Woman's face contour drawing. How to Draw a Face: Basics and Proportions

The topic of this article is devoted to how to draw a portrait with a pencil step by step for beginners. Each of us is looking for convenient way depict what he sees. Therefore, I want to offer an option on how to draw a portrait of a person, be it a loved one, or a person sitting opposite on the train, or it will be portraits of celebrities. In this version, there is only one rule - simplicity.

And today is a training lesson. We will draw a person’s face with a pencil step by step, a person whom you see every day; you are used to “working” a little on his appearance, trying on makeup or a smile, severity or tenderness. We draw the face you know as your reflection in the mirror.

But first, let's get a mirror and look at ourselves like for the first time. All people are similar, and at the same moment different, and you are no exception. What makes us similar? Everyone has it healthy person there are two eyes, a mouth, a nose, ears, eyebrows, hair arranged in a hairstyle. What makes us different? The shape, size and location of these “details” of human appearance. So, a portrait is a kind of collage or puzzle of several passages, which we will “break down” into the plan of our work: Eyes; Mouth; Nose; Ears; Brows; Hair (hairstyle) and oval face.

And all this has its own shape, size and its own proportions of location on the face. This is what makes each of us “one of a kind” and unlike anyone else. And, if we are learning to draw a portrait of a certain person, then it would be good to first pay attention to the shape and type of each element of the face in detail. And only after this our final goal, and this is a portrait with colored pencils, will become more accessible.


We will first practice drawing all the details with a simple pencil. And also, please note, I draw myself and my eyes. You can practice drawing mine for now, but this will be an intermediate step on the way to understanding how to learn how to draw portraits with a pencil.

Step 1

Here we will draw an arc with a pencil. At the same time, pay attention to its shape. It is extended until the middle, and then “rolls” down.

Step 2

The lower arc is almost perfect. It is smaller than the top one.

Step 3

We connect the arches and perform the upper eyelid.

Step 4

Cornea and lower eyelid.

Step 5

Eyelashes appear on the upper and lower eyelids and the pupil.

Step 6

We make small folds near the eyes and mark the places where the shadow falls, making the eye seem voluminous.


How to draw sponges correctly? Just 5 steps and your lip drawing is ready.

Step 1

We start with a wavy line.

Step 2

Above the wavy line we draw the upper sponge.

Step 3

We complement the drawn mouth with a lower sponge.

Step 4

We connect the edges of the lips and some folds of the lips.

Step 5

We create a chiaroscuro effect and do not forget about the folds in the corners of the lips and on the chin.


How to draw a portrait of a person, if you do not learn to depict one of the most complex parts, nose. We do this step by step.

Step 1

We carry out parallel lines- this is the width of the nose.

Step 2

The two lines end with the original “capsule”. This is a widening of the nose.

Step 3

We depict the nostrils.

Step 4

Shading for a chiaroscuro effect.

Step 5

To make the shadow look natural, we even it out a little.


Another element that is sometimes forgotten when covered with hair. But our pencil portrait for beginners provides it step by step. What is this? Ears.

Step 1

The shape of the ear is similar to an arch. Let's do it.

Step 2

We perform the upper part of the auricle, the helix and the tragus.

Step 3

We make an anti-curl. A lobe appeared, which means I didn’t forget about my jewelry – the earring.

Step 4

I do the cheek, neck and hair.


Drawing a portrait also includes such details as eyebrows.

Step 1

Some find it convenient to do this first with an arc, and then each hair separately. And for some, it is more interesting to immediately draw the shape of the eyebrows, making them with abrupt lines.

Step 2

We correct the shape and thickness of the eyebrows.

Hair (hairstyle) and face shape

Having examined each individual detail, it is easier for us to understand how to draw a portrait with a pencil. And yet, I will show you the image of a person’s face in stages.

Action 1

My face is round in shape. And this is what I try to portray.

Act 2

I mark where the neck will be and the shape of my hairstyle.

Act 3

I draw the hair in more detail.

Well, we have learned to work on each detail separately. Time to put the puzzle together. Let's talk about having a pencil person.


