"The magical power of a dream


The power of dreams can change lives, turn the whole world upside down, and create miracles. The author of the wonderful story sincerely believed in this “ Scarlet Sails" - Alexander Green. The writer knew this power, for which there are no barriers, nothing is impossible. You just need to firmly believe in your dream and wait for a miracle. Green's own dream helped him create beautiful world", where brave, sincere men and beautiful women live, where cities with wonderful names stand by the sea - Lise, Zurbagan.

In the story we meet little Assol, raised kind and loving father. She lives a solitary life: her peers push her away, adults do not like the girl, transferring their dislike for her father onto her. One day, walking through the forest, Assol met strange man, who told her a fairy tale about a ship with scarlet sails. And the girl believed in this fairy tale, made it a part of her life, a part of her soul - her dream. And, not paying attention to the ridicule, she began to wait for her prince. She knew that the day would come when he would come for her and say: “Hello, Assol! Far, far from here, I saw you in a dream and came to take you forever to my kingdom.”

Two people, created for each other, go through intricate paths to meet. The world of Arthur Gray is completely different from life in the seaside village in which Assol and her father live. Wealth and luxury are available to him, but Arthur is not inclined to continue the lifestyle prescribed to him by birth. He is endowed with a living soul, dreams of the sea and sails. This dream leads to Gray becoming a sailor. “He was born a captain, wanted to be one and became one.” One day, by chance, his ship washed ashore near the village where Assol lived. Walking through the forest, the young man saw a sleeping girl, and she immediately awakened exciting feelings in his soul. He looked at her not only with his eyes, but in a completely different way: “Everything moved, everything smiled in him.” Later, in a tavern, he asked who this girl was, and was mockingly told the story of a madwoman who was waiting for the prince on a ship with scarlet sails.

“It was as if two strings sounded together...” The young man decided that the dream of the beautiful stranger must certainly come true. And he must help this. Moreover, he had already decided for himself that this girl would certainly become his wife. Gray ordered sails made of scarlet silk for his ship. In addition, he gathered musicians who could play in such a way as to make hearts cry. After all, “the sea and love do not tolerate pedants.” And when everything was ready, he set off towards his dream.

Meanwhile, the unsuspecting Assol looked at the sea, outlined with a golden thread on the horizon and throwing scarlet reflections at the girl’s feet. There, at the end of the world, what she had dreamed of for so long was happening. And then the morning came when a beautiful ship with sails blazing with crimson fire approached the shore. And there he was - the one for whom she had been waiting for a long time. “He looked at her with a smile that warmed and hurried.” And Assol, shouting: “I’m here! I'm here! It’s me!”, she rushed towards him straight across the water.

So in the morning summer day Gray and Assol found each other. Here it is - the magical, all-conquering power of dreams. The girl was waiting for a miracle, she was ready for it, she believed in it - and it happened. A dream, if you believe in it with all the strength of your soul, becomes a powerful creative force. And in this the best way the beautiful and good story Alexandra Green.

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THE POWER OF A DREAM WORKS WONDERS (based on the extravaganza story by A. Green “Scarlet Sails”)

A fairy tale is needed not only for children, but also for adults. It causes excitement - a source of high human passions. She does not allow us to calm down and always shows us new sparkling distances, a different life. It disturbs and makes you passionately desire this life.

K. G. Paustovsky

The extravaganza story by A. S. Green “Scarlet Sails” is truly magical, amazing work. This is a reverent, sincere poem about love, about the power of dreams. The writer firmly believed that it is the power of dreams, the power for which there are no barriers, nothing is impossible. can change lives, turn the whole world upside down, create a miracle. You just need to sincerely believe in your dream and wait for a miracle with all your heart. Green's own dream helped him create a wonderful world populated by brave, honest men and beautiful, loving women.

An amazing storyteller, Green calmly, but at the same time vividly tells about his heroes, their lives and work, dreams and aspirations. Each of them has a dream - Longren, who dearly loves his daughter, Assol, who devotedly takes care of her father, Lilian, who sees in her son a special child, unlike other children, who also strives for his own dream.

