Test who is your guardian angel. Test: Who is your guardian angel?

Every person from birth is under the protection of a Guardian Angel. Sometimes we clearly feel a connection with him, he is able to protect from harm and provide support, protect us from committing a dubious act. It happens that a person is unlucky in almost everything: troubles in his personal life, frequent health and financial problems, disagreements with employees and relatives. Perhaps she simply lost contact with her angel. So who is this, is it possible to determine who your Guardian Angel is by date of birth?

Guardian Angel - who is it? How to get in touch with him?

According to many psychics, the Guardian Angel is the inner voice of a person, what we call intuition. Angels are able to leave signs and clues that we, unfortunately, do not always notice. They often do this through numbers; we’ll talk about deciphering such signs later. You need to at least mentally communicate with them, talk about your plans for the future, and dream. If a good event happens in your life, be sure to thank the angel. Good way hear it more clearly and clearly - learn meditation. By concentrating and mentally drawing his image, you can turn to him with requests and thanks. In order to establish contact, you need to know who your Guardian Angel is. This can be done using numerological calculations.

How to find out the age, gender and character of an angel?

Oddly enough, angels also have an age, but it does not change over time. Is it possible to determine who your Guardian Angel is by date of birth? Without a doubt. First, let's find out his age. To do this, add the month to the number of your birthday (its serial number). For example, the date of birth is August 20, 1994, then 20 + 8 = 28, it turns out that your angel is 28 years old. Next, let’s sum up all the numbers of the date of birth: 2 + 0 + 8 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 4 = 33, 3 + 3 = 6. What does this mean? IN in this example It turns out that the Guardian Angel by date of birth is a man who is 28 years old. As a result of the calculation, an even number is responsible for the male gender, an odd number for the female gender.

Now I would like to know the character of the angel. The second digit of your birthday will tell you about this. In our case, this is the number 0. Another example: if you were born on the 19th, then it will be the number 9, and if you were born on the 7th, then it will be 7.

Guardian Angel character according to date of birth

  • 1 - Saint. This angel personifies the most beautiful thing that can happen to a person. He will not calmly watch a person suffer; he is the most active defender. It is believed that such an angel is given to people with a weak energy field.
  • 2 - Light. In ancient drawings, such angels are depicted with large white wings. They are always close to their charges. At birth, a Bright Angel can kiss a person. Manifestations of such kisses are unusual or freckles. Bright angels keep in touch with their wards through dreams and mirrors. If it turns out that this is your angel, you should trust your dreams more and be attentive to reflections in mirrors.
  • 3 - Air. Such an angel cannot be seen, but can be heard by rustling and unusual sounds. He is very carefree, he can go away for long time. But if you sincerely ask him for something, he will make every effort to fulfill the request.
  • 4 - Wise. People who are lucky enough to be wards of the angel of wisdom are prudent, endowed with a flexible intellect, they carefully consider every step. They move up the career ladder faster.
  • 5 - Metal. Protects physically and spiritually those who commit courageous acts.
  • 6 - Rainbow. These angels protect creative people. Such individuals, as a rule, are very vulnerable and prone to discouragement and despondency. Angels will help them find a source of inspiration, dispel melancholy and lift their spirits on the most difficult day.
  • 7 - Energy. These angels are extremely active and at the same time changeable. You need to constantly thank them so as not to lose contact.
  • 8 - the role of these angels is played by the souls of deceased loved ones and relatives. They are extremely merciful, always helping and protecting. It is necessary to constantly preserve the memory of them.
  • 9 - Warm. A kind and optimistic angel. A person under his care lives in harmony and peace.
  • 0 - Fiery. An almighty angel who can be reborn like a phoenix. People who find themselves under his protection are incredibly lucky - the almighty Guardian Angel is able to help in any situation - be it a trifle or a serious problem.

How to decipher the signs sent by an angel?

Have you noticed that you are constantly haunted by a certain combination of numbers? Time on the clock, phone number, car number- The same numbers appear everywhere. Perhaps this is your angel trying to convey his message to you. You already know who your Guardian Angel is by date of birth, let's now figure out what is hidden in such messages:

  • Combinations of units indicate that you need to quickly decide on life priorities, and everything planned will soon come true.
  • Deuces are good sign, which is sent to a person when he is on the right path.
  • Threes are a sign of special support, a call not to give up if something you started fails.
  • Fours indicate that your angel is already rushing to the rescue.
  • Fives are a warning about imminent global changes in your life.
  • Sixes - you are changing, and not in better side. Become kinder and pay less attention to material goods.
  • Sevens are the luckiest combination. A sign of powerful angelic protection, luck will not leave you.
  • Eights - the next stage of your life is coming to an end, a new stage is just around the corner.
  • Nines can be a sign that your life is coming to an end. Be prepared for this and draw the right conclusions.
  • If you see combinations of zeros everywhere, this is a sign of unity with the Divine powers. You are capable of achieving a lot in your life.

