A powerful plot to win the lottery. In the morning, go naked to the mirror and read the witchcraft spell three times for good luck in gambling. Conspiracy on a banknote

A winning spell can help you catch luck by the tail in gambling and simply change your life for the better. By using one of these rituals, you can quickly achieve your dream.

In the article:

Many people try to get rich by playing cards, but only a few achieve results. There are conspiracies that enabled our ancestors to win at cards. But you need to use them with caution, otherwise luck will turn away from you forever.

If you use this spell, remember that more than three wins on this day should not be allowed. After you have won the cards for the third time, end the game and leave. You need to read when you go to where you will play:

Where the mountains are distant and the sky is high, there is an oak tree. And under that oak tree the imp sits, throws cards on the floor of the table, and collects the winnings. So it would be for me, God’s servant (name), to beat everyone and collect money. Amen.

There is another conspiracy to win at cards. It is done shortly before you go to play. You can make magical preparations for gambling card game and in a few days. Such rituals can only be compared with.

You need fern root. It should be dried and ground into powder in advance. Coffee grinder and other kitchen appliances are not suitable for this purpose. Plants for magical purposes are always processed by hand. You can take it sharp knife and a mortar and pestle. When grinding a root, speak to it:

Forest ant grass,
Mother Earth raised you,
She assigned me to serve.
For wealth, and for happiness,
Give me your wisdom.

Take the powder with you when you get ready to play cards. When you sit down at the table, throw one pinch of it on the floor to your right, one to your left and another one straight in front of you.

Spells to win the lottery

Lotteries are loved by many, but the odds are big win usually small. You can try to catch luck by the tail and summon it with the help of a plot to win the lottery. You might be able to win Grand Prize or just a substantial amount of money that will completely change your life. Magic will increase your chances of winning.

While you are sewing up a coin or bill, the conspiracy is read:

Just as a needle and thread are inseparable, so wealth will be with me. Let it be sewn to me, like sewing fabric with a needle. I open the way for luck, I sew up my hem, I conjure copper, gold, silver and paper. Fortunately for me, for the grace of God. Amen.

After that, buy six more tickets so that you have seven in total. This lucky number, which increases your chances of winning. If you have instant lottery tickets, you can wash off their protective coating from the moment you have seven lottery tickets. In another case, you need to wait for the draw without taking off the charmed clothes with the sewn-in coin.

In order to successfully win the lottery, you can do: But remember that you cannot tell anyone that you have it.

First go to the forest. A large old park would also be suitable, but the sea coast is not an option. You need to find a round stone of any size and color. Take it home and put it on the table. Light any candle. By its light, draw any banknote on the stone. This could be a dollar or any other monetary currency. You can draw with a marker, paint, or even mentally - you yourself will feel how to do it.

Now fill the stone with your energy and intention to win the lottery and gain money. Imagine how the stone attracts money like a magnet attracts iron filings. Visualize how cash flows change by the power of your will and due to the influence of your magnet.

The magnet should be stored at home, in any visible place. It gives not only good luck in lotteries, but also in gambling, business and other matters related to receiving money.

Ritual for winning the lottery

To win the lottery, you can do one more. You need the following ingredients: any two coins (which are currently used), lemon and orange peels and a few cherry pits. You will also need an opaque container with a lid. For example, a tea tin box.

Place the ingredients in the box in this order: orange peels, cherry pits, coins and lemon peels. Close the container and say three times while holding it in your hands:

The woman went into the forest and found berries. No matter where I looked, I found a berry everywhere. The woman was turning along the path and found three coppers. I turned around and looked around and came across copper coins everywhere. She started cooking Easter, and it turned out fluffy and fragrant. May I, like that woman, be lucky, and may good luck be with me to spite all troubles!

Store the container in your home so that it is out of sight of you and strangers.

Magic for gambling

Before you are going to place bets or play cards, you need to slowly stroke the black cat's tail to attract him to your side and feel the likelihood of your winning.

Of course, you shouldn’t take your pet to the casino - pet its tail before leaving for your destination. The cat can be yours, someone else's or a stray - it doesn't matter.

