The teacher is the new hero. Literary thief Viktor Vlasov A. Tikhonov: Doesn’t the work of a teacher interfere with creativity


ATTENTION! All numerous publications on the Internet of my article “WRITER-TORMON” (or parts thereof), except this one, in the magazine “LITERARY MERIDIAN” No. 1(51), 2012, p. 22: /filedata/files/768.pdf are PIRATE. And all of them were initiated by the “hero” of the mentioned article - VIKTOR VLASOV (Omsk), who not only did not live up to the advances once given to him as a writer, but turned out to be a scoundrel, a slanderer, a gossip and a near-literary thief. Publications (and there are already DOZENS of them), including widely known and seemingly reputable ones, that have published the text “WRITER-TORMONDS” on their pages, grossly violate Russian and international copyright laws. However, it is practically useless to fight the arrogant and insane kleptomaniac V. VLASOV by contacting the owners and/or administrators of sites that publish someone else’s work, which they received from a swindler against the will of the author: for every publication closed at my request, VOR VIKTOR VLASOV immediately organizes two new ones , sometimes to cover my tracks, leaving the text without a title and even without my last name. If editors and/or owners of online literary and other publications collaborating with V. Vlasov come across this message, I strongly recommend that they think about it: who, ladies and gentlemen, are you dealing with? and do you need to spoil your reputation like that?.. I also inform you that any ranting on the Internet on the topic “member of the Union Russian writers, critic Viktor Bogdanov appreciates/supports Viktor Vlasov” - a LIE spread by Vlasov himself and his accomplices.

P.S. It is noteworthy that this, in essence, a criminal (slanderer and thief) has been working in one of the secondary schools city ​​of Omsk TEACHER.

Viktor Bogdanov, member of the Union of Russian Writers (membership card No. 00011), 02/06/2016.


Good afternoon, Victor!!!
This guy has a whole channel there, he records his meetings with readers. Well, it’s impossible to listen for a long time, of course, it’s called bullshit.
But they are more concerned about something else, they are today, like toadstools after the rain, they are only interested in meeting with readers exclusively, Mr. Tikhonov V.V. performs every week, poems of such a level that they just give you goosebumps. I'm talking about this

And if when I worked at school, children believed that poets were those who had died long ago, now, unfortunately, they see and hear them. And Vlasov is also a teacher, i.e. there is more trust in him than in a watchman, say, or a shepherd... And this is our modern literature.
As I. Tsarev said, “I go to the performance even when I’m sick, so that there won’t be too many of them, so that they won’t win.” But it’s not very clear what to do with them, of course, in my class I wouldn’t let all the Vlasovs see the children, but now they have red SP mandates in their pockets, and it’s not so easy to leave them behind the door to teachers who don’t know..

“But I’m more worried about something else, today they’re all gone like toadstools after the rain..”
“But what to do with them is not very clear, of course...”

Don't do anything, Love. They will go away quickly on their own. Then new ones will grow and they will also pass. Don't notice. The mushroom picker does not focus his attention on toadstools for a long time.

The daily audience of the portal is about 100 thousand visitors, who total amount view more than half a million pages according to the traffic counter, which is located to the right of this text. Each column contains two numbers: the number of views and the number of visitors.

Later one of my friends said:

Some kind of strange

Surprised that during the event Victor seemed to be chronicling.

Now I understand that this is exactly how he lives - non-stop, so as not to miss out on important things, to get the most out of life, to tell people about what worries him. Always in the thick of things.

I do not agree with all of Victor’s judgments, which you will read below. This is understandable; he and I are quite different people in our views and perception of the world. However, what makes Victor interesting is that against the background infinite number lazy, pliable as plasticine authors stand out for their irrepressible creative energy and desire to become an “accomplice” in the destinies of those about whom they write prose and journalistic articles. You don't have to agree with him. You can laugh, they say, “he’s strange.” But has something like this ever stopped a determined person?

Last year, controversy flared up around the restoration of Spassky cathedral in the city of Tara. Local historians tried to reach people, report the violations identified, but the media did not make contact, because restoration is a party project. Almost all of the Omsk “sharks of the pen,” most of whom had previously beaten themselves in the chest with their fists, saying, “We are for truth, we are for culture,” have quietly “blown away.” Victor, who collaborates with the federal magazine “Our Youth,” responded immediately. While the “smart guys” were turning over information in their minds, calculating whether such a publication would get them in trouble, Vlasov offered to help. Our conversation with him on this burning topic was published in the magazine “Our Youth”.

