Alexey Potekhin biography personal life. Alexey Potekhin - biography, information, personal life. The most unusual concert

It is unlikely that you will find at least one representative of the youth of the 2000s who does not know about the “Hands Up” team and its member Alexei Potekhin. Everyone also knows that the second musician of the star duet, Sergei Zhukov, has been performing alone for quite some time. Where is the former singer of the sensational band now and what is he doing?

Childhood and youth

Alexey Potekhin was born in the Samara region in 1972. There were no professional musicians in his family, but all family members always loved music, and this love was instilled in the future idol of millions by his parents and older brother from childhood.

During his school years, the future star was not distinguished by good behavior and diligent study. Knowledge was acquired with great difficulty, and hooligan status and poor academic performance had to be compensated for by a creative approach to social activities. Alexey's parents decided to send their son to the sports section. Basketball lessons helped the boy learn self-organization and sparked a love for sports.

After graduating from school, Potekhin went to Samara, where he graduated from a technical school and received the profession of a shipbuilding technician. He continued his studies at Samara University. Despite the fact that Alexey received an engineering degree in 1991, he still did not become a technical specialist.

While already studying at the university, Potekhin worked at a radio station in Samara. There he conducted his own humorous program.

Creative career

As it turned out, the second future soloist of the group, which became popular throughout the country, Sergei Zhukov, also worked at the same Samara radio station.

The guys worked for a long period of time almost at arm's length, but only met in 1991.

The popularity of radio hosts was not enough for young people, and they decided to organize a new musical project, “Uncle Ray and Company.” The not yet particularly popular musicians were serious about reaching a new level and for the next three years they worked hard, being in creative search.

In 1994, their first performance became a winner at a music competition in Moscow, unexpectedly even for the guys themselves.

Two years later, the group finally moved to the capital of our Motherland and gained its fame thanks to producer Andrei Malikov and the first hits that sounded everywhere. The producer recommended that the musicians change the name of the group, which seemed too long to him, to a brighter and more sonorous one. This is how the group “Hands Up! ».

After the first triumph of the compositions “Student” and “Baby”, which became the undisputed leaders in all charts, many tours were organized, and the band released their first album. Over the entire period of their creative activity, the group released 14 music albums. Here are some of them:

  • “My baby”;
  • "Ataman";
  • “I’m already 18”;
  • "Alyoshka";
  • “Tears are falling.”

Why did the group “Hands Up” break up?

Until 2006, the musical group delighted admirers of their work with tours around the country, the release of new albums and videos. In the same year, fans were bewildered by the unexpected news that their idols had broken up.

Fans were interested in only one question: Why did Alexey Potekhin leave the group? It turned out that everything is quite simple. Sergei Zhukov is tired of his own image, so beloved by his fans. He wanted creative development and lasting fame. It became difficult for participants to work in one project.

The former colleagues themselves do not reveal the true details of the group’s collapse, saying that they just grew up and everyone decided to go their own way. Zhukov decided to pursue a solo career, and Alexey opened his own production center, began helping young performers with promotion, and released his own album of dance music.

Since the spring of 2008, Potekhin participated in concert tours around the country with a new colleague, Vladimir Luchnikov, who was the vocalist of the Turbomoda group. Unfortunately, this collaboration did not bring Alexei either satisfaction with the results or similar explosive popularity as with his participation in “Hands Up”.

In this video, reporter Alexander Orlov will tell you why the creative paths of Potekhin and Zhukov diverged, and what happened between the artists:

Personal life of Alexey

Alexey’s first wife was his colleague in the “Hands Up” project, Irina Tomilova. The girl worked as a dancer and sang along at the group’s concerts. The young people got married in 2002. The couple had no children. There were rumors that this was due to Irina’s health, but subsequently both spouses gave negative comments regarding the reliability of this information.

Before the final separation, Potekhin and Tomilova lived separately for some time, but this pause did not save the relationship and marriage.

The artist legally entered into a marriage relationship with his current wife in 2009. Elena has nothing to do with show business, and before the birth of her child she worked as a veterinarian. The day and place of the wedding celebration were not secret, but did not attract much attention, since the wedding of the famous figure skater Evgeni Plushenko and the equally popular producer Yana Rudkovskaya was scheduled on the same day. All the attention of the press and television was attracted to this event. Therefore, the wedding of Alexei and Elena was not discussed or broadcast in the media.

