A conspiracy to make the child stop peeing. Spells for young children. An ancient spell for urinary incontinence

Children of different ages may experience a type of disorder such as enuresis at night. This disorder is characterized by the fact that the child involuntarily empties the bladder at night. Despite the prevalence of the disease, quite often medicine cannot explain the cause of enuresis and cope with the problem accordingly, since it does not consider such a deviation to be a disease.

All of this speculation moved firmly past the election and finally began to gather in the media - because the pizzeria workers were terrified. “We are under constant attack from this crazy, fabricated conspiracy theory,” Alefantis told The New York Times in a Nov. 21 article that noted that he and his workers faced constant threats to Pizzagat.

But none of this stopped the man with the gun from feeling like he needed to take action. On Sunday, Edgar Maddison Welch of North Carolina allegedly broke into Comet Ping Pong with a machine gun and headed to his back room, where many horrors were said to have occurred. He pointed at the officers' gun and fired at least one shot when officers grabbed him, police said.

Therefore, the most effective method, oddly enough, is a conspiracy against enuresis. Thanks to simple prayers or conspiracies, you can get rid of bedwetting quite quickly and without much effort or unpleasant procedures for the child.

Simple and Effective Prayers

There are several simple rules which must be followed before reading a prayer or conspiracy:

Welch said after his arrest that he was there to "investigate" Pizzagate. Pizzagate finally led to a real crime. “What happened today shows that promoting false and reckless conspiracy theories has consequences,” Alefantis wrote in a statement after the incident.

“I hope that those involved in fanning these flames will take a moment to think about what happened here today and stop spreading these lies immediately.” Before midnight, there was already a video claiming that the shooting was organized to “discredit the workers.”

  1. Read special words necessary only over a baptized child. Any healer follows this rule, so a mother or close relative should also follow it;
  2. Before reading, it is necessary to undergo a kind of cleansing of the soul: pray, have a positive attitude and turn to light energy;
  3. You need to say the words out loud, but you can say them quietly or in a whisper so as not to wake up the sleeping child or simply not to frighten the awake child.

The most powerful mother's prayer

Most powerful prayer the one that is addressed to the light natural forces. This text can only be read birth mother. It refers to evening prayers, which must be pronounced over a sleeping child, standing by his bed:

Crazier than what he says is the one many believe is doing the blues: Robert Downey Jr. She comes from broken home and abusive home. Her father beat her and went to bed with her. Her mom just let it happen because she was being beaten and didn't want to provoke it. Well, now the actress, who is still very young, seems to be dating guys who are abusive and ready to hit her. Her last guy so afraid that he would kill her, he broke up with her. Her new friend Celebrities don't hit hard, but seem to love it.

Probably to take out his anger because he is closed. But there is much more to it than is mentioned, revealed or even hinted at. These are not just struggles, flavors or underlying internal issues. I doubt you know her, but she is the Rosetta Stone of all the scandals and perversions from Hwood around the world. Her Huda best friends include Sean Penn, Clive Davis, Ari Emanuel, George Clooney, Cindy Crawford and her "little pet", Hayden and her own mother went out, Diana Jenkins took this place in her life by Hayden's choice.

“Just as the sun goes to bed every evening, so does my baby go to bed every evening. Just as the sun won’t shine a ray all night, so my baby will sleep soundly. And when he needs to urinate, he wakes up and goes to the toilet himself. I pray to you, Sun, and to you, Wind, for help for my baby."

The prayer is whispered three times. After five or ten days of daily reading, positive results will appear.

Prayer to the Almighty

A prayer consisting of two stages is also very effective: a reading addressed to the Lord, the Almighty, to bestow his mercy and forgive all sins so that the healing is successful:

Leslie P. is not just a poor victim in this fight. Leslie bends the line into depravity, illegality and inhuman disease. She had no chance of stopping her or leaving with the children, but she decided not to protect her children - and succumb to the hedonistic disease in her bedroom.

Not just the physical and mental abuse she indulges in, but her insatiable appetite for the most bizarre crap she can indulge "herself". She was offered help by those who genuinely cared about her and were concerned about her. She mocked them and cursed in her own lane. She craves it and sees nothing as taboo.

