Vocal lessons at home. How to learn to sing beautifully: basic rules of vocals

It is important to understand that the person who has some natural abilities will learn to sing faster. However, this does not mean that you should not learn this craft, you will just have to put in more effort. Do not pay attention to friends who claim that you have neither hearing nor voice. Move towards your goal, show perseverance and strive for more, and we will help you with this. Shall we get started?

Stage No. 1. Singing in unison

Exercise 1. Among professional vocalists and singing teachers, this technique is called “finger to the sky.” The peculiar name comes from the specifics of the exercise, now you will understand what we are talking about. Select one or more appliances that make constant noise. This could be a refrigerator, a computer processor, or a washing machine. Try to be in unison with the device in terms of tone and volume, pronounce the corresponding sounds “y-y-y-y”, “u-u-u-u”, “uh-uh”. Don't mistakenly believe that you will succeed the first time. It will take a month of daily training lasting at least 20 minutes.

Exercise 2. The method is identical to the previous one with only one distinctive feature- when you learn to perform the first exercise with imitation of monotonous sounds, move on to playing with your voice. Listen to the slightest changes in noise that those same devices make (squeaking or creaking of the machine, slow or accelerated operation of the processor, turbine noise, etc.). As in the first exercise, you need to achieve a resonant sound with the slightest natural deviation.

Stage No. 2. Articulation development

The articular apparatus is responsible for the correct pronunciation of sounds, their tonality and length. Not everyone has the skills to speak like this; many have to learn it. Let's look at the basic techniques.

Exercise 1. To strengthen your neck muscles, sit up straight and clasp your hands behind your back. Now, alternately inhale into your right cheek, wait about 10 seconds, then “roll” balloon» behind the left cheek, again stay in this position for 10 seconds. Now take in more oxygen, hold your breath, tense and relax your neck as much as possible. Don't exhale until you can't stand it anymore. Repeat the complex 5 times.

Exercise 2. In order to learn how to use your voice correctly, and as a result, learn to sing well, it is necessary to strengthen the ligaments, as well as the joints of the jaw. Open your mouth wide, loudly pronounce the consonants alternately “a-a-a”, “o-o-o”, “oo-oo-oo”, tense your jaw, hold in this position for at least 30 seconds, constantly humming. Do the exercise 5 times.

Exercise 3. The next important part responsible for the correct pronunciation of sounds is the tongue. There is only one way to improve his performance - tongue twisters. Moreover, it is necessary to pronounce them quickly; per day you must perfect at least 2-3 tongue twisters of medium duration. Record your time and try to beat your previous record. When you master most tongue twisters found on the Internet, complicate the task by placing a few nuts under your cheeks.

Stage No. 3. Lung training

Breathing training is an equally important step that must be completed without question.

Exercise 1. Light a tall candle and place it on the table, sit at a distance of 30-40 cm. Draw more air into your chest, hold your breath for 30 seconds, then slowly begin to exhale. The whole point of the exercise is to prevent the fire from going out under the air flow. The flame should not fluctuate sharply; try to exhale slowly and smoothly. Repeat steps 10-15 times.

Exercise 2. After normalization of breathing, perform the following complex called “steel flesh”. Lie down on a hard surface, preferably the floor or sofa, and place a stack of books or a five-liter bottle on your diaphragm. Turn on relaxing music, breathe calmly without sudden changes and vibrations of lying objects. The duration of the exercise varies between 25-40 minutes, based on the amount of free time.