In 2010, Elena gave Alexey a daughter, who was named Maria.

To date, none of the sources indicates the exact place of residence of the former member of the most popular group in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century. It is only known that he lives in Russia and does not stop making music; you can follow his creative path with the help his Instagram pages .

Alexey Potekhin produces his new group with a similar name “Raise Your Hands Up” and tours with it throughout the country.

Alexey also continues to write music not only for his group, but also for other Russian performers. His name no longer sounds as loud and often as in the 2000s.

When asked why Alexey does not communicate with Zhukov, the artist always answers evasively with advice to talk about this topic with Sergei himself. It is known that Potekhin intended to start legal proceedings with a former colleague regarding the illegal sole use of the name of the eminent group. But the matter never came to the point of lawsuits and hearings.

In his free time from work, Alexey pays attention to reading his favorite books and is busy replenishing his antique collection.

There is information that the ex-member of the famous group opened his own small restaurant business, but these rumors have not yet received confirmation.

I would like to please the fans that Alexey Potekhin did not disappear into nowhere, and did not immigrate abroad, but only went behind the scenes of show business. He is also dedicated to his creativity and continues to work as a composer, singer and producer.

Video: exclusive interview with Potekhin

In this video, Alexey will tell you the true reason for the breakup of the group and the quarrel with S. Zhukov, and about his current creative plans:

Alexey Evgenievich Potekhin. Born on April 15, 1972 in Novokuibyshevsk, Samara region. Russian musician, radio host, producer. Former member of the group “Hands Up!”

Older brother - Andrey Potekhin.

Everyone in the family loved music, which Alexey also became involved with from an early age.

He studied at an art school and basketball section.

He learned to play the guitar, composed songs, and worked part-time as a DJ at discos. At that time he was into heavy rock - Led Zeppelin, AC/DC, Def Leppard, Foreigner, The Cult, Metallica.

After graduating from high school, he went to study in Samara at a river technical school, which he graduated in 1991.

He was a presenter at the radio station “Europe-plus” in Samara, where he hosted the program “Rhymes from Potekhin.” There on the radio in 1993 he met.

In December 1994 they moved to Togliatti, where they tried to record songs in a studio. At the same time, they regularly travel to Samara to broadcast on Radio Europe Plus.

In Tolyatti, together with Sergei Zhukov, he created the group “Uncle Ray and Company”.

In May 1995 they find themselves in Moscow. We worked as DJs at the Moscow radio station “Rocks”, then held a series of discos in Tbilisi.

At the end of 1995, the musicians broadcast a cassette with several songs to Radio Maximum and signed: “This music will make you raise your hands up.” The cassette fell into the hands of presenters Olga Maksimova and Konstantin Mikhailov, who played the song “Good Morning” in their show and announced: “Young group “Hands Up!”.” Since then, this name has been assigned to the group - "Hands up!".

Then producer Andrei Malikov became interested in the group, and concerts and tours began.

Group "Hands up!" recorded the song “Baby”, which became popular, followed by the hit “Student”. The songs “Baby” and “Student” are in the top ten of the “Russian Radio” hit parade “Russian Hill”. In the spring and summer of 1997, video clips were shot for these songs. A session vocalist, Elizaveta Rodnyanskaya, a member of the Melissa group, was found to record the female parts.

In 1998, the group received six silver medals, three gold medals and one platinum disc for the huge number of copies sold. In 1999, the group became the winner of three diplomas at the second annual award of the Russian recording industry.

In 1999, the album “Without Brakes” was released, which sold 12,000,000 copies.

Their songs “My Baby”, “Sorry”, “Ay Yay Yay Girl”, “Alyoshka”, “Thought”, “Kind, Gentle, Affectionate”, “Little Girls”, “He Kisses You”, “Go Away” became hits. , "Whirlpool".

Hands up - Ay yay yay girl

In the late 1990s, the group created its own music label “Dancing Men” (“B-Funky Productions”), which began producing pop groups “Turbomoda”, “Boys”, “Revolvers”, “Shark”, singer Murphy.

