Learning to draw a person with a pencil: step-by-step instructions. How to teach a child to draw. Basics of step-by-step drawing Rich colors will help you achieve the desired effect

  • Sex and children's drawings
  • Children's drawing and color
  • Recommendations for parents
  • Sometimes it happens that parents, having received kindergarten conclusion of a psychologist, they fall into bewilderment: anxiety, aggression, rejection... and is this all from cute children's scribbles? “All psychologists are charlatans!” - parents decide, and do not pay attention to their conclusions.

    Let's find out what exactly psychologists see in children's drawings?

    At what age can children analyze drawings?

    Up to three years young painters are at the “cephalopod” stage - they draw “bubbly” people with protruding lines symbolizing arms and legs. Drawing details is not yet available to them; moreover, often first a “masterpiece” is born, and only then its proud author begins to think about what exactly he depicted.

    Starting from 3.5-4 years Children first plan the drawing (its concept appears) and only then begin to execute it. By the age of four, the child is already quite good at using a pencil, and the “cephalopods” evolve into “cucumber people” - two ovals with stick-like limbs.

    Five years the artist was already skilled enough to draw large details (arms, legs, eyes, mouth), and by the age of six, more small parts: nose, fingers. Children often draw in the manner of Picasso - the character's head in profile, but with two eyes.

    Finally, by the age of seven the drawn people turn out to be dressed, and in accordance with their gender and age, they have hats and hairstyles and even necks!

    Drawings of children from 4 to 7 years old the best way suitable for analyzing their psychological state.

    Analyzing the family drawing

    The most popular topic is drawing your own family. It can tell an experienced psychologist a lot, but ordinary mothers and fathers can also learn a lot from the drawing. useful information. First, look out for warning signs.

    Location of figures in the figure

    The location of family members in the picture very accurately indicates their relationship. Often children “remove” an unwanted character from their work, explaining that “dad is at work” and sister is “in the next room.” This does not mean that the relationship is completely destroyed; often the brother or sister is sent “to another room” in the picture after a heated quarrel.

    Conversely, beloved relatives may appear in the picture even if they live far away, as is often the case with grandparents.

    The child depicts his closest and most beloved relative next to him. If one of the characters turns out to be separated from the others, then, most likely, the child mentally excludes him from the family circle. This could be a working dad, a brother or sister who is much older in age.

    A bad sign - if this “outcast” turns out to be the child himself, this is a really alarming situation!

    Self image

    The child, as a rule, depicts himself either in the center of the picture (this is a common situation for a family with only child), or next to central figure. By depicting himself on the edge of the composition, separately from his parents, the child shows that he feels isolated from his family. Sometimes he gives a plot explanation for this that confirms the observer's fears: “Everyone is celebrating, but I am punished (having to sleep, read, play alone).”

    The pose of a happy and self-confident child is as open as possible: arms and legs spread apart. If a child takes the trouble to draw himself with his arms pressed to his body, this symbolizes his lack of self-confidence. Too much short arms or their absence - fears of one’s own ineptitude. Maybe you criticize your baby too often?

    Usually the child depicts the sizes of the figures proportionally real characters: more parents, less myself, younger brother and sister - very small. Minimizing the picture of oneself speaks of insecurity, a need for care, and perhaps fear.

    Another situation that speaks of uncertainty is the “lifting” of a child from the ground, when all the characters are drawn in the correct proportions, but the child seems to be hanging between the parents: his head is at the same level as the adult, and his legs do not reach the floor. Often the parents of such a little artist do not even realize that he is experiencing discomfort: after all, they communicate with him as equals!

    Fear and aggression in children's drawings

    Psychologists know about signs of fear and aggression in children's drawings, which often remain invisible to parents.

    Large, simply huge rake hands appear in that family member who is different aggressive behavior. If a child portrays himself this way, then he probably constantly has to suppress his anger.

    Clearly drawn bright pupils are a sign of a child’s anxiety, as is hard shading with pressure.

    Finally, hypertrophied fists, teeth, sharp nails are the clearest evidence of aggression. If a child portrays himself this way, then most likely he feels a constant need for protection that the family cannot provide him with.