You need to stroke a cat's tail nine times. So slow. If the cat runs away from you, then you shouldn’t play today at all. How to conclude contracts and bets. A dissatisfied cat is a loser.

Conspiracy to win

With the help of this conspiracy, you can greatly increase your chances of success in any gambling game. It is especially good when the main prize is vehicle. It also helps those who often play the lottery, but cannot get a prize.

Very early in the morning, as soon as the sun comes out, this plot to win is read. First, stretch your hands to the sunlight and bask them in it. You really need to feel the warmth and energy daylight. You won’t feel anything through the glass; you need to open the window, go out onto the balcony or onto the street. At the same time, read the plot.

The easiest and most attractive way to get a tidy sum of money is to win the lottery. Every person has tried his luck in the lottery at least once in his life.

Some, having received nothing, were disappointed and never returned to gambling, others did not lose hope and bought another ticket. Meanwhile, magic, which has a lot in store, can significantly increase your chance of winning and help you become the owner of such a coveted cash prize. effective conspiracies to win the lottery, which you can read at home.

Conspiracies to win the lottery are one of the types of money rituals. They turn luck in the direction of the performer, giving him success and luck in all games of a gambling nature. Proper work magical influence and the final result in favor of its performer ensures its correct execution.

Usually the reading of the text is accompanied by some kind of ritual. When using it in practice, the performer must act exactly according to the attached instructions. Important points:

  • the best time to use the spell is during the waxing period of the moon, first week of the new moon. But exceptions to this rule are possible; they are usually indicated in the recommendations;
  • Preferred day of the week is Thursday, considered the day of Jupiter. This planet rules financial flows;
  • belief in magic and the power of conspiracy. Without faith, any ritual will be useless;
  • belief in your own success. Doubting yourself means setting yourself up for failure. And thought, as you know, is material;
  • visualization- drawing mental pictures of obtaining wealth;
  • secret of the ritual. Don't tell anyone about your intention.

There are different conspiracies for lotteries, most of of them - from the category of white magic. It is a common belief that the rituals of light witchcraft are as dangerous and harmless as possible. As for “lottery magic,” the opinions of practicing magicians about them are divided.

One group believes that they are not capable of harming the performer, do not have any negative consequences and are called upon to act for the good. The second group adheres to the point of view that the use of magic will lead to irreversible events in the life of the performer. That is, having gained one thing, he will lose something else that is very valuable to him (love, health, family, etc.)

If you're not confused possible consequences and you are ready to win a large sum in the lottery, let's start reading conspiracies!

5 ways to win the lottery using magic

A simple spell to win

This is a very simple ritual that requires daily performance, regardless of the phase of the moon. It allows you to attract wealth into the performer’s life, and not necessarily in the form of winnings.

The performer must take 3 or 5 coins and put them in the pocket of the clothes he wears every day. When coins are stuffed into your pockets, you need to read a short spell:

“Just as water rushes to the shore, so does money rush to money.” .

You cannot spend charmed coins! Every day you need to consolidate the spell by touching the coins and repeating it. When washing clothes, coins are removed from the pocket, and after washing they need to be put back there.

The amount of wealth that these coins will attract will directly depend on the length of time they are kept in the performer's pocket.

A pre-purchased lottery ticket is enchanted using the words below during the waxing phase of the moon. A lit green candle is required. You need to pick up the ticket and whisper into it:

“I’m spelling a lottery ticket, bought by me, God’s servant (God’s servant) (my name). I hold it in my hands, I ask for a monetary gain for myself. I attract prosperity and wealth to myself, I call for victory and coins. Amen".

The plot is read 7 times, after which the candle is extinguished and the ticket is removed before the draw. To increase efficiency, this ritual can be combined with the previous one.

On a bill

The magic words are read 7 times onto the banknote, which will be used to pay when purchasing a ticket. The text is as follows:

“I’ll give you one piece of money and I’ll get a lot in return.”

When buying a ticket, you need to take the one that first catches your eye.

