Alexander Showa and his daughter. Alexander Shoua: all about the secret romance and personal life of “Nepara. Video clips of Alexander Shoua

It doesn't know the end. Their number sometimes amazes the inexperienced music lover. Often they replace each other so quickly that after a couple of months no one remembers about the newly-minted star. But there are also such groups that listeners will remember through long years. This also applies to such a lyrical duet as “Nepara”.

The history of the famous duet is directly related to the difficult fate of one of its soloists, Alexander Shoua. He was born in Abkhazia during a turbulent time for it. The future artist’s father and uncle were musicians, which contributed to his desire to follow the same path. The boy graduated with honors music school. He often spoke at various events where he played and sang. Early on, Alexander began trying to compose his own music. As one might expect, he then entered a music school. But all his plans were destroyed by the conflict with Georgia. Due to the complications of the situation, he and his entire family needed to move to a quiet place. Moscow became the new home for Showa.

The beginning of a musical career

In Moscow, Alexander Shoua lived with his mother’s relatives. There he had to go to work as a simple loader in a grocery store. This could have gone on for a long time if not for meeting Nikolai Kim. He was already there famous musician group "Aramis". He quickly realized that Alexander had talent and invited him to work together. Showa became an arranger, keyboard player and backing vocalist. After some time, the musician realized that he needed something more. Having received an invitation from a German producer, he enters into a contract with a recording studio. The trip to Germany was a real discovery for him. A European studio made him a demo vocalist. But at the end of the contract, Alexander realized that he missed his homeland and returned to Moscow.


Alexander Shoua realized that he needed own project for self-realization. Fate gave him a gift - meeting Vika Talyshinskaya.

The beautiful and mysterious singer worked in the Jewish theater and was thinking about where she could expand the area of ​​​​distribution of her talent. They decided to sing together at several parties, which delighted the audience. It was decided to create a joint project. Just then, by coincidence, they met with Agutin’s producer, Nekrasov. At first they were just friends, but after learning about the newly formed duet, Nekrasov praised him and offered him production. Alexander Shoua and Victoria Talyshinskaya immediately gave their consent to the adventure. It's time to choose a name. Considering the difference in appearance and character, the word “Nepara” quickly came to Nekrasov’s mind. After this, a series of rehearsals began. Alexander became the author of the first hits.

Assessment of others

Alexander Shoua, whose biography was complex and controversial, was able to short term write the first song for the group. It was called "Another Reason". It was about the love of two people who cannot be together due to circumstances. This motive immediately became the key one for the duo’s subsequent compositions. The video for this track became the favorite of millions of TV viewers. Invitations to concerts, awards and interviews followed. Alexander Shoua literally bathed in fame. Victoria was also not deprived of press attention.

Together they released three albums, the first of which was called “Another Family.” Endless questions from journalists followed about whether the group members really had an affair.

Personal life

Alexander Shoua, whose biography was now covered by the spotlight, did not give any comments about his relationship with Victoria. Meanwhile, the whole country watched the couple on TV screens suffer from the fact that they could not be together. The song “God Invented You” was played on all radio stations in the country. Are these words really coming from the mouths of these two? talented people mean nothing to them?

The group existed for ten years - until 2012. The singles and albums were remembered by many fans. But Alexander Shoua suddenly announced that he intended to start a solo career. This came as a surprise to the fans, but not to the producer and Victoria. Their personal relationships in the group have long since cracked. They recently admitted that the affair really took place. However, the young people did not get along due to differences in character. Now there were no feelings left, but the tension began to grow every day.

Alexander recently signed an agreement with W-Records, where he has already begun releasing solo compositions. His first track is already in rotation. In addition, Showa plans to work in the cinematic field, namely, recording soundtracks for domestic cinema. Regarding his past work, he notes that he does not want to perform old songs and perform with Victoria. For him, this page has already been turned. Alexander himself this moment not married and absolutely free. He does not have a girlfriend, and he does not comment on his plans to start a family. Now he is only interested in music.

The songs of the Nepara duet still captivate the hearts of listeners with their sincerity and depth. And it’s not only about the amazing melody, but also about the unique voice of the talented performer Alexander. He was a guitarist, a keyboard player, and a drummer, and then took the place of a backing vocalist.


The future star of Russian pop music was born in the city of Ochamchira on December 26, 1973. Alexander Shoua was brought up in musical family. My dad was a guitarist and drummer, my uncle had an amazing voice and played various musical instruments. Little Sasha from the age of four he could not tear himself away from the piano, and by the age of nine he was already a member of the children's music group"Anban". Here he gained experience and learned to play the guitar and drums. At the age of 13, he was already a mature musician, but he still decided to continue his studies and entered the Sukhumi School in the pop department.

