What Vanga said about World War 3. Vanga's predictions about the future of Russia, Ukraine, Syria, whether there will be a third world war

Vanga’s predictions about the war almost always came true, and the inaccuracies of the prophecies were often explained by their vagueness and incorrect interpretation. In light of today's events taking place around the world, everyone more people are looking for an answer in the words of the famous Bulgarian clairvoyant, known for her revelations.

In the article:

Vanga's predictions about the war in Europe

Like all ancient prophecies, Vanga’s predictions about war are rather vague. Only if you compare everything famous predictions Bulgarian healer about the fate of the whole world, one can imagine full picture. So, it is known that some military actions will take place in the world, as has almost always been the case throughout long history humanity.

There is a prediction by Vanga about an armed conflict between Europeans and Muslims. According to the clairvoyant, Russia will be adjacent to. Muslims will apply chemical and nuclear weapons, as a result of such a war, the territory where the countries of Europe are now located will turn out to be completely deserted and unsuitable for habitation.

In Vanga’s prophecies by year one can find the words that from the 21st to the 23rd century Muslims will rule in Europe, and in the 23rd century in France will appear partisan movement Europeans, whose members will make efforts to get rid of Muslim oppression. What will happen later is unknown, since predictions for the 23rd century and later concern completely different events of global importance.

Vanga about the war - consequences for Russia

When Vanga spoke about military operations and other tests for humanity, she assigned a special role to Russia. The soothsayer believed that this country should save all the others. There will be no war in Russia. In most versions of Vanga's predictions there is mention of the possibility internal conflicts, cold war with the West, as well as other troubles. But Vanga said nothing about Russia’s participation in World War III.

Russia's main goal will be to save the people who survive this war. There are records of Vanga’s words that the country will be overcrowded at a certain period. Most likely, Russia will accept refugees from “cold and empty” Europe. If Europe really goes to war with Muslims, there will be a lot of refugees in Russia.

Russia will sooner or later gain world domination. However, she will not participate in hostilities. Russia will become a world power exclusively through peaceful means. Therefore, Russians do not need to fear World War III. If you believe the soothsayer from Bulgaria, this war will not affect the inhabitants of our country, because we are destined for the role of spiritual mentors and saviors of all humanity.

Will there be war - Vanga's predictions about the USA

Vanga spoke about the war and about America. According to her, the United States will fight with a certain Muslim country at the very end of the 21st century. If we recall once again the prophecy about Europe, which will be captured by Muslims, this will be another war on European territory. If this is true, it is not surprising that it will remain empty and cold.

The US war with Muslims will begin in Rome. It is currently unknown what significance the city will play for America. As is the case with many other vague predictions, we will understand the meaning of these words about Rome only after several decades. At the same time, the development of new types of weapons will not stand still. America will use the latest climate weapons in its war with Muslim Europe, and this will cause severe cooling in Europe.

Vanga did not talk about the winner. It is unknown who will win - the United States or the Muslims. If you are interested in the future of the United States, you can read other articles devoted to what is about to happen to America in just a few years. If you believe the mystical source of Vangelia's prophecies, the current President of the States is the last in their history. America will soon collapse and will have to ask Russia for help.

Vanga about the war - when will it happen?

Despite the huge number of prophecies that have come true, if you are interested in whether there will be a war, Vanga’s predictions are not the most reliable source information. It is known that she predicted war at the beginning of the 21st century back in the 80s. Vanga's prophecy about a war that will develop into World War III is one of her many unfulfilled words.

According to the soothsayer with a difficult fate and very interesting, in 2008 events were supposed to occur that would become the reason for this war. If you look at the list of her predictions by year, you can guess that some of these events did not happen, and some are reminiscent of the situation with South Ossetia and Georgia. It turns out that the war should be connected with Russia, and Vanga contradicts herself, because she said that Russia would not fight in the new millennium, but would gain world domination through peaceful means.

The Third War was supposed to begin in 2010. World War. Everyone knows that this prediction did not come true, and one can only rejoice at this fact. But the matter may also lie in incorrect interpretations of Vanga’s predictions. The fact is that scientists from Russia and Bulgaria are researching everything she ever said. The interpretation of Vanga’s words is not the most easy task, in which mistakes are often made. Believing that there will be a war in 2010 is tantamount to believing in the literal destruction of the isthmus between Crimea and Ukraine.

If the previous sentence remains unclear to you, check out this best example in order to understand how vague her words can be. She never spoke directly.

Of course, Wang was asked more than once about when the Third World War would happen. The soothsayer answered with only one mysterious phrase:

Syria has not fallen yet.

At the time Vanga spoke these words, no one understood what she was talking about. we're talking about. It was only clear that Syria would have important, and it is in this country that the Third World War will begin. Perhaps the events that will take place in Syria will become the reason for military action on a global scale. It is now known that the fall of Syria foreshadows a new world war.

In general, one cannot deny the importance of a world-famous soothsayer in the history of mankind. Despite some misstatements, even skeptics say the overall accuracy of her predictions exceeds those of the world's leading experts in economics and geopolitics. But the final decision whether to trust her or not is yours.

