When they pray to the holy righteous Anna. Independent prayer to Saint Anne

Orthodox prayer to Saint Anne, the mother of the Virgin Mary, helps to get rid of infertility and conceive a child. But before you start reading it, you need to understand your life and, perhaps, completely reconsider your principles. After all, why do the prayer requests of many of us remain unanswered? Because we are sinners. In order for our prayers to be heard, our lives need to be... We will receive everything we ask for only when the Divine commandments and His words are in us.

Strong prayer to Saint Anne for pregnancy

Before starting to read the Orthodox prayer to Saint Anne, childless spouses who want to get rid of infertility must remember all their sins from birth and confess, then take communion. It is necessary to make peace with everyone who has been wronged, including those who have wronged you. Then you need to call a priest to the house to perform a prayer service. After this, you need to start a 40-day fast, during which the spouses should sleep separately. The morning should begin with eating antidor, which should be washed down with holy water. Every day you need to make 50 bows. In addition, childless spouses should also read daily miraculous prayer St. Anne, and order a 40-day day in the temple with the remembrance of their names. After 40 days of fasting, the spouses must again call the priest to the house to perform the sacrament of consecration of oil. After three days, you can enter into a marital relationship.

Orthodox prayer to the Holy Prophetess Anna for newborn children

The intercession and patronage of the Saint helps to resist temptations, delivers from misfortunes and troubles, and bestows a pious and righteous life. The prophetess Anna, for her righteous life, was awarded the opportunity to see the newborn Jesus Christ in the temple, in order to then bring to everyone good news. If a newborn child is sick, read a prayer to the Holy Prophetess Anna, she is the patroness of babies and will respond to your request. It also helps those who are unable to conceive a child. orthodox prayer Holy Righteous Anne.

Orthodox text of prayer to Saint Anne

A pleasing root that grew the former fruitful and ever-blooming - the revered Mother of God, from Her came the Author of life and the Finisher of faith, Jesus Christ, a multi-flowing source, from nothing else, like a stream of sweetness and a river of peace Blessed in women, flowing an abyss of blessings and an ineffable sea of ​​goodness and infinity bliss. The predestined womb is incomparably brighter than the rays of the sun, even having received its sight and preached prophetic trumpets. Known from her Fruit, the Queen of Angels and the highest being of heaven, as the chosen vessel of the Holy Spirit and the clearest receptacle of grace. The image of righteousness and blameless life and wisdom is a fragrant and sweetly fragrant meadow. Fulfilling the lawful commands in rightness of heart and burning reverence and with all diligence with her blessed husband and God-bearer Joachim. By divine will, she conceived in old age and gave birth to the predestined Mother of God. Pramati of the all-merciful and all-generous God, ready intercession and intercession of those who come running to you with faith, consolation of the suffering and peace to the grieving, by the grace of your Grandson showing childless and barren wives to be gracious, accept the prayer of us sinners and turn the sadness of the childlessness of those praying to you into joy.
Give the fruit of the womb to those who call upon you, resolving the darkness of their infertility and, as the resolution of infertility, create blessed wives who please you and glorify the God-man - your Grandson and Creator and Lord.
To her, blessed and gracious Anna, to all, like the brightest moon, sending the peaceful and quiet light of the God-given talents in you, who appeared to Sarah the most honest, Anna to the mother of Samuel the brightest, Elizabeth the most glorious and all the righteous wives, whom the law glorifies, the most honest and as if from this there is much honor and worthy of grace, fill the hearts of those who come running to you with joy and gladness, and give your grace to your servant who receives you ambulance, opening her womb, so that through your intercession and intercession the conception of a child may be facilitated and the all-holy Name of the God-Man - Your Grandson and our Savior Jesus Christ - glorified. To Him belongs all glory, honor and worship, together with His beginningless Father and His all-holy, good and life-giving Spirit, now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

“There was also Anna, a prophetess, daughter of Phanuel, from the tribe of Asher, who had reached a very old age, having lived with her husband for seven years from her childhood, a widow of eighty-four years old, who did not leave the temple, serving God day and night with fasting and prayer. And at that time she came up and praised the Lord and spoke about Him to everyone who was waiting for deliverance in Jerusalem.” (Luke 2.36-38).

Three short verses are all we know about this prophetess. Nothing was said about her before, and no comments after, either in the Gospels or in letters. But considering her life is interesting and useful for those who are looking for salvation these days.

