Diseases that Russian and foreign stars were able to overcome. Marie Fredriksson, lead singer of the group Roxette, leaves the stage Marie Fredriksson personal life

Marie Fredriksson and Pera Gessle. In 2009, the group Roxette performed in Jurmala at the New Wave. Marie Fredriksson (b. 30 May 1958, Åstra Lyngbaai, Sweden) began her musical career back in 1978, when she sang and played piano in the group Strul.

The 57-year-old lead singer of the popular Swedish group Roxette Gun-Marie Fredriksson is leaving the stage forever due to a brain tumor and the band will never perform with the same lineup. Gun-Marie Fredriksson was born on May 30, 1958 in Essjö, Sweden.

Marie was born in Össjö and was the youngest of 5 children in the family. Marie's parents were poor and worked constantly, often leaving youngest daughter alone. Lasse, Marie, Per Gessle and Mats MP Persson organized new group and called it "Spännande Ostar" (Exhilarating Cheeses), which played in various clubs for several months.

Revelations by Marie Fredriksson. Biography book in German...

For years Per and Marie had been talking about starting to work together. However, Marie did not want to lose fans of her solo work. In February 1989, Marie recorded the song "Sparvöga" for a Swedish television series. During the years of active work with Per Gessle as part of Roxette, Marie found time both for her personal life and for working on solo albums.

During the world tour "Join the Joyride Tour" in Australia, Marie became friends with a friend of the band's musicians, Mikael Boiosch. The single “2:nd Chance” debuted in the Swedish charts at number one, and a year after its release, on November 26, 2004, according to IFPI, the album went gold (20,000 copies sold in Sweden). In February 2006, Marie returned with a new album “Min bäste vän” (My best friend), on which she recorded cover versions of her favorite childhood songs.

On November 28, 2007, a compilation album of Marie’s best ballads “Tid för tystnad” (Time of Silence) was released. On February 8, 2008, the second exhibition of Marie’s works entitled “Ett bord i solen” opened at the Stockholm gallery “So Stockholm”. The rock band Roxette became famous in the late nineties of the last century.

– The group performs for the third time on the main stage of the “Invasion” festival

Collections were published in 1995 and 2000 greatest hits bands that were very popular in America. According to the group's producer, the 57-year-old star is leaving the stage, and Roxette will no longer perform with the same lineup. However, Fredriksson will be able to record compositions in his home studio. Swedish singer, composer, songwriter, pianist, best known as the lead singer of the pop rock group Roxette (along with Per Gessle).

Will there be a street named after Marie Fredriksson?

Six months after the operation, while still in the process of rehabilitation, she took part in the recording of Per Gessle’s solo album “Mazarin” (2003). On October 21, 2005, it was officially announced that Marie had recovered and was no longer undergoing treatment.

Per and Marie meet by chance at a rehearsal. The album was also released in Canada and several other countries. 1988: Roxette releases her second album, Look Sharp! and again goes on tour in Sweden.

Marie Fredriksson: I lost several years

More than 250,000 Swedes saw the group. The Swedish pop-rock duo "Roxette" was formed in 1984 from the wreckage of the group "Gyllene Tider". Marie Fredriksson assisted Peru in recording it, and this was the beginning of a long collaboration. In 1992, a collection of concert recordings “Tourism” was released, and Marie recorded another solo album. In 1993, Roxette became the first non-English speaking group to be invited to play on MTV unplugged.

The lead singer of the famous Swedish duo Roxette, Marie Fredriksson, who gained fame after performing the songs “The Look” and “Joyride,” was hospitalized the day before. Now, in order to prescribe optimal treatment, doctors recommended that Marie Fredriksson undergo a large number of tests. Today a charter landed at Kazan airport with musicians on board legendary group"Roxette"

The guests asked the organizers to protect them from the paparazzi, but when they saw the journalists crowding behind the fence, Marie Fredriksson still came closer and smiled welcomingly. Hello,” said Marie. Despite the 25-degree frost, the soloist came out without a hat and gloves. The group also has a cultural program planned in our city. According to the organizers, it will depend on the well-being of Marie Fredriksson.

Marie plays the piano, Per prefers the guitar. Per and Marie don't always perform live. 4 are in Swedish, and Marie has 6 in Swedish and one in English. The publication is called Baby Roxers “The Lullaby Hits (vol. 1)” and contains twelve tunes famous group in processing for lullabies. The Social Democratic Party in Marie Fredriksson's home town of Östra-Jungby is proposing to name one of the streets after its only world-famous celebrity.