“Lord, Almighty, Holy King, punish and do not kill, strengthen those that fall and raise those that have been cast down, and correct people’s bodily afflictions. We pray to Thee, our God, Thy weak servant, visit with Thy mercy, forgive him (her) every sin, voluntary and involuntary. To her, Lord, Thy healing fire, tame passion and all lurking infirmity, and from the bed of bitterness, safe and complete, grant it to Thy church, well-behaved and doing Thy will. For it is Yours to have mercy and save us, O our God, and we send up glory to You, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen"

And in the second stage, they read direct words that affect the problem of incontinence:

“There are three forces, there are three waters,
Three blood-water sisters.
Heavenly water is rain,
Land water - sea water,
Groundwater is key,
And there is also God’s holy water,
In the human body, water is internal.
I conjure you, waters of the sea,
Rain, underground, saints.
Stop you in God's servant (name)
All waters are internal.
On you, interior water, stone wilderness,
And for the servant of God (name) sandy dry land.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen"

Just ask Mario Lopez. And that's just half of it. Two were famous and the other two were real creative geniuses. He worked with me and his family is also involved in the business. He is a wonderful writer, producer, director and musician. Almost no one other than me posted here last year. I don't have time to do this all day every day, but try to call back when I can.

If your child is not gaining weight well

Anyway, people can speculate whatever they want. My wife collects vintage clothing and it's hard to impress her when you share a home and office. Four on Friday is the show from hell Today's Blind Objects. A 3-year-old boy fell at the Cincinnati Zoo's gorilla sanctuary and a 17-year-old western lowland gorilla named Harambe was shot and killed. Zoo officials claim Harambe was shot like Kennedy to protect the boy, but many conspiracy theorists claim the monkey business is on the move.

Effective and simple spells

The most common and effective conspiracies mostly made for water
, since it has a special energy charge that can be made positive or negative.

Charmed water for drinking and washing

Enough powerful conspiracy, which is designed for children no older than ten years. Water is taken in a volume of up to two hundred grams into a glass and special words are whispered in the morning:

So much monkey business, it's gorilla business. Was Harambe's murder justified? What about this three year old? What will happen when he finds out that he basically killed his beloved gorilla? Nobody will go to prom with the gorilla killer. By looking into the claims of conspiracy theorists, mobsters, and then corresponding with Harambe's own thoughts by allowing him to use me as a writing vessel, we will see if we can't get to the bottom of this sticky situation.

Where the truth is always sold and everyone is shot. A foreign power, perhaps China or a country other than China, has indicated that the death of a prized gorilla will lead to uprisings and unrest that will lead to the end of the United States. Harambe was filed to protect the safety of a small child who was trapped in the gorilla's body.

“I whisper, I am not silent, it’s not in vain that I pound the water in a mortar. Just like a servant of God (the child’s name - if it’s a girl, then you read - a servant of God) has a need, so he goes to the toilet to relieve himself. And it will be unpleasant for him to lie in wet sheets, as once he does it to himself, he will become so disgusted with it and never again in his life will he walk under himself. Amen, amen, amen"

The plot is whispered three times over the water. They give the child water to drink and wash him as soon as he wakes up. This procedure is done only once. A night or two after this, the child will not urinate on himself.

Water spell for the waning moon

Such a spell is also made for water. When the moon begins to wane, before the child goes to bed, pour a glass into a ceramic or glass container drinking water. They give the child just one sip from this glass, and then take him out of the house or put him on the threshold, balcony, cornice. Cover the container with a piece of black bread and say:

Despite this, it was not external force, which led to Harambe's shooting. The American organized all the tests. The American who has benefited most from the glorification of a zoo rifle saving a child's life: Donald Trump. The crack of this rifle gave Americans faith in their Second Amendment and gave popular approval to the presidential candidate from Republican Party. Conspiracy Claim: Harambe's death was just a propaganda tool for the Cincinnati Zoo. The media storm surrounding the story provided tremendous publicity and generated millions of dollars for the zoo.

“Just as this glass will be full until the morning, so the servant of God (the name of the child) will not wet himself until the morning.”

In the morning, when the child wakes up, he eats this piece of bread and drinks water from this glass. During this process, you need to pronounce special words:

“Bread in the morning, water in the afternoon, and sleep and rest at night. That's how it was. So it will be, it will not cease forever!”

An ancient spell on a sheet

They make such a conspiracy for the waning moon. Before going to bed on the child’s bed, one of the parents or close relatives reads the plot three times:

The main focus of zoos is to care for their animals and educate the public, not to make money. A zoo would never harm one of its animals to increase its income. So they hired a very talented three year old child actor to "fall" into the guardrail and now you have a commercial where a hollilla can kill you. Conspiracy Claim: The Bible's book of Revelation describes the end of the world, involving seven spiritual figures.

