The corpse came to life at the funeral. A call from the other world or buried alive. Buried alive of his own free will

Modern science working hard to solve one of the few problems of humanity that directly interferes with our lives... Taxes. Joke. For thousands of years, people have been looking for the key to immortality, and so far it is somewhere out there, far from our understanding. Now we can cheat death by freezing ourselves, uploading our minds into a computer, changing DNA, etc. But for now these are all games with death, and so far it wins us dry. Or not?

Luz Miraglos Veron

Analia Bouter was pregnant with her fifth child when she went into labor 12 weeks early. After the birth, the doctors told her that the child was dead, and her husband was given a paper in which the fact of the child’s death was recorded. But the parents decided to return 12 hours later to see their daughter’s body, which by that time was already lying in the refrigerated chamber of the morgue. After the birth, all doctors diagnosed death, but when the parents opened the refrigerator box, the child began to cry, and they realized that their daughter had come to life. The girl was named Luz Miraglos (Wonderful Light) and the latest data about her says that the girl is stronger and completely healthy.

Alvaro Garza, Jr.

Alvaro Garza Jr. was born and lived in North Dakota, USA. He was 11 years old when he fell through the ice. The rescuers took a very long time to get to the place and by the time they arrived, Alvaro had already been under water for a full 45 minutes. When he was pulled out of the river, doctors declared clinical death: he had no pulse, and his body temperature dropped to 25 degrees. When he was brought to the hospital, he was connected to a heart-lung machine and he came back to life.

The explanation for this whole story is that Alvaro fought for his life for several minutes before he went under the ice. During this time the body realized that there is a struggle throughout life, body temperature dropped and the need for oxygen dropped to almost zero. Four days after the incident, he was able to communicate, and 17 days later he was discharged. At first, his limbs didn’t obey him well, but gradually everything returned to normal. Now he is completely healthy.

Risen at the polling station

Ty Houston, a nurse from Michigan, was filling out her ballot in 2012 when she heard a cry for help. Running to the crowded place, the nurse saw an unconscious man. He had no pulse and no breathing. She began artificial respiration and after 10 minutes the man came to life. And his first phrase was: “Haven’t I voted yet?”

Resurrection in the morgue refrigerator

In July 2011, the owner of a morgue in Johannesburg (South Africa) was brought the body of a man who, by all indications, was dead. He was put in the refrigerator waiting for his relatives to pick him up. Twenty-one hours later, the dead man woke up and began screaming. It is clear that the owner of the morgue did not expect this. Frightened, the owner called the police and began to wait for them to arrive. The police opened the cell and pulled out a “dead” man who was showing signs of life. He was rushed to the hospital. The man fully recovered, and the owner of the morgue underwent a course with a psychiatrist.

Kelvin Santos

Kelvin Santos, a two-year-old boy from Brazil, died after complications from bronchial pneumonia that caused respiratory arrest. He was placed in a body bag and given to his family three hours later. When his aunt came to say goodbye to him, the body, as she said, began to move, after which the boy sat down in his coffin in front of the whole family, and asked his father for a sip of water. The family thought he had resurrected, but unfortunately he immediately lay down again and died again. He was taken to hospital, but doctors pronounced him dead a second time.

Carlos Camejo

Carlos Camejo was 33 when he was involved in a highway accident. He was pronounced dead and taken to the local morgue. His wife was notified of the death and invited to identify the body. Pathologists had already begun the autopsy when they realized that something was wrong. Blood began to flow from the wound. They began to stitch it up, and at that moment Carlos woke up, as he said, because the pain was unbearable. When his wife arrived, he was already conscious and was taken to the hospital. He has fully recovered (judging by the photo)

Erica Nigrelli

Erica Nigrelli, teacher in English from Missouri, was 36 weeks pregnant when she became ill and passed out while at work. Her husband Nathan, a teacher at the same school, called 911 and reported that Erica was having a seizure. Erica's heart stopped. Ambulance arrived and took Erica to the hospital. The heart was still silent. The decision was made to save the child. After an emergency caesarean section Erica's heart started beating again. She was kept in an induced coma for five days, and as a result it was discovered that she was suffering from a heart condition known as hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. She had a pacemaker installed. After some time, Erica and her daughter, Elania, were discharged alive and well.