Today's conversation is a response one. I wanted Victor to answer various, sometimes poignant questions for vanity, and help us understand who “V. Vlasov" in real life and in books.


A. Tikhonov: When I come to small, neat villages or dying villages where our fellow countrymen-writers once lived, no questions arise about where they got their creative strength from. Nature, Fresh air, stunning scenery. From birth, a rural resident sees the world brighter, sharper, more colorful. But you are a native Omsk, a child of a bustling metropolis. Where does your passion for creativity come from?

V. Vlasov: Urban authors also reach for the pen, they simply write about something else and in a different way. I started writing in high school. I see that I’m pretty good at coming up with stories about my classmates and teachers. I’ll listen to a friend or teacher, develop a story or sketch from life with my imagination, and quickly write it down by hand. In the end - it turns out short story, in it there is a plot, a form, artistic media. As soon as I hear something interesting, I can’t remain silent - I write it down. Many people liked it then, this moment I try not to get out of rhythm. Now I am constantly looking for events and people who will inspire and “lie” on the lines. Even watching a movie, cartoon or reading a book influences creativity. My first major work is a work about medieval Japan “Red Lotus”, a story about the love of ninjas and the war of clans.

A. Tikhonov: Writing a work of art and history seems to me an impossible task. After all, you need to have encyclopedic knowledge about the era and customs of people. When I imagine how much work is hidden behind the prose of Clavell, Ian, or the same Yuzefovich, it’s breathtaking. How did you prepare to write your book?

V. Vlasov: I've watched enough anime, read manga and studied more serious things, like the classics oriental literature. I talked to experienced Japanese experts. Being impressed, you can write a great piece. How did Boris Akunin write his novels after traveling around the world?..

The quality of a creative product depends on many things - on the emotional mood, mainly on the important decision - to convey your idea. It’s not so much the finished plot in your head, but the charge that is very important, thanks to it the syllable will flow and line up the right lines plot. Bernard Shaw said that before writing any work, he only had the first lines in his head. I agree with him.

V. Vlasov: I am convinced that a person who labors out every line will not become a writer... Either you work quickly and efficiently, or you remain silent. A bad author is one who takes a long, long time to set up. One of my friends walks back and forth around the room before writing, maybe goes outside and talks to someone, and then gets to work. The author, I mean a real “shark of the pen”, should turn on like a robot with a click. What a success!

A. Tikhonov: Doesn’t the work of a teacher interfere with creativity?

V. Vlasov: On the contrary, there are so many emotions from communicating with children and parents. Especially when you help conduct the Unified State Exam or State Examination! And also - you guard the school, two nights in two... so much free time. It's only my first shift, the classes are different. That is, there is a lot of time in the afternoon. Prepared your plans for the next day, “did your homework” and you can write if your spouse doesn’t force you to bother around the house. It’s difficult to create when a child is distracted and tugs endlessly. When your wife forces you to go shopping.

A. Tikhonov: What kind of work, in your opinion, interferes with creativity?

V. Vlasov: For example, the work of a factory worker. During my school holidays, I tried to work at one of the large enterprises - I lasted about nine days. This kind of work is terribly exhausting, but at least, me. I don’t know how, while working at the factory, Yuri Petrovich Viskin published a book of stories. A monument should be erected to him. This is how he beautifully described the work of a factory worker. I decided it would be better to work elsewhere. For example, on the journalism front. Many people need custom materials. I am a special correspondent for the Moscow federal glossy magazine “Our Youth”. The editor of the magazine, Pyotr Aleshkin, plans to publish a book of articles for me this year. He values ​​the publicist in me more than the author of fiction. It is not for nothing that I am twice a laureate of the magazine “Our Youth” - for articles about innovative developments, as well as about the school.

A. Tikhonov: Is writing “custom” material, journalism, something other than creativity? I have read many of your articles and each one tells the story of a person. Are you passing everything through yourself?

