A.P. Chekhov. About the writer. Analysis of the story “Horse Surname”

In the 80s of the 19th century, when the story " Horse surname"in the works of A.P. Chekhov, cheerful and cheerful laughter reigns supreme. This is partly explained by circumstances: the beginning of the 80s was not so favorable for the development of caustic satire. Censorship in the country is being tightened as a result of the government reaction. The most successful is light and cheerful laughter over minor household incidents Everyday life. However, it cannot be said that Chekhov’s talent begins to develop in humorous and entertaining magazines. The writer widely uses his knowledge of Russian classics.

Chekhov's laughter at this time is hyperbolic, and the grotesque is often used. However, there are also stories where the authenticity of life is not compromised. In such stories, the writer pays attention to everyday details, but highlights the most significant and impressive ones. Nevertheless, A.P. Chekhov’s laughter is still cheerful and carefree. This is what happens in the story “The Horse's Name.” When talking about this work, researchers most often use the expression “warm humor.”

As in many of A.P. Chekhov’s early stories, the subject of the image is a small everyday detail, a piece of life. "Major General Buldeev has a toothache." Next, a whole story unfolds, worthless, but surprisingly important for the heroes of the story. Almost the whole day, all the inhabitants of Buldeev’s house painfully remembered the name of the doctor, who “spoke with his teeth - the first class. It happened that he would turn to the window, whisper, spit - and as if with his hand! Such strength was given to him...”. But there’s just one problem - this healer went to live with his mother-in-law in Saratov. And it is not surprising for the heroes that the miracle doctor treats people from other cities “by telegraph.” General Buldeev was distrustful of Ivan Yevseich’s advice. Yes, the toothache was too strong, and he decided to send a telegram. And again the obstacle is the clerk's memory. He only remembers that the surname is “like a horse.” A crowd followed Ivan Yevseich all day, inventing various options doctor's last name.

And indeed, Chekhov’s “warm humor” makes itself felt. Well, how can you not smile at them - they come up with the name of a charlatan healer that no one needs; them - hoping for such illusory healing? In the story there is no evil grin at the heroes, no satirical ridicule, so characteristic of the later Chekhov. The author laughs at the tense and painful state of Ivan Evseich, going through the most diverse things in his mind. different variants. All you can say is: “How little is needed for happiness!” at the sight of the clerk running towards the estate “with such speed, as if a mad dog was chasing him.”

However, all the hard work of his memory was in vain: the tooth was pulled out by a doctor who came at the request of the general. The situation is comical through and through, permeated with sparkling laughter. The writer is not making fun of anyone, he is simply describing a real-life incident that could happen to anyone.

A.P. Chekhov can rightfully be called a successor to the traditions of N.V. Gogol. But Chekhov does not stop and develops his artistic method. And if Gogol had “laughter through tears,” then Chekhov had “laughter to tears.”


Major General Buldeev had a toothache. The clerk's story about a healer from Saratov. Buldeev decides to send a telegram. The clerk, Ivan Yevseich, forgot the doctor’s last name, he only knows that it is connected with horses. In the morning, the general calls the doctor and pulls out the tooth. The clerk remembers the name, but it’s too late.

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A.P. Chekhov said that a person will become better if he is shown what he really is. They say that the writer always felt heartache for humanity. He expressed it in the depiction of social and moral situations using comic and satirical devices. Chekhov's early humorous stories are about this. He often depicted a way of life that was presented as something absurd and therefore funny. In these small works there is external comedy (the comedy of the situation), which resembles an anecdote.

An example of such prose is the story “The Horse's Name.” His analysis clearly characterizes the author's early prose. Story line extremely simple: General Buldeev had a toothache. He tried everything to no avail folk remedies. The clerk Ivan Evseevich suggests turning to a person who heals with spells, even "by telegraph". Since this “doctor” lives in another city, you need to send him a telegram. But the clerk forgot the addressee's last name. He claimed that the name "horse". All household members began to offer their options, Ivan Evseevich painfully recalled. Ultimately, the doctor removed the tooth, and the clerk, under random circumstances, remembered the last name - Ovsov.

