An artifact is... Types of artifacts. What is an artifact? The term artifact is translated from Latin as

from lat. artefactum - artificially made) - any artificial object, cultural object; physical object; idea or image; technology; form of behavior and relationships; grade.

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ARTIFACT (from Latin - artificially made)

In the usual sense, any artificially created object; This concept came to cultural studies from archeology, where it was used to distinguish between natures. and arts. objects.

In aesthetics the term is used etymologically, i.e. directly to designate objects created specifically to function in the art system. In the interpretation of the institutional school in aesthetics, any real object can act as A. in the appropriate environment (in particular, this is what D. Dickey believes in his work “Art and Aesthetics: An Introduction to Institutional Analysis,” 1974). In this case, A. is understood as any object that is artistic. work. In modern In aesthetics, a distinction is usually made between art and art. work. A., as a rule, has a material embodiment and is a carrier of def. artist meanings. Structuralists, in addition, distinguish between A. and aesthetic. an object. Here A. acts as a kind of “external symbol” (Mukarzhovsky) of an aesthetic object.

B ate. time, due to increased interest in the problem of shared ideas as cultural sites, the concept of A. began to be developed more actively. Some culturologists understand A. as any art, education, both physical and ideological, created for functioning in a specialized field. spheres of cultures and systems. A. is singled out as an elementary unit of the arts, the world, which is all the more relevant because There is still no “theory of the art object.” In this case, A. allows you to see from a single point of view. decomposition cultural objects as “made” wholes (eg installations); trace their generation, existence and destruction, their unification into certain functional and symbolic ones. patterns and forms, holistic cultural contexts, semantics. fields.

A. has three basics. its constituent elements: psychoanalytic. (establishes a connection between A. and anthropological impulse), structural (reveals the communicative-functional dominant) and hermeneutic (determines the horizons of understanding and interpretation).

A. functions in a cultural-semantic environment. fields (for example, lit-ry), which constitutes A. and determines its material carrier. A. is polysemantic and therefore represents an abstract carrier of cultural semantics, which manifests itself in different ways. contexts of use (for example, the transcultural image of Don Quixote).

To the main The modalities of the existence of architecture can be classified as: material (a form of objectification of an artificial object), functional (the sum of modifications during its use); semantic (its meanings, implications, value in the contexts of sociocultural communication).

Lit.: Berdyaev N.A. Man and machine (Problem of sociology and metaphysics of technology) // VF. 1989. No. 2; Mumford L. The Myth of the Machine // Vestn. Moscow un-ta. Ser. 12. Socio-political, research. 1992. No. 1; New technocratic wave in the West: Sat. texts. M., 1986; Espinoza Server A. Who is a person? Philosophy anthropology // This is a man: An Anthology. M., 1995.

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0 Each of us at least once in our lives has experienced strange or surprising moments that cannot be explained. modern science. However, material evidence similar phenomena, as a rule, are not left. And only a few citizens are capable of " boast"that they felt with all their senses an object that does not fit into scientific dogmas. For such things there is a designation, this Artifact, which means you can read a little lower. On our website you will find decodings of many concepts, both scientific in nature and words from various subcultures. Therefore, do not forget to add this resource site to your bookmarks so as not to miss useful and interesting information.
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So let's continue Artifact meaning? This term was borrowed from Latin language "artefactum", consists of two words" arte" And " factus", the first can be translated as " artificially", and the second means " made".

Artifact- is an artificially created object, a product of human or extraterrestrial activity

Synonym for Artifact: monument, certificate.


Today I was digging in the attic and found a bunch of all sorts of artifacts from the beginning of the USSR, I’ll have to put it on Ebay.

Archaeologists of Ukraine, on instructions from the government, have been trying for several years to find artifacts that prove their ancient origins, though so far to no avail.

Tolyan, come urgently, a hot cobblestone fell from the sky into my garden, we need to study this artifact in detail, maybe we can make some money.

Artifact in archeology- this is a certain thing or object discovered through excavations, and at one time exposed to human influence


IN Stavropol region parking was found ancient man, as well as many small artifacts that people used in everyday life during that difficult time.

