How to always win at roulette red black. The casino always wins. Alternative methods of playing roulette

Every player, both beginner and experienced, wants to guess winning number while playing roulette. Not long ago, a work was published that allows you to increase your advantage in the game to eighteen percent. The authors of this mathematical work became scientists from Cornell University who, based on an analysis of European roulette, proposed an effective gaming system. A preprint of the study is posted on the university website in the archive section, which is available for free downloading.

It is important to consider that this is not the only way to succeed in the game. There are several more options for how you can guess the number in roulette:

  1. You should analyze how the ball and the wheel move. They can be influenced by numerous factors. This is a labor-intensive process that requires concentration and attention when calculating the trajectory of the elements. It is important to remember how the roulette was turned before the start of the game, in particular which sector. Using this method, you can increase the likelihood of winning. It is worth keeping in mind that it does not provide a 100% guarantee. Also note that it only works in land-based casinos. This method is ineffective in virtual games.
  2. You need to place bets in sequential order on one sector. Winners large sums players claimed that this was due to persistence. They always bet on one number. It is worth noting that this method has high risks.
  3. You need to find a roulette wheel that has defects. It is worth noting that in real casinos the wheels may become “crooked” over time. In this case, you can see that some numbers appear noticeably more often than others. IN virtual game a similar pattern can be traced due to errors in the operation of the system responsible for generating random numbers. To see this pattern, it is better to carefully watch the game over a certain period of time, and then you can bet on the numbers that came up most often.
  4. Place bets not on one roulette number, but on a whole series. According to professional players, this increases the possibility of winning, because there is a greater chance that the ball will fall out within one series than within one number.
  5. You need to choose one gaming system and stick to it. If you use several tactics at the same time, the likelihood of losing increases significantly. It is recommended to choose the most time-tested system and stick to it throughout the game. For example, you can bet exclusively on odd numbers or on the color red. You can use Hook's method or the system developed by Thomas Donald.

All of the above methods have been tested by numerous experienced gamblers who know the intricacies of roulette. By choosing the most suitable option among them, you will no longer face the problem of how to guess the number in a casino.








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How to win at a casino, or what roulette can teach those who don’t like gambling


I am not a casino owner or a gambling addict. I didn't receive a penny from the bigwigs for this article. gambling business and even on the contrary, I risk causing their displeasure by teaching you how to play roulette correctly. And to make things even more intriguing, I’ll say that I work as an auditor, have a PhD in economics, and sell my software for finance. analysis of the largest enterprises in Russia. Therefore, I often teach how to save savings, and not waste them (this is why the Sberometer project was launched). And yes, I didn’t lie in the title and I really will tell you a theory on the verge of mathematics and psychology that will allow you to win at the casino. It may not always be money, but good mood– exactly!

Who loses at the casino?

In a casino, the one who comes to earn money loses. If you go to a casino for this purpose, you have already lost! People go to the casino to have an exciting time in luxury and excitement. They go to work for money. Therefore, before going to the casino, allocate an amount that you do not mind. And how to save it is my task, for the solution of which this article was written.

Second point. Never play slot machines (one-armed bandits). There is no more mediocre and stupid way to squander money than throwing coins into an iron box. However, according to the American Gaming Association, in Las Vegas casinos, 74% of players prefer slot machines and only 5% prefer roulette.

What is the fundamental difference between a slot machine and roulette? In the first case, you play with a black box, which itself decides whether to give you a win or not. In the case of roulette, your opponent is the theory of probability with objective laws that you can observe with your own eyes. Opaque work slot machines allows you to put any “appetite” into them. Therefore in different countries, including Russia, the minimum return on winnings from slot machines is forced at the state level. As a rule, the minimum value is limited to 90%. Those. If you play such a machine for a long time, you will find that it “eats” only every tenth ruble put into it. They say that in Las Vegas, on the initiative of individual casinos, this bar is raised to almost 95% (it is impossible to verify, you can only believe in the kindness of the sharks of the gambling business). But more often the percentage fluctuates (according to at least, should) around 90%. Compare this to roulette, where the casino’s “appetite” is not 10%, but only 2.7%.

Roulette: Basics

On the roulette wheel, numbers from 0 to 36 are scattered around the circle. This is European roulette. In American roulette there is also a 38th number – “00”. Beware of American roulette, you have twice the chance of losing at it than at European roulette! This means that a trip to Las Vegas should be preferred to a trip to Monte Carlo or Macau (Chinese gambling zone, which has long surpassed the legendary Las Vegas in terms of turnover). Why is American roulette twice as voracious as its European sister? To do this, you need to understand how to win at roulette. Its size is determined not by the desire of the casino owner, but solely by the theory of probability. And it works like this.