    Sex and children's drawings

    Contrary to existing fears, the depiction of genitals in the drawings of 3-4 year old children does not at all indicate that someone is corrupting the child, but rather about his interest in own body and about the difference between the sexes, which he had just learned about.

    But if a 6-7 year old child portrays himself with the physiological attributes of an adult: a girl with a clearly defined bust, a boy with a beard and mustache - this can be alarming. However, most often such drawings indicate the child’s need for attention, the desire to embellish himself by any means. That is why children, when depicting a family, pay special attention to their figure: they carefully draw clothes, accessories, and jewelry (babies often add crowns to themselves). This picture screams: “Hey, everyone, finally look at me! I’m a prince (princess)!”

    However, you should still pay attention to your child's environment again. Is it clear that no one is showing suspicious attention to him, has the child been exposed to information that is inappropriate for his age (for example, a porn film, a porn magazine), which could frighten him?

    Children's drawing and color

    A child's drawing is usually multi-colored and variegated - usually children use 5-6 colors, this is considered the norm. The more confident the child feels, the brighter the colors he uses. Of course, not everything is so simple: a child can shade dad black, because dad really has a favorite sweater of that color, but if some pencil is among the favorites and one or two colors clearly predominate in the drawing, then it’s worth paying attention to this factor.

    Most experts rely on the interpretation of colors by Max Lüscher, a psychologist and color researcher. He came to the conclusion that the choice of color reflects a person’s psychological state and even indicates his physical health.

    Here's how to determine the meaning of color in a child's drawing.

      Navy blue- focus on internal problems, need for peace;

      green- balance, independence, perseverance, desire for security;

      red- willpower, aggression, increased activity, excitability;

      yellow- positive emotions, spontaneity, curiosity, optimism;

      violet- fantasy, intuition, emotional and intellectual immaturity (children often prefer this color);

      brown- sensory support of sensations, slowness, physical discomfort, often negative emotions;

      black- depression, protest, destruction, urgent need for change;

      if the child prefers a simple pencil and does not color the drawing- indifference, detachment, desire to close down.

    When experimenting with independent analysis of a child’s drawing, try to ensure that the child completes it willingly, in a calm environment, without distractions.

    Please note the following factors.

      Composition drawing. Are the characters placed in the center of the picture or in the corner, is there enough space for everyone in the picture, in what order are the family members drawn.

      Which colors used by a child.

      What details he pays increased attention. How the arms, legs, faces of the characters are drawn, is the pressure of the pencil always the same?

      Which unusual elements is in the picture. Is there something extra (for example, sun in the room, a non-existent pet or family members), or, on the contrary, is something missing (someone from the family).

      Like a child portrays himself what details he pays special attention to, where he sees himself in the family hierarchy.

    We hope this little experiment will help you achieve mutual understanding with your child!

    Children's drawings for illustration are taken from free sources

    The question “How to teach children to draw a person?” It baffles many adults: not everyone can realistically convey proportions and portrait likeness, much less explain the stages of drawing a human figure to a child. We will show simple diagrams and give recommendations on how to draw a person step by step - even an adult child can do it.


    Most adults without professional activities artistic activity, stopped in their development at the “cephalopod” stage. But this is not a reason to turn away a child with a pencil who wants to explore this world and learn everything.

    By drawing, the child fantasizes, develops his abilities, and trains visual memory. Of course, drawing a person is much more difficult than a tree or a hedgehog, but even the most complex task can be broken down into simple steps so that it doesn’t seem so scary and impossible. Let's study together!

    How to teach a 3-4 year old child to draw a person


    To a 3-4 year old child, you can explain the principle of drawing a human figure using a simple diagram as an example: head, torso, arms and legs, always a neck, hands and feet.

    Let him practice drawing boys and girls this way. What is important here is, first of all, not so much the similarity as the development of a sense of proportion, the presence of all the “components”.


    Then you can try to draw little people in motion. To clearly show your child how our arms and legs bend when walking, jumping, turning, etc., demonstrate all these movements in front of a mirror.