In 2006, the group “Hands Up!” fell apart. About the reasons for his departure, Alexey Potekhin said: “Everyone asks me why I left “Hands Up!” I’ll answer you: because we all became adults, but Sergey didn’t think so, he was comfortable. He’s comfortable now. I always wanted fame, but I didn’t.”

He admitted that although the whole country sang their songs, he did not earn much money: “The most interesting thing is that of all the two hundred and thirty songs that we wrote, everyone was interested only in the simplest ones. “La-la-la-la, all day I I hum" - we became famous on such songs. Every girl in the country had “Hands Up!” cassettes, but this did not affect our financial situation in any way.”

After the collapse of the group “Hands Up!” in 2006, Alexey Potekhin, together with his friend Vladimir Luchnikov, created a project called "Raise Your Hands Up". He began touring with the group. Released a collection of dance music Potexinstyle-3.

Alexey also started producing young performers such as Superboys, J Well (ex-member of the Discomafia group). During the period 2006-2008, 3 collections of dance music Potexinstyle were released, combining many young performers and hits of famous groups such as “Demo”, “Turbomoda”, “Planka”, etc.

Then Alexey took up the TRACK&blues project, to which he invited ex-vocalist of the Turbomoda group Vladimir Luchnikov and ex-member of the Svoi group Ruslan Achkinadze. In 2007, Alessandro Materazzo, a former participant in the TV show Dom-2, was invited to join the TREK&blues group, who toured with them in the summer of 2008 in the south of Russia.

In 2013, the artist and his wife presented a new track “Summer-Winter” as part of the Russian internet television (PeoplestarTV) project.

In 2014, a presentation of his solo album entitled “I Can’t Do Otherwise” took place at the Arena Moscow club.

In 2016, at a concert dedicated to the twentieth anniversary of the group “Hands Up!”, Potekhin and Zhukov reunited on stage again. However, their communication never resumed.

For the 2018 World Championships in Russia, Alexey Potekhin wrote a song for “Buranovskie Babushki”.

Collaborates with a company engaged in the production of textile products.

Alexey Potekhin's height: 182 centimeters.

Personal life of Alexey Potekhin:

Was married twice.

The first wife is Irina Tomilova, a dancer of the “Hands Up!” group. We got married on April 13, 2002. Divorced in 2004.

The second wife is Elena Potekhina, a veterinarian by profession, but works as a stylist. We got married on September 12, 2009.

Alexey Potekhin with his wife Elena and daughter Maria

Alexey loves antique things, which he collects.

Discography of Alexey Potekhin:

2011 - Leo-Scorpio
2014 - I can’t help it

At the turn of the century, the group “Hands Up” churned out one teenage anthem after another. The duet of two charming guys won the hearts of the Russian audience and even surpassed “Tender May” in the number of performances. Ex-member of the group Alexey Potekhin continues to write music to this day and release compositions aimed at both time-tested audiences and young people.

Childhood and youth

Potekhin Alexey was born on April 15, 1972 in Novokuibyshevsk (Samara region). His father worked as an engineer, and his mother worked as the head of the personnel department. Despite the fact that the parents were not creative people, music was constantly playing in the house. Mom was a fan of symphony orchestras, and dad listened to pop music. Older brother Andrey also instilled in Alexey a love for foreign performers (Led Zeppelin, AC/DC, The Cult, Metallica)

At school, Potekhin earned a reputation as a hooligan. He drove teachers to nervous breakdowns and often made fun of his classmates. The obstinate young man also could not boast of exemplary studies. Teachers gave him grades for drawing wall newspapers.

Parents, in order to rein in their son who had gotten out of hand, sent him to the basketball section. There they “knocked the crap out of Alexei.” He was not only instilled with a love of sports, but also taught to strictly follow a daily routine (after classes at 2 p.m. he went to the art school, then at 5 p.m. to training).

After graduating from school, Alexey went to study in the regional center - Samara - and entered a technical school there. Having received a diploma as a shipbuilding technician, the guy continued to gnaw on the granite of science already at the Samara Technical University, from which he graduated in 1991 with a degree in systems engineer.

But, as time has shown, Alexey did not turn out to be a “techie.”

"Hands up"

And Alexey Potekhin worked at the radio station “Europe Plus” (Samara), where Sergey hosted a musical program (“Hit-hour”), and Alexey hosted a humorous program (“Rhymes from Potekhin”). Despite the fact that the guys worked side by side for a long time, they only met in 1991.

