Vadim Ananyev folk. Terrible premonitions and miraculous rescues of the artists of the Alexandrov ensemble. A coincidence that saved a life

People's Artist Vadim Ananyev is the leading soloist of the Ensemble named after. Alexandrova has a surprisingly soft lyric tenor and a huge range. His special, magical performance of the famous "Kalinka" earned him the title "Mr. Kalinka", and Pope John Paul II teared up his performance at the Vatican. On the eve of the Ensemble's tour in Israel, Vadim Petrovich spoke about himself, the team and great art

After graduating from the Kazan State Institute of Culture, Vadim Ananyev worked as a soloist of the Yoshkar-Ola Musical Theater. In 1984 he entered the Moscow Gnessin Musical Pedagogical Institute, and in 1987 he was accepted into the choir of the Ensemble named after. Alexandrov, where he worked his way up from a choir artist to a leading soloist.

Vadim Ananyev's repertoire is enormous, his touring routes are endless, his fame knows no bounds. But behind all this is not only talent, but also daily colossal work.

Since childhood, I dreamed of being a singer and a military man, and my dream came true. I grew up listening to the songs of the Aleksandrovtsy, and when I was accepted into this legendary band, I was in seventh heaven. During my career I have sung to both presidents and kings. Performed "Kalinka" for John Paul II in the Vatican. After an exclusive concert, I was asked to approach the Pope and from his hands I received a silver medal. I remember the throne of John Paul II illuminated by a bright spotlight. It was very beautiful.

You have performed on all continents. How does the public react to the military ensemble?

The male choir acts magically: military, beautiful, all perfectly matched, with amazing voices. And the form has a hypnotizing effect. Sometimes there are situations when I perform with a civic orchestra, and when I go out to military uniform- what applause! I went out in a tailcoat, a tuxedo, and a suit, but this can’t compare with a jacket! For some reason, people are very inspired by the uniform; they perceive the art of a vocalist more emotionally.

Artists on tour often have funny incidents. Has anything funny happened to you or does this not happen in the Military Ensemble?

Why doesn't it happen? It happens... One of the first foreign trips was terrible funny incident. This was in the late 80s. We went as always with stew and a boiler. We saved travel allowances as best we could. And my roommate decided to boil water, put the mug on the table in the room, and a huge stain formed from the temperature. What to do? I really didn’t want to pay the fine in foreign currency! My colleague went to the market, got a saw somewhere and we sawed the table, packed it in some bags and carefully took it out of the hotel. The maid came in, looked around in bewilderment and asked - where is the table? We say - what table? There was no table here. She ran to the administrator. He asks, did anyone take the table out of such and such a room? The hotel administrator came and was surprised that there was no table in the room... So no one found out anything. And there was also funny story in Cuba. We were taken to the beach, a beautiful beach, sand, ocean, palm trees. And along this beach there walked an orchestra - a national one with guitars, a double bass, an accordion, all these... maracas... entertained the vacationers. I asked them - guys, do you know “Bessame mucho”? And right there I sang with them, and they accompanied me with pleasure. Everyone who was there came running!

Vadim Ananyev captivates the audience not only with the beauty of his timbre, but also with the sincerity of his performance. The Russian language is particularly popular with listeners. folk song"Kalinka", "Amapola" by the Spanish composer Lacalle, as well as "On a Sunny Meadow" and "Nightingales", "Roads", "Three Sisters".

Vadim Ananyev will come to Israel with the Ensemble named after. Alexandrov, whose repertoire includes more than two and a half thousand compositions and works: not only favorite Russian folk and military songs, but also opera arias, masterpieces of pop music, colorful fiery dances, causing delight and applause at all performances of the legendary group without exception.

Don't miss the grandiose and bright show from November 5 to 11 in Tel Aviv (Heikhal Hatarbut), November 10 in Haifa (Heikhal Raanan Katz).

