The Last Chords is a fanfic for the “Battle of Psychics” fandom.

The crowd of fans is getting larger and larger, and the street is gradually getting dark. New Basmannaya seems to come to life - the most persistent and devoted people begin to gather at the familiar mansion; despite the fact that the clock hands show only six in the evening, the guys are hoping for something special... Three, five, eight hours in the cold for them is a mere trifle compared to the wonderful moment of announcing the winner.

Suddenly, quietly humming, the first lantern on the building blinked invitingly and flashed, passing the baton to its fellows.

As if waiting for this moment, a tall female figure, trying not to click too loudly with her heels on the parquet floor, gracefully crossed the hall and grabbed the door handle.

Despite the fact that the girl, through breathtaking efforts, learned to keep a mask of absolute calm, while in society, her soul trembled more than the two previous times. What if it still doesn’t...

She nodded irritably at herself, driving away the nasty thoughts, and pulled the oak door.

The hall was dark and quiet: until the moment everything here shines and shines, until noisy conversations, until congratulations, gifts and flowers, peace will reign here.

There are a couple of hours left before the final.

She didn’t turn on the light, content with the glow coming from the street through the weightless tulle. Thank the Gods, neither Shevchenko, nor Voskoboeva, nor Dasha were visible on the horizon; film crew Moreover, it was not, which definitely played into his hands. We need to collect our thoughts, we need to tune in, we need to stop being nervous, we need to...

She stood by the window, wrapped her arms around her shoulders and began to look into the distance, watching the people swarming around below. I wish I could find it now the right words, convince consciousness; so necessary is silent support from the outside and confidence in own strength… For some reason, I didn’t want to repeat the experience of the two previous seasons: my soul didn’t want to be in the spotlight and listen for the hundredth time to cloyingly optimistic statements about an undoubted victory.

You need to be alone for at least half an hour - for that, you sneak out of the house unnoticed.

The door creaked. Mary turned her head sharply towards the irritating sound: who else brought it so early? If only there was a draft!

“Hello,” came the next second. Not a draft, unfortunately. Another creak, annoyingly getting on your nerves: the door slammed behind the person who entered.

It seems that nowhere in this world can you hide and be alone with yourself. She sighed barely audibly in response:

Damn... Hello.

Why are you whining in the dark? - Dashi, who came closer, sat down on the windowsill and looked up at the girl. - Also entered here illegally, princess?

Why "princess"? - Kerro blinked her eyes, looking at her opponent’s excitedly sparkling eyes.

Queen, queen, no doubt! - the mystic playfully raised his hands and smiled again. - How luxurious you are today! Cool. You will conquer everyone, I answer.

Thank you. - for some reason I was embarrassed. Suddenly I felt a little embarrassed about my dazzling evening dress, careful hair styling and irresistible makeup. It seems that for him the finale of this battle is completely ordinary event: I haven’t embellished myself one bit, I even have the same stupid hat on my head! Is he really not the least bit afraid of losing?

There is no truth in the legs, sit down,” the man suggested, bringing Mary out of her light reverie. - This is the saying.

He looked carefully at the girl, as if she was not listening to him, sighed and asked:

What, is everything enough?

“Yeah,” Kerro responded simply, plopping down on the windowsill and automatically glancing at the street. It got completely dark. It seemed that as the minutes passed, the earth was slipping away faster and faster from under our feet, and even while sitting, the situation was not getting any better. How can you stand in this damned Gothic hall, when now, just look at it, you’ll simply collapse?

I can't sit! - the Estonian woman suddenly complained, jumped to her feet and quickly walked to the opposite end of the hall. Stopping at a large antique mirror, she involuntarily raised her hand to her face and straightened a curl that had gotten out of her hair.

Why are you so worried? - Dashi reluctantly tore himself away from the window sill and approached his nervous rival. He caught her gaze mirror image, and Mary involuntarily shuddered. - Calm down. The world won't collapse if someone loses. After all, it's just a show.

I do not worry! - Kerro crossed her arms over her chest, took a step forward with ostentatious irritation, turned away and stared back out the window. - I’m not worried at all!