  1. The first and most important point is considered to be correct technique breathing. When pronouncing loud sounds and long songs, the jaw should move freely but correctly different sides. A simple complex will help you get used to this: pretend to yawn, pause at the end point and move your movable jaw left and right for 2 minutes.
  2. There are a lot of differences between female and male singers. IN ordinary life men breathe from the chest, while women use the diaphragm. In order to learn to sing beautifully, representatives of the strong half need to improve the functioning of the diaphragm. This is not difficult to achieve; it is enough to inflate your stomach during inhalation, and deflate it during the exit period. It is important to monitor the movements of the chest; only minor fluctuations are allowed.
  3. Beginning vocalists use earplugs, which help control the timbre of the voice and the overall background. However, it will be difficult to sort out the shortcomings the first time, so use more effective methods. Open a program on your smartphone that records a song and displays strange voice jumps on the screen. After finishing your workout, turn on the recording, study the scale and analyze where you sang too loudly or, on the contrary, quietly.
  4. To learn to sing at home, you need not only to train your breathing, articular apparatus and correct pronunciation of vowels. The process requires attention to detail, in particular consonant sounds. Buy a mini synthesizer or piano, press the keys one by one, selecting the corresponding consonant for them. Warm up your chords and control the tonality, getting into rhythm with the accompaniment.
  5. After going through all the stages, it's time to sing your favorite song. Choose the one musical composition, the words of which you know by heart and can reproduce without any difficulty. It is worth explaining that it is necessary to sing with an idol of the same sex. First, turn on “light” vocals without sharp puffs, any beginner performer will do, try to hit the notes. Once you realize that you are doing much better, use a voice recorder. Put on your headphones, play a song, and get ready to record. The song will play in your headphones, sing along with your favorite artist, then listen to the recording. For better effect put music on your singing and evaluate the result. If you are satisfied with your own achievements, go practice karaoke.
  6. Not a single song is complete without an emotional component. If you start performing a song without enthusiasm in bad mood, nothing good will come of this. When you pronounce the first words, immediately enter the role to give the work sincerity and sensuality. You will notice that your voice sounds different and sounds are heard more clearly.
  1. Fall in love with singing, improve in this area, watch video lessons. Choose easy and memorable compositions that you can repeat at any time.
  2. People with singing talent do not need to stop there. Those who make every effort should gain faith in themselves and be patient, not everything works out the first time.
  3. Stop smoking; tobacco makes your voice hoarse. Take care of your health, do not overuse ice cream and cold drinks, and wear a woolen scarf in winter.
  4. Sing always and everywhere: while showering, cooking, cleaning, driving. Keep your vocal cords toned by chanting regularly.
  5. Start running or jumping rope to keep your lungs in optimal condition. In addition, sport improves heart function and circulatory system generally.

Develop your abilities, improve your respiratory system, do exercises regularly, and monitor your tone. Don't worry about the opinions of others who think you sing poorly. Choose your favorite song and reinterpret it in your own way through constant practice.

Video: how to learn to sing

The human voice is a unique musical instrument given to us by nature itself. It has many advantages compared to musical instruments created by human hands. Namely, he is always with us, at any time and in any place, and he also has the ability, in addition to music, to reproduce words. Agree, listening to a song is usually more interesting than just music. That's why there are so many people who, for some reason, don't know how to sing, but really want to learn.

But how can you learn to sing on your own at home? As much as possible? Let's consider these questions.

Is it possible for everyone to sing?

Many people are firmly convinced that a bear has stepped on their ear. In other words, they believe that they lack ear for music. Not really! Don't believe these statements! Absolutely everyone has hearing, it’s just that in some people it is in its infancy, that is, not developed at all.

It is clear that if a child was born into a family of musicians and is surrounded by music every day, his ear for music will develop on its own. Another thing is, if from birth he does not hear music, no one sings to him, then he musical abilities will not develop.

The same goes for singing. If a child is not interested in singing from childhood, does not have a desire to sing, then, of course, he will not do this as an adult. This is why the question arises about whether it is possible to learn to sing. Therefore, we can say with confidence: everyone can sing, you just have to really want it.

What do we need for vocals?

Now that we have already decided whether it is possible to learn to sing if we have the desire, we need to understand what components we need for this purpose.

So, first of all, you need an appropriate room with good acoustic data. The voice should not fly up or sound muffled, as if in a small enclosed space. The acoustics should be normal, without unnecessary overtones. Many teachers recommend singing in rooms where there are large windows, which reflect sound very well and act as additional resonators. When you hear the glass clinking, it means they are already vibrating!

You must also be in good health and not have any serious illnesses, which could interfere with vocal lessons on the way to solving the question of how to learn to sing beautifully.

The last factor, but probably the most important one, is faith in yourself, in your capabilities, which are actually limitless. In other words, the development of musical and vocal technique is a matter of thoughtful work. Everything comes from the head, so the question of how to learn to sing beautifully is also from the field of psychology.

Nature's help

Nature has created all the conditions for a person to not only sing, but also do it very beautifully. For this purpose we were given so-called resonators.

What is it? Resonators are places in our body, when they hit them, the sound is amplified many times over, becoming more powerful, fuller and more voluminous. They will answer the question of how to learn to sing well. The vocal cords themselves are not capable of giving us such a strong sound. Knowing your resonators and mastering them, you can understand how to learn to sing beautifully. And it won’t be such a difficult task, it’s all just a matter of technique and desire!

