Detailed retelling of chapter 4 of Oblomov

A year has passed since Ilya Ilyich’s illness. Pshenitsyna’s brother’s colleague went to the village, but did nothing positive. After his illness, Ilya Ilyich was at first gloomy, then fell into indifference, but gradually “returned to his previous normal life.” Agafya Matveevna took upon herself all the worries about Oblomov’s food. Agafya Matveevna herself did not notice that she had changed; she fell in love with Ilya Ilyich. And her whole life, her whole household received new meaning- for the sake of Ilya Ilyich. For Oblomov, Agafya Matveevna “embodied the ideal of that vast, ocean-like, and inviolable peace of life, the picture of which was indelibly etched on his soul in childhood, under his father’s roof.” That's how they lived. And Oblomov didn’t even notice that he was not living, but vegetating.

Elijah's Day was celebrated in a big way at Pshenitsyna's house. At this time, a stroller drove into the yard. It was Stolz. He reproaches Oblomov for idleness, but Oblomov says that Olga is to blame. Stolz, having examined Oblomov’s home, says that this is the same Oblomovka, only nastier, that it is necessary to move. But Oblomov resists.

Oblomov brags to Stolz about how he settled matters with the village. Stolz is amazed at Ilya Ilyich’s blindness: he does not see that he is being robbed. Stolz forcibly took Oblomov to his place, where he forced him to transfer Oblomovka to himself. Oblomov exclaims that life is touching him, but he wants peace. Stolz says that food is to blame for Oblomov’s life, Oblomovka, where everything “began with the inability to put on stockings and ended with the inability to live.”

The next day, Tarantiev and Ivan Matveevich discussed the affairs that were happening with Oblomov’s estate. The brother said that Stolz tore up the power of attorney to manage the village, since now he himself will manage it. Ivan Matveevich agreed with Tarantiev to intimidate Ilya Ilyich with his relationship with his sister and will demand money for silence.

In the spring, Olga and her aunt left for Switzerland, and Stolz realized that he could no longer live without Olga, but he doubted her feelings. Olga is trying to understand what she feels for Stolz. She decided it was just friendship. But as they communicated, Stolz became her leader. Olga felt ashamed of her former love and her hero. And she began to dream of happiness with Stolz. "Friendship drowned in love."

Stolz decided to talk to Olga about his feelings. He confesses his love to her. Olga is confused. Stolz asks her to tell what happened to her in his absence. She admits that she loved Oblomov. Stolz is amazed, he says that Olga “did not understand herself, Oblomov, or, finally, love.” And Olga told in every detail about her relationship with Oblomov. Stolz says that if he knew that we're talking about about Oblomov, he wouldn’t suffer so much. He explains to Olga that she is waiting for him, but this is not Oblomov. Stolz advises her to marry him, while waiting for him to come. Olga agrees.

A year and a half after Oblomov’s name day, Stolz came to him. Ilya Ilyich is flabby, everything is in disrepair. Agafya Matveevna has lost weight. Why is that? And because all the income that Stolz sends goes to satisfy the claim under the loan letter that Oblomov gave to the hostess. Oblomov finally realized what kind of vice he was in, but it was too late.

Stolz says that the house has become even nastier than last time, but Oblomov turns the conversation to Olga. Stolz reports that he is married to Olga. Olga invites Oblomov to visit her estate. Oblomov refuses. Stolz talks about things in the village that have gone uphill. We sat down to dinner. Over lunch, Oblomov lets slip about the debt under the loan letter. Stolz understands what kind of relationship Olomov has with Pshenitsyna; he thinks that she is robbing him. He tries to knock the letter out of her, but she, weak-willed as always, sends Stolz to his brother. Stolz understands that this woman is not to blame for anything, she only loves Ilya Ilyich very much. Stolz says that tomorrow she must sign a paper stating that Ilya Ilyich does not owe her anything, and before that, not say anything to her brother about the conversation. Pshenitsyna agrees.

The next day, Agafya Matveevna signed the paper with which Stolz came to her brother. But he showed the letter and said that, according to the law, Oblomov owed him. Stolz threatened him that he would not leave it like that.

In the evening of the same day, Ivan Matveyevich told Tarantyev how the general had called him and asked about the case that he and Tarantyev had carried out regarding Oblomov. But Tarantiev says that he had nothing to do with it, he did not participate in this. Ivan Matveevich said that the general forced him to destroy the letter and resign. But Tarantiev does not give up, he now proposes to establish surveillance of Olomov and Pshenitsyna and still extract money.

Stolz came to say goodbye. He warns Olomov that his relationship with Pshenitsyna will not lead to good things. A simple woman, everyday life - all this will negatively affect Oblomov’s life.

Tarantiev came in the evening and cursed Oblomov. But Oblomov did not stand it, he hit his friend in the face and kicked him out of the house. Oblomov and Tarantiev did not see each other again.

Stolz and Olga settled on the seashore. They got up early, had breakfast, he got to work, or they talked and argued for a long time, Olga looked after the children. And Olga was happy, but she still seemed to be missing something. She admitted this to Stolz. He explained to Olga that she had simply matured to the point where her growth stopped, life opened up completely, there were no more mysteries in it. Olga was interested in how Ilya Ilyich lives. Stolz said that they would soon be in St. Petersburg, and then they would find out. Olga makes her husband promise that he will take her with him to Oblomov.

In Pshenitsyna’s house everything was quiet and measured, everything breathed with the abundance and completeness of the economy. And all this revolved around Ilya Ilyich. And Oblomov himself was a complete and natural reflection of the peace, contentment and silence that reigned in the house.

But everything suddenly changed. One day Oblomov wanted to get up from the sofa and couldn’t, he wanted to utter a word and couldn’t. An apoplexy occurred. The doctor prescribed daily exercise and moderate sleep only at night. And now Oblomov was not given rest, not even allowed to lie down: now Pshenitsyna would assign him work, now she would bring him to entertain Andryusha, then Alekseev would come and talk for a long time with Oblomov.

And one day Stolz arrived. He wants to take Ilya Ilyich away again. But Oblomov says that in any case he will remain here. Stolz says that he came with Olga, but Oblomov asks not to let her in. He admits that Agafya Matveevna became his wife, they have a son, Andrei. And Stolz realized that Oblomov was now completely dead, he was caught up in it. Ilya Ilyich asks Stolz not to leave his son, Stolz promises. He thinks to himself that

This boy will not be dragged into the abyss into which Oblomov fell. Stolz leaves. Olga asks her husband about Oblomov. Stolz replies that he is alive, and there is Oblomovism there.