All photos 6

I had to leave my homeland as a result of the military conflict that broke out in Abkhazia and Georgia. The Showa family went to Moscow. It was difficult because everything had to start all over again. Alexander Shoua had to work in many places, including as a loader in stores. After some time, he met one of the musicians of the Aramis group. From that moment on, his family did not need anything. Sasha made excellent use of his talent and professional musical education.

At one of the parties, Showa met a representative of a large European studio, Polygram. After a short conversation, Alexander was invited to Europe and for several years he entertained the public in nightclubs. He became a favorite of visitors, and his songs performed on the stage of the German concert venue "Globe" delighted pretentious European music lovers.

Our hero got bored with life and work in Cologne. He no longer “fit” into the role of a club singer; the opportunities required more. To achieve what he wanted, he returned to Moscow. In 1999, fate gave me a meeting with singer Victoria Talyshinskaya, who has incredible in a beautiful voice. The meeting ended with the creation of a duet that will captivate millions of listeners with unique compositions. The duo instantly became famous. Solemn and holiday concerts. The tours did not stop; trips around Russia and abroad took up all the time.

The next album was released in 2006 and completely repeated the success of the first. The next stage in the growth of popularity was 2009, when the new disc “Betrothed” was released. Three years later, the duo broke up, no one named the reason. Perhaps friction began between the singers, as usually happens among creatively gifted individuals. Alexander himself admitted that he could not work in a duet for a long time; his soul required a solo career. The singer strived for professional growth, wanted to delight listeners with his voice and perform his own compositions.

After spending several years on stage alone, Alexander felt that he lacked a partner. In 2013, he decided to reunite with Talyshinskaya, and the duo found new life. In 2014, the song “A Thousand Dreams” was performed, followed by a video. The group began to acquire a rich repertoire; they wrote for it not only famous composers, but also Alexander Shoua himself. The time has come for another step in fame, the tour has begun. The return of the duet was noted not only by grateful listeners, but also by representatives of show business.

The creative union and its hits were awarded Ru awards. TV, Fashion People Awards. Poets Gutseriev, musicians Zolotarev and Molochnik worked on the texts of the compositions. Working in tandem with Victoria, Alexander Vyacheslavovich continued his solo career. Soon a disc was released that contains 16 songs by Alexander, and each of them sounds like the first time, delighting with freshness and incredible shimmering melodies.

Personal life

For a long time, Alexander Shoua was closely associated with his stage partner Victoria. The yellow press wrote about their relationship, but never presented any evidence other than their joint work. As if in response, the couple presented the songs “They have known each other for a long time,” “Another reason,” etc.

Only after the breakup of the duo frank confessions Victoria did. Between them there were romantic relationship, but everything was kept secret. Perhaps due to creative collaboration, the relationship began to deteriorate. It came to this serious conflicts, but the duet was obliged to perform on stage as if nothing had happened and express only deep feelings.

So they separated. Before meeting Victoria, Sasha had an official marriage, in which their daughter Maya was born. Alexander Shoua met a lawyer named Natalya, the couple registered a union and lives happily. Alexander and Natalya tried not to advertise their personal lives, and even after the birth of their daughter, the couple did not show the baby to the public for a long time. Finally, almost a year after birth, Natalya posted her photo on the social network. It turned out that the girl was named Taisiya. Now happy photos of family and father and daughter appear on the singer’s Instagram much more often.

The ex-soloist of the once popular group “Nepara” several years ago announced his decision to start a solo career, and the changes affected not only the professional, but also the personal life of the artist - he finally decided to get married. Alexander Shoua's wife Natalia She is far from show business - she is a lawyer by training, but she treats her husband’s work with understanding. It was much more difficult for her to accept Alexander’s hobby - the fact is that his hobbies are a variety of reptiles. The artist keeps snakes in his apartment, which replaced the monitor lizard, which Alexander’s wife never managed to come to terms with.

In the photo - Alexander Shoua with his wife

For a long time, throughout almost the entire period of the existence of the Nepara duet, the relationship of its participants was surrounded by rumors, and Victoria Talyshinskaya was called almost common-law wife Alexandra Showa. As the singer later admitted, there really was an affair between her and Alexander, although all this was long in the past, and the relationship between them could not always be called simple, and things sometimes came to conflicts. True, as soon as the artists were on stage, everything passed, and peace reigned between them again.

After the end of the novel, Alexander and Victoria remained stage partners, although at first it was not easy to work together. After leaving Nepara, Showa soon got married and continued his career.

At the end of the year before last, the duo decided to reunite and performed their first song after breaking up, “A Thousand Dreams.” The wife of Alexander Shoua supported this decision of her husband, who at the beginning of 2014 committed tour together with Victoria Talyshinskaya.