How to thank an angel?

You can not only ask the angels for help, you need to thank them. You can express your gratitude mentally, being in a good mood, or you can buy a prayer book and read a prayer from there. In Christianity there are special chants. Akathist to the Guardian Angel is a song of praise, special gratitude, glorification of the angel. The akathist is performed standing; only sick people can sit.

Where and how to read the Akathist to the angel?

The akathist is pronounced not only in church; reading it at home is encouraged, because it belongs to home prayers. Before pronouncing the akathist, you need to read all the prayers that precede it, morning and evening. After this, they begin the akathist itself.

The Holy Guardian Angel is always close to a person, and if he sins and behaves inappropriately, he can punish him or even move away. If a person has pure thoughts, goes to church, prays and reads akathists, the angel’s help will be much stronger.

Day Angel

Name, given to a person at birth, largely determines its essence. It is also believed that the nickname acts as an intermediary between the material and spiritual worlds. A guardian angel by a person's name is determined using church calendar. Sometimes the name of the saint who protects you may not be the same, but it may sound close to your nickname. If your saint has several days of remembrance a year, then your name day will be on the nearest date after his birthday, and the remaining days of remembrance are called small name days.

How to celebrate your name day?

Name days, or celebrated differently from a birthday or any other holiday. On this day, it is customary for Orthodox Christians to visit the temple, prepare in advance and confess, and take communion. If the name day falls during fasting, then the celebration should be postponed or the treat should be Lenten. The bright joy of the holiday can be shared with relatives and friends.

Each person has his own guardian angel. Sometimes we even feel his presence...

Have you ever wondered what kind of angel you are? What age is he? What does it look like?...

An interesting test will help you find out something about your angel.

☼ Age of your angel: your birth date + month

☼ Gender of your angel: the sum of all the numbers of your date of birth
even - boy, odd - girl

☼ Element of your angel: second digit of your birthday
For example, if you were born on the 13th, then it will be 3. And if 5 (05), then it will be simply 5.

1 - holiness. Angels who don't need wings. Light and unsullied. Their invisible wings cover the whole world like a blanket.
2 - light. Big white wings. Light halo.
3 - air. Woven from light and air, indefinite outlines. The wings are large, but invisible.
4 - darkness. Dark and creepy. Black wings.
5 - metal. Cold. Steel wings.
6 - rainbow. Bright and warm. Butterfly wings or the like.
7 - energy. Change shapes and colors. The wings are the same. Clumps of energy depending on mood.
8 - people. No different in appearance from ordinary people. There are no wings.
9 - decomposition. Withering and decaying every day. Usually torn wings.
0 - fire-ash. Reborn like phoenixes. Fire wings.

☼ Character of your angel: the third letter of your last name.