However, in archeology this concept has nuances, and is defined as: " an object restored by archaeological effort, which may be a cultural artifact, and of cultural interest"However, modern archaeologists are trying to distinguish material culture from ethnicity, which is often more complex, as Carol Kramer puts it in the saying - " pots are not people».

Examples include stone tools, pottery vessels, metal objects such as weapons, and personal jewelry such as earrings, costume jewelry, and clothing. Examples are also the bones of animals on which signs of human intervention can be seen.

Artifact for gamers- this is a unique object that cannot be created independently, and has some special, magical properties


I would like to get the Amulet of Hazza'rah's magic, but for now I simply don't have the money for this artifact.

Initially, this was the name for an object, factor, phenomenon, process or property that could not be created in normal conditions. This meant that in this case there was an unaccounted factor or some purposeful intervention, which led to the appearance of this artifact.

Most people came across this term when it came to various archaeological finds, that is, it meant that man-made thing or object that archaeologists closely study. However, in our time, this word has begun to have a certain mystical flair, since many people call it something that has an unproven origin, and is often rejected by our officials from science.

Artifact is one of many types of tangible by-products created during development software

Some artifacts ( for example, use cases, class diagrams and other unified modeling (UML) models, requirements and design documents) help describe the function, architecture, and design of software. Other artifacts relate to the development process itself, such as project plans, business cases, and risk assessments.

The term artifact in connection with software development has a lot to do with specific development methods or processes, e.g. Unified Process".

Build tools often reference the source code compiled for testing as an artifact because the executable is needed to carry out the test plan. Without checking the executable, the test plan artifact is limited to testing without execution. In performance based testing, artifacts are step-by-step guides, tests and proof of correctness. On the other hand, execution-based testing requires a minimum of two artifacts: a test suite and an executable. Sometimes an artifact may be used to indicate released code ( in case of code library) or a released executable file (in the case of a program), but the more common usage refers to by-products of software development rather than the product itself.
Most of what is considered artifacts is software documentation.

In end-user development, an artifact is either an application or a complex data object created by the end user without needing to know mutual language programming. Artifacts describe automatic behavior or control sequences, such as database queries, grammar rules, or user

An artifact is an object made by human hands and endowed with magical power. Spells cast over it, actions performed - all this charges the amulet, talisman or other thing with the necessary energy, which acts for certain purposes. Objects created by nature will not be artifacts. The word “artifact” itself, translated from Latin, means “artificially made.”

Sometimes artifacts are called ancient archaeological finds, discovered in Egyptian tombs or other excavation sites. As an example, we can cite such sacred symbols as (a guide between the world of the living and the dead), the ritual rod of the Ankh, the eye of Horus and other symbols of Ancient Egypt.

Types and properties of artifacts

How does this magical object differ from an ordinary thing? Outwardly nothing. This can be any thing that has undergone energy charging. After carrying out the appropriate procedure, the item acquires magical powers and certain properties. According to their purpose, artifacts are divided into the following types:

1. Elemental, accumulating the energy of different elements

2. Energy - designed to restore strength

3. Mental (manipulate memory, emotions, feelings)

4. Healers - artifacts used to heal diseases

5. Magic - items for various ceremonies

6. Protective, used as a talisman

7. Combined (for solving several problems)

Each created artifact serves only one owner, sometimes his family. Therefore, a stolen or borrowed magic item will be best case scenario just useless. However, there are cases where stolen talismans-artifacts caused damage to the health, luck or well-being of people who did not use them as their owner.

People often keep it in their home unknowingly. Other people's artifacts, especially those acquired without the consent of the rightful owner, definitely fall into this category.

How artifacts are created

Almost any item is suitable for making a magical attribute. But it must be fit for purpose. For example, you should not use a flower or a broom as a weapon.

