Yakovlev has the right to life to read the essay. Lesson - socialization in literary reading The right to life Yu. Yakovlev. III. Working on new material

Yuri Yakovlevich Yakovlev (real name Khovkin) (Buried at the Danilovsky cemetery) - Soviet writer and screenwriter, author of books for teenagers and young adults, father of the famous Israeli writer Ezra Howkin.


Called up for military service in November 1940. Journalist. Participated in the defense of Moscow, wounded. Lost my mother in besieged Leningrad.

Graduated from the Literary Institute named after. M. Gorky (1952). Journalist. Yakovlev is the writer’s pseudonym, taken from his patronymic, real name- Khovkin.

“I collaborated with newspapers and magazines and traveled around the country. He was at the construction of the Volga-Don Canal and the Stalingrad Hydroelectric Power Station, on the collective farms of the Vinnitsa region and with the oil workers of Baku, participated in the exercises of the Carpathian Military District and walked on a torpedo boat along the path of Caesar Kunikov’s daring landing; I worked the night shift in the workshops of Uralmash and walked along the floodplains of the Danube with fishermen, returned to the ruins of the Brest Fortress and studied the life of teachers Ryazan region, met the Slava flotilla at sea and visited the border posts of Belarus” (from his autobiography).

Yuri Yakovlev - author of “Mystery. Passion for four girls" (Tanya Savicheva, Anne Frank, Samantha Smith, Sasaki Sadako - characters of the official Soviet cult of the "struggle for peace"), published in the last lifetime collection "Selected" (1992).

Yakovlev Alexander Sergeevich

Yakovlev Alexander Sergeevich

The purpose of life

Yakovlev Alexander Sergeevich

Publisher's abstract: The third edition of the memoirs of aircraft designer A. S. Yakovlev has been supplemented with new materials on the development of Soviet aviation in last years, about the activities of the design bureau headed by the author, as well as new memories of meetings with party and state leaders, scientists, and famous military leaders.

Instead of a preface

About this book


The beginning of the way

"Working people - build an air fleet!"

A dream come true


Aeroclub named after Kosarev

Successes of our aviators

Lessons from Spain

War is on the doorstep

IN fascist Germany

First fighter

In the People's Commissariat

German designers

Hitler and the Nazis

Start of the war

It's time severe tests

Moscow on the defensive


In the East

The Great Break

Air supremacy

Yak-3 - light fighter

Frontline pilots


Opponents and allies

Constructor and war

Victory of Soviet technical thought

The Age of Jet Aviation

"Flying Car"

All is well that ends well


Wings of the Motherland

World Championship

A new plane is born

Rocket and plane

Two exhibitions


The purpose of life

Glossary of some aviation terms found in the book


Instead of a preface

In the book "The Purpose of Life" Alexander Sergeevich Yakovlev talks about his creative path designer and public figure, the author, with deep knowledge of the matter, sets out the main, most characteristic stages of the development of domestic aviation.

Such turning points in the history of the Soviet aviation industry as the period of the first five-year plan, when a powerful domestic aviation industry was created, the end of the 30s, when it was possible to carry out a radical restructuring that ensured the qualitative superiority of Soviet aviation in the Patriotic War, and, finally, were analyzed with great depth. , transition to jet aviation.

The advantage of the book is that the author does not hide the difficulties encountered along the way, but paints a picture of overcoming these difficulties in both peaceful and military conditions. It has great importance for education younger generation, which should know at what cost the greatest efforts of the party and people forged the industrial and military power of our Motherland.

The author conveys the romance of design work, as if revealing creative laboratory creators new technology, their constant search for something new, a struggle not only with the forces of nature, but also with the force of human inertia, routine and conservatism. The reader will learn a lot about the pains of creativity and the joys of technical victories, will get acquainted with the most prominent scientists, designers, test pilots and front-line pilots, figures in domestic and foreign aviation.

I don’t know of another book in our literature where the process of design innovation was outlined with such force.

The book by A. S. Yakovlev has great historical and documentary value. I believe that with the publication of this book, historians of Soviet science and technology will generally receive meaningful, reliable factual and educational material.

Simplicity and vividness of presentation, bright, exciting episodes, captivating with their truthfulness - all this will certainly arouse interest in the book wide range readers.