Powerful ritual in video

Midnight coin spell

Necessary conditions: waxing moon, clear sky, lit green candle. You will also need any yellow (golden) color coin And mirror. Procedure:

  1. Open the window. Place a lit candle and a mirror on the windowsill. It is necessary that both the moon and the candle flame are reflected in the mirror.
  2. Take a coin in your hand and say to it: “A rich and noble merchant walks the earth under the moonlight, offering his goods to everyone and does not want to take money for them. That merchant is a great cunning man: people run in in droves, grab his goods for free, and in return give the merchant their good fortune. I rejoice at this, since that merchant is my brother. I will see a night light in the sky and at that moment I will turn to the merchant. I’ll take my luck, I’ll lock everything that was said with a key forever. Amen!"
  3. Place the charmed coin in your pocket. Give it back later when you buy it lottery ticket.

So, why do you think some people are lucky in the game, while others are used like simpletons?

Do you think it depends on fate? Well, not really.

It's all about the wave that some feel, while others completely reject. It's called luck.

It is real and can be corrected!

That is, with luck you can work, sculpt, grow, and so on, just like with ordinary dough. There are just a number of limitations that you should be aware of.

When is a plot to win the lottery or money read?

  • Look. Time for rituals: on the waning moon on Wednesday. This is strictly required. (You can read -)

At other times, you will only mutter conspiracies in vain. Nothing will work out for you.

  • Another thing is the mood. It should be great, like you're already a billionaire. This is very, very important.

You need to feel your wealth on your skin. And for this, all means are good. For example, many people are helped by a bunch of jewelry made from precious metals on the body and clothes “the most festive”.

For others to create good mood A lunch of delicacies and a glass of expensive wine will help. Yes, alcohol is not prohibited in the magic of winnings. Just eat and drink before, not after, the ritual. Otherwise, you will transfer energy into your womb, but it must work!

They performed the ceremony and said the right words and forgot. It was as if there was no desire to win. You need to be completely distracted, and at once, in one fell swoop! This is a whole art.

We will not talk about the fact that you should strongly instill in yourself unshakable confidence in the action of magical rituals. This rule is common to all divination and witchcraft.

Well, if nothing works out once, don’t be angry.

Otherwise, you won’t get any winnings in life at all. Rituals are carried out with forces that are close to black. They are extremely vindictive. If you start to despise or scold the ritual, they will be offended and show you “the sky is full of holes,” that is, complete lack of money. This is dangerous.

Conspiracy to win the lottery

This ritual is carried out before actually buying a ticket.

This is done at night.

They talk about her light as if they were singing.

“The woman was picking berries and making pies. The dough came up quickly, it took a year. It turned out so rosy, that’s it! I’ll buy a piece of paper - it’s not an easy matter. I will have a golden sky in the morning. I give little, I take a lot. Let the woman have anxiety!”

Now extinguish the candle with your fingers.

Don’t wash your hands until you buy your coveted ticket.

And yet, this candle should be carried with you until you find out the result of the lottery. It is very important. It is in it (physically) that your luck will be hidden.

You need to buy a ticket unexpectedly. That is, it is not planned.

Even better in an unfamiliar place. Where you have never been before.

In this case, you need to mentally say the following words:

“Live in goodness, on the mountain, row gold with a shovel, be rich!”

And when you have purchased a ticket, you can also perform a ritual with it. Sometimes they even talk about old tickets that have been lost for a long time, and then they go to buy a new one. Works.

  1. The lottery ticket must be placed in a red handkerchief.
  2. Tie three knots.
  3. Say these words:

“There lived a king in a marble house. The ardor of his happiness is the password. He was proud and did not hang out with anyone. I just collected gold and filled chests with stones. Illness and death came for him. He gives them gold, they don’t want it. He stones them, but they don’t leave. I told my secret, but didn’t have time. Death took him away. Yes, the flammable disease brought me that password, and then it left. The nobles did not come with good intentions; they decided that her fate was the grave. As soon as I tie the card, I’ll tell you the password! Amen!"