Looking for resonators

Once you master the science of resonances, it will immediately become clear how to learn to sing from scratch. The word "resonance" translated from French means "echo". Resonance can amplify sound, similar to a microphone. It is he who is responsible for the lightness of the voice, its beauty and flight. If you simply put pressure on the ligaments, nothing good will come of it other than tearing them down. Many people who try themselves in vocal skills and do not know how to learn to sing on their own, begin to do it, relying on the ligamentous apparatus. As a result, the larynx becomes pinched, and an unpleasant feeling of pinching appears in the area of ​​the ligaments, which is very uncomfortable and threatens to cause hoarseness in the voice.

What to do? Look for resonators! There are a lot of resonators on our body, especially on the head. For the most part, they are located in the hard bones of the skull, jaws, and maxillary sinuses. Even the teeth reverberate! Therefore, first you need to have a good understanding of where these resonators are located.

Do you need talent?

When you start thinking about how to learn to sing on your own, a logical answer arises: you need talent. Yes, indeed, talent is a very useful thing, making life easier in many things, however, as many say famous people, success most often depends primarily on diligence. This is true. The ability to sing beautifully, so as to win the hearts of people, comes gradually. Namely, a person must first develop a sense of beauty.

You need to hear in your head the voice you want to strive for. In order to hear it, you need to imagine it. But for this you need to have a well-developed imagination. What to do if the imagination is not well developed? We'll fix everything! The imagination lends itself well to “training”. Shall we try?

  • Look at the clouds and try to see some image in them. At first it will seem like a difficult task, but that is the whole secret, to see the first thing that catches your eye. There is no need to try to squeeze something out of yourself, everything should be easy and relaxed.
  • Take any 3 words, preferably nouns, and try to come up with a coherent sentence with them. Even if such a proposal sounds ridiculous, it doesn’t matter, the main thing is that it worked out.

Such simple techniques will help solve the problem of lack of imagination, since it is more far-fetched than real. Every child has a well-developed imagination. The only problem is that as we grow up, we forget what it’s like to be a child.

Search for a teacher

When people wonder how to learn to sing beautifully, many people think of turning to the help of professionals. This is very justified, because a talented teacher will help you avoid many mistakes that can be made when studying on your own. In this case, you will have to relearn, but as you know, it is easier to learn again.

However, it is not so easy to find a person who will be both a good teacher and good singer. Very often the most best singers cannot well and competently explain to the student what and how to do to produce sounds correctly, and vice versa. However, if you have such a desire to find a teacher for yourself, you should not neglect it. He who seeks will always find, and this is a fact.

High notes

High notes are considered the extreme end of the range and are therefore particularly difficult to sing. And the person begins to think about how to learn to sing high.

Everything is very simple. Let's use our imagination again. We imagine that high notes are not that high at all, and that there are notes that are even higher. In this case, singing high will no longer seem so difficult.

Let’s not bother connecting our natural resonators; they should all vibrate and respond. The sound should fill all our sinuses and flow not only from our mouth, but literally from our entire body.

Improving your singing technique

In addition to the above-mentioned resonators, a person who wants to master vocal technique also needs to correctly place performing breathing. This is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. We all breathe and that gives us life. Vocalist breathing, however, takes work and practice.

First of all, it is necessary that it be voluminous and that it is enough for long phrases and passages. It is also important that it be diaphragmatic, or, more simply put, that it rests on the diaphragm.

All this is achieved through practice and careful self-control. At first, of course, it is difficult to control so many things at the same time, namely: monitor the correctness of your breathing, do not forget about the resonators, and also monitor the progress of your singing. Everything comes with time and practice. Gradually you will notice how it becomes easier and easier for you. You will already be selecting a more complex repertoire or songs that will suit you better. The extreme notes of the range will no longer seem intimidating and will be played easily and naturally.

Believe in yourself and be patient, and you will not notice how quickly you will learn to sing beautifully and will no longer wonder how to learn to sing on your own.

It is difficult to say when a person realized that singing charges us with positive energy, cleanses the soul and body, has a beneficial effect on health, strengthens the spirit and confidence. People sing to convey their emotions internal state, experiences... However, not everyone knows that singing is 90% labor and only 10% talent. How to learn to sing and whether it is possible to learn vocal skills on your own, this article is about that.