Any item has its own character, certain properties, and when creating an artifact, these properties are enhanced many times over. So, the blade is perfect for a magical attack, and the ring will attract good luck or love. Eat different ways impact on an energetically charged object:

1. Impact of time

2. Applying runes or other symbols

3. Magic ritual

4. Combined method

The method of influencing time is the simplest, but it can be inconvenient various reasons. Symbols have an informational imprint on the mental field of the Earth; the centuries-old use of ancient signs in itself has endowed them with powerful power. The main thing is to know exactly which symbols to apply and for what purpose. A ritual is certain actions performed on an object, and the combined type allows you to combine the listed methods in the desired proportion.

How does the magic ritual work?

The ritual of creating an artifact consists of five sequential actions: preparation, unbalance, inclusion of the desired property, bringing into balance, binding.

1. Preparation is an accurate understanding of the purpose and purpose of the item being created. An incorrectly formed task can harm the owner with various troubles. You need to select the item itself, not forgetting to take into account its composition (iron, wood, stone, crystal) and own character. An iron ring and a wooden ring will have different properties, although they can be charged for good luck in the same way. Therefore, you need to carefully think through every detail.

2. Getting out of balance is to disrupt the energy of an object by this moment. This can be any powerful spell or other impact similar to a blow. The main thing is to join the vibration of the object’s energy field. This whole action takes about 10 minutes.

3. After being unbalanced, it is necessary to immediately include the desired property in the artifact. While his own field is unstable, he will take on new qualities. Any means are used here - visualization, conspiracy, energy influence. The main thing is to convey the essence of your desire to the object. And then, at the information level, this desire will remain as an imprint in the body of the object.

4. Now you need to balance the energy of the object and seal it in it new information. To do this, you must influence the artifact with your own energy. Here you can also use either magical abilities, or cast a spell. It is possible to use the opposite element. For example, if a magical object was created with the help of fire, then water must be used to bring it into balance.

5. The last action in creating an artifact is binding to a specific owner. To do this, it is better to carry the item with you for two or more weeks, excluding its contact with other persons. That is, no one should touch or otherwise come into contact with the artifact being created.

Another important concept in cultural studies is cultural artifact: any artificially created object that has symbolic meaning. Cultural artifacts can be objects, things, and phenomena made by people: scientific theories, superstitions, works of art and folklore.

Artifact - elementary unit culture. Studying it makes it possible to understand what cultural significance has its utilitarian (that is, according to direct purpose) usage. For example, a set of forks and knives used in consumption various dishes, indicates the characteristics and level of everyday and gastronomic culture, and perhaps also the structure of food production.

Cultural artifacts also include such an important concept as cultural norm: a pattern of behavior that is approved by the majority of people belonging to a given culture. Cultural norms in a broad sense - both, and, but exist special group cultural norms - etiquette, customs of communication with others, customs of collective communication.

Artifacts in the cultural system

An artifact is any object or phenomenon of artificial origin, the antipode of everything natural, an indivisible unit of culture, for example a specific material product, behavioral act, social structure, informational message or value judgment. Even myself man is an artifact, since he is not a biological being, but because he can only become through the processes of education and upbringing, assimilating the norms and values ​​of a specific one. Any artifact can be characterized in terms of material form and spiritual content. Material form(material) of an artifact is determined by its utilitarian (practically useful) qualities, the capabilities of man and society, and spiritual content (meaning, meaning) - the needs of expressing ideas, aesthetic tastes, designation social status and so on.

Like culture as a whole, an artifact is always a product, but only one that is associated with the search for meaning. This fundamentally distinguishes the world of culture from the world of nature. Thus, a flower growing in a meadow is part of nature, and the same flower, picked and placed in a vase, is part of culture, since the person who composed the bouquet wanted to receive aesthetic enjoyment, the desire to please yourself and your loved ones.

Cultural form— an example of solving a problem to satisfy some group or individual need (interest) of people; in other words, it is a set of distinctive features of an object, which embody its utilitarian and symbolic functions and which allow its identification (recognition). The same cultural form can be reproduced by many artifacts. For example, the cultural form of a person’s home can be embodied in such artifacts as the hut of a Russian peasant, the yurt of a nomadic herder, the floating dwelling of some African and Asian peoples, etc., and the cultural form wedding ceremony implemented in weddings different nations, which follow different rules.

