The cause of death of Viktor Tsoi full version. The sudden death of Viktor Tsoi. What really happened

Greetings to all readers of the blog “On the Edge”! You know, today we will touch on the biography of a person that interests many...

It is difficult to understand how this performer achieved such worldwide fame. Millions of people listened and listen to him, and even after his death: the date of Tsoi’s death is August 15, 1990, his name remains on everyone’s lips.

Date of death of Tsoi

Why does death take such great people? Maybe God thought that Tsoi had fulfilled his mission on earth. I knew little about this legendary performer before, but his success inspired me so much that I decided to figure out why he conquered his fans, why they continue to listen to his music, despite the fact that there are now many worthy bands and performers on Olympus...

I'll tell you the backstory

We had dinner with my parents and music channel The song “Cuckoo” performed by Polina Gagarina began to play. Mom turned up the volume and began to listen carefully to this interpretation. When the song ended, she said that Polina was able to convey the feelings and emotions that the author himself put into the song.

When I asked if she listened to Tsoi, my mother replied: “Who didn’t listen to him? He was a living legend." Are there many fans of this artist among you, my readers? Maybe someone was lucky enough to know him personally? Write your answers, it will be very interesting to read.

My friend’s father worked as a diplomat in Canada, and she often went to see him on vacation. Upon arrival, she said that the entire diaspora is passionate about Tsoi’s work, despite the fact that he died long ago. One day she was driving to a meeting with friends, and the song “Cuckoo” started playing on the radio.

Katya was so amazed that she immediately wrote about it on her Facebook. To her surprise, hundreds of people responded to her post; they began to write that in their countries Tsoi’s music still sounds from all radios. This is amazing, it delights, it makes you think about how great Tsoi was, how much his work is still valued by our generation.

I am also interested in the issue of the star’s creativity from the legal side...

In this article, I would not only like to raise the issue of Tsoi’s creativity and his success, but also draw attention to interesting facts from his life.


Victor studied at a vocational school, he was supposed to do wood carving. I wrote my thesis on a wall panel. Vocational school workers said that Victor called his work “A Star Called the Sun.” Today, many college students choose the same topic for their thesis and create portraits of the rock star himself.

The teacher who taught astronomy, Galina Kononova, speaks of Victor as peaceful, calm, intelligent person. She never thought that such a modest and reserved person would become a future idol.

Favorite teacher

Lyudmila Kozlovskaya, who taught Victor technology, says that he was a hidden artist. Victor loved and respected Lyudmila very much: her portrait was drawn on many of his notebooks and posters. By the way, Kozlovskaya still carefully preserves many of them and remembers her beloved student. In the office where her lectures are held today, she even created a stand, which she dedicated to Viktor Tsoi and his work.

Vocational school teachers also said that Victor did not like sports at all, and often skipped physical education classes and retired with his guitar not far from the gym or stadium. There was an assembly hall nearby, and Victor could often sit there for several hours, completely alone.


He shared them with friends, and with me in particular. And he was very worried that we would not be able to record this, and that his fans would not understand this music. He sometimes set impossible tasks, but we quickly implemented them, and this gave Tsoi an incentive to move forward. There were a lot of musicians around, but Tsoi rarely communicated with them, saying that they simply wouldn’t understand him,” the words of friend Alexei Vishny.

Group "Kino"

According to Alexander Titov, the secret of the group’s popularity was hidden by the personality of Viktor Tsoi:

“Victor is a very serious charismatic figure, he has always been like that: in childhood, in his youth, with his family and on stage. It took him a long time to form his image. I was invited to the group just at the end of the romantic phase of his image, and the heroic phase began the moment I left Kino. This was in 1986.

He can only be compared with Vysotsky. Recently watched documentary about Vysotsky and remembered that I knew him personally. This was our joint tour in, just a few weeks before his death. I was then a member of the group “Zemlyane”, it was a big hodgepodge concert. We talked with Vysotsky for a few minutes, and I was surprised at how charismatic, strict and concentrated a person he was, although at that moment he was already feeling bad, he was sick and did not hide it.

If you take Vysotsky and Viktor Tsoi, they are very similar people, they are endowed with such serious charisma and give such a message to fans. In those years the country needed new hero, and, of course, Tsoi ended up in exactly that place and at that time.


Andrei Razin claims that despite his rapid rise and wild popularity, Victor never behaved like an arrogant person and was quite modest:

“Choi always understood people. There is no pathos in him, he did not feel like a star, like many representatives national stage. He knew the value of every ruble he earned, and did not, like me, invest 10 million in cars, did not buy property, did not build castles. He was a very modest artist who idolized his family, respected his father, wife, and child, loved his group very much, treated it very well, always understood, supported and forgave his colleagues. He was never arrogant, never flew above the clouds, always greeted and talked to everyone. There are no more people like Tsoi on our stage.”

About fans

According to musician and friend Tsoi Vishny, Victor was never very worried about fans.

“He often made fun of his rabid fans and never took them seriously. It’s just that when they started calling him, writing to him, giving him gifts and flowers, he became more unitary. It’s good when there is popularity, very good, but she was a tool for him. A tool that he was never able to use correctly,” Cherry’s words.

About plans for several years ahead

According to Vishny, Victor would certainly act in films again and again.

“He would have acted in films, because that’s what he did best, of course, after his performing talent. Well, that's my opinion, because he was very tired of writing songs. In principle, cinema would have saved him. It’s just that then I started acting in films and went to Japan and Tsoi came to me and said that he wanted to record here new album. But Russia was everything to him, Tsoi was a true patriot, he loved his country and would never leave. Here all the roads, all the doors were open to him, he was loved, respected, listened to, worshiped,” the comrade shares.

The love of his life

Natalya Razlogova – last love Victor.

According to Vishny, Tsoi simply could not help but fall in love with her:

“This woman is on a completely different level. Victor couldn't help but go crazy; he couldn't help but conquer it. She is hidden, does not engage in idle chatter, but she has a real intellectual bomb in her head. She is a book that you want to read, which is why Natalya impressed the rock legend so much. Besides, I don’t know how true this is, Natasha was not interested in the work of Kino, and did not know all the songs by heart.”

About death

In the death of the legend, everyone is looking for traces of mysticism and signs of fatality: no drugs or alcohol were found in the blood, as well as traces of braking. The cause of death was a car accident; Victor fell asleep at the wheel.

Joseph Prigozhin knew Tsoi through Yuri Aizenshpis, and bought that car with him. “We bought it together, that car, it was at the Moskvich plant somewhere in the Tekstilshchikov area. Aizenshpis gave me money, I remember that I didn’t even count it. As Yura gave it to me, he gave it to the seller. At that time it was a very expensive and popular car, and the color was beautiful, rare, truly exclusive. And since Victor didn’t really want to ride it, and was afraid of the road, he asked: “Prigozhin, can you bring her to me?” And we went shopping with him,” recalls Joseph.