Conspiracies for big money winnings

The very concentration of our energy is in feelings. Money egregors sense it perfectly and react quickly.

In order for a large piece to come off specifically for you, it is recommended to conduct a “magic session”.

Imagine: you are a tamer. But not animalistic, but energetic.

on you with high altitude A stormy golden stream is rapidly rolling in. And at this moment you can stop it with just a wave of your finger or start it again.

“Water - to water, earth - to earth, dew - to grass, and money - to me! I am the owner and master! Only me alone! Amen!"

Immediately - to the side. And in the morning, don’t remember anything except sleep, of course. He will definitely tell you how to get a large sum. Solve it.

Conspiracy with a coin to win money

  1. You need to take any coin.
  2. Place it in the western corner of the room, on the floor. Let him stay there for a week.
  3. Then come up, bend down to the ground and say:

“Mister, master! I bow to you, I kindly ask that good things come to me, and that I will not deceive or sin! I will share with you, you are my keeper! Give me good luck, gold and goodness! Let's celebrate holidays together and receive good things! Amen!"

Pick up the coin and put it in your pocket (not in your wallet).

Be sure to carry it with you so you don't lose it. She will bring opportunities.

Be sure to buy milk and cookies the first time you arrive.

Pour into a glass, cover with cookies and place in the same corner at night, with the words:

“Master, this is my gratitude!”

Conspiracy to win the lotto

This is done in these words:

“There is a goldfish in the sea. I got caught in the net and didn’t get angry. Gave me success. It is not for everyone, but for me. I use it in the game! I will just receive, not squeal or scream! To be a golden fish forever playing with me. Amen!"

Why do conspiracies sometimes not help you win?

A very serious rule applies here, the same for the entire Universe.

  • If you have pure energy, then the ritual will definitely be effective.
  • And when nothing happens several times, then you need to remove the damage (not the evil eye). (Find out here -)

It is the alien program that prevents you from receiving the expected winnings. It may be big or not very big, but it is necessary.

If money goes into the wrong hands over and over again, it means your energy is pushing it away. This is what you need to work with.

Only then read conspiracies to win or receive money.

Life modern society It’s hard to imagine without money and gaming entertainment. You can not only spend your time with them free time while talking with friends, but also win money, thus combining business with pleasure.

Gambling in casinos and lotteries, according to religious tenets, are entertainment that have a detrimental effect on every person and are considered a sin. Because, playing them regularly, everyone runs the risk of losing big, leaving behind everything that was once acquired or accumulated. However, there may be exceptional moments in life when, in order to solve existing problems, a person simply needs to have a huge amount of money. And the only possible way out of this kind of situation is to buy a lottery ticket and use a special prayer for winning the lottery.

One of the most popular types of gambling with high cash winnings is a lottery called “ Russian lotto" A huge number of people decide to try their luck every day in the hope of winning the coveted prize. However, only one participant is always the winner.

For those who are about to take part for the first time, before purchasing your first lottery ticket, you must remember that in such gambling there is no system or precise algorithm that makes it more likely to win. Because everything depends on the case. That's why experienced players In the hope of hitting the jackpot, they often resort to asking for God’s help.

There are 2 main prayers that help you try your luck in the lottery:

  • Prayer to Saint Martha;
  • Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Prayer for good luck in the St. Martha lottery

The text of the prayer is literally translated into modern Russian, so people certainly will not have problems with the perception and pronunciation of the sacred words.

People who were once able to be helped by the prayer to Saint Martha value its power very highly. However, in order for it to work properly, it is important that the sacred words addressed to the saint are pronounced in combination with other Orthodox prayers.

So, for example, to receive a lottery jackpot, it is important to say the following prayers in turn:

  • Prayer to Saint Martha - say 1 time;
  • Lord's Prayer (Our Father) - 1 time;
  • Prayer to the Mother of God - 1 time;
  • “Glory to the Father and the Son...” - 1 time;
  • Request for the intercession of Saint Martha - 9 times.