V. Vlasov: I write journalism regularly - the demand is constant. Athletes, scientists, cultural figures, etc. apply. These are frankly commercial things. Without this there is no way - creativity must feed. For example, I will soon publish an article about a new gym in Omsk. The coach there is not just a pumped-up athlete, but a rehabilitation specialist. It seems to be a “order”, but, I want to believe, it is important and necessary for someone. I also do a lot of volunteer work. This is also good, although many journalists do not like me for this. I'm probably taking away the bread.

A. Tikhonov: A fiction? How are things going with her?

V. Vlasov: I write prose according to my mood. There must be a mood for long-term creativity. You grab an idea and immediately implement it, not a day without a line, otherwise you adjust the style and rebuild as if from scratch. This is a problem for many, even mature writers. It’s one thing to look at a lantern and start a story, and another thing to travel across America and take up a novel, having first made journalistic notes. In any case, your heroes are guided by your own personal experience. Here, whatever one may say, even if there are a lot of spans in the forehead, you will still charge images and actions with already experienced emotions, prepared seasoning. Having worked in the USA, cleaning swimming pools and serving black brothers, I first wrote a book of travel notes, “Beyond the Sky” - it is on the Internet. And then he decided on a big story - “White and Black Rose” on a very controversial topic.

A. Tikhonov: I noticed long ago that everyone writing person there is a certain set of attributes creative process. Some people don’t sit down to write without a cup of tea, others gnaw nuts like that squirrel. No nuts - no mood. Appeared - it's time to write. What helps you in your creativity?

V. Vlasov: Silence. This is the main thing to collect your thoughts and write.

A. Tikhonov: You have two literary awards under your belt, one of which is the regional prize named after. F.M. Dostoevsky. How do you yourself feel about winning competitions and various literary awards? Is this an advance for the author to write better?

V. Vlasov: If in modern society If you don’t have titles or prizes, the people will accept them selectively. I am the youth laureate literary prize them. F.M. Dostoevsky for the story “The Red Lotus”. Imagine: an award named after a classic writer in the genre of realism - for alternative history... for fantasy! Then the famous Omsk ninja Boris Shturov, who traveled to the Donbass with his ninjutsu club “Shoji”, presented me with the literary award “Ninja” for the novel “The Last Dawn” - no one in Omsk or in Russia has this award. You are a writer, which means you should have awards. Talent used to be valued, but now, excuse me, you can’t live without regalia. (Laughs)

A. Tikhonov: Are you being ironic?

V. Vlasov: Partly.

A. Tikhonov: I noticed that you are moving to writing realistic prose of an Orthodox orientation. Who helps you get inspired?

V. Vlasov: I am new to Orthodoxy. With the blessing of Metropolitan Vladimir of Omsk and Tauride, I am writing about the priests and specialists of my native Diocese. And prose comes to mind, of course, by itself. When you talk in church with Archpriest Dimitry Olikhov or Archpriest Oleg Tsvetkov, you get such a powerful charge that you can write almost anything. This the smartest people. This is who you need to communicate with more often. With experience.

A. Tikhonov: And now briefly: your definition of who a writer is. This?..

V. Vlasov: Being a writer means a lot of work on yourself and on your work too. For some, creativity is a second life. However, it is difficult to call a job a job that is not yet capable of supporting you and causes irritation among family members. They say, a person writes and writes, puffs and puffs, worries, but the sense cannot be measured in monetary terms. If we abstract from the monetary unit and talk about pure creativity, it brings inspiration to the author and pleasure to the reader.

In accordance with our editorial policy, we always provide the opportunity to speak to all parties to the conflict, regardless of personal likes and dislikes. Word from Viktor Vlasov:

— First, a little about myself, for those who don’t know me. I work at a school as an English teacher - in the morning, I only have my first shift. In the afternoon, I am a special correspondent for the Moscow glossy magazine “Our Youth”, which receives grants from the President of the Russian Federation. I write materials to order and for the soul. Since I work at a school, I create a lot about teachers, scientists, specialists of the Diocese, since they do a lot for Russian education, carrying out many useful activities. The owner of the publication “NM” and at the same time the editor Pyotr Fedorovich Aleshkin needs a columnist in Siberia - that’s me, Omsk. The portal and gloss publish mainly materials related to youth and innovative developments, although they are also interested in the entire breadth of the world, as they say. Aleshkin himself is a doctor historical sciences and a writer, so he understands journalism. I am a twice laureate of this publication. This year, on the basis of the editorial office of the magazine “Our Youth”, I will publish a book of articles about contemporary educational and cultural figures.

