Common beans properties, application, photo recipes. Description of the variety and beneficial properties. Economic use of fava beans.

Common beans (faba beans) are herbaceous annuals that belong to the Legume family.

Also called:
  • Russian bob;
  • fava


The homeland of the common bean is presumably the Mediterranean. There is no wild fava bean in nature. The plant is cultivated in the United States, in the countries of the Mediterranean coast, in some South American and African countries (,). In Russia it is grown throughout the entire territory (except for the northern regions). This crop is a valuable food product. The total area under faba bean crops is more than 4.5 million hectares.

Harvesting can take place. It is better to pick it up in the morning and during cool hours; it is usually harvested with 18% moisture. Storage conditions should be dry, cool and dark; If well built bunkers and yards are effective. Storage areas must be thoroughly cleaned and grains treated with appropriate products. For commercialization, grain is packaged in 60 kg bags.

Who among us has never had a delicious meal that included a large portion of beans?

In syrup, tropeiro, feijoada? There are so many ways to prepare this food and are as varied as the forms it gives us! It is a food from the legume group that is part of the daily diet of most Brazilians. Accompanied mainly by rice, it represents an important source of nutritional properties necessary for the proper functioning of the body.

The stem, strongly branched at the base, grows up to 2 m in height. The bean has a powerful tap root, penetrating to a depth of 1.5 meters. Small pale pink flowers contain a large number of nectar. The fruits are pods that contain up to 7 flattened oval beans. The beans ripen in August.

Health benefits and consequences

In fact, it is worth remembering that we are commenting on the importance of beans in achieving healthy and cheap food. Rich in carbohydrates and protein Source of vitamin B complexes Fiber-rich source of iron. Rich in fiber, which helps reduce the risk of heart disease, obesity, diabetes and cholesterol. Since it is a source of iron, consuming it can help avoid the risk of anemia, especially iron deficiency. It consists of antioxidants that scavenge free radicals.

This food culture has been known to man since the Stone Age. It appeared on the territory of Rus' around the 6th century. The population of Ancient Egypt considered the bean a sacred plant. The same attitude towards him was in Ancient Greece. However, there were exceptions.

The ancient Greek mathematician and philosopher Pythagoras forbade his followers to contact this plant and he himself felt disgust and fear of it. He believed that bean seeds contained the souls of dead people. There is a legend that describes the death of this great man. Fleeing from his pursuers, Pythagoras found himself in front of a field where beans were grown. Due to his convictions, he did not want to hide among the dense thickets, but remained standing at the edge of the field, where he was overtaken and killed.

Reducing the incidence of cancer. Green beans have a diuretic effect. Rich in carbohydrates that help nervous system work. Although it is rich in iron, it is not readily available to the body. Iron from animal sources, such as meat, has better bioavailability compared to plant sources; The absorption of plant-based iron will increase when combined with vitamin C; A mixture of rice and beans is an important source of essential amino acids, and amino acids not found in beans will be found in rice.

Due to its high yield, the plant is considered a symbol of prosperity and fertility. IN medieval Europe bean seeds were used as currency in card games. They were also specially baked into pies. There was a belief that whoever came across a bean would find his soulmate that year.


100 g of legume seeds contains:

Beans are a source of natural plant proteins that are excellent meat substitutes. In addition, this is a low-calorie product - only 57 kcal per 100 g of product (of which 23 kcal are proteins).

The consumption ratio between the two should be 3 servings of rice to one of the beans; The adoption of new dietary habits introduced into the Brazilian diet has reduced the consumption of beans. This fact can lead to nutritional deficiencies due to poor nutrition.

This would be in South America. There is historical evidence of the sowing and use of beans dating back to at least 9,000 years before Christ. From America it spread throughout the world. Ancient stories are found in the Bible, in Ancient Egypt, in the ruins of Troy, in the Roman Empire, in the old English and French courts and in the banquets of the Vatican.

Medicinal properties

The seeds of the fruit, in addition to cooking, are also valued by traditional healers. Due to its astringent, diuretic and anti-inflammatory effects, this product is used for diseases of the intestines, liver and renal system. It is also used externally, because various parts of the plant accelerate the healing of small wounds and eliminate itching. A decoction of beans lowers cholesterol and blood sugar levels.

Life expectancy has increased and infant mortality has dropped significantly. The Bandeirantes incorporated this food and spread it throughout Brazil. It is now one of the main suppliers of protein in the diet of the Brazilian family. Bean consumption in Brazil: types and commercialization.

The most commercially in Brazil is the carioca bean, which accounts for about 70% of the country's total production. In Brazil, in terms of marketing efficiency and cost, it is one of the products that moves further between producer and consumer. This is because Brazil has several production regions that they offer in different time. Thus, each region of the country can export or import to other regions at any time.

