Scenarios about art for children. Event script for the video lecture "Art" "245 years since the beginning of the Hermitage collection." Group photo for memory

Municipal institution additional education children

Children's School of Music No. 22 Privolzhsky ROO


"Journey to the Land of Art"

Performed: teacher

Vinogorova Nadezhda Anatolyevna

Kazan 2015

Scenario “Journey to the Land of Art” »

Presenter : Hello, dear guys, dear parents! We are very glad to see you at our Children's Art School. Today we will tell you about the activities of our school. We hope that many of you will join the ranks of our students.

N eznayka : Hello, dear Fairy. I heard that there is a school where you can draw, and there are different instruments there, and you can learn to dance. Do you know anything about such a school?

Fairy : Hello, Dunno. Of course I know. There is a special school where children draw, dance and learn to play various instruments such as flute, guitar, piano, button accordion, violin and many other wonderful instruments.

Dunno : Kind fairy, can you make sure that I study there? I want to draw, dance, play the guitar, flute, piano and all the instruments!

Fairy : Dunno, to study at such a school, you need to choose the art that you want to do.

Dunno : But I don’t know what to choose, can you help me?

Fairy : Of course I'll help! Let the guys and I take a trip to the land of art and you will choose what interests you.

The fairy waved her magic wand.

Fairy : Guys, we found ourselves in amazing country, the country of Fine Arts! This type of art is perceived visually. This is painting, sculpture, graphics, photography. Painting is an art form created using paints applied to a flat surface. These are drawings. Guys, you all drew, and this type of fine art is very familiar to you. Students from the art school have prepared their works for you. (There is a display of children's works in painting, graphics and sculpture on a projection board).

Fairy : Now you and I will go to the country Choreographic art. The word choreography is translated as dance art. At all times, people loved to dance. Dance is very closely related to human health and beauty. Dancing develops a culture of movement and brings joy and pleasure to a person. Dance styles carry the culture of many centuries. In addition to the magnificent movement, the dance has a history, legends, outfits, everything that forms its aesthetics, which alone, separately from everything else, attracts people to it. (During the story, there is a show on the projection board dance groups in suits). The guys from the art school will perform a Russian folk dance for you.

Fairy : You and I are now going to another wonderful country, the country Musical art. Music is an art form with which we can convey our moods and feelings. Today we will get acquainted with musical instruments. They appeared a very long time ago. People made them from sea ​​shells, bones of animals, plants, and, many centuries later, they acquired modern look. And then they formed groups. Some instruments are called strings, others keyboards, winds and percussion.

The country of Spain is famous for its arenas where people have competed with bulls since ancient times. And many centuries ago, brave knights danced at royal receptions, composed and sang serenades. And the instrument on which they accompanied themselves is known to everyone. This is a guitar. (It turns out a student with a guitar comes onto the stage, the Fairy approaches him). Of all the instruments of modern times, the guitar is the oldest. It has been known since the 13th century. Look at her (showing with gestures). It has a flat body and is shaped like a figure eight. It has a neck and 6 strings, and that's why it's called string instrument. The strings are attached to pegs, and the sound is produced using the fingers. Loved the guitar different peoples and began to consider it their folk instrument. Let's listen to how this instrument sounds. (The number is performed on the guitar).

Now we will get acquainted with instruments that are called stringed instruments. Stringed - because they have strings. And with a bow - because the sound is produced with the help of fingers and a bow, which is made of a wooden cane and horsehair. (A student enters with a violin). The violin has been known since the 16th century. She's small. It has 4 strings and the sound is very high. The violins were made by Italian craftsmen. These were entire families. The most famous of them is the Stradivarius family. Stradivarius violins are highly prized. The secret of making some of them has not yet been discovered. They have survived to this day. Only best performers receive the right to play Stradivarius violins. The famous Italian violinist Nicollo Paganini played this instrument. Let's listen to how this instrument sounds.

(The number is performed on the violin).

200 years ago, the Italian master Bartolomeo Cristofori from the city of Florence made an instrument in which, using hammers located inside the body, both loud sounds - forte, and quiet sounds - piano were produced (shows on the instrument). That's why the instrument got its name - piano.

Let's listen to the piano performance.

(The number is performed on the piano).

Fairy : Now we will get acquainted with the Russian folk instrument domra. Domra appeared in Rus' in the 16th century. This instrument was played by buffoons - wandering actors and musicians at various fairs and festivities and folk holidays. They sang comic songs in which they ridiculed the greedy and evil people, unjust rulers and priests. For this, the buffoons were persecuted, and their instruments were destroyed, they were burned in front of everyone. But domra survived. And today they play it, just like 400 years ago.

(The ensemble of domrists comes out.)

Let's listen to how this instrument sounds.

(The number is being performed).

Another Russian folk instrument is the balalaika.

(A student comes out with a balalaika).

