have our final.

Song: Our holiday is over, everyone goes home,

You believe our honest words

On the other we want the holiday to come

And your smiles brought us!

Etc. We will again, we will

Create with you

Sing, dance and stomp

Play the fool!

We will again, we will

Create with you.

Dance and clap, have fun playing!

Cognitive - game program for younger students "Riddles"

Target: the formation of cognitive activity of students, the development of intelligence, communication skills.

Tasks: develop memory, thinking, imagination, the ability to listen carefully; cultivate the ability to work in a team.

Equipment: on the board - a scoreboard with numbers from 1 to 7, letters are hidden under the numbers - ZOO, letters from the heroes of fairy tales: Aladdin, Balda, Baron Munchausen, cards with hidden objects: a fishing rod, telephone, computer, mirror, candy, a bouquet of flowers, a handkerchief , jewelry box, eraser, balloon, button.

Leading. Hello dear guys! Today I invite you to play with me an interesting game called "Riddles". I will guess the words in different ways, and you will try to guess them. Do you agree? So let's get started!

Children are invited to solve words and objects hidden in different ways.

The first riddle!

In front of you is a scoreboard that will help you guess the word I have in mind. The numbers indicate the order in which the letters are opened. Under each circle is a letter from the guess word.

So, we start with the number 1. What letter is hidden behind it? Let's guess the riddle and find out the answer:

1. Sir, but not a wolf,

Long-eared, not a hare,

With hooves, but not a horse. (Donkey)

The answer starts with O. Let's check if that letter is hidden on the scoreboard under the number 1. (The letter O opens.)

We continue to solve riddles.

2. This is our old friend,

He lives on the roof of the house -

Long-legged, long-nosed,

He flies to hunt

Follow the frogs to the swamp. (Stork)

3. Baby animals those

Carried in a bag on the stomach. (Kangaroo)

4. Thought it was a cat. Shouted: "Shoot!"

It turned out to be ... (trot).

5. Like a royal crown,

He wears his horns.

Eats lichen, green moss,

Likes snow meadows. (Deer)

6. Lives in hot countries,

And in non-hot - in zoos,

And he is arrogant, and boastful,

Because the tail is beautiful

He admires them

And shows us. (Peacock)

7. A horse is drawn,

Like a school notebook. (Zebra)

So, we have opened the word zoo. It is there that you can see all the listed animals. There is a small conversation with children about the zoo.

The second riddle!

I think of a word and start hinting. You have three attempts, each of which more and more clarifies the picture. If you guess right on the first try, then you are just geeks! If from the second - clever! Well, if the third one is also not bad! Begin.

1. a) He is in almost every apartment. HE can have a different voice - pleasant, melodious or sharp, disgusting,

b) Of course, HE is necessary, but sometimes you think: it would be better if HIM were not there. However, IT can be turned off, but then no one will come to you.

c) HE warns about the arrival of guests with his voice, and we go to open the door. (call)

2. a) It may or may not exist. IT is good or bad.

b) When IT is good, everything around is good. If IT is bad, everything around is bad. And if parents have IT bad, then it is better not to approach them!

c) It can be raised or lowered. Some people are good at this. If, for example, I get a five or a gift is given to me, IT immediately rises by itself. But if I get two or they punish me, IT will immediately go down. (Mood)

3 . a) It is eaten, but not always. They say about HIM: neither fish nor meat.

b) It has a lot of names. They are looking for him. It can be fried, boiled, salted and dried.

c) HE has a hat and a leg. It grows well after rain. It is edible and inedible. Sometimes they can get poisoned and even die. (Mushroom)

4. a) At work, SHE travels all the time on the roads and communicates with people.

b) SHE makes sure that there are no "hares" in the cabin.

c) If you have just entered, SHE will sell you a ticket or ask you to show your ID. (Conductor)

5. a) He lives in an apartment. He has his own place. They take care of him and don't let him go outside.

b) A cat often glances at HIM. HE lives a very long time, longer than a man. There is even a cartoon about HIM.

c) HE loves to mimic people by repeating words after them. HIM is often called Kesha. (Parrot)

6. a) There are a lot of them. They are meant to be played. They are played by children and adults.

b) Some mothers and fathers forbid children to play THEM. And adult uncles often play THEM for money.

c) IN THEM you can play "fool". And also on

THEM can guess and show tricks.