When Hannah appeared with the revelation of God's purpose, she was already an old woman, at least eighty-four years old, a widow after seven years of marriage. Obviously, she got married very early. She was a prophetess and versed in the Law, Psalms, and the laws of Israel. Every day she visited the temple, prayed and fasted. Jesus kept those about whom God wrote through the prophet Isaiah: “My house is a house of prayer,” and Hannah used the temple in exactly this way. The priests in the temple were probably very familiar with the figure of this old woman, so constant in prayer.

Prayer and fasting are very becoming of an old woman, and in the early days of the church, Paul wrote to Timothy, recommending: “The true widow and lonely woman trusts in God and continues in supplications and supplications day and night” (1 Timothy 5.5). Widowhood and loneliness produce reverence in character. It must be a life crowned with service, if that service is prayer for others and a prayer that the word of God may be made majestic and glorified to His name.

True widow

Anna's marriage was a passing dream, and was taken away in the spring of her life; Then she decided to spend “summer and autumn” in the service of her God. Most young Jewish widows remarried, but Anna chose the best way, who did not leave her for many years.

Her constant habit had become second nature to her. Life flowed smoothly for her as a river as she watched the service and ceremonies of the Law administered by the priests, the coming and going of the singers, the changing of the guards at the doors, and all that had been instituted by David and Solomon for the worship of God. For her, this was not a soulless hobby, but a long-lasting spiritual exultation.

She was full of hope, and her own hope became part of the people's hope. And hope did not let her heart ache, because, despite the trials of the century in which she lived, she still hoped for the redemption of Jerusalem. As a prophetess, she opened her eyes to the words of the Lord. And we feel confidently that she was one of those who knew that in time God's long silence must end. And although she was so old, she read and believed that “even the young become weak and weary, but they trust that the Lord will renew their strength.” Anna tested this promise and was rewarded.

It is also known that she was from the family of Asher, and to this tribe Moses said: “As your days grow, your wealth will increase” (Deut. 33.25). Her strength did not grow old until she was able to see the Christ of the Lord. Hope gives energy to old age, and Anna's vision of the future contributed to her long service.

Witness of terrible days

What current events happened during her lifetime? There was a terrible civil war in the country due to the fact that when Alexandra (queen mother, widow of Alexander Janeus) died, her two sons Hyrcanus and Aristobulus took over the government of the people. Hyrcanus, who had a harmless weak character, received the priesthood, while the self-confident, strong-willed brother sat on the throne. Many intrigues were woven at the top, and the brothers constantly quarreled, leading the country to great misfortunes. And all this time Anna prayed and fasted. As a prophetess, she was respected, she enjoyed authority, and people sought her for advice and consolation.

The Roman campaigns were very successful; Pompey and his legionaries appeared on the hills of Judea and the city of Jerusalem fell to this Roman general. Pompey had heard a lot about the historical temple of the Jews, about the tomb inside it, where even the foot of the high priest could only set foot once a year. He pondered over the unfamiliar object of worship, which he had never seen, and decided to satisfy his curiosity, and to the horror of the Jews he entered the Holy of Holies. Was Anna there at that moment? How necessary were her prayers! All believers must have felt trembling and unspeakable pain at that moment.

During these days, the temple and its wealth suffered greatly. But the time came, and Herod ascended the throne of Jerusalem. Trying to reconcile with the people, he married the beautiful Mariam, one of the last in the Maccovean family. But peace did not come to the country, and Anna saw how many died.

One of important events of that time is Herod's display of his architectural abilities as he rebuilt, repaired and repainted the temple to give it a glory surpassing even that of Solomon's temple. This temple took forty-six years to build. Anna was there and saw all this work.

When the temple was completed in all its glory, Mary brought baby Jesus. “When the days of purification according to the law of Moses were ended,” she was to offer a sacrifice, as God’s law says, “a pair of turtle doves or two doves.”

Among the surviving righteous

In all ages, God has preserved for Himself a certain number of people who studied His word and sought the fulfillment of His purpose. By this study they developed foresight, and some, like Joseph of Arimathea, the disciples of Jesus, despite the fear of the Jews, “waited for the Kingdom of God.”