The balalaika appeared in Russia under Peter I, at the beginning of the 18th century. On it, just like on the domra, buffoons played at holidays and fairs. Together with the domra, the balalaika is part of the Russian folk instruments. The first such professional orchestra arose at the end of the 19th century and was called the Great Russian Orchestra. It was organized by composer and balalaika player Vasily Vasilyevich Andreev.

(The number is performed on a balalaika).

And one more instrument that we will get acquainted with today is the recorder.

(An ensemble of block flutists comes out.)

It is an instrument played by everyone, from children to professionals. The recorder is easy to learn, compact, mellifluous and very comfortable. You can meet her at the concert early music, since this popular instrument The Middle Ages, among beginning musicians - brass players.

(The number is being performed).

Fairy : Dunno, did you like our trip to the land of art?

Dunno : Yes, I really liked it! I realized what I want! I want to play the balalaika!

Fairy : I’m very happy for you, Dunno! We are waiting for you at our art school in the new academic year!

Fairy : Dear girls and boys, dear parents! We hope you enjoyed our trip too. We look forward to seeing you in the new academic year as students of our Children's Art School!

Scenario of the day open doors:

Day 1

For 1st – 6th grades

Heroes: Pinocchio

On the porch, near the entrance to the CDT (in bad weather, in the hall in front of the entrance)

Pinocchio: (cheerfully)

I am a cheerful Pinocchio, my nose is sharp, my nose is long!

Look at me - I'm made of logs!

(sad) I was in a big hurry, and then I stumbled...

I lost my key while my friends were running to you! (crying)

Leading: Who is it that is crying here? (Children: Pinocchio! or Pinocchio: Me!)

What's the occasion this time? (Children or Pinocchio: Lost my key)

Oh-oh-oh, what a tragedy, how can I now open the door and see the world of creativity, and surprise everyone with the guys?

Pinocchio: Oh guys... help, and you help me out, I know one task is not an easy test, my key is not simple, my key was golden. If you cope with the task, a very difficult test, the key will return by itself, only part of the gold.

Leading: And there are 3 of these particles, don’t miss a single one, help the guys yourself and complete the tasks! (leaves)

Pinocchio: To begin with, you guys, I suggest you dance. We watch, we repeat - we remember everything! (Competition: “Dance Teacher”, Pinocchio, accompanied by cheerful music, shows the children the movements that they must repeat)

Pinocchio: Well done boys! And here is the first piece of our golden key.

Leading: Don't stop, let's move on to the next task! Just listen carefully, answer in chorus and try not to get confused in the answers!

    IN New Year until you're full

He ate sweets and jam.

He lived on the roof, poor thing,

His name was...

(Cheburashka – Carlson)

    He plays a little bit

For passers-by on an accordion.

Everyone knows a musician!

His name - …

(Shapoklyak - Crocodile Gena)

    From the blue stream

The river begins.

This song was sung loudly

Three funny...

(Piglet - Little Raccoon)

    He was a rain cloud,

I went home with Piglet,

And, of course, he loved honey

(Gena Crocodile - Winnie the Pooh )

Leading: Well done boys! We coped with the task perfectly, and here is the second piece of our key.

Pinocchio: One last task left! Guys, now I will show the movements, and you repeat after me! Well, what shall we try?

Leading: We were waiting for the bus (looking into the distance)

They saw it and ran (run in place)

Jumped up, swayed (swing to the sides, one hand up, as if on a handrail)

Is there room by the window? (put hands to eyes)

Those who are tired can sit down (squat)

And haven’t you forgotten about the weak? (no shake head)

They quickly gave up their place (stand up)

We turned to our neighbors

And they smiled at each other. (Smile - smile)

Pinocchio: Great guys, let's try it quickly now.

(the game is repeated 2 more times)

Pinocchio: Well done guys, they worked hard!

The key has been collected and now we can open the door!

(go to the 1st floor hall, open the door, music plays)

Leading: This is the kingdom of creativity, play and dance.

Pinocchio: Guys, this is where masters of dancing, games, handicrafts, drawing and singing live. And they've been waiting for you... Do you want to meet them?

Children: YES!

Pinocchio: Well then, here’s a map for you to explore the mysterious routes of the world of creativity, and it’s time for me to run to school and learn the alphabet! But I think... no, no, I’m sure that we will definitely see you again! (runs away)

Leading: Well guys, let's go get acquainted? (KO Needlewoman)

Simple steel hook
And threads - once and twice! –
Needed to arise

All patterns are subject to
Hook or needle:
This is how they made their clothes
And before on earth.

So with a magic thread
I tied it up as best I could
All our generations
Regular needle.

Those connections will not be interrupted
And with that thread now
They will weave a pattern,
To please your eyes.