A person sings when he loves and is loved, when there is pain or joy in his soul. By expressing his attitude to the world through singing, the vocalist develops emotionality, intelligence, imagination, sensuality, aesthetic and artistic taste, sense of rhythm, ability to manage your time. Singing relieves stress and eases emotional distress and pain. A person finds harmony and balance, experiences euphoria, becomes soft and confident.

Everyone loves to sing, but the question is: does it always work out? Learning to sing well will take both time and effort. The song conveys the state of a person's soul. It happens that the motive of a favorite song spins in your head all day, or a new melody appears for a certain verse, or poems are born. All these are feelings that reveal the inner world.

How to learn to sing beautifully

To sing beautifully, you need to learn to sing according to the notes - harmoniously and accurately intoning the pitch of each note. To do this, it is not necessary to start shouting and singing loudly. Loud does not mean beautiful and correct, besides, you can significantly tear your vocal cords and completely lose your voice.

  • The first thing that is required from a beginning vocalist is not to be afraid to control your voice and learn how to “present” it;
  • Learn to breathe correctly - breathe with your stomach! When you sing, don't try to take a deep breath. Imagine that inside you, from your throat to your stomach, there is a light rod and its base is in your stomach. When making a sound, the stomach should “grow” and not retract. Remember, learning to sing is learning to breathe! In addition, the development of the respiratory system strengthens the walls of blood vessels, which means that colds will become rare and the immune system will be stronger;
  • If you have speech therapy problems: stuttering, incorrect pronunciation of sounds and other problems - vocals fight such problems quickly and effectively. He develops diction and miraculously copes with acquired and congenital speech defects. Learning to sing well is easy - the main thing is to want to!
  • Tongue twisters and recitative reading of any texts will contribute to the correct declaration. Remember Golden Rule vocal art - vowels are sung, consonants are pronounced;
  • In addition to notes there is musical notation(size of the work, duration of notes, musical signs - notes, pauses, grace notes, sharp, bekar; tonality, pauses and much more.). Mastering musical notation is relatively difficult, but it is necessary in order to easily read music texts;
  • It’s good if, in addition to the desire to sing, there is a desire to play a musical instrument. Thanks to the instrumental perception of sounds, the question “how to learn to sing” is solved twice as quickly.

The rustling of leaves, the song of the wind, the patter of rain, the chirping of a sparrow, the rustling of pages - all this is music. There is an opinion that there are people who have had their ears “stepped on” by a bear. Let's say right away - there are no such people. There are those who have not made an ounce of effort to master musical or vocal skills. Learning to sing beautifully is as easy as learning to ride a bicycle. The main thing is to make up your mind and go ahead! Systematic classes, sound production adjustments, vocal exercises - all this will give the desired result. However, we must not forget that diligence is good, but the break between classes, which last about 45 minutes, should be about 10 hours.

But what to do if the notes have already been learned and the vocalist understands how to breathe correctly. To learn to sing beautifully, do you need to go to an experienced teacher or maybe educate yourself?

How to learn to sing at home

You don't have to leave home to learn to sing. This can be learned with the help of popular and quite common trainings today, distance learning and online classes. Especially if your desire does not at all include professional singing. Therefore, if you want to become the “soul” of the company or simply decide to give a song to your loved one and look decent at the same time, use the following tips to learn how to sing on your own:

  • Stand in front of a mirror and do the following exercise. Remember the vowels: a, e, i, o, u, s, e. Let's learn to sing them. On “a” - the mouth is wide open, the lower jaw reaches the chest. On “e” and “e” - we remember opera singers. This is a noticeable smile with a slightly open mouth. On “and” - the corners of your lips reach towards your ears, while you smile. On the "o" you have a bagel in your mouth. On “y” - imagine as if you are applying lipstick - your mouth is half open, a barely noticeable smile. Now try to sing all the vowels in a row, taking into account how to open your mouth correctly and remember about singing on your stomach. Do this exercise every day. When everything starts to work out automatically, you can move on to the works. However, do not forget - your singing should not be a terrifying grimace - there is a golden mean in everything;
  • Before you learn to sing well, professionally or for yourself, learn a few chants. They are probably known to you from school days. The famous “mi-me-ma-mo-mu”, etc. Chants are needed to warm up the ligaments and prepare them for long-term singing. After all, if the voice is not prepared, it can break, wheeze, etc.;
  • In order to choose a piece or sing a song you like with a backing track (karaoke), it must be in your key - that is, so that it is comfortable to sing (not low and not high). You can devote a lot of time to learning to sing, but if you choose a song that is not in your key, all your work will be in vain;
  • Never sing outside, especially if it's cold. Do not eat chocolate, bread, cookies, or drink cold drinks before singing.