Twice Hero

Socialist Labor,

general designer S. ILYUSHIN

About this book

In the fall of 1934, test pilot Yulian Piontkovsky and I were purged at an open party meeting of the Menzhinsky Aviation Plant in Moscow.

The meeting took place in a large hangar, adapted for a club. The hangar was full. And despite the fact that there were well-known workmates around us, everyone we met every day in the factory workshops, at the airfield, in the design bureau, the feeling of excitement did not leave us for a minute.

One after another, party members and candidates - workers, mechanics, engineers - came out onto the stage to the presidium of the meeting.

Suddenly there was a loud noise in the hall, applause was heard, heads turned to front door. I also turned around and saw the tall, stooped figure of a man in a light light coat, with an embroidered skullcap on his head. He was led to the front row and seated in an empty seat next to me. I was so filled with anticipation of what was coming that at first I did not realize who my neighbor was. And only when he, smiling welcomingly, extended his hand to me as if he were an acquaintance, although we had met for the first time, I saw that it was Alexey Maksimovich Gorky. You can imagine my surprise.

This was the time when Alexey Maksimovich, having returned from Sorrento to Moscow, went to factories, construction sites, met with workers, scientists, pioneers, and pilots. Gorky appeared in workshops, at meetings, looked closely at people, was interested in everything, wanted to know everything, go everywhere, see everything with his own eyes. And then, unexpectedly for everyone, he arrived at a party meeting of our aircraft plant.

Alexey Maksimovich was breathing heavily and smoking all the time. Before he has time to finish smoking one cigarette, he takes out another and lights a cigarette from the first.

And are you going through a cleanse today? I nodded my head.

Are you worried?

I'm very worried, Alexey Maksimovich.

At this time, Yulian Piontkovsky stood on the podium and talked about his life, about how he, being a mechanic mechanic in one of the aviation detachments in 1917, became eager to become a pilot, learned to fly himself, then entered an aviation school, went to front, became an instructor at a pilot school and finally a test pilot...

Any questions? - asked the chairman.

We know, we know! - swept through the hall to applause.

Do you know him? - Gorky asked, pointing his gaze at Piontkovsky.

Well, this is my friend.

Well, you see how they greet him, and don’t worry,” said Alexey Maksimovich, applauding along with others.

I don’t know whether it was because Alexey Maksimovich became interested in my biography, told at this party meeting, or because he generally advocated writing books by “experienced people,” but after a while he invited me to write an essay on my life - “The Formation of the Soviet engineer" for the almanac "The Year Seventeen" he founded.

I still remember the significant meeting with Gorky, which served as the first impetus for the creation of the book.

I took up the task more than once, but the intense design work did not allow this, especially during the war and in the post-war years. I wrote something down, and thus accumulated material for a future book. It turned out that he really began to carry out Gorky’s instructions only many years later. I had to write in fits and starts, during rest hours, after work.

In 1957, on the advice of the writer Valentin Kataev, I published several episodes in the magazine "Yunost" about the first steps of an aircraft designer. I received many letters from readers who asked me to continue my stories.

As a result, in 1958 and 1964, Detgiz published a book for young people, “Stories of an Aircraft Designer.” Again there were many responses from young and old. I was advised to describe in more detail the events of the war and post-war years, depicting our victories not only at the front, but also in design bureaus, factories, talk about meetings with interesting people.

Over the course of 50 years of work in aviation, I witnessed the development of the Soviet air fleet.

How can one not remember that back in 1927, pilot Semyon Shestakov, on one of the first A.N. Tupolev aircraft, ANT-4(1), flew from Moscow to the United States of America with intermediate stops for more than a month! In 1937, the crews of Valery Chkalov and Mikhail Gromov flew from Moscow to America via the North Pole without landing on ANT-25 aircraft in just 63 hours. And now the IL-62 turbojet aircraft makes a flight from Moscow to the USA in only 10 hours of flight time.

Our pilots on domestic airliners paved the world's longest intercontinental route between the USSR and Cuba and make non-stop flights to Havana. Soviet light and heavy jet aircraft and helicopters set a number of outstanding international aviation records for speed, altitude, payload and flight range. Our scientists and designers have reached great heights in the field of aviation science and technology. This allows our country to develop not only civil aviation transport, but, given the complexity of the international situation, to constantly improve the Air Force.