Feeling a nervous tremor running through her to her fingertips, Mary reflexively grabbed the already evenly lying fold of her dress and pulled it down. Perhaps this is a millimeter more ideal than before?

I felt on my back the ironic gaze of Dasha, who was left behind. I found someone to run from! He’s probably already read all her thoughts and is simply making fun of her problems.

Yes, I'm worried! - Without turning around, she almost shouted the answer, realizing that her emotions were getting out of control. - Yes, I want to win! What do you need?

Calm down, you're too on edge. - Strong fingers took her by the extremely tense shoulders. - Relax. Everything is fine.

“Nothing is good!” - I wanted to shout right in his face, but the words got stuck somewhere in my throat. She turned around sharply to carry out her plan, but remained standing there, tightly clenched in her arms.

She rested her palms on his chest, but unexpectedly, even for herself, she did not dare to push the man away, but only froze in his arms, like a caught bird. The next second, my lips felt like they were being burned by an open fire, and the world immediately began to spin before my eyes.

She twitched, tried to escape... And responded to the kiss.

I suddenly felt hot, then cold. God, what’s happening... The ground, which has been shifting from under our feet throughout the evening, seems to have long ago ended up somewhere far, far away. The world around was floating and swaying: my head began to spin, but the touch of someone else’s gentle hands on my back was quite real and did not allow me to fall into the abyss.

Have you calmed down? - somewhere on the periphery of consciousness his voice was heard.

What? - the girl blinked her eyes, having difficulty coming to her senses. My heart was pounding wildly in my temples, and my breathing was labored. How long did all this last? Five minutes, fifteen, half an hour?

Calm down, I say?

The numbness subsided, and Mary shied away as if from open fire. Cheeks were burning. What actually happened now? Cloudiness of mind, no less...

She carefully glanced at Dashi and was taken aback: she was smiling! Calm, completely calm! Although, of course, how did she not guess right away? Wolf indeed real wolf! And she, the fox, fell into a trap, and, it seems, got stuck in it tightly...

Oh, why don't the lights work? - was heard on the threshold, and both finalists shuddered from the unexpected invasion of their little world, which had narrowed to the size of a room.

The next second the chandelier flashed, forcing you to close your eyes.

Why are you covered in dust like a bag of dust? - Throwing her bag on the first chair she came across, Voskoboeva looked around at the confused faces... and suddenly chuckled.

“I may be interfering with my own business, but still fix your lipstick,” Daria raised her eyebrows ironically and, winking at Mary, sedately walked out of the hall, leaving the former rivals alone...

The finalists of “Battle of Psychics Season 17” are known: Swami Dashi, Marilyn Kerro, Nadezhda Shevchenko, Daria Voskoboeva.

The names of the finalists of the show “Battle of Psychics Season 17” have become known.

In the final for Grand Prize and rank the strongest psychic Four clairvoyants will fight: an Estonian witch, a master of oriental practices, a battle witch, and a many-faced witch. These results were announced by the host of the program in the 15th episode of the show in 2016.

Let us note that the 15th episode of the “Battle of Psychics” of this season turned out to be very tense, which is understandable: the question was being decided who would reach the decisive stage. The jury had to choose the strongest from the quartet. The opinions of the jury council members were divided.

She immediately stated that, naturally, Swami Dasha and Marilyn Kerro are worthy of the final, but she is also very impressed by Nadezhda Shevchenko and Daria Voskoboeva, so the fact that she needs to choose between the two of them upsets her.

Sergei Safronov especially singled out Mary, since she continues to work with people who participated in the tests even after filming.

And after much debate, the jury delivered its verdict: all four became finalists!

Battle of psychics season 17, episode 15

At the final ceremony, Marat Basharov was the first to pull out a photograph of Kerro, and there was no particular joy on the part of her rivals.

“Hurray for the third time, something is no longer shouting. It’s somehow out of habit,” Nadezhda Shevchenko noted ironically.

After this, Marat announced that Swami Dashi was reaching the finals. Swami reacted to this very calmly, stating only that “the hatchet has been dug up - in war as in war.”

But who did not hide her joy about reaching the final was Nadezhda Shevchenko: “Yes! This is how you should be happy! Thanks to everyone who supported me. I love everyone!".