XMaterial from the site

Five years have passed. Another woman rules in Pshenitsyna’s house. There is a new cook in the kitchen, who reluctantly fulfills Agafya Matveevna’s quiet requests. Ilya Ilyich died from another apoplexy. Pshenitsyna’s brother went broke and settled in his sister’s house. His wife was in charge of everything. Pshenitsyna’s children settled down: the eldest son entered the service, the daughter got married, and the youngest was taken in by Stolz and Olga. After Oblomov’s death, Agafya Matveevna realized that she only lived for the time when Ilya Ilyich was nearby. Stolz invited her to live in the village, sent money, but she sent everything back, asked her to save it for Andryusha, saying that he was a gentleman, he would need it.

One day two gentlemen were walking along the wooden sidewalks: Stolz and his literary friend. Beggars sat along the sidewalk. They recognized Zakhar in one of them. He says that after Oblomov’s death he lost his life and left on his own. I haven’t found a new place, so I’m begging and drinking. He remembers the master and cries that this will never happen again. Stolz calls Zakhar to come to them, to look at Andrya, Zakhar promises. The writer asks Stolz about the master Zakhar was talking about. Stolz replies that this is Oblomov, a man with a pure and clear soul, noble and gentle, who died, disappeared for nothing. The writer asks what was the reason for this? Stolz replies that it is Oblomovism. “Oblomovschina! - the writer repeated with bewilderment. - What it is?" “Now I’ll tell you: let me gather my thoughts and memory. And you write it down: maybe it will be useful to someone.” And he told him what was written here.

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The novel “Oblomov” is one of greatest works Russian literature of the 19th century.

Together with two other novels by Ivan Aleksandrovich Goncharov - “ An ordinary story” and “Breakage” - it amounts to trilogy, dedicated to the transition from one stage of development of Russian society to another.

The history of the creation of “Oblomov”

Part of the work - the chapter “Oblomov’s Dream” - was published in 1849 as separate work(the author himself noted it as an unfinished work). The entire novel was written and published only ten years later.

“Oblomov’s Dream” was warmly received by the public, but travel and work on other works did not allow Goncharov to finish “Oblomov” in short term. After publication, the novel brought fame to its creator.

In fact, it became the work thanks to which we know about Ivan Aleksandrovich Goncharov today.

Composition of the novel

The work is divided into four parts:

  • The first part describes one day in the life of Ilya Oblomov, which he spends entirely on the sofa. Goncharov tells the reader about the conditions in which the protagonist of the novel grew and developed;
  • in the second part, the love story of Ilya and Olga is revealed, Andrei Stolts’ attempts to bring his friend back to life are shown;
  • in the third part, the author notes that Oblomov is not able to change his usual way of life. Another iconic character is introduced into the narrative - Agafya Pshenitsyna;
  • the fourth part shows Ilya Ilyich’s return to normal life and his decline.

The composition of the novel is circular: first the reader observes Oblomov’s dream, then his awakening, and then his descent into sleep again.

Below you can find online a summary of the chapters in each of the four parts of the novel.

Brief summary of the novel “Oblomov” by I. A. Goncharov

Part one

Chapter 1. The author introduces the reader to Ilya Ilyich Oblomov, a 32-33-year-old nobleman who, together with his servant Zakhar, lives in St. Petersburg on Gorokhovaya Street. All Oblomov does all day long is lie on the sofa in his favorite robe.

Ilya Ilyich lives on the funds that his Oblomovka estate brings him. The author describes him as a person at the same time:

  • good-natured;
  • lazy;
  • lacking initiative.

Goncharov gives the following description of his laziness: Oblomov’s laziness is not at all the same as that of a sick or tired person, and not even the same as that of a lazy person - Ilya Ilyich is in this state all the time. It has already become normal for him.

The protagonist of the novel has a series of serious problems: the estate began to bring him less money than before, the yield has decreased, and even the owner of the apartment is evicting Oblomov. He would like to address these issues, but just the thought of this scares the hero. He hopes that there will be people in his life who will do everything for him.

Chapter 2. Four people come to Oblomov in turn: Volkov, Sudbinsky, Penkin and Alekseev.

Volkov is cheerful, charged with energy, he tells Oblomov about social events, which he recently visited, about the gloves he bought the other day. Sudbinsky will soon marry the daughter of a wealthy man. Penkin invites the main character to familiarize himself with his articles, and Alekseev is characterized as a person without whom society would not have lost anything.

Oblomov hopes that one of them will take up the solution to his problems, but they are not interesting to any of his visitors.

Chapters 3 and 4. Tarantiev also comes to Oblomov. He was considered a person who could resolve even the most complicated situation, although he himself spent 25 years in the office as a scribe: he could only speak beautifully, but nothing more.

Alekseev and Tarantyev constantly visit Oblomov, although they irritate him. Ilya Ilyich hopes that Stolz, the only person who understands him, will come soon and solve all his problems.

Tarantiev invites Oblomov to move in with his godfather and forces him to go to his estate. The main character does not like this plan of action.

Chapters 5 and 6. When Ilya Ilyich first got a job in the chancellery, he had a desire to build a career, gain a high status in society, and start a family.

The problem is that Oblomov’s ideas about life did not correspond to reality. This caused him suffering, and in this state he worked in the office for two years. The main character quit there soon after he made a serious mistake in performing his duties.

After his resignation, Oblomov closed himself off and began to leave the house less often and communicate with other people. Sometimes Andrei Stolts managed to pull him out of this state - and even then only for a short time.

Chapter 7. Here Oblomov's relationship with Zakhar, his servant, is described. Zakhar constantly argues with his owner, and he accuses him of unwillingness to work and untidiness. Despite this, they cannot live without each other.

Chapter 8. A doctor comes to the protagonist of the novel and warns him that if he does not reconsider his lifestyle, he will soon have a stroke.

Oblomov thinks that perhaps there is something bright in him, but does not know how to activate this resource.

Chapter 9. The protagonist of the novel has a dream about his childhood in Oblomovka. When little Ilya wakes up, everyone in the family caresses him and tells him good words, fed with cream, buns and crackers. Then the nanny goes for a walk with the boy, but does not leave him unattended for a second.