Medicinal use

Decoctions from mature seeds are drunk for stomach disorders, coughs and diabetes (thanks to molybdenum, sugar levels are reduced). Beans are recommended for people with reduced weight, obesity, vitamin deficiency, or increased physical and mental stress. The seeds boiled in milk are ground and applied to the boils. This speeds up the ripening of the abscess. And infusions of petals or leaves

Bean cultivation: diseases and pests. The main diseases that affect beans caused by fungi that survive in the soil are root rot; White mold, gray rot of the stem, wilting of sclerotia, chalk or wilting of mycelium. Major fungal diseases include anthracnose, corner spot, rust, scab, charcoal, powdery mildew and spot. The most common bacterial diseases in conventional crops in Brazil are fire blight and short bacilli wilt.

used for skin diseases (including to eliminate irritation and itching). A decoction of the herbal part is used for dropsy, it improves blood circulation and lymph flow. In addition, horse bean is an effective sorbent. With its help, radionuclides and heavy metal salts are removed from the body.


Seed decoction:

2 tbsp. l. bean seeds are poured with two glasses of boiling water. Place in a water bath and cook for about a quarter of an hour. After cooling, the broth should be divided into four equal portions and drunk throughout the day. It helps with stomach upsets.

Major pests include whiteflies, kittens, green leaf flies and weevils. Storing beans: time, temperature, methods. The less time they are stored, the better the beans will be. The most favorable temperature condition for 6 months should be cold environment, but not below zero, the ideal temperature is between 20 ° C and 25 ° C, and the average relative humidity is 75%.

There are two ways to store beans: in bulk or in a bag. In Brazil, handbags tend to dominate. In the Northeast, it is most common to store small quantities, usually up to one ton, in small metal cylinders, drums, bottles, among others, protected from the elements, usually in a room of the house itself.

Flower infusion:

Boil 0.5 liters of water, add 2 tbsp. spoons of dried flowers, leave the mixture for two hours and strain. The infusion is used in the morning and evening for washing.

Milk decoction:

The fruits of the plant (1 tbsp) are poured into boiled milk (400 ml). The mixture is placed on low heat and cooked for about half an hour. After this, the beans are crushed and applied to boils or wounds.

During the processing process, those intended for consumption are processed only by the machine in the enrichment unit. This operation is performed to improve it appearance, physical and varietal purity, as well as its germination and strength. There are genetic differences for both wild and cultivated species. The common bean has good adaptation to several climates, allowing it to be grown throughout the year. Consuming beans prevents the onset of disease and controls blood levels.

There are several hypotheses explaining the origin. There are hypotheses that domestication common types beans such as sympathetic creole have been discovered in Mexico. There are also references to the fact that in Ancient Greece and the Roman Empire there were crops in which it was used for voting, white beans represented as yes and black beans represented as no. They were also used as a symbol of life, even used as payment for bets.


The plant should not be consumed raw. It is contraindicated for gout, hepatitis, oxaluria, as well as flatulence and intestinal colic.

Fava beans(sometimes called broad beans) - Faba bona Medik. (Faba vulgaris Moench) have a well-developed root system. The roots of this plant penetrate deep into the soil. The stem is erect, 0.7 to 2 m high, tetrahedral, thick, hollow inside, densely leafy. The leaves are pinnate, fleshy, bluish-green, the leaves are large, elliptical.
Flowers are collected 2 - 12 in racemes, located in the axils of the leaves along the entire stem. Like other legumes, the flower has a unique structure. It has a double 5-membered perianth, 10 stamens and one pistil with a superior ovary. The calyx is green and does not represent anything interesting, but the corolla looks interesting. Its upper petal, the largest, is called a sail, or flag; two opposing side lobes are called oars, or wings; the two lower petals have grown together, forming a kind of trough original form, called a boat. Thus, with some imagination, the corolla of this plant, like other legumes, can be compared to a sailing boat equipped with oars. There are 10 stamens in each flower; 9 of them grow together with threads and form a tube, inside which the pistil passes, and one stamen remains free. The corolla is white, less often pinkish, with black spots on the wings and violet-brown stripes on the sail. Pollination is predominantly cross-pollinated; the best pollinators are bumblebees.
The fruits are large beans, brown or black in color when ripe. Inner surface their valves are often lined with peculiar cells forming the so-called parchment layer. Each fruit contains from 2 to 8 seeds. Depending on the variety, the length of the seed is from 7 to 30 mm, the color can be yellow, green, light pink, brown, even black and purple.
This is a fairly cold-resistant crop. Seeds begin to germinate at 3 - 5°C. The seedlings can withstand frosts down to -6°C. The optimal temperature for growth and development is 15 - 20°C. At temperatures above 25°C, buds and flowers fall off. Moisture-loving plant. The growing season lasts from 95 to 145 days.
Fava beans - ancient culture. In Mediterranean areas Southern Europe And North Africa they were cultivated as early as 2 thousand years BC. e. IN Central Europe their remains were found in archaeological finds dating back to the Bronze and Iron Ages. The most likely homeland of this culture is the Mediterranean. Currently, beans are cultivated on an area of ​​more than 3 million hectares. Approximately 55% of their total planted area is in China. Beans are cultivated on a small scale in England, Holland, Belgium, Denmark, Bulgaria, Mexico, Brazil, Morocco, Egypt and a number of other countries.
According to one version, faba beans came to Russia from Western Europe, according to the other - from Asia Minor through the Caucasus. In any case, this culture has been known in our country for a very long time, but it is bred in a limited area, mainly in the Non-Black Earth Region.
In Ancient Greece there was a tradition of drawing lots through beans. Using beans - black or white- appointed officials; those who pulled out a white bean were chosen. This was due to the belief that the beans contained the souls of the dead. In other words, when choosing, they relied on the opinion of their ancestors, who knew what the living could not know.