THEY are in the deck. (Cards)

Leading. The third riddle!

Let's play. Let's choose a driver, whom we will ask to leave the room for a few seconds. I will wish on any of you and announce it to everyone. The driver will enter and ask no more than 5 questions regarding the appearance of the person I have guessed. For example, about the color of his hair, eyes, what hairstyle he has, what he is wearing. You will answer these questions. If the player I conceived after five questions is solved, he becomes the leader. If not solved, then we choose another driver and I guess the next player. (The game is repeated several times.)

Leading. Attention, the fourth riddle!

Now fairy tale characters will tell about themselves in their letters. And you try to name them.

♦ “Hello boys and girls, my young friends. I'm sure we know each other. My adventures began when the insidious wizard learned from his magic books that I, your obedient servant, can open a great treasure. The evil sorcerer wanted to take possession of countless treasures. He came to our house, introduced himself as my uncle and persuaded my mother to let me go with him, promising to take care of my future.

The sorcerer gave me a ring (I later found out that it is magical and with its help you can summon a genie) and made me go down to the dungeon and bring a lamp from there, because the one who owned this lamp became a powerful wizard.

The main thing is that this is how I got a servant - a genie who lived in a lamp. He helped me become the richest man in the world and marry the beautiful daughter of the Sultan, whom I fell in love with at first sight.

Having heard about my happiness, the insidious sorcerer took possession of the magic lamp by deceit, but we found a way to outwit him. Say my name!" (Aladdin)

♦ Hello guys. You have probably heard about me, because I am the hero of one of the fairy tales of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. This fairy tale was created on the basis of a Russian folk tale, which was told to Pushkin by his beloved nanny Arina Rodionovna.

I was never afraid of work, that's why I hired myself to serve a priest who needed a worker - at the same time a cook, a groom and a carpenter. The pop was so greedy that he did not want to pay me money and was delighted when I agreed to work for three “clicks” on his forehead a year. When the year of my service began to come to an end, the priest became worried: he did not want to receive “clicks”. And he decided to set me such a task that I could not cope with it. And if I didn’t cope with the work, then I didn’t have to pay. He ordered me to collect for him a quitrent from the devils. Only in vain did the priest hope: I quickly dealt with the devils. I brought the money to the owner, and he had to pay me off, as agreed. I felt sorry for the poor priest, but he should have been punished for his greed. I clicked on his forehead and said: "You, priest, would not be chasing for cheapness." Now this phrase has become a proverb. Although my name is offensive and I myself seem to be a simpleton, but after reading the fairy tale, you will understand that I am very cheerful and quick-witted. So what's my name?" (Balda)

♦ “My little friends, moms and dads, teach you to always tell the truth. Indeed, cheating is very ugly. However, it is even more offensive when you honestly tell how some amazing story happened to you, but they do not believe you and consider you a deceiver. For example, I came to your wonderful Russia. It was winter, it was cold, a blizzard howled. The roads were completely covered, and soon my horse and I were so tired that I decided to rest. I saw a peg in the middle of a snow-covered field, dismounted, tied a horse to it, and I myself lay down next to it, right on the snow, covered myself with a cloak and fell asleep. I wake up - well, well! - I'm on the street of a completely unfamiliar town, and my horse is gone! Suddenly, I heard a familiar growl. I raise my head and see: my horse is hanging on the very top of the church bell tower. It turns out that the day before the whole city was covered with snow, and what I took for a peg was the top of the cross on the bell tower. In the morning the sun melted the snow. And I went down with him, and the poor animal was between heaven and earth. How I saved the horse is another story, just like all my other adventures. I am the only person who has ever ridden in a sleigh pulled by a gray wolf! No one, except me, flew cannonballs, and even with a transplant! I was a famous hunter, I defeated a furious fur coat and the first person to go to the moon. Did you recognize me?" (Baron Munchausen)

Leading. Fifth riddle!