Before we get a portrait with colored pencils, we again draw the portrait from scratch. But what else is important to know about depicting people? The fact that you can make a person's face different ways. For example, if the model is sitting directly in front of us, her body and head itself are positioned straight, and her eyes are looking directly at the artist, then this angle is called full face.

Profile – if the model is located sideways to us.

How to draw a portrait of a person who is sitting half-turned towards us? And what is this work called? This is three quarters. This angle is very convenient for a romantic and informal image. It brings out the beauty of the eyes and lips. This is exactly what we will choose to make the first pencil portrait from a photograph.

Working on an image from a photograph

First, you should choose a photo of a suitable model to draw a portrait from a photograph. And now let's do the work step by step.

To understand how to draw a person’s face, let’s divide everything into stages.

Stage 1

We make an oval face with a pencil.

Stage 2

This pencil work for beginners involves auxiliary lines that will help maintain the proportions of a person's face when drawing a portrait outline.

Stage 3

Thanks to the diagram, we mark where the eyes, nose and other organs will be. We perform these facial details step by step.

A little more detail:

Eyes and eyebrows


Stage 4

Now, to make our pencil portrait from the photo look more believable, we erase all the auxiliary lines and pay attention to the hair. Don't forget about the effect of chiaroscuro.

Stage 5

It's time to make a portrait with colored pencils to bring it to life.

Test lesson

It's time to move on to checking what we have learned and continue talking about how to draw your portrait. I hope the portrait drawing lessons were not in vain for me, and I will be able to believably draw myself as a real beauty!

1) Oval face.

2) Auxiliary lines to maintain proportions.

3) Schematic representation of all elements.

4) We make a portrait with colored pencils.

The lesson has been learned and reinforced. As for me, the result is not bad. We can safely say that we have understood how to draw a portrait with a pencil. And if necessary, we will use our new skills.

In order to fully learn how to draw portraits with a pencil, you need to study the basics of drawing and human proportions, and also devote enough time to practice.

If you are new to drawing, then you should not immediately “throw yourself into the pool headlong” and try to master the entire portrait. First you need to fill your hand with the execution of individual parts: eyes, nose, mouth, as well as ears and neck. You can learn how to draw all these elements in separate lessons on our website.

A step-by-step description of a girl's portrait in pencil.

Stage one.

When starting to draw a portrait with a pencil, take a good look at the person being portrayed, determine the shape of the face and cheekbones, trace the inclination of the lips and determine which of them is wider, how the outer and inner corners of the eyes are located relative to each other. Then we draw an oval suitable in shape for a particular person.

Stage two.

We divide our oval into four parts. To do this, draw vertical and horizontal lines strictly in the middle. Next, we divide the resulting horizontal parts of the lines in half again, marking them with small serifs. We divide the lower part of the vertical line into five equal parts. Remember that these lines are of an auxiliary nature and when our pencil portrait of a girl is almost ready, they will need to be erased, so do not put too much pressure on the pencil when drawing them.

Stage three.

Place the center of each eyeball directly above the dividing points of the horizontal line. We draw the line of the base of the nose at the second notch on top of the lower part of the vertical axis, and the line of the mouth - in the area of ​​the second notch from the bottom.

Stage four.

We draw the line of the upper eyelid and draw the lips. It should be remembered that the distance between the eyes is equal to the length of one eye. The earlobes should be level with the demolition. Use sketch lines to mark the outline of the hair.

Stage five.

We begin to draw a more detailed portrait of a person in pencil step by step. We depict the upper border of the upper eyelid and the visible part of the lower eyelid. Add a few eyelashes to each upper eyelid. We draw the lines of the eyebrows and bridge of the nose.

Stage six.

To add volume to our portrait, we shade the lips and hair with a simple pencil, highlighting dark and light places, and add shadows.

Thus, if you draw several faces, you will see that they are different from each other. Continue drawing the portrait with a pencil step by step until you achieve maximum resemblance.