The day at the estate passes slowly. After lunch everyone goes to bed. The nanny reads fairy tales to Ilya about honey and milk rivers and good witches, but over time, the already adult Oblomov understands that in reality there are neither the first nor the second.

The main character realizes that the content of fairy tales diverges from reality, but in life he is still drawn to this fictional world, where there is neither grief nor evil, and good sorceresses solve all the problems of the heroes.

Chapters 10 and 11. Zakhar discusses his master with the servants while he is sleeping, and then tries to wake him up. Ilya Ilyich received a visit from Andrei Stolts, a childhood friend. Upon arrival, Stolz watches how Zakhar argues with Oblomov and cannot contain his laughter.

Part two

Chapters 1 and 2. By origin, Andrei Stolts is half German, half Russian. He inherited German upbringing and hard work from his father, and kindness and gentleness from his mother.

Andrei’s father did not want him to be supported by him after graduating from university, and sent him to St. Petersburg. Stolz made a career there, earned his own living, and now he is employed in a company that ships goods abroad.

Stolz came to the main character to take a breath and calm his nerves in a sincere, friendly conversation. He was an active man, but there was nothing superfluous in his movements.

Chapters 3 and 4. Andrey is trying to convince his friend to change his lifestyle. Oblomov and Stolz have been paying visits all week different people, but then the first one complains that he cannot constantly live in such a rhythm.

When Andrei asks Ilya Ilyich how he would like to live, he gives him brief retelling of your sleep. Oblomov dreams of living quietly in the village with his wife, enjoying nature, and listening to the aria “Casta Diva” in the evenings. Stolz doesn't like his friend's ideas.

In two weeks, Stolz promises to take Oblomov abroad, and before that he wants to introduce him to Olga Ilyinskaya - especially since she perfectly performs his favorite aria.

Chapter 5. After meeting Olga, Ilya Ilyich is transformed. He has a desire to “read, write and do in one hour what he could not do in ten years.” In any case, Oblomov shows readiness to dramatic changes In my life.

The main character promised Stolz to come to him in Paris. The coat was purchased, the documents necessary for the trip were completed - but Oblomov’s lip was swollen after a fly bite, and this ruined his plans. He never went to the capital of France: neither in a month, nor in three.

After that, Ilya Ilyich lived at the dacha, read a lot, and became more energetic. Falling in love with Olga made itself felt.

Chapters 6, 7 and 8. The protagonist and Olga meet in the park and explain their feelings.

Followed by short story about Olga's house. She lives with her aunt. The morals in her family are quite strict: when visiting the Ilyinskys, you constantly need to remember how to behave, what to talk about, about your appearance etc. Stolz believes that communication with a young, lively and at the same time slightly mocking woman will awaken in Oblomov an interest in life.

At a certain point, Ilya begins to think that Olga has lost interest in him. Soon Zakhar informs her about Oblomov’s desire to leave for the city and about his intentions regarding her. After this, Olga meets with Ilya in the park and makes it clear that the relationship with him is really very dear to her.

Chapters 9, 10, 11 and 12. Olga and Oblomov continue to meet. Ilya’s beloved is trying to bring him back to life: she makes him read, go to the theater, and communicate with other people. To please her, Oblomov changes the headman on his estate and establishes contact with one of the neighbors (even if through Stolz).

The protagonist of the novel again begins to think that Olga does not really love him: in his opinion, it is impossible to love people like him in principle. In a letter, he notifies her of the breakup of the relationship, and then hides and watches her reaction to the message. Seeing her tears, he asks her for forgiveness - after this the relationship becomes the same as before. Moreover, Oblomov offers Olga his hand and heart, and she agrees to become his wife.

Part three

Chapters 1, 2 and 3. Before moving to the dacha, Ilya Ilyich signed an agreement to rent an apartment on Vyborgskaya - Tarantiev comes to him and demands that he pay for the housing. First, he wants to go to his relatives Olga and announce the wedding, but Oblomov’s beloved insists that he first solve all his problems.

Oblomov doesn’t want to have another apartment to support, but in the end he has no choice but to move to Vyborgskaya. He fails to negotiate the termination of the contract with either Agafya Pshenitsyna, the owner of the apartment, or Mukhoyarov, her brother, who conducts business on her behalf.

Ilya Ilyich lives in the city, and Olga lives in the country. They are becoming increasingly rare.

Chapters 5 and 6. Everyone has known for a long time that Ilya proposed to Olga, but he has never even been to his chosen one’s home. Olga asks Oblomov to pay them a visit, but he refers to being overloaded with problems. It's already winter, but main character I never visited Ilyinskaya’s house.

Chapter 7. Ilya spends all his time at Pshenitsyna’s apartment with her children, Masha and Vanya. Olga herself comes to him, after which Oblomov blossoms again.

Chapters 8, 9 and 10. Oblomov wants to transfer management of the estate to his neighbor by proxy, but he refuses, in addition warning Ilya that Oblomovka will bring big losses.

Pshenitsyna’s brother advises Oblomov to hire a manager so that he does not have to go to the estate (after all, in this case, Ilya’s wedding with Olga would be upset) and advises him to hire his colleague Zatertoy for this position. Ilya Ilyich follows this advice, but does not even suspect that his subordinate is simply pulling money out of Oblomovka and putting it in his pocket.

Chapters 11 and 12. Olga and Ilya broke up after all. Olga cannot come to terms with the fact that Oblomov entrusted the management of his estate to a stranger. In addition, she is not satisfied with the fact that she is emotionally invested in the relationship with Ilya, but does not receive anything from him in return.

Part four

Chapter 1. Ilya comes to his senses only a year after breaking up with Olga.

All this time he lives with Agafya. These two people become spiritually closer to each other: Pshenitsyna sees the meaning of her life in caring for Oblomov, and he is also very comfortable with her.

Zatarty sends less money than Ilya planned to receive (without quitrent), but does not receive a reprimand for this.

Chapter 2. Stolz came to Ilya on his name day and told him that Olga had left for Switzerland, but at the same time asked not to leave him alone. Andrei also sees that Zaterty is brazenly deceiving Oblomov and himself assumes the position of village manager, trying to restore order there.

Chapter 3. In fact, the quitrent was collected, it was just divided between Zaterty, Mukhoyarov and Tarantiev. The latter two meet and express dissatisfaction that their criminal plan was discovered. Now Mukhoyarov wants, through blackmail, to obtain from Oblomov a receipt for ten thousand rubles in the name of his sister.