Those who knew Victor claim that death was prescribed for him by fate

“The accident had to happen. I think that if he had not fallen asleep in the car then, a week or a year later he would have been killed, drowned, or accidentally been run over by a car. That is, this is such a fate, it couldn’t have happened otherwise,” the words of journalist Evgeny Dodolev.

Here are some more interesting facts that we managed to find about this legendary performer

  1. Date of birth: June 21, 1962.
  2. Father - Robert Maksimovich Tsoi - worked as an engineer. Mother - Valentina Vasilievna Guseva - taught physical education. In his life, Tsoi changed several educational institutions, moving with his mother from school to school.
  3. The father gave his son his first guitar when he graduated from fifth grade.
  4. First Music band The guy collected it when he entered the 8th grade and wrote his first composition on the day he came of age.
  5. Bruce Lee influenced Tsoi because he loved to watch and even became interested in martial arts and mastered karate techniques. The guy’s idols were Mikhail Boyarsky and Vladimir Vysotsky.
  6. The legend's favorite color is black, flowers are yellow roses.
  7. Victor did not like the cold; he could not calmly look at the blood.
  8. Tsoi went to the Serov Art School for only 12 months, but he was expelled due to poor academic performance. At that moment, the parents sided with their son and told him to do what he was passionate about. Victor never had a higher education.
  9. After studying at a vocational school, he was sent to work in a restoration workshop Catherine Palace in Pushkin.

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In Leningrad (now St. Petersburg).

Victor’s father is Korean by nationality and worked as an engineer; his mother is Russian and was a physical education teacher.

Victor has early childhood showed a penchant for drawing, so in 1974 his parents assigned him to art school, where he studied until 1977.

Music was also one of Victor's constant hobbies. His parents gave him his first guitar in the fifth grade.

While studying at art school, he met Maxim Pashkov, with whom he later organized the group “Ward No. 6”.

In 1978, Viktor Tsoi entered the Leningrad Art School. V. A. Serov to the design department. In 1979, he was expelled “for poor academic performance,” after which he went to work at a factory and entered evening school.

Later he studied as a woodcarver at a vocational technical school (SGPTU No. 61), after which he worked for a short time in the restoration workshops of the Catherine Palace Museum in the city of Pushkin. Leningrad region. After that, he worked in a gardening trust as a woodcarver.

In 1980, Tsoi began performing at apartment concerts in Moscow together with members of the Automatic Satisfaction group. In 1981, he made his stage debut as a bass guitarist in the Leningrad cafe "Trium".

From these concerts, in the summer of 1981, the group “Garin and the Hyperboloids” arose, which included Viktor Tsoi, Alexey Rybin and Oleg Valinsky. In the fall of 1981, the group entered the Leningrad Rock Club. After Oleg Valinsky left for the army, the group was renamed “Kino”.

In 1982, the Kino group made its debut on the stage of the Leningrad Rock Club, after which the group's first album was released, produced by Boris Grebenshchikov (leader of the Aquarium group).

In February 1983 there was joint concert"Kino" and "Aquarium". After several concerts in Leningrad and Moscow in the spring of the same year, due to disagreements with Viktor Tsoi, Alexey Rybin left the group.

It opened at the end of 2003. In the former boiler room, on the site of the boiler, there is a small stage, and the museum’s funds contain Tsoi’s guitar, posters, photographs, records, tickets from concerts of the Kino group. In St. Petersburg, “Kamchatka” is considered one of the traditional places of pilgrimage for “film buffs”.

The opening of a monument to the legendary rock musician took place in Barnaul (Altai Territory) near the building of the Altai State Pedagogical Academy.

At the end of 2014, after several years of approvals, the design of the monument to Viktor Tsoi was approved in St. Petersburg. The monument will be located in the southwest of the city in a park at the intersection of Veterans Avenue and Tankist Khrustitsky Street. In this area is the school that the musician attended and the house where his family lived.

The material was prepared based on information from RIA Novosti and open sources

The story of how Tsoi died is covered in legends. The phrases “Viktor Tsoi is always alive” and “Tsoi is not dead” have lived for decades. He went out to smoke." And this is no coincidence...

A little history. Viktor Robertovich Tsoi was born in 1962 in the city of Leningrad in the family of a physical education teacher and an engineer. At the age of 14, he attended art school, where he created the group "Ward Number Six". However, he was expelled from the secondary school for poor academic performance. educational institution and transferred to vocational school-61 to acquire the profession of woodcarver. Subsequently, friends noted that Victor beautifully carved figures from wood, mainly netsuke. With his appearance and behavior, he imitated his idol, Bruce Lee, and even practiced martial arts.

Tsoi's creative path began in Moscow, where he sang at concerts held in apartments (apartment buildings). During one of his train rides to Moscow, he sang in the company of friends, where he was noticed by the famous Boris Grebenshchikov, who offered Victor his help, as well as the support of Kuryokhin, Tropillo and other musicians.

In 1981, Tsoi and his friends founded the group “Garin and Hyperboloids”, later renamed “Kino”. During the same period, the first recording was made, which became widespread throughout the country. In 1984, not without the participation of Grebenshchikov and Kuryokhin, “Chief of Kamchatka” was recorded. In 1986, the recording “Night” was released (including the songs “Saw the Night” and “Mama Anarchy”). In 1989, the film “Needle” with Tsoi’s participation took 2nd place at the USSR box office, he became the idol of millions, and went on tour abroad. In the summer of 1990 he gives last concert, in Moscow. His fans filled the entire Luzhniki stadium.

Almost every fan of his work knows what year Tsoi died. This happened in August 1990 (15th). The singer died from injuries he received in a car accident when a Moskvich car collided with an Ikarus bus. The police report of that time reports how Tsoi died - “the car was moving along the highway at a speed of about 130 km/h. Tsoi V.R. lost control. His death came instantly. The incident occurred on the Sloka-Talsi highway in Latvia near the city of Tukums, 35 kilometers.”

Experts, speaking about how Tsoi died, report that he fell asleep at the wheel, most likely from overwork, because. worked a lot on the new album. However, there are still rumors that such a popular person could have been eliminated, as well as a version that Victor was tired of fame and decided to “leave” in this way. After all, fans did not get the opportunity to say goodbye to their idol - Tsoi, as a victim of an accident, was buried in a closed coffin.

Having learned how Tsoi died, his many friends did not believe this information. And many did not have time to come to the funeral from various parts of the USSR, because... tickets were in short supply at that time. He was considered a very energetic person, calm, modest and pleasant in person. Tsoi's songs, according to reviews from friends and fans, “beat like electricity", they contain motifs similar to shamanic ones, and the singer’s appearance at concerts was often detached. Therefore, many do not believe in his death. And modern psychics confirm that he can live somewhere in a secluded place. Therefore, we may never know exactly how Tsoi died.