One of the most complex species art it is. The physique needs to be studied in detail in parts. We have already looked at some elements. Before you begin, be sure to read these few tips from professional artists:

  1. First you need to think about the approximate location of all the elements
  2. For sketches, take a sharpened pencil of medium hardness (I used HB and 2B, write in the comments which pencils you used), which will allow you to sketch thin lines.
  3. Do not erase the sketch lines until the desired result is clearly visible.
  4. Maintain proportions
  5. Please note that the face has a pointed shape at the bottom and a more rounded shape at the top.
  6. Practice! The more you practice, the better you will learn to convey the necessary emotions and nuances of human facial expressions.

Now let's move on to the lesson.

How to draw a person's face step by step:

Step one. This face is oval shaped. First, let's make an oval and divide it with lines. A vertical line crosses it exactly in the middle, and horizontal lines are located as follows. The first divides the face just below half, and the second another half from the remaining lower part of the face. We cannot give exact sizes, since everyone's face is different. But the task of these lines is to outline (this is the vertical line), as well as the location of the lips (the horizontal bottom line). Don't forget that you'll have to erase them later, so don't press the stylus too hard on the paper. If you press hard on the paper, it will become deformed, and the drawing will look like a girl getting ready for a wedding. plastic surgery. (Will ) Step two. Make approximate strokes in the place where. And also add lines for , and halfway between the nose and chin. Make the line that marks the lower lip wider. Step three. Let's move on to drawing. They are located just above the nose. The outer edges of the nose indicate where the inner corners of the eyes will go. Make a sketch as shown in the picture. Consider one more thing here important factor. Human anatomy is designed in such a way that the distance between the eyes is equal to the size of another eye. This is indicated by a red arrow in the figure. Now let's add the eyebrows. Tip: Even if one eyebrow is raised and the eyebrows are the same height, start drawing from the inside (points closer to the nose). To get an idea of ​​how high the eyebrows are, add another dummy eye above the left eye - this should give you more or less the correct height for the eyebrows. Step 4. Add a mouth. In the previous lesson we already covered some points. For example, we tried to depict . But there's another one important point, a lot of questions novice artists have about how big the mouth should be? Mentally draw two lines from the inner edges of your eyes down. This will be the approximate size of the mouth; when smiling it may be a little wider. Step 5. Now we erase the auxiliary lines that we made in the first two steps. Let's see what we got. In principle, the sketch is ready. Now all that remains is to decorate and add shadows. Step six. Give your face shape more specificity. Pay attention to the cheekbones and the shape of the chin. This woman has a strong chin, but try not to make it too strong, otherwise she will turn into a man. Sketch in the black pupils and add eyelids. requires concentration. This is the mirror of the soul. Look closely at the animation. You will see in what order it is best to do this. The last step. With a simple pencil add shadows to give the drawing volume and make it more realistic. That's all. More details about other parts human body we'll look at it in future lessons. Also leave your works and write comments about how only we have such lessons, see for yourself.

Good day, aspiring artists!
Now we will learn how to draw a person’s face with a pencil step by step. People think that the image human face task only for experienced artists. But if you follow simple rules, any beginner can handle this task with the ease of a professional. Knowledge of proportions and correct location all elements are the keys to unraveling the secret of “how to draw a person’s face.”

Centerlines and proportions

Each element can be thought of as a line. They are called axial. It is impossible to depict a correct, proportional face without using them. At first, until a certain skill appears, they need to be used constantly.
To begin with, using light, barely visible strokes, we apply a grid of axial strokes. This will simplify and speed up work on the contour.
Next, working with the axes, you can begin to depict human emotions. When a person is happy or angry, his facial features change, followed by a change in the direction of the axial grid.

Horizontal lines

Step 1 Oval

First, let's create an approximate oval; we don't need precision yet. It will be adjusted further. It is needed to understand the scope of work and create correct proportions all elements.

Step 2 Axial symmetry and eye placement

The oval must be divided into four parts by horizontal and vertical segments. The horizontal line is the axial line of the eye. Vertical is needed to correct the symmetry of the image. Don't try to do this without a ruler. Accuracy is important here; the correct placement of parts of the face depends on them.