Order tickets at the Lean box office or by phone: * 8780

Anna of Macedon

(1959-03-21 ) (60 years)

Vadim Petrovich Ananyev(March 21, Kuibyshev, RSFSR) - Soviet and Russian singer, leading soloist of the Song and Dance Ensemble of the Russian Army named after A. V. Alexandrov, People's Artist of the Russian Federation (2005), member of the jury of the All-Russian annual vocal competition among subjects Russian Federation"New star". Over the past decades, he has been a permanent soloist of the songs “Kalinka” and “Katyusha” abroad and in Russia as part of a choir.


Vadim Petrovich Ananyev was born on March 21, 1959 in the Kuibyshev region. His father was a rural veterinarian, his mother a cook. Graduated with honors music school in piano class. Urgent military service served in the Strategic Missile Forces in Belarus, during which he played in a brass band.

Songs performed

  • Modern version of the National Anthem of the Russian Federation

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An excerpt characterizing Ananyev, Vadim Petrovich

Having cleared the road, Denisov stopped at the entrance to the bridge. Casually holding back the stallion rushing towards his own and kicking, he looked at the squadron moving towards him.
Transparent sounds of hooves were heard along the boards of the bridge, as if several horses were galloping, and the squadron, with officers in front, four in a row, stretched out along the bridge and began to emerge on the other side.
The stopped infantry soldiers, crowding in the trampled mud near the bridge, looked at the clean, dapper hussars marching orderly past them with that special unfriendly feeling of alienation and ridicule that is usually encountered in various branches of the military.
- Smart guys! If only it were on Podnovinskoe!
- What good are they? They only drive for show! - said another.
- Infantry, don't dust! - the hussar joked, under which the horse, playing, splashed mud at the infantryman.
“If I had driven you through two marches with your backpack, the laces would have been worn out,” the infantryman said, wiping the dirt from his face with his sleeve; - otherwise it’s not a person, but a bird sitting!
“If only I could put you on a horse, Zikin, if you were agile,” the corporal joked about the thin soldier, bent over from the weight of his backpack.
“Take the club between your legs, and you’ll have a horse,” responded the hussar.

The rest of the infantry hurried across the bridge, forming a funnel at the entrance. Finally, all the carts passed, the crush became less, and the last battalion entered the bridge. Only the hussars of Denisov's squadron remained on the other side of the bridge against the enemy. The enemy, visible in the distance from the opposite mountain, from below, from the bridge, was not yet visible, since from the ravine along which the river flowed, the horizon ended at the opposite elevation no more than half a mile away. Ahead there was a desert, along which here and there groups of our traveling Cossacks were moving. Suddenly, on the opposite hill of the road, troops in blue hoods and artillery appeared. These were the French. The Cossack patrol trotted away downhill. All the officers and men of Denisov’s squadron, although they tried to talk about outsiders and look around, did not stop thinking only about what was there on the mountain, and constantly peered at the spots on the horizon, which they recognized as enemy troops. The weather cleared again in the afternoon, the sun set brightly over the Danube and the dark mountains surrounding it. It was quiet, and from that mountain the sounds of horns and screams of the enemy could occasionally be heard. There was no one between the squadron and the enemies, except for small patrols. An empty space, three hundred fathoms, separated them from him. The enemy stopped shooting, and the more clearly one felt that strict, menacing, impregnable and elusive line that separates the two enemy troops.

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Biography, life story of Vadim Petrovich Ananyev

Ananyev Vadim Petrovich - Soviet and Russian singer, leading soloist Academic ensemble songs and dances Russian army name

Childhood and youth

Vadim Ananyev was born in Kuibyshev (since 1991 this city has been called Samara) on March 21, 1959. His mother was a cook, his father a veterinarian. Vadim s early years began to get involved in music. He graduated with honors from a music school in piano.

In the period 1977-1979, Vadim Ananyev served in the military in the Strategic Missile Forces in Belarus. In the army, the young man was a member of a brass band.

Returning to civilian life, Vadim Ananyev entered the Kazan State Institute of Culture in the conducting and choral department.