On the morning of August 15, 1990, Tsoi got up around five in the morning, quietly left the house, collected his fishing rods and, as planned, went fishing.

Natalia saw off Tsoi. According to her, Tsoi was cheerful and cheerful that morning, in in a great mood- work on the album was successfully completed, so he decided to start a proper rest “in a sports way.”

Tsoi was not an avid fisherman. If I went fishing, it was usually alone. Several times he was accompanied by an old acquaintance of Natalia Razlogova, Andrei Khorev (Dryulya), but in the summer of 1990 he was not in Plienciems. Tsoi almost never brought any catch, according to the owner of “Zeltini”, “he was not a fisherman...”. Only one photo of poor quality has survived, taken by Natasha Razlogova, in which a happy, smiling Victor is holding a rather large pike in his hands.

Andrey Khorev: “Tsoyusha sometimes liked to go to a rather distant lake to fish at dawn. There were no people who liked to go at five or six in the morning, except me. I’m actually not an early bird, but if Tsoyusha and I agreed, I would get up without any tension, and we would drive thirty to forty minutes to the lake. There they would smoke a cigarette, and he would sit down to fish, and I, sitting comfortably, would fish not far away. A couple of hours later, to the awakening of the entire honest company in Plin, we drove back.”

The day of August 15 was stuffy, as it happens before rain. At about 11 a.m., Tsoi, after fishing on a forest lake for about five hours, went home. The fishing turned out to be successful - several roach in a cellophane bag were in the trunk of the car.

The road home ran almost in the very heart of Kurzeme, among rare beauty and peace. Sand dunes with wet faded sand, deserted beaches, stones, meadows, arched lines of the sea, pine trees on the seashore. And everything is so quiet, so crystalline, deserted. The hot sun literally melted the asphalt. It was very stuffy, it was steaming, as if before a thunderstorm. The ribbon of the road meandered through the forest and went around the farmstead. The car rushed easily along the asphalt highway...

There is a turn at the 35th kilometer, at the bridge over the Tey-Tupe River. There was a lonely one-story house, nicknamed “Teitupnieki” in the area, very close to the bend. Before reaching it, Tsoi, for unknown reasons, drove into the oncoming lane. At that moment, an Ikarus-250 jumped out from around the bend...

“Collision of a dark blue Moskvich-2141 car with an Ikarus-250 bus.” white happened at 11 us. 28 min. August 15, 1990 at the 35th kilometer of the Sloka-Talej highway.”

The owner of the Teitupnieki house, Antonina Urbane, seeing that a disaster had occurred, sent her grandson Kolya Zvonikov to call an ambulance. The clock showed 11 hours 40 minutes.

Arthur Neimanis, who turned out to be one of the witnesses to the accident, later said in an interview with the Matador program: “When my wife and I were near the road near our house, a car drove past us, a brand new Muscovite, at high speed. I tell my wife that this one probably won’t turn the corner. A very sharp turn on the bridge. There is the Teytupe river. As I already said, there was a sound like a cannon shot. We looked at the track: this car was in the middle of the asphalt, and the brand new Ikarus was on the left side in the river. When we arrived, the driver was already dead.”

Call from local resident arrived at the duty station in Tukums at 11.30.

Investigator Erika Kazimirovna Ashmane and senior traffic police inspector of the Tukums District Department of Internal Affairs, senior police lieutenant Yanis Elmarovich Peterson, went to the scene of the incident - to the 35th kilometer of the Sloka-Talei road.

The arriving police officers saw the following picture: on the bridge on the right side across the road there was a Moskvich-2141 (registration number I 68-32 MM) with a torn front end. Next to the car, with difficulty removed from the passenger compartment by the doctors who had arrived a little earlier, an ambulance lay a young black-haired guy. Without a doubt, he died instantly. On the right, with its front wheels sliding into the shallow Teytupe River, stood a white Icarus.

The bus belonged to the Talsi branch of the Latvian Agricultural Equipment. The driver, a 1st class chauffeur, was driving an empty bus to the base from the airport where he had taken tourists, having previously completed minor engine repairs.

According to the documents found in the Muscovite’s cabin, the driver’s name was identified as Viktor Robertovich Tsoi. The doctors had no choice but to certify the death and send the corpse for forensic examination.

The speed of the “Muscovite” could not be determined exactly, but, undoubtedly, it was no less than 100 kilometers per hour. This was evidenced by the position of the car after the collision and the fragments of its engine flying far to the side.

As the investigation will show, the car was thrown 22 meters back from the collision site, engine debris scattered within a radius of 12–15 meters. Only the rear part of the interior remained intact from Tsoi’s car. The Muscovite's odometer stopped at 3,400 kilometers. The car was not subject to restoration...

There were potholes and skid marks left on the asphalt, from which it was easy to determine the location of the collision, which means it was easy to imagine the process of the accident. All parameters and data were immediately recorded in the protocol, and a scheme for the initial inspection of the scene of the incident was drawn up.

There is a straight, flat road leading to the Dreimani farm. The speed limit on this road is 90 kilometers per hour. Closer to the bridge the road narrows. Next is a dangerous turn. It is clear that the driver is obliged to slow down here, which Tsoi did not do and which again indicates a loss of orientation. Traffic police officers never found the brake mark of the Muscovite on a sharp turn. Having studied the tire tread mark, the investigators, to their amazement, came to the conclusion that for at least the last 233.6 meters (about seven seconds of driving) to the accident site, Tsoi for some reason was driving on the right side of the road. The tread mark from the right wheel of his “Muscovite” is marked on the right side of the road 21 meters before the bridge, from the “pocket” of the bus stop. Curvilinear. 11.5 meters after the bridge, the trail abruptly leaves the side of the road onto the asphalt part of the road towards the point of collision. No signs of braking were found. Whether Tsoi fell asleep at the wheel or was lost in thought - no one will know. Official investigation determined that “...the Moskvich-2141 car allowed it to touch the bridge fence post, it was after this that it skidded, and it was thrown into the oncoming lane under the wheels of the Ikarus-250, and then, after a collision with a bus, it was thrown back - to the bridge railing.”

The front bumper of the Ikarus went over the hood of the Moskvich straight into the cabin, the steering wheel on the driver’s side was bent, the seats were knocked down, and the front panel was broken. Upon examination, it was established that the blow was from left to right, front to back. The dashboard of the car drove into the front row of seats, pinning the driver to the seat...

“Ikarus-250” (registration number 05–18 VRN) stood on the left side of the bridge, with its front buried in the river. The bus driver, Janis Karlovich Fibiks, born in 1946 (driving since 1970), suffered minor bruises and was not injured. According to him (by the way, confirmed by the investigation), in order to avoid a collision, he tried to drive to the side of the road himself, but the speed passenger car was too big. The impact was so strong that the bulky, heavy bus was thrown at an angle of 45–50 degrees to the side, and its front wheels slid into the Teytupe River.