Daria Voskoboeva was upset at first, believing that she was leaving the project, but after a short intriguing pause and her photo, Basharov took out a white envelope: “We decided that the final four would be fair.”

Biographies of the finalists of the show Battle of Psychics Season 17

Marilyn Kerro. Born on September 18, 1988 in Estonia. Estonian fashion model, participant in the 14th, 16th and 17th seasons of the show “Battle of Psychics”.

Marilyn's childhood was difficult - her father drank, and her mother constantly worked in order to somehow support her family. The family lived poorly, sometimes there was not even food in the house. Marilyn, despite all adversity, graduated from school with honors. Attempts to enter university after school were unsuccessful financial difficulties. Marilyn was forced to go to work in order to somehow help her mother. At first she worked as a salesperson - and she liked the work. However, due to insufficient experience, very soon the girl was laid off and was forced to get a job as a packer at a vegetable warehouse.

Marilyn always knew that she deserved more. She enrolled in modeling courses and, after graduating, began building new life– her income has increased noticeably, her opportunities have changed. New profession suited the girl quite well until something unusual happened.

Marilyn's great-grandmother was rumored to be a witch and had a certain gift that helped her find missing things and people and predict misfortunes. From her, Marilyn inherited ancient books describing various magical rituals.

The girl began to study the tomes with interest, and at one of the seances, according to Marilyn, the soul of her late great-grandmother, a witch, appeared to her. It was she who gave her great-granddaughter faith in her own psychic abilities.

For the first time on the show “Battle of Psychics. Season 14 "Marilyn Kerro appeared in 2013. During the program, Kerro immediately decided to compare her strengths and capabilities with the achievements of her competitors. From the very first minutes, Marilyn attracted attention with her commitment to “dark” rituals: she sacrificed animals, used fish eyes, voodoo dolls and other unpleasant attributes during rituals.

Here is what Marilyn Kerro herself says about the experience gained on the project: “It was my first time taking part in such a competition. I wanted to try my hand, because the tasks here are so difficult. This is an interesting experience, I had never seen how other psychics work before, but here such an opportunity arose. You know, I often cried during trials. This happened because I was completely negative energy: someone lost a child, a person was killed, someone went missing... I cannot be indifferent when it comes to someone’s death, I was hurt. I felt and saw what these people suffered. And even when filming ended, I couldn’t come to my senses for two hours. All this is very difficult. After filming, I went home to Estonia, I will open a magic salon, I will work only at home. After all, every person who turned to me, opened his heart and thoughts to me, has the right to know where and how I live. Everything is simple in our family. My mother owns a beauty salon, my father is raising my little sister at home. I have three sisters, the two older ones already live separately, and the youngest is only four years old, but she is already showing signs that indicate that she will good psychic- stronger than me."

During the qualifying test called "Trunk", the girl used the heart of an animal, which helped her pass further. Other participants in the project openly disliked the young witch or were even afraid of her. However, despite the unfriendly environment, Marilyn managed to reach the finals of the project and ultimately took second place.

In September 2015, Marilyn took part in the show on the TNT channel “Psychics Are Investigating. Season 6." This program featured the strongest participants in the “Battle of Psychics” in the entire history of the show. They had to not only solve mysteries and find criminals, but also fight each other.

On September 19, 2015, the “Battle of Psychics” started on the TNT channel. Season 16." In the clearing where all the applicants for participation in the project gathered, Marilyn Kerro was greeted as a real star: took pictures with her, took autographs. However, soon the attitude of the magicians towards the Estonian changed when they learned that she had not come to support someone, but in order to become a participant in the “Battle”. Enthusiastic fans immediately turned into dissatisfied competitors.

The surprise of the skeptic Safronov also knew no bounds when Marilyn Kerro became the next contender for participation in the show, who came to the “Search for a man in the trunk of a car” test. Moreover, throughout the season, Marilyn successfully passed one test after another, winning the sympathy of viewers, skeptics, and invited guests.

