Vanga predicted World War 3. Predictions about World War III that you didn't know

Vanga predicted that the third world war will begin in Syria

Now, when the attention of the whole world is focused on Syria, which the United States is going to bomb, they remembered and began to quote the words of the Bulgarian clairvoyant Vanga. Allegedly, she once said that after “Syria falls,” great upheavals will begin on our planet. Other seers and astrologers predicted that the third world war would begin in the East. Here are the most famous predictions.

Vanga: “Syria has not fallen yet...”

A Bulgarian clairvoyant of the last century allegedly stated in 1978 that Syria would play an exceptional role in the history of mankind. True, Vanga, who always explained herself vaguely, was not talking about world war, and about severe tests for the inhabitants of the planet.

Here are her words: “Many more cataclysms and turbulent events are destined for humanity... Difficult times are coming, people will be divided by their faith... The most ancient teaching will come to the world... They ask me when this will happen, will it be soon? No, not soon. Syria has not fallen yet...”

According to the Bulgarian prophetess, after the fall of Syria and severe cataclysms, the world supposedly awaits the revival and advent of a new religion: “The day will come and all religions will disappear! Only the teachings of the White Brotherhood will remain. It will cover the Earth with white color - and thanks to it people will be saved.”

Vanga foresaw the salvation of humanity special role Russia: “A new teaching will come from Rus'. She will be the first to cleanse herself. The White Brotherhood will spread throughout Rus' and go all over the world.”

Interpreters of Vanga’s texts believe that the prediction should be understood as follows: cataclysms in the world will begin due to religious contradictions. The world war will become a war between Muslim East and the Christian West. It will begin after the fall of Syria and spread to the territory of Russia and Western Europe.

Europe will be defeated by Muslims. Perhaps the Pope will be killed - there is a prediction that the current pontiff is the last. The role of the liberator of Europe, as in World War II, will be played by Russia. After this victory, she will become a superpower and rule the world.

After the end of the war, a new religion will spread throughout the world and a millennium of peaceful development and spiritual revival will begin.

According to interpreters of Vanga’s texts, in 1978 the words about Syria sounded incomprehensible, since nothing threatened this country at that time.

But this has already happened: once upon a time everyone was surprised by the words of a Bulgarian clairvoyant that “Kursk will go under water.” The prophecy was remembered and understood only in 2001, when the Russian submarine Kursk sank.

Perhaps the prediction about Syria is from this series.

: “The war will last 27 years”

The French medieval healer and astrologer Michel de Nostradamus (1503 - 1566), according to interpreters of his predictions, also believed that in beginning of XXI century there will be a terrible destructive war in the world.

“When the sun rises, they will see a big fire,” Nostradamus wrote figuratively. – Inside the circle they will hear screams and death. From sword, fire, hunger, death awaits them... Living fire, bringing death, will be hidden inside terrible, frightening spheres. At night the fleet will blow up the city..."

According to interpreters of his texts, Nostradamus believed that terrible events would begin in the East. True, he allegedly called Mesopotamia, the territory of modern Iraq. And he said that the dishonest “Third Antichrist” would start a war, who would “exchange everyone for an adulterous woman.”

These words of Nostradamus at one time found a connection with US President Bill Clinton, who, as you know, fought in Iraq and had scandalous love adventures with young intern Monica Lewinsky. True, these events did not become a direct reason for the start of a global war.

In his mystical poems, Nostradamus described the catastrophic consequences of war: “Blood, human bodies, reddened water, hail falling on the ground... I feel the approach of a great famine, it will often subside, but then it will become worldwide.”

According to Nostradamus, the trials will be long: “The bloody war will last twenty and seven years.” And during this time, as interpreters of Nostradamus’ texts say, climate change will allegedly occur on Earth with devastating consequences.

Biblical prophets: “Damascus will be a heap of ruins”

The tragic fate of Syria and the city of Damascus, it turns out, was described by other authors Old Testament. Thus, the biblical prophet Isaiah wrote in the 17th chapter of his book: “The kingdom of Damascus will cease to exist with the rest of Syria... Damascus will be excluded from the list of cities and will be a heap of ruins...”. And in the 19th chapter of the same book it talks about civil war in Egypt and the “cruel ruler.”

These biblical predictions are now, as it turns out, actively quoted by American newspapers that write about the military conflict in the Middle East. Most likely, Americans believe, Old Testament events and forecasts have nothing to do with our time.

Astrologer Vasily Nemchin: "A black man will come"

One of the first Russian astrologers, who lived in the 16th century, predicted that a world war would begin after a “black man” became the 44th ruler of a powerful overseas power. It was assumed that the astrologer, by saying this, meant a cruel ruler with a black soul. However, when Barack Obama, a black man, became the 44th President of the United States, this prediction took on new meaning.