Creative path

After graduating from the institute, Ananyev became a soloist of the Yoshkar-Ola Musical Theater. In 1984, the artist, wanting to hone his skills and succeed in his chosen profession, entered the vocal department at the Gnessin State Musical Pedagogical Institute. In 1987, following the recommendation of his teacher Konstantin Lisovsky, Vadim took part in the competitive selection for the choir of the Academic Song and Dance Ensemble of the Russian Army named after. In 1999, he took the place of soloist in this ensemble, gradually becoming one of the leading artists and the calling card of the choir. In many media (both Russian and foreign) Vadim Ananyev is called “Mr. Kalinka”. He received this nickname for his bright and memorable performance of the solo part in a popular Russian song.


In 2004, Vadim Ananyev performed a number of compositions (including the legendary “Kalinka”) at an exclusive concert in honor of the 26th anniversary of the pontificate of Pope John Paul II in the Apostolic Palace in the Vatican. The artist received high praise for his performance and was awarded a silver medal by the Pontifical Council. In 2009, Vadim Petrovich took part in the meeting of Pope Benedict XVI with artists in the Sistine Chapel.


Vadim Ananyev became a groom twice and a father four times (the singer has a daughter and three sons). The first marriage had one child, the second – three. Younger son Yura was born at the end of 2016.

A coincidence that saved a life

On December 25, 2016, the Academic Song and Dance Ensemble of the Russian Army went to Syria on a humanitarian mission. Vadim Ananyev was unable to join his colleagues - he had just had a baby, and it would have been difficult for his wife to cope with two young children and a baby alone. He stayed at home with his family. This saved his life. That plane - the infamous Tu-154 - crashed near Sochi.

Published: December 26, 2016 12:47 pm | last updated: December 7, 2017, 10:54 am

The Tu-154 that crashed in the Black Sea took off on the morning of December 25 from Adler airport to Syrian Latakia. It disappeared from radar at 05:27 Moscow time, a few minutes after departure. There were 92 people on board - executive director of the Fair Aid Foundation Elizaveta Glinka, the Alexandrov Song and Dance Ensemble, journalists from Channel One, the Zvezda TV channel and NTV, as well as accompanying military personnel and crew. They were flying to a New Year's concert for the Russian Aerospace Forces air group in Syria. They all died.

The ensemble is well known not only in its homeland, but throughout the world. It was created by Alexander Alexandrov, a professor at the Moscow Conservatory, People's Artist of the USSR, and composer; his first performance took place in 1928. The artists repeatedly went with concerts to hot spots - Afghanistan, Yugoslavia, Lately- to Syria.

These days, people bring flowers and candles to the building in Moscow where the Alexandrov Academic Song and Dance Ensemble is located in memory of the victims. The flags on the building are at half-staff. The street is cordoned off by police and an ambulance is on duty.

The head of the ensemble, General Valery Khalilov, was also on board the crashed liner. famous composer and conductor. He conducted the combined orchestras of the Ministry of Defense many times during parades in honor of Victory Day on Red Square. He was also the artistic director of the Spasskaya Tower festival of military bands, which became one of business cards not only Moscow, but throughout Russia.

The head of the Russian Ministry of Defense, Sergei Shoigu, today decided to name the Military Music School in Moscow after Valery Khalilov.

Concert of the Song and Dance Ensemble of the Russian Army named after. A.V.Alexandrova

List dead participants FSBI "Aleksandrov Ensemble"

1. Sonnikov A.V.
2. Guzhova L. A.
3. Ivashko A. N.
4. Brodsky V. A.
5. Bulochnikov E.V.
6. Golikov V.V.
7. Osipov G. L.
8. Sanin V.V.
9. Mayorov K.V.
10. Buryachenko B. B.
11. Babovnikov D.V.
12. Bazdyrev A.K.
13. Belonozhko D. M.
14. Beschastnov D. A.
15. Vasin M. A.
16. Georgiyan O. P.
17. Davidenko K. A.
18. Deniskin S. I.
19. Zhuravlev P.V.
20. Zakirov P. P.
21. Ivanov M. A.
22. Ivanov A. V.
23. Kotlyar S. A.
24. Kochemasov A. S.
25. Krivtsov A. A.
26. Litvyakov D. N.
27. Mokrikov A. O.
28. Morgunov A. A.
29. Nasibulin Zh. A.
30. Novokshanov Yu. M.
31. Polyakov V.V.
32. Savelyev A. V.
33. Sokolovsky A. V.
34. Tarasenko A. N.
35. Trofimov A. S.
36. Uzlovsky A. A.
37. Khalimon V. L.
38. Shtuko A. A.
39. Kryuchkov I. A.
40. Ermolin V. I.
41. Bykov S. L.
42. Kolobrodov K. A.
43. Korzanov O. V.
44. Larionov I. F.
45. Lyashenko K. I.
46. ​​Mikhalin V.K.
47. Popov V. A.
48. Razumov A. A.
49. Serov A.S.
50. Shakhov I.V.
51. Archukova A. A.
52. Gilmanova P. P.
53. Ignatieva N. V.
54. Klokotova M. A.
55. Korzanova E. I.
56. Pyryeva L. A.
57. Satarova V. I.
58. Trofimova D. S.
59. Khorosheva L. N.
60. Tsvirinko A. I.
61. Shagun O. Yu.
62. Gurar L. I.
63. Sulimanov B. R.
64. Stolyar I.V.