– The group wrote a song for the soundtrack of the film “Real Fairy Tale”

We are not talking about Marie Fredriksson at all. Expressen done short review Marie Fredriksson's autobiography, published on October 7. In her autobiography, entitled Love of Life, Marie Fredriksson talks about suffering from the effects of radiation exposure.

– Participation in the rock festival “Art Platform” (Magnitogorsk)

This year the Roxette group decided to stop their concert activities. Roxette's Per Gessle sees a bright future and makes no secret of his desire to continue working, while at the same time he encourages his bandmate Marie Fredriksson.

Later her family moved to the small town of Östra Ljungby. During this time, she discovered her passion for performing, she loved to stand in front of the mirror and imagine herself as a star. As a teenager, Marie discovered such artists as Joni Mitchell, The Beatles And Deep Purple- then her interest in music increased even more.

Marie firmly decided that she would become a singer - “I want to be a singer. Participation in theatrical productions helped her, and soon she moved to Halmstad, where she began performing on the city stage. With the support of her sisters and Per, Marie decided to sign the proposed contract and begin working as a backing vocalist. The singer was depressed, saying that the article in this newspaper was like “a knife in the heart” for her.

That same year, Marie and Lasse went to the Canary Islands to write songs for Marie's second solo album. They soon returned to Sweden to perform and record their compositions. His idea was to start a duet, sing in English and try to achieve success in Europe. New project was very successful in Sweden. This composition, the show's theme song, became one of her favorites and one of her most recognizable songs. From that time on, Marie became one of the most popular singers in Sweden.

On September 11, 2002, Marie returned home from a morning run and, while in the bathroom, felt unwell. She fainted and hit her head on the sink. Around the same time, work began on Marie’s solo album, the songs in which she decided to perform and record for the first time on English language. The disc was called “The Change”.

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In September 2002, Marie returned home from her morning run and felt sick in the bathroom. She lost consciousness, fell, and hit her head hard on the sink. The singer was taken to the hospital, where doctors did a tomography and made a terrible diagnosis - a brain tumor. This sudden illness called into question not only the continued existence of Roxette, but also Marie’s very life. All planned concerts were canceled, and only Gessle participated in the recording of the new album.

The most complex operation was successful, and within several next years Fredriksson was undergoing chemotherapy. The most difficult rehabilitation lasted for almost three years - daily classes, procedures and visits to doctors. All this time, doctors gave disappointing forecasts. The chances that the star would be able to overcome the disease were very small...

Drawing helped the singer overcome a serious illness. Marie’s loved ones said that during treatment she returned to her old hobby. In 2005, the artist painted a series of charcoal drawings, which she presented at a personal exhibition in Stockholm. And all the works were sold out instantly! And soon the doctors reported the good news: the disease had subsided, Marie was no longer in need of supportive therapy. But for a long time, the recovered star was afraid to go on stage.

The Roxette reunion took place in May 2009, when the singer unexpectedly appeared at the group's concert as an invited guest. Per Gessle and Marie Fredriksson resumed touring and, to the delight of fans, even began recording a new album, “Good Karma”.

However, in April 2016, sad news became known, which plunged the fans of the group into real shock. Marie admitted that doctors recommended that she stop performing because of deteriorating health, and the singer followed their advice. And soon on official page Roxette posted messages from Marie Fredriksson and Per Gessl on the Internet, in which they thanked their fans for the amazing 30 years they spent together.

Marie Fredriksson (full name: Gun-Marie Fredriksson) genus. May 30, 1958, Essjö, Sweden) is a Swedish singer, composer, songwriter, pianist, best known as the lead singer of the pop rock duo Roxette (along with Pen Gessle). She took part in the recording of solo albums by Per Gessle and the Swedish group Gillene Tider. Currently lives in Djursholm, a suburb of Stockholm. Married to Michael Boyosh(Mikael Bolyos), daughter Yousefin, son Oscar. As a teenager, Marie discovered such artists as Joni Mitchell, The Beatles and Deep Purple - then her interest in music increased even more. At the age of 17 she entered College of Music and performed there at the local theater. However, she soon became tired of acting. Marie firmly decided that she would become a singer - “I want to be a singer. I am a singer!".