The genre of the text can be defined as an anecdote story (a work of topical content containing a humorous overtones). This story, like a joke, has an unexpected ending. It is she who emphasizes his humorous character.

The composition of the work is characterized by a rapid beginning (a feature of Chekhov's style), lack of reasoning and description. The role of dialogue is key. This is the beginning of the action. The denouement is two figs, which the general expressively demonstrates to the clerk.

The heroes of the story are ordinary, unremarkable people: a retired major general, a general’s wife, their children, a clerk, servants. The general is tormented by a tooth, but he does not evoke pity. The writer makes you laugh at the current situation, at his comical situation.

The ways in which they offer to get rid of pain are comical. Coming up with variants of the “horse surname” also looks comical: Kobylkin, Loshadkin, Zherebchikov, Konyavsky, Uzdechkin, etc. Here the author widely uses associativity, but at the same time maintains a sense of proportion.

In general, comic is the main artistic device story. The author uses the discrepancy between external manifestations and inner essence. So, the clerk remembers the name of the so-called “doctor” many times, increasingly distorting the different options. A real name Ovsov can only conditionally be considered a “horse”. Or, for example, this: major general, but he’s afraid; despises conspiracies, and plans to treat a tooth over the phone; excise "power is given", and was fired from his position. The story also uses the following comic methods: hyperbole (the commotion in the house is exaggerated), surprise (a situation in which a surname is remembered).

Anecdotal words are also of particular importance, speech errors: "teeth and feeds", "if which","uses it at home", "use", "scolder", "smiled wildly" etc. Live speech complements the characters' characters.

The retired major general himself created, and then overcame (called the doctor) an anecdotal situation, demonstrating two figs to the clerk. The author shows us a capricious, ignorant general (and this is the title of the highest command staff). Buldeev uses swear words and treats the servants with disdain. And the question involuntarily arises: who are the judges? This makes me sad. This is how Chekhov’s two concepts exist side by side - comic and tragic. They make you think about life, about its moral and social issues.

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A.P. Chekhov. About the writer. Analysis of the story “The Horse's Name”.

Goals : - introduce students to the name of the writer, reveal his significance in literature, show the extraordinary personality of Chekhov - a doctor and a writer;
- characterize the characters’ speech as a source of comedy; promote the development of speech, memory, attention, logical thinking students;
- cultivate a sense of humor in children.

portrait of a writer, Dictionary, presentation.

During the classes:

1. Organizational moment.

2. The teacher's word.

Today we are getting acquainted with the name of a unique writer who combined two completely different professions- doctor and writer. A.P. Chekhov was born on January 17, 1860 in Taganrog in the family of a small merchant. “Pavel Egorovich and Evgenia Yakovlevna Chekhov,” writes Alexander Pavlovich Chekhov, the writer’s elder brother, in his memoirs, “God blessed him with a large family—they had five sons and one daughter. Anton Pavlovich was the third son. The family was always in need. His father is a stern religious man and often punished Antosha. After graduating from the Taganrog gymnasium, Chekhov studied tailoring. At the age of 16, he is left alone, as his parents leave for Moscow. In 1879, Chekhov also came to Moscow and entered the medical faculty of Moscow University. Published to survive in humorous magazines. Signed funny: Antosha Chekhonte, that is, he had a pseudonym. Anton Pavlovich is an extraordinary man: he was famous writer, but settled in a village near Moscow to treat ordinary people. During famine years, he organizes soup kitchens and fundraisers for the hungry. He treats people even during the years of cholera, builds schools, creates a library for peasant children at his own expense. But one day he contracted tuberculosis, moved to Yalta for treatment, then to Germany, but on July 15, 1904 he died.
Like this an extraordinary person there was this writer. Now let's find out a little about his work.