Incident at the MaNdlo Hotel

In March of this year, prostitutes in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, stopped showing signs of life during the “work process” in a MaNdlo hotel room. An ambulance and police arrived to pronounce the death. A crowd of onlookers gathered around. She had already been placed in a metal coffin, when suddenly the prostitute began screaming: “You want to kill me!” Naturally, the number of onlookers immediately became much smaller. The client whom the girl was serving wanted to run away, but he was stopped and explained that the authorities and the hotel had no claims against him. And from the hotel he received a big discount for staying in a room. So if you are staying at a hotel and want to get a big discount, let a prostitute die in your room and come to life in front of everyone.

Li Xiufeng

Li Xiufeng was 95 years old. And one morning a neighbor found her lifeless on her own bed. The neighbor then called the police, who pronounced him dead. The grandmother's body was placed in a coffin and left until the day of the funeral. On the day of the funeral, relatives came and found the coffin empty. A minute later they found her in the kitchen. drinking tea. As it turned out, this “death” was the result of a head injury suffered two weeks earlier.

Lyudmila Steblitskaya

Lyudmila was also diagnosed with death and placed in the morgue, where she later woke up. What makes her different from the guy who spent 21 hours in the morgue, she spent three whole days in the cell.

In November 2011, her daughter Nastya went to the hospital to visit Lyudmila and was met by a nurse who said that her mother had died. The body was in the morgue, and the morgue was closed because... It was already Friday evening. The daughter prepared for the funeral and invited 50 people. To pay for the funeral, the daughter borrowed about $2,000. On Monday, Nastya entered the morgue with the opening and found her mother in perfect health. After this discovery, the daughter ran out of the morgue screaming. The hospital declined to comment on the incident.

Nastya took a long time to recover from the shock, and Lyudmila paid the money in the amount of $2,000 from her salary for a long time. About a year later, she “died” again for an hour. Now the daughter has decided to wait at least a week before recognizing her mother’s death.

19-year-old Angelo Hays died tragically in a motorcycle accident in 1937. Or rather, that's what everyone thought. He hit the brick wall head first. The insurance agent had some doubts about the death of the young motorcyclist. Two days after the funeral the body young man was exhumed.

Angelo was alive. He fell into a coma - this is what helped him survive the terrible ordeal. The body consumed less oxygen. After his rehabilitation, Hayes told the story of his imprisonment in a coffin. He became a French celebrity and even invented a special coffin, equipped with a radio transmitter, food supplies, a library and a chemical toilet in case someone repeats his fate.

Woke up in the morgue


In 1993, Sipho William Mdletshe and his fiancée were involved in a terrible car accident. His injuries were so severe that he was taken for dead, taken to a Johannesburg mortuary and placed in a metal container to await burial.

The man woke up two days later and found himself locked in the dark. His screams attracted the attention of staff and the man was released.
The relationship with the bride was never restored - she was convinced that her ex-fiancé was now a zombie and was stalking her.

Old lady in a body bag

In 1994, 86-year-old Mildred Clarke was found in her living room. She wasn't breathing and her heart wasn't beating. The old woman was placed in a body bag, planning to take the body to the morgue.

She woke up 90 minutes later, shocking and scaring the morgue staff into hiccups. The woman lived for another week before truly dying. We believe that this time the doctors spent more time checking.

The baby spent 8 days underground

In 2015, a couple in China had a baby with a cleft palate. The guy and girl were not ready for a child “with problems”, they panicked and decided to get rid of the unwanted child in any way. So, they put him in a cardboard box and buried him in a shallow grave in the cemetery.

Lu Fenglian was collecting herbs in the vicinity of the cemetery and heard crying coming from underground. By that time, eight days had already passed. She dug up the grave and found a baby there, who survived only because the cardboard allowed air and water to pass through. Unfortunately, due to a lack of evidence, it was not possible to arrest the couple - the baby’s parents argued that their own parents wanted to kill their son. No one believed it, but it was never possible to prove the parents’ involvement.

The official crawled out of the grave

A woman visiting the burials of her relatives in 2013 in a small Brazilian town suddenly saw a man... crawling out of the grave. His head and arms were free, but he could not pull his lower body out of the ground. A witness to the beginning of the zombie apocalypse brought workers to help the man free himself. It turned out to be a city council employee.

Before burying the poor fellow, he was severely beaten, so that he did not even remember how he was buried (probably for the better).

Record: 61 days underground

In 1968, Mike Meaney broke the world record set by American Digger O'Dell (who stayed underground for 45 days). Mini allowed himself to be buried in a coffin that had air holes with access to food and water, as well as a telephone.

After 61 days, Mini emerged from the ground, exhausted, but in good physical shape.