Even at that time, the fame of radio presenters did not cover the tirelessly growing ambitions of young people. They decided to take it to the next level and create the group “Uncle Ray and Company.” The next three years were spent in creative search and musical experiments.

In 1994, at a rap festival in Moscow, where they got there by chance, their performance was recognized as the best. But from a commercial point of view, the project was unsuccessful. Fame came to the musicians only two years later, when they finally moved to the city of great opportunities.

Producer Andrei Malikov, who had previously worked with the Tekhnologiya and Van-Moo groups, helped Zhukov and Potekhin rise to the heights of musical Olympus. The guys met him in 1996 at the Baboon Records studio. First of all, the man recommended that the guys change the long, non-binding name of the group to the capacious and sonorous “Hands up!” Malikov then convinced the record company J.S.P. invest in filming the first videos and releasing the band's debut album.

The first hits of the group “Hands Up!” – “Kid” and “Student” - “blew up” the radio airwaves. Later, videos were shot on them, which were often broadcast by both television channels and radio stations. The songs quickly gained popularity and became favorite disco hits of the time. Inspired by the success, the creative team released the album “Breathe Evenly.”

After this, tours of Russian cities began. Tickets for the concerts were sold out long before the group's arrival, and the artists' performances were sold out.

Alexey Potekhin in the duet "Hands Up"

When the project began to generate serious income, Zhukov and Potekhin “escaped” from Malikov and opened their own production center, “Dancing Men” (2000). Having failed to defend his rights to the name and songs, the producer tried to promote other artists and made the sensational “Rat-Jealousy” with the then little-known artist. But the man could not achieve such stunning success with anyone else.

In 2006, fans were shocked by the news that their favorite group had broken up. Fans had only one question: why did Alexey Potekhin leave? The answer was simple: the once best friends could no longer exist harmoniously within the framework of one project. Their views on what kind of product should be released to the masses differed. The mental connection was lost.

Zhukov was tired of being a hostage to the image of “the guy singing about Alyoshka.” The charismatic performer wanted to develop further and conquer new heights, but alone.

Each of the participants went their own way. Potekhin began producing young performers, and Sergei took up a solo career, continuing to use the popular name of the group in his work.

Zhukov explained this by the fact that an agreement had previously been concluded with Potekhin, according to which the rights to “Hands Up,” which previously belonged to both of them, passed into his sole possession. Alexey claimed that he was a victim of deception and at one time even planned to sue his former colleague, but it never came to the point of lawsuits and noisy proceedings.

During its existence, the “Hands Up!” team released 14 official and 12 unofficial albums. Each new song of the group became a hit. “My baby”, “He kisses you”, “Ataman”, “I’m already 18”, “Alyoshka”, “Territory”, “Tears are falling” - this is not a complete list of tracks that fans all over the world still know by heart country.

Among other things, the guys have repeatedly become prize-winners and laureates of prestigious music festivals, charts and awards (“Album of the Year”, “Golden Gramophone”, “Song of the Year”, “Russian Radio Hit”).

Solo career

After the collapse of “Hands Up!” Alexey Potekhin released a collection of dance music Potexinstyle-3

In the spring of 2008, the artist, together with the vocalist of the Turbomoda group Vladimir Luchnikov and member of the Svoi group Ruslan Achkinadze, toured the country.

Their group "Track and Blues", despite their soulfulness, did not find popularity among young people. And even cooperation with the notorious participant in the reality show “Dom-2” Alessandro Materazzo (2008) did not bear fruit.

In 2013, the artist and his wife presented a new track “Summer-Winter” as part of the Russian internet television (PeoplestarTV) project. In 2014, the Arena Moscow club hosted a presentation of the singer’s debut solo album entitled “I Can’t Do Otherwise.”

Later, the enterprising composer returned to the “Track and Blues” project and changed both the name and the soloist of the group. At the moment, Alexey, together with his good friend Sergei Bogdanov, is promoting their common group “Raise your hands up”.

Personal life

In the “Popular Truth” program (2011), Potekhin said that in his biography there was a moment when, in his youth, he and his best friend Sergei Zhukov fell in love with the same girl. At that time, friendship was a priority for the guys, and neither one nor the other thought about organizing their personal lives. The comrades agreed that no one would care for the beauty.