Guys, I need helpers - masters of pantomime. Because now I will think of objects. Assistants will portray them with gestures and facial expressions, and your task is to guess.

Hidden objects: fishing rod, telephone, computer, mirror, candy, bouquet of flowers, handkerchief.

Leading. Riddler six! There is a box in front of you. It contains an object. Who dares to guess what this object is? (Wishing person is called.) You can ask me any leading questions, but only so that I can answer: “yes” or “no”. For example: “Is this a school thing?”, “Is it made of plastic?”, “Can I write with it?” etc. The guesser takes the item for himself. Hidden objects: eraser, balloon, button.

Leading. This was the last riddle. Thank you all!

Conducted by: teacher of the extended day group of the MAOU "Baikalovsk secondary school" of the Tobolsk district of the Tyumen region Vedernikova Olga Gennadievna

This is a fun program that can be organized at any children's party, because its theme is universal - sweets. If you spend it at a birthday party, then you definitely need to add a game and a congratulation especially for the birthday person, if at the New Year's holiday, then include a couple of New Year's contests and the arrival of Santa Claus (even if he is the one who distributes prizes at the end), etc. Parents may well act as animators, therefore game program for children "Merry sweets" can be arranged as a home holiday ..

Game script.

Competitions for teaching stnikov Sweetborya.

After the treat, the animators proceed to the competitionenAndth.

To do this, children are called in turn, two by two, and the task is announced to them. The winner is awarded a lottery ticket. Those who lost are seated at the table again in the second round. However, in order for the children not to feel like losers, they will have to declare a draw in other cases, then both players get tickets.

The tasks are as follows:

1. Using a fork, unwrap the candy and eat it.

2. without the help of hands, having caught three caramels from a plate of soda, eat them.

3. eat a glass of fruit puree through a straw.

4. Without using your hands, you need to turn over the cup, under which lies a chocolate candy on a saucer. Eat candy.

5. race to drink a glass of soda, scooping a drink with a spoon from a toy set.

6. with the left hand we hold on to the seat of the chair, and with the right hand we clean the tangerine and eat it!

7. holding the waffle with only your little fingers, you need to eat it quickly!

8. An apple cut into slices must be devoured with a tablespoon.

9. but we eat a banana divided into 15 parts, using only dessert skewers.

10. put the cookie on the crook of the right elbow and try to eat it, but without hands!

11. Using only the little fingers, we eat 7 candied nuts.

12. We eat three peaches strung on skewers.

13. ten pills monpasier should be eaten with a fork.

14. dissolve five slices of chocolate in hot tea with a teaspoon (it is not necessary to drink - the main thing is to bring it to complete dissolution)

15 we eat chocolate again: taking it in our right hand, we put our hand behind the back of the head and in this position we bite off the bar!

16. bite off an apple five times, which is hung on a ribbon (clowns hold the ribbons).

17. We hold a can of Coca-Cola between our knees and try to drink it.

18. without using your hands you need to crunch three sweet straws standing in a glass.

19. Using small cups as spoons, pick up five strawberries from the plate and eat!

20. from a deep bowl, without touching your hands, eat ten corn sticks

21. holding a sweet straw with your elbows, manage to eat it!

22. Eat condensed milk from a saucer using one cookie.

23. Eat a handful of corn flakes using only a fork.

24. eat three gummies with a knife and fork!

25. Using a tablespoon, eat half a bar of chocolate.

26. try to bite an apple floating in a bowl of water three times.

27. Use your thumbs (no more!) to peel and eat a banana.

28. eat ice cream from a bowl without the help of cutlery.

29. drink a glass of a cocktail, pouring it from a glass into a saucer, like hot tea

30. eat jam, drawing it in with a thick straw for cocktails.