From the conclusion of the forensic examination of the traffic police in case No. 480: “On August 15, 1990, at the beginning of 12 in the morning, the sun had already begun to get hot, it was about 28 degrees Celsius. Visibility at this time was limited, the asphalt was dry. The speed of the Moskvich-2141 car at the moment of the collision was at least 100 km per hour. The speed of the Ikarus-250 bus did not exceed 70 km per hour. The collision occurred 12 meters from the bridge over the Teytupe River. After the collision, the Moskvich-2141 car flew off and hit the bridge railing.”

And time passed... The day was in full swing. Without waiting for Victor to return from fishing, Natalia became worried. Soon it became absolutely clear to her that something serious had happened and she needed to immediately go in search.

Leaving little Alexander with her friend and her children, she and her son on a Delta moped went to look for Victor and on the way they saw an Icarus standing in front of the river.

In an hour, Natalia and her son traveled to all the places where Victor could theoretically be, and then returned home in the hope that he had appeared during their absence. When it became clear that there was still no news from him, Natalia asked her friend Alexei Makushinsky to go with her to the place where the bus crashed.

Alexey Makushinsky:“I remember it like this. I sat near “my” house on the external stairs and read a French book (“Captain Fracasse” by Théophile Gautier). Suddenly I saw that Natasha and Zhenya were leaving somewhere on mopeds (“mokiks”). These stupid “mokiks” were bought by Tsoi and Natasha the previous summer, in 1989. But in 1990, no one drove them anymore, because cars appeared, Tsoyushin’s car and Yurik Kasparian’s car (who, by the way, left for Leningrad either the day before or two days before). So no one started “mokiki” this summer. So I was very surprised, but not worried. Well, we went somewhere in the Mokies and drove off... Then they returned, and Natasha told me that they went to look for Victor, didn’t find him, saw only a bus in a ditch, and that she was very worried... I then went to my neighbor, Guntis Dreimanis, he started his old Zhiguli car and we drove off (the three of us with Natasha), first along the Talsinsky highway to where the bus was (it was no longer there... it seems... and I don’t think I saw it), then we returned to crossroads (if you can imagine the topography...) and went to Tukums, first to the hospital, then to the police station..."

It was at the hospital that Natasha and Alexey were informed that the driver of the Moskvich-2141 car had died. Having driven to Tukums, near the police department building they saw Victor’s mangled car...

Alexey Makushinsky: “If I’m not mistaken, they told us about the accident at the hospital. Tsoi crashed before reaching the intersection of two highways: the Talei - Riga highway, on which he was traveling, and the Engure - Tukums highway... The investigator immediately told us that the bus driver was a “first class driver” and that he was not guilty of anything. That is, she immediately stated the position of the investigation. But we didn't care. No matter who is to blame, you can’t bring Victor back. No one, in my opinion, delved into this matter or sought meetings with this driver (but I may not know something). After visiting the police department we returned to Plienciems.

I had to somehow tell my children and friends about what happened...”

Erika Ashmane, investigator: “On August 15, 1990, at 11.30, as part of a task force, I went to the scene of the incident on the Sloka-Talei road, 35th kilometer. On-site investigation established that the driver of the Moskvich-2141 car, Viktor Robertovich Tsoi, lost control of the car and drove onto the left side of the road, where he collided with the Ikarus-250 bus. Driver Tsoi died on the spot from “severe blunt head trauma, brain contusion and comminuted fractures of the body.” In my subjective opinion, Tsoi dozed off at the wheel. The weather helped. He was returning from forest lake, where I had been fishing since six o’clock in the morning. This is about fourteen kilometers from the collision site. I was driving to high speed. And around the bend, a bus came out at a speed of 60–70 kilometers per hour, which he had not noticed. There is no doubt that Tsoi greatly exceeded the speed, and my opinion: even if there was no bus, he would still have crashed into the trees at the turn. Although the blow would, of course, be weaker.”

Returning to “Zeltini”, Natasha asked the owners to let her call and, having recently used the drain tube installed phone, immediately started making long-distance calls to Moscow and St. Petersburg...

Meanwhile, an official telegram was received in Moscow.

“Service. Moscow, Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR: August 15th. at 11.30 on the 35th km of the Sloka - Taley road in the Tukums region of Latvia, the driver of the car “Moskvich”, Mr. Ya 6832 MM, Viktor Robertovich Tsoi, born in 1962, living. Leningrad, Veteranov Ave., 99, apt. 101, vacationing in Jurmala, famous crooner, exceeded the speed limit, drove into the oncoming lane, where he collided with an oncoming bus from “Selkhoztekhnika” of the Talsi region, number 0518 VRN. Tsoi V.R. died at the scene of the incident. And about. Minister of Internal Affairs of Latvia Indrikov. Abramovskaya Avenue."

A few hours later, “Mayak” already broadcast: “, at about 12 o’clock in the afternoon, in Latvia, in car accident Viktor Tsoi died tragically...” It was from Mayak’s messages that his parents, Robert Maksimovich and Valentina Vasilievna Tsoi, who were vacationing at the dacha, learned about the death of their son. At first they didn’t believe it. And only when they called Maryana did they realize the terrible truth...

Inna Nikolaevna Golubeva: “Kasparyan’s mother told me that he died. She couldn’t speak out, her sobs got in the way, she started three times and couldn’t... I ask: “Who is it, who?” And then she gave it to me. And Natalia Razlogova’s mother told her, whom she called from Tu-kums. Of course, the immediate question is: “How is Sasha?” Everything is fine with Sasha... I quickly grab the phone book and start looking for Maryana. And they went on a visit somewhere. Kasparian, too, just as he arrived, went to visit... There is no one... In general, when they found them, they ran and got ready and went there...”

Marina Tikhomirova: "The phone rings. I pick up the phone. I hear a mechanical, unrecognizable voice: “This is Maryana. Today at noon, Tsoi crashed near Tukums.” I don't understand what I heard. I'll ask again. Each time the information is repeated with deadly brevity. When its meaning sinks in, I slide down the wall to the floor and begin to howl loudly..."

Yuri Kasparian: “I left Plienciems on the night of the 14th to the 15th, arrived in St. Petersburg at about 6 in the morning and went to bed. I woke up at one or two o'clock and went to visit Kamennostrovsky. And there the already distraught Maryasha called me with this terrible news...”

Maryana Tsoi: “Yurik arrived on the thirteenth of August from the Baltic states, where he was with Vitya. And then this terrible news came... Half an hour later we left Leningrad, pumped up with gasoline..."