Assol's father, Longren, raised his daughter and dreamed of a good life for her. He made toys from wood - ships with masts, boats, cruisers - and took them to the shop for sale. Assol, when she grew up, began delivering toys to stores herself. When the family's debt began to exceed the money earned, Longren decided to go to work on a mail ship. After all, he had a dream - to raise his daughter and do everything to make Assol’s own dream of a ship with scarlet sails come true. “We shouldn’t take such a toy away from you,” Longren thought. “...And about the scarlet sails, think like me: you will have scarlet sails.”

Assol, endowed with a pure, open heart, filled with the brightest and most sincere feelings, lives in her fairy tale world, keeping in my heart the dream of a ship and a handsome prince.

The girl believed the story of a strange man whom she once met in the forest. This man told her magical story about a prince who will definitely sail on a ship with scarlet sails and take her to an unknown, wonderful country, where they will live in love and harmony. And every day, with faith and hope, she peers into the distance of the sea, hoping to see the ship of her dreams with scarlet sails in the sun’s rays. No, she was not “damaged in her mind,” as they said in the area. She, despite the ridicule and irony of those around her - callous, insensitive people - is waiting for a miracle and knows that it will certainly happen.

Arthur Gray also lives in his own fairy-tale world and keeps his your own dream- a dream of a big ship and how one day he, having become the captain of this ship, will go on a long and interesting voyage. In the depths of his soul there was always a picture that hung in home. The dream became closer when he, a gentle young man, came to the ship to become a cabin boy. This dream helped him fulfill the difficult duties of a sailor, helped him from a chick to become a real, strong seabird.

Assol and Gray's dreams were so strong that one day, somewhere far, far away, Assol's dream met Gray's dream, both of them were surprised by this meeting and... came true!..

Gray bent down and her hands grabbed his belt. Assol closed her eyes; then, quickly opening her eyes, she boldly smiled at his shining face and, out of breath, said:

- Absolutely like that.

- And you too, my child! – Gray said, taking the wet jewel out of the water. - So I came. Do you recognize me?

The prince, who turned out to be Arthur Gray, really came for her and said the long-awaited words: “Hello, Assol! Far, far from here, I saw you in a dream and came to take you forever to my kingdom.”

The girl, and along with her, we, were convinced that the power of dreams is truly capable of working miracles. “So,” by chance, as people who can read and write say, “Gray and Assol found each other on the morning of a summer day full of inevitability.” Of course, the silk for the scarlet sails of the “Secret” was bought in an ordinary shop, but did this make them lose the color of their dreams?

Alexander Greene is called the last romantic. His romanticism is the ability to create miracles with his own hands, this is faith in a dream, in his scarlet sails, this is the ability to love, which, with all their economic ingenuity, the inhabitants of Kaperna, who do not sing songs, do not tell fairy tales and do not believe in miracles, cannot . Green believed in a fairy tale and made this fairy tale a reality.

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THE POWER OF A DREAM WORKS WONDERS (based on the extravaganza story by A. Green “Scarlet Sails”)

The power of dreams can change lives, turn the whole world upside down, and create miracles. The author of the wonderful story “Scarlet Sails,” Alexander Green, sincerely believed in this. The writer knew this power, for which there are no barriers, nothing is impossible. You just need to firmly believe in your dream and wait for a miracle. Green's own dream helped him create a wonderful world in which brave, sincere men and beautiful women live, where they stand by the sea cities with wonderful names - Lise, Zurbagan.

In the story we meet little Assol, raised by a kind and loving father. She lives a solitary life: her peers push her away, adults do not like the girl, transferring their dislike for her father onto her. One day, while walking through the forest, Assol met a strange man who told her a fairy tale about a ship with scarlet sails. And the girl believed in this fairy tale, made it a part of her life, a part of her soul - her dream. And, not paying attention to the ridicule, she began to wait for her prince. She knew that the day would come when he would sail for her and say: “Hello, Assol! Far, far from here, I saw you in a dream and came to take you forever to your kingdom."