When the Sweetblow is over, and all the children have lottery tickets in their hands, these tickets need to be played. Prepare a drum in advance, where you put pieces of paper with ticket numbers, or use ordinary lotto barrels.

Each number involves a small present, try to keep them different, but approximately equivalent.

After the drawing, it is best to continue the holiday program, include it in it (possibly related to the holiday, for example, on the New Year theme), arrange fun dances with parents and separately with children - any animation will go with a bang and, of course, do not forget to do it again invite for refreshment.

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201 3 year

Competitive play


The job of a primary school teacher

MOU "Secondary school No. 26"

Snyatkova Natalya Valerievna.

Target: promote the mental and physical development of students.


    To teach children to find signs of objects - to guess riddles.

    Cultivate a sense of collectivism, mutual assistance, helping each other.

    To cultivate love for the native language, oral folk art.

    Develop coordination of movements through participation in sports competitions.


    Pencils, felt-tip pens, album sheets.

    Dry horns, long strong threads.

    Toy cars, 1 per team, skittles.

    Rings or hoops, ring throw.

    2 paper circles for each team.

The game can be played between teams or individually, each participant accumulates certain tokens. When summing up the results, prizes are received by those who have more of them. Or the team with the most points.

Friends! Reliable friends!

Nothing else can be said here.

They are welcome here, they are welcome here

They are called everywhere and everywhere

They will give you their warmth

now they are waiting in this room!

    Warm up.

Guess what I am?

    On a tree in the breeze we rustle.

The time will come - let's fly together

And quietly rustle under our feet ... (leaves)

    Where there are shores

I flow ... (river)

    I'm going to my friend Ninochka

Along a narrow ... (path)

    Day and night hard worker - mole

I dug myself underground ... (move)

    I'm standing in front of you

But you don't see me.

I am only

Reflection of you (mirror).

    Up - down goes,

Carries people (elevator).

    It will smooth out all the wrinkles

On a diaper and a sheet (iron).

    I'm sharp and sharp

Spoons younger sister (fork).

    "What's true and what's not?" - I'm waiting for your answer to my question ...

Is it true that:

Does the grasshopper hear with its feet?


Do cuckoos hatch their own chicks?


Can a person live in the world for as long as 300 years?


Is it bad for your health to sleep at lunchtime?


Does vinaigrette grow on trees?


Is it hot in Australia?


Snow, blizzard, blizzard suddenly hit Africa?


Are there birds in the world that can't fly?


Do some birds like to steal?


Is there a breadfruit in the world somewhere?


Are the stars almost uncountable in the sky?


Is a computer game very harmful for a child?

Does a heron have only one leg?


Do you have an answer for every question?


Well, it's time to say goodbye, are you tired, children?


    The game "trees, bushes, paths, bumps"

We develop attention, concentration. We perform movements on the words:

"tree" - players raise their hands up

"Shrub" - put your hands on your belt

"bump" - bow low

"path" - put their hands on each other's shoulders

"hazel" - clap your hands

The task of the players is to be extremely attentive and quickly orient themselves in the situation. The winners receive the honorary title of the most attentive.

    Connoisseurs of nature .

    • Not fire, but burning zealously, what is my name ... (nettle)

      On the nose, the beast wears a horn and is called ... (rhinoceros)

      It’s not easy to carry your own house on yourself ... (snail)

      Like a whirlwind, it flies, escaping, shy from the enemy ... (hare)

      Lives calmly, not in a hurry,

He carries a shield just in case.

Under it, not knowing fear,

Walking ... (turtle)

    In autumn, the first leaves are like tears.

Quietly they drop to the ground ... (birches)

    In the field, the garden - just a disaster!

Weed crops are suppressed ... (quinoa)

    A log floats on the river -

Oh, it's sinister!

For those who fell into the river

Bite off the nose ... (crocodile)

    I dig a hole day and night,

I don't know about the sun.

Who will find my long move

    He will immediately say - this is ... (mole)

    Can swim all day in icy water ... (seal)

    Here's salt for you, here's bread and a spoon, cooked for dinner ... (potatoes)

    Mysterious game of artists.