    It is convenient to make a wire frame and bend it in different directions.


    Let this wire model be your guide when teaching your child to draw a person in motion.


    It's useful to do quick schematic drawings. We gave the wire model the desired pose and immediately drew it. Later you will explain to your child how to “dress” the little men. Now it is more important to understand how the position of the arms and legs changes during a particular movement.


    To prevent little artists from being distracted from the main thing - conveying movement in a drawing - suggest drawing a moving person using a silhouette. To make it easier, make a cardboard model with movable elements.


    Another tip for those who want to teach a child to draw a person well: sculpt! Yes, yes, in volume it is easier for a child to perceive proportions, he will quickly understand how to do it correctly. If he learns to sculpt a person well and quickly, it won’t be difficult for him to draw him - it’s been tested.

    How to teach a 5-6 year old child to draw a person: proportions

    Teach your child to see the invisible. Before drawing a dressed figure, you need to outline the frame, understand the position of the arms and legs, the direction and rotation of the body relative to the head, etc. Use diagrams; you can always remove extra lines from the drawing with an eraser.


    When a child learns to think in diagrams, he will not have any difficulties when drawing a human figure.

    Preschoolers aged 5-6 years can safely explain how the figure of an adult differs from the figure of a child. The module with which we “measure” the figure is the head. A lot depends on how many times the head is “placed” in the diagram of the human figure.


    Show a photo of a child standing next to an adult. Offer to measure (with a ruler, strip of paper, etc.) how many times the child’s head “fits” in his entire figure. Do the same with the adult figure. The child himself will conclude that children have larger heads (relative to the proportions of the whole body).


    In adults, the head “fits” 7-8 times (ideally). If you take this into account when drawing a person, the figure will come out proportional and similar.


    Just draw it a few times simple diagram in order to draw thick and skinny people, men, women and children.

    Male and female figures are different. These differences can be easily shown on the diagram. geometric shapes. Men have broad shoulders, women have broad hips.

    Very soon your child will learn the basics of drawing a person and will be able to portray the whole family!

    How to draw a person step by step: video

    Dear readers! Tell us in the comments about your children's funniest drawings. Do you know how to draw a person realistically? Did our diagrams and tips help you learn how to draw people?

    Children's lives are full different emotions and feelings. However, it is problematic for a child to express them correctly; this is where art therapy comes to the rescue. In the process of drawing, the child fully reveals his inner world and expresses his feelings, experiences and other emotions on the piece of paper. The main task of parents is to learn how to correctly and regularly “read” their child’s art; this will allow them to get to know the child better and, if necessary, seek help from specialists in time.

    What does a child’s drawing say about the child and his attitude towards others?

    While drawing, children do not control their emotions; they create a “masterpiece” with their soul, not their mind. Therefore, it is very important to pay attention to all the details of the drawing, because this allows you to draw certain conclusions about psychological state the child and his attitude to everything that surrounds him. Let's consider below how some features and details of a child's drawing can be used to understand what the child thinks and feels.

    Color selection

    Each child feels very subtly and compares his sensations with a certain color. For accurate testing, it is important that the baby has the maximum range of colors to create a drawing.

    What does the predominant color in the picture say?

    Color What character traits do children who prefer a certain color have? What does the predominance or absence of this color in the picture indicate?
    Red Aggressiveness, willpower, hot temper, excitability, eccentricity, increased activity and determination. The predominance of the red tint in the picture indicates openness and activity. Such a child is restless, disobedient, excitable, and often breaks toys.

    In the future, such children strive to achieve recognition, success, and praise against the backdrop of assertiveness and selfishness.

    The absence of this color may indicate an inferiority complex and a desire for privacy. Most often, these are children raised in a family with frequent scandals between parents.

    Pink Refinement, tenderness, sentimentality, weakness, compassion, timidity and optimism. There is dependence on others, seeks constant support, needs love from parents and constant tactile contact.
    Yellow The child is inquisitive and optimistic, spontaneous and sociable, positively emotional, but dependent and jealous. A love of yellow is characteristic of creative individuals. Dreaminess and fabulousness, originality and dissent distinguish the child who chooses this color. He prefers loneliness and abstract toys (sticks, pebbles, etc.) He always believes and hopes in something. Irresponsibility and impracticality may emerge.