Two people, created for each other, go through intricate paths to meet. The world of Arthur Gray is completely different from life in the seaside village in which Assol and her father live. Wealth and luxury are available to him, but Arthur is not inclined to continue the lifestyle prescribed to him by birth. He is endowed with a living soul, dreams of the sea and sails. This dream leads to Gray becoming a sailor. "He was born a captain, wanted to be one and became one." One day, by chance, his ship washed ashore near the village where Assol lived. Walking through the forest, the young man saw a sleeping girl, and she immediately awakened exciting feelings in his soul. He looked at her not only with his eyes, but in a completely different way: “Everything moved, everything smiled in him.” Later, in a tavern, he asked who this girl was, and was mockingly told the story of a madwoman who was waiting for the prince on a ship with scarlet sails.

“It was as if two strings sounded together...” The young man decided that the dream of the beautiful stranger must certainly come true. And he must help this. Moreover, he had already decided for himself that this girl would certainly become his wife. Gray ordered sails made of scarlet silk for his ship. In addition, he gathered musicians who could play in such a way as to make hearts cry. After all, “the sea and love do not tolerate pedants.” And when everything was ready, he set off towards his dream.

Meanwhile, the unsuspecting Assol looked at the sea, outlined with a golden thread on the horizon and throwing scarlet reflections at the girl’s feet. There, at the end of the world, what she had dreamed of for so long was happening. And then the morning came when a beautiful ship with sails blazing with crimson fire approached the shore. And there he was - the one for whom she had been waiting for a long time. “He looked at her with a smile that warmed and hurried.” And Assol, shouting: “I’m here! I’m here! It’s me!”, rushed towards him straight across the water.

This is how Gray and Assol found each other on the morning of a summer day. Here it is - the magical, all-conquering power of dreams. The girl was waiting for a miracle, she was ready for it, she believed in it - and it happened. A dream, if you believe in it with all the strength of your soul, becomes a powerful creative force. And the wonderful and kind story of Alexander Green convinces us of this in the best way.

A. Green's works are filled with sincerity, wisdom and observation. WITH early childhood In the memory of every person live stories that at one time enriched the soul of each of us, instilled a sense of hope and faith in a dream.

“Scarlet Sails” is an amazing work that shapes the inner consciousness of people, making it more humane, open to new impressions and emotions. It is full of striking contrasts between the worldview of society and an individual person who was able to preserve in his soul what was long ago lost by others.

What is the story “Scarlet Sails” about?

The callous, spiritually poor inhabitants of a small seaside town are opposed by the girl Assol, who, due to life circumstances, has become an outcast of this society. Asol had no friends; she could only share her experiences, dreams and thoughts with her father.

It was the father who revealed all the mysterious mysteries of nature to the girl, talked about sea voyages, and the intricacies of human relationships. Assol absorbed what her father taught her and gained own worldview, which separated her even further from society.

But the negativity of society did not affect the girl, since she clearly understood that own opinion for her, it is more important than the biased attitude of the “blind” crowd. Assol believed that one day the person who would completely understand her would come to her, and with him she would find true happiness.

One day, while walking, Assol met Egl, famous storyteller and collector of legends. He told the girl that one morning a majestic ship with scarlet sails would enter the harbor. It will produce a handsome, brave prince, who is already looking for Assol and will take her with him to his kingdom, where they will live for a long time loving each other.

Assol sincerely believed Egl and began to wait for her prince. This became another reason for people to make fun of the girl. They teased her as a dreamer, did not take her words and gloated that the years went by, and Assol remained waiting for her fantastic prince.

But the girl, in spite of everything, believed that one day this would happen. And one day fate rewarded her for this: Egle’s prophecy came true, and she met her prince.

She met a young man who, having learned about her dream and how this dream was perceived in society, bought the most expensive scarlet sails for his ship. He left the ship to meet the girl, thus making her dreams come true.

Belief in beauty and the dream of happiness

The heroine Assol teaches us to believe in something that, at first glance, is absolutely impossible to achieve. After all, the power of human desire, supported by faith and hope, has no limits.

The main thing is to keep kindness and sincerity in your heart, which sooner or later will lead to the fulfillment of your dreams. “Scarlet Sails” should under no circumstances be perceived as a fairy tale, because a miracle can happen in the life of every person if he is open to it.

You should not be afraid to confront false and low social morals, but boldly go towards your dreams, despite difficulties and obstacles. But you should also remember about your loved ones, because each of us can fulfill them cherished dreams, the main thing is to just try to learn about them.