Bishop Anthony: “After Syria, expect grief”

The prediction of the tragic role of Syria is also attributed to our contemporary - the late Greek Bishop of Sisania and Siatitsa, Father Anthony.

According to the disciples of Father Anthony, the holy elder allegedly said: “Grief will begin with the events in Syria. Everything will begin from there... After this, expect grief for us too, grief and hunger... When events begin there, start praying, praying hard...”

English soothsayer Joanna Southcott: “When war breaks out in the East, know that the end is near!”

An extraordinary Englishwoman who lived in the 19th century uttered this phrase in 1815. It is unknown what she meant. But many of Joanna Southcott's predictions came true: this woman was able to predict French Revolution, the rise and fall of Napoleon.

Astrologer Pavel Globa: “War may start in 2014”

According to a famous Russian astrologer, the period from 2010 to 2020 will be the most difficult in the last 70 years. All these years the global economic crisis will last, which will reshape political map world and will radically change the entire geopolitical balance of power.

According to Globa, the problems that have now accumulated in the world community cannot be solved except by war. According to the astrologer's forecast, 2014 will be the year when humanity comes close to the beginning of the third world war.

“2014 is dangerous because Uranus is in Aries, and this is a very militant combination,” explained Pavel Globa. – I fear the start of a permanent war in the East. God forbid, it will be connected with Iran, then, no matter the outcome, we will get a real explosion of absolutely uncontrollable total terrorism.”

According to the astrologer, the Arab revolutions will gradually move towards Russia and will cover Central Asia. And the Black Moon is to blame for everything. On the day she connected with the Sun, the bombing of Libya began.

“But there will be no war in Russia until 2014,” Globa assured. But the astrologer named the date of the possible start of the third world war with terrifying accuracy: March 2014, exactly during the Olympics in Sochi or a maximum of five days after its completion.

The soothsayer Vanga left after her death a large number of prophecies that continue to come true to this day. However, Vanga’s most terrible prediction still remains a mystery to all humanity. This is a prediction about the third world war.

The Bulgarian clairvoyant spoke about the third world war back in the late 70s. At that time, few people believed in her words, but today it is this prediction that receives special attention from biographers and researchers. What did Vanga say about the war, and in what year did she predict it would start? terrible event?

Vanga said that the preconditions for the third world war would arise back in 2008. The war itself will begin in November 2010 and last until 2014. Vanga called this period the most terrible time in history. According to the clairvoyant, during the war Europe will be completely destroyed due to the use of chemical weapons a huge number of people will die. The earth will become uninhabitable.

Fortunately, Vanga's predictions about the third world war did not come true. But this seems only at first glance. If you pay attention to the details of the clairvoyant’s prophecy and compare them with the political situation in the world that was happening in 2010, then everything becomes clear: humanity miraculously managed to avoid the outbreak of war, or this event was simply delayed.

Vanga said the following about World War III: the war will begin due to a military conflict between two small states, A main reason war will be an attempt on the lives of four rulers.

Why Vanga's prophecies about the third world war did not come true

Let's go back to 2010. At this time, the war began between Georgia and South Ossetia. It was this military conflict between two small countries that Vanga spoke about. During this war, the heads of four states (the presidents of Lithuania, Estonia, Ukraine and Poland) flew to Georgia to resolve the situation. However, the plane, which was originally supposed to land in Georgia, landed in Azerbaijan. As it turned out later, the pilot considered that the plane in Georgia could become a good target for the enemies of the world. The presidents might simply not make it to Georgia alive. Perhaps this would have happened, as Vanga predicted, if the pilot had not changed course.

It turns out that the chain of events that the clairvoyant Vanga spoke about was interrupted. Whether we can consider that humanity managed to avoid a third world war, time will tell. We are waiting for your comments and do not forget to click on the buttons and

Many of Vanga's predictions terrify people. When and where World War 3 will begin in Russia is a rather pressing question. The clairvoyant claimed that the world would be shaken. Many people will suffer and die.

Many countries are faced with political, economic crisis. State leaders are at a loss. You have to be careful to protect the people.

Vanga claims that World War 3 will happen. However, events will not unfold according to the classic scenario.

Everyone associates war with the death of people, the use of weapons, and attacks by states on neighboring countries. According to the clairvoyant, conflicts will begin to arise between individual countries. They will not immediately affect the entire world. Over time, the situation will worsen, many countries will join the war.

Beginning of the conflict

The clairvoyant claimed that the conflict would begin at. It would seem that many years ago this could not have been discussed. But Vanga’s visions turned out to be prophetic. The state is a tasty morsel for many powers wishing to get a good share in Syria.

The visions of the clairvoyant should be understood as the beginning of a cataclysm due to religious contradictions. Representatives of 2 great religions will collide: Muslims and Christians.