The teacher makes a riddle, the players must draw a riddle in 1 minute. The one who managed to draw correctly first gets additional points.

    Under the pine along the path

Who is standing among the grass?

There is a leg, but no boots,

There is a hat - no head (mushroom)

    What is in front of us:

Two shafts behind the ears

In front of the wheel

And a nurse on the nose (glasses)

    round, ruddy

I grow on a branch

Adults love me

And little kids (apple)

    An asterisk circled

A little in the air.

Sat and melted

On my palm (snowflake)

    Cold, cold

Let me lick you once (ice cream).

    Helpers game.

1 person is called from the team. Whose participant will put more dry horns on a thread in 1 minute.

    Fortunetellers - thinkers .

The game is aimed at finding an extraordinary, original answer to the question asked.

    Can a penguin call himself a bird? (no, he doesn't speak)

    What is lighter than 1 kg of iron or 1 kg of cotton? (same)

    What dishes can not be drunk? (from empty)

    What stingy tree of berries regrets, and therefore blushes with shame? (Rowan)

    Which wheel is missing on the car? (spare)

    Why does a tourist wear a backpack? (behind)

    Why do birds fly? (across the sky)

    What goes forward and never back? (age)

    What is the tongue in the mouth for? (behind teeth)

    What can be heard but never seen? (song)

    What kind of comb do not comb? (rooster)

    Why do birds fly south? (can't walk)

    Who has a hat without a head, a leg without a boot? (at mushroom)

    When does a heron stand on one leg? (when the second one is raised)

    The game "Military drivers".

The team is given a toy car. Skittles are placed along the route - obstacles. The task of the players: rolling a car behind them on a string, drive through an obstacle course. The second player repeats the route of the first. Whose team does not knock down the pins and comes first is considered the winner.

    The game "Fly - Tsokotuha".

Each team player is given a piece of money (a ring or a hoop), which they must throw on the ring throw. Whose team will quickly and correctly cope, she won. 1 point for each hit.

    The game "Kochki".

Each participant is given 2 circles - bumps. On which he must cross to the other side, shifting circles. Passes the baton to the next participant.

Summing up the game.

How good it is to eat

Among other planets

this planet,

It's good to be here

So many good people

So much light.

Everyone must be somewhere

Miracle to meet once

Childhood is not given in vain,

It's waiting for the magic.

Competitive game program in grades 2-3 "Funny adventures in the tribe of the Sweet Tooth"

Goals and objectives:

Education of communicative qualities and development of intellectual creativity of younger students;

Motivation of children to friendly communication in a class team.

Equipment. A set of dandelion tokens, two dwarf hats, two pairs of large slippers, several inflated balloons, a set of cards with the text-registration in the "Sweet Tribe", a set of household jars, two "jackets" - capes with sewn on butterflies or large buttons; set of sweets, cakes.

The program is led by the host - the class teacher (primary school teacher). A fifth grader or a teacher can act as a Sweetie.

Game situation "Difficult road to the tribe of the Sweet Tooth"

Leading: Somewhere far away in the world there is a magical, unusual country. The houses there are made of gingerbread, cookies and chocolates, the roofs are made of candy and meringues, and in front of each house on a multi-colored cream meadow walk clubfoot bears, caramel horses and cockerels.

Welcome to the fairy tale where the glorious tribe of the Sweet Tooth lives! After all, more than anything in the world they love marshmallow, marmalade and toffee, candy and toffee, “bears in the north” and “red caps”.

The trouble is that all sweets and chocolate are in charge of the most important Slastena. And in order to get a tiny candy from him, you need to do something like that, work hard.

But I learned all his tricks. And today I will teach you how to get all these treasures. I am sure that lovers of sweets have gathered in our hall, and now I will help everyone to tune in to a sweet mood, although those with a sweet tooth have no problems with this.

For a "sweet mood" we will do a little warm-up and answer questions together.