Igor Tikhomirov: “Of course, Victor’s death was a fatal blow for us. I remember, I came from vacation, I entered home. A rehearsal is scheduled for tomorrow. And here - phone call. We rushed there by car, before last minute I didn’t lose hope: maybe everything would work out... I don’t undertake to describe those terrible minutes. Of course, we had nothing to do with it.”

Kasparian and Maryana and Igor Tikhomirov and his wife arrived in Plienciems only in the morning of August 16, hoping to the last that all this was someone’s cruel joke. And a day later, as Maryana recalled, they “had already left there, taking Vitya with them”...

The next day, all radio stations reported Tsoi’s death. Soviet Union, television programs “Vremya” and “TSN”. This tragic event was not hushed up, just as the deaths of Vysotsky, Bashlachev and many others were hushed up.

IN evening edition program “Vremya” the dry words of the announcer were heard throughout the country: “Hello, comrades. Sad news came today from Latvia, where a famous rock musician, founder of popular group“CINEMA” Viktor Tsoi. The details of the incident are being clarified. An investigation team from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Latvian SSR is working at the scene of the disaster...”

It was officially announced that the funeral would take place at 10 am at the Bogoslovskoye Cemetery in Leningrad on August 19, 1990.

An official obituary has been published. So that the KINO musicians could directly address their fans, the LenTV studio provided them with airtime. This was the only correct decision in that explosive situation.

The mass hysteria that had gripped the city was approaching its peak. Fans, despite appeals from KINO musicians who asked fans not to come to the funeral, began to move to the area of ​​the Bogoslovskoye cemetery.

Warned in advance, the police cordoned off the entire Piskarevka to prevent fans from attending the funeral and not to provoke unrest, but this did not stop the huge number of people who wanted to say goodbye to Tsoi. The crowd kept growing, and soon a whole camp was spread out at the cemetery gates and along the cemetery fence...

The fans, who had not slept or eaten for several days, fainted from hunger and, through the efforts of doctors, were taken to the nearest hospitals, where they were treated, after which they returned to the cemetery by hook or by crook, so as not to miss the moment of burial and throw a clod of earth on a fresh grave...

Only a few knew then that the announced time of the funeral would be changed. At the very last moment it really changed, and only relatives left on the bus that took Victor’s body from the morgue...

That day, according to unofficial estimates, about 30 thousand people visited Viktor Tsoi’s grave. Human grief is reflected rare footage photo shoots saved by fans. Here are hundreds of people lined up on the path in a column, fans carrying mourning wreaths, a girl fainting at Victor’s grave, crying soldiers, confused, detached looks...

The canceled civil funeral service was replaced by a human procession from the cemetery gates to Palace Square. Crying people they carried photographs, flags, portraits of Tsoi, sang songs... Drivers stopped cars to let the crowd through and honked in sympathy. No one paid any attention to the pouring rain...

Vladimir Rekshan: “Vitya crashed... Memory recreates a clearly sunny day. A vague rumor spread through the center - Tsoi! There's something wrong with Tsoi. I walked along Nevsky to the cafeteria at the intersection with Marata Street and met Tolya Gunitsky. He smoked gloomily.

What's wrong with Tsoi? - I ask. - They say I got into an accident. Did you get beat up badly?

Beaten to death,” George replies.

In what sense does this mean? - I do not understand.

In the sense that the body is already being taken to Leningrad to be buried.

We went to Rubinshtein, people were already swarming there. In the atmosphere of the rock club courtyard there was a feeling of a turning point. In the mini-hall on the ground floor there was a permanent funeral drink going on. Various famous people appeared, and the public came in from the street. Gunitsky and I thoroughly drilled there. Then we barely made it to the Theological Cemetery. On the way back, which I made with a sore head, I was overtaken by a crowd of young people, about six hundred, who sang in chorus in the rain “Blood type on your sleeve... My serial number on the sleeve..."..."

As was the case after Vysotsky’s death, they immediately began to make money on the death of Viktor Tsoi. Commemorations for Tsoi began throughout the country. Tsoi was remembered everywhere. They remembered as best they could. What was not given during life, they tried to repay after death. Somewhere this was done sincerely and disinterestedly. Somewhere they made money... And a lot of it... Only the family of Viktor Tsoi did not receive any money from this...

The law of the crowd is the same everywhere: after death, an artist attracts special attention. So there appeared countless memorial events, posters, cassettes, T-shirts, badges and, worst of all, articles, literally a flurry of articles about what happened on the 35th kilometer of the Sloka-Talei highway. Journalists described in every possible way what they sometimes did not have correct information about. There are a lot of examples - starting from a white “Muscovite” and ending with the analysis of brain cells.

One publication generally distinguished itself by printing that “... the crumpled driveshaft of the “Muscovite” drew a deep scratch about a meter long on the highway...”.

In fact, Moskvich-2141 had no driveshaft at all. As you know, in order to move a car, torque from the engine must be transmitted to the drive wheels. The engine and gearbox are relatively rigidly attached to the body through supports, and the drive wheels are suspended by means of movable and elastic suspension elements. Thus, when driving, the relative position of the wheels and the power unit is constantly changing. How to transmit torque under such conditions? For this, drive shafts with hinges are used. Rear-wheel drive vehicles use shafts with unequal velocity joints, while front-wheel drive vehicles use constant velocity joints. In everyday life, motorists call the first a cardan, the second - a CV joint (short name). Viktor Tsoi drove a front-wheel drive Moskvich model, that is, a car with a CV joint. So the deep meter-long scratch on the asphalt was not made by a “crumpled driveshaft”, but by some other part of the car...

But the journalists didn't care. Everyone considered it their duty to talk about Tsoi, even if during his lifetime he did not know him and did not understand the work of KINO. It’s even sadder that not only strangers, but also many of Tsoi’s acquaintances joined this company. What about the fans? The fans stayed with Vitya.

It was hard for them, the fans, who had lost their beloved idol, but it was many times harder for Victor’s parents, his relatives and friends. His mother, father and Maryana periodically communicated with journalists, the rest of the people close to him went into the shadows...

After Victor's death, a demo recording remained last album group made by Tsoi and Kasparian in Latvia, in Plienciems, during summer holidays. It was planned to record the album in the fall at a professional studio (Mosfilm or Lenfilm), mix it in Paris, and the draft was supposed to help the musicians save studio time. In the end, everything was done as planned, but without Tsoi...

The KINO musicians and the group's manager Yuri Aizenshpis were able to complete the work on the album.

The group did not pursue any commercial goals; this issue, according to Tikhomirov, did not bother them at all. They saw this as their duty to Victor, they tried to do everything as quickly as possible, because this album was highly anticipated. And of course, after that the group itself could no longer exist without its leader.

In December 1990, the album was presented to the public. His first audition took place at the Leningrad rock club. The presentation of the album, organized by Yuri Aizenshpis, took place on January 12, 1991 at the Moscow Youth Palace, after which the paths of the KINO musicians diverged... KINO ended.