    If a child doesn’t like a color, it means he is somewhat closed and focused on his inner world.

    Orange The main qualities of a child: cheerfulness, rich imagination, daydreaming, energy and good intuition. Increased excitability that has no way out, fun, pranks and screaming for no reason are signs that characterize the baby’s condition. Excessive use of this color should alert you.
    Green Symbolizes stubbornness and perseverance, independence and poise, high intellectual abilities, the desire for security and spiritual tension. Application of this color in large quantities talks about shortage mother's love and a feeling of abandonment.

    In the future, conservatism and fear of change develop. The child needs to feel protected and experience a sense of reliability.

    Blue The child is distinguished by concentration and focus on the problems of his inner world, seeks peace and satisfaction, tranquility and fidelity, he often resorts to introspection. The predominant emotions of the young “artist” who loves to paint in blue are calmness and poise, and a tendency to self-sacrifice. The choice of this color indicates that the child is this moment needs peace.
    Blue Frequent changes in lifestyle, optionality, carelessness and carelessness are typical for lovers of the color blue. If there is a lot of blue in the drawing, then this indicates the child’s balance and calmness at the time of drawing.
    Blue-green Willpower, serious disposition, pedantry, concern for others and integrity. The predominance of a blue-green hue in the picture characterizes a special condition nervous system, or rather her overexcitation. The child needs more freedom and encouragement, perhaps even a reduction in demands.
    Violet Characteristic of children with a rich imagination, excellent intuition, sensitive and vulnerable, with a rich inner world, as well as immaturity both intellectual and emotional. Impressionable, vulnerable, excitable, suggestible, in need of support - these characteristics are suitable for children whose drawings are dominated by purple.
    Lilac Children who love this color are weak, tender, lonely and defenseless, honest, often withdrawn and musical. A child uses this color when he is self-absorbed and feels lonely, weak and defenseless.
    Brown Slowness, discomfort, negative emotional state. A lot of brown in the picture signals poor health, troubles in the family, dramatic events, mental disability.
    Grey Indifference, prudence, avoidance of worries, detachment. A lot of gray in the picture speaks of a feeling of hopelessness, routine, poverty and rejection. The child is characterized by isolation and timidity. Perhaps the child is just tired.
    Black Depression, destruction and protest. A black drawing indicates that the child is experiencing stress, he is not confident and unhappy. This color symbolizes the premature maturation of a complex psyche.
    White The child is honest and clean, often suffering from loneliness and emptiness. A child uses white color for drawing when he feels lonely, experiences nervous tension and mental anxiety. The baby has no Vital energy and curiosity.

    Bright rainbow colors speak of good mood And positive emotions child, and a pale pattern with a predominance of gloomy colors indicates a reduced emotional state or bad mood, the child may be unwell.

    Images of people, facial expressions

    In young years children draw people as cephalopod circles with sticks instead of arms and legs. In this case, pay attention to the colors and pressure of the pencil, the proportionality of each character relative to each other. At an older age, children begin to draw heads and faces, arms and legs.

    • Normally, a child most often draws people of the same gender, otherwise we can talk about internal discord.
    • The size of the head symbolizes mental development and abilities, and the presence of a headdress shows that the child needs protection.
    • The presence of a face and the clarity of its features indicate the baby’s openness and sociability.
    • The worse the face is drawn, the “closed” the child’s character.
    • Ask your child about the emotions and mood of the characters depicted, this will allow you to reflect on the situation from the child's point of view.
    • The presence of ears is an indicator of receiving information through hearing and the ability to listen.
    • The mouth and teeth are drawn by children with an aggressive attitude, and the eyes large sizes indicate children's fears, especially if the pupils are drawn.
    • Hand size is an indicator physical development, and hidden ones speak of the child’s insecurity.
    • Hands raised up represent aggressive kids, and a wide swing indicates a readiness to act.
    • Long legs indicate the child's independence, and a wide stance indicates the baby's self-confidence.
    • Disproportional torso small size Children draw with a feeling of inferiority.
    • Demonstration and expression of aggression in the drawings of children over 4 years old is manifested through the depiction of the genitals.