Chapter 4. In Paris - even before meeting Ilya - Stolz met Olga and became close to her. Olga briefly recounted to Andrey the love story with Oblomov. Andrey proposed to her.

Chapters 5, 6 and 7. Mukhoyarov managed to put his plan into practice, after which Oblomov and Pshenitsyna were left completely without money. Ilya began to drink, and his robe wore out even more.

Stolz found out why his friend’s situation worsened and solved the problem:

  • first, he demanded that Agafya Pshenitsyna draw up a receipt stating that Oblomov did not owe her anything;
  • he then complained about Mukhoyarov to his superiors, as a result of which he lost his job.

Ilya broke off relations with Tarantiev. Stolz wants to take his friend away, but he asks to give him another month.

Chapter 9. Oblomov still remains with Agafya. He is very pleased with his way of life, since everything he had was like in Oblomovka:

  • he could eat for a long time and appetizingly;
  • he had the opportunity to work little and leisurely;
  • next to him was his wife, who completely served him;
  • he could drink currant vodka and wine carelessly;
  • no one bothered him to sleep for a long time after lunch;
  • He and Agafya also had a son - Oblomov named him Andrei, in honor of Stolz.

Only once was Oblomov’s measured life overshadowed by an apoplectic stroke - but he managed to return to life thanks to the care and support of Agafya.

Andrei Stolts and Olga Ilyinskaya visit Ilya Ilyich in St. Petersburg. Andrei cannot believe that his friend is again bogged down in laziness and idleness. He is in last time tries to bring Oblomov back to life, but his attempt ends in failure. Olga wanted to see Ilya, but he flatly refused to communicate with her.

Chapter 10. Three years later, Oblomov died: after the second apoplexy, his health began to deteriorate, he weakened significantly. He died without pain and suffering ( last minutes he spent his life alone).

Agafya lived for the sake of her loved ones and caring for them, but after Ilya’s death the meaning of life was lost for her: her son from her first marriage went to study, her daughter got married, and little Andrei was taken to be raised by the Stoltsy.

She only occasionally visits her son, but she lives with her brother’s family.

Pshenitsyna refuses the money that Oblomovka brings: she wants these funds to go to little Andrei.

Chapter 11. One day Andrei Stolts and a literary friend walked past a church. At the end of the service, the beggars were the first to leave, and Andrei recognized Zakhar, Oblomov’s former servant, in one of them. It turned out that he tried to find a job in several families, but did not stay anywhere for long. As a result, Zakhar’s well-being deteriorated significantly.

Stolz invited Zakhar to move to Oblomovka, which he continued to manage, but he refused. Oblomov's former lackey wanted to stay next to his master's grave.

When the writer inquired about the fate of Ilya Oblomov, Stolz retold him the story set out on the pages of the novel.

In Agafya Matveevna’s house everything is quiet and calm. Silver was laid out in the cupboards: both the owner's and Oblomov's. There were jars filled to the top with vanilla, cinnamon, and coffee on the shelves. The pantries were filled with hams, cheeses, dried mushrooms, eggs and other foodstuffs. The rooms were fresh and clean. New muslin curtains hung on the windows. The pillows turned white and rose like a mountain almost to the ceiling.

Oblomov spent all his days lying on the sofa and admiring Agafya Matveevna’s deftly moving elbows. Tarantiev and Ivan Matveevich Oblomov no longer bothered him, and he was now surrounded only by simple, kind people.

Agafya Matveevna gained weight again and was as happy as never before. She only prayed to God to extend Ilya Ilyich’s life. Oblomov ate deliciously and a lot, drank wine and currant vodka and certainly slept after dinner. Everything was so good, but one day it suddenly changed.

One day, after a nap, Ilya Ilyich wanted to get up from the sofa, but he couldn’t, he wanted to say a word, but it didn’t work out. And he remained alive only thanks to Agafya Matveevna, who immediately sent for the doctor, and she herself began to apply various lotions to his head. The doctor said that Oblomov had suffered an apoplexy and ordered him to lead a different lifestyle - eat less and move more.

The kind Agafya Matveevna managed to subordinate the entire house to Oblomov’s routine. She distracted him from his attempts at wine, fatty foods and daytime naps. After lunch, so that Oblomov would not fall asleep on his sofa, the hostess immediately poured coffee, and children played on the carpet near Oblomov. Ilya Ilyich, willy-nilly, had to take part. Sometimes Alekseev came in, Ilya Ilyich, lying down, talked with him.

One day, waking up from sleep, Oblomov saw Andrei Stolts standing in front of him. They hugged tightly. Having learned about the blow that happened to Oblomov, Stolz was frightened; over the past four years, his friend had completely sunk. He never went to the village, didn’t write letters... He wanted to take him away right away. But Oblomov resolutely replied that he would not go anywhere now. Stolz did not back down: he is now free from business, Oblomov must live with them, close to them. And Olga is waiting for him here, in the carriage. Hearing about this, Oblomov got scared and almost pushed Stolz to the exit, begging him not to let her come here. Stolz began to reproach Ilya Ilyich. He asked who Agafya Matveevna was related to him. Oblomov replied that this was his wife, and this child was his son. He named him Andrey in memory of his friend.

Stolz returned to the carriage. To all the excited Olga’s questions: where is Oblomov, what’s wrong with him, is he healthy, why didn’t Andrei take him with him, he didn’t answer, he only said: “You can’t!” Olga asked what was happening there. Andrei gloomily replied that there was Oblomovism there, and remained sullenly silent until the house.

Summary chapters of the novel "Oblomov"
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4

In St. Petersburg, on Gorokhovaya Street, on the same morning as always, Ilya Ilyich Oblomov is lying in bed - a young man of about thirty-two, not burdening himself with any special activities. His lying down is a certain way of life, a kind of protest against established conventions, which is why Ilya Ilyich so ardently, philosophically and meaningfully objects to all attempts to get him off the couch. His servant, Zakhar, is the same, showing neither surprise nor displeasure - he is used to living the same way as his master: how he lives...

This morning, visitors come to Oblomov one after another: on the first of May, the whole St. Petersburg society gathers in Yekateringhof, so the friends are trying to push Ilya Ilyich apart, stir him up, forcing him to take part in the social festive celebration. But neither Volkov, nor Sudbinsky, nor Penkin succeeds. With each of them, Oblomov tries to discuss his concerns - a letter from the headman from Oblomovka and the threatening move to another apartment; but no one cares about Ilya Ilyich’s worries.