It is important to remember that when pronouncing prayer words, a person who turns to Martha with his desire must strictly observe the entire prayer ritual. It involves the use of the following elements:

  • candles;
  • icons;
  • prayers.

This event can be held at home without visiting church. Once all the necessary components have been prepared, you can begin the ritual itself. It consists of 9 cycles, which should only be carried out on Tuesdays. Each ritual is carried out with the aim of realizing only one desire.

Before reading prayers for good luck in the lottery, you need to place flowers on the table, an icon of St. Martha and a lit candle, which must be placed to your right.

An important nuance is the burning of the candle. To fulfill a wish, it is necessary that it burns to the end.

Text of prayer for winning large sum in the lottery looks like this:

O Saint Martha, You are Miraculous!
I turn to you for help!
And completely in my needs, and you will be my assistant
in my trials!

I promise you with gratitude,
that I will spread this prayer everywhere!
I humbly and tearfully ask -
comfort me in my worries and hardships!

Obediently, for the sake of great joy,
which filled your heart,
I tearfully ask you to take care of me and my family,
so that we keep our God in our hearts

and thus they deserved the Saved Supreme Mediation,
first of all, with the concern that now weighs on me...

...I tearfully ask you, Helper in every need,
conquer the burdens just as you conquered the snake,
until I lay at Your feet!

Prayer to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker for winning the lottery

Nikolai Ugodnik was known among his citizens as a man who devoted his entire life to serving God and charitable causes.

From childhood, he regularly attended the local church, where he prayed and worshiped God. And at night, after completing school assignments he sat down and read sacred literature. When his parents passed away, Nikolai completely donated all the wealth that he inherited from his wealthy parents to charity to help poor and starving children. At the same time, he left practically nothing for himself.

There were long-standing legends about the miracles of Nicholas the Wonderworker even when he was alive.

The prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker is universal in its miraculous properties. People turn to her for help not only for healing, but also to try their luck, for example in the lottery or casino.

The text of the prayer is as follows:

O all-praised, great wonderworker, saint of Christ, Father Nicholas!
We pray to you, awaken the hope of all Christians, protector of the faithful, feeder of the hungry, joy of the weeping, doctor of the sick, steward of those floating on the sea, feeder of the poor and orphans, and quick helper and patron of all, may we live a peaceful life here and may we be worthy to see the glory of God’s elect in heaven , and with them unceasingly sing the praises of the one worshiped God in the Trinity forever and ever. Amen.

Every person constantly thinks about how to solve financial problems and make sure that cash were always available. One of the simple methods for resolving such issues is specialized ritual and ritual actions for well-being in the financial field.

When making money transactions, it is imperative to observe the specified time, believe in the power of the action being carried out and personal luck, and at the same time visualize for yourself the receipt of wealth. Everything related to attracting money is performed only on the waxing moon, and in the first week after the new moon. The best thing ritual be carried out on Thursday, because the patron of this day is the planet Jupiter, and it affects cash flows.

Concealment of ritual and ceremonial actions

You should not tell anyone that you have decided to perform a rite or ritual of money magic. And about the result and success magical actions It’s even more forbidden to tell. Fortune is a very capricious person, and when you decide to talk about your success in a financial love spell, then feel free to expect that Fortune will turn away from you in material matters.

Unshakable faith in magic and results

To enter the ceremony full force and bringing luck to your side, you need maximum confidence in achieving the desired result. Magic directly depends on the faith of the person using it.


You need to clearly understand what exactly and in what amount you want to receive. If this is a car, then imagine everything, right down to the color of the hood and the smell of new upholstery. If it’s an apartment, then the view from the window, the warmth and comfort of the home walls should be practically tangible.

By observing these simple points, you will achieve the result you need and desire in any direction of magical rites and rituals.

Spells to win the lottery

There are a great variety of directions in traditional actions and rituals of money magic: from a conspiracy to return a monetary debt from an acquaintance, to the complete adjustment of financial security in life. However, thrill-seekers and players with fortune cannot be ignored. Prayerful, enchanted phrases and ritual actions for winning the lottery are the most popular these days. Only they are indispensable assistants in fulfilling your innermost wish - to win a sum of money.