Leading: And we continue our exciting journey through magical world creativity: (Film about cheerleading and aerobics)

Leading: Next workshop – "Resonant Voice"

The ocean roars and cats purr,
Insects hum and fly across the sky,
Bells, cups and spoons are ringing,
And you can hear the singing of many floors.
And a mug, and a fly, a blade of grass and an ear of corn
They have, they have, they have their own voice.

Presenter: (Theater studio)

And again we look into each other's eyes.

And again, as before, we cannot lie.

Perhaps we have discovered the main secret:

After all, there is probably no greater joy.

Long live the scene.

(Film about CDT)

Open Day Scenario

“We open doors to the world of creativity”

Day 2

For 7 – 11 grades

Heroes: Presenter 1

Presenter 2

Presenter 1: Good afternoon Dear friends! We are glad to welcome you to our holiday.

Presenter 2: Today we will open the doors to the fascinating world of creativity, art and culture.

Presenter 1: We alone have a wonderful variety of activities and I'm sure there's something for everyone.

Presenter 2: Well then, let's not delay!

Presenter 1: Certainly! But just like in any fairy-tale kingdom, the doors to our creative world cannot just be opened.

Presenter 2: So what should we do?

Presenter 1: The most important thing is not to worry, I know how to do it! We have to complete 2 difficult tasks!

Presenter 2: I think the guys will easily cope with them! Really guys? (Children: YES!)

Presenter 1: Well then let's get started! So the first task:

Guys, you are offered 2 words: creativity and peace, you need to come up with a new word for each letter, but the most important thing is that they are directly related to culture and art.

Presenter 2: Well done boys! You did a great job! And here is the second: Every hour and every day a person receives a sea of ​​necessary and unnecessary information thanks to television, telephones, radio and print media. There may be a lot of new information, not very much, or very little. Such small, short news was called “One Line News.” Try to write a short one-line news story about some event that happened. In this case, you must use these 5 words in one sentence:

Newspaper, artist, photographer, news, circulation.

Decoration, ribbon, material, hands, creativity.

Stage, intermission, facial expressions, director, actor.

Presenter 1: Great guys, you completed this task too. And now we can open the doors of our creative world!

Presenter 2: And we will do it solemnly... (cut the red ribbon)

Presenter 1: Well, let's start getting acquainted with our circle associations and masters of their craft.

To be in the thick of life's events,
Don't miss out on big discoveries
And wield the pen masterfully,
And also in Russian,
Just be honest and truthful
A professional, Svetlana Viktorovna, will teach you to be fair in her assessments!

(circle association “Young Journalist”)

Presenter 2: A professional in her field, who will teach anyone embroidery with satin ribbons, paper plastic arts, decorating interior items, crafts from waste material, test plastics, quilling, textiles and much, much more, Oksana Vladimirovna!

(circle association “DPI – Lotos”)

Presenter 1: They run in an eternal circle again and again,

Without knowing peace, two clock hands.

The beginning of the concert, intermission and finale...

And again the whole hall is filled with excitement.

Guys, in the CDT there is also theatre studio , where you can learn not only skills acting, speech production techniques and plastic arts, and you will also be able to try yourself in the role of real directors.

Presenter 1: Well, in conclusion, I suggest you watch a film about all the circle associations of the CDT.

(Film about CDT)

Presenter 2: See you again!

In the system of professional training of teachers primary classes educational activities play an important role.

Video lecture “Art” has wide possibilities not only introduces students to the masterpieces of world artistic culture, but also lays down practical skills in conducting extracurricular activities At school. In an interesting and exciting form, students develop through the means of artistic culture and their awareness of the meaning artistic activity in the development and education of younger schoolchildren. Unfortunately, we cannot ignore the fact that our youth do not have a special craving for artistic culture and art. Because of this they spiritual world becomes scarce, and the void in it is filled with vulgarity and immorality. Problems of drug addiction, alcoholism, etc. arise. That is why a primary school teacher, more than anyone else, must realize the importance of the work begun in the family, kindergarten to develop the spirituality of children through introducing them to the world of artistic culture and art.

What is art, what is its role in the life of a person, a future teacher. It is with these questions that we begin the introduction to artistic culture.

The purpose of the event is educational. In a fascinating way, introduce the history of the creation of collections of one of greatest museums world - the Hermitage. In the process of achieving this goal, the following tasks are solved:


  1. To reveal the essence of art as a means of education and spiritual enrichment of the personality of future teachers.
  2. To systematize students’ knowledge of the history of the creation and significance of the Hermitage for world culture.


  • To develop interest in educational work in unity with the aesthetic needs of the individual.


  • develop practical skills in carrying out educational work, the ability to implement aesthetic education At school.

Preparation plan for the meeting video lecture “Art”

  1. Prepare a presentation.
  2. Prepare material on the history of the creation of the Hermitage.
  3. Select poetic material, quotes on art.
  4. Prepare an exhibition of literature on the history of the Hermitage.