But Mikhei Andreevich Tarantiev, Oblomov’s fellow countryman, “a man of a quick and cunning mind,” is ready to deal with the problems of the lazy master. Knowing that after the death of his parents, Oblomov remained the only heir of three hundred and fifty souls, Tarantiev is not at all opposed to settling down with a very tasty morsel, especially since he quite rightly suspects that the elder Oblomov steals and lies much more than is required within reasonable limits. And Oblomov is waiting for his childhood friend, Andrei Stolts, who, in his opinion, is the only one who can help him understand his economic difficulties.

At first, having arrived in St. Petersburg, Oblomov somehow tried to join in metropolitan life, but gradually realized the futility of efforts: no one needed him, no one was close to him. So Ilya Ilyich lay down on his sofa... And so his unusually devoted servant Zakhar, who was in no way lagging behind his master, lay down on his couch. He intuitively senses who can truly help his master, and who, like Mikhei Andreevich, only pretends to be Oblomov’s friend. But from a detailed showdown with mutual grievances, only a dream into which the master plunges, while Zakhar goes to gossip and relieve his soul with the neighboring servants, can save him.

Oblomov sees in a sweet dream his past, long-gone life in his native Oblomovka, where there is nothing wild, grandiose, where everything breathes calm and serene sleep. Here they only eat, sleep, discuss the news that comes to this region very late; life flows smoothly, flowing from autumn to winter, from spring to summer, to again complete its eternal circles. Here fairy tales are almost indistinguishable from real life, and dreams are a continuation of reality. Everything is peaceful, quiet, calm in this blessed land - no passions, no worries disturb the inhabitants of sleepy Oblomovka, among whom Ilya Ilyich spent his childhood. This dream could have lasted, it seems, for an eternity, if it had not been interrupted by the appearance of Oblomov’s long-awaited friend, Andrei Ivanovich Stoltz, whose arrival Zakhar joyfully announces to his master...

Part two

Andrei Stolts grew up in the village of Verkhlevo, once former part Oblomovki; here now his father serves as manager. Stolz developed into a personality, in many ways unusual, thanks to the double upbringing received from a strong-willed, strong, cold-blooded German father and a Russian mother, a sensitive woman who lost herself in the storms of life at the piano. The same age as Oblomov, he is the complete opposite of his friend: “he is constantly on the move: if society needs to send an agent to Belgium or England, they send him; need to write some project or adapt new idea to the point - they choose him. Meanwhile, he goes out into the world and reads; when he succeeds, God knows.”

The first thing Stolz starts with is pulling Oblomov out of bed and taking him to visit different houses. This is how it begins new life Ilya Ilyich.

Stolz seems to pour some of his ebullient energy into Oblomov, now Oblomov gets up in the morning and begins to write, read, take an interest in what is happening around him, and his acquaintances cannot be surprised: “Imagine, Oblomov has moved!” But Oblomov didn’t just move - his whole soul was shaken to the core: Ilya Ilyich fell in love. Stolz brought him into the Ilyinskys’ house, and in Oblomov a man awakens, endowed by nature with extraordinary strong feelings, - listening to Olga sing, Ilya Ilyich experiences a real shock, he finally woke up completely. But for Olga and Stolz, who have planned a kind of experiment on the eternally dormant Ilya Ilyich, this is not enough - it is necessary to awaken him to rational activity.

Meanwhile, Zakhar found his happiness - having married Anisya, a simple and kind woman, he suddenly realized that dust, dirt, and cockroaches should be fought, and not put up with. Behind a short time Anisya puts Ilya Ilyich's house in order, extending her power not only to the kitchen, as initially expected, but throughout the entire house.

But this general awakening did not last long: the very first obstacle, moving from the dacha to the city, gradually turned into that swamp that slowly but steadily sucks in Ilya Ilyich Oblomov, who is not adapted to making decisions, to taking the initiative. Long life in a dream it can’t end right away...

Olga, feeling her power over Oblomov, is unable to understand too much about him.

Part three

Having succumbed to Tarantiev’s intrigues at the moment when Stolz left St. Petersburg again, Oblomov moved to an apartment rented to him by Mikhei Andreevich, on the Vyborg side.

Unable to deal with life, unable to get rid of debts, unable to manage his estate and expose the swindlers around him, Oblomov ends up in the house of Agafya Matveevna Pshenitsyna, whose brother, Ivan Matveevich Mukhoyarov, is friends with Mikhei Andreevich, not inferior to him, but rather superior the latter with cunning and cunning. In Agafya Matveevna’s house, in front of Oblomov, at first imperceptibly, and then more and more clearly, the atmosphere of his native Oblomovka unfolds, what Ilya Ilyich treasures most in his soul.

Gradually, Oblomov’s entire household passes into the hands of Pshenitsyna. A simple, ingenuous woman, she begins to manage Oblomov’s house, cooking for him delicious dishes, establishing life, and again the soul of Ilya Ilyich plunges into a sweet sleep. Although occasionally the peace and serenity of this dream explodes with meetings with Olga Ilyinskaya, who is gradually becoming disillusioned with her chosen one. Rumors about the wedding of Oblomov and Olga Ilyinskaya are already scurrying between the servants of the two houses - having learned about this, Ilya Ilyich is horrified: nothing has been decided yet, in his opinion, and people are already moving from house to house conversations about what is most likely , that won't happen. “That’s all Andrei: he instilled love, like smallpox, in both of us. And what kind of life is this, all the excitement and anxiety! When will there be peaceful happiness, peace?” - Oblomov reflects, realizing that everything that is happening to him is nothing more than the last convulsions of a living soul, ready for the final, already continuous sleep.

Days pass by days, and now Olga, unable to bear it, comes to Ilya Ilyich on the Vyborg side. He comes to make sure that nothing will awaken Oblomov from his slow descent into final sleep. Meanwhile, Ivan Matveyevich Mukhoyarov is taking over Oblomov’s estate affairs, entangling Ilya Ilyich so thoroughly and deeply in his clever machinations that the owner of blessed Oblomovka is unlikely to be able to get out of them. And at this moment Agafya Matveevna is also repairing Oblomov’s robe, which, it seemed, no one could fix. This becomes the last straw in the throes of Ilya Ilyich’s resistance - he falls ill with fever.