A - he follows you around. He doesn’t leave him unattended anywhere, but you don’t see him.
B - he comes when you cry. The more tears you shed, the more painful it is for him, and the brighter he appears
Q - He does not follow you, but he is always watching. Quietly silently, sitting in heaven.
G - he deliberately arranges trials and tribulations for you, so that later he can eliminate them for entertainment.
D - he is locked in one place and cannot always help you. Only there, in his area, are you truly safe.
E - every time he saves you, he takes a piece of your soul. This is an insidious vampire angel.
F - he only works “quid pro quo.” He doesn’t do anything for nothing unless asked or doing a good deed.
Z - he constantly wants to contact you. Have a dream, appear in the mirror, send a sign, but here everything depends on you.
And - either it is, or it is not. Usually these angels never have an impact on a person’s life.
Y - angels of rare wisdom and intuition. This is usually passed on to their owners.
K - These angels usually take the form of your friends or animals in order to be closer.
L - The most real angels from God. But they usually come at night, and on the full moon you can even see them. And they cannot always save a person. The principles “it was written in the family” are followed.
M - soulless mercenary angels. Unpredictable and not always useful.
N - They always want to help. In every little thing, and it just so happens that they spend all their strength on these little things. Owners of such angels are sometimes called lucky, but they rarely manage to escape in a serious situation.
Oh - the kindest angels. They will never calmly watch how bad a person is. Be it their charges or other people. Their owners are usually also not deprived of kindness.
P - two-faced angels-demons. The ones that whisper in your ears different variants without explaining what is good and what is bad.
R - cruel angels. If you don't please your angel, he can take it out on you. You have to be careful with them.
S - come only in dreams and never in life. All they can do for us is warn us. Usually the dreams of their charges carry hidden meaning. You should get a good dream book.
T - they cannot help a person when he needs it, but usually they atone for their guilt after fatal incidents in the form of pleasant gifts from fate.
U - these are also called brownies or poltergeists. They love to be in charge of the life of their ward.
F - beautiful but gentle angels. They could please the eye if we saw them, but otherwise... They say that the angels in most paintings were copied from them.
X - usually these are angels - the souls of deceased relatives or acquaintances who loved you during life.
C is a real treasure. Usually their owners live happily ever after.
H - overly pedantic angels who consider themselves experts in their field. But this is not always true.
Ш - main distinguishing feature The thing about these angels is that they are deathly afraid of people. Then everything should be clear...
Sh - angels-perverts! They send erotic dreams that are frightening in their sophistication to their charges and often experience the most intimate feelings for the person.
Kommersant is a wind angel, one for all its owners. One for one, one for the other. That's why life is in stripes.
B is a crybaby angel. If something doesn’t work out for him, he falls into hysterics, usually taking the owner with him.
E - Angel with a gun. If someone offends the owner, he will have a very bad time...
Yu - angels-children. Little angels. Naive and cheerful. But very strong.
I - usually creates such a haze over the owner that he absolutely does not believe in his existence, and in the meantime he decides his fate.

Take our test and find out who is looking out for you.

And after the test you can read about one more thing in an interesting way calculating the gender and character of your guardian angel.

How to find your guardian angel

In order to find out what gender your angel is and what kind of character he has, you need to add up all the numbers in your date of birth and bring the resulting numbers to a single digit.

If the result is an odd number, then your angel is female; if it is an even number, then it is male. Based on the number you receive, you can also tell something about the character of your angel and his element.

1. Holy Angel

Such an angel always comes to the rescue and averts trouble. You don't even need to ask him or pray to him. Often such angels patronize those with a weak energy field.

Their help manifests itself in any way, and they provide help not only to their wards, but also to their loved ones. The wards, in turn, are very good people. Holy Angels are the most active among all protectors.

2. Angel of Light

These protectors have large white wings and often kiss their charges at birth. Freckles or unusual moles on the face are nothing more than that same kiss.

Read also:Test: What is your guardian angel trying to tell you?

This type of angel communicates with people using mirrors and through dreams. So start taking your dreams more seriously. Remember, your protector is always there.

3. Angel of Air

These creatures are almost invisible because they are created from ether and wind. They make themselves known unusual sound and a noise resembling rustling.

The wards of these angels often find themselves in difficult situations and get into trouble, so it is more important for them than anyone else to maintain contact with their protector.

4. Angel of Wisdom

People under the protection of this type of angel are endowed with flexible intellect and prudence, and the angel does everything in his power to ensure that his ward carefully considers all his decisions.

This angel also gives a person wisdom, intuition, and rewards him with luck in his studies and career. He has special power over thoughts, so he always suggests the right step.

5. Angel of Metal

These angels are one of the strongest and bravest defenders. A person can most often feel them when he is crying. For an angel, human tears feed his energy, from which he gains more strength and is able to move mountains for the sake of his ward.

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The Angel of Metal, as a rule, patronizes strong and confident people, and he also bestows longevity.

6. Rainbow Angel

The Rainbow Angel endows the people under their tutelage with very original thinking and several talents. He easily lifts the mood in sad and dreary moments.

You can easily find contact with such an angel during creativity. This is a very cheerful and rainbow angel with colorful wings.

7. Angel of Energy

These are the most vulnerable and sensitive angels. In order to receive their support and help, you need to constantly praise and thank them, in which case they will be quite supportive.

Often these angels can tell a person the right decision, and they often come in dreams to warn of danger. However, it is important to note that you need to be very careful with these specimens, because they are quite touchy and any word can offend them.

8. Angel Ordinary Person

This angel has no wings, he is very similar to ordinary person. Most often, this angel is a departed relative or close friend, or rather their soul.