Sunday morning. Autumn landscape.
And the sky is transparent and clean.
Today my friend and I are going to the Hermitage!
Leaves fall under our feet.
We have heard so much about this museum
from our acquaintances, family and friends!
And we even felt embarrassed that we had not been to the Hermitage.
And so we rush to the famous museum,
We rustle together with fallen leaves,
And so we pass under the arch,
And so we go out to the square.
And here in front of us is the Winter Palace!
Huge green figured casket!
O. Tarutin

The next meeting of the video lecture “Art” is dedicated to the 245th anniversary of the beginning of the collection of the Hermitage collection.

This academic year, the work of the video lecture is connected with the anniversaries of the greatest museums in the world: the London National Gallery turns 185 years old, the Prado National Museum of Painting and Sculpture in Spain celebrated its 190th anniversary since its creation, the oldest and largest theater museum in Russia. A.A. Bakhrushin in Moscow has crossed its 115-year mark, and, finally, 245 years since the start of collecting the Hermitage collection.

Art is one of the most amazing creations of humanity. It reflects reality as a kind of vital integrity. It also affects a person holistically, capturing both his mind and his heart at the same time. No other creation of his has such an ability to holistically reflect the world and holistically influence a person.

Here are quotes about art selected by students. Each student chose from a variety of quotes one that resonated with his thoughts about art.

  1. The direct purpose of art is to be a factor in the evolution of intelligence.
    (Pavel Filonov).
  2. Art is not a luxury. This is the great joy of life, its water, its colors, its aroma...
    (Alexander Benois).
  3. Art is not fun or entertainment, but a way of higher conversation with nature.”
    (Kuzma Petrov-Vodkin).
  4. Art has an amazing quality - to resurrect the past, to show tomorrow. But no matter how much art reveals the past and looks into the future, it belongs to its time.”
    (Alexander Daineka)
  5. This is the sign of real art, that it is always modern, urgent, and useful. Art has never abandoned man, it has always met his needs and his ideal, it has always helped him in finding this ideal, it was born with man, and developed alongside his historical life.”
    (F. Dostoevsky).
  6. Only art makes a person human.”
    (K. Korovin).
  7. Art shows a person why he lives. It reveals to him the meaning of existence, illuminates life goals, helps him understand his calling.”
    (Auguste Rodin)
  8. Beauty will save the world.”
    (F. Dostoevsky).
  9. Man by nature is an artist. Everywhere, one way or another, he strives to bring beauty into his life.”
    (M. Gorky).
  10. Art is one of the means of uniting people.
    (L. Tolstoy).

The verse by N. Zabolotsky “Ugly Girl” sounds.

Art reflects reality, and because... reality is complex and constantly evolving, then the art that reflects it is complex. The complexity is manifested in the fact that art exists in many forms: fiction, architecture, music, painting, sculpture, graphics, artistic photography, design.

Among this multitude, three can be distinguished ancient art, which, affecting vision, hearing and speech, educate human feelings. This art image(art), art of sound(music) and word art(literature). Without these main arts it is impossible to imagine a play, a film, or a pop concert. It is these three arts, mastering the world in figurative form, that have as their main task, according to Hegel, “to reveal the truth in sensual form.”

Let's try to understand the variety of types of art.

Depending on the method of depicting life, art is divided into spatial and temporal.

Temporary arts are perceived by ear and last in time. This is music and literature.

Spatial or plastic arts (they are also called visible, visual, fine) are perceived by sight and are located in real space, without changing or developing over time. They are objective in nature and are created through the processing of material material. Spatial or plastic arts are conventionally divided into visual (graphics, painting, sculpture) and tectonic (architecture, painting and design).

But besides the arts, spatial and temporal, there are arts that rely on the synthesis of arts (words, sound and image). They are called spatio-temporal, or mixed, or synthetic. These include: performing arts(theater, ballet, variety show, circus, cinema) and technical arts (photography, color music, TV, design).

Concepts are important in art “artist”, “creativity”, “works of art”.

Role artist in art is huge. The word “artist” has two meanings. In a narrower sense, this refers to a master working in the field of plastic arts. We imagine a person who creates a picture with paints and brushes.

IN in a broad sense the artist is creative person, a master of his craft, an artist. This is a person (be it a writer, poet, musician, dancer, architect, director) who creates art.

Works of art are created in workshops, and they live in museums. What kinds of museums are there?

Museums are different: art, literary, musical, historical, polytechnic... But we will get acquainted with art museums, i.e. with museums where works of fine art, decorative arts and architecture are stored, exhibited, studied and restored.

There are many art museums in our country and abroad. We have several museums in our city: the National Museum, the Museum of the East, literary museum. In any museum composition exhibits – the objects on display are systematized according to chronology and national schools. This thematic selection and systematization of exhibits is called exposition . Museums also host vernissages – grand opening of the exhibition with specially invited persons. Often museums organize temporary exhibitions and exchange collections - collections of works.