Mini-quiz "Sweet questions"

The teacher asks sweet questions. Correct answers are given tokens with the image of dandelions, bow ties, candy wrappers, boxing gloves and crowns.

Milk is twice as tasty if it's...? ("Milky Way")

A store that Miss Mary sometimes went to for a walk with her children. (Confectionery)

Round joy. ("Chupa Chups")

Named after one planet

He is just a class support,

Adults and children know that support is ... ("Mars")

Cake filling? (Cream)

Favorite chewing gum of the inhabitants of the island of Chunga-Changa. (Coconut)

Where did the balloon seller land in The Three Fat Men? (Into the cake)

What do pepsi and coca have in common? ("Cola")

Winnie the Pooh and Piglet were visiting the Rabbit, and what did the rabbit treat them to? (Honey and condensed milk)

Birthday candlestick. (Cake)

Sweet crunches in a box. (Waffles)

Without what there is no rahat? (Without Turkish delight)

Chocolate tree. (Cocoa)

What did the king love in the fairy tale "The Snow Queen"? (Ice cream)

What medicine did Carlson prefer? (Jam)

A sweet lover from the animated series "Ghostbusters". (Lizun)

What did Carlson steal from Freken Bock? (buns)

Where do Gingerbread, Galetnaya and Sakharnaya streets meet? (In the fairy tale about Dunno)

What did Winnie the Pooh love more than anything in the world? (Honey)

Delicious nuts - filling for Snickers. (Peanut)

Sand for tea. (Sugar)

Raw material for fake chocolate. (Soya)

Candy peas. (Dragee)

Eat and you are a winner. (Cookies and chocolate "Vagon-wheels")

You have successfully completed the warm-up. The road to the glorious tribe of the Sweet Tooth is open!

But it turns out that in order to get into the tribe, you need to pass several tests.

For the first test, I need two sweets, I'm talking about those who received two dandelion tokens from me. Come out soon. Let's welcome them.

Now you will be funny little gnomes who decided to take a walk in a magical meadow with dandelions. Look, these balloons are very similar to dandelions, and your favorite treats are stuck in them - candy. And with the help of your wonderful stomp legs, you will now get them by bursting these dandelions in just 30 seconds.

Put on everything you need: stomp legs, gnome hats, magic masks. So the fun begins.

Mini-game "Gnomes and stomp legs"

Participants in the game wear gnome hats and large shoes. 4-5 people can participate in the game, but the winners are the first 3 players who burst the balloons with big shoes and were the first to get candy out of the balloons.

The winner receives a prize and a "propiska" - a beautifully designed card with a text-registration in the "Sweet Tribe".

Leading: It's great to fight with dandelions and find your favorite treat in them. Stop! Your time is up. You did a great job, but I wonder which of the gnomes collected more goodies? Get prizes, registration in the "Sweet Tribe", applause and go to the hall.

Musical mini-game "Lollipop"

Leading: I'm waiting for the sweet tooth with tokens. The Chupa-Chups caramel winked at you cheerfully. But Chupa-Chups is not only round joy, but also sweet music. And also mischief and fun.

Participants are given two sweets and a set of cans or pots.

Our Slastena loves music and songs very much. And now let's see which of you will compose and perform the best sweet music for Slastena.

The game is being played. The one who performed the most interesting melody receives a prize and a “registration permit”. "Chupa-Chups" remains with the participants of the game.

You know, every year Slastena goes to her friend's birthday party. But for this he must be unusually dressed. And for the first time he decided to wear a suit. He only heard that the suit was supposed to be a butterfly. See how he overdoes it. I am sure that among the sweet tooth there are two knowledgeable people who will help fix the work, I'm talking about those who received butterfly tokens. Get out more.

Put on your jackets. You have to cut off extra butterflies without the help of your hands, and instead of scissors you have sharp teeth. It is desirable that in 40 seconds as few butterflies as possible remain on the jacket. And each plucked butterfly is equal to one prize. So, to work!

The game is being played.