3. Preparation for the perception of the work.
The stories of A.P. Chekhov make you laugh, as they are filled with humorous details. What is humor? What kind of person can be said to have a sense of humor? (This is a person who knows how to joke and understands jokes himself, and is not offended if the joke is directed at him).
The word humor (we write it down) means: a benign depiction of the funny, the presentation of events, human shortcomings and weaknesses in a harmless comic form.
The story we will read is called “The Horse's Name.” I’ll now write the word “horse”, and you guys name everything connected with it. (I write on the board: bridle, reins, saddle, horse, mare, mane, hooves, neighing, etc.). Now create surnames from them or name “horse” surnames. (I write down: Uzdechkin, Konyaev, Zherebtsov, Sedlov, Kobylin, Grivkin, etc.).

4. Reading the work.

(read by teacher)

5.Vocabulary work:
Uyezd is a district, part of a province.
Excise officer - an employee of a tax collection agency.
Cinchona is the bark of an American tree from which a pharmaceutical drug is made.

6. Analysis of the work.
- Why do we consider the story humorous? (It has many funny moments).
- What exactly did you find funny? (The way the entire estate, to please the general, chose a “horse” surname).
- Tell me, why did the general suddenly believe that you can communicate pain by telegraph? (The pain was unbearable, the general tried all means).
- What kind of treatment methods did the general try? (He rinsed his mouth with vodka, cognac, applied tobacco soot, opium, kerosene, turpentine, kerosene to the sore tooth, smeared his cheek with iodine, had cotton wool soaked in alcohol in his ears, but all this did not help, or caused nausea.)
- Why doesn’t the general immediately agree to treat the tooth with a conspiracy? (Because he considers it charlatanism, he is afraid to seem funny himself).
- Who offers this method of “treatment”? (Clerk Buldeev).
- What does excise tax treatment look like? Find the lines. (“It used to be that he would turn to the window, whisper, spit – and as if with his hand!”).
- How does the comedy of the story about the excise tax and his wonderful gift intensify? (It turns out that he “uses” from other cities via telegraph).
- What else do we learn about the excise tax from the lips of the clerk? (“A big drinker, he lives not with his wife, but with a German woman, a scolder, but, one might say, a miraculous gentleman!”).
- Is this information important for the general? (No, they are not important).
- Why is the clerk talking about this? (Because he wants to tell something else unusual so that the general agrees. Then it would turn out that the clerk pleased the general).

7. Reading by roles.
Let's role-play a funny scene remembering the name of the excise man.
- Pay attention to the phrase: “And in the house, everyone vying with each other, they began to invent surnames. We went through all the ages, sexes and breeds of horses, remembered the mane, hooves, harness... "What kind of surnames do you think have been invented yet? (Gnedov, Kopytin, Sbruev, Zagrivkov, etc.).
- How is it that this “horse” name turned out to be the most dear to the general? (The general wanted with all his might to get rid of the pain, but only the clerk promised to save him).
- How did the general free himself from pain? (He still had to pull out the tooth by the roots, and the doctor did it).
- Who reminded this unfortunate but real name to the clerk? (The same doctor, he asked to sell oats for his horse, and the word “oats” reminded Ivan Yevseich of something).
- How did the clerk behave after the doctor’s words? (“Ivan Yevseich looked blankly at the doctor, smiled somehow wildly and, without saying a single
words, clasping his hands, he ran towards the estate as quickly as if a mad dog was chasing him."
- What was the real name of the miraculous healer from Saratov? (Ovsov).
- What can you say about the relationship of this surname to horses? (This surname has nothing to do with a horse, except that horses are fed oats).
- How much time passed between the tooth being pulled out and the clerk remembering the name? (Just a little, because the doctor had just returned from the general).

8. Retelling the story “The Horse's Name.”

Guys, what is an episode? (Episode - excerpt work of art, which talks about a completed event, incident).
- Which episode do you remember most? Try to retell it close to the text.

9. Lesson summary.
What kind of laughter can be called in this story: good-natured, destructive, condescending or otherwise? (The laughter here is good-natured and condescending, since the author chuckles, but does not mock).

10. Homework.
Prepare detailed retelling story “Horse Name”, draw illustrations for the story.

desire to help the patient? What does this mean?

(In this case, Chekhov shows his contemporary life, in which people occupy an unequal position.