Let's discard the unfortunate 0 and 00 for now, imagining that we have 36 numbers. The probability that a specific number will appear at random is 1 in 36 (or 1/36). This means that you only have a 1 in 36 chance of guessing which number will come up (i.e. 2.78% chance (= 1/36 * 100%)). But if you guess correctly, you will receive from the casino 36 times the amount you bet.

All 36 numbers are colored equally in black and red (18 black and 18 red; only zero is green). You can choose to bet on “red” or “black”. If you bet a chip on “red” and guess correctly, the casino gives you back 2 times what you bet. Why exactly 2 times, and not 3 or 4? Because the probability of guessing correctly when betting on “red” or “black” is 18/36 or 1/2. And therefore your reward will be 2 times the bet (i.e. equal to the denominator of the fraction).

According to the rules of roulette, you can place a chip not only on a specific number or on black and red, but also cover several numbers at once with one chip. In particular, 12 numbers, 6, 4, 2 numbers (there is a picture below in the article that shows how this is done on the gaming table). And in all cases, if you guess right, the winnings will be inversely proportional to the probability of guessing. So, by closing 12 numbers, you will receive 3 times more chips than you bet (12/36 = 1/3); put a chip on 4 numbers at once, you will get 9 chips (4/36 = 1/9) and so on, the principle is clear - the probability of winning is less, you get more chips.

If there were only 36 numbers on roulette (by the way, the sum of all numbers from 1 to 36 is 666, which is why roulette is called the “Ferris wheel”), then we could play in the casino for hours on end, remaining with our money. As shown above, winning would exactly balance the probability of losing. But the casino is not Charitable organization, so he wants to take a piece of your pie. To do this, the 37th number was added to the 36 numbers - “0” (European roulette). And the greedy Americans also use the 38th - “00”. The rules for calculating winnings remain the same, as if we had 36 numbers. It turns out that the 37th (and 38th) number is the casino’s income. Now the probability that your number will come up is 1/37 (or 1/38 in the American version), but you will still receive 36 times more than you bet. It turns out that on average the casino receives 1 ruble out of every 37 rubles that you bet on roulette. Casino income - 2.7% (1/37*100%); and from American roulette - 5.3% (2/38).

How much does the casino earn from me?

Yes, when playing roulette you pay the casino only 2.7%. But this is so little, you say?! The supermarket's markup on food products can be 20% or 30%! Why then are there gold walls, marble floors and free booze in a casino and not a supermarket? It's simple. The store bears the costs of delivering the goods, storing them, etc. And the casino takes your bill and, figuratively speaking, cuts off the 37th part from it, without leaving the gaming table. Money flows like a river, and the small stream leaving this river in favor of the casino turns into a very large lake with goldfish on the hacienda of the owner of the gambling establishment. So why am I writing this article, if 2.7% must be guaranteed to be given to the establishment, the game is obviously a losing one? Because you can lose in different ways. You can lose all your money in one moment, or you can enjoy your victories all evening, receiving sharp, but mostly positive emotions. How - read below.

A story from the 90s. The first casinos appeared in Moscow best traditions capitalism, pompous, with free booze, but a minimum wage too high for ordinary citizens. But this was not the case where ours did not disappear! There were dodgers. They came to the casino in twos, pretending not to know each other. One bet on black, and the other at the same time on red. As you understand, in 36 out of 37 cases one of them won, and exactly as much as the other one lost. That is, in total they remained practically with their money. What's the catch? And the booze is free! True, the guards quickly learned to recognize such booze-hungry beggars and take them out under white hands.

Casino myths and magic schemes to win at roulette

Myth 1: Beginners are lucky.

Of course, newcomers are no more lucky than regulars. It’s just that when an old-timer wins, they don’t pay much attention to it. And when a newcomer wins (especially by betting his chip on one number and receiving a stack of 36 chips in return), he rejoices louder, and those around him focus on his success. The casino is profitable in order to attract newcomers, and for the old-timer of the establishment - good explanation, why the newcomer won and not him :)

Myth 2: If you get “red” 10 (20, 30...) times, then now you will probably get “black”!