Let's count. It is in your jacket that Slastena will go to visit, which means that the sweet tooth immediately receives ... prizes. Congratulations on your successful work.

"Residence permit" and prizes are awarded.

What's left of the candy? (Wrapper) Whoever loves sweets collects candy wrappers. I invite those who received candy wrappers. You see a candy in front of you. Whoever praises her best of all, he will receive her.

A "verbal duel" is held "Who will praise the candy better." A "registration" and a prize are awarded.

Quiz "Fairytale paths"

Leading: As you may have guessed, our Sweetheart is the leader of a fairy tribe. He loves fairy tales. Do you love them?

Then the next competition for connoisseurs of fairy tales. Be careful:

1. A fairy tale that refutes the assertion that money does not lie on the road. (K. Chukovsky. "Fly-Tsokotuha")

2. A fairy tale that proves that money should be invested in the land wisely. (A. Tolstoy. "The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio")

3. A story in which a joint-stock company is created outside the Earth. (N. Nosov. "Dunno on the Moon")

4. A fairy tale in which two mammals and one reptile were obtained by barter for three items of clothing. (V. Shergin. "The Magic Ring")

5. A story in which it turns out that unsubscribing from periodicals saves some money. (E. Uspensky. "Uncle Fedor, a dog and a cat")

6. How much did a ticket to the theater of Karabas-Barabas cost? (Four soldos)

7. What are the names of the monetary units on the moon? (Santiki and furtings)

8. How did Senior Tomato pay for Radish's work? (Sometimes he gave her a piece of candy)

9. Why did the gold coin stick to the bottom of Ali Baba's measure? (The bottom was smeared with honey)

10. Artiodactyl labyrinth for Tiny-Khovroshechki. (Cow)

11. Popular singer grandfather Krylov. (Crow)

12. Seven wishes on one leg. (Flower-seven-flower)

13. Traditional dish Enikov-Benikov. (Vareniki)

14. The personification of the family, which Buratino pierced with his nose. (hearth)

15. Fairy fool. (Ivanushka)

16. The story of the long journey of a bakery product to the consumer. (Kolobok)

17. Details of a woman's dress in which lakes, swans and other elements of the environment are placed. (Sleeves)

18. Raw materials for serial production of Pinocchio. (Tree)

19. A character bursting with laughter at the sight of a bridge. (Bubble)

20. Residence of Baba Yaga. (A hut on chicken legs)

21. The one who walks on the sea and drives the boat. (Wind)

22. A friend of Winnie the Pooh who lost something exactly on his birthday. (Donkey Eeyore)

24. A young specialist in the cultivation of trees with golden leaves. (Pinocchio)

25. Elevator for evil spirits. (Pipe)

26. Master of leeches. (Duremar)

27. Individual flying machine. (Mortar)

28. Cave master key. (Sim-sim)

29. Radar or signal trumpet for the couch potato king, who is tired of military affairs. (The Golden Cockerel)

30. Spotlight for Ivanushka the Fool. (Feather of the Firebird)

31. Fashionable shoes for the elite under King Peas. (Boots-walkers)

32. Pike specialist. (Emelya)

33. A reward for a feat, which is given in addition. (Half kingdom)

34. A reliable means of orientation in fabulous situations. (Clew)

35. A fabulous woman who first took to the air. (Baba Yaga)

After the fabulous quiz, the winners are awarded prizes and receive a "registration" in the tribe.

In the glorious tribe of Sweets, it is customary to choose a prince. Sweet tooth with crown tokens, come out and hurry. And now which of you will get the candy, he will be the prince.

To thunderous applause, the crown is presented to the prince.

The winner says a few words of wishes.

And so our sweet story ends. Do not be upset that not everyone is lucky today, you still have everything ahead, and may sweet fantasies and caramel mood always be with you.

Let life seem beautiful

A friend's smile will be sweet.

But you can't be sloppy

That is the law, my friends!

Live together, have fun

But do not get carried away with sweets -

Everything has a measure: in food,

In learning, sports and play!

At the end of the class hour, you can have some fun games.