(Presentation demonstration in progress).

The collections of art museums are also different. Some museums have collected the art of its people , or national art past and present . For example, these are collections Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow And Russian Museum in St. Petersburg . Other museums house art different countries peace, i.e. foreign art . This Hermitage in St. Petersburg And Museum fine arts them. A.S. Pushkin in Moscow.

(Presentation demonstration in progress).

Museums vary not only in composition, but also in the size of their collections. Some are located in small halls, others occupy several palaces. But every art museum preserves the memory of many centuries and peoples; it reflects artistic tastes time and history of human society. By accumulating the wisdom of beauty, the museum gives us the opportunity through acquaintance with original works of art connect the past with the present and predict the future, educate historical memory and develop a sense of beauty.

The museum is a kind of "Time Machine" . After all, when we enter the temple of the muses and get acquainted with the works of all times and peoples, we travel not only in space, but also in time.

How and when did museums emerge? The word “museum” comes from the Greek word museion. That's what they called sacred grove, visited by nine ancient Greek muses - patron goddesses of the arts and science. A museum is a temple of muses.

In ancient times, works of art were found in temples, public buildings and palaces of rulers.

In the Middle Ages - in churches and monasteries. The first collections with systematic collecting works of art appeared in the 15th century during the Renaissance (for example, the collection of Florentine bankers and Medici art patrons). Often, for better preservation, collections were placed in glassed loggias - galleries.

So, in the 16th century in Italy, and later in the countries Western Europe arose art galleries – special rooms for storing paintings. But these were private collections.

First state museum(i.e. a museum taken under the guardianship and protection of the state) became British museum in London. In 1791, the Royal Art Collection in Louvre became available to the general public. Later, in European cities (Madrid, Budapest, Prague, Munich, Stockholm) national museums and galleries.

In Rus', the richest collections of works of art were kept in churches, cathedrals and monasteries. Since the 17th century, private collections have appeared that belonged to kings and boyars.

The first Russian public museum was Kunstkamera (from the German word kunsthammetr) in St. Petersburg, created by Peter I in 1714. In addition to works of art, natural wonders collected by Peter were presented here. These were zoological collections, herbariums, minerals (295 years since its foundation).

The richest collections of works of art were collected in the royal palaces (Winter Palace, Peterhof, Tsarskoe Selo, Pavlovsk) and in the estates and palaces of noble nobles (the Stroganovs, Shuvalovs, Yusupovs, Sheremetyevs, Golitsyns).

Since the 19th century in Russia, the favorite location of museum halls has been enfilade (from French word enfiler - to string on a thread). A suite of halls successively replacing each other, the doorways of which are located on the same axis, creating a through perspective in the interior of a mansion or palace.

(Presentation demonstration in progress).

So, our acquaintance with one of the largest and most visited museums in the world, the Hermitage, begins. State Hermitage Museum is a museum of world culture and stores about 3 million. monuments different eras, civilizations, peoples. The Hermitage has 6 departments: primitive culture, culture of art of antiquity, culture of art of the peoples of the East, Russian culture, Western European art and numismatics. The Hermitage occupies 5 palace buildings, forming a magnificent architectural ensemble of the Neva Palace Embankment. The Hermitage exhibits occupy 400 halls . The Hermitage collection can be compared to an iceberg, the top of which is the exhibition halls, but the more powerful one. The underwater part of the iceberg is its storerooms, where visitors are not allowed and where the richest collections of paintings, sculptures, and numismatics are stored. The beginning of the formation of the museum's funds dates back to XVIII century, when the Russian Empress Elizaveta Petrovna ordered the construction of the Winter Palace. Grandiose two-hundred-meter buildings in the Baroque style (Elizabethan Baroque) with snow-white columns were erected by the architect Rastrelli in just 8 years (1754–1762). In 1762, Catherine II allocated several rooms of the Winter Palace for her own “Hermitage” - a retreat in 1764. (This date is considered to be the time of the foundation of the Hermitage). The Empress purchased 225 paintings Western European masters. Among them are Frans Hals, Giorgione. Catherine II's great passion was glyptics - the art of carving precious and semiprecious stones- and books. The library she founded has 38,000 volumes.

(Presentation demonstration in progress).

The imperial collection grew very quickly and soon a building was built for the collection. special buildingSmall Hermitage or “Lomotov Pavilion” - by name architect J-B. Wallen-Dalamota (1764–1767). With the further growth of the collection, the Small Hermitage was joined by Old Hermitage (second Hermitage) architect Yu.M. Felten (1771–1787). Each of the three buildings embodied the styles of the 18th century. – baroque (Winter Palace), classicism (Small Hermitage) and empire style (Old Hermitage). The ensemble of 3 palace buildings located along the banks of the Neva was completed theater building (architect Quarenghi ) (1783–1787). Repeating the architecture of the Pope's apartments in the Vatican, Quarenghi also erected a building Loggia Raphael . Here were placed copies of Raphael's frescoes, made by Russian masters using the technique oil painting on canvas.