For years Per and Marie had been talking about starting to work together. Marie sang backing vocals on many of Per Gyllene Tider's songs, and they worked together on Spännande Ostar and on other projects, including Gyllene Tider's attempt to release an English-language album in the United States. Fredriksson's career was taking off in Sweden, while Per, a former boy band singer, Solo career I was just rolling down the mountain. Friends and colleagues warned her against working with Gessle. His idea was to start a duet, sing in English and try to achieve success in Europe. At that time, it was not customary for Swedish musicians to sing in English, and this idea could have turned out to be a failure for Marie’s successful career, but she took a risk that later paid off in full.

In 1986, she teamed up with Per in a duet called Roxette- this is the name Gyllene Tider used when releasing the album “The Heartland Cafe” in the USA. Their first single "Neverending Love" became popular in Sweden, and Roxette's debut album " Pearls of Passion"breathed life into Gessle's fading career and further established Marie as a serious performer.

In 1989, Roxette returned to the studio and recorded their second album, " Look sharp!", with which the duo re-entered the local charts. However, in the same year the group unexpectedly had a hit No. 1 in the USA - “ The Look" Almost overnight, Fredriksson and Gessle became global celebrities, touring the planet, selling millions of albums and receiving various awards. Album “Look Sharp!” became very popular, two singles from it reached number one on the American charts. In 1990, the film company Touchstone pictures" invited Peru to write a song for the upcoming film " Gorgeous" The musicians at that time were very busy working on the next album, and Per just remade the words of one of his Christmas songs and called it “ It Must Have Been Love" The song was featured in the film, became No. 1 in the USA and is still one of the most famous songs Roxette. During the world tour "Join the Joyride Tour" in Australia, Marie became friends with a friend of the band's musicians, Michael Boyosh. Three days after they met, they got engaged, and a year later Fredriksson was pregnant. Being pregnant, she gave several concerts in Sweden in support of the album “ Den standiga Resan", and also performed with Roxette at MTV Unplugged. On April 29, 1993, her daughter Ines Youcefin was born. In 1996, Marie recorded an album of the best ballads in Spanish with Roxette and her new solo album “ I en tid som vår"(In times like ours). In the same year, her second child, son Oscar Mikael, was born.

Illness and rehabilitation

On September 11, 2002, Marie returned home from a morning run and, while in the bathroom, felt unwell. She fainted and hit her head on the sink. A few hours later she was taken to Stockholm's Karolinska Hospital, where the singer was diagnosed with a brain tumor. The operation to remove it a few weeks later was successful. For several years, Marie was in rehabilitation. During treatment (doctors gave a 1:2 bet that the tumor could be fatal), she suffered certain brain damage and associated limitations, such as loss of the ability to read and count, complete loss of vision in the right eye and partial loss of motor activity in the right eye. sides of the body. Due to illness, the singer was unable to take part in the recording of the planned Roxette album " The Pop Hits" Her colleague Per Gessle himself performed all the songs (of those written specifically for this collection), but Marie still found the strength to perform the backing vocals in the only single “ Opportunity Nox" All planned concerts from the series were also cancelled. The Night of the Proms, which were supposed to take place in Belgium and the Netherlands in early 2003. At the end of January 2003, the King of Sweden Carl XVI Gustaf awarded Marie (and Per Gessle) Royal Medal on Blue Ribbon. At this ceremony, Marie made her first public appearance after the operation.


In February 2006, Marie returned with a new album “ Min bäste vän(My Best Friend), on which she recorded cover versions of her favorite childhood songs. Only two singles saw the light: “ Sommaräng" (by Jon Holm) and " Ingen kommer undan politiken"(promotional single only). In May 2009, Marie took part in two concerts by Per Gessle Party Crasher tour 2009, announcing his return to the stage and continued collaboration with Per as part of a duo that never officially broke up Roxette.

It's time for Roxette fans Hard times. On official page The group posted a message on Facebook that the group’s world concert tour was cancelled. The tour was supposed to be an anniversary, because this year marks 30 years since the star Roxette ascended to the sky. Fans around the world were looking forward to this event and prepared numerous surprises, as well as flash mobs for their favorites. However, life decreed differently.