At the Moscow Forensic Medical Examination Bureau, specialists from the 111th Main state center Forensic and forensic examinations of the Russian Ministry of Defense have already begun taking genetic samples from relatives of the victims. This is necessary for subsequent examination of the remains and identification.

Information: Song and Dance Ensemble of the Russian Army named after Alexandrov

The ensemble was created on October 12, 1928 - on this day the first performance of the group of 12 people took place in Central house Red Army (CDKA).

On December 1, 1928, the ensemble was enrolled in the staff of the CDKA and received the name "Red Army Song Ensemble of the CDKA named after M. V. Frunze."

On November 27, 1935, the group began to be called the “Red Banner Ensemble of Red Army Song and Dance of the USSR.”

Since February 7, 1949 - Twice Red Banner Order of the Red Star Song and Dance Ensemble Soviet army named after A.V. Alexandrov.

In 1978, the ensemble received the highest professional certification - on its 50th anniversary it became academic.

All members of the group have special musical and choreographic education. The choir is recognized as one of the best male choirs peace. The ensemble's activities laid the foundation for the creation and development of a new type of ensembles - song and dance ensembles. Based on his model, many song and dance ensembles of military districts, fleets and groups of troops arose, not only in Russia, but also abroad.

The group's repertoire includes more than 2000 works. This folk songs and dances, soldiers’ dances, songs of domestic authors, sacred music, classical works Russians and foreign composers, masterpieces of the world stage.

The ensemble gives concerts in military districts, units and units of the Russian Army. The band has repeatedly traveled with concerts to hot spots and combat areas - Afghanistan, Yugoslavia, Transnistria, Tajikistan, Chechen Republic. The ensemble has toured more than 70 countries in Europe, Asia, Africa and America.

On November 22, 2016, musicians of the Alexandrov Academic Song and Dance Ensemble performed on stage for the first time Bolshoi Theater, dedicating the concert to the 75th anniversary of the Battle of Moscow.

Families of the victims will receive insurance payments

All 64 dead artist were insured. Therefore, all the families of the soloists of the ensemble named after. Alexandrova will receive payments in the amount of 1 million rubles, the Social Insurance Fund reported.

The Ministry of Labor also stated that specialists from the ministry, together with Rostrud and Pension Fund are preparing to pay compensation to the relatives of the victims.

Relatives of the victims will also receive payments for air insurance, which will amount to about 2 million rubles.

Families will also receive financial compensation from the regions and voluntary insurance payments if the deceased were additionally insured.

The All-Russian Union of Insurers reported that the relatives of deceased military personnel will receive up to 7.8 million rubles, and civilians - 3 million rubles. Insurance Company Sogaz, where the plane's passengers were insured, noted that the family of each deceased serviceman will receive 5.8 million rubles.

Ensemble soloist Vadim Ananyev survived due to the birth of a child

Leading soloist of the ensemble named after. Alexandrova, National artist Vadim Ananyev did not fly to Russia on this business trip to Syria due to the birth of his third child.