Among cultural forms special place are occupied by author's works of art, philosophy, science and other creative nature, not intended for mass circulation. An artifact of this form will be the work itself and its perception by the reader, listener or viewer, who interpret it in their own way. We can say that the life of any cultural form continues as long as its artifacts are reproduced, described, evaluated and interpreted.

Cultural system is a set of cultural forms that have historically developed in the practice and consciousness of a certain human community, in other words, this is the specific historical culture of a people, class, confession, etc. Cultural systems are not just a sum of random cultural forms, they are highly ordered, organizationally and informationally interconnected and are characterized by such properties as universality, integrity, the predominance of internal connections over external ones, internal unevenness (complexity internal structure, stratification), the ability to self-reproduce and change.

Archeology is an amazing science that opens up modern man secrets of past millennia. The work of scientists in this field is to search for material traces left by ancient civilizations. An object found by archaeologists during excavations is called an “artifact.” This is any artificially created object that has symbolic meaning.

Types of artifacts

We are accustomed to understand by this name priceless antiquities found by archaeologists or treasure hunters. In fact, an artifact is very broad concept, covering different areas. Let's look at some of the meanings of this word.

If we take archeology, here ancient artifacts appear as objects found during excavations and created by man. These can be tools, weapons, jewelry, dishes, processed bone, and even coals from a fire once lit by ancient people.

In culture, an artifact is an object created by a person and has a special meaning. Moreover, this can be not only a material object, but also folklore, superstitions or scientific theories.

This word is well known to fans computer games. In them, an artifact is a unique thing that cannot be created, but can only be found. It usually has special properties or magic.

Inappropriate Artifacts

This term was coined to refer to finds that go beyond a certain scope. For example, they are found where they should not be, or they cause mistrust due to the lack of our knowledge of the technologies of ancient civilizations. Inappropriate artifacts include: the Antikythera mechanism (to be discussed separately), an iron column in Delhi, giant statues on Easter Island and many other unusual finds.

Among the artifacts there are also fakes. Famous crystal skulls, supposedly chiseled ancient civilization from whole piece precious rock turned out to be a skillful imitation. Studies of several of the 13 skulls found to date have shown that they were made in the 19th and 20th centuries using modern technologies.

Where can you see finds from archaeological excavations?

Ancient artifacts, which are recognized by scientists as the most valuable and interesting, end up in museums and are then put on display for visitors. The remaining items are in storage rooms or scientific institutes.

Mysterious ancient artifacts - the mystery of millennia

Sometimes archaeological finds baffle scientists. There are thousands of such examples. Writings called the Vinča alphabet were found near the city of Belgrade. They date back to 6000 BC. They have still not been able to decipher them, and scientists doubt that this will be done in the near future.

In 1901, in Greece, among the wreckage of a sunken ancient ship, an unusual object consisting of gears, scales and dials was found. It was possible to establish the date of manufacture of this mechanism - approximately 85 BC.

If you compare this ancient artifact with instruments of a later time, it corresponds to the technical level of the 8th century. It is not known exactly how this mechanism (it was called Antikythera) was created more than two thousand years ago and for what purposes. The device was reconstructed by several mechanical experts. They are convinced that it served to simulate the movement of the Sun, Moon and planets.

Where to find an artifact and what to do with the find

Finding an ancient treasure is the dream of almost every person. With the advent of metal detectors, searching for antiquities has become much easier. At all times, there were groups or individuals who searched for artifacts at archaeological sites. These days they are called “black archaeologists” or “diggers.” They act for personal interests and for the purpose of enrichment. Found artifacts do not end up in museums, but in private collections. Acting unprofessionally, “black archaeologists” often destroy priceless antiquities during their searches.

It should be remembered that found artifacts that have a special cultural value, belong to the state. To avoid possible problems with the law, it is better to take the find to a museum, where experts will give an opinion on the subject. If it has no scientific value, its value is divided between the finder and the owner of the land on whose property the artifact was discovered.