The results of a recent examination of the group's lead singer Marie Fredriksson showed that the star is contraindicated for further touring activities. The singer, who underwent surgery to remove a brain tumor in 2002, has carefully monitored her health all these years. Marie underwent radiation and chemotherapy courses to consolidate the positive result. However, in Lately the consequences of surgical intervention made themselves felt. According to the performer, she began to have memory problems, and it became difficult to walk.

“It's been an amazing 30 years! I feel nothing but joy and happiness when I remember previous tours. “All these concerts will forever remain a part of my life,” Fredriksson addressed her fans on Facebook. “Unfortunately, the tour is over for me, and I want to take this opportunity to thank our amazing fans who have walked this long and thorny path with us.”

It is noteworthy that Marie is not going to stop altogether creative activity. Soloist Roxette will continue to take part in the recording of new songs by the group. Fredriksson added that she is looking forward to the band’s anniversary album, “Good Karma,” which will be released in June. "I think this is ours best album", she stated. It is still unknown how Roxette’s concerts will now take place, whether the band members will find a replacement for the soloist or will perform with an incomplete lineup. Now all their prayers are aimed at getting Marie back to health.

Russian fans of the group are also incredibly saddened by the news of the cancellation of the tour. Roxette was supposed to arrive in our country in September. The members of the team carefully keep a gift from Russian fans - a set of nesting dolls with images of their faces.

Oncological diseases are the scourge of the 21st century. The terrible word “cancer,” which few people associate with a sea creature, is increasingly acquiring a common meaning.
Despite the fact that celebrities are much more likely to receive expensive treatment for this terrible disease, they, like each of us, are at risk of getting cancer. Today we want to tell you about celebrities who have encountered this and some others terrible diseases, but fortunately they were able to cope with it.

Darya Dontsova

Writer, 65 years old
Daria Dontsova learned about the disease in 1998. After the first examination, she was told: “Oncology, stage four. You have two months left to live."
Dontsova left the hospital and burst into tears. Most of all, she was worried about who she would leave her husband and children with. In desperation, the writer decided to find a worthy replacement. The choice fell on my friend Ksenia, an operating surgeon. The woman did not argue with Dontsova, she promised to be a good wife to her husband and a mother to her children, but insisted on undergoing an examination in another hospital. There the doctor gave a different verdict: “We will be treated.”
Husband Alexander visited Dontsova in intensive care. One day he brought her paper and pen with the words: “You wanted to write books.” So she created her first best-selling detective novel.
Daria Dontsova underwent 18 courses of chemotherapy and several operations to defeat the disease. Having been cured, Dontsova became an ambassador for the Together Against Breast Cancer program. She says about the disease: “The diagnosis is not terrible. It's just a diagnosis. I really don’t like it when journalists automatically attach “terrible, terrible, incurable, nightmare” to oncology. No, it's just a disease."
The writer admits that even before the examination, her chest hurt on the left side. However, she put off going to the doctors, like a Soviet-trained person. Now Dontsova calls on all women not to forget about their health and undergo a medical examination every six months to a year.
Dontsova released the book “I really want to live,” in which she talks about five years of struggle with the disease.


Singer, 49 years old

In January 2003, Anastacia decided to have a breast reduction due to back problems. The doctor insisted on a mammogram, the results of which showed that the singer had cancer. The singer was then 34 years old.
The malignant tumor developed rapidly. Surgery and radiotherapy were performed immediately. The treatment was successful, Anastacia created the Anastacia Fund, the goal of which is to help women with breast cancer.
But in March 2013, the singer was again diagnosed with breast cancer. The tumor, like the first time, was small. However, ten years ago, Anastacia decided that in the event of a relapse, she would remove the mammary glands. She did not give up this idea. The singer underwent a double mastectomy.
“Never let cancer take you, fight to the last. I'm a fighter for life. Friends and family will help me fight cancer again,” says the artist.

Laima Vaikule

Singer, 63 years old

Laima Vaikule learned about her diagnosis in 1991. The singer's breast cancer was discovered in its final stages. The chances of recovery were minimal. Vaikule did not believe in salvation and even wrote farewell letters to her family and friends.
Vaikule admits that the fear of death paralyzed her, she survived several panic attacks. But after the operation, the singer was happier than ever. She believed that she could cope with the disease.
However, a successful operation is only half the test. Long rehabilitation (about six months) becomes almost more difficult for the patient. Vaikule was in terrible pain, but she emerged victorious.