Singing helps you enjoy life, lift your spirits, get new sensations, and experience different emotions. Sing for yourself, for your friends and family! The key to the soul is a song, and in order to choose this key correctly, you need to learn to sing and learn some secrets that you learned about from this article. Good luck to you, new opportunities and fair winds in your aspirations!

Today we will try to answer the question of how to learn to sing beautifully. The thing is that the human voice is a unique natural musical instrument, gifted, as biologists say, by a coincidence of circumstances.

Compared to musical instruments created by human hands, it has an impressive number of advantages:

  • he is always near us, regardless of place and time;
  • in addition to music, he is able to reproduce words;
  • can be reconfigured in timbre in a split second;
  • able to express all our emotions.

Nowadays, quite a lot of people want to learn how to sing beautifully, without having any special skills or predisposition to this activity.

For most of the population of our country, “the bear trampled on their ears.” More precisely, this is their purely personal opinion. The thing is that hearing is present in each of us, but in a different state of development. For many, it remains in an embryonic state.

If a child is surrounded by music from the first years of life, his hearing will develop independently. IN in this case the same statement applies to singing. Showing interest in it since childhood, having the desire to learn to sing beautifully, he will achieve his goal. In the absence of even the slightest desire to comprehend this science, all attempts will end in absolute failure.

Anyone can learn to sing, even as an adult. The main thing is to sincerely want it and make every effort, and talent in this case is a secondary phenomenon.

What is needed for proper vocals?

Answering the question of how to learn to sing beautifully, we have already said that an irresistible desire is required to achieve the required positive result. However, desire alone will not be enough.

You will also need a room with good acoustics. The student's voice should not sound muffled or constantly strive upward, as often happens in a small and confined space. The acoustics should not be filled with extraneous sounds.

Teachers advise practicing singing in rooms that have large windows that can reflect sounds well, acting as additional resonators.

To master vocal lessons, you must have good health, in particular, developed lungs will be required. Indeed, in deciding the question of how to learn to sing beautifully, they occupy a dominant position. The last and probably most important thing is the presence of self-confidence. Learning vocal technique is thoughtful work. Based on the fact that everything is led by the head (mind), the psychological aspect also plays an important role here.

Nature's help

Nature has endowed man with everything necessary so that he can not only sing, but also do it beautifully. It's about about resonators - places in our body in which the sound entering them is amplified many times over and becomes not only more powerful, but also more voluminous and fuller. They are the ones who are able to answer the question of how to learn to sing beautifully.

The vocal cords alone cannot create such a strong sound. Therefore, the next step will be to study your resonators. This task is not difficult. The main thing is adherence to technique and the presence of desire.

In search of resonators

Only by mastering the science of resonances can you answer the question of how to learn to sing beautifully. Translated from French, “resonance” means “echo.” It works on the principle of a microphone, significantly amplifying the sound coming out of the cords. Ordinary pressure on them will simply lead to a breakdown of the voice. This situation occurs among inexperienced people who master singing without any knowledge in this matter.

Our body has many such natural resonators. There are especially many of them on the head. For the most part this is:

  • skull bones;
  • jaws;
  • maxillary sinuses;
  • teeth, which also have the property of reverberation.

Therefore, the answer to the question of how to learn to sing beautifully depends on finding and being able to use your resonators.

Do you need talent?

When learning to sing on your own, a logical question arises: what role does talent have in all this?

Without a doubt, talent is a fairly useful factor that can significantly make a student’s life easier. However, it does not play a decisive role. It all depends on the desire and diligence applied.

It is equally important to develop a sense of beauty in yourself, which will help you hear exactly the voice you need to strive for. It will be possible to hear it when it can be imagined, and this will require a well-developed imagination.

Beautiful singing lessons

Don't believe those who say it's impossible to learn to sing. The main thing is to know how to learn to sing beautifully. Everyone can achieve what they want, but only if they are prepared for difficulties. You will need to stock up on strength, patience and a huge amount of time.