Part four

A year after Oblomov’s illness, life flowed along its measured course: the seasons changed, Agafya Matveevna prepared delicious dishes for the holidays, baked pies for Oblomov, brewed coffee for him with her own hands, celebrated Elijah’s Day with enthusiasm... And suddenly Agafya Matveevna realized that she had fallen in love master She became so devoted to him that at the moment when Andrei Stolts, who came to St. Petersburg on the Vyborg side, exposed Mukhoyarov’s dark deeds, Pshenitsyna renounced her brother, whom she had so revered and even feared just recently.

Having experienced disappointment in her first love, Olga Ilyinskaya gradually gets used to Stolz, realizing that her relationship with him is much more than just friendship. And Olga agrees to Stolz’s proposal...

And a few years later, Stolz reappears on the Vyborg side. He finds Ilya Ilyich, who has become “a complete and natural reflection and expression of ‹…› peace, contentment and serene silence. Looking and reflecting on his life and becoming more and more comfortable in it, he finally decided that he had nowhere else to go, nothing to look for...” Oblomov found his quiet happiness with Agafya Matveevna, who bore him a son, Andryusha. Stolz's arrival does not bother Oblomov: he asks his old friend just not to leave Andryusha...

And five years later, when Oblomov was no longer alive, Agafya Matveevna’s house fell into disrepair, and the wife of the bankrupt Mukhoyarov, Irina Panteleevna, began to play the first role in it. Andryusha was asked to be raised by the Stoltsy. Living in the memory of the late Oblomov, Agafya Matveevna focused all her feelings on her son: “she realized that she had lost and her life shone, that God put his soul into her life and took it out again; that the sun shone in her and darkened forever...” And high memory forever connected her with Andrei and Olga Stolts - “the memory of the soul of the deceased, clear as crystal.”

And faithful Zakhar is there, on the Vyborg side, where he lived with his master, now asking for alms...

was in own apartment on Gorokhovaya street. He was about 32 years old. There were attractive features in his appearance. The look expressed peace and softness. A stranger was immediately struck by his delicacy. Concern sometimes crossed his face, as if he was often thinking about solving all sorts of problems. He walked around the apartment in a robe European style and roomy slippers. Most spent his free time in bed.

The house had several rooms. He lived in only one. The furniture was covered with a huge layer of dust. There were towels lying everywhere and cobwebs hanging on the walls. Oblomov had an old man’s servant, Zakhar. He doesn’t care at all that there are bedbugs and fleas in the house.

The master recently received a letter from the headman of his estate. It said that the harvest was bad and losses were possible. The footman informed the owner that the laundress, the butcher, and the baker demanded payment of bills. The janitor reports that the apartment owners intend to start renovations and need to move out urgently.

Chapter 2

A well-groomed man of about 25 came into the apartment. Volkov came with an invitation to another social event. Oblomov has excuses for everything. He refuses. The second guest, Sudbinsky, talks about government service, discusses mutual acquaintances, and boasts about his upcoming wedding. When Ilya finds out that the bride has a good dowry, he is overcome by envy. He is going to tell his friend about his two misfortunes, but he is in a hurry and promises to come back later.

Next, the writer Penkin appears in the room. He invites Oblomov to Yekateringhof for the festivities, planning to describe everything that happens there in a future article, but is refused. And Ilya complains to Alekseev, who came after the writer, that he will have to look for new apartment, and then the estate becomes poorer.

Chapter 3

Oblomov’s fellow countryman Mikhei Tarantiev appears on the threshold tall, with a big head, rough manners. He didn’t mince words. He loved bribes. Visited people for food.

All the guests evoked rather negative emotions in Ilya. WITH with special awe he was expecting only Andrei Ivanovich Stolts. They grew up with him and learned to read and write.

Chapter 4

Tarantiev begs Oblomov for cigars and waits for a good dinner. The shameless visitor begins to speak rudely to Alekseev. He advises Ilya Ilyich to change the headman on the estate, live there for the summer, and then move to his godfather’s house.

For tips he demands champagne from Zakhar. He asks to borrow the master's tailcoat, but is refused. The servant reminds him that he cannot return the vest for five months.

Chapter 5

Ilya lived in St. Petersburg for twelve years. He inherited from his parents three hundred souls in a distant province. At that time I was still thinking about successful career, family happiness.

In his second year of service he made a serious mistake. I sent an important paper to Arkhangelsk instead of Astrakhan. At first, he stayed at home, sending a letter to his managers with a medical report about his failing health, and then wrote a letter of resignation.

At first I enjoyed my free life, met girls and friends. Soon he got tired of it all. He decided that shaving every day, wearing clean shirts and visiting guests was too hard and tedious. Friend Andrei Stolts rarely manages to drag him out in public.

Chapter 6

Oblomov believed that education was sent to man as punishment for his sins. He rarely brought things to a victorious end. I might have gotten carried away at first literary work, a note in the newspaper, but soon gave up reading.

Stolz noticed that his friend liked poetry. He brought him plenty interesting books. This hobby has also passed. And when Ilya inherited an estate that could not be put in order, he completely gave up on the rules established by fate. The master did not allocate time to visit the estate. He was overcome by sheer laziness.

Chapter 7

Zakhar was over seventy years old. The old man served with the Oblomovs for a long time. After the death of his owners, he remained faithful to Ilya, but time changed him. He could easily grab a ten-kopeck piece lying on the furniture and rarely gave the master change. He often gossiped, complained to many that he was stingy and picky, called him a gambler and a drunkard. Such words did not offend Oblomov; he understood that the lackey was very devoted to him and was ready to give his life for him.

Chapter 8

The old servant showed the guests off and again reminded Oblomov that it was time to get out of bed. He thought about reviving the estate. I planned to enlarge the house, build a billiard room, and a gazebo for family dinners. He dreams of children, of a beautiful wife, “like a queen.”

Ilya asks Zakhar to bring cheese and wine, at that moment the doctor arrives. He says he was passing by. Oblomov complains of stomach pain. The doctor advises to follow a diet, move more, and the most reliable remedy is to travel abroad, otherwise a stroke may occur in a few years.

Chapter 9 Oblomov's dream

wonderful land. There is no sea, no mountains, dense forests. All this makes a person panic, makes him understand how insignificant he is in comparison with great power nature.