The exploits of Soviet cosmonauts, scientists, designers, engineers, and workers who created artificial Earth satellites, rockets and spaceships are world famous. The astronauts were raised in our aviation family. Most of them came to cosmonaut school with blue buttonholes of military pilots. I was pleased to listen to their stories about how they learned to fly Yaks. Aviation instilled in them courage and courage, endurance and quickness of orientation, the ability to find a way out complex provisions. Not only pilots left aviation either spaceships, but also many engineers and rocket scientists.

The most difficult test for aviation was the Great Patriotic War when fates were decided...

Lesson - socialization
textbook: L.A. Efrosinina, M.I. Omorokova “Literary reading” grade 4, part 2 “Ventana-Count”
Cards with the names of the authors of essays and their titles

1. Speech warm-up
Text on the board:
Well done if you're reading.
2 0 1
so many different books!
3 0 1 1
-Read this phrase: as you exhale; while inhaling (choral reading).

2.-If you guess what the numbers under the words in this text mean, you will be able to determine the topic of the Knowledge lesson (by correlating the numbers and serial numbers letters in words form the word “essay”).

Yes, today we will work on an essay by Yu.Ya. Yakovlev (a portrait of the author and the word “essay” opens).

3. -Guys, what is an “essay”? (statements from 1-2 students are heard)
Very good

Promoting the topic.

1. -Choose a word so that it can complete all three of these sentences!
On the desk:
Everyone has _______.
I have _________________!
Do you know your ___________?
-That's right, this word is “rights”.
-Today we will get acquainted with Yu. Yakovlev’s essay “The Right to Life” and expand the concept of “right” for ourselves.

3.-Yuri Yakovlevich Yakovlev – Russian writer, beloved by more than one generation of children and youth. “There are houses in the world where people come without an invitation. They come, as they say, for the light, when they are sad and lonely. A writer’s work is such a home. My home is my books, and my heroes are the people for whom the reader crosses the threshold of my house.” That's what Yuri Yakovlev said.

4. -I suggest you listen to Yu. Yakovlev’s essay “The Right to Life” (reading by the teacher).

Did you like the essay?

Who is this essay about? (after the students answer “About children!” a poster with a picture of a child is hung)

Try to name the topic of the essay (3-4 student options are listened to, the correct answer is: children's rights).

What document protects you?

"Convention on the Rights of the Child" in the form of a framing ring).

6.(-Now focus your gaze on the field
reading i)
answer the questions (frontal conversation):

What does “a person is happy” mean?

Try to give examples of when a person needs protection?

Why is it easier for an adult to stand up for himself than for a child?

Find the difference between the words “child” and “foolish baby”?

Explain the expression: “centered in the mother.”

Can you name the idea for this essay? (3-4 students are listened to)

That's right, every child has the right to life!

7.-Find meaningful word in 1 paragraph (rights)
-Find a meaningful word in paragraph 2 (defense)
-Read the text again to yourself, and after reading, please put any sign you want between these two words and justify your choice (on the board the words “rights” and “protection” are written with a gap).

What sign do you propose to put between these words?

I agree with you, this is an equal sign!

Physical education minute.
-Stand up please. Let `s have some rest.
Imagine that you are puppets, i.e. dolls on strings. Follow my commands! Hands up, bend over, crouch down. Again.
- I don’t want you to be such dolls in life - puppets and you could be manipulated.

6. -What is the main document that protects you, children? (“Convention on the Rights of the Child”; brochure on display)

IN explanatory dictionary I found the meaning of this word

A convention is an international agreement on any issue.

And these documents also protect you: “Declaration of Human Rights”, “Family Code”, “Constitution Russian Federation"(brochures are displayed).
-The Convention is a complex document, let’s figure out why it has such power.
The Convention is based on 4 essential principles.

Look at this photo (photo of children different nationalities; With different colors skin). Do you think these children have the same need for protection? (1-2 answers are heard)
- Of course, the same. This is the first principle of the Convention on the Rights of the Child: “States parties to the Convention respect and ensure all rights of every child, regardless of race, color, language, religion, nationality.”

The second principle of the Convention is: “The best provision for the child.”
“States Parties undertake to provide the child with such protection and care as is necessary for his or her well-being.”

Third principle: “Right to life, survival and development.”
-The fourth principle of the Convention: “Respect for the views of children.”
“The child has the right to freely express his views on all matters affecting him.”