Vladimir Levkin

Musician, 50 years old

The first signs of the disease appeared in Vladimir Levkin, former soloist group “Na-na”, in 1996: hair, eyelashes and eyebrows began to fall out. The singer turned to doctors, but he was diagnosed with cancer of the lymphatic system only six years later. By that time, everyone at Levkin was amazed internal organs. Even in the early stages, lymphogranulomatosis is difficult to cure, and Levkin’s disease was at the fourth stage. Doctors doubted the possibility of operating on him. At the same time, the singer was left by his wife, singer Oksana Oleshko.
Treatment required money, which the singer did not have. Relatives and friends started a fundraiser for the operation. Levkin spent a year and a half in the hospital, underwent nine courses of chemotherapy and complex operation. The cancer has retreated.
At first it was very difficult for Levkin to walk. He tried to cover short distances every day, and gradually the weakness disappeared.
“I imagined a terrible sight,” Vladimir told the Sobesednik portal. - Pale and thin, like death itself, completely bald. Even my eyebrows fell out from chemotherapy! The bloody ulcers in my mouth hurt wildly, it was impossible to swallow even a piece of food. The only salvation was the painkiller paste. I lubricated the sores in my mouth with it, the pain went away for a while. And quickly, quickly, choking, he ate bread or pasta.”
During the improvement, Levkin met actress Marina Ichetovkina, with whom he got married... And then the cancer returned.
“Relapse is quite common. I didn’t see the point in giving up,” the musician recalls. My wife's pregnancy gave me strength.
The singer struggled with the disease for about another year. He underwent a bone marrow transplant. Now Vladimir Levkin regularly undergoes medical examinations and works out solo career and together with his wife he is raising his daughter Nika.

Sharon Stone

Actress, 59 years old

In 2001, Sharon Stone suffered a stroke. It was caused by the constant stress in which the actress was. When the brain hemorrhage occurred, Stone "found herself outside her body." She was scared, but this incident forever changed the actress’s attitude towards death. She is no longer afraid to die: “There is nothing scary in death, because it is very close to us. I want to tell everyone: there is no need to be afraid of her. When I left my body, I felt incredible relief, as well as a sense of harmony and bliss. This incident made me understand that death is a gift that man received from God. Having died, we will find ourselves in a bright and kind world, where something very fabulous awaits everyone.”
The stroke had a negative impact on Stone's career. For a long time she was not invited to the cinema, the actress was without work. In addition, after recovery, Stone behaved strangely; the stroke affected her speech and gait.

Marie Fredriksson

Lead singer of the group Roxette, 59 years old

In September 2002, the Swedish singer was diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor. The removal operation was successful, but rehabilitation took several years. The brain was damaged, and Marie lost the ability to read and count, became blind in her right eye, Right side her body almost didn’t obey.
The singer underwent radiation and chemotherapy and found salvation in drawing. Having lost the ability to read and write, Fredriksson became interested in painting and even held an exhibition of her drawings several years after the operation.
Marie gradually returned to work. She wrote down solo album, held another exhibition, began performing and planned a world tour with her Roxette colleagues. But in 2016, doctors banned Marie from performing on stage. The singer began to have problems with memory, coordination and endurance. Tours have been cancelled, but Fredriksson has no plans to retire. She set up a recording studio at home, where she continues to record new songs.

Montserrat Caballe

Opera singer, 84 years old

Montserrat Caballe, who died on stage more than once, once found herself on the threshold real death. In 1985, the singer was diagnosed with a brain tumor. Doctors predicted 2-3 years of life and suggested an operation: to get to the singer’s brain through the nose and insert a metal plate. If successful, Montserrat could survive. Or not... No one gave guarantees, but one thing was known for sure: Caballe would lose his voice in any case. This did not suit the singer. “Relax, don’t worry, don’t sing, sit and wait... Wait for what? Will I die or not? This is not my style! - the senora summarized.
Montserrat Caballe chose alternative methods: laser treatment and homeopathy. According to the doctors’ forecasts, this should not have helped, but... “I survived, contrary to all forecasts. Doctors called me a witch! But I don’t care what exactly helped me: the pills or my will to live and create. But the tumor hasn’t gone anywhere - it’s still in my head! Sometimes I get headaches. Well, who isn’t?!”