Step 3 Eyebrows, nose, lips and hair

Next we draw our vectors for the eyebrows, nose, and hair. To do this, you need to divide the oval into three and a half parts, these will be the hair growth lines, eyebrows, and the base of the nose.

To depict the lip line, divide the lower third, from the nose to the chin, horizontally in half. There will be a lower lip.

It is important to remember that in the initial marking you only need the main line of the lips. Their shape depends on the gender, race and age of the person. It will change in future work.

Step 4 Ears

The auricle, like a fingerprint, is unique to each person. Oddly enough, the correct placement of the ears is often the biggest problem when depicting a portrait.

In order to avoid such misunderstandings, you need to remember that the upper part of the ear is located on the axis of the eyes, and the lower part on the axis of the nose. Regardless of size or shape, ears are correctly depicted within this fragment.

Vertical lines

Step 5 Eyes

We return to the horizontal line of the eyes. It must be divided into eight parts. Each eye will occupy two of the eight parts. This way they will look proportional. The distance between them is equal to the length of one eye. There should be one eighth left to the outline of the head on each side. The corners are always on the axial.

Do not forget that lips, eyes, nose, ears are different for each person. Here's how to draw the face of an average person. After proportionally placing the parts, they can be brought into line with the original.

Step 6 Nose and mouth

If the model is looking straight ahead, at the same vertical level are:

the inner corners of the eyes are the wings of the nose;

corners of lips - pupil.

After carrying out all the axial lines, we should get the following mesh:

We have drawn a basic backbone that can later be shaped to give it individuality.

Step-by-step model for drawing a human face.

The article tells you how to draw a face quickly, symmetrically, and accurately calculate proportions. As soon as novice artists feel the strength, they can begin to perform more complex artwork. With experience, the need to construct a complex contour mesh will go away.

First you need to determine whether we will portray a man or a woman. They have significant differences. For example, we will draw a man's face.

You can learn how to draw a girl’s face from the video master class offered below.

Step 1 Shape

We draw an oval and the first two axial ones - horizontal (eyes), vertical (to determine symmetry).

Step 2 Details

With light movements we apply, along the pre-defined axes, the eyes, nose, eyebrows, lips. At this stage it is important to outline the details; we will adjust them further.

The pencil should not be pressed too hard into the paper. Otherwise, dents will remain on it, and then it will be difficult to correct the flaws.

Step 3 Detailing the shapes

Now we begin to transform the sketch into a drawing. We add and complement all the elements:

we finish drawing the eyelids, pupil, eyelashes;

carefully draw the eyebrows, bringing out each hair. Very painstaking work, requiring attention and perseverance;

We come up with a hairstyle for the model. Depicting hair correctly is the most difficult task;

We pay a lot of attention to the nose. Carefully draw out the nostrils;

For beginners, it’s easier to keep your lips closed or in a half-smile;

We tighten the jawline.

Step 4 Add Shadows

The final touch is shading! Apply shadows in small, light strokes to the eyes, nose, mouth, cheekbones and neck.
The shading can be shaded with a piece of paper or your finger. This will make the picture closer to the original.

Lesson completed. Our model is designed for the entry level. But with diligence, the level of skill will increase with each new painting.

The next step is to learn the nuances of drawing facial expressions and depicting emotions. The main thing is to train!

Indeed, drawing a person’s face with a pencil is not so easy. You will need to maintain the proportions correctly, indicate the location of the main details, and accurately convey the features. But if you use the instructions with detailed description, then drawing a person’s face with a pencil step by step will not be difficult even for beginners.

Drawing a human face with a pencil step by step

Before you start drawing a portrait, you need to familiarize yourself with the artists’ recommendations:

  • First you should carefully consider the placement of the main parts;
  • to make sketches, you will need to use a pencil sharpened, which will make it possible to draw thin lines;
  • until the desired result is noticeable, the auxiliary lines should not be erased;
  • it is important to maintain proportions, otherwise the person’s face in the drawing will turn out distorted;
  • in the lower part the person’s face is pointed, and in the upper part it is rounded.