This is a misconception exclusively from the field of psychology. Indeed, the probability that “red” will appear 10 times in a row is very low, less than 0.1%. Therefore, when we see that “red” has come up 9 times, we have no doubt that “black” will definitely come up on the 10th time. In fact, the key point here is that red has ALREADY been rolled 9 times, so now the odds of getting red and black are still 50/50 (or, to go deeper, the odds of getting red 10 times are exactly the same like 9 times “red” and then “black”). I haven’t been to casinos often, but I have seen such long series of the same color, just like those who believe that they cannot continue indefinitely. Yes, they can’t go on forever, but the probability that a “one-color” series will end on the next move is 50 to 50.

Myth 3: You can't beat the casino.

No, I was not mistaken. The fact that you cannot be guaranteed to win at a casino (theoretically) is as much a myth as the fact that you can (practically). According to the rules of roulette, you can theoretically win. But to prevent this from happening in practice, the casino has introduced an additional rule - maximum bet. Otherwise, the rich would be able to increase their fortunes without leaving the table. To do this, you need to constantly bet on red (or black): first 1 chip; losing - 2 chips, losing again - 4, then 8, 16, 32 and so on until you win. You will win only 1 chip, but you will not be able to lose endlessly; as I wrote above, the probability that one color will appear 10 times in a row is less than a tenth of a percent. In a clever way this is called the martingale system, but usually such an idea comes to all players by itself. And if it comes to Bill Gates, who has enough money to “survive” a black streak of almost any length, the casino will be in trouble. To do this, casinos have two tricks: they limit the maximum bet that can be made at the table and increase minimum bid for the most simple option"red-black". That is, anyone who wants to wait for a bright streak in life will have to start with larger amount, and the probability of finishing the “race” without waiting desired color, no longer so ghostly.

Myth 4: The casino spins the roulette wheel to make you lose.

Quite the contrary, the casino goes out of its way to ensure that roulette works as correctly as possible, i.e. the numbers appeared in a completely random order. This slot machine can be tweaked, we can set any probability of giving out a win - the player still won’t check. Roulette is a completely different matter. All it takes is a slight misalignment of the table and the casino will start losing money. Players will quickly notice if numbers from one sector of the roulette wheel begin to appear more often. And that’s it, roulette will become unprofitable for the owner. Therefore, the tables are not only set perfectly evenly, but also a special counter controls the randomness of numbers, signaling in case of suspicious deviations from the theory of probability.

A story from the 2000s. One day I happened to come across a crooked tape measure. Of course, in a serious casino this is practically impossible. But there was a time when automatic roulettes stood alongside regular ones. one-armed bandits in provincial Russian cafes... It was the only time in my life when I bet on a specific number (never do that, see below!) and... won:)

Myth 5: Casinos are expensive and people lose a lot there.

They lose at the casino exactly as much as they want to lose. For example, in the Monte Carlo casino the minimum bet is 5 euros. This means that you can play for 100 euros all evening, receiving positive emotions. Or you can lose this hundred in 3 minutes without getting an ounce of pleasure. Details are below.

How to win a good mood at roulette with minimal costs

First of all, never bet on a specific number! Did you bet on "14"? The probability that exactly “14” will be rolled is less than 3%. This means that instead of getting 36 chips in return for the one placed on the table, you will most likely simply lose it.

Secondly, do not bet on “black-red”. This is the simplest and most attractive option for beginners. With a probability close to 50/50, you will either lose your chip or win 2 instead of 1 put on the table. This is better than betting on a specific number, naively believing that Fortune is asleep and sees how to caress you with attention. But this is still not reasonable enough. Because:

a) for bets on “black-red” casinos, as a rule, set a minimum bet 5 times higher than other betting options (so that you lose money faster and don’t pull the cat by the tail);

b) we don’t want to be happy or upset with a 50/50 chance, we want to be more happy than sad :)

So what should you bet on?

Bet 5 chips at once, closing 5 blocks of 6 numbers (called “six-line” in English). In roulette there is a bet option where one chip covers 6 consecutive numbers. It looks like this - point “F” (in the picture this is how numbers from 31 to 36 were closed):

By betting on 6 numbers, if you win, you receive 6 instead of one bet chip. The probability of winning is 1/6 (more precisely, 6/37 due to the presence of “0”, but for simplicity we will assume that it is “one sixth”). However, we don't want to win on average 1 time for every 6 bets. Therefore, we close not 1 block of 6 numbers, but 5 at once. In other words, we leave only 6 unclosed numbers plus “0”. Which 6 numbers to leave uncovered is at your discretion, practice your intuition. The main thing is that now we will win with a probability of 5/6 (or more precisely, 30/37), and lose with a probability of 1/6 (or, taking into account zero, 7/37). That is, the probability of winning is 5 times greater than losing. Yes, miracles do not happen, if we win, our wallet will grow with only one chip, and if one of the “not our” 7 numbers falls out, we will lose 5 chips. But the key point here is that we will win 5 times more often than we lose!