There are ancient stories of what happened in the Bible, in Egypt, in the ruins of Troy, in the Roman Empire, in English and French courts, where beans were part of the diet of soldiers for wars, thereby helping them in their use and improvement. When the Portuguese arrived, they added this food and spread it throughout Brazil. The Portuguese brought recipes to Brazil for some ingredients such as ear, snout, tail and pork sausage.

Some say that feijoada began to be performed in the senzales in 549 with the arrival of the first slaves in Africa. There are several varieties of beans. It is also used as a marker and trick card slot machine. The best one is the one that has no more than one year, increases in size after cooking and only needs to place salt after cooking it, thereby avoiding it from hardening.

Economic use of fava beans

Fava beans have not only nutritional, but also feed value. Not quite ripe seeds or unripe beans are used for food. They contain 32 - 37% protein, 56 - 60% carbohydrates, about 2% fat, as well as ascorbic acid (vitamin C) and carotene (provitamin A). Soup is made from the seeds, they are boiled and stewed. As Ayurveda teaches, when cooking beans, you need to add a pinch of soda. It will lighten the beans and make the cooking process easier. Faux bean seed flour is sometimes added to wheat flour when baking bread. Bean protein is highly digestible. It contains many essential amino acids that are not synthesized in the human body: arginine, histidine, lysine, methionine, etc. However, it must be remembered that raw bean seeds often cause poisoning, so for nutrition they must be subjected to heat treatment, in which all toxic substances are destroyed.
The aerial parts of faba bean plants, especially the leaves and fruits, are rich in protein and are therefore valued as a nutritious food for domestic animals.

For this reason, it was necessary to import additional quantities of the product to meet domestic needs. Today it is almost a national link, representing 80% of the Brazilian market. The bean, which is so readily available in the market today, fresh or dry as it is, was imported from America and quickly laid on its ease of cultivation and convenience of harvest. Each variety is listed for a different recipe, and beans are without a doubt one of the most imaginative foods in the kitchen. It is so popular that it is part of popular culture on different levels: from fables with heroes of magical bean plants, to the film “Angels Eat Beans”; Not to mention old tradition using dried beans to cover burdock boxes, shared memory, characteristic of many Italian families.

Medicinal value of fava beans and methods of medicinal use

IN folk medicine A decoction of faba bean seeds is used for diarrhea as an astringent and anti-inflammatory agent. For the same purpose, a paste of boiled and pureed bean seeds is also used.
For external use, it is better to boil the seeds not in water, but in milk. Seeds boiled with milk are applied to abscesses to speed up their ripening. Heated seed flour is applied to boils, abscesses and inflamed areas of the skin. A poultice made from seed dough cures malignant ulcers and clears vitiligo skin.
Beans - indicated for diabetes.
For uterine fibroids, roast the seeds of fava beans, grind them and boil them, just like coffee is brewed. Drink a cup of coffee after meals.
ABOUT healing properties beans says Odo of Mena:
“Heat and cold, the bob has medium strength,
Partly astringent, and partly also an expelling force:
Gently therefore it dries out external moisture.
Boiled in water, it also relieves pain in the joints.
If goose lard or sheep lard
Combine it with it - it will help with gout in this way.
Treat with bean flour, boiled with vinegar
The veins are brought together, applying a poultice to them;
It is believed that the stomach will have difficulty digesting a bean,
Because it swells if it is not boiled in twice changed water.
If eaten green, it is especially harmful to the stomach.
It gives rise to dark dreams, but at first it drives away the cough.
It also adds moisture to bodies.
Also bean flour, applying poultices,
They treat swollen bruises, but with barley groats.
Because, they say, she won’t be able to do it alone.
If the whole bean is cooked strong together with vinegar,
It is useful for those with dysentery, as well as for weak stomachs;
It’s also good for the stomach when vomiting occurs.”

Bob is a Virgo plant, which is ruled by Mercury. Virgo plants are especially good for treating intestinal diseases.

Beans in the Kitchen Beans can be found in fresh, dried or canned fruit. Dry ones require a long period of aging before cooking, according to at least, twelve o'clock; As for the cooking time, it depends on the variety of beans and can last for several hours. It is necessary to know the variety of beans that are going to be cooked and what cooking times are expected, as beans should always be eaten perfectly cooked: they should never be eaten unless cooking is completed.