What does thin do? NOD “This wonderful profession is an artist”

The artist is creative person who knows how to transfer his thoughts, experiences and impressions onto canvas using paints, pencils, etc. He is a master of fine and other forms of art.


40,000–60,000 rub. (rabota.yandex.ru)

Place of work

The artist's field of activity includes work in art workshops, book publishing houses, private studios, newspapers and magazines, exhibition and advertising business, fashion salons, as well as teaching activities in special educational institutions.


The word artist itself has the following meanings:
— Artist - artist in in a broad sense words.
— An artist is a person engaged in fine art.
— Painter - engages in painting.
— Graphic artist - deals with graphics.
— Photographer - is engaged in photography.
— Cartoonist.

In the professional field there are many various types artists depending on drawing technique and responsibilities: graphic artists, painters, designers, illustrators, film artists, animators, photographers, caricaturist, painter miniature painting, designers, costume, scenery, restorer, fashion designer, stylist, technologist, etc.

Important qualities

Rich imagination, the ability to perceive and distinguish a wide range of colors and their shades, originality, resourcefulness, developed spatial thinking, a sense of harmony and taste.

Reviews about the profession

“This profession is suitable creative people with a well-developed imagination. A true artist knows how to draw inspiration from everything that surrounds him and interpret his emotions into works of fine art.”

From an interview with the artist.

Stereotypes, humor

Friends once noticed that there was not a single painting by the owner on the walls of Picasso’s house. - Don’t you like your paintings? - they asked Picasso. “I like them very much, but I can’t afford them,” the artist threw up his hands.


You can study at universities such as: State Academy of Arts and Industry, St. Petersburg Academic Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture named after. I. E. Repin, Russian State Pedagogical University named after. A. I. Herzen.

Art universities in Moscow: Moscow State Academy of Arts and Industry named after. S.G. Stroganov, Moscow State Academic Art Institute named after V.I. Surikov, Russian State Specialized Academy of Arts.

Snezhana Dolgova
Conversation “Profession artist”


On the topic: « Profession artist» .

Performed: Dolgova S. A

3rd year student

Group: DO-16

Age: Senior group.

Target: Create conditions for consolidating children’s ideas senior group O artist's profession.


1. Strengthen children’s knowledge about artist's profession.

2. Develop the visual analyzer, imagination, attention, thinking, speech.

3. To develop in children the ability to listen to each other, negotiate and communicate in a team.

Preliminary work : Looking at illustrations of famous artists(Vasnetsov "Alyonushka"; Levitan « Golden autumn» ; Zarin "First snow").

Introductory part: Guys, I suggest you guess a few of mine riddles:

1. Here is a wooden helper for you.

It must be sharp at all times.

Contour, still life, portrait, landscape

Will quickly draw (pencil)

2. I wet the leaf with a brush,

Afterwards I’ll apply paint.

The drawing came out colorful,

There are no unnecessary details on it.

I tried, believe me.

Well, the colors - (watercolor).

3. I have a pencil

Multi-colored gouache,

Watercolor, palette, brush

And a thick sheet of paper,

And also a tripod easel,

Because I (artist) .

Main part: Questions for children:

1. Guys, who is he? artist?

2. What is it for? artist's profession? (helps people see the beauty of the world around them).

Artist can draw All: house, forest, people, animals.

3. With what? artist creates his own paintings? (Children's statements).

In creating a picture to the artist his faithful help Friends: paints, brushes, pencils, paper.

4. What do they write about in their paintings? artists?

Artists write about people's work, about how mothers take care of their children, about nature.

5. Where are the paintings of famous artists? (Children's statements).

Exhibition halls, art galleries, museums - all of them are created in order to touch art and feel part of a huge world. It is there that you can see real masterpieces that were written by great artists over the years. These paintings are called originals. They are stored especially carefully, because many of them are hundreds of years old. They are looked after and looked after by special artists - restorers. They know a lot about the properties of paints and how to protect a painting from aging. Thanks to them, many works have survived to this day.

6. Is there a repository of original paintings in our city? (Children's statements).

Final part: A game “Find an item that matches your professions» .

Target: Improve the skills of children in the older group to correlate pictures of tools that correspond to data professions.