In one of the episodes she made singer Linda cry. The difficulty of the test that the psychics were asked to undergo was that the magicians did not see or hear Linda. In front of them sat the skeptic Sergei Safronov, who was listening in headphones new song singer, and behind the backs of the “Battle” participants I watched her video clip on the screen. The psychics had to describe what Sergei sees and hears. In another room, Linda herself and her friends watched what was happening on a monitor. Linda did not hide the fact that she was very impressed and was experiencing inner tremors. After the test, she was asked to be left alone with Marilyn: she had a lot of questions for the witch.

As a result, Marilyn reached the finals of the show “Battle of Psychics. Season 16,” in which her rivals were Victoria Raidos and clairvoyant Nicole Kuznetsova. Marilyn Kerro, as last time, took second place, losing the palm to Victoria Rydos.

On September 3, 2016, the 17th season of the “Battle of Psychics” started on the TNT channel, and the names of 12 participants in the project were announced. However, in the second episode, both the audience and the psychics who passed the qualifying tests received a big surprise from the creators of the show. At the end of the episode, Marat Basharov announced an additional test. The presenter invited the psychics to determine who was behind the door. There were versions that she was beautiful there bright woman, which Marat likes. The mysterious beauty turned out to be Marilyn Kerro. At the end of the test, Basharov stated: “I want to introduce everyone to the 13th participant in the 17th “Battle of Psychics.” Marilyn Kerro is back in "Battle".

Marilyn considers her main rival in the show to be the master of eastern practices and Osho’s student, Swami Dashi.

Personal life of Marilyn Kerro:

Before the “Battle of Psychics.” Season 14” Marilyn Kerro talked with psychic Vitaly Gibert, the winner of the “Battle of Psychics. Season 11." We walked together, went to restaurants and just talked. When Marilyn informed Vitaly that she was going to take part in the “Battle of Psychics. Season 14,” Vitaly told her it was a bad idea. Marilyn, in his opinion, had little chance in this project, and her peculiar methods would cause mixed reactions from viewers.

Of all the project participants, Alexander Sheps was the most loyal to the girl. Together they began to perform rituals, and after a while rumors appeared in the press that the young people were dating.

In January 2016, rumors appeared that there was a rift between Sheps and Marilyn. In one of the interviews, Kerro only added fuel to the fire, saying that she does not plan to marry Alexander: “Marriage is a game, demonstration performances. Going to the registry office is just a matter of putting a stamp in your passport, it’s like shouting to the whole world: “Look how much we love each other!” I never dreamed of a magnificent celebration, a white dress, huge cake and other wedding attributes."

Born August 22, 1967. Participant in the show “Battle of Psychics Season 17”, a mystic who lived in India for 20 years.

Swami Dashi - master of eastern practices, student of Osho. Combines Western and Eastern approaches to changing consciousness through meditation and body-oriented practices. She uses yoga skills, meditation skills, massage and Osho’s bodily pulsations in her practices.

For more than 15 years, combining Western and Eastern approaches to changing consciousness through meditation and body-oriented practices, she has been helping people find the strength and courage to see themselves as real and change a lot in their lives. Swami Dashi works in the Spirit-Soul-Body system and always emphasizes the importance of balance between physical, mental and spiritual activities that complement each other.

Swami Dashi opened several Meditation Centers in his name. Conducts meditations, lectures, master classes, trainings and seminars in different countries peace. Despite all this, Swami remains a man of mystery. Swami Dashi's age is unknown (approximately 50 years old), as is his last name and where he comes from. There is information on the Internet that his real name is Peter. Birthday - August 22.

In the first episode of the 17th season of “Battle,” I gave a massage to the winner of the ninth season of the mystical project, Natalya Banteeva. Almost immediately he determined which person was in the trunk of which car. But he infuriated the actress Samburskaya, who performed in the role of Miss X, because he spoke about her internal connection with her father (Nastasya did not want to hear about it - her father was imprisoned when she was only five years old) and about what to her The souls of the children are lined up, and she must fulfill her main purpose - to become a mother. The actress categorically disagreed with this.

Almost from the first episode of “Battle of Psychics Season 17,” fans of the project put Swami Dashi in the lead, predicting him to at least reach the finals, and possibly win the show.

Swami (Sanskrit स्वामी) is an honorary title in Hinduism. Means "self-controlled" or "free from feelings." The address emphasizes the skill of the yogi.