Next, the hero will find himself in Oblomovka, on the family estate. He is still small. All members of the household pamper him, kiss him, and feed him buns. The child tries to run away from his nanny. He also sees the teacher Ivan Stolts, his son. In their dreams, village residents discuss all sorts of rituals and beliefs. They are completely satisfied with a measured life. The main entertainment is visiting neighbors.

Chapter 10

Hearing that the owner continued to snore, the servant closed it and ran out into the yard. He began to slander Oblomov to the servants, telling them that he drinks, behaves cruelly, and tries to hit. The old man scolds the janitor. He claims that because of the news about the vacancy of the apartment, the master is in a bad mood.

Chapter 11

Zakhar came to wake up Ilya. It was already about five. He continued to snore with incredible force. The servant shouted louder. The master rushed at him with his fists, threatening to teach him how to behave with his master. Behind them they heard a familiar voice. Andrei Stolts has arrived.

Part two

Chapter 1

Andrei Ivanovich Stolz was German on his father’s side and Russian on his mother’s side. He grew up smart, but his behavior left much to be desired. Neighbors often brought the boy home with a torn shirt and a bruise. As a teenager, I was away from home for a week.

Chapter 2

Stolz was the same age as Oblomov. He served, and with the help of personal affairs he managed to save up for an apartment and have savings.

In life he was guided by the principle that one should be afraid of imagination and dreams. The man tried to adhere to clear rules and looked at life realistically.

Chapter 3

Ilya complains to the guest about his poor health: either the barley will pop out, or his stomach will hurt. Andrey says that he is leaving in two weeks home country, invites a friend to go on a trip with him. He is in thought. It seems that laziness has paralyzed all his desires and endeavors.

Chapter 4

Throughout the week, friends attend all sorts of functions. Oblomov tells Stoltz that such fuss tires him. Ilya compares himself to a decrepit caftan. As a young man, he was very active, loved to read and communicate with others.

Chapter 5

Andrey left for Paris. Ilya promised to come soon. He has already made a foreign passport. Three months passed, and Oblomov still did not keep his word.

Now Ilya Ilyich lives in the country. The man is completely absorbed by the singer Olga Ilyinskaya, whom Stolz introduced him to.

Chapter 6

Before the trip, Andrei asked Olga to keep an eye on Ilya, not to let him turn own life into a routine. When Oblomov reveals his feelings to her, the girl will feel awkward. Realizing this, he will announce that music is to blame for what happened. In reality there is no love. The lady was too upset by his action.

Chapter 7

Ilya is inspired. Olga's behavior suggested that she was also in love with him. Oblomov thinks that he has begun to look better. He already imagines how he and his beloved will visit Italy, visit Paris, and ride gondolas.

Chapter 8

For two hours Oblomov communicates with Olya's aunt Marya Mikhailovna, waiting for her niece to appear. When the girl enters the room, Ilya will notice a strange aloofness in her gaze. Oblomov will not like this. For several days he does not appear at his beloved's house.

Chapter 9

Olga and Oblomov's feelings are growing stronger. She became calmer. Reading books, the sound of the forest, dreams - everything brings incredible joy to the girl. She tells Ilya that she is ready to give her own life for him.

Her lover often admires her. He carries out all of Ilyinskaya’s instructions. He reads a lot and goes for walks with her.

Chapter 10

Soon Ilya gets the idea that Olga does not love him. He writes her a letter detailing his personal assumptions. The girl is very upset. Oblomov realizes that he was mistaken. It is impossible to pretend so sincerely. They make peace. The man is glad that his feelings are mutual.

Chapter 11

Oblomov finds a letter from Stolz reminding him that he needs to act and not be passive. The master had already visited the architect, developing a plan for building a new house.

Summer was passing, the love of Ilya and Olga grew stronger. It seems to the guy that those around him look at his beloved strangely, as if they are judging him. He decides to have a serious talk with her.

Chapter 12

Finding Olga outside the house, Oblomov begins a conversation about their feelings. He says that people may not approve of their communication, condemning them for debauchery. Lovers cannot hide their sympathy from prying eyes.

The girl leaves, proving to Ilya that she will no longer allow him to play with her and make cruel jokes. The man is once again convinced that she reciprocates his feelings.

Part three

Chapter 1

Oblomov walked home inspired by feelings. He finds Mikhei Tarantiev in the room. His great mood disappeared instantly. An acquaintance demanded the return of eight hundred rubles as a deposit for the apartment.

Ilya remembered that on the guest’s last visit, he signed some papers. This turned out to be a lease agreement. The guy says that he no longer needs housing, he is going abroad soon.

Chapter 2

Ilya Ilyich thinks that the upcoming marriage leaves its everyday imprint on life. We need to get the estate in order quickly.

He goes to Agafya Pshenitsyna, Tarantiev’s godfather. Intends to inform the woman that he will not rent a room from her. He did not wait for the widow’s brother, even though she said that he was in charge of such matters.

Chapter 3

Summer is over. Went autumn rains. The Ilyinskys left the dacha, and Oblomov decided to live on Vyborgskaya Street, with the widow Pshenitsyna, until he found housing. They met less often with their beloved, and it seemed that their love story was no longer so full of pleasant emotions.

Ilya has been living with her godfather Mikhei Tarantiev for several weeks, and when she announces her intention to move out, her brother imposes a huge penalty for violating the contract.

Chapter 4

Oblomov tells his beloved that he is looking for an apartment and will soon move. However, the prices are too high. The master continues to live in the house of the widow Pshenitsyna. Ilya Ilyich begins to like her life more and more.

We rarely saw Olga, mostly at the theater. He misses the young lady and her singing. When asked by Zakhar about the date of the upcoming wedding, he answered with excitement that there would be no wedding.

Chapter 5

Ilya constantly thinks that hiding his relationship with Olga is bad. Postpones the visit to the Ilyinsky estate from Wednesday to Sunday. She sends a letter informing her of a meeting in Summer Garden.

Having met, the girl is happy about Oblomov, but he is gloomy and preoccupied. They go for a boat ride on the Neva. The man claims that people spread bad rumors. She is indifferent to other people's opinions. Invites him to dinner. He says that he is expecting a message from the village and will arrive later.

Chapter 6

Ilya decided to meet with Olga only on Sundays. He scolds Zakhar's servants and his wife Anisya for not having dinner ready.