"Candle Plot"

This conspiracy is carried out in several stages. To begin with, you need to find yourself a paper note that is enough to buy a lottery and choose a lottery that makes you feel warm and attracted. Next, in the glow of a golden candle, read these words seven times on the bill:

I’ll take one piece of money from my heart,
yes I will get a lot of money in return

After reading, immediately go get a ticket for your chosen lottery. Buy the first ticket that catches your attention. It is he who will hook you, from whom you can feel warmth or attraction. Then return home to complete the ritual.

Upon returning to the house, light the candle again and read the following curse seven times, without taking your eyes off the ticket:

I hold the spoken ticket in my hands,
I bewitch myself to win money.
I should have the money!
Victory is my companion!

Upon completion, the ticket must be removed from prying eyes and attention until the lottery result is announced. Luck will definitely help you!

"Water Rite"

To carry out the actions, a gray, cloudy day is required, coinciding with the waning moon. Why is that? Because few people want to try their luck in gloomy weather, the likelihood that fortune will turn to you becomes much higher. Go for a lottery ticket, buy it, and the next day at exactly eight o’clock in the morning, put on soft clothes and get ready for the road. Before you step outside the threshold of your home, say the words:

Wealth, come to me!

Place a five-kopeck coin in the pocket located on the left. Go to the nearest body of water that has no current (it could be a lake or a pond), remain silent along the way, and talking to anyone is prohibited. At the final destination of the path, find an inconspicuous place located with right side pond, take the money out of your pocket and throw it into the water, saying before that:

Money in the water - I win

Head back to your home. Remember that turning around or talking is strictly prohibited. Ask those with whom you live in the house or apartment to leave the premises for a while. Place plates filled with rock salt coarsely ground, place 40 candles around the perimeter of the ritual room of blue color. Light the candles exactly at midnight, moving from one to another in a counterclockwise direction. Wait for all the candles to burn out, then put all the cinders together, cover them with salt, take them to the pond in which the coin is already located, try to throw them into the water as far as possible.

After these steps, the ticket you purchased should bring you winnings!

"Alien Hand"

To perform this ritual, you will need a lottery ticket purchased on the first day of the week. But the ritual itself must be performed only on Wednesday.

Mandatory condition: when purchasing a ticket, do not choose it yourself, ask for this service standing nearby person with you (or choose randomly). While this person is making a choice, whisper:

Money to money, his choice will bring victory to me

Then go home and put the ticket in discreet place until midweek. On Wednesday at dawn you need to take a ticket and find the nearest pond or well. When you arrive at the place, read the prayer without taking your eyes off the ticket:

A promissory note for Fortune, a ticket for luck,
Bring me victory, give me money.
There is plenty to live in the house, but no need to know.
Fly to me, hurry to exchange the coins for a ticket.
I will hold fortune with my hand, I will lure coins to me

After pronouncing the hex, wet the lottery ticket by saying three times:

Let it be so!

"Conspiracy on banknotes"

This CONSPIRACY compiled by the healer from Bulgaria herself - the great Vanga. If you are going to read it, take banknotes, which is enough to buy a lottery, and your favorite item from your wardrobe, which you wear more often than others. It is preferable to choose something from outerwear, because it is always worn more often than anything else (this could be a jacket, coat, jeans, trousers or a skirt with pockets). Sew the prepared bills into the hem or pocket of the selected item. While you are sewing up money, repeat these charming words:

Like a thread and a needle everything time together,
So let money be inseparable from me.
Like a thread following a needle,
This is how wealth reaches out to me.
I sew up the hem,
I attach wealth to myself.
Come to me for different money:
large and small, copper and silver, gold and paper.
To my joy and God's grace

Place the item with the money hidden in it in a closet and leave it there overnight. When morning comes, be sure to put on your “lucky” clothes, and continue to wear them every day until the day you purchase your tickets. The day before purchasing tickets, take out the money and put it in your pocket, and in the morning next day go shopping.