    Figure sizes

    The more important a person or object is for a child, the larger he depicts it and vice versa. The picture depicts the most significant characters in the baby’s life.

    Often a manifestation of aggression or a defensive form of behavior is the image of large fists, drawn nails and teeth, the presence of a threatening pose and even weapons.

    Line outlines

    • Clear, bold and even lines, drawn confidently and without doubt, indicate that the child is self-confident and that he is happy.
    • A weak pressure speaks of the young “artist’s” indecision, his rapid fatigue, emotional sensitivity and unstable psyche.
    • Strong pressure and frequent breaking of the stylus are typical for aggressive children.
    • Different pressure levels while drawing indicate frequent mood changes.
    • A baby with a soft character uses curved and smooth lines, and if he has a strong-willed character, the drawing is dominated by angles and straight, clear lines.
    • A sign of impulsiveness is unfinished lines or a sweeping, careless style of writing.
    • Self-corrections, especially if they did not lead to an improvement in the image, indicate increased anxiety in the baby; this is also evidenced by the shading.

    Layout of the drawing on the sheet

    Self-doubt in children is manifested in the layout of the drawing. They place it compressed in some part of the sheet, and not over its entire area. There is frequent erasure of details, the child doubts about the correctness of the image, the border (line) of the ground or floor is drawn above the bottom border of the sheet.

    Drawing of your family

    • Children begin to draw a family with the most significant person for them, and the larger he is drawn, the more authoritative he is for the “artist”. It is better drawn and decorated.
    • If a child has poor contact with someone, then the child does not draw or depicts him schematically.
    • The child’s family is friendly if everyone holds hands, and, conversely, if everyone is busy with their own business.
    • If there are separating objects between people (for example, a tree), then the child feels that there is a problem in communication.
    • The image of the game indicates the presence of rivalry in the family. If someone is drawn with their hands raised up, it means aggression is coming from them, or they need help.
    • The presence of unreliable information in the picture (dead or non-existent people) indicates the child’s discomfort and his desire to change the situation.
    • If a young “artist” depicts himself larger than the adults, it means he feels unique and significant. But the absence of the child himself in the picture speaks about the feeling of being superfluous.

    How to decipher a child's drawing: 5 examples

    It should be remembered that the child transfers onto paper in the form of a drawing what he feels and experiences at the moment. To correctly assess the psycho-emotional state of the baby, several drawings made at different times are required.

    It may be that the child is generally positive, open and everything is fine with him, but at the time of drawing he was in a quarrel or was under the influence of a not very pleasant moment, it is natural that negativity will appear in the drawing, but this is only now. Or perhaps the child draws a “cry for help” every day, but the parents do not understand.

    Examples of decoding children's drawings

    Figure No. 1.

    What does picture #1 say?

    Somewhat chaotic, but at the same time bright and dynamic drawing. The child highlights his mother as the emotional center of the family, decorates her dress and places the sun (a symbol of warmth), himself and the dog nearby. The author portrays herself as an equal with adults, but at the same time, lacking the earth - most likely she is an impulsive, combative girl with a boyish character. The level of self-control is low, as evidenced by the sweeping style of writing with strong pressure.

    Figure No. 2.

    What does picture #2 say?

    The pattern is typical for children over 6 years old, therefore the child develops ahead of schedule. The family is depicted dynamically, brightly and at the same time restless. The color scheme suggests the gender identification of the “artist” with his father, but he is still closer to his mother. Judging by the picture, it can be assumed that the boy does not have enough space, he does not stand firmly on his feet. Wherein purple speaks of possible psycho-emotional instability and frequent mood swings. Large and angular figures indicate straightforwardness in communication and a tendency to conflict. Drawn pupils and the presence of shading indicate hidden anxiety.

    Figure No. 3.

    What does Figure 3 say?