According to World War 3, it will begin after the fall of Syria. Then it will spread to Russia and Europe. Experts have been arguing for years about when and where military action will take place. Many argue that the war has already begun, even if it is not open, but Syria cannot withstand the onslaught.

Syria has serious historical meaning. If you remember history, it was here that Cain killed his brother Abel. This is sacred land, which is encroached upon by many states. As we know from history, attacking divine territory is prohibited. People will receive punishment for their sins.

What awaits Europe

The clairvoyant saw cold Europe. The conflict in the East will be the beginning of bloody events. People will not attack each other with weapons; there are other ways to destroy life on earth. As a result, Muslims will triumph over Europe.

There are predictions that they will kill the Pope. A new religion will spread throughout the world, which the surviving people will have to accept.

What awaits Russia

The seer said that many people would die in the war, a lot of blood would be shed. However, soon peace and tranquility will reign on earth again. Main role in the war, Vanga is assigned to Russia. According to her, the country will become a savior for many states. Russia - strong in spirit power, its people are invincible.

By 2024, living conditions in Russia will improve, only fresh water reserves will remain on its territory. Other countries will need help, and from now on an era of prosperity will begin. Only good people who do not know what envy is will be able to survive.

When and where will the war start?

Vanga’s predictions about when and where World War 3 will begin, and what role Russia will play, have been deciphered by experts for many years in a row. The soothsayer said that the catastrophe would begin after the fall of Syria. This was said more than 20 years ago. Today it becomes clear that the country is under threat.

Recently the world watched as the leaders of 2 world powers divided the state. The interests of Russia and America were affected, it is unknown what to expect in the future.

Causes of the war

America will initiate World War 3. This will cost humanity dearly, millions of people will die. Vanga argued that the world would pay for the sins committed over many years of existence. War will bring the Apocalypse. However, at the same time, the Renaissance of the world will begin. Not everyone will be able to escape, but good people will remain alive. After the war, a new, clean era will begin. The world will pay high price for your salvation.

Should we believe Vanga's predictions?

The Bulgarian clairvoyant has fans and ill-wishers. Some consider her a man of God, others argue that she gave out information that the authorities allowed her to say. Many of Vanga’s judgments are vague and quite difficult to decipher. There are no specific names, dates, or places. Her statements can be attributed to many events.

The trouble is that many of Vanga’s words are falsifications. Her predictions were used in political games and speculation.

Whether to believe the soothsayer or not, each person decides for himself. All that is known is that many of her predictions came true. As for World War 3, confirmation has not yet been received. You should not take all the words of a clairvoyant seriously.

The only thing left to do is wait. If things brew between powers serious conflict, the information will spread instantly. In this case, all states must be prepared for military action.

The Third World War has haunted humanity for more than twenty years. Will this war come, when will it begin and what did the great clairvoyant mean? Each of us has yet to learn about this.

Most often, questions about the Third World Bulgarian fortuneteller were asked at the height of Cold War between America and Soviet Union when the whole world was on the brink. And the seer’s answers, as always, were quite difficult to interpret. This is due to the fact that the old seer spoke a very rare dialect of the Bulgarian language, and at the end of her life she had serious problems with her speech apparatus.

Let's figure out together what Vanga's most common predictions about a global war meant. Thus, almost all sources report that the clairvoyant always said that the Third World War would come, and quite soon.

At the same time, just before her death, when asked about the start of the war, she answered: “Syria has not fallen yet.” This means that large-scale fighting will begin only after the current conflict in Syria comes to its logical conclusion. In addition, there is another prophecy about Syria from the same seer. She said that Syria would kneel before the winner, but he would not be the winner. It is quite difficult to interpret this prophecy, since Vanga did not name any clear time frames, specific names or states. Therefore, it is still not clear to many who will become the winner and at what point the war will begin. Especially if you take into account other prophetic words of the seer.

Is World War III going on now? Some believe that Vanga's prophecies about the Third World War have already begun to come true. Thus, the clairvoyant reported that new war will not be as obvious as the previous ones, and the starting event for it will be a minor conflict in 2008, after which there will be an assassination attempt on several heads of state. And indeed, in 2008 there was a war between Russia and Georgia. But regarding the assassination attempts, prophecy researchers still have several opinions. Some believe that the assassination attempt took place and was successful, calling it the Smolensk tragedy in which the President of Poland and officials close to him died. Others say that the assassination attempt was prevented, and by the four leaders Vanga meant the presidents of Estonia, Poland, Lithuania and Ukraine, who were about to travel by plane to Georgia during the conflict.