Charmed water for drinking and washing

One of them is "dragon", a term used in biblical times to describe various unknown creatures, one of which is the noble gorilla. Thus, Harambe is one of the seven spiritual figures spoken of in the Book of Revelation.

“Mother river, underground water, how do you wash the banks, wash away, rinse the incontinence of urine from the slave (child’s name). Like a branch dries without water, so that the slave’s bed (name) is dry, unnoticed. Mother river, underground water, as you wash the banks, wash away and throw away illnesses, uncontrollability from the slave (name) to someone else’s side. Amen"

In the morning the wet sheet should be taken out of the house before lunch and rinsed in any accessible body of water: river, lake, stream and so on. While rinsing the sheets you need to say:

“River-water, fast sister, carry and do not bring all illnesses and sins. River-water, as it flows for you, so my child, slave (name), be dry on the floors.”

In the evening, when the baby falls asleep, the father must read the “Our Father” prayer over him three times. After such a prayer, improvements will come in a few days.

This is complete nonsense, based on no single fact other than the name Haramba, which is seven letters long, which is inexplicably true. Harambe was Abraham reincarnated in gorilla form, proving that everything important people from the Bible come back in one form or another like the gorilla.

Abraham was Harambe, Goliath was King Kong, and Jesus was Coca, the gorilla who uses sign language to make sure he doesn't get crucified again. Conspiracy: Harambe never happened. The Cincinnati Zoo used the money they had to buy a gorilla to buy a chocolate fountain for the employee break room.

Dry tree spell

Such a conspiracy can be carried out for a child of any age. To carry it out, you need the child’s morning urine.. The jar of urine is carried to a dry stump. It is best if it is the stump of a large and strong tree that has been cut down and has already dried out. Urine is poured onto the stump, saying:

No zoo would go to these lengths just for a chocolate fountain. Perhaps there are two chocolate fountains. And he really was at the Cincinnati Zoo. He also really didn't want to be at the Cincinnati Zoo. Not because he was locked in a zoo, because he was locked in a zoo in Cincinnati, Ohio, a city that has consistently been ranked as the least ranked city in Ohio, the earliest place in America. That's why Harambe faked his own death: to get out of Ohio.

Spell against illnesses, colds, etc.

The little kid and the zoo that fired the "bullet" were Harambe's old buddies who wanted him to do what they never could, get out of the Buckeye State and make something of themselves. Place least like Ohio: next state, Pennsylvania.

“Just as the stump is dry and dry, so God’s servant (name of the child) will now have a dry bed. With a word on the lock, with a key across, and no one can break my verbal seal.”

The spell is pronounced once, and the jar is taken away into the trash can.

Conspiracy at the crossroads

Coming to the intersection of two roads, you need to unwind a ball of coarse thread. Tear off the thread from both ends, reading the special words nine times:

“Just as the Virgin Mary followed her son, so I, a creature of God, came onto the road. The rough thread has torn, so God grant that my urine will calm down! I will no longer suffer with heaviness, I will begin to live with joy alone! May it be easy and content for me, and I will defecate freely! Lord, for Your glory let everything be so! Amen"

It is better to wrap the enchanted piece of thread in a dark cloth and burn it. There is no need to leave it at an intersection, as another adult or child can take on this illness.

Full moon fright spell

He is in the zoo under a fake name that everyone is fooling. Conspiracy Claim: Harambe is not actually dead, and he will soon avenge the world that wanted him gone. There was a lot of interest in YonBenet's queen pageants and the possible sexual nature of the crime - both of which turned out to have very little to do with the crime.

Almost all of them put forward a similar point of view: one of the parents killed her, and both covered up the crime. It's not really opposite position. They voted to charge the parents with child abuse resulting in death, complicity to first-degree murder and child abuse resulting in death. Boulder District Attorney Alex Hunter, as he has done many times, decided not to move forward due to lack of evidence.

Spells for young children

Conspiracies for children are read over the child’s crib. A stool or changing table is placed next to the crib; you can put the desired icon, candle, etc. on it. Conspiracies for pain are done symptomatically - when it hurts, then they slander. In other cases, a sleeping or waking child is charmed (see descriptions of the spells).

There was never any convincing real evidence to back up the attackers' theories, except for one shoe stamp that could have been left behind by any passerby. Boulder police provided a list of 25 reasons why the intruder theory was unlikely.