The last (fifth) building was built already in the 19th century according to the design of a Bavarian architect Leo Klenze . This new Hermitage (1839–1852). In 1852, the “Imperial Museum” opened there for public viewing. The entrance to the new Hermitage was decorated with ten statues of Atlanteans holding the roof of the portico on their shoulders. These wonderful statues made of monolithic granite were made by Russian sculptor Ivan Terebnev .

The Imperial Museum occupied only the premises of the New Hermitage. The modern exhibition is located in the halls Small, Old and New Hermitage, and Winter Palace , components together with Hermitage Theater a single complex of museum buildings.

(Accompanied by a demonstration of the presentation).

Society concentrates the wisdom of beauty in museums, because it connects the living and those long gone, who left in their works their reflections on life, their understanding of the most important thing in life, their understanding of beauty. A shared memory is formed. General thoughts, overall beauty. Without art there is no memory, and without memory there is no man, which means there is no people. That is why the state, society, individuals or their communities collect works of art, transferring them to an art museum for eternal life.

Questions and tasks

  1. What museums do you know?
  2. Explain the origin of the word “museum”.
  3. Where were works of art kept in ancient times and in the Middle Ages?
  4. What is the difference between a museum and a gallery?
  5. What domestic art museums You know?
  6. What major foreign art museums can you name?
  7. Tell me, which museums have you been to?
  8. What does the word “Hermitage” mean in French?
  9. Who designed the Winter Palace building?
  10. Name the first Russian public museum.
  11. What was the name of the favorite type of arrangement of museum halls in Russia?
  12. Test yourself, do you know the meaning of new words: “exhibits”, “exposition”, “vernissage”, “collection”, “enfilade”?


  1. Vachyants A.M. Introduction to world artistic culture. Variations of beauty / A.M. Vachyants. – M.: Iris-Press, 2004. – 224 p.
  2. Vesnin S. Hermitage Museum. A walk through the halls and galleries / S. Vesnin, S. Kudryavtseva, T. Pashkova - St. Petersburg, Publishing House P-2, 2006. - 143 p.
  3. Suslov V.A. and etc. The State Hermitage and the history of its collections / V.A. Suslov, M.B. Shchukin, E.N. Khoza, I.V. Linnik. – M.: Soviet Artist, 1991. – 371 p.
  4. Schwartz V. Leningrad. Artistic monuments / V. Schwartz. – Leningrad, Art, 1966. – 398 p.