There are several tips that will always come in handy and help you Hard time aspiring vocalist.

You need to learn how to control your own voice, and also be able to “present” it. Huge role During the singing process, you take proper belly breathing. While singing, you should not try to take in air. full breasts. You need to imagine that inside you, starting from your stomach and ending with your throat, there is a light rod with the base in your stomach. During the birth of sound, the stomach should grow, but under no circumstances should it retract. Therefore, not knowing how to learn to sing beautifully, you should start with proper breathing - and this will be the right step.

In the case of speech therapy problems, which consist of incorrect pronunciation of sounds, stuttering, vocal lessons will quickly and effectively cope with these problems, even if they are congenital or acquired speech defects. Vocals also perfectly develop diction.

Tongue twisters and reading texts will contribute to correct declaration. There is a golden rule of art - vowels are sung, and consonants are pronounced.

In addition to this, there is also musical notation, namely: the duration of notes, musical signs, tonality, pauses, bekar, sharp, grace notes and much more, which you will also have to take care of and learn for yourself without fail.

Exercises for beautiful singing and more

If you still don’t know how to learn to sing beautifully, then we will help you find correct solution your problem. For this purpose, it is not necessary to attend any singing schools or leave the comfort of your home. It is enough to rehearse simple exercises every day, which should be carried out in front of the mirror.

Exercise 1. Sing the vowels of the alphabet: e, y, u, o, i, e, a. Pay special attention to the sound “s”. You need to imagine that you are painting your lips. The mouth is half open, creating a barely noticeable smile. On the “o” sound, the lips should create a kind of donut. When you sound “i,” your lips should move towards your ears to create a charming smile. With the sounds “e” and “e” you need to remember opera singers, rearranging your oral apparatus into an open mouth with a barely noticeable smile. When the turn of the sound “a” comes, the mouth should be wide open so that, conditionally, “the lower jaw touches the chest.” Having rehearsed each letter, now separately try to sing all the vowels in the announced order. If this condition will be completed satisfactorily by you, then you can begin serious works.

Exercise 2. If you want to learn how to sing beautifully, it won’t hurt to learn several chants. The most popular since school days is the following: “mi-me-ma-mo-mu”. However, you can use whatever you like, the main thing is that the ligaments are warmed up and ready for prolonged singing.

Exercise 3. When choosing a song to perform with a backing track, you need to take into account the fact that it must be in the same key as you. After all, even if you meet the conditions that guarantee professional singing, the wrong key will ruin your entire preparation time and your first performance.

Exercise 4. Never sing on the street. This remark especially applies to the cool season. Before performing a song, protect yourself from eating cookies, bread, and chocolate. Avoid drinking cold drinks.

Almost every person loves to sing. Despite the fact that many people study at music school, develop your own style singing and self-confidence performing arts You can even do it yourself. For general practice, start with regular daily chanting. This could be singing your favorite song or simply singing scales. Don't be afraid to get creative with your voice. In addition, taking care of your own health and maintaining hydration, as well as quitting smoking, will help you achieve the best sounding voice.


Determine your vocal range

    Record your voice using a microphone. Launch the audio recording application on your computer or smartphone. Then check your settings to ensure the recording is clear without any voice changes. Try singing different songs and recording your voice.

    • For more comfort, connect a real music microphone to your computer or smartphone. This will give you a better understanding of how the way you hold the microphone and sing into it will affect the final sound.
    • Perfect Piano and Pocket Pitch are considered good apps for singers.
    • You can also use a digital tuner or download an app like Vanido, which will show you your level of vocal range proficiency.
  1. Sing a song you know over and over again. Print out the lyrics to a song you like. Take the time to study all the nuances of the text. Then work on the details of the song with modulation own voice, thereby changing the song itself.

    • It is important to choose a song that you really like, as you will have to work on it over and over again for a while.
    • When first starting out, try to use a song that is within your vocal range to avoid straining your vocal cords.
  2. Work on producing sound using different parts of the vocal apparatus. Singing is not limited to sounds coming from the throat through an open mouth. Concentrate on performing the same song, but with different approaches to control the position of the tongue, mouth, diaphragm, throat and even the work of the nose. Recording your results and listening to them will help you better understand own body and the sounds it can make.