Without acknowledgment of at least one or the other, we will likely never know exactly what happened. But while conspiracies can be interesting to contemplate—and there's plenty of forensic evidence to talk about—investigators have always been pulled in one direction by common sense.

Spells to prevent a child from having a tummy ache

I baptize the baby (name) with the cross of God’s servant, I want to relieve the pain in my stomach. Bolyushka-bolyushka, go to the little pole, to a clean will, and don’t touch or disturb the baby (name). Forever and ever. Amen, amen, amen.

The spell is done any time the baby’s tummy bothers him. The speaker crosses the baby's tummy three times, then places his palm on it and pronounces the spell. Afterwards he baptizes three times again.

There were never any other suspects

The killer did not act as an intruder

Researchers kept asking: What sophisticated, highly motivated sexual predator and would-be kidnapper breaks into a home planning to kidnap and rape a young girl without bringing with him a single tool of the trade?

Then again, what highly motivated sexual predator and would-be kidnapper would feel comfortable hanging on to a house long enough to write a three-page ransom note after he'd just murdered a screaming child? If the criminal had enough time to write the note at his home, he would have had enough time to move YonBenet's body somewhere else.

Ever-Virgin Mary, mother of Jesus Christ, our God, you gave birth to your son, rocked him in uncertainty, protected him from pain. Place your hand on the belly of the servant of God, baby (name), so that the pain goes away, goes away forever. Forever and ever. Amen.

The spell is done any time the baby’s tummy bothers him. The speaker takes the icon of the Mother of God, baptizes the baby with it three times, then pronounces a spell and applies the icon to the sore tummy.

I bow to the belly of the servant of God, baby (name), touch his pain, bite him with iron teeth, and spit over his left shoulder. There was pain - and it was gone. Key, lock, tongue. Amen.

The spell is done any time the baby’s tummy bothers him. The speaker crosses the baby’s tummy three times, then leans towards him, pronounces the words of the spell directly into the tummy and “bites” it with his lips. Then he pulls away and crosses his tummy three times again.

You are the belly, the servant of God, the baby (name), a stronghold. Heal, recover, don’t whine, don’t freak out, don’t torment your child. Key, lock, tongue. Amen.

The spell is done any time the baby’s tummy bothers him. The speaker crosses the baby's tummy three times, then pronounces a spell, pours some holy water into the baby's navel and crosses it three times again.

Agnevo-archagnevo-seraphim-cherubim, come God’s army to fight the misfortune, rescue the baby. Go away, sick, from the servant of God baby (name), pacify the colic in his stomach, submit to the will of God. I impose the cross , I drive away the pain. Amen.

The spell is done any time the baby’s tummy bothers him. The speaker takes the icon of the saint in whose honor the baby is named (baptized), baptizes the baby with it three times, then pronounces the spell and applies the icon to the sore tummy.

Spells to make your child fall asleep on time

Paraskeva-Friday walked through the field and found dream grass. I'll wave that dream grass to my slave to the child of God I'll tell (name) to go to sleep. Sleep, fall asleep, close your eyes. Amen, amen, amen.

The plot is done on Friday at a time when the baby needs to sleep. The speaker takes a bunch of dream grass, tied with a red woolen thread so that the grass does not fall apart, baptizes the baby with it three times and pronounces a spell.

I baptize the servant of God with the cross and lay the baby (name) to sleep. Sleep, don't be afraid, and when you wake up, have fun. Amen, amen, amen.

The conspiracy is done at any time when it is time for the baby to sleep; the conspirator does what is said in the conspiracy.

On the sea-Okiyan, on the island of Buyan, there is a golden tower, and in the tower lives a dormouse. She rubs her eyes, she yawns, she puts the kids to sleep. Dormouse, put the servant of God baby (name) to sleep, send him sweet Dreams and joy in a dream. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. The conspiracy is done at any time when it is time for the baby to sleep; the speaker speaks in a sing-song voice and rocks the cradle to the rhythm of the conspiracy.

The half-nosed mischief-maker, don’t go to the servant of God (name), go around his house, don’t rock the shaky ground, don’t frighten the child. Forever and ever. Amen.

A conspiracy is made if the child cannot sleep late at night. The speaker takes the diaper in his hands and, when pronouncing the spell, fans the baby’s crib with it and drives away the half-neck.

Angels, archangels, seraphim and cherubim, come and hold advice, like putting a servant of God to bed (name). Swing the little one, cross the child with your wings, with your fingers. May he sleep and rest and not know grief. The key, the lock in my words. Amen.