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The First Crash I was sitting in the cockpit of a DH military aircraft, high above south Texas. After a training flight to Corpus Christi, I was returning to Kelly Airfield, where I was stationed Military school aerobatics. I looked back. The Gulf of Mexico was visible behind the plane's tail. Far above

From the book Test Pilot [1937 Edition] by Collins Jimmy

First Accident I was flying a military DH high above south Texas, heading to Kelly Airfield. I was returning from a training flight. I looked back. The Gulf of Mexico was visible behind the plane's tail. In the distance, a low ridge of white clouds stretched over the bay. The sky was bright blue.

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Chapter 20. Accident Friends did not want to spoil the idyll that had just developed in the relationship between Marina and Volodya, but it was impossible to over-obstinate Vysotsky: if he decided something, then he carried out his decision. “Come on, Volodya, stay,” Abdulov repeated, feeling even yourself

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From the book Viktor Tsoi author Kalgin Vitaly Nikolaevich

ACCIDENT On the morning of August 15, 1990, Tsoi got up at about five in the morning, quietly left the house, collected his fishing rods and, as planned, went fishing. Natalia saw off Tsoi. According to her, Tsoi was cheerful and cheerful that morning, in a great mood - work on the album was successful

From the book My Travels. Next 10 years author Konyukhov Fedor Filippovich

Accident on August 25, 1998. Atlantic Ocean. Sargasso Sea10:20. Thank God the night went well. The sun will rise soon. I put water on the stove to boil for my morning coffee, these are the most blissful moments. I drink coffee, then lie down and read something. And so on for minutes

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Yuri Antipov, independent technical expert

On August 15, 1990, at 12:28 p.m., Viktor Tsoi died in an accident on the 35th kilometer of the Sloka-Talsi highway near Tukums in Latvia, several tens of kilometers from Riga. According to the official version, the singer fell asleep while driving, after which his dark blue Moskvich-2141 flew into the oncoming lane and collided with an Ikarus bus.

According to the police report, the car was moving along the highway at a speed of at least 130 km/h, the driver Viktor Robertovich Tsoi lost control. The death of V.R. Tsoi occurred instantly; the bus driver was not injured. …IN. Tsoi was absolutely sober on the eve of his death. In any case, he did not drink alcohol during the last 48 hours before his death. Brain cell analysis suggests he fell asleep at the wheel, probably from fatigue.

At first glance, the version is very convincing: excessive speed against the backdrop of lack of sleep. However, doubts arise when you see the road along which Victor allegedly flew at a speed of 130 km/h. Look at the photo of this "autobahn".

This is a rural “path” less than 5 meters wide, with trees approaching the sides and sharp turns. Any driver understands: accelerating along it to 130 km/h is very difficult, if only because you will have to brake and constantly slow down when turning.

In addition, the singer was by no means driving a Porsche or Ferrari with their jet acceleration and refined handling. Driving a Soviet Moskvich with a weak engine, poor steering, a buzzing gearbox and loud noise in the cabin clearly does not provoke records. Again, a person experiencing a state of sleep deprivation will not press the gas to the floor and squeeze out the maximum speed from the “bucket with nuts”.

But let’s say that, falling asleep on the move, Tsoi for some reason decided to practice street racing. Although he was absolutely sober and was driving alone (that is, there was no point in demonstrating his racing skills to anyone). To verify this, it is enough to first study the photo of his car after the accident. But...

Before today nowhere on the Internet is it possible to find a photo of Viktor Tsoi’s car after the accident, which in itself is surprising. Here is a photo of Tsoi’s car, which appears in the Internet search engine, as well as in
films about this high-profile accident are fake.

There are many points indicating that this is not V. Tsoi’s car. One of them is a mismatch of state registration number
(state registration number) of this car with a real number. On
The photo shows the number “4” quite clearly in the number. The real number of the car is V.
Tsoi: Ya6832MM.

In addition, the nature of the damage is such that a concrete beam fell on the Moskvich with the wrong license plate, pushing through the hood along with the engine. There was nothing like this in the accident with the singer.

OK then. We don't have a photo of the Moskvich. What about the damage to the bus? His photo after the accident... is also missing! There is only a photo of a bus already restored after an accident, and according to it
It is impossible to determine the damage received as a result of an accident.

Therefore, only two objective documents will be subject to technical analysis. This is a diagram of an accident
compiled by the investigator at the scene of the accident and a video-recorded interview with the driver of this
bus. Other secondary sources will also be used in technical analysis.

So, as the investigation claims (although no auto examinations were carried out on this accident), that
V. Tsoi significantly exceeded the speed, and it was more than 100 km/h. At this speed he
lost control and, having driven into the oncoming lane, collided with a bus.
The speed of the bus, as stated by the bus driver himself, was no more than 60-70
km/hour At the same time, the bus was traveling without passengers, and accordingly, there were no witnesses,
who could confirm this speed. The same goes for Moskvich-2141. Nobody has seen,
how and at what speed V. Tsoi’s car moved.
I repeat, the only witness to this accident is the bus driver. On his testimony at
the absence of auto examinations and witnesses was what the investigation relied on when drawing conclusions about this accident.
In the press, among other versions of the cause of the accident, the version of suicide was discussed. I won't
dwell on it in detail. I'll just say one thing. In medical examination it is very strong
Damage to V. Tsoi’s body on the right side prevails. This means that the bus hit
the car came from the right side of the car (right-front).

A suicidal person will never use the right side of his car to end his life.
life. The probability of survival in this case is much higher than a frontal attack or
collision on the left side (driver's side) with an oncoming car. Therefore, the suicide simply drives into the oncoming lane and rushes along it towards someone moving straight towards him.
Thus, in the absence of detailed photos of the bus and Moskvich-2141, it remains
analyze only the road accident pattern. And prove that there was no speed exceeding 100 km/h
at V. Tsoi’s car. It wasn't even close. And all the unfounded statements about significant
speeding are just idle fiction, completely devoid of
professionalism and technical logic.

V. Tsoi’s car was moving along right side roads. Having passed the bridge fence over the shallow
river (three columns on the right in the photo, shown by arrows), the car continued
movement in a straight line.
But, according to the accident diagram, long before the bridge the Moskvich-2141 car was moving in a straight line,
at the same time, its right wheels left marks on the side of the road.

Although this is not shown on the diagram, but, according to people who arrived at the scene of the accident, traces
the right wheels of the Moskvich-2141 walked along the side of the road long before the bridge and started from the platform
bus stop.

As I was able to personally establish, the bend of the road to the right does not begin behind the bridge (as indicated

on the road accident diagram), and even before it (at the level of the first one in the direction of travel of V. Tsoi’s car).
Let's determine the coordinates of the bus stop and the middle of the bridge, and the distance from them
between them. Bus stop corner. Coordinates 57.115836 N, 23.1860782 E Bridge pillars, past which V. Tsoi’s car drove along the side of the road with its right wheels - 57.1151646 N, 23.1867576 E.