The whole point is that we rejoice at winning 1 chip not 5 times less than we regret losing 5. This is subjective and difficult to prove, but in practice this is exactly the case. Winning more often but less is a more positive way to spend your time than winning a lot and rarely (or even never). In fact, if you bet on one number, on average you will win 37 times. But do you need it, it’s depressing to lose chips 36 times and wait for that rare moment of winning?! Moreover, there can easily be more than 36 defeats in a row, and in order to “wait out” them, waiting for a win, you need more chips... Do you need it, spend money on a cloud of chips and then watch your fiasco over and over again? This is not what you came to the casino for!

To play according to the “five-sixths” tactics, you will need 20 “starting capital” chips. That is, 100 euros in Monte Carlo is enough. The probability that you will never win is 0.13%. That is, you must be very guilty before Fortune for her to make such a cruel joke on you. The legal casino income of 2.7% has not been canceled with any approach to betting. But if you bet your 100 euros entirely on one number, or, which is a little better, on “red-black”, you will learn about such a moderate casino income only from this article, but not from practice :)

The described theory of “positive casino visits” has been tested in practice more than once by me and I can confirm that:

a) the joy of winning 1 chip may be less than the bitterness of losing 5, but definitely not 5 times. Therefore, by winning 5 times more often than losing, you spend the evening positively, feeling from your own experience the basic rules of probability theory, which are not emphasized at the university.

b) 20 chips are enough for the evening. I haven't been to the casino often, but I've never left without a single chip. As a rule, what you came with is what you left with, but sometimes it’s a plus. This is explained by the fact that I didn’t play often and didn’t play all night long, so this legal 2.7% was simply not felt. Small pranks Fortune forgives;)

Are there any other betting options?

Eat. According to the same theory of getting pleasure from the game, you can bet 2 chips, closing 2 lines of 12 numbers (to close a line of 12 numbers is the “B” chip in the picture above). With a 2 out of 3 chance you will increase your budget by 1 chip, otherwise you will lose 2 chips. In this case, you will need even less “starting capital”. If you only have 12 chips, then losing them all without winning once will require a lot of effort, because... the probability of this is only 1.7%. But personally, to me, the possibility of losing every 2 wins seems like an insufficiently positive rest, so I like the “five-sixths” option more.

Or you can take my theory to the point of absurdity - take 35 chips and close 35 numbers at once, leave it to your discretion evil rock only 2 numbers. With a probability of 95% (i.e. in 35 cases out of 37) you will return 35 chips and additionally receive 1 prize money. But in 5% of cases you will say goodbye to all 35 chips, which is very, very disappointing. This is rather an approach for someone choosing between suicide and “getting rich.” A person borrows 35 million, bets it on 35 numbers and with a probability of 95 out of 100 becomes a millionaire. Well, in 5 cases out of 100, creditors will implement the first option... We don’t need such a roulette.

Instead of a conclusion

Roulette is the theory of probability in its purest form, which can be seen and touched. Roulette is the most honest way of taking money from the population, it is much more honest than contributions to major renovation or funded pension.

The approach outlined above is applicable not only to roulette. For example, movements in financial markets are sometimes not very different from random ones. It’s not for nothing that FOREX is often compared to a casino. If you rely not only on your knowledge and intuition, but also on the theory of probability, you will be able to earn not so much, but at least not lose much :)

So, for simplicity, let’s assume that you need to earn money per day. And you will also start the game with a sum of money. Suppose also that you have a supply of money sufficient to fail once in a row and still win the next time and earn your own amount of money. To do this you need to have:

Suppose you want to earn money this way for 20 years. This turns out to be about 8000 days. This is how many times your scheme should work. Let us denote this number by the letter .