There is another opinion - that this prophecy concerned the current “Normandy Four”, consisting of the Chancellor of Germany and the presidents of Russia, Ukraine and France. Their meetings are held in Brussels, and in mid-2016 major terrorist attacks were prevented there several times. This theory can be confirmed by the fact that Vanga did not always give the correct dates. The clairvoyant often deliberately confused people so that they would not use her revelations for evil. Nevertheless, she unequivocally said that the war would not be fought with nuclear weapons, but by other methods. Considering the difficult economic and political situation in the world, numerous economic sanctions against Russia and vice versa - mirror ones in response, we can confidently say that in some form a world war is already underway.

This designation can be called both the war of sanctions and whole line small conflicts around the world, and even the information war currently taking place in the media. Perhaps it is destined to end without entering the open phase. Also, some associate Vanga’s famous prophecy about a cold and empty Europe with a new world war, but this may turn out to be incorrect.

Speaking about the world war, all Vanga’s prophecies, without exception, boil down to the fact that Russia will not only practically not suffer from it, but will also become a real world hegemon after its end, while the rest of the world will lie in ruins and ask for help. At the same time, today there is more and more confirmation not only of Vanga’s predictions about the war, but also of the opinion that all this is profanation. Most of the prophecies of the Bulgarian seer were vague and inaccurate, therefore, according to skeptics, they can be interpreted in almost any way.

In addition, not all the information that is presented as the words of a clairvoyant came from the lips of Vanga herself. Thus, the prophecy about Kursk, which made a sensation just over a decade ago, is nothing more than speculation.

Not a single source from an interview with the Bulgarian seer or from other records contained information that Kursk would be swallowed up by water. She appeared only after the sinking of the infamous Russian submarine, allegedly discovered by her daughter. As a result, the veracity of this prophecy is in doubt, just like all the others. In addition, now the name of a clairvoyant is an excellent reason for speculation and various political games. It doesn’t matter whether you believe in Vanga’s predictions or not: there is no cause for concern yet.

Let us remind you, previously informational portal wrote about what Vanga left, which should happen in 2018 and completely change the world.

The biography of the famous clairvoyant Vanga is amazing and tragic. The girl was born very weak and sick, there was practically no hope that she would survive. She was christened only two months after birth. When Vanga was eleven years old, she was caught in a dust storm and was caught in a tornado funnel, the wind carried her through the air and threw her into a field. As a result of this incident, the girl lost her physical sight, and subsequently acquired spiritual sight.

Vanga predicted many events - the third world war, perestroika in the USSR, the death of Princess Diana, and the death of the Russian submarine Kursk. Many prophecies have already been associated with past events - for example, the statement that “American brothers will fall, pecked to death by iron birds” has been correlated with the tragic incident of September 11, 2001. But most popular in Lately Vanga's predictions about the third world war are used.

According to the clairvoyant, this global catastrophe was supposed to begin in November 2010 and end in October 2014. Warring countries will use chemical and nuclear weapon, and all of Europe will become uninhabitable. The climate will change sharply and become colder.

Was Vanga wrong in her predictions about the third world war?

Was Vanga mistaken and the third world war did not begin in the period indicated by her, or is humanity still on the brink? global catastrophe? There is reason to believe that the fulfillment of the prophecy has been postponed indefinitely. Before the onset of the Third World War, according to Vanga, there should have been four attempts on the lives of various heads of state. Many believe that this prediction was half fulfilled - on January 20, 2010, the leader of the Palestinian Hamas movement, Mahmoud al-Mabhouh, was killed in Dubai, and on April 10 of the same year, Polish President Lech Kaczynski died in a plane crash.

About 80% of the Bulgarian clairvoyant’s prophecies come true; did Vanga really make her predictions correctly and the third world war is imminent? Opinions on this matter are divided. On the one hand, many of Vanga’s predictions come true, but there is one strange fact... The yellow press attributes the same prophecies to Nostradamus.

What awaits humanity if the predictions come true?

Following the chronology, you can arrange the sequence of events as follows:

2010– as Vanga says in his predictions, this is the date of the start of the third world war, which will radically change the appearance of globe. It will start as usual, but subsequently chemical and nuclear weapons will be used.

2011- There will be no vegetation or animals left in the Northern Hemisphere. All living things will die due to chemical and radioactive fallout. But that's not all - Muslims will begin nuclear war against the surviving Europeans.

year 2014- by this time, most of the survivors will suffer from skin cancer, ulcers and other diseases (a consequence of chemical contamination of the planet).

2016- Europe is practically deserted; only a few survived the war.

Let's hope that Vanga was mistaken; the third world war could turn into too large-scale a tragedy, a catastrophe that could completely change the face of the planet. It will be better for everyone if this prophecy is realized only in futuristic cinematic films. But it’s still strange that Vanga’s predictions regarding the third world war fall on almost the same time period as the legendary Mayan prophecies about the end of the world, which will come in 2012. Is this just a coincidence or some kind of message? mystical powers? Time will show!