1. Strengthen children’s skills in arranging pictures of tools suitable for certain professions.

2. Develop children's visual analyzer by looking at pictures.

3. Cultivate in children endurance, patience, and the ability to work together.

Progress of the game: Children are given large pictures depicting 3 professions: doctor, cook and artist. As well as small pictures depicting objects that correspond to the data professions, for the doctor (syringe, thermometer, medicines, cotton wool, phonendoscope, for the cook (saucepan, stirrer, spoon, knife, grater, for artist(brushes, pencils, easel, paints, palette). Children should arrange the small pictures of tools to the corresponding professions.

Bottom line: So guys

1. Why do we need artist's profession?

2. Where are the famous paintings located? artists?

Thank you guys for this fascinating conversation, I really enjoyed it with you talk.

Publications on the topic:

Summary of the lesson on drawing with charcoal “Primitive Artist” Summary of the lesson “Primitive artist” (drawing by idea) Purpose: to introduce children to a new graphic material - coal. Tasks:.

Lesson summary “The artist smiles” The artist smiles (Caricature, cartoon as types of graphics) Purpose educational activities: acquaintance with the genre of caricature and cartoon, creativity.

Summary of the didactic game “What did the artist mix up?” Abstract didactic game“What did the artist mix up?” at 2 younger group (educational field“Cognitive Development”) Prepared by.

Abstract of the NOD “We have an artist visiting us” Target. Develop the ability to identify the social significance of the artist’s work, its necessity; show that the products of his labor reflect feelings.

Today, the artist profession is in quite high demand. It is illustrators who bring designers’ ideas into reality and work on the design of magazines, newspapers, and online publications. Most specialists work in publishing houses and design studios. Today, an illustrator must skillfully use appropriate programs on a computer, but the main requirement is still the ability to draw well by hand, mix paints, and quickly draw sketches. The artist’s undoubted advantage, which sets him apart from the crowd, is his individual style.

Description of the profession artist

Many people consider the profession of an artist to be poorly paid and unpromising. However, practice shows that at the same time a talented and purposeful person advances quite quickly career ladder, holding the position of art director, artistic director.

We must not forget about the representatives of the classics of the genre: oil painting on canvas. Works famous artists are estimated at hundreds of thousands of euros, although here the price is determined by the “name”. Above the design concert halls And important events production designers and technical artists work.

Surely many people know the famous Russian artist Nikas Safronov, who works in the genre of painting. His exhibitions attract thousands of fans around the world, and his paintings are presented in galleries and private collections. He worked with Monica Bellucci, Madonna, Philip Kirkorov and other stars.

Do not miss:

Pros and cons of being an artist


  • a creative profession that allows you to express feelings and emotions;
  • talented people sell work for high price, basking in the rays of well-deserved glory.


  • there is no guarantee that the work will be in demand;
  • It is quite difficult for an artist to realize himself in another field.

Where to study to be an artist

The following educational institutions offer to master the subtleties of craftsmanship:

  • Academy of Watercolors and fine arts Sergei Andriyaka;
  • State Academy of Artistic Sciences;
  • Moscow State Academic Art Institute named after V. I. Surikov;
  • Moscow Palace Architectural School;
  • Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture.

GCD "This wonderful profession- artist".

Target: Formation of ideas about creative profession artist.Introduce children with the specifics of the artist's profession. Give an idea of ​​its diversity, creative nature. Fix the names of objects and visual materials used by artists. Encourage children to use various means expressiveness in the process of creating a drawing.

Form a positive, emotional attitude towards visual arts. To instill in children respect for the work of an artist.

Material: Demonstration: slides with paintings by famous artists I. I. Levitan “Golden Autumn”; F.P. Tolstoy “Bouquet of Flowers, Butterfly and Bird”; I.I. Shishkin “Before the Storm”; I.E. Repin “Self-portrait”. Illustrations featuring different professions people of art.

Handout: Sheets of paper, simple and colored pencils, crayons, gouache paint, palettes.

Preliminary work: excursion to showroom or in art gallery. A conversation about the genres of fine art, looking at illustrations by famous artists, looking at the album “The Work of People”

Vocabulary work: sketch, restorer, theater artist, sculptors, architects, graphic artists, landscape, portrait, still life.

Integration of educational areas: " Artistic creativity","Communication", "Cognition", " Fiction", "Socialization", "Labor", "Physical education".