About writing. I am the author of several books of prose and many publications in Russian and foreign periodicals. Member of the 21st Century Writers Union (Moscow). Laureate of the Youth Literary Prize named after. F.M. Dostoevsky: Alexander Leifer presented me with the Russian classic prize for his work about medieval Japan, “The Red Lotus.” Then I was awarded the Tamba Momochi Ninja Literary Prize for the background to the Red Lotus - for the novel Last Dawn. The jury was formed from Omsk representatives of the Shoji ninjutsu club, headed by Boris Shturov, journalists and members of the Russian Writers' Union.

I have a blog on the website of Alexander Prokhanov’s newspaper “Zavtra”, I also publish on the website of the Omsk Diocese, I do interviews with clergy and specialists from various departments of the Diocese - with the blessing of Metropolitan Vladimir of Omsk and Tauride.

Prose is my hobby, I work as a journalist on the side, but the basis is still school. How did I manage to quarrel with journalist Natalya Yakovleva? It was like this: I didn’t exactly follow her work closely, but I was interested in the publications in the Teacher’s Newspaper in general. Any publication by Natalya Yakovleva related to education is necessarily poignant and scandalous. The newspaper seems to be happy about this - it catches the “hype”, like blogger Ruslan Sokolovsky - Pokemon... I am a hereditary teacher, my mother and grandmother are teachers. I decided to stand up for my native education and specifically for those people whom the journalist, in my opinion, “attacked” unfairly. I remembered her long-ago publication in the Teacher’s Newspaper - an open letter from her daughter to the President of the Russian Federation. She herself suggested discussing the situation with Angelina publicly. Have you seen the comments there? Why don't I leave my opinion and then move on to her more recent stuff regarding education? I think, as a teacher, I shouldn’t have gone into details, reasoning, and especially fantasizing, after all, it had nothing to do with the child. I am aware of this. Later, I apologized on my page on FB and on the page of Natalya Yakovleva, which she later deleted and said, they say, it’s not accepted, we’ll fight...

But nevertheless, I want to publicly apologize to Natalya Yakovleva and her daughter.

Victor Vlasov

If the reader goes online, and literature becomes a matter of taste, then how can a modern writer find his place in the sun? It’s quite simple - to reach a circle of people who prefer paper books and magazines. It’s great if a competent organizer and volunteer helps. Good people there are quite a few in every city – you just have to start going out and communicating with people.

Sitting on the Internet, disappearing into reading news and notes, constantly commenting on someone’s events, we often forget that people are lovely creatures in the flesh, and communication with them is live; no technology can replace it. I remember the films: “I Am Legend”, “The Six-String Samurai”, “The Book of Eli” or “The Day of the Triffids” - where people on Earth are gradually disappearing. Are we spending too much time online?

When I go up to the small room of the Institute of Engineering and Economic Education, I am not afraid that there are few people at the event. Researcher and volunteer Anna Viktorovna Sedanova brings together lovers of live communication and books with real covers. On the Internet this wonderful person comes in to buy rare books from second-hand booksellers and then donate them. It’s not often that you meet a scientist and chemist who understands literature and books – Anna Viktorovna is just like that.

While hosting the event, Anna prepares handouts and brings tasty treats for tea. Sheets of A-4 format, with quotes or others interesting facts, always with her and waiting in the wings - personally, it’s a wonder for me that I can immediately get acquainted with the author’s work, without even opening his book. Yesterday we talked about the prose of Erich Maria Remarque, and a couple of weeks later - about native poets born in April. However – where modern writer, published in magazines and newspapers, published in large quantities in the capital?

Apart from Zakhar Prilepin, Dmitry Bykov and Viktor Pelevin as writers, who can also be considered a gifted author? Yes, even if I, the writer and journalist Viktor Vlasov, the poet Andrei Panfilov or Katerina Kareva, it turns out, my former student from the secondary school No. 77, she also writes poetry and short stories. Who introduces us to each other - Anna Sedanova!

In order for the reader to know about you, you need to appear to him, oddly enough. Step forward and boldly say:

– I publish on the website of the youth glossy magazine “Our Youth” - I do journalism there, although I also have prose!

– And I published a book – 40 copies! – shares interesting poet Andrey Panfilov, who wrote the “Mu-Mu” trilogy. The dog remains alive there and is in a prosperous family. The guy is not a member of any writers’ union, but he captivates listeners so much that they applaud and are ready to invite him to their events too.