Scenario for the fine arts festival “In the Land of Imagination.” Presenter: Hello guys! I am an artist and today I invite you to a celebration of fine art. We are celebrating the summer holiday! Sun Festival! Festival of Lights! Sun, sun, warm up, the holiday will be more fun! So we took the paints in our hands and there was no boredom in the house. To make it more fun, don’t skimp on bright colors (multi-colored pieces of paper are thrown into the air, like fireworks). The song “Children love to draw” plays. Guys, is this true? Well, what’s there to hide, children love, they really love to draw. Today we will go on a journey to the magical and colorful country of Izizilia. *A drawing with multi-colored gates , which open up, and there is an image of the main characters, Queen Brush and her assistant Pencil. What a miracle of beauty? Painted gates appeared on the way, You can’t drive through them, you can’t enter them! Someone built multi-colored gates in the meadow. The master tried, he took paints for the gates. But in order to open the gate, you need to solve riddles related to fine art. Listen carefully and guess. - The colorful sisters are bored without water. 1 Uncle is long and thin. He carries water with his beard. And the sisters together with him will draw the house and the smoke. (Brush and paints) - If you give her a job, the pencil was in vain. (Eraser) - Black Willow Wooden shirt. Wherever he holds his nose, he puts a note there. (Pencil) - Without fear, She dips her braid in paints, Then she drags the colored braid through the pages in the album. (Brush) - The white pebble has melted. He left marks on the board. (Chalk) - Multi-colored children are huddled in a narrow house. Just let it out into the wild Where there was emptiness, Look, there is beauty! (Colored pencils) All the riddles have been solved. Oh, what great fellows! One-two, one-two, open the gates! Welcome to the Rainbow Land of Images! Who meets us at the Iziziliya gate? Yes, these are our old friends Queen Brush and her assistant Pencil. The presenter's assistants come out, dressed in brush and pencil costumes. Brush: - Hello guys, I’m very glad to see you! I was in such a hurry, in a hurry, I dressed up for the holiday. Pencil: - I am the queen’s assistant and I follow her. As soon as she asks, I’ll draw her any picture. 2 Brush: - To get to my country you must answer the question: What three colors are the main ones, select them from my magic palette and attach them to the stand. One person from the team finds one color (red, yellow, blue). The presenter places colors on the stand. Well done, you did it! Today, traveling around our country, you will help us and carry out our tasks. - Presenter: Three colors, three colors, three colors. Guys, isn't this enough? Where can we get green and orange? What if we mix paints in pairs? Brush: From blue and red (this one here) we get the color (purple). Pencil: And we will mix blue and yellow - What color do we get? (green) - Presenter: And red plus yellow, It’s no secret to everyone, They’ll give it to us, of course (orange color). (The required colors are placed on the stand.) Pencil: There were primary paints, and now composite ones. Presenter: 1. Now we are going to the museum. What happened in our museum? All the paintings were removed for restoration and mixed up. We need to help the Museum Keeper and sort the paintings by genre. Let's remember what genres paintings are divided into depending on what is drawn on them. Brush: If you see in the picture a Cup of coffee on the table, Or fruit drink in a large decanter, Or a rose in crystal, Or a bronze vase, or a pear, or a cake, Or all the objects at once - That means it’s a STILL LIFE. Pencil: 3 If you see someone looking at you from a painting - Or a prince in an old cloak, Or maybe a steeplejack, A pilot or a ballerina, Or Kolka, your neighbor, The painting is definitely called a PORTRAIT. Presenter: If you see a river painted in the picture, Or a spruce and white frost, or a garden and clouds, Or a snowy plain, or a field and a hut, The picture must be called LANDSCAPE. And so, you must help sort out the paintings by genre, separately landscapes, still lifes and portraits (each team sorts out their own paintings). The pictures are fine! Well done! Presenter: 2.-Guys, who is a restoration artist? He correctly restores paintings if they are damaged. Why is our Pencil sitting there so sad? What's happened? Tell me, maybe we can help you? Pencil: I drew portraits of fairy-tale characters for Brush, but someone ruined them. What is it, oh, oh, oh, where is it? fairy tale hero? All the paintings were damaged and split into pieces. Presenter: Don’t be upset, pencil, the guys will help you. Now we will all be restoration artists and restore your portraits of fairy-tale characters. Children in their team collect puzzles with the image of a fairy-tale hero, who will complete the task faster. 3. Presenter: Well, now the creative competition. Here in front of you are three sheets of paper, like three large canvases, let’s all start playing together and drawing pictures. The rules of drawing are explained. First, each team draws a puzzle (one element) on its sheet, then, developing their imagination, children from the other team complete the picture by adding 4 elements one at a time. When the paintings are completed, you need to come up with a name and justify your drawing in an original way. (For each competition, the winning team receives a red circle, the second - green, the rest - yellow. In the creative competition, everyone is given red circles). 4. Competition “Blotography” Blots sometimes upset us when they appear in our drawings, but there are unusual, picturesque and fantastic blots. Like clouds in the sky, when we look at them they often seem to resemble a bird, a ship, a dragon. And now Pencil and Brush will give you beautiful blots, and you, using a marker, will finish drawing what you think the blot looks like, tracing the outline with a marker. 5. Presenter: Who built the rainbow in the sky above the earth? Seven flowers, seven bridges bent into an arc? (children answer rain and sun) There is sun in the sky, there are clouds in the sky, and they have different colors, cold and burning. And the colors on the rainbow unanimously decided to divide their color in half. Warm like the sun, cold like a cloud, How to figure out which one is better? Which colors are warm and which are cool? Now divide the multi-colored pieces into cold and warm (children are given multi-colored squares). Our holiday continues and we will go for a walk. To do this, you need to make a bridge - a rainbow, so that you can cross it to the street. Tell Brush and Pencil how the colors of the rainbow are arranged, in what order? Multi-colored circles are laid out on the floor in the required sequence and along them, like on a bridge, children go out into the street. 6. Presenter: Our last competition is for everyone. This is a drawing competition on asphalt on the topic “ Wonderland"(magic flowers, trees, birds, etc.) We draw everything that you could see in this country. Each child takes his own area and draws. The competition can be assessed as teamwork the whole team or as individual work of everyone. The jury, headed by Brush and Pencil, sums up the results of the competition. Results: 5 Our journey has come to an end, now we will see which team has collected the most red circles, which has green and which has yellow. The results of the drawing on the asphalt are also added here (for the team of the winning team or if the work was evaluated separately for the team from which the winner is). Certificates are awarded. Let's shout loudly. Let's shout together. FRIENDSHIP ALWAYS WINS!!! We thank everyone for their participation and activity in our journey through the Imagery. Let's say goodbye to our friends Queen Brush and Pencil. See you in art class. The song “Children love to draw” is playing. . 6

Calm music sounds.

Presenter 1:

Hello guys. We have gathered here for a holiday dedicated to MUSIC.

Music surrounds us everywhere. She has incredible magnetism and energy.