It is reliably known that the performer was married twice. The man met his first wife, Irina Tolmilova, as part of the “Hands Up!” team. The girl danced and “sang along” to the duet to the soundtrack. The charismatic young lady won the heart of the romantic, and in April 2002 the young people legalized their relationship.

For two years the couple tried unsuccessfully to have a child. There were rumors that while married to Alexei, the woman had a miscarriage, and Irina could no longer have children. Potekhin and Tomilova unanimously denied this information. Before finally parting, the young people lived separately from each other for a short time. The “pause” did not become a “savior” and finally separated the lovers.

On September 12, 2009, Potekhin married for the second time. Alexey's chosen one is called Elena. The girl has nothing to do with show business and before meeting the singer she worked as a veterinarian. Despite the fact that the couple did not sign “incognito”, this event was not covered in the press. The fact is that on the day of their wedding there was also a wedding at and, so the media’s attention was focused on the eminent figure skater and music producer.

In March 2010, the artist shared the news with fans that he had become a dad. The wife gave birth to Potekhin's daughter, whom it was decided to name Maria. During the birth, the musician was in Moscow and personally delivered his wife to the Family Planning Center.

Despite the fact that Elena left work for the sake of her daughter, the young mother does not sit idle: the young lady works as a makeup artist and often participates in professional photo shoots.

Alexey Potekhin now

At the moment, Alexey continues to tour the country, performing at concerts songs both from his personal repertoire and the beloved hits of the group “Hands Up!” It is reliably known that the star of the 90s is now working on new material and promises to release a fresh composition in the near future.

Among other things, the artist performs as an invited guest at various festivals and shows (“Brides of the Moscow Region”, “Big Disco”).

T-shirt with the image of Alexey Potekhin

In 2017, Potekhin began collaborating with a company engaged in the production of textile products, and on his page

At the end of the 1990s. “Hands Up” have become one of the most successful and popular pop groups. While music critics condemned simple songs and accused their performers of vulgarity and lack of taste, Sergei Zhukov and Alexey Potekhin filled stadiums and forced tens of thousands of fans to dance.

In 2006, the group broke up, but Sergei Zhukov still performs solo, using the same group name. “Hands Up” no longer has its former popularity, but at concerts there are still a lot of young people dancing to the well-known hits “Student”, “My Baby”, “And He Kisses You”, “Alien Lips”, etc.

Group *Hands up*

The leaders and founders of the group, Sergei Zhukov and Alexey Potekhin, met in 1993, when both worked at the Europe Plus radio station. Samara". They decided to create their own musical group, and a year later “Uncle Ray and Company” was the most popular group in Samara and Tolyatti. But this scale quickly ceased to satisfy their needs, and in 1995 they moved to Moscow. Sergei Zhukov in interviews always calls this year the beginning of his musical career, since it was then that they began serious work to promote their songs.

Group *Hands up*
At first, nothing worked - without the support of the producer it was impossible to attract attention in the capital, and only rich women “over 50” were called to help them for certain services. They found another way: on pirated cassettes with music from famous artists, they added three of their songs at the end. Soon, all the stalls in the markets began to play hits that were remembered from the first note. One day producer Andrei Malikov heard them and offered Zhukov and Potekhin cooperation. Since then, a rapid rise in their musical career began. The group received the name “Hands Up” and released the first songs “Kid” and “Student”, which very quickly became mega-hits.

Founders and leaders of the group *Hands up*

Sergey Zhukov

Founders and leaders of the group *Hands up*
Since 1997, the group has been actively touring the country and then abroad, performing at dance music festivals. Thanks to the huge number of albums sold, the following year “Hands Up” became multiple winners of silver, gold and one platinum disc. In 1999, the group became a laureate of the annual Russian recording industry award in several categories: “Russian radio hit”, “Album of the year”, “Golden Gramophone” award and “Best love song”.