In the photo - Alexander Shoua and Victoria Talyshinskaya

But the artist still considers his solo career a priority - he has prepared for release a solo disc with sixteen songs of his own composition.

Musical creativity occupied great place in Alexander's life since childhood. He was born into a musical family and at the age of nine he already became a pianist in the children's music group "Anban", and at thirteen he entered the Sukhumi Music College in the pop department. His path to popularity began with work in the groups “Aramis” and “Vostok”, and after meeting Victoria Talyshinskaya in 1999, they organized the duet “Nepara”, which lasted thirteen years. Despite the fact that the group's creativity then music critics was received without enthusiasm, her songs became very popular.

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Biography, life story of Alexander Vyacheslavovich Showa

Shoua Alexander Vyacheslavovich – Russian singer and composer.

early years

Alexander Shoua was born in the city of Ochamchira (Abkhaz Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic) on December 26, 1973. His father was an excellent drummer and guitarist, so Sasha from the very early years was passionate about music. Uncle Sasha was also a creative person - he sang well and knew how to play various instruments. So there were two role models around Showa from birth.

At the age of four, Sasha had already begun to comprehend the difficult but incredibly fascinating science of playing the piano. And at the age of nine, the boy became a member of the children's musical group "Anban", as part of which he was able to develop his vocal abilities, and also learn to play the guitar and drums, just like his dad.

At the age of 13, Sasha Shoua became a student at the Sukhumi pop department music school. However, in the early 1990s, Sasha had to abruptly stop studying - due to the outbreak of the Georgian-Abkhaz conflict, Shoua had to leave his native place and settle in Moscow. At first, the young man worked as a simple loader in a grocery store. It is important to note that despite a very difficult period in his life, Showa never betrayed his passion - music. He devoted every free minute to her.


At one fine moment, by the will of fate, Alexander met a musician from the pop group “Aramis”. Thanks to this lucky chance, Showa infiltrated creative environment. For some time, Alexander was a keyboard player, arranger and backing vocalist in Aramis. Later, Showa had a unique opportunity to collaborate with a large European recording studio PolyGram as a demo vocalist and live in Germany.

In 2002, Alexander Shoua met talented singer Victoria Talyshinskaya. Sasha and Vika decided to create a musical duet. The hardest part was coming up with a name. The artists even managed to quarrel over this issue! However, their producer Oleg Nekrasov resolved the conflict by giving the guys a great idea. Seeing Shaw and Talyshinskaya arguing and fighting, he said that they were “not a couple at all.” Sasha and Vika liked this name. This is how “” was born.


In 2003, "" presented solo album"Another Family" The collection received platinum status, and the performers themselves became incredibly popular. Tours and concerts began. In 2006, "" presented the second album, "All over again." In 2009, the singers released their third collection, “Doomed/Betrothed.”

In 2012, Alexander Shoua decided to start a solo career. The duet "" broke up. Sasha began active work on his own album, simultaneously releasing songs and filming videos. But already in 2013, Showa decided to return to Victoria, without, however, abandoning his personal project. " " became a couple again. And Showa’s solo album “Your Voice,” on which the artist worked so hard, was released only in 2016. In the same year, Alexander released videos for his songs “What a Pity” and “You Are Alone.” In 2017, Showa delighted fans with the video “Only You,” and in 2018, with a video for the song “I’ll Steal Her,” recorded together with musician Arthur Best.

Personal life

In the 1990s, Alexander Shoua got married. Soon after the wedding, Sasha and his wife had a daughter, Maya. The marriage broke up.

In 2013, it became known that back in the early 2000s, there was an affair between Alexander and Victoria, his colleague.

Showa's second legal wife was Natalya, a lawyer. Natalya gave Alexander a daughter, Taisiya. Since childhood, the baby has declared that she wants to become a ballerina.

Interesting Facts

Sasha Shoua was born right in a taxi on the way to the maternity hospital.

Showa's height is 165 centimeters.

The artist's hobbies are photography, fishing and snake breeding.

To the top musical Olympus. The secret of success largely lies in the unique voice of soloist Alexander Shoua. The artist masters many instruments in the musicians' arsenal - the man knows how to play the guitar, drums, piano, and keyboards. The talent is multifaceted: Showa is also the author of the music and lyrics of the lion's share of the singles that come from his lips.

Childhood and youth

Sasha was born in the Abkhaz town of Ochamchira into a musical family. My father had excellent skills in playing the drums and guitar, my uncle sang well and also masterfully handled many musical instruments. From the age of four, the boy was attracted like a magnet to the piano standing in parental home.

And at the age of 9, Alexander was already shining with his peers in the local children's ensemble"Anban". The team's teachers taught their students to play the guitar and drums professionally.