The Kingdom of God, the consolation of Israel and the redemption of Jerusalem were the same for believers as the coming of the Messiah to fulfill the promise made to the fathers and mentioned many times in the psalms and prophecies. Zechariah (by the power of the Holy Spirit) put it all together beautifully regarding his son when he said:

“Blessed be the Lord God of Israel, that he hath visited his people, and wrought deliverance unto them, and hath raised up a horn of salvation for us in the house of his servant David, as he hath declared by the mouth of his holy prophets of old, that he will save us from our enemies, and from the hand of all that hate us , will show kindness to our fathers and remember His holy covenant, the oath which He swore to Abraham our father, to give us without fear, after being delivered from the hand of our enemies, to serve Him in holiness and righteousness before Him all the days of our life" (Luke 1.68 -75).

Israel took comfort in these thoughts, and for the generation of Annas and Simeon it was literally the redemption of Jerusalem that had to be found, because the city and the nation were under the iron heel of Rome.

The time has come

The revival of the spirit and the fulfillment of prophecy occurred after a long four-hundred-year wait, with the appearance of the Angel Gabriel in the temple to Zechariah. All this served as an awakening of faith. Were Simeon and Anna expecting Mary? Yes, we did.

It was no secret. Zechariah received the revelation eighteen months before Elizabeth was due to give birth to her son. The angel stood by right side altar of incense and declared that “the child will be great before the Lord... to present to the Lord a prepared people.” And there were many people waiting for Zechariah at the temple, and among them were Simeon and Anna. Everyone became aware of the divine visit and Zechariah's muteness.

The old priest came home to his wife, Elizabeth, and somehow informed her of the divine message. She understood the instructions correctly, so that when Mary visited her cousin a few months later, Elizabeth recognized her as “the Mother of her Lord.” Elizabeth, filled with the Holy Spirit, said in a loud voice: “Blessed are you among women... And where does it come from that the mother of my Lord came to me?”

When John was born, Zechariah was filled with the Holy Spirit and predicted: “And you, little child, will be called a prophet of the Most High, for you will go before the face of the Lord to prepare His ways.”

The good news of Mary's birth of a baby spread among the shepherds around; after they visited the manger at the inn, they spread a rumor that spoke “of what had been told them about this Child” (Luke 2.17). And what did the angel announce to the shepherds? “Today a Savior has been born to you in the city of David, who is Chrysios the Lord.”

Those who sought the Kingdom of God, the consolation of Israel, and the redemption of Jerusalem now knew that the time had come. In the temple, people counted the days. Simeon as a priest and Anna knew that according to the law of Moses, on the eighth day Jesus must be circumcised, and then Mary would have to wait another thirty-three days when she could enter the temple, for the law of Moses requires forty days of purification (Leviticus 12.2,4 ).

Redemption in Jerusalem

And it was predicted to Simeon by the Holy Spirit, “that he would not see death until he saw Christ the Lord” (Luke 2.26). And when he, led by the Holy Spirit, came to the temple, the parents brought Jesus there to fulfill what was required by the law, Simeon took Him in his hands and blessed God. Now he was completely ready to leave, and he prayed to God with all his heart deep feeling gratitude. And at the same time, Anna came up and, without the slightest hesitation, admitted that the son of Mary was the promised Messiah.

For Anna, her undying hope was fulfilled. Many mothers knew what she saw years later! Everyone wanted a blessing for their sons, but only in this baby from Bethlehem did she see the Savior of Israel. Mary could tell Simeon and Anna about her baby, about her hope, fear and joy.

The song of Zechariah after the birth of John is written down in detail for us about Christ, but about Anna it is only said that “...she spoke about him to everyone who was waiting for deliverance in Jerusalem.”

So short entry. But Anna offered up prayers with her old tongue and, one must believe, that this was not indifferently expressed joy. It was a joyful burst of gratitude from lips that had been praying within the temple walls for many years.

She spread the news to her close circle. She was known for her words of wisdom as a prophetess, and now she had a startling message to share with those who were waiting for the redemption of Israel. The word "redemption" contained more than just a national hope of deliverance. These people who listened to Anna were a living connection between the Old Testament and the New, the early seed of conversion to the Gospel.

And now, in discussing her life and times, lest they be of interest and admonition only to aged women, let me hasten to say that what Anna became in her old age is the result of what she accomplished in her long life. She spent her entire life filling the vessel with the oil of the Word, and this sustained her widowhood. The life she has chosen does not seem ideal to many. She could stay at home, mourning her lot. But she continued to climb the steps of the temple every day.