I. Sher writes: “But Chekhov did not always laugh cheerfully; very often his stories, seemingly simple and ordinary, about simple and ordinary affairs and days, will only seem funny. One has only to think about them, look deeper into them, and one becomes sad. Here is the story “Horse Surname”... Think carefully, and behind this funny story you will see such a boring and gray life of such rude, ignorant people that probably none of you would like to live with them?

  • Do you agree with the opinion of I. Sher?

Are the people in the story really rude and ignorant?

Remember the composition of the story - an anecdote (there are no descriptions, reasoning, and the role of dialogue becomes key. Taking this into account, select from the proposed list the means that is most effective for revealing the character of our hero).

Means of revealing the character of the hero.

  • Prove in text that the general

capricious -

self-confident -

treats servants with contempt and uses harsh, abusive language.

Draw a conclusion. What is it like to live next to such a person? Would you like to live like this? Is it funny or sad?

  • The general is suffering from toothache, and we are experiencing

pity for him? (The writer does not seek to evoke sympathy for him; he makes the reader laugh at the comical situation in which Buldeev finds himself).

  • How does the general feel about conspiracies? (Counts them

nonsense and quackery), and he himself impatiently demands from the clerk that he remember the “Horse name” of the healer, categorically refuses the doctor’s offer to pull out the tooth, and then sends for him himself, as for a savior).

  • Which of the servants is closest to the master? (Clerk)
  • Can he be called a comic character?

Why? (Gives advice to contact a healer, takes upon himself the courage to suggest the text of the dispatch. Then he loses his courage and swagger, experiences fear of the angry general (he walked out slowly, sighed heavily), remembering his last name when it was no longer needed, regains self-confidence and the hope of earning general's location).

What methods of creating comics do you know? (hyperbole, inconsistency, surprise). Give examples.

  • The narrow-mindedness and ignorance of the clerk

excellently conveyed by Chechov. Through the grammatically incorrect speech of Ivan Evseich. Prove it with text.

Ignorance - an offer to contact the excise officer so that he could cure his teeth over the phone.

Speech errors: fed with teeth

Violation of logic in the presentation:

(“served as an excise duty officer… started talking his teeth”)

Statement Inconsistency

“Power has been given to the excise man,” and praise comes to him with the fact that he was fired from the excise duty.

Do you agree with the statement that A.P. Chekhov is one of the brilliant masters of words?

Chekhov spoke about language:

“The language should be simple and elegant...”

“The phrase “(...) must be done - this is art. It is necessary to throw out the unnecessary, to clear the phrase of “as”, “with the help”, we must take care of its musicality and not allow “became” and “stopped” to be almost side by side in the same phrase.

“I don’t want to admit stories without mistakes. You have to get dirty really hard. In a letter to Gorky, Chekhov gave the following advice: “... when reading the text, cross out where you can the definitions of nouns and verbs... It’s clear when I write “The man sat down on the grass; this is understandable because it is clear and does not hold attention. On the contrary, it is incomprehensible and hard on the brain when I write: “A tall, narrow-chested, medium-sized man with a red beard sat down on the green grass, already crushed by pedestrians, sat down silently, timidly and fearfully looking around.”

noun gl noun

The man sat down on the grass.

What were Chekhov’s favorite parts of speech (noun and verb). The phrase must be precise and understandable - this is the second feature of Chekhov’s style.

Chekhov said: “Brevity is the sister of talent”

  • What other feature of Chekhov's handwriting?

(Handwriting is the manner of writing) The fourth feature is brevity.

  • Guys, in the composition of a story - an anecdote, there are almost no descriptions or reasoning, and the role of dialogue becomes key.
  • Dramatization (prepared students)
  • What significance does this dialogue have in the development of the plot?

(Dialogue - the beginning of the action)

  • What role does it play in a story/anecdote?

anecdotal word?

(It attracts attention either with the brilliance of wit, or, on the contrary, with absurdity, and takes part in the development

  • Find the climax in the story's plot.
  • Pay attention to the illustration in the textbook

(p.283). Find the quote that matches the Kukryniksy illustration.

(“The clerk’s painful thoughts” and the doctor’s neutral behavior, the clerk’s joy and the uselessness of turning to the excise officer)

  • Find the solution to the plot of the story (2 figs)

Chekhov's ending is always unexpected. This is the second feature of the style.