“My colleagues and friends flew there - a choir, about 50 people, a group of accordion and balalaika players. They were supposed to give one concert and return. I don’t know what to say yet, I hope for the best. But I myself didn’t fly family circumstances“My son, the third child in the family, was recently born, so I stayed at home to help my wife,” Komsomolskaya Pravda quotes Ananyev as saying.

“I approached the leader of the ensemble and asked to stay. In addition, there was supposed to be a performance tomorrow, so they decided to leave me and other soloists Valery Gavva and Boris Dyakov. And the rest of the choir all flew away,” said Ananyev.

He said he might have gone to Syria with other artists if it had been a series of performances rather than a small, hour-long concert that was planned at a military base.

"The usual program, 15 works, lasts an hour. One concert. If there were several concerts, I would not ask for time off, this is my job. I was in Chechnya, in Yugoslavia. I asked for time off from artistic director, he understood me. Now I’m standing in front of you, but I should have been flying,” he said in an interview with RT.

On the eve of his arrival in Kirov, Vadim Ananyev gave an exclusive interview

On February 4, the leading soloist of the Academic Song and Dance Ensemble of the Russian Army named after Alexandrov will perform at the Vyatka Philharmonic. But this concert might not have happened if Vadim Ananyev had boarded that plane that crashed near Sochi on the morning of December 25th. The singer miraculously survived - thanks to his wife and son, he did not fly with the choir to the performance. The tragedy that shocked the whole country left an indelible mark on Vadim’s soul, since his colleagues, many of whom he had worked with for 30 years, could not be brought back... In a conversation with a correspondent of the publication “The Source of Your City,” the singer shared his experiences and talked about plans for the future and introduced him in absentia to his large family.

Vadim Petrovich, what will you perform for the Kirov residents?
- The concert will feature mainly Soviet and folk songs, romances, as well as Neapolitan songs. I will perform something from the operetta, a little, fragmentarily. I’ve never been to Kirov before, this is my first time coming to see you, so if I have time, I’m thinking of going for a walk around the city. Unless, of course, it's cold. How is the weather there?

On February 4 they promise about minus 8...
- Fine. Let's hope it doesn't drop below minus 10, then we'll be able to go for a walk. If it's cold, I'll stay at the hotel.

Will you sing the songs you perform in the Alexandrov Ensemble?
- Yes, definitely. IN this moment Some songs have not been performed by the ensemble for ten years, but they are in the repertoire. Let’s say the song “Oh, you rye.” We have a very extensive repertoire, I perform the songs that I like best - “On a Sunny Meadow”, “Smuglyanka” and others.

Tell us, how are things going in the ensemble now?
- At the moment there is a competition for free places. Mostly people come to audition for the choir. The competition commission consists of 9 people, this famous people in Moscow, leaders creative teams. They conduct auditions from 11 am to 6 pm every day. I think they should recruit 30 people. It is possible that they will recruit more. I know that they have already hired 8 ballet dancers, and I think they will recruit another 10 people, and in principle the group will be able to work. But in order to restore the repertoire that the choir sang, to restore the dances that the ballet danced, it will take a lot of time. There will be no touring for now. The tour is planned to begin in May - we will fly to the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

I can’t help but ask you about the tragedy that occurred on December 25th. It was literally a miracle that you didn't end up on board that plane. Tell us why you stayed at home?
- I had a son not long ago, and in our family, besides him, there are two more small children. My wife very persistently asked me not to go on this trip. She was tired with three small children and needed my help. It happens that artists take time off for family reasons. I was allowed to stay with my family - I came to the general, and he released me from this trip. Some of the guys also miraculously survived - some had an expired passport, some got sick, some had a sick child. We are all human, and there are times when we need to stay home. And just like that, I was lucky... But for 30 years, do you know how many times I have flown on airplanes? And to Chechnya, and to Yugoslavia, to hot spots, and everything was fine... But the guys died here, in Russia... This is a great grief...

Tell us how you found out about the tragedy?
- My wife woke me up early in the morning, I was still sleeping then. They called from the Alexandrov Ensemble and reported that the plane had disappeared from the radar... I was simply killed by this news, it was very difficult for me for several days after that, I couldn’t find the words. I worked with some of the guys for 30 years, we had a very friendly group of soloists, we were family friends, we went to visit each other, our children communicated with each other... And now the children are left without fathers... I take them very close to This is grief in my heart and I share it with the families of the dead guys.