The probability of winning at roulette when betting on red/black is equal to , and, accordingly, the probability of losing in this case

Let another day of play begin. The probability that we will lose once in a row today (having spent the entire reserve) is equal to:

Well, and, accordingly, the probability that this unfortunate event will not happen today (that is, we, as prescribed by the strategy, will get our money and get out of the casino) is equal

But we need us to win every day, for days. The probability that we will never lose during these days will be equal to:

From here it is clear that there is always a chance of losing. The given formulas do not imply the probabilities of 0 or 1. But let’s try to extract something from the resulting formulas. Let's find, or more precisely, estimate the number . Let’s assume for simplicity that the probability of not losing in a matter of days is close to 1 (after all, this is what we are trying to achieve). That is:

Then, using (1), we get:


Let's take the logarithm of both sides of equality (2):

(Here we use what with and instead of the icon I just wrote )
Let us raise the exponents to powers equal to the left and right sides of (3) and equate them:

In expression (4), the exponential on the right can be expanded in terms of a small parameter:

Using (5) we can rewrite (4) as:

Or, remembering the definition:

Taking the logarithms of both sides of equality (6) we obtain the following expression:


Let's take for example

Then, from formula (7) it follows that in order for the strategy to have a 99% probability of success over 8000 days of play, it must be equal to 18. Is this a lot or a little? That's a lot. This means that in order to make money at the casino every day, you need to have money in your pocket every day. This is already a huge amount. Do you want to earn 100 dollars every day in a casino for 20 years? Be kind: carry $260,000,000 with you every day.

Even if you have needed money. Let's estimate: in a year of playing in a casino you will earn money. And if you put the same money in the bank, let it be, for ease of calculation, at 3.125% per annum (3.125% corresponds to ). Then the earnings in the bank will be , which is 22 times more profitable than playing in a casino with the same amount of money in your pocket.

That is, we see that in the game strategy described above, the law is hidden from the eyes of naive money makers large numbers. If you have a jar of jam, you can try a spoon - there will be almost as much jam in the jar as there was. But if you take a spoonful a day, the jar will still become empty.

When playing roulette, the casino makes a profit due to the existence of a zero, and the advantage of the casino over the player is 2.7% - with one zero and 5.26% - on roulette with two zeros. It should be noted that in practice, even in a regular casino, this rule is not always observed. An experienced dealer can purposefully play against large bets, directing the ball to the other side of the roulette wheel. The probability that the ball will not land on a number with a high bet is very high. It is almost impossible to detect the croupier's dishonesty in this case.

Online casino software

Responsibility for gaming software in large casinos lies with its manufacturers. Casino owners cannot “tweak” the software themselves to their advantage, since they simply do not have access to the settings. This is true for the largest casino software manufacturers – PlayTech, Microgaming and some others.

At the same time, some online gambling establishments use software that allows them to increase the client’s likelihood of losing. This, in particular, is the problem with some Russian online gambling establishments. The following principle is usually used: for a newly registered client the game is on fair enough, so on the first day he may well. But if at the end of the day the client remains profitable, he is transferred to another software. In this case, it is almost impossible to win; the player’s deposit is rapidly melting away.

Sometimes you can notice the following pattern: the client’s usual bets are played fairly. But as soon as the player raises the bet, he is sure to lose.

Casino integrity check

The player always has the opportunity to check the fairness of the casino, and there is no need to calculate anything - there is more simple ways. If the casino is honest, the number of wins and losses will correspond to the theory of probability. Remember that testing should only be carried out on real game. The demo version of roulette does not give an accurate result - on the contrary, in many casinos the demo software is configured in favor of the player in order to quickly force him to start playing the real game.

To test the theory of probability, play only for equal chances - bet sequentially on “1-18”, “Even”, “Black”, “Red”, “Odd”, “19-36”. Place exactly in a circle, this eliminates the subjectivity of choice. Use the minimum bid.

Keep statistics of wins and losses. Mark each win with a plus in your notebook, and each loss with a minus. Write vertically – on the left is a column of pros, next to the right is a column of minuses. Ignore the zero or enter it in the third column.

If the casino is honest, the number of pros and cons corresponds to the theory of probability and large quantities rates turn out to be approximately equal. Long series of pros and cons are possible, up to 10-15 in a row, sometimes more. But in general there should be equality between winning bets and losing bets. To obtain more or less accurate statistics, you need to make several hundred bets.

This experience makes it easy to identify dishonest casinos. In order to be guaranteed not to have any complaints against the gambling establishment, choose a casino with md5 integrity control.

Thus, teoriya veroyatnosti v kazino as a whole justifies itself - provided that gambling establishment behaves honestly towards players and uses reliable software from trusted companies.

Despite the official ban on casinos and slot machines in the country, the online gambling market is growing quite quickly. Every day, thousands and tens of thousands of network users test their luck on gaming sites. Some, especially ardent players, are trying to find a working winning method or even develop their own system for winning at roulette.