The conspiracy is done at dawn. The speaker takes in his hands the icon of the saint in whose honor the baby is named (baptized) and baptizes the baby with it three times, then, pointing the icon at him, pronounces the spell.

Servant of God, baby (name), do not be afraid to sleep, do not worry, go to sleep immediately every day and hour, be healthier in your sleep, rest and have more fun. It is not I who command, it is Ever-Virgin Mary who commands you. Amen, amen, amen.

The conspiracy is done at any time when it is time for the baby to sleep; the speaker speaks in a sing-song voice and rocks the cradle to the rhythm of the conspiracy.

Spells to make cutting your baby's teeth painless

On the sea-Okiyan, on the island of Buyan, a vegetable garden was dug up. Onions grow there all year round. The chive is cut without pain, without tears, once - and it comes out. Likewise, the servant of God’s baby (name) would cut his teeth quickly and without pain. Forever and ever. Amen.

The conspiracy is made when a baby suffers from teeth problems. The speaker takes the onion of the chive, crosses it three times, gives it to the baby in his right hand and pronounces the spell.

I baptize with the cross, I want to take away from the servant of God the baby (name). Your teeth will grow sharp, nimble, you will begin to bite with them, not knowing grief. Be patient, wait, don’t cry, don’t cry. Key, lock, tongue. Amen.

The conspiracy is done at any time of the day when the baby is suffering from teething. The speaker baptizes the baby three times and pronounces a spell, rocking the cradle to the beat.

Spells so that the baby sucks well and the mother has milk

When chanting breast milk, a woman with a baby in her arms sits down at the table, begins to feed him, and the speaker stands behind her. The practice of carrying out conspiracies is common.

Ever-Virgin Mary, mother of Jesus Christ, our God. Just as you gave birth to your baby, you fed him with milk, and he suckled and grew up, so if the servant of God (name) fed the baby (name), she had milk, and he would suckle, we would mature in no time. Key, lock, tongue. Amen.

The conspiracy is done at dawn in accordance with the practice of conducting conspiracies.

On the sea-Okiyan, on the island of Buyan, there is a golden barn, in it there is a motley cow, her milk is sweet. Cow Pestrunya, share milk with the servant of God (name), so that she would feed the servant of God the baby (name) every day, and he would suckle, get healthy and grow up. Amen, amen, amen.

The conspiracy is done at noon in accordance with the practice of conducting conspiracies.

I baptize with the cross, I want to help the servant of God (name): milk will come to your breasts, the servant of God baby (name) will suck, good health to all. Key, lock, tongue. Amen.

The conspiracy is done at dawn in accordance with the practice of conducting conspiracies.

Spells to keep your little one's arms and legs strong

I baptize with the cross, I want to help the servant of God baby (name): so that the hands are strong, the fingers are tenacious, the legs are playful, the tummy is strong, the back is straight, the head is smart. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Forever and ever. Amen.

The conspiracy is done at dawn. When pronouncing the spell, the speaker takes the baby by the hands. After pronouncing the conspiracy, he baptizes him three times.

Paraskeva-Pyatnitsa was walking along the road, she found a playful powerhouse from the servant of God and handed it over to the baby (name) with a bow. May God's servant baby (name) have strong arms and legs and molding forever and ever. Amen.

The conspiracy is done on Friday late in the evening. The speaker takes the icon of Paraskeva-Friday, baptizes the baby with it three times, then places it so that the icon is directed at the child, pronounces the spell, while slightly shaking the baby’s arms and legs, then baptizes him.

Jesus Christ, son of God, bless the servant of God (name). Bless the hands to take and hold, bless the legs to walk and run, bless the body to hold the back, bless the body to feed the tummy, and bless the head to be in charge of everything. Key, lock, tongue. Amen.

The conspiracy is done at any time of the day. The speaker takes the icon of Jesus Christ and baptizes the baby with it three times, then places it so that it looks at the baby and pronounces the spell.

Spells to make a child speak faster

On the Okiyan Sea, on the island of Buyan, there is a golden cage, in which sits a golden bird-talker. Talker-talker, teach the servant of God the baby (name) to speak, to glorify God and all His saints with you. Forever and ever. Amen.

I baptize with the cross, I command the servant of God (name) to speak. Remember the words, remember them, open your lips and speak! My word is strong and molding. Amen.