The half-educated wizard almost died

British “wizard” Anthony Britton arrogantly declared that he was capable of repeating the feat of Harry Houdini, but instead miraculous salvation almost died right underground. Britton insisted that he be handcuffed and buried in damp, loose earth.

Despite careful preparation that took 14 months, Britton was unprepared for the real weight of the earth. “I almost died,” said Houdini, “I was literally seconds away from death. It was scary. The pressure of the soil literally collapsed on me. Despite the fact that I found an air bag, the earth kept falling and falling on me. I almost lost consciousness and couldn’t do anything.”

Indian girl buried in a field

In 2014, a couple in northern India asked their neighbors to take their little daughter to a fair that she really wanted to go to. But instead she ended up in a grave. The neighbors took the baby to a field where they dug a hole and threw the girl there.

Fortunately, several people noticed the fight and when the man and woman came out of the sugar cane field without the child, the witnesses got scared and rushed to check where the baby had gone.

Fortunately, the girl almost immediately lost consciousness and did not remember anything about the tragedy.

), Where main character comes to his senses and finds that he is buried alive in a wooden box, where oxygen is gradually running out. Worse situation you can hardly imagine. And those who watched this film to the end will agree with this.

Still from the film “Buried Alive,” directed by Rodrigo Cortes.

So let's look at a few simple rules that would help you survive if you found yourself in a similar situation. I would like to hope that this will never happen to any of us, but it is worth remembering a few rules and relying only on yourself.
  1. Don't waste air. In a classic coffin, the air supply is for an hour, maximum two. Inhale deeply, exhale slowly. After inhaling, do not swallow, this causes hyperventilation. Do not light matches or a lighter, this takes away oxygen, but it is not forbidden to use a flashlight. Don’t scream: screaming increases panic, increases heart rate and breathing, and therefore increases air consumption.
  2. Loosen the lid with your hands; in the cheapest fiberboard coffins you can even make a hole ( wedding ring, belt buckle...)
  3. Cross your arms over your chest, grasping your shoulders with your palms and pull your shirt up and tie it in a knot above your head; hanging like a bag on your head, it will protect you from suffocation when you hit the ground in your face.
  4. Knock the lid down with your feet. Cheap coffins tend to break under the weight of the earth immediately after they are buried!
  5. As soon as the lid breaks, direct the earth from your head to your feet; when there is little space, try to press the earth in different directions with your feet.
  6. By all means try to sit down, the earth will fill the empty space and shift in your favor, do not stop and continue to breathe calmly.
  7. Get up!
And remember the main thing: the soil in a fresh grave is always loose and “it’s relatively easy to fight with it”; it’s much more difficult to get out during rain: wet soil is denser and heavier. The same can be said about clay.

Buried alive

It is no coincidence that in almost all nations it is customary to hold a burial ceremony not immediately, but after a certain number of days after death. There were many cases when “dead people” came to life at funerals, and there were also cases when they woke up inside the coffin. Since ancient times, man has been afraid of being buried alive. Taphophobia - the fear of being buried alive is observed in many people. It is believed that this is one of the basic phobias human psyche. According to the laws of the Russian Federation, the deliberate burial of a person alive is considered murder committed with extreme cruelty and is punished accordingly.

Imaginary death

Lethargy is an unexplored painful condition that is similar to a normal dream. Even in ancient times, signs of death were considered to be the absence of breathing and the cessation of heartbeat. However, in the absence of modern equipment, it was difficult to determine where the imaginary death was and where the real one was. Nowadays there are practically no cases of funerals of living people, but a couple of centuries ago this was a fairly common occurrence. Lethargic sleep usually lasts from several hours to several weeks. But there are cases when lethargy lasted for months. From coma Sopor differs in that the human body maintains the vital functions of organs and is not under threat of death. There are many examples of lethargic sleep and related issues in the literature, but they do not always have a scientific basis and are often fictional. Thus, the science fiction novel by H.G. Wells “When the Sleeper Awake” tells about a man who “slept” for 200 years. This is certainly impossible.

Scary awakening

There are quite a lot of stories when people plunged into a state of lethargic sleep; let’s focus on the most interesting ones. In 1773, a terrible incident occurred in Germany: after the burial of a pregnant girl, strange sounds began to be heard from her grave. It was decided to dig up the grave and everyone who was there was shocked by what they saw. As it turned out, the girl began to give birth and as a result came out of a state of lethargic sleep. She was able to give birth in such cramped conditions, but due to lack of oxygen, neither the baby nor his mother managed to survive.