How much activity and energy there was in this, and how excitingly difficult she lived, at a time when the nation was suffering from civil war, under the yoke of enemies. Often the temple in Jerusalem became the center of unrest, and Anna's patience and faith languished her painfully, and yet, when old age came, she was still strong enough to encourage and exhort others. Prayer and meditation, if not in tune with others, could empty spiritual thought. Sympathy and understanding of the concerns of those who seek solitude increases when we graciously recognize this.

When we are young and strong, let us prepare ourselves for the days ahead by “serving God with steadfastness and prayer day and night.”

Prayer to Saint Anna the Prophetess

O holy servant of God, holy Anna the Prophetess! Having fought a good fight on earth, you have received in Heaven the crown of righteousness, which the Lord has prepared for all who love Him. In the same way, looking at your holy image, we rejoice at the glorious end of your life and honor your holy memory. You, standing before the Throne of God, accept our prayers and bring them to the All-Merciful God, to forgive us every sin and help us against the wiles of the devil, so that, having been delivered from sorrows, illnesses, troubles and misfortunes and all evil, we will live piously and righteously in the present We will be worthy through your intercession, even though we are unworthy, to see good on the land of the living, glorifying the One in His saints, the glorified God, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever. Amen.

Saint Anne the Prophetess is the only woman in the New Testament who is called a Prophetess. Very little reliable information has been preserved about the life of Saint Anne. The Gospel says that Anna is the daughter of Phanuel; after the death of her husband, she did not remarry. Saint Anne is mentioned in the event when the Christ child was brought to the Jerusalem Temple.

Throughout her long life, Saint Anna led a righteous life, serving God with her prayer and fasting. Seeing the born Savior in the Jerusalem Temple, confirming the prophecy of Simeon the God-Receiver, she began to preach the news of the Messiah.

Icon of St. Anna the Prophetess and its meaning

Initially, in the ancient Russian tradition, Saint Anna was depicted on the icons of the Presentation of the Lord behind the back of the Mother of God, sometimes in profile with a prophetic gesture or pointing a finger at Christ. Anna the Prophetess was often presented as old woman with an extremely haggard face and gray hair. In some paintings, Saint Anne holds an unfolded or folded list on which are written the words about speedy deliverance everyone living in Jerusalem. There is also another version of the text, which talks about the baby who created heaven and earth.

It is customary to honor Saint Anna the Prophetess on August 28 and February 3. This saint is recognized as the patroness of widows, nuns and single women. Usually they pray to Saint Anne for a righteous lifestyle in loneliness and widowhood, strengthening strength in prayer and fasting, and support in childlessness. Saint Anne is also considered the patroness of infants. You should turn to her with prayers if your child is sick. Because Anna led a righteous and pious lifestyle, she was awarded the right to see the newborn Christ in the temple. Those who lack humility in life, who want to get rid of sorrow, who want to resist temptations and live righteously, should turn to Saint Anna the Prophetess in prayer.

You can purchase jewelry with the image of St. Anne the Prophetess at the Vladimir Mikhailov salon. Works talented artist They fascinate with their clarity and thoughtfulness of lines, quality of materials, beauty and grace. This famous master creates unique jewelry pieces that amaze with their originality and novelty against the backdrop of the Orthodox tradition.

  • Article: 44160
  • Material: Gold 585 "green"
  • Height: 23 mm.
  • Width: 12 mm.

In the hands of an Angel standing on a cloud is an icon with the image of Anna the prophetess, daughter of Phanuel. Anna the prophetess was the last righteous woman of the Old Testament, who was granted to see Jesus Christ with her own eyes and announce to all the people in Jerusalem about the birth of the Savior. On the reverse side of the icon are the words of the saint’s prayer.

  • Article: 14500
  • Material: 925 silver, gold plated
  • Height: 30 mm.
  • Width: 21 mm.

Anna the Prophetess is revered Orthodox Church in the face of the righteous. The Gospel of Luke says that she was a pious widow from Jerusalem who had reached a very old age. She served God day and night with fasting and prayer, for which she was honored to be present with Saint Simeon the God-Receiver in those holy moments when the infant Christ was first brought into the temple.