A little later, Sasha went to the Sukhumi School to gain new knowledge, enrolling in the pop department. But plans and life at home were destroyed by the outbreak of a military conflict between Georgia and Abkhazia. The parents decided to move to the Russian capital, where they had to start life all over again. Financial situation family left much to be desired, Alexander also had to earn his bread. The young man changed a lot of professions, even worked as a loader in a store.


Positive changes began in Showa’s biography after meeting a musician from the Aramis group. The team invited the talented Alexander into their ranks, where he tried his hand as a keyboard player, arranger and backing vocalist. Earnings have increased significantly, allowing relatives to no longer need anything.

Song by Arthur Best and Alexander Showa “I will steal her”

Once, during a noisy youth party, a representative of one of the leading recording companies in Europe, PolyGram, met Sasha. The musician received a tempting offer to move to Cologne. Showa agreed and for the next few years he “started up” people in the nightclub, and also performed his own songs on concert venue"Globe". It quickly became popular here and won the love of the regulars of these establishments.

However, the role of the club performer did not suit him talented musician, over time, I outgrew this activity, I already wanted more. Alexander decided to return to Moscow to create his own project. With a future colleague musical project The paths crossed back in 1999. And in 2002, after leaving Germany, Showa found a girl and offered to form the pop duet “Nepara” together.

The name was born painfully: they went through a lot of options - they quarreled, made peace, fought again. The idea was suggested by producer Oleg Nekrasov. The man casually said that the guys didn’t look much like a duo, “not a couple at all.”

Alexander took charge of creating music and lyrics, and a year later the guys presented their debut album, “Another Family.” The group instantly became famous, the duet was expected in every corner of Russia, and was invited abroad. Alexander and Victoria plunged into a rich tour life.

Song “God Invented You” by the duet “Nepara”

The following records “All over again” and “Doomed/Betrothed”, released in 2006 and 2009, also appealed to the army of fans. The singles “Another Reason”, “Cry and See”, “They have known each other for a long time” turned into hits immediately after the premiere.

After graduation last album“Nepara” lasted three more years. Ambitious and hardworking (zodiac sign Capricorn) Alexander Shoua dreamed of solo career, so I boldly set off on a solo voyage. The singer created a beautiful composition “The Sun Above My Head,” which managed to reach the top of the radio charts. He also shot colorful videos; the videos were invariably included in selections of music television programs.

Alexander Shoua's song “Your Voice”

However, Showa could not stand being alone for long. Already in 2013, the young man met Victoria and suggested reuniting. The singer seemed to be waiting for this moment - she agreed without hesitation. The duo sparkled on stages again, delighting fans with new songs. The first single was “A Thousand Dreams”.

However, Alexander Shoua managed to solo at the same time. Fans received the song “Remember” especially warmly. And in 2016, the musician presented his debut solo album, “Your Voice,” which he worked on during the breakup of the group. The album included 16 compositions.

Personal life

Alexander Shoua is an Abkhazian by nationality, with a short height of 165 cm, but the man is not short of charm. He managed to get married twice, the musician has two children. I first visited the registry office even before the formation of the Nepara group; a daughter, Maya, was born in this marriage.

The musical duo performed the songs so soulfully that fans attributed an affair to Sasha and Vika. Interviews appeared in the press in which Victoria allegedly admitted that she had more than just a professional relationship with her partner. Alexander himself in conversations with journalists recent years speaks:

“You never know what anyone is thinking about. The question here is that the stage and life are completely different things. I don’t mix one with the other.”

The singer’s second wife was Natalya, a lawyer by training. Showa calls this union ideal; there are rarely quarrels with his wife; the woman has become a real support, a reliable rear. A daughter, Taisiya, is growing up in the family. The girl loves to dance and dreams of becoming a ballerina.

Alexander shares news with page subscribers in "Instagram". The photos tell about the artist’s life and his hobbies. In addition to music, Showa loves fishing, wherever he has been with a fishing rod. He says the most big fish found in Norway and Kamchatka.

Alexander Shoua now

Today Alexander Shoua, together with Victoria Talyshinskaya, tours a lot, concerts take place in Russian cities and abroad.

In 2018, Alexander Shoua performed the song “Enchanted, Bewitched” in the show “Three Chords”

In the spring of 2018, Alexander participated in “Three Chords”. In that music show main Russian channel Showa performed the familiar songs “My Myasoedovskaya Street”, “Enchanted, Bewitched”, “Girl in a Chintz Dress”. The musician's rivals were: As well as other actors and pop stars.


  • 2003 - “Another Family”
  • 2006 - “All over again”
  • 2009 - “Doomed/Betrothed”
  • 2016 - “Your Voice”