Progress of direct educational activities


I have a pencilMulti-colored gouache,Watercolor, palette, brushAnd a thick sheet of paper,And also a tripod easel,Because I...

( Artist)

That's right, guys, this is a riddle about an artist, well done!

Who is an artist?

That's right, an artist is a person who is engaged in fine arts, creates paintings, works of art. art appeared in ancient times, even ancient people decorated the walls of their caves with paintings depicting animals and people.

The artist has a talent for depicting a diverse world in his works. He can show events of the distant past, depict heroes of fairy tales and novels, convey in colors the image of a person, his facial features, his mood, and character. To paint a picture, an artist needs to collect material, imagine the picture, and make many sketches. Only those who draw well can become an artist, because drawing is the basis of any image.

The profession of an artist has many varieties.

Guys, who is a painter, portrait painter, restorer, theater designer, costume designer, animator?

(Children's answers)

That's right, the painter loves to paint landscapes - these are his favorite corners of nature, different times of the year.

A portrait painter draws a person’s face or full height, conveying the person’s facial features and character.

A restorer is a person who renews old or damaged antiques and paintings. With the help of these people we can see pictures that were painted several centuries ago.

Theater artist. Not a single performance in the theater takes place without his work. Only he can and knows how to set the stage. Having seen the scene, you and I understand what time of year the action is taking place inside the building or on the street.

The costume designer comes up with new models of varied and beautiful costumes.

A cartoonist draws to create new cartoons interesting story on paper.

With the help of these people, we see a lot of fairy tales on TV screens.

( showing illustrations).

So, you and I learned how for many centuries artists depicted in their paintings the world around them, all its diverse nature, animals, objects, man and his life. This is where the division of paintings into genres arose.

Paintings depicting nature were called the landscape genre;

The depiction of beautiful things and objects is a still life genre;

Drawing a person is a genre of portraiture; and the depiction of animals is a genre of animal painting.

Guys, where do artists keep their works?

That's right, some artists' works are kept in museums and art galleries.

Guys, what qualities do you think an artist should have in order to paint a picture?

That's right, an artist must be careful, diligent, patient, observant, and creative.

Let's look at the slides and callpaintings and their artists known to us: I. Levitan “Golden Autumn”; F.P. Tolstoy “Bouquet of Flowers, Butterfly and Bird”; I.I. Shishkin “Before the Storm”; I.E. Repin “Self-portrait”.


Guys, in order to be artists, we need to be healthy and our hands never get tired, the physical training “Young Wizards” will help us with this.

Once - get up, stretch.Two – bend over, straighten up.Three - three claps of your hands,Three nods of the head.Four hands wider.Five - wave your arms.Six - sit down quietly.Let's draw togetherAnd create pictures.

Guys, now listen to the riddles and if you guess right, we will find out what tools the young artists use.

I love swimming in paint.Absolutely no fearI'm immersed in my head,And then, I don’t wipe myself,On a sheet of paperOr woven canvasLeft, right, up and downI walk. Who am I?(Brush)

Here's a wooden helper for you.It must be sharp at all times.Contour, still life, portrait, landscapeDraws quickly...(Pencil)

To arrange the notes,Musicians have music standsAnd to dilute the paints,Artists need...(Palettes)

Well done!


For work I took the ARTISTBrushes, paints and easel.Even the rain will draw -Or would you like your portrait?

So, our hands are ready to draw, all that’s left is to do a fun warm-up “Who’s faster.”

Guys, we will split into two teams. Each team has easels in front of you. Attached to each large leaf papers with drawn but not painted objects (items according to the number of participants). You need to take turns going to your easel and painting one of the objects. The team that completes the task faster, more correctly, and more accurately wins, and receives sheets of paper for a future drawing as a prize.

And now you guys become artists yourself. You can draw a drawing that depicts a portrait, landscape or still life. To make your work enjoyable, I'll play some music for you.

Working with paints and other art materials begins with organizing the workplace.

Let's cook workplace a real artist.

Independent work children.

The teacher provides, if necessary, practical assistance to children in the use of technical skills.

Result of the lesson: exhibition of children's drawings.

Questions for children:

What mood did you want to convey in your painting? - How did you portray it? Tell me your secret, please. - Guys, what professions?