Sergey Zhukov and Alexey Potekhin

Sergey Zhukov
However, for a long time Zhukov and Potekhin received nothing but public recognition and love letters from the girls. They lived in a rented apartment and dressed at the market. The producer took most of the profits. Then Zhukov and Potekhin decided to go on an independent voyage. They terminated their contract and became an independent group. There were so many people at their concerts that people often tore down barriers and injured each other in the crush. Popularity turned out to be a different side for them: obsessed fans sent them poisoned food and letters written in blood, several girls committed suicide, demolished chairs and stands at concerts, and trampled on each other. The artists could not appear on the streets; they had to often change phone numbers and hide from persecution by fans. In order to get out unharmed after the concert, they often had to change into riot police uniforms and run out with them wearing helmets and masks.

Group *Hands up*

Alexey Potekhin

Alexey Potekhin and Sergey Zhukov
By 2001, the band members were tired of the frantic schedule of concerts, and from the harassment of fans, and from each other. In the early 2000s, their popularity began to decline, although albums continued to be released with enviable regularity. The producers had a certain strategy, which remained quite effective for some time: “Within the “Hands Up” group, the clear implementation of a certain super task was required. Every May, when school ended, we had to release an album so that people would take it with them on vacation - to the south, to the country. It was dance music that set the mood for summer. And I admit, we were experienced psychologists, we specifically thought about what topic to write the lyrics on so that the song would become popular.”

Concert in Moscow, October 2011
In 2005, the 13th album “Hands Up” was released. In the same year, the group broke up, but Sergei Zhukov continued to record solo songs, released the album “In Search of Tenderness” and shot several videos. Alexey Potekhin took up producing, and Sergey Zhukov still packs houses in the wake of the popularity of music of the 1990s.

Alexey was born into a musical family: a tape recorder was constantly playing at home and they listened to records. Mom liked symphonic music, and dad liked pop music. His older brother got him interested in foreign music. The boy had a lively and cocky character, but his parents insisted that he attend art school and the basketball section.

After graduating from school, Alexey went to study in the regional center, Samara. He entered the river technical school, and now he remembers this time with warmth:

There were other teachers there who, despite their venerable age, joked around like young people. This period in my life was the best because I made great friends.

At home, fresh hits were regularly played, and Alexey began to perceive music with interest, at first he simply listened, and then bought a guitar and began composing himself, even managing to work part-time as a DJ at a disco. His tastes included Led Zeppelin, AC/DC, Def Leppard, Foreigner, The Cult, Metallica and others in the same spirit. He is still a fan of Jimmy Page and Hendrix.

After graduating from technical school in 1991, he entered the Samara State Technical University - as Alexey himself recalls, “my mother influenced me.” He graduated from it in 1996 with a degree in systems engineering.

He worked at the radio station “Europe-plus” in Samara, hosted the program “Rhymes from Potekhin”. In Tolyatti he created the group “Uncle Ray and Company” together with Sergei Zhukov. This was the beginning of a great future called “Hands Up!” But so far these were only hopes that could not even bring income. To earn some money, the duo held a series of discos in Tbilisi.

Then they returned to Moscow and began working at the recording studio "Babian Records", creating arrangements for other groups for the right to simultaneously record songs for their own. By that time, a new name had been chosen - “Hands Up!”

With the involvement of a professional producer, the music business began to develop. The group became incredibly popular after the release of their first album, “Breathe Evenly,” and the musicians began touring around the country and abroad. Since then, countless concerts have been held and many songs have been written. “Hands” has received many awards. After the group closed in 2006, Alexey began producing young performers such as Superboys, J Well (ex-member of the group Discomafia). During the period 2006-2008, 3 collections of dance music Potexinstyle were released, combining many young performers and hits of famous groups such as Demo, Turbomoda, Planka, etc. At the moment, Alexey is working on his new project TRACK&blues, to which he invited ex -vocalist gr. Turbomod Vladimir Luchnikov and ex-participant gr. Own Ruslana Achkinadze. In 2007, Alessandro Materazzo, a former participant in the TV show DOM-2, was invited to join the TREK&blues group, who toured with them in the summer of 2008 in the south of Russia. Alexey has a hobby: he loves old, antique things. He loves the book “The Twelve Chairs” and is ready to re-read it endlessly. Alexey admits that he has always been a joker by nature and loves humor and practical jokes.

Alexey Potekhin has an older brother, Andrey Potekhin, a former member of the gr. Turbo fashion, Boys, Revolvers. Today Andrey is the manager and organizer of performances of Alexey's new project TRACK&blues. Alexey invited many Samara musicians to produce. Mark Melnik, Handsome, his projects.