7. - Here you are - children (attention is drawn to the poster with the image of a child).
- I use arrows to depict problems that can harm you.
- What is the convention for you? (2-3 student answers are listened to; the correct one is emphasized - “Defense!”)

How do you propose to portray it?
-This symbol of protecting children's rights helped us compile Yu. Yakovlev's essay and the Convention document itself.
8.- And at school your rights are protected by a social teacher.


Only you were born,
Your first right:
get it to be proud of
personal name.

It's very difficult on your own
live alone in the world!
The right to live with mom and dad
Always use it guys.

There is also such a right -
remember, think and create
and others your thoughts
if you want, donate it.

If you have a fever, your whole body aches
And there’s no time for playing at all,
Then call a doctor for help
also the right of children.

To make friends with science,
With a book in a small hand
Use your right to study
In your native language.

When I grew up, I took books
And I went to first grade.
All the kids go to school -
We have this right.

Whether you are weak or strong
White, black - it doesn't matter.
You were born to be happy
This is given to everyone.


Attached files

Lesson - socialization
textbook: L.A. Efrosinina, M.I. Omorokova “Literary reading” grade 4, part 2 “Ventana-Count”
Cards with the names of the authors of essays and their titles

1. Speech warm-up
Text on the board:
Well done if you're reading.
2 0 1
a lot of different books!
3 0 1 1
-Read this phrase: as you exhale; while inhaling (choral reading).

2.-If you guess what the numbers under the words in this text mean, you will be able to determine the topic of the Knowledge lesson (by correlating the numbers and the serial numbers of the letters in the words, the word “essay” is obtained).

Yes, today we will work on an essay by Yu.Ya. Yakovlev (a portrait of the author and the word “essay” opens).

3. -Guys, what is an “essay”? (statements from 1-2 students are heard)
Very good

Promoting the topic.

1. -Choose a word so that it can complete all three of these sentences!
On the desk:
Everyone has _______.
I have _________________!
Do you know your ___________?
-That's right, this word is “rights”.
-Today we will get acquainted with Yu. Yakovlev’s essay “The Right to Life” and expand the concept of “right” for ourselves.

3.-Yuri Yakovlevich Yakovlev is a Russian writer, beloved by more than one generation of children and youth. “There are houses in the world where people come without an invitation. They come, as they say, for the light, when they are sad and lonely. A writer’s work is such a home. My home is my books, and my heroes are the people for whom the reader crosses the threshold of my house.” That's what Yuri Yakovlev said.

4. -I suggest you listen to Yu. Yakovlev’s essay “The Right to Life” (reading by the teacher).

Did you like the essay?

Who is this essay about? (after the students answer “About children!” a poster with a picture of a child is hung)

Try to name the topic of the essay (3-4 student options are listened to, the correct answer is: children's rights).

What document protects you?

"Convention on the Rights of the Child" in the form of a framing ring).

6.(-Now focus your gaze on the field
reading i)
answer the questions (frontal conversation):

What does “a person is happy” mean?

Try to give examples of when a person needs protection?

Why is it easier for an adult to stand up for himself than for a child?

Find the difference between the words “child” and “foolish baby”?

Explain the expression: “centered in the mother.”

Can you name the idea for this essay? (3-4 students are listened to)

That's right, every child has the right to life!

7.-Find the meaningful word in paragraph 1 (rights)
-Find a meaningful word in paragraph 2 (defense)
-Read the text again to yourself, and after reading, please put any sign you want between these two words and justify your choice (on the board the words “rights” and “protection” are written with a gap).

What sign do you propose to put between these words?

I agree with you, this is an equal sign!

Physical education minute.
-Stand up please. Let `s have some rest.
Imagine that you are puppets, i.e. dolls on strings. Follow my commands! Hands up, bend over, crouch down. Again.
- I don’t want you to be such dolls in life - puppets and you could be manipulated.

6. -What is the main document that protects you, children? (“Convention on the Rights of the Child”; brochure on display)

In the explanatory dictionary I found the meaning of this word

A convention is an international agreement on any issue.

And these documents also protect you: “Declaration of Human Rights”, “Family Code”, “Constitution of the Russian Federation” (brochures are on display).
-The Convention is a complex document, let’s figure out why it has such power.
The Convention is based on 4 essential principles.