– I’ll read the poems to you, I’ll just download them now, they’re on my mobile! - suggests Katerina Kareva, a ninth-grader and my former student.

Neither the chairman of the Union of Russian Writers Alexander Leifer, nor the famous poetess Tatyana Chetverikova, nor the great Russian poet Yuri Perminov is in the room. There is no famous publicist Nikolai Berezovsky, no journalist Evgenia Lifantieva, a science fiction writer and correspondent for the communist newspaper “Red Path”. There are no newspaper editors I know: Marat Isangazin, Adam Pogarsky and Andrei Motovilov.

Literature and writing, quick communication and a positive attitude - in a small room where there is a package of marshmallows and a box of cookies on the windowsill, where a can of coffee has been started for a long time and tea bags are scattered. No pathos - just a view from the window of the main Omsk road - the street in honor of Karl Marx.

So, here they are, writers - at the table and smiling. Here are wonderful readers - in bright sundresses, who chose poems by Bella Akhmadulina and Nikolai Gumilyov. Healthily and sensually, Lyudmila Rassudova reads “Captains” by Nikolai Gumilyov. Natalya Nesterova and Anastasia Skvortsova choose Bella Akhmadulina - they read “Your House” and “The Boy from Perm”. The girls here are from the school of mastery oratory Renaissance Plus. One of the institute’s leaders, Natalya Sedanova, gives a friendly assessment of the performances. At a meeting of writers and readers, she is with her son Boris. Nearby is the volunteer organizer - kind Anya. She arrives before everyone else and leaves later.

If secular literature, including writers, are so difficult to access, what can we say about literary works of Orthodox Christian orientation? Is it really possible to gain much only in a narrow circle where initiates are admitted?

An interested person always has the opportunity to find his own. Contact us and get an answer immediately. Several years ago I heard that religious people write and publish, but I did not think about it seriously. And many of them are successful and talented authors - not all of them are clergy, of course. I know that Archpriest Andrei Tkachev, Deacon Andrei Kuraev and Archimandrite Tikhon are very original authors, capable of holding the reader’s attention and making them think, like a domestic class or even stronger. I read the books of Metropolitan Vladimir of Omsk and Tauride - this man talks and explains a lot, he has enormous life experience, like a pilgrim. He will competently compare and lead, instruct and help. Bless and encourage. People called to heal the soul cannot do otherwise.

The problem of lack of time. Perhaps we used to read more and more often, devouring one novel after another, taking useful information? The Internet has made it easier to find the necessary information and has also made it worse - you get lost if you are distracted. It’s good that events are organized where you can see and talk with the person who created a valuable work - in any field. Specialists and volunteers work. Wise and usually attentive people help. I can name a lot of them, but it’s better to visit and talk, exchanging sore points. Welcome.

School exams: how scary it is

Is it strange that a person does not use the body’s mental resource to its full potential? That is, laziness overcomes a person’s desire and capabilities. As a result, personality degradation occurs. How to check how capable a student or a full-fledged worker you are and understand whether you are ready to have your intelligence assessed from the outside? You need to at least pass a serious exam, which is written at the end of the ninth and eleventh grades.

03.06.2019 16:00

Thirst for knowledge

How teacher training courses are conducted in Omsk

The pleasure of knowing the truth is like saturating the body after fasting; it brings joy to life, replenishes energy and returns the desire to communicate. The same type of work cannot boast of usefulness, even if you often communicate and exchange experiences as a team. At a minimum, it is necessary to regularly change the type of activity and environment. If I am a school teacher and I need a “release” in the form of a change of scenery, where should I go? For advanced training courses at the educational institution of further professional education "IROOO". The administration of the Omsk BOU “Secondary School No. 99 with in-depth study of individual subjects” sent me there. For which I am grateful to her.

08.01.2019 16:00

The problem is finding something to do

Gossip place - gym

Until I got married, of course, I thought that finding a soul mate would be difficult. He suffered and got angry, discussed random passers-by and thought about those with whom it didn’t work out. Time has passed and the worldview has changed - by the age of thirty. But from the TV screen, a model of the behavior of a Western person is “established”, carefree, glamorous and rich by default. I mean not only the heroes of the popular American TV series "Californication", where famous actor David Duchovny plays dissolute writer Hank Moody. Issues of American life, faith and philosophy are touched upon.