Thus, based on geographical coordinates objects, V. Tsoi's car from the edge
bus platform to the bridge, drove 88 meters on the ground with the right wheels.

REFUTING MYTH No. 1 - “Tsoi fell asleep at the wheel before the accident.”

As documented, V. Tsoi’s car drove parallel to the road 88 meters to the bridge
right wheels on the side of the road. Moreover, when the turn to the right begins, even before the bridge
the car maintained its position relative to the road, moving parallel to the road surface.
According to the accident diagram, the Moskvich, having approached the bridge posts, shifted slightly to the left,
went around them and returned to the original parallel course with the right wheels along the side of the road.
And the car continued this movement after the bridge at a distance of more than 10 meters.

Movement parallel to the roadway on a straight road, also movement parallel to the roadway in a right turn that begins before the bridge, advance displacement
to the left to the bridge and again return to the same course after passing the bridge - all this is clear
indicates that V. Tsoi’s car is along the entire section from the bus stop to the bridge (88 meters),
when driving past fence posts and further at a distance of at least 10 meters the car
was under the control of the person who controlled it.

REFUTATION OF MYTH No. 2 - “The appearance of a bus around a corner became a
“Moskvich-2141” was a surprise.”

It was from this moment that both the bus driver and the Moskvich-2141 driver driving towards him
towards us in the oncoming lane, we saw each other. Bus coordinates at this location:
57.1150218 N, 23.187068 E
The distance to the middle of the bridge from the bus located at this point in the road is 74 meters. To the point
collision with the Moskvich, the bus has only 74-20=54 meters left to travel (according to the accident diagram).
And now, if at this point in the study we assume (purely hypothetically) that the consequence
right in his conclusions that the speed of the bus was about 70 km/h, and Moskvich-2141 was not
less than 100 km/h, then at that moment V. Tsoi’s car rushing at such speed should have
would be located at a distance of 77 meters from the point of collision.
This means that V. Tsoi’s car and the bus, when the drivers saw each other, were separated by a distance
54+77= 131 meters.
Therefore, all statements (in the media and TV) that the appearance of the bus came as a surprise
for V. Tsoi and caused him fear and further inappropriate actions - just fiction, not
supported by elementary facts.

REFUTATION OF MYTH No. 3 - “The cause of the accident is the driver of the Moskvich-2141 failed to cope with
driving the car, which resulted in driving into oncoming traffic

In the entire study area, there is not a single Moskvich-2141 car.
mentions of skidding of wheels leaving traces of skidding on the asphalt surface of the road. How
It is known that the weather on the day of the accident (August 15, 1990) was rainless and quite warm (in the morning
+24 degrees). Therefore, on dry and relatively soft asphalt (according to those who came to
the scene of an accident of people, heels were pressed into the asphalt in sunny places) coefficient of adhesion
even not very high-quality rubber is quite high, and of course, if skidding occurs in
In such conditions, the rubber would definitely leave a mark on the asphalt.

The next point proving the absence of skidding and skidding of V. Tsoi’s car throughout
along the investigated section of the road, up to the collision with the bus, is
an explanation on the accident diagram that the tracks on the side of the road were left by the “protector” of the Moskvich-2141. IN
in the case of skidding, when the wheels leave only a longitudinal groove on the side of the road, the diagram would show
it says “wheel marks” from V. Tsoi’s car.

Therefore, there is no point in further discussing a possible collision with bridge pillars, which
was also just an untenable version. After a collision with the front right corner
cars on the post, V. Tsoi’s car would inevitably turn around, and clockwise
arrow, and the rear of the car would be across the highway, and the bus would hit
would have hit the left side of the car. And then there would be no continuation of the tracks
tread of the right wheels after the bridge. In this case, when turning clockwise
If the car were arrowed, its front right wheel would leave only a skid ditch on the side of the road.
The accident diagram itself also denies the impact on the fence.

As we can see from the accident diagram and photo, in the area of ​​the posts there is an expansion of the asphalt
road surfaces towards the side of the road. It was along this extension that the right wheels drove
V. Tsoi's car. The fence posts were not hit.

Although there is no evidence to refute this myth with skidding and loss of controllability
Enough, one more argument can be made.
Published on YouTube with the bus driver that V’s car collided with.

In the video time interval 0 min 50 sec – 1 minute, the bus driver claims that the car
V. Tsoi drove 20 cm from the posts. And she didn't crash into them.
Next I will show and prove that the driver’s words about the road situation do not correspond
the true picture of what happened on that fateful day.

REFUTING MYTH No. 4 - “V. Tsoi’s car was moving at a speed of at least 100 km/h.”

Now let's come to the most important thing in this study. To those facts of this accident that
remained unnoticed by anyone for 27 years...
Bus driver's testimony...
Anyone who has already watched the interview with the bus driver via the link on YouTube is convinced that
the driver confidently claims on camera that he saw very clearly how the Moskvich-2141 was moving
close (but not touching) the bridge posts. And after passing the bridge, the car after that
rushes sharply into the oncoming lane.....
Let us prove that this is not true.
Again, look at the accident diagram.

And to further consider the issue, you just need to answer the question: would the bus driver drive to the side of the road if he does not yet see any obstacles in his lane? Moreover, V. Tsoi’s car is clinging to its right side. I think the answer is obvious: of course not.
What do we see in the diagram? Another 9.1 meters before the collision site, the track of the right wheels of the bus
appears on the sidelines. This means that by this moment the bus driver realized that the oncoming
"Moskvich-2141" interferes with him in his lane. How long does it take to react?
bus driver? Even more good result driver reactions and start time
rotation of the large steering wheel of the Ikarus is 0.5 seconds. During this time the bus passes
at a speed of 70 km/h approximately 10 meters. And it turns out that there is an emergency on the runway
the movement of the bus was created when there were 9+10=19 meters from the bus to the collision site.
And let's repeat the calculation again.
And where was V. Tsoi’s car then, when the bus driver realized the danger for himself in the form
obstacles in your lane? Let's take the hypothetical speed of Moskvich-2141 again.
100 km/h and we get that before the collision, V. Tsoi’s car should have been in
27 meters (!) to the collision site. But.....According to the accident diagram, V. Tsoi’s car at that moment was not
I just couldn’t drive into the oncoming lane, interfering with the bus, and being 27 meters away
to the point of collision, V. Tsoi’s car had not even reached about 5 meters to the bridge and his
columns. And the bus driver describes how V. Tsoi’s car goes around the bollards, not
thereby creating a danger for the bus.
Then why did the bus driver start to move to the side of the road if the Moskvich
haven't even reached the bridge yet???