You can strengthen this ritual in the following way. The day before purchasing tickets, place a candle near open window, set it on fire. Position the mirror so that it reflects the glow of the candle and the waxing moon. Holding the bills you took out with your hand, read the following words:

A rich and famous merchant walks along the lunar path,
Offers worthy gifts, but does not require payment.
The cunning man lures people in and takes their luck for himself.
That cunning man is my relative.
Just as I see the light of the night, I ask it for help.
Take the luck and fortune of strangers,
put them in my words,
charm the money for the ticket

After reading, put the money in your pocket and buy tickets in the morning. This draw will definitely bring you a win.

"Lucky Hex"

To attract fortune in the lottery, a very simple slander is used. It is worth making preliminary preparations for it. Required: the peel of one citrus fruit, three yellow metal coins, a vessel made of material that does not transmit light, and three fruit seeds. Jars for tea or coffee drinks, canned food, and so on are suitable as vessels.

The process of performing ritual actions: put peels, fruit seeds and coins into the vessel one by one. After this, the vessel is sealed and the words are read aloud three times:

The woman went for mushrooms and picked up a basket.
A woman walked onto the path and found gold coins.
Wherever the eye looks, there are gems everywhere.
I started baking the shangi - the blush turned out nice.
So let me be as lucky as that woman,
Happiness and Fortune accompany me!

Then you need to hide the vessel from prying eyes. From this day forward, fortune will accompany you. To reinforce your expectations of success, you need to buy a lottery ticket in a couple of days. Good luck will definitely come to you, since such conspiracies come into force immediately.

Spells to attract money and wealth

And finally (as a bonus) we want to show you three enough simple rituals, which are not directly related to the lottery and winnings in it. But they can greatly change your well-being. Since they are aimed at a general increase in money and wealth in your family.

"Money Magnet"

Performing a ritual attracts a flow of money into your home. Go to a field (forest), find a stone without corners there and take it with you. In a secluded room at home with a lit candle, draw on a stone money symbol(it could even be a dollar sign).

Imagine how it turns into a magnet and attracts money. Place the amulet in a visible place so that you can see it as often as possible. Every time you look at it, think of it as a center for the flow of money.

"Money to Money"

Quite easy to do ritual, but you need to repeat it every day. It has long been noted that people with money in their pockets always have it, and their wealth is constantly increasing. To attract money to yourself, you need to read a certain conspiracy, while carrying out simple manipulations.

Place an odd number of coins (three or five) in the pockets of clothes worn every day. While putting coins in your pockets you need to say the following words:

As the water rushes to the shore,
so money strives for money

They carry charmed coins with them in their pockets all the time; they cannot be spent under any pretext. Touch them every day, repeating the words of the spell. Before washing clothes, the coins are taken out back, and after drying, they are returned to their place. Keeping money in your pockets for a long time will attract more wealth.

"Moon Conspiracy"

A conspiracy that helps to attract wealth will have a greater effect during the waxing of the moon. There are a lot of rituals of this kind, and the text mentioned below is one of them. First day new moon take 12 coins of different denominations, so that their total amount is equal to the age of the person who is going to perform the ritual.

You need to go outside and find a secluded place, taken in left hand the coins should be “showed” to the moon so that its light falls on them. After this, repeat the following 7 times:

Everything that grows and lives in this world
multiplies from solar light,
and grow money from the moonlight,
multiply, be fruitful.
Enrich me (name), come to me.
Let it be so!

After reading the plot, clasp the money in your fist, come home, and put everything in a wallet containing other money - this will help you get started charm words begin your action immediately, attracting and increasing wealth.

Let our tips aimed at finding financial success and receiving help you. May you be lucky in all your endeavors! But remember that without faith in a successful ending, as well as real help ritual and conspiracy, you really shouldn’t count on winning. To make the effect of some rituals more lasting, it is better to perform them several times in a row. Lottery- Not simple game, but to win it, you need to at least purchase a lottery ticket.