He checks the lessons of the housewife's son and teaches her daughter to read and write. He receives a letter from Ilyinskaya, where she indicates that she is upset because of his indifference. Oblomov replies that he has a cold. He is glad that Olya believed him, advised him to get treatment and not come in the next few days.

Chapter 7

Bridges were built between the Neva, but Oblomov did not go to his beloved. Olga decided to visit it on her own. Near the gate, he hugged her and carried her in his arms all the way home. The guest realized that the information about the disease was false. Oblomov is justified by the fact that the reason for the deception of experience. After meeting the girl, Ilya is again full of strength.

Chapter 8

Zakhar says that the “Ilyinsky young lady” forgot her glove. Oblomov scolds him for gossip and asks Pshenitsyna for forgiveness for such words. He deceives the woman, calling Olga a dressmaker.

In the evening, Ilya Ilyich finds a letter from the village. The manager can no longer look after the estate and advises the owner to go there personally. Oblomov gives up. The wedding will have to be postponed for at least a year. He cannot do this to Olya. He is intensely looking for a way out.

Chapter 9

Oblomov asks Ivan Matveevich Pshenitsyn, the brother of the widow Agafya, to help him take care of the estate. He says that he has absolutely no understanding of peasant affairs and has no idea about planting wheat. He is also unfamiliar with information about harvesting. He doesn’t understand what corvée or quitrent is.

Ivan Pshenitsyn says that he has a competent person who can figure this out. Ilya offers a good reward.

Chapter 10

Tarantiev is talking with Pshenitsyn about how cleverly they deceived Oblomov, slipping him to sign an incomprehensible paper, passing it off as a lease agreement. Now they hoped that their mutual acquaintance would go to his family estate and begin to share the master’s rent with them.

Chapter 11

Ilya tells Olga that he wants to entrust the affairs of the family estate to an acquaintance of Pshenitsyn. The girl does not approve of this idea.

When Oblomov voices the phrase about the next postponement of the wedding, the bride will feel bad. Having come to her senses, the young lady will drive him away. She was tired of her lover's cowardice. She wanted serious decisions from him, but he never became a real support and support.

Chapter 12

Oblomov came home too late. He wandered the streets for a long time. Servants Zakhar and Anisya worry about their master. The master did not touch the food. He sat in the chair the whole night. In the morning it began to snow, Ilya continued to look out the window, not paying attention to those present in the room. He had a fever.

Part four

Chapter 1

A year flew by after the quarrel with Olga and Oblomov’s illness. The attorney sent Ilya money, collecting a quitrent. Construction work should begin soon. The master was satisfied with the current life.

Oblomov got used to the widow Pshenitsyna. I taught her children to read and write, played with the children in different games. The woman was too protective of the tenant. I prayed for his health while he was fighting a fever. The man took this with gratitude.

Chapter 2

On Midsummer's Day, Stolz came to visit Ilya. A friend told Oblomov that Olga and her aunt had gone to Switzerland, but would return soon. And he needs to sort out the troubles associated with her dacha. The Baron retired. He wooed Ilyinskaya, but the girl refused.

When Oblomov talks about the income from the estate, the guest convinces his comrade to give the reign into his hands. He understands that Ilya is being deceived.

Chapter 3

Tarantiev and his godfather were looking for a way out of the current situation. Stolz could understand that they appropriated part of the rent for themselves. Fraudsters hope to fake invoices.

The deceivers will blackmail Ilya with the fact that rumors are circulating around the village about his affair with Pshenitsyna. But she is a poor widow, and it is not proper to offend a woman like that. They will require you to sign a promissory note in her name.

Chapter 4

Shortly before the events described, a fateful meeting took place in Stolz’s life with Olga Ilyinskaya in the center of Paris. He said that she had turned into a real woman.

He showers her with flowers and books. Soon Andrei realizes that he is in love with a girl. She also experiences similar feelings, but asks her lover to wait until marriage.

Chapter 5

Mikhei Tarantiev and Ivan Matveevich managed to achieve their goal. Ilya signed the promissory note. Now he and Pshenitsyn’s widow lived poorly. Occasionally her brother gave her money, and Agafya spoiled Oblomov with goodies, while she and the children ate porridge and cabbage soup.

It happened that she would pawn expensive things in the shop, and when the master was sent money from the village, she would buy some things back. One day Stolz arrived. Ilya was ashamed to meet him.

Chapter 6

Andrei scolds his comrade for walking around in an old robe and sleeping on a worn-out bed. He notices that the treat is also ugly. Oblomov accidentally hinted at signing an application for the transfer of debt to Pshenitsyna. Andrey demanded details. Ilya confessed everything to him. Stolz himself said that he and Olga got married. Now the wife remains on her estate.

Chapter 7

Ivan Matveyevich was summoned to the general. There he was accused of drugging Oblomov and forcing him to sign forged documents. Stolz did not want to inflate this matter to great proportions.

As punishment, the culprit was suspended from service.

Tarantiev comes to Ilya Ilyich with threats, he slaps him in the face and kicks him out of the house, threatening to kill him.

Chapter 8

Oblomov never went abroad. Andrei constantly wrote him letters urging him to change his own life. He and Olga had a baby. The couple were happy. A complete idyll reigned in their life.

Chapter 9

Ilya stayed to live on Vyborgskaya Street, in the house of the widow Pshenitsyna. They merried. Agafya gave birth to a son. The baby was named after Stolz - Andryusha.

Oblomov is happy with everything. He receives a good rent, and the family lives comfortably. He recently had a stroke. Now he needs to change his lifestyle. He does not accept Andrei and Olga’s invitation to leave with them. The spouses claim that it was Oblomovism that brought him down.

Chapter 10

Brother Ivan Matveevich and his wife settled in Agafya’s house. He managed to get a job again.

Oblomov died. His wife brought him morning coffee and found him on his bed with no signs of life. Frequently visits his grave. She gave her son Andryusha to be raised by the Stolts. They themselves asked about it, the woman did not resist.

Chapter 11

Stolz was walking along Vyborgskaya Street with a literary acquaintance. They wondered what was the reason for people's poverty. They meet a blind old man. It turns out to be Oblomov's old servant Zakhar. He told the men that Pshenitsyna’s brother kicked him out.

Andrey offers him a corner in his house. He happily agrees and wants to visit Ilya’s son as soon as possible. The men begin to discuss what “Oblomovism” is.

This is where the brief retelling of the novel “Oblomov” ends, including only the most important events from full version works!