Based on the available data, the width of the road surface at the accident site is approximately equal to 5
meters. Accordingly, the width of the shoulder on the side of V. Tsoi’s car does not exceed
80 cm. It can be seen from the diagram that 8.5 meters (20-11.5) before the point of collision the right wheels
"Moskvich-2141" were still on the sidelines. Taking into account the very flat (large radius) trajectory of the right wheels leaving the asphalt surface, it is possible with a very large
it is probable that the rear right wheel of the car was driving along this track.
With a sharp turn to the left, V. Tsoi’s car would have left two tracks from the right on the side of the road
wheels The trajectory of the track from the front right wheel would not coincide with the track of the rear right one
wheels, and the diagram in this case would show two different diverging tracks.
Dimensions of "Moskvich-2141": length 435 cm, width 169 cm.
And here is the main thing. From the moment when V. Tsoi’s car drove off the side of the road and diagonally
started moving towards the oncoming lane, from his front bumper to the point of collision with
the bus was no more than 4 meters away. And it was from that moment that he began to “threaten”
collision with a bus. It was only from this moment that the driver had to start
recognize the danger and take measures to prevent a collision. Earlier, when
V. Tsoi’s car was at a slight diagonal angle and had not yet crossed the central
dividing line, this location of the Moskvich-2141 car on the road could not
advance in time to cause a reaction from the bus driver.
We remember that the driver began to react to an obstacle in his lane, even before
19 meters to the point of impact. And V. Tsoi’s car was only four meters away from her.
Consequently... “Moskvich-2141” began to move very, very slowly after leaving the side of the road
diagonally into the oncoming lane. Its speed when moving towards the point of collision is
the oncoming lane was approximately 5 times (19: 4) less than the speed of the bus and was not
more than 15 km/h.
And then only in this case the testimony of the bus driver agrees. Yes, he saw how “Moskvich-
2141" went around the bridge fence posts because, moving at low speed,
V. Tsoi’s car had already slowly passed the bridge and was winding up the last
meters along the side of the road before starting to move towards the oncoming lane. Towards

In this case, the reaction of the bus driver becomes clear. Seeing someone driving slowly
diagonal road car, he did not slow down, he did not sharply turn the steering wheel
side of the curb (remember the smooth departure of the bus track to the side of the road), and he did not urgently
slow down (remember that on the road accident diagram there is no braking distance from a bus on the asphalt). Driver
bus, he hoped to have time to avoid a car crawling diagonally towards him. Not


1. Viktor Tsoi’s car, by at least, from the bus stop
was under the control of the driver before leaving the roadside
person's car. This is evidenced by the movement of the car,
parallel to the road surface, as on a straight section
road, and in a turn that began even before entering the bridge.
The man driving the car in front of the bridge
moved the car to the left in advance in advance
bridge so as not to hit the fence posts, and after passing the fence he returned the car to its previous trajectory
-right wheels on the side of the road.
2. No drifts of the car, based on the trajectory of movement and
road accident diagrams where the phrase “tread left on the side of the road” appears
car”, there was no car on this section of the road.
3. No moments with the “sudden” appearance of a bus due to
There was no turning at the time of the accident. Conducted accurate
reconnaissance of the area at the scene of an accident completely eliminates
moment of surprise.
4. When driving from a bus stop until the moment of collision with
by bus the car did not encounter any obstacles,
including road barriers.
5. The speed of the Moskvich-2141 car, at least for the moment
exit onto the road from the side of the road and to the collision site did not exceed
15 km/h. Set the speed of the car on the site
movement from the bus stop to the final exit at
side of the bus is not possible. But considering
the nature of the vehicle's trajectory when going around bollards
bridge when the car made a short distance
“rearrangement” is possible with a fairly high degree of probability
to say that the car was traveling sufficiently from the bus stop
6. Characteristic damage internal surfaces hands below
elbow joint, may indicate that at the moment
collision of a car with a bus at the hands of Viktor Tsoi (as
minimum, right) were not in a bent state
on the steering wheel, but were in a downward position.

P.S. After the facts have refuted the investigation's assertion about
Viktor Tsoi's car was significantly speeding in front of
An accident that was imposed on society for 27 years, but in reality
The material has proven that the speed of the Moskvich-2141 car
before the collision did not exceed 15 km/h (and perhaps there was
even less), based on the totality of all facts, it is created
The following is a picture of what happened that day on the highway.
Someone stopped V. Tsoi's car at the bus stop.
Transferred Viktor Tsoi to an incapacitated state.
I pushed the car along the side of the road until it turned.

I waited until the bus approached the turn and turned the wheels
"Moskvich-2141" to the left into the oncoming lane, and turned on the first
transfer. Having released the clutch, he sent the motionless Viktor Tsoi into
last way towards the bus.
And the bus driver saw this (these) people. But he is silent. But the fact that
the driver telling a lie is also elementary
Well, in the end I will draw broader conclusions, taking into account all the facts,
including driver comments.
But first, the question is: what would you do to make it happen?
an operation to eliminate a person (hypothetically, of course)?
It was known that V. Tsoi goes fishing alone. He was known
route and approximate return time. So wait for him
on the highway in in the right place it wasn't difficult at all. Also not
difficult to stop the car (for example, at a bus stop
just by “voting”). Immobilize Victor (for example, with a simple
an injection, traces of which no one will look for, just like
injected substance) also does not seem impossible.
Roll a car along the side of the road at a distance of 100 meters - o
the difficulties of this action do not even need to be mentioned. AND
then wait before turning. Wait what? Arrival of heavy
transport, or better yet, transport without unnecessary witnesses.
And here, like a piano from behind the bushes, a heavy bus appears
"Icarus". And it drives empty.....
And now about Ikarus. It was under repair. And it's easy to know (or
organize) the day and time when the bus leaves the bus company.
And direct the bus exactly as needed. Let's remember the words
bus driver, he made a detour, i.e. was driving along the changed
route after repair. He headed (by chance...???) exactly towards
to the place where the Moskvich stood on the side of the road. Contact by radio
person monitoring the movement of the bus and report that
"Moskvich" is already standing at the appointed place and also does not represent
difficulties. And... “Shura, launch Berlaga...”. And the bus went. AND
remember the testimony of the bus driver. He says he's late
(or were they detained?) leaving the highway. What, delaying
were you waiting for a call that Moskvich was ready at the appointed place? AND
last thing. It is very strange that the bus driver, seeing SLOW
rolling in front of him (specially highlighted this word, because facts
the minimum rolling speed of a car with V. Tsoi has been established),I didn't apply the brakes before the collision. I don't blame
bus driver, although the facts say that he is hiding something. After all
release the bus from “repair” at a certain hour and so on
“repair” it so that in case of emergency braking the brakes
refused (after all, no auto examination was carried out), and also do
the delay in departure could have been caused by people, even without the participation of the driver

Topics: Analysis of the emergency with Yuri Antipov