Look at this photo (photo of children of different nationalities; with different skin colors). Do you think these children have the same need for protection? (1-2 answers are heard)
- Of course, the same. This is the first principle of the Convention on the Rights of the Child: “States parties to the Convention respect and ensure all rights of every child, regardless of race, color, language, religion, nationality.”

The second principle of the Convention is: “The best provision for the child.”
“States Parties undertake to provide the child with such protection and care as is necessary for his or her well-being.”

Third principle: “Right to life, survival and development.”
-The fourth principle of the Convention: “Respect for the views of children.”
“The child has the right to freely express his views on all matters affecting him.”

7. - Here you are - children (attention is drawn to the poster with the image of a child).
- I use arrows to depict problems that can harm you.
- What is the convention for you? (2-3 student answers are listened to; the correct one is emphasized - “Defense!”)

How do you propose to portray it?
-This symbol of protecting children's rights helped us compile Yu. Yakovlev's essay and the Convention document itself.
8.- And at school your rights are protected by a social teacher.


Only you were born,
Your first right:
get it to be proud of
personal name.

It's very difficult on your own
live alone in the world!
The right to live with mom and dad
Always use it guys.

There is also such a right -
remember, think and create
and others your thoughts
if you want, donate it.

If you have a fever, your whole body aches
And there’s no time for playing at all,
Then call a doctor for help
also the right of children.

To make friends with science,
With a book in a small hand
Use your right to study
In your native language.

When I grew up, I took books
And I went to first grade.
All the kids go to school -
We have this right.

Whether you are weak or strong
White, black - it doesn't matter.
You were born to be happy
This is given to everyone.

Solution of exercises. Pages 122-129: Essay on a meeting with V. M. Vasnetsov’s painting “The Snow Maiden”


With. 122. “Fedina’s task” (N. Nosov)

“Helen with a bouquet” (A. Barto)


With. 123. Motherland (I. Sokolov-Mikitov)


- this is a complete word deep meaning. These are productive fields, and a warm wind, and deep rivers, And green forests, And high mountains, and crowded cities, people.

– forests and steppes;

- cities.

With. 124. Beloved mother - fatherland (M. Sholokhov)

M. Sholokhov describes the expanses of our Motherland in winter. The author describes nature in the south, north, east and west of our country.

The main idea of ​​the essay is our Motherland

beautiful at any time of the year, even when nature in winter “gathers life-giving forces for new achievements.”

With. 127. Pictures-fairy tales (N. Sher)

At the House-Museum of V. M. Vasnetsov we meet at paintings of three heroes, the sleeping beauty, Baba Yaga, the Frog Princess, Princess Nesmeyan, Kashchei the Immortal, Sivka-Burka, Ivan Tsarevich, Zhar the Bird.

V. M. Vasnetsov said that “every person has been on a magic carpet at least once.” The artist had a dream - “to fly into the sky.” In the film “Magic Carpet” he expressed his dream.

*Creative task

Essay on a meeting with the painting by V. M. Vasnetsov “The Snow Maiden”

In V. M. Vasnetsov’s painting “The Snow Maiden” we see a dark winter forest at night. It was at this time that this girl in a beautiful pearl-silver outfit found herself in the forest. The Snow Maiden found herself in the forest by accident, wandered into the wilderness and now does not know how to find her way in the darkness of the forest. It’s as if we hear the careful crunch of snow under the Snow Maiden’s feet. And even though she’s wearing a hat with fur trim and warm mittens, we understand how cold and scary it is for the girl here. A thin birch tree standing in the distance emphasizes the Snow Maiden’s loneliness. Only the shining bluish light of the moon illuminating the clearing, and fluffy fir trees seem to help you find your way from here. In the snow we see the tracks of animals, and in the distance - the lights of a village. This means that very soon the Snow Maiden will get out of this dark forest

I liked this picture. She made me think about the inner world of a lonely person: how bad he feels, what he thinks about, what he worries about, what he hopes for.

With. 129. Right to life (Yu. Yakovlev)

From Yu. Yakovlev’s essay, I learned that every person (and child!) has rights (to life, to walk the earth, to study, to make friends, etc.).


– essay about Vasnetsov’s painting

– essay by Yu Ya Yakovlev Right to life

– an essay about a meeting with Vasnetsov’s paintings

– essay about Vasnetsov’s carpet plane painting

- Yakovlev right to life

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