The accuracy of conveying emotions depends on the experience of the artist. The longer the training took, the better you will be able to convey facial expressions when drawing a person’s face.

How to draw a person's face with a pencil step by step? IN in this example The process of drawing a portrait of a girl will be considered.

Step 1: drawing the shape of the face and marking the eye level

First you need to draw the shape of the face. To do this, you need to draw an oval with a pencil. It is desirable that the figure be smooth to avoid distortion. A horizontal line should be drawn in the middle of the oval. This is where the eyes will be located in the future.

Step 2: marking the level of the nose, lips, eyebrows

At the next stage of drawing a person’s face with a pencil, you need to mark with straight lines the location of the nose, lips and eyebrows. It is important to remember that the distances from the bottom of the chin to the nose, from the eyebrows to the place of hair growth, from the eyebrows to the nose are approximately equal. In the photo below these distances are marked to the right of the oval. In addition, the above lines are located parallel to each other.

Step 3: marking the eyes and bridge of the nose

Before you draw the eyes on the face, you should remember that their inner and outer corners are not located at the same level. Besides, different people may have different eye shapes. Above the line marked at the first stage of drawing, it is necessary to mark the height of the outer corners. Next, you need to draw a vertical line in the center of the face, which will divide the oval into equal halves.

Step 4: Drawing Each Eye

To draw a person’s face with a pencil step by step, you will then need to set aside and mark two equal segments from the central vertical line to the left and right. This will be the distance between the inner corners of the eyes. Then it should be set aside to the left and right of each inner corner. Thus, the distance between the eyes is approximately equal to length eyes.

Step 5: drawing lips and nose

From the inner corners of the eyes, draw vertical straight lines downwards, reaching the level of the nose. After this, you need to mark the outer corners of the lips. To do this, draw straight lines down from approximately the center of each eye.

Step 6: final drawing of the eyes and nose

It is necessary to connect the inner corners with outer smooth lines. Inside the eye you should draw an iris, which is a colored circle in the center. It is not completely visible, since its upper part is covered by the eyelid.

Then you should draw the upper and lower eyelids, following the contours of the eyes. Then you need to correct the nose, defining its wings using rounded lines. Its tip is marked with a small circle.

Next you need to draw the bridge of the nose, the thinnest part of which is located approximately at eye level. Also, do not forget to depict the nostrils during the drawing process, without which the nose will not look believable.

Step 7: Image of Lips

Since the middle line of the lips is already marked on the face, it is enough to simply change it a little (round it), draw upper lip, not forgetting about the hollow.

Then you can start lower lip. She should be slightly plumper. If you want to make your mouth slightly open, you need to leave a small distance between your lips.

Step 8: Drawing the Eyebrows

It is difficult to imagine a person’s face without eyebrows, so they must be drawn. Previously, a line was already drawn that indicates their level of location. This is where you should draw the arched eyebrows. Their internal corner is lower than the external one.

Step 9: Refining the contours of the face

At the next stage of drawing, it is necessary to clarify the contours of the face. Oval correct form It’s not suitable for this, so you need to create reliefs and define the cheekbones.

Step 10: Hair Image

IN in this case The girl's face is depicted, so it is advisable to draw her long hair. From the line of their growth, which was indicated earlier, you should draw smooth lines with a pencil. These will be curls.

To make the hairstyle look more attractive, it should be given volume. To do this, you need to lift your hair at the roots.

Step 11: Hatching

To make shadows, you need to draw strokes in uniform lines. At the same time, you should not press hard on the pencil.

In places where the shadows should be darker, the shading is done more diligently.

Using a soft pencil, create shadows on the eyes, lips and eyebrows. The iris and eyelash line are also darkened. It is important that the corners of the lips look darker.

The drawing is ready. Depicting a person’s face is a rather long task, but incredibly interesting.

Video for beginners: how to beautifully draw a person’s face

The following videos will help you draw a person’s face with a pencil step by step.