23.12.2018 16:00

We fall to rise

Who are your school friends now?

Do you remember who your acquaintances and friends were? What did they look like and what did they talk about as disorganized teenagers? What did you dream about and how did you imagine your future? I remember. In some ways, my friendly and past surroundings are similar to the main characters from Victor Marie Hugo’s novel “Les Miserables”, reminiscent of the rebellious heroes of the stories of Ivan Bunin and his namesake Shmelev. Who my comrades were then - for themselves and for the judgment of others, and who they are now - after thirty years. Who came to Orthodox church, and who is even thinking about it. Who is alive and who is not.

11.12.2018 16:00

Black and white world

ABOUT music group from Omsk " Chain reaction 55"

It’s impossible to be at peace next to them. Current passes through the body. They, like Chuck and Palahniuk, Burgess and A Clockwork Orange, Faith and Orthodoxy, Japan and anime, elements and thoughts, are inextricably linked. You react with these performers instantly - with your hands and feet, to the rhythm of the guitar, bass and drums. The reaction occurs in region 55 and is not called a chain reaction for nothing - because when playing, these guys seem to break loose! It's hard to hold on to them - you get a crazy dose of adrenaline. The world acquires color by “eating” monochrome and gaining meaning.

27.11.2018 16:00

IN Lately Christianity is being discredited more and more often, and I’m not talking about its specific “branch”. This occurs within the framework of cultural progress created by England, America and Japan. Being a Russian and an Orthodox person, I am not a fan of films offered by famous studios from the listed foreign countries, but the producers there work hard and effectively influence perception modern youth. Here is a question for the mass consumer, who thinks little about products of an Orthodox and spiritual-moral orientation.

24.07.2018 16:00

Everyone has their own America

About student life in the USA

I don’t want to praise the USA and scold it either. A trip to another country for a specific purpose is the choice of a purposeful and prudent person. It is unlikely that you should go abroad without any reason. Of course, if finances and mood allow it, why not. Personally, I went to the USA after my third year at the institute - to work and find out what my English language. I have gained knowledge and skills, now they need to be reinforced with practice. Studied at the Omsk branch of the Moscow Institute Foreign Languages. By the way, the branch was closed due to problems with the license.

16.07.2018 19:00

Russia doesn’t need someone else’s faith

About Catholicism and Orthodoxy

I’m helping the school caretaker, Alexander Afanasyevich, take out the accumulated waste paper from the workshop and accidentally notice a book that is remarkable to me, I look at it quickly - there’s a lot of work, really. The weighty work was published in Moscow in 1981 by the Politizdat publishing house. "Papacy. Century XX". Written by a certain I.R. Grigulevich. I look: a thick book rests on a shabby iron table - away from a huge yellowed mass of newspapers, crumpled cardboard boxes, piles of magazines, different books and piles of A-4 sheets stained with paint. Well, how can you not be curious?

18.06.2018 16:00

The Lord gave us a talent: taking an oath to defend the Motherland

A book about life, death and military duty

Several years ago, reserve major Viktor Nikolaevich Nikolaev, awarded the Order of the Red Star, member of the Union of Writers of Russia, author of the book “Alive in Help” (notes of an “Afghan”) and many others, laureate of the Patriarchal Literary Prize, visited the Omsk “Secondary School No. 83” several years ago. named after Saints Equal-to-the-Apostles Cyril and Methodius for 2012.

16.06.2018 16:00

As soon as I finish my two-week advanced training courses at the IROOO, I immediately write about it - I am overwhelmed with emotions. You know, dear readers and experts, teachers need to be trained and spend a lot of time on this. Why? Working with children and constantly practicing in the subject, teachers forget theory and think that their methodology, developed over the years, is the most effective. Meanwhile, the standard of education and the program are changing, new requirements appear and methodological literature, textbooks are published and the teacher’s knowledge, as usual, becomes outdated.

01.05.2018 16:00

Who do we trust with our children?

How lazy it is to go to church, much less prepare for communion, who would know. Of course, people know firsthand - they are well-read and educated. You find many reasons not to get out of bed and stay in horizontal position as long as possible. Is lazy bliss and sweet ignorance what's great about modern society? If I am weak-willed, then my wife needs to be stronger and stricter towards herself and the child.