Our fellow countryman and your colleague Alexey Skachkov, who stayed at home due to illness, said that before the flight he had bad feelings. Have you had anything similar?
- Yes, I know Alexei, of course. We studied with him at the same time from the same teacher. You know, before every flight there is some kind of excitement - transport, planes. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s a military plane or a civilian airline, there is still excitement. There were cases when the landing gear did not come out, and there were problems with the steering wheels. When I was in Italy at the invitation of the Pope, and then flew from Rome to Moscow, kerosene poured out of the wing of the plane during takeoff. Of course, the problem was eliminated, everything turned out well. But you know, anything happened. Probably, pilots don’t fly as much as I have flown over these 30 years... I fly several dozen hours a month. Let's say Moscow-Sakhalin, back and forth - it's already 18 hours. You fly, you fly, but what to do, our life is like this, if you don’t fly, move around, then you’ll sit at home...

You have given concerts for kings, and for presidents, and for the Pope... Do you have any ritual before going on stage?
- Read the prayer, cross yourself and go. That's the whole ritual. You still need to tune in. Before going on stage, I don’t talk to anyone, I prepare mentally, I sing songs inside myself, I remember all the nuances, sometimes even the words - after all, I have to sing in Chinese, Korean, German, Italian, Czech, Slovak . There are many challenges, depending on what country you are in.

Abroad they call you “Mr. Kalinka.” How do you feel about this nickname?
- This was not invented by me, of course, but by the foreign public. She may not remember your last name, but she will remember the fact that you perform “Kalinka”. Before me there were other Mr. Kalinka - Belyaev, Vinogradov and others. So, this nickname is passed down from generation to generation.

Vadim Petrovich, I propose to talk again about the Kirov residents. You served in the army with our fellow countryman Oleg, who, in fact, organizes your arrival in Kirov...
- Yes, but we started contacting Oleg not so long ago, and now we call each other every evening. We have something to remember - we served together in Belarus in the missile forces for two years.

Tell us about your family. You are a father of many children, you have four children...
- Yes, yes, my wife Elena and I - the large family, and we even have benefits (Laughs.) Every morning I get up at 7 am and take my son Alexander, he is 5 years old, to kindergarten. And before going to work, I drop my daughter Anna off at school. She is now in 4th grade. Do you understand what the situation is? The wife is with the baby, and the baby is sleeping. In order for the wife to take her son to kindergarten, the baby needs to be woken up, dressed and wrapped, and placed in a stroller. And then if you take your daughter to school, then also only with the baby. There are certain difficulties, so I undoubtedly help her in everything. And my children are diversified. The eldest, Vladislav, he is now 27 years old, graduated from the Moscow Aviation Institute, and at the same time studied dancing. He is one of famous dancers in Moscow - the direction of tectonics, or electro-dance, which came from France. Vladislav has repeatedly won prizes at festivals and is a world champion in this dance. Now this is exactly what he is doing. Our Anya is fond of cross-country skating, I take her to the Ice Palace, and Sasha goes to judo. Well, Yuri is still just a baby, he recently turned 7 months old (Smiles.)

All free time dedicate it to your family?
- Yes! I'm a homebody, I love being with kids. My children are very active and love to move. It’s winter now, and not far from our house, 5 minutes by car, there are the Krylatsky Hills, where you can go tubing, sledding, and snowscooting. We go there often. I love being with my family!

Interviewed by Ekaterina Kroshikhina

Vadim Petrovich

Date and place of birth: March 21, 1959, city of Kuibyshev (now Samara)
Education: Kazan State Institute of Culture (conducting and choral department), State Musical Pedagogical Institute (now Russian Academy music) named after Gnessins (vocal department)
Career: Yoshkar-Olinsky Musical Theatre(soloist), since 1987 - Alexandrov Ensemble.
Rank: People's Artist of Russia
Family: married, has four children (three sons and a daughter).

We would like to thank impresario Tatyana Bazhina for organizing the interview.