  • Is the character different in the life situation?

incident (incident is a complex, complicated case) from oneself in ordinary life? (Answer: quackery is different - he offered 2 figs with contempt)

  • Did the character manage to overcome the funny situation?

without moral losses? How did he return to normal life?

(He returned to his existence, to his stable ideas about the world, which he abandoned out of fear of a momentary test. Buldeev himself created and himself overcame the anecdotal situation, showing 2 figs with contempt).

It turns out that the story is not only funny, but also serious. This reminds us that in all circumstances “one must be aware of one’s dignity among people.”

With his work, Chekhov asserted not only best qualities people, but also their shortcomings.

“Is laughter a serious matter?”

When you laugh, your body is happy. Fifteen muscles on the face and several dozen on the body first contract and then relax. The pulse accelerates, breathing quickens, the blood is enriched with oxygen. The brain also does not sleep - it reduces sensitivity to pain, as endorphins are produced - substances that kill pain and give pleasure. It is no coincidence that some doctors introduce jokes and laughter into the treatment of various diseases.

Did Chekhov know about this? (Of course, he was a doctor).

Lesson summary.

What did you learn in the lesson? What did you like? Let’s return once again to the topic and goals of the lesson.


Write your own story - an anecdote.

If we turn to Chekhov's early works, we will see that this is mainly short stories satirical in nature, more like jokes with an unexpected ending. Chekhov's story “The Horse's Name” is such a work.

This famous work, in which the writer, as in many of his other works, ridiculed the negative sides of humanity. Chekhov's work "The Horse's Name" is easy to read, in one breath, and, despite the fact that the main character suffers from toothache, the whole comedy of the situation evokes not compassion, but laughter.

Chekhov Horse name summary

The storyline of the work “Horse Surname” and its summary are simple and uncomplicated. It all started when the major general woke up with a severe toothache and, in order to relieve it, he began to try all the familiar remedies, refusing the services of a dentist. Neither vodka, nor cognac, nor other folk remedies helped, so the clerk offered him the last option - to turn to a magician who heals with spells. But, the trouble is, he lives in another city, and in order to send a telegram, you need his last name, which the clerk forgot. There was only one association, it seemed to him that the sorcerer’s surname was similar to “horse”.

Horse name of Chekhov's hero

Here the whole family was already trying to guess the last name, and the servants got involved. What options were not offered. “Loshadkin”, “Zherebchikov”, “Konyavsky”, “Loshadevich” and the like, but it was not all that. And while the clerk was remembering the name in order to help the major general, the general decided to use the services of a doctor and pulled out a tooth. Summary The story “The Horse's Name” by Chekhov ends with the funniest thing, the clerk still remembered the name and it is not a horse's name, but can only conditionally be considered such, because the magician had the name Ovsov, but it was too late, there was no tooth, so the general only had to show two fig, shouting “Na-mow!”

Chekhov's short story “The Horse's Name” is characterized by the absence of reasoning and descriptions, everything happens quickly, the work itself is built on dialogue. In the work "The Horse's Name" Chekhov's heroes simple people: retired general, his wife and children, servants and clerk. Already at the beginning of the work we see the comical ways in which the major general tried to relieve the pain; the situation with guessing the last name also looks comical.

Reading Chekhov's story, we see that the author uses the inconsistencies between the essence of man and external manifestations. So, a major general, who has a high rank, is afraid to pull out a tooth, he does not believe in conspiracies, but he agrees to treat the tooth over the phone. The general is capricious and ignorant, although he has the highest rank. We also see speech errors that only enhance the comic nature of the work, among them “use”, “if which”, “scold”.

In general, the work describes and, indeed, life situation. Regardless of position and social status, who hasn’t experienced a situation where you need to remember something very important, but just can’t do it. It’s like the word is on the tip of our tongue, but we can’t pronounce it, we’re just talking about associations that, in the end, were from a completely different area. As we can see, Chekhov not only masterfully described the comical life situation of everyone, but also recreated psychological images.