    • For example, passing more airflow through the nose can create higher-pitched nasal sounds, which is not surprising. If you gently close one nostril while singing, your voice will also change.
    • Move your tongue closer to the roof of your mouth as you sing to see how much your voice changes. You can also try moving your tongue to your cheek. Moving the jaw to the side will also allow you to vocalize other sounds.
    • To experiment with your diaphragm, try releasing all the air from your lungs at once while singing. Alternatively, see what happens if you sing with minimal air flow.
    • The most important thing is to catch the desired emotional mood, but not to be at the mercy of emotions. Besides, the quality of your singing will not improve if you cry while singing any sad song.
    • For example, if you're singing about a falling out, try to remember the negative aspects of your past personal relationships.
    • In order not to get bogged down in emotions, after thinking about a specific event, immediately return the focus of your attention to the text and notes being performed.
  3. Sing before singing to avoid straining your vocal cords. Start by softly singing the "I" sound on one note (for example, F of the first octave for women and F of the minor octave for men) and hold the note as long as possible. Repeat the exercise twice. You can also sing on one note with the phrase “Mi-me-ma-mo-mu”, and then move on to chanting from low to high notes. Repeat the exercise twice. Then move on to chanting in the other direction from high notes to low notes, repeat the exercise three times.

    • In the middle of your range, sing "Ouch!" five notes up the scale (do-re-mi-fa-sol). Repeat the exercise twice.
  4. Sing the sound “A” according to the notes “Do, Re, Mi.”.." up and down scales within your vocal range. This is another great way warm up your vocal cords and practice holding the required notes. Start with the C major scale in the first octave, then move to a higher octave, another scale, and so on. Take your time, sing each note clearly, rather than smoothly shifting the tone of the previous note towards the next.

    • Concentrate on working in the basic C major scale by notes: “Do, D, E, F, G, A, B, C.” To make it more difficult, you can try singing two notes in a row, and then jumping over one or using a different order.
    • Then make the exercise even more difficult by singing two notes up, one down, and so on through the scale.
    • A scale is a set of sounds that sequentially increase at certain intervals (tones and semitones). As you move up and down the scale, you hit both low and high notes. For example, between the notes C and C sharp the interval is equal to a semitone, and between the notes C sharp and D sharp the interval is equal to a tone.
  5. Try to sing at least 30 minutes a day. This will be enough to stretch your vocal cords without being too long to strain them. It is better to study when no one will bother you. However, if you sing for a living, this type of work will allow you to develop your singing skills in public.

    • Brief daily performances in front of audiences can teach you to read the mood of the audience and adjust your work with them accordingly.
    • You can earn extra money by singing on small stages in entertainment venues, cafes and restaurants. If you don't like this option, you can try volunteering to participate in a local music group.
  6. Work on maintaining proper posture while singing. Stand up, keep your back straight, look forward. Make sure your shoulders are back and your neck is not arched too much. Place your tongue at the bottom of your mouth so that it barely touches the bottom row of teeth. Gently move your jaw from side to side to relax the muscles.

  7. Do breathing exercises to strengthen your diaphragm. Try rib breathing, which involves expanding your chest as you inhale. As you inhale, expand your chest and allow your abdominal muscles to relax. To exhale, on the contrary, use your abdominal muscles. Also try the following exercise while breathing from your diaphragm:

    • on the count of 1, inhale and fill your lungs 1/4;
    • on the count of 2, inhale and fill your lungs 2/4 full;
    • On the count of 3, inhale and fill your lungs 3/4 full.
    • on the count of 4, inhale and fill your lungs completely;
    • on the count of 5-12, exhale slowly and gradually;
    • then repeat everything from the beginning.

Take care of your own health and preservation of your voice

  1. Drink at least 6-8 glasses of liquid per day. Keeping your throat moist allows it to produce deeper, richer sounds. Best choice You will get regular warm (but not hot) water. Cold water strains throat. You can also add 1 teaspoon of honey or a slice of lemon to the water to taste and soften the throat.

    • If you decide to add honey to your water, try to use as natural a product as possible. If possible, try to avoid eating foods with chemical additives.
  2. Provide yourself with at least 8 hours of sleep a night. If you feel tired, your voice will also suffer. Fulfill this recommendation This is especially important if you will be singing for a long time. When you can't get 8 hours of sleep at night, try to get some sleep during the day.

    • Try lying in bed immediately before singing and performing - such rest will help improve the sound quality of your voice.