Premature burial, Antoine Wirtz (1806-1865).

Another story, but not so terrible, happened in England in 1838. One official was always afraid of being buried alive and, as luck would have it, his fear materialized. A respected man woke up in a coffin and started screaming. At that moment, a young man was passing through the cemetery, who, hearing the man’s voice, ran for help. When the coffin was dug and opened, people saw the dead man with a frozen, eerie grimace. The victim died a few minutes before being rescued. Doctors diagnosed him with cardiac arrest; the man could not withstand such a terrible awakening to reality.

There were people who perfectly understood what lethargic sleep was and what to do if such a misfortune overtook them. For example, the English playwright Wilkie Collins was afraid that he would be buried while he was still alive. There was always a note near his bed, which spoke of the measures that should be taken before his burial.

Method of execution

Burial alive was used as a method of capital punishment by the ancient Romans. For example, if a girl broke her vow of virginity, she was buried alive. A similar method of execution was used for many Christian martyrs. In the 10th century, Princess Olga gave the order to bury the Drevlyan ambassadors alive. During the Middle Ages in Italy, unrepentant murderers faced the fate of people buried alive. The Zaporozhye Cossacks buried the murderer alive in a coffin with the person whom he took life. In addition, the Germans used methods of execution through burial alive during the Great Patriotic War. Patriotic War 1941-1945. The Nazis executed Jews using this terrible method.

Ritual burials

It is worth noting that there are cases when people, of their own free will, find themselves buried alive. So, among certain nationalities South America, Africa and Siberia there is a ritual in which people bury the shaman of their village alive. It is believed that during the “pseudo-funeral” ritual, the healer receives the gift of communication with the souls of deceased ancestors.

What to do if you are buried alive in a coffin September 12th, 2017

Remember, we found out, but there is another horror story.

The fate of being buried alive can befall each of us. For example, you may fall into a lethargic sleep, your relatives will think that you are dead, they will drink jelly at your funeral and hammer a nail into the lid of your coffin.

The worst option is when a person is deliberately buried in a coffin in order to scare or get rid of him: according to some rumors, the famous Jap liked to do this.

Maybe that’s why all the “bohemians” and the crowd talked to him so nicely?

Many of us have watched the movie Buried Alive, where the main character wakes up to find himself buried alive in a wooden box that is gradually running out of oxygen. You can hardly imagine a worse situation. And those who watched this film to the end will agree with this.
Horror stories about someone being buried alive have existed since the Middle Ages, if not earlier. And then they were not horror stories, but real facts. The level of development of medicine and similar cases could very well happen. There are rumors that a similar terrible situation happened to the great writer Nikolai Gogol, and not only to him.

As for our time, there is practically no chance of being buried alive. The fact is that for some reason curious doctors are extremely fond of clarifying why this or that person died, and to do this they open him up, examine his organs and, upon completion, carefully stitch him up. You understand that in this situation it will not be possible to wake up in a coffin; rather, the pathologist’s report will contain the line “The autopsy showed that death occurred as a result of an autopsy.”

How to escape if you woke up in a coffin, and above you there is a boarded-up lid and a couple of meters of earth? How to get out of the coffin
First of all, don't panic! Seriously, panic can significantly reduce the time available to survive. In a state of panic, you will use oxygen more actively. It's usually possible to live in a coffin for one or two hours, provided you don't panic. If you know how to meditate, do it immediately. Try to relax as much as possible, this will help you think more clearly.

Check if you can call. These days, it is not uncommon for people to be buried with cell phones, tablets, or other communications devices. If this is the case in your case, try contacting relatives or friends. Once you do this, relax and meditate to conserve oxygen.

Don't have a cell phone? Okay... Considering that you are still alive in a coffin with limited air supply, you were buried recently. This means that the ground must be soft enough.

Loosen the lid with your hands in the cheapest fiberboard coffins, you can even make a hole (with a wedding ring, a belt buckle...)
Cross your arms over your chest, grab your shoulders with your palms and pull your shirt or T-shirt up, tie it in a knot above your head, hanging like a bag on your head, it will protect you from suffocation if you hit the ground in your face.

If your coffin is not yet damaged by the gravity of the earth, use your feet to make a hole in the coffin. The best place for this purpose there will be the middle of the lid.

Once you have successfully cracked the coffin open, use your hands and feet to push the soil coming into the hole towards the edges of the coffin. Fill the coffin with as much earth as possible, compacting it so as not to lose the ability to stick your head and shoulders into the hole.