13.02.2017 16:00

Does the country need academics?

Interview with the rector of an autonomous non-profit professional educational organization"Multidisciplinary Academy of Continuing Education"

When the word “academician” is uttered, one immediately imagines an old man with gray hair, certainly a doctor of science, who knows about his scientific industry Almost all. However, a modern academician may not have gray hair, as well as deep wrinkles and a creaky old voice.

03.02.2017 16:00

Over the suffering land

“I was blessed by Metropolitan Vladimir of Omsk and Tauride”

“In what city is Jesus Christ born? Why do people suddenly speak several languages ​​and cannot understand each other? What are myrrh and fragrant frankincense? Go outside and ask what gifts the Magi brought and to whom. I think not everyone will answer. The time is now, nanotechnological and “entangled” by the Internet. It’s fashionable to know “Internet trolls”, “pranks”, “dudos” and “likes”, and bible stories- alas."

25.01.2017 18:30

Who educates the youth?

Interesting thoughts about upbringing, education, computer games, bloggers and media

After all, the truth is: who is engaged in educating young people and where does it begin? It’s surprising that the question bothers me when thirty years are already upon us. I study at school, at university, and I don’t think much about who or what has a fruitful effect on a person’s “hot age.” I don’t care about the development of my neighbor, I watch anime, Hollywood news, read a variety of literature, I dream of going to America. There is a kind of egoist inside me, who is like a “Second Self”, takes root in my soul and just doesn’t come out.

21.01.2017 20:00

Salt of the earth

Neither a teacher, nor even a clergyman should bend under the onslaught of passions and difficulties. I write a lot about educators and Orthodox priests– they inspire me equally. So much perseverance and courage, patience and will. They are like soldiers, like guardians of morality, eternal scientists and healers of the soul. They are the Salt of the Earth.

12.01.2017 20:16

Bodybuilding or death?

“And the new shelter was filled with life. Educated people again, bringing them closer together"

For several years I sat at the table, played on the computer and ran along the street. I turned seventeen and I still didn’t do anything useful. He spent time on the game console or on the Internet, and at night he slept poorly and had nightmares. Flat chest, narrow back, weak arms, thin legs - this was my physical appearance. They probably forgot about the flighty head, but it didn’t count.

12.12.2016 16:00

School is an unattainable height for many

“It’s better to borrow information from video games than to go outside and head towards another pub.”

Many specialists graduate from the Pedagogical University and go to trade in boutiques and pubs. Anywhere, but not to school - not to a noisy group with unpredictable children and parents. The teacher is always on a razor's edge; any child can ask and say it straight to the point. Have you seen the domestic film “The Geographer Drank His Globe Away” or “The Teacher”, which was awarded the Audience Award? Children bully teachers, feeling impunity.

03.12.2016 16:00

Working for Vinprom will relieve Internet addiction

“All our products are manufactured in Siberia, at a single plant - Omskvinprom, which allows us to maintain the highest level of quality control, which...” - on the Internet you can find a lot of information that this is a wonderful enterprise and professionals work there. But how does this powerful object relieve such a popular disease - Internet addiction? What gets rid of it is work that is not hard, but sometimes monotonous and takes many hours. Talking during it will only tear your ligaments. It’s easier to wait until the lunch break and chat with interesting and new people in the cafeteria or on the street than to shout over the sounds of a rushing electric car or a tirelessly moving conveyor belt. There is the clink of bottles, the noise of machines or the hiss of pneumatic systems. You enter the workshop and imagine yourself as a Terminator, remember, at the end of the first part, Kyle Reece turns on the machines to distract the robot...

Raising my head, I watch with curiosity the people in camouflage uniforms hanging on thick ropes. Working in the air, they are not afraid of falling from a height. Being carried away by work, repairing walls or roofs, they seem to not notice anyone. They quietly conquer the heights and sit for days on end on a small board reinforced with ropes, foaming and covering up cracks in huge concrete or brick walls. How do these high-altitude repairmen work, sometimes rappelling from the sixteenth floor? Why aren’t they afraid to fall and what are they thinking about? Who are these people? Mighty “yetis” that climb on the roofs of houses, as if on snowy mountains and fix them? Perhaps they are seasoned parkour lovers and heights are a piece of cake for them? Let's find out!