The conspiracy is done during the day over a sleeping child. The speaker first baptizes him, then pronounces a spell, then baptizes him again.

By the grace of Jesus Christ, by the Ever-Virgin Mary’s command, by my desire, servant of God, baby (name), do not be silent, speak up yourself, tell your will. Forever and ever. Amen.

The conspiracy is made at dawn over a sleeping child. The speaker first baptizes him, then pronounces the spell, then baptizes him again.

You, God’s servant baby (name), live in the air, screaming and yelling, it’s time to speak to you. You are not a fish to remain silent, you are not a bird to squeal, not a wild beast to roar. You are a man - speak up. Forever and ever. Amen.

The conspiracy is done in the evening over a sleeping child. The speaker first baptizes him, then pronounces a spell, then baptizes him again.

Spells to make your baby walk faster

I baptize with the cross, I command the servant of God (name) to go. Walk into life, hold on to the ground with your feet. Forever and ever. Amen, amen, amen.

The conspiracy is done over a standing baby. The speaker baptizes the child, pronounces the spell, and baptizes again.

On the sea-Okiyan, on the island of Buyan, there lives a stilt woman. Baba stilt, come to us, teach the servant of God the baby (name) to walk. Forever and ever. Amen.

The conspiracy is done during the day over a sleeping child. The speaker baptizes the child, pronounces the spell, and baptizes again.

Angels, archangels, seraphim and cherubim, fly here, teach the servant of God the baby (name) to walk. Stroke the head, get things done quickly so that the feet stomp along a straight path. Anything will happen. Amen.

The conspiracy is made at dawn over a sleeping child. The speaker takes the icon of the saint in whose honor the child is named (baptized), baptizes the baby with it three times, places it so that it is directed at the child, pronounces the spell and baptizes the little one with his hand.

Spells to make your child eat well

I baptize with the cross, I teach the servant of God the baby (name) to eat. Eat, don't spit, don't grumble, don't be naughty. Forever and ever, amen.

The plot is made at the moment the child learns to eat independently. The speaker baptizes the baby, pronounces a spell, and baptizes the child again.

Paraskeva-Friday walked through the bazaar, took some food there, brought it into the house, and gave it to the servant of God (name) to eat. Eat, child, porridge, cottage cheese, eggs, pancakes, sour cream and milk, meat and bread, potatoes, carrots, apples and cream. Everything that the Lord raised for man on earth. Forever and ever, amen.

On the sea-okiyan, on the island of Buyan, a table is dug into the ground, it is set, covered with a tablecloth, there are food and drinks on it, everything is tasty and expensive. I seat the servant of God (name) at that table and treat him with dishes: eat and drink and praise quickly! Key, lock, tongue. Amen.

The conspiracy is done at noon, at the moment the child learns to eat independently. The speaker baptizes the baby, pronounces a spell, and baptizes the child again.

Conspiracies to keep your baby from peeing

On the Okiyan sea, on the island of Buyan, there is a golden pot. Whoever sat on it will not pee in his pants, and will not pee at night. I put the servant of God (name) on a potty and forbid him to blow on himself. Forever and ever. Amen, amen, amen.

The conspiracy is done during the day when putting the baby on the potty. The speaker baptizes the child, puts him on the potty, pronounces a spell, baptizes again, removes the child from the potty, and praises him if he has done something.

I baptize with the cross, I want to teach the servant of God the baby (name) not to blow in his pants, not to piss in the bed, just on the potty, day and night and always. Forever and ever, amen.

The conspiracy is done at night over a sleeping child. The speaker baptizes the baby, pronounces a spell, and again baptizes the sleeping person.

A dog doesn’t piss under itself, doesn’t shit, a cat doesn’t piss under itself, doesn’t shit, and a pig doesn’t piss under itself, doesn’t shit. You, God's servant baby (name), - you are certainly not ordered to piss and shit under yourself. It's never good. Stop it forever and ever. Amen.

The spell is done in the evening over a falling asleep child. The speaker baptizes the baby, pronounces the spell, and baptizes the baby again.

Paraskeva-Friday walked across the field, soaked the hem in the dew, and gave the servant of God (name) in the ass with that hem before going to bed, so that he would forget such things - how to piss at night, how to shit in the bed. Forever and ever. Amen.

The conspiracy is done on Friday at dawn over a sleeping child. The speaker takes the icon of Paraskeva-Friday, baptizes the baby with it three times, then places it so that the icon is directed at the child, pronounces the spell, and then baptizes the child with his hand.