By all means try to sit down, the earth will fill the empty space and shift in your favor, do not stop and continue to breathe calmly.
Once you have packed as much dirt inside the coffin as you can, use all your strength to stand up straight. It may be necessary to make the hole in the lid larger, but this will not be difficult with a cheap coffin.

Once your head is on the surface and you can breathe freely, don't hesitate to let yourself panic a little, even scream if necessary. If no one comes to your aid, pull yourself out of the ground, squirming like a worm.

Remember, the soil in a fresh grave is always loose and “it’s relatively easy to fight with it.” It’s much more difficult to get out during rain: wet soil is denser and heavier. The same can be said about clay.

Unless your relatives are cheapskates and have buried you in a stainless steel coffin, the best thing to do in this case is to try to get loud sounds from the coffin by pressing on the lid where it is attached or banging on the coffin with a belt buckle or something similar. Perhaps someone is still standing near the grave.

Please note that lighting a match or lighter if you have one is a bad idea. An open fire will very quickly destroy the entire supply of oxygen.

Buried alive

It is no coincidence that in almost all nations it is customary to hold a burial ceremony not immediately, but after a certain number of days after death. There were many cases when “dead people” came to life at funerals, and there were also cases when they woke up inside the coffin. Since ancient times, man has been afraid of being buried alive. Taphophobia - the fear of being buried alive is observed in many people. It is believed that this is one of the basic phobias of the human psyche. According to the laws of the Russian Federation, the deliberate burial of a person alive is considered murder committed with extreme cruelty and is punished accordingly.

Imaginary death

Lethargy is an unexplored painful condition that is similar to a normal dream. Even in ancient times, signs of death were considered to be the absence of breathing and the cessation of heartbeat. However, in the absence of modern equipment, it was difficult to determine where the imaginary death was and where the real one was. Nowadays there are practically no cases of funerals of living people, but a couple of centuries ago this was a fairly common occurrence. Lethargic sleep usually lasts from several hours to several weeks. But there are cases when lethargy lasted for months. Lethargic sleep differs from coma in that the human body maintains the vital functions of organs and is not under threat of death. There are many examples of lethargic sleep and related issues in the literature, but they do not always have a scientific basis and are often fictional. Thus, the science fiction novel by H.G. Wells “When the Sleeper Awake” tells about a man who “slept” for 200 years. This is certainly impossible.

Scary awakening

There are quite a lot of stories when people plunged into a state of lethargic sleep; let’s focus on the most interesting ones. In 1773, a terrible incident occurred in Germany: after the burial of a pregnant girl, strange sounds began to be heard from her grave. It was decided to dig up the grave and everyone who was there was shocked by what they saw. As it turned out, the girl began to give birth and as a result came out of a state of lethargic sleep. She was able to give birth in such cramped conditions, but due to lack of oxygen, neither the baby nor his mother managed to survive.
Another story, but not so terrible, happened in England in 1838. One official was always afraid of being buried alive and, as luck would have it, his fear materialized. A respected man woke up in a coffin and started screaming. At that moment, a young man was passing through the cemetery, who, hearing the man’s voice, ran for help. When the coffin was dug and opened, people saw the dead man with a frozen, eerie grimace. The victim died a few minutes before being rescued. Doctors diagnosed him with cardiac arrest; the man could not withstand such a terrible awakening to reality.

There were people who perfectly understood what lethargic sleep was and what to do if such a misfortune overtook them. For example, the English playwright Wilkie Collins was afraid that he would be buried while he was still alive. There was always a note near his bed, which spoke of the measures that should be taken before his burial.

Method of execution

Burial alive was used as a method of capital punishment by the ancient Romans. For example, if a girl broke her vow of virginity, she was buried alive. A similar method of execution was used for many Christian martyrs. In the 10th century, Princess Olga gave the order to bury the Drevlyan ambassadors alive. During the Middle Ages in Italy, unrepentant murderers faced the fate of people buried alive. The Zaporozhye Cossacks buried the murderer alive in a coffin with the person whom he took life. In addition, the Germans used methods of execution through burial alive during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. The Nazis executed Jews using this terrible method.

Ritual burials

It is worth noting that there are cases when people, of their own free will, find themselves buried alive. Thus, certain peoples of South America, Africa and Siberia have a ritual in which people bury the shaman of their village alive. It is believed that during the “pseudo-funeral” ritual, the healer receives the gift of communication with the souls of deceased ancestors.