Australian Michael Small and a mathematician named Chi Kon Tse from Hong Kong decided to finally resolve the question: is there a system for increasing the probability of winning at roulette and how much it can help real gain at the casino? Agree, the question is quite relevant. According to scientists, such a method really exists. It’s just more logical to use it, without attracting the attention of the security service, in online casinos than in real establishments. And even now it’s not so easy to find an offline casino in Russia - there is a risk of being caught and brought to justice at one “wonderful moment”. And so, to use the roulette “cheating” technique, you only need a small netbook or even a tablet.

It is immediately worth noting that using the mathematical method of Kon Tse and Small it is impossible to determine the specific number on which the ball will stop. The technique only allows you to determine the specific sector of the roulette wheel where the ball will land during the game. Thus, according to analysts, the probability of winning can be significantly increased.

Using this strategy, you can quite easily win when betting on even odds. For example, if you bet chips on black and red, or odd and even. In this case, the probability of winning immediately increases by 18%. House edge when playing online roulette is just under 3%, and going higher will be incredibly difficult. For those who play casino games professionally, that is, winning real money is enough for a long time, this is a significant advantage. This is exactly the result that scientists managed to obtain. It is known that people try to play online European Roulette using this technique, even in free game, or La Boule Roulette (Boule roulette). You can play on or, for example, on the website

Small and his colleague from Hong Kong proposed the following scheme to the players. To calculate the probability, it is necessary to take into account the following parameters: the position of the ball at the moment of collision with the deflector, the speed of the ball, and the speed of rotation of the tape measure. As a result, with the help of simple mathematical calculations (what did you think?) you can, with a high degree of probability, predict the sector where the ball will stop.

It is worth noting that the scientists conducted their research in the laboratory. True, as they themselves emphasize, the roulette used was the real one, familiar to all casino players around the world. As a result, the results obtained will not only be correct, but also relevant. In addition, such an experiment was carried out in several versions: simple and complex. In the first case, the experimenters did not use additional equipment; in the second, a digital camera was hung above the roulette, which recorded the position of the ball and the speed of its movement. Such parameters displayed betting options for the player in a matter of seconds.

Of course, as you will note, the second option with installing a camera is not feasible when playing in a real casino. This is what we are talking about. Use this method No one recommends making money at a casino - it’s risky. Rather, mathematicians have once again “wiped the nose” of all those skeptics who call gambling exclusively an activity in which lucky people or scammers win. Mathematicians often win at casinos! Judging by the data provided by mathematicians, on average, it was possible to correctly guess the position of the game ball in 13 spins out of 22. This gives the same 18%. In total, about 700 spins were completed.

The most interesting thing begins when it comes to using this technique in online games. The website mentioned that the results were the reason for creating a special software, which automatically tracks the speed of the ball, the wheel, and the point of contact of the ball after the dealer throws it. Almost immediately after the ball touches, the program displays priority betting options. And at the same time, no one can kick you out of the room - no one will recognize you. Tempting, isn't it? The site has a lot of similar information that may be of interest to both beginners and experienced players.

Scientists also expressed several more interesting thoughts:

“We found that any amount of tilt on the roulette table could improve the results of our approach,” Small notes.

Simply put, if the roulette table is uneven, it will be to the advantage of the players, no matter how obvious it may seem. In some cases, an advantage of 44% was achieved.

In addition, the specialist continues:

“If you want to beat the casino, you should look for a wheel on which the ball constantly falls from the same edge - it clearly has a defect. This will make your job easier."

Unfortunately, this technique of Kon Tse and Small is vulnerable. The probability of winning is reduced if the casino uses a perfectly flat surface and a working roulette wheel. In addition, the dealer can be “creative” when throwing the ball and change the angle and speed of the throw from time to time. Also, professional and experienced dealers twist the ball when throwing to make the trajectory less predictable. Another simple rule is to prohibit the use of any technical means, including smartphones, during the game.

In history, the appearance of such a technique is far from the only case of an attempt to deceive a casino. For example, a few years ago, Englishman Christian Drummond was able to “establish” a very prosperous life for himself without the need only to earn money in a casino. He makes his money mostly from quiz slots that test players' erudition. It is known that Christian receives several thousand dollars a week in this way, which is quite enough for him - a bird in the hand is better than a stork in the sky.

Do you apply your methods in casinos? You can try the game on the website with huge selection directions and options for gambling.