In the second episode of the show, six girls appeared before Swami Dashi, and the psychic had to determine which of them was pregnant by a young man named Vladimir. Swami Dashi confidently began the test and immediately realized that one of the girls was not pregnant - it was a fiction. After this, Swami Dashi managed to look into the fate of the main character, who after that was in tears, however, like Swami Dashi.

During a trip to Obninsk, where the relatives of the murdered girl Masha Nechetnaya were waiting for psychics, Swami Dashi did not pick up the murder weapon, but was able to describe it in detail. The psychic suggested that the mother of the deceased, Maria, get in touch with her. After which he told amazing things that no one could know about. He was also able to describe the girl and find the place where the body of Maria Odd was found. Swami Dashi stated that the girl was killed by a sick maniac who had been tracking Maria for several days.

In the third episode of the show “Battles of Psychics Season 17,” the mystic Swami Dashi very warily began searching for a way out of the building with snipers. Thanks to his special technology, the psychic sensed where the snipers were hiding. He managed to get around each of them and even tell personal information about each military man. For example, where he served and also capture a little personal life. The observers were in complete shock; no one expected such a result from this most difficult test.

Nadezhda Shevchenko (Lobatsevich). He does not disclose his date of birth. Born in St. Petersburg. Calls herself a many-faced witch. Likes to wander around his favorite St. Petersburg places: along Nevsky, past the Kazan Cathedral with famous image Masonic sign, then to the Admiralty, to the dark waters of the Neva. Nadezhda admits that Peter gives her unprecedented, inexplicable Power.

According to Shevchenko, the gift was passed on to her from her grandmother, who had a very strong natural gift of providence and kindness. Having survived inhuman torment in besieged Leningrad, it was precisely thanks to her gift that she managed to survive, to withstand. Mom told Nadezhda that everyone came to their house to tell fortunes. Vasilyevsky Island, since the grandmother’s popularity was extraordinary.

“I didn’t know what my grandmother was doing, but I saw such sincere gratitude from people! Then I decided that I would also help people, but do it in my own way. I visually imagined how I “erased” troubles and suffering from people with the usual movement of my hands, because it’s so simple: take and spread the pain with your hands... It seems to me that this inexplicable extrasensory gift that I possess has been passed down through generations of our family. I was very little when, not yet able to read, I unmistakably found the right record in a huge stack, although they all had exactly the same round “Chord” stickers,” said Nadezhda Shevchenko.

WITH early childhood Nadezhda was attracted to everything magical and inexplicable. She saw bright pictures in the dark, and bizarre stories formed in her head. In general, she was a terrible dreamer, for which she was punished more than once by her parents. In order to somehow discipline her, she was sent to violin classes. Teachers discovered absolute pitch, but her hands were completely “not violin-like”, and her rebellious nature resisted learning scales - Shevchenko desperately took walks, wandered for hours along the embankment, being in some kind of her own world.

At the age of 12, Nadezhda Shevchenko experienced clinical death: she accidentally fell on the deck of a ship, and a heavy bag of sand fell on her. This happened in Riga, where the ship on which Nadya’s father served was moored. Apparently, this sign of fate was not accidental: Nadezhda got her own deck of cards, and from then on her path of conscious magic began.

At the age of 18, Nadezhda Shevchenko got married and gave birth to a son. However, the marriage broke up, according to Nadezhda, since she and her husband were very young and stupid: “I don’t regret anything. Ex-husband, alas, is no longer in the world, but I keep a good memory of him, and my son is the best in the world.”

Nadezhda claims that she can communicate with the dead and see the souls of the dead walking among living people. Nadezhda herself calls them “dead shadows.” Shevchenko's official website states that she is the strongest ritual specialist.

A non-media personality, but well-known in wide circles how extraordinary talented person endowed with a powerful natural gift. At the time of participation in the “Battle”, Nadezhda was 52 years old. It is known that she is divorced and has a son. He has been involved in extrasensory perception all his life.