Presenter 2:

“Music not only gives us pleasure. She teaches a lot. She, like a book, makes us better, smarter, kinder,” said the famous children's composer Dmitry Borisovich Kabalevsky.

Presenter 1:

The wind sings barely audibly,

Linden sighs by the garden -

Sensitive music lives everywhere -

In the rustle of grass, in the noise of oak forests,

You just need to listen.

The stream flows loudly,

Thunder falls from the sky -

This melody is forever its own

The world is filled with nature!

The willow sheds its quiet tears at the ford...

The nightingales only welcome the night

The sound of branches, the song of rain

The world is filled with nature.

Birds meet the sunrise

The swallow is glad to see the sun!

Sensitive music lives everywhere,

You just need to listen.

Presenter 2:

Today we will not only hear music, but also show our knowledge, skills and talents. And the musical relay race will help us with this.

Presenter 1:

Let's divide into teams. The winning team will receive a musical token - a note.

Presenter 2:

We will give you ditties, and your task is to perform the verse amicably and in character! 2 minutes to prepare.

(Hand out ditties)


Oh, you Russian ditty,

The people love and honor you!

Despite all the centuries

Time is running out on you!

Eh, dear little ditty,

How can we not love you?!

Without a perky joke song

Life is very boring!

“Where there is a joke, there is fun,” -

People figured it out a long time ago.

And that's why he's on holiday

Having fun and singing!

Oh and nice ditties

Our people sing,

So much humor and enthusiasm!

Where does he get them?!

Sparkling ditties

For fun and soul -

Don't just stand still,

Sing along and dance with us!

At the end, the presenters also perform a ditty verse.

Presenter 1:

Presenter 2:

And now a little history...

Presenter 1:

“The history of the appearance of the piano”:

Who knows that the first keyboard-string musical instrument was called the “English chessboard”. This distant ancestor, like chess, was born in the East, and at the beginning of our millennium it was brought to Europe. The keys were not oblong, but square black and white. A modern piano has many strings. The thinner the string, the higher the sound. The thicker it is, the lower the sound. The first instrument had one string, which was crocheted to produce sound. Then the clavichord (with a quieter sound) and the harpsichord (its sonorous counterpart) appeared - with several strings. On the harpsichord, all sounds were of the same strength (it was impossible to play louder or quieter). The Italian master Bartolomeo Cristofori created an instrument in which the strings were struck by hammers covered with leather. The strength of the sound depended on the force of the blow. This instrument was called the piano - “loud, quiet.” Among musical instruments He has no equal in his ability to sound so diverse. It is simultaneously powerful and melodiously tender.

Presenter 2:

“Bird - Music” Plyatskovsky.

You put your hands on the keys, -

Magic happens suddenly

And pure sounds are born,

Silver scattering around.

There are exactly seven colors in the rainbow,

And music has seven notes.

On earth for our joy

Music lives forever!

The music bird flaps its wings,

He’s not waving to anyone, but to me...

Like the suns of red daisies,

They bloom on every window.

Rain and snow will fall from the branches,

There will be people again and again

From pianos, as if from cages,

Release the music bird into the world.

Presenter 1:

(The piano piece “Feeling” plays)

The next competition is called " Musical term squared." Whoever solves it first raises his hand and comes forward(tasks follow).

Presenter 2:

And now the teams get puzzles - they are also musical(p. 102) Well done!

Presenter 1:

And now music quiz! We raise our hand and answer. For each correct answer, the team receives a token.

1. What can be classified as folklore? (vocalise, concert, ditty)

2. What was it called in medieval Rus' traveling musician, singer, dancer and actor? (juggler, buffoon, comedian)

3. What is the name of the first one? public speaking on theater stage or the concert stage? (debut, creative evening, benefit performance)

4. What Russian. The composer created many operas based on fairy tales? (Rimsky-Korsakov, Prokofiev, Dargomyzhsky)

5. What is the name of the music? a piece usually performed in evening hours in front of your beloved's house in Spain and Italy? (serenade)

6. Name the Russian. adv. a dance of a fast, playful character with a clear rhythmic pattern, accompanied by stamping? (lady, gypsy, trepak)

7. What do you call a group of several performers? (ensemble)

8. Who can be called a performer? (musician, singer, instrumentalist) - all three answers

Scoring for the competition.

Presenter 2:

Today we learned so many interesting things about music and ourselves. Let's summarize the results of the relay race.

Presenter 1:

We want to tell you a wish in Russian words. composer D.D. Shostakovich:

“Love and study the great art of music. It will open up a whole world of high feelings for you. It will make you spiritually richer, purer, more perfect. Thanks to music, you will find new strengths in yourself that were previously unknown to you. You will see life in new tones and colors.”

Presenter 2:

We want to end our celebration of Music with a song. Sing along with us!

(The song “Closing the Circle” plays).