    The overall composition indicates that everyone is happy and the child is growing up in a friendly atmosphere. The author has grouped all family members, children and cats to the right, and adults to the left of the tree, this speaks of a clear hierarchy, dad, mom and grandmother enjoy great authority, only the depicted late grandfather is alarming, and the presence of a tree between him and grandmother speaks of the division of their irresistible an obstacle.

    Figure No. 4.

    What does Figure 4 say?

    The girl depicted her prototype. You should pay attention to the large and bright drawing, however, located at the top of the sheet, this indicates positive self-esteem, activity and emotionality, a high level of self-control, sociability and developed intelligence against a background of uncertainty and lack of stability (small legs and a clear emphasis on the ground line). This situation is observed in families where they pay a lot of attention to the child, which deprives him of the opportunity to show independence.

    Figure No. 5.

    What does Figure 5 say?

    The image in the figure indicates a positive perception of the world. Mom and Dad are drawn together, although they are divorced. Dad carries flowers, which speaks of the boy’s hope that his parents will be together again. The depicted birds, as a symbol of hope, only confirm this assumption. The boy wants to be like his father, this is evidenced by the similar colors of the clothes of father and son.

    Allow your child to draw more often, because this way he can express his emotions, and you can get to know your baby better, the main thing is to correctly read the messages of the child’s subconscious. You can also understand your child with the help, which you can read about on our website.

    It's been a while since I wrote anything on the blog. And there are reasons for this, of course. Firstly, we began to be very active in our workshop: we make wooden toys, children's decor, sometimes furniture, and of course, we do all the organizational matters. It takes a lot of energy and almost all the inspiration. Secondly, our girls have grown up and don’t really fit into the format anymore theme weeks, because the most During the day they are in kindergarten, where they study, play and interact with children a lot. After gardening, you want to play with indoor toys, draw, take a walk, read fairy tales, watch movies with the whole family, or bake cookies. Thirdly, we are going to school soon, but not a regular one, but a small and private one, which we organize ourselves;) We open in a month. If you are interested, you can read about our school using the link (text in Ukrainian). And this school takes away the remaining inspiration and strength.

    So, lesson 1. Aerial perspective.

    If you are not an artist at all, don’t be scared :) In fact, all this is very simple, interesting and fascinating, but like everything in the world, it has its own terminology, but the terms almost always sound scary (at least for me).

    So what is “aerial perspective”?

    This is when you look into the distance and what is closer to the horizon seems lighter, and what is closer to you has more saturated colors.

    From the dictionary:

    Aerial perspective – Blurring or loss of clarity of distant objects caused by the atmosphere. The effect occurs due to the disappearance of color and brightness contrast between distant objects and the background.

    Here are examples of aerial perspective:

    To explain to a child what aerial perspective is, it is enough to show examples and draw his attention to those objects that are far away and those that are close - the difference is very noticeable.

    Now let's start drawing!

    We will need:

    • paint (gouache, acrylic, in principle, watercolor is also possible) three colors– white, yellow and blue,
    • brush,
    • our blank for drawing,
    • jar of water,
    • palette or white plate,
    • paper napkins to wipe something off or blot your brush if necessary.

    Drawing order:

    1. Mix on the palette white paint and blue to make a very light shade. This will be the color of the sky.
    2. We invite the child to color only the sky.
    3. Then you need to paint the clouds white and the sun yellow.
    4. Mix white and blue again (or add more blue paint to the previous batch) to get a light shade that is a little richer than the color of the sky.
    5. We color the row of mountains that are closest to the sky.
    6. We repeat the batches, adding more blue and coloring the next row of mountains.
    7. We paint the very front row - hills and trees - with pure blue or add very little to it white at your discretion.
    8. All! Drawing mountains using the principle aerial perspective ready!

    And here's how our mountains turned out:

    The first attempts to draw appear in early childhood when a child picks up a pencil. He doesn’t yet understand that this is a drawing, but he is interested in the process itself. As you grow older and become more aware of the world around you, there is a need for a more detailed display environment. One of the key figures is people. Even parents who do not have the skills can help their child transfer the desired image onto paper. artistic talents, simply by studying a technique such as step-by-step drawing for children 7-9 years old. Neglect such creative activities It’s not worth it with your child, because through the drawing the child shows his feelings, emotions, and attitude towards others.