In the first episode of the “Battle of Psychics Season 17,” 52-year-old Nadezhda Shevchenko, during the “Man in the Trunk of a Car” test, decided to summon the dead with the help of her candles and pork liver. After this, the observers heard some kind of incomprehensible whistle, and then a real spiritualistic seance began. The witch told amazing things that no one could know, and literally brought many people present to tears.

In the second test, Nadezhda Shevchenko was able to see all the secrets that actress Nastasya Samburskaya, who played the role of Miss X, so carefully hid from the media. The Witch immediately realized that there was a girl in front of her. She began to describe Miss X's childhood. Nadezhda described the house in which little Nastasya lived and what happened to her in childhood. For the first time, the actress revealed a new side to TV viewers.

Born May 6, 1980. Psychic, magician, medium. Her family has Kyrgyz roots. Graduated from Daria Russian State Pedagogical University named after. Herzen.

Daria is a protégé of the witch coven of Natalia Banteeva, which includes the famous witch from St. Petersburg Tatyana Larina.

Daria claims to have secret battle magic and calls herself a battle witch. She declares that she knows how to take away other people's abilities, depriving the victim of the gift.

Darius, in her words, can make you fall in love, enrich or destroy. The Eastern Witch very confidently begins the qualifying test for the seventeenth season. At the very first test in the “Battle of Psychics Season 17,” Daria was able to amaze not only the observers, but also the skeptic Safronov. She found the man in the trunk of the car so quickly that some doubted whether there was a trick. Voskoboeva passed the test a second time: she did not find a car with a person in the trunk, but she pointed to a car that belonged to a woman hidden in the trunk. Safronov set a condition: he gives a third try, and if nothing works out, Daria does not become a participant in the show. The combat witch accepted the challenge and became a participant in the project.

In the second episode of the 17th season of “Battle,” which viewers saw on September 10, 2016, the witch Daria Voskoboeva promised young man that he will find a girl who is pregnant from him. In the very first minutes of the test, the witch discovered a fiction: a girl with a fake belly. In addition, Daria told amazing things about each girl and literally shocked them. After the test, a whole line of people lined up to see the witch with pressing questions.

The second test was a trip to Obninsk, where the relatives of the deceased girl were waiting for Daria and other participants in the “Battle of Psychics Season 17”. In front of the witch was the real murder weapon of 19-year-old Maria Odd. The girl was returning to the hostel, but an unknown man attacked her and hit her with a baseball bat. Daria led relatives to the place where Maria's body was found. Voskoboeva also saw moments that were confirmed by the investigator and conveyed news for her mother from the other world.

In the third episode of “Battle,” Daria and her colleagues on the show had to act as hostages and find six snipers in the building. The combat witch confidently began searching for a safe exit from the building with six snipers inside. She found a secret passage through the closet that no one knew about. The witch also managed to bypass several military men at once, but just before leaving the dangerous building, an unpleasant surprise awaited her: she was caught. However, Daria was able to amaze observers, as she told a lot of details about their life that only those closest to them knew.

Lives in St. Petersburg with her husband and two children.

And the most powerful participants in the new season of the “Battle of Psychics”. U mysterious master Eastern practitioners and the red witch have many fans discussing new series on social networks. Some viewers are sure that Dashi and Kerro are at odds, since both want to be winners in the final.

Many viewers of the 17th “Battle of Psychics” are sure that the main favorites of the project, Swami Dashi and Marilyn Kerro, to put it mildly, do not like each other. Both as psychic rivals and as people. IN official group“Battles” on VKontakte one can very often see such statements.

Swami Dashi decided to comment on this situation on his Instagram: “Special issue for fans. Friends, I read your comments, especially in the VKontakte group “Battles of Psychics,” and I was a little o***l, why are you driving like that?! A?! I'm asking you! If you think that Marilyn and I are enemies, you are very, very wrong! Don’t turn everything into stupid hate and bullshit, I beg you. I personally don’t get hot or cold from these statements, and the best one will still win. Or the one who is destined to win from above. Mary is a very strong psychic and good man, so I have nothing personal. And even if I had, who am I... Intrigue is not welcome in sports and life. Only fair fight and spirit of competition. Therefore, with today All comments are closed on my social media pages. Did you understand?! I am very happy for you...”, Swami Dasha wrote to fans.