    As already indicated above, one of the ways to depict a person is step-by-step drawing. For children 7-9 years old it is most accessible and easy enough to understand. At this age, there is a need not only for a schematic representation, but also for achieving similarity to the original. You can help your child by explaining the basic rules and clearly demonstrating the process of image transfer.

    Basic rules for drawing a person

    It is best to start drawing with a pencil. For children, this method is most acceptable, since it is possible to correct the error by erasing the incorrect lines with an eraser.

    Before starting work, it is necessary to explain the difference between an adult and a child. One of the main ones is height and proportions.

    Simple rules:

    • The measurement criterion is the head. From his own observations, a child at this age already knows that adults are taller, but the proportions are not disturbed. This is explained by the head to body ratio. In children, the head will be larger in relation to the body, respectively, in adults it will be smaller.
    • The length of the arms should not be greater than the length of the legs.
    • The elbow is at waist level, and the hand cannot be below the knee.
    • The palm is smaller than the foot.
    • Men have wider shoulders, women have wider hips.

    Stages of drawing a human figure

    Step by step drawing a person begins with determining the size and location on the sheet. Having marked the top point (top of the head) and the bottom (feet), draw an auxiliary line connecting them. Now it is necessary to note: If this is a child, it should not be less than a fifth of the entire line, if it is an adult, it should not exceed a sixth. The head is depicted as an oval. We divide the remaining part of the auxiliary vertical line with small lines into parts equal to the size of the head.

    Having decided on the head, we draw other parts of the body step by step with the children.

    Features of a baby's drawing

    Between the neck and the belt, 1 - 1.5 head sizes can be roughly accommodated (this is approximately the middle of the auxiliary line). The elbows will also be located at this level. Let's celebrate.

    The knees will be located at the level of the second line from the bottom (the first is the end point).

    The width of a child’s shoulders almost does not exceed the width of his head. Stepping back a little from it, draw a shoulder line (length no more than 1.5 times the size of the head).

    Draw lines from the shoulders to the belt line and the same size below - these will be the arms.

    Stepping back from the waist, roughly half the head, we draw the line of the pelvis.

    The lines of the legs are drawn from the pelvis line to the end.

    The baby's "frame" is ready.

    Now that you know where the different parts of the body should be located, you can start drawing. In this case, you need to take into account the muscles of the arms and legs, the chest, and when drawing panties - the distance between the line of the pelvis and the end of the torso. To make it easier to determine the width of the chest, you can draw an oval from the head to the pelvic line, tapering slightly towards the bottom.

    Having given volume to the frame, we draw clothes. It can be tight or loose, it doesn't matter anymore.

    When working, it is important to take into account step-by-step drawing. For children 7-9 years old, it is quite possible to understand the need for sequence of images.

    Drawing adults

    Drawing an adult is carried out according to the same principle.

    After dividing the central line into parts equal to the size of the head (there should be 7-8 parts, depending on the height of the person being depicted), the belt line is marked. It is located, conditionally, at the third mark from the head (or the fourth from the top point, the crown). Like the baby, the elbows will be on the same line.

    The location of the knees is at the level of the 6th line (if the person is tall) or between the 5th and 6th (if the person is of average height).

    Thus, in an adult, unlike a baby, the part of the body from the waist to the feet is longer.

    Shoulder width on average accommodates two heads. For men they will be a little wider, for women they will be narrower.

    The designation of arms and legs follows the same pattern as for a baby. We also add volume and draw clothes.

    Step-by-step pencil drawing as the basis for a future composition

    Schematic step-by-step drawing with a simple pencil enables the child to most believably depict what he wants. Using the initial frame (schematic representation in the form of lines and dashes), the figure can be given any position. Thus, in the picture the person can move, sit, etc. This will help you build the right composition and get a complete drawing.

    Step-by-step drawing for children 7-9 years old makes it possible correct formation the child’s ideas about the structure of the human figure. At this age, children are able not only to master this technique, but also to further improve their skills.