The soothsayer Vanga left after her death a large number of prophecies that continue to come true to this day. However, Vanga’s most terrible prediction still remains a mystery to all humanity. This is a prediction about the third world war.

The Bulgarian clairvoyant spoke about the third world war back in the late 70s. At that time, few people believed in her words, but today it is this prediction that receives special attention from biographers and researchers. What did Vanga say about the war, and in what year did she predict it would start? terrible event?

Vanga said that the preconditions for the third world war would arise back in 2008. The war itself will begin in November 2010 and last until 2014. Vanga called this period the most terrible time in history. According to the clairvoyant, during the war Europe will be completely destroyed due to the use of chemical weapons a huge number of people will die. The earth will become uninhabitable.

Fortunately, Vanga's predictions about the third world war did not come true. But this seems only at first glance. If you pay attention to the details of the clairvoyant’s prophecy and compare them with the political situation in the world that was happening in 2010, then everything becomes clear: humanity miraculously managed to avoid the outbreak of war, or this event was simply delayed.

Vanga said the following about World War III: the war will begin due to a military conflict between two small states, A main reason war will be an attempt on the lives of four rulers.

Why Vanga's prophecies about the third world war did not come true

Let's go back to 2010. At this time, the war began between Georgia and South Ossetia. It was this military conflict between two small countries that Vanga spoke about. During this war, the heads of four states (the presidents of Lithuania, Estonia, Ukraine and Poland) flew to Georgia to resolve the situation. However, the plane, which was originally supposed to land in Georgia, landed in Azerbaijan. As it turned out later, the pilot considered that the plane in Georgia could become a good target for the enemies of the world. The presidents might simply not make it to Georgia alive. Perhaps this would have happened, as Vanga predicted, if the pilot had not changed course.

It turns out that the chain of events that the clairvoyant Vanga spoke about was interrupted. Whether we can consider that humanity managed to avoid a third world war, time will tell. We are waiting for your comments and do not forget to click on the buttons and

Many of Vanga's predictions terrify people. When and where World War 3 will begin in Russia is a rather pressing question. The clairvoyant claimed that the world would be shaken. Many people will suffer and die.

Many countries are faced with political, economic crisis. State leaders are at a loss. You have to be careful to protect the people.

Vanga claims that World War 3 will happen. However, events will not unfold according to the classic scenario.

Everyone associates war with the death of people, the use of weapons, and attacks by states on neighboring countries. According to the clairvoyant, conflicts will begin to arise between individual countries. They will not immediately affect the entire world. Over time, the situation will worsen, many countries will join the war.

Beginning of the conflict

The clairvoyant claimed that the conflict would begin at. It would seem that many years ago this could not have been discussed. But Vanga’s visions turned out to be prophetic. The state is a tasty morsel for many powers wishing to get a good share in Syria.

The visions of the clairvoyant should be understood as the beginning of a cataclysm due to religious contradictions. Representatives of 2 great religions will collide: Muslims and Christians.

According to World War 3, it will begin after the fall of Syria. Then it will spread to Russia and Europe. Experts have been arguing for years about when and where military action will take place. Many argue that the war has already begun, even if it is not open, but Syria cannot withstand the onslaught.

Syria has serious historical meaning. If you remember history, it was here that Cain killed his brother Abel. This is sacred land, which is encroached upon by many states. As we know from history, attacking divine territory is prohibited. People will receive punishment for their sins.

What awaits Europe

The clairvoyant saw cold Europe. The conflict in the East will be the beginning of bloody events. People will not attack each other with weapons; there are other ways to destroy life on earth. As a result, Muslims will triumph over Europe.

There are predictions that they will kill the Pope. A new religion will spread throughout the world, which the surviving people will have to accept.

What awaits Russia

The seer said that many people would die in the war, a lot of blood would be shed. However, soon peace and tranquility will reign on earth again. Main role in the war, Vanga is assigned to Russia. According to her, the country will become a savior for many states. Russia - strong in spirit power, its people are invincible.

By 2024, living conditions in Russia will improve, only fresh water reserves will remain on its territory. Other countries will need help, and from now on an era of prosperity will begin. Only good people who do not know what envy is will be able to survive.

When and where will the war start?

Vanga’s predictions about when and where World War 3 will begin, and what role Russia will play, have been deciphered by experts for many years in a row. The soothsayer said that the catastrophe would begin after the fall of Syria. This was said more than 20 years ago. Today it becomes clear that the country is under threat.

Recently the world watched as the leaders of 2 world powers divided the state. The interests of Russia and America were affected, it is unknown what to expect in the future.

Causes of the war

America will initiate World War 3. This will cost humanity dearly, millions of people will die. Vanga argued that the world would pay for the sins committed over many years of existence. War will bring the Apocalypse. However, at the same time, the Renaissance of the world will begin. Not everyone will be able to escape, but good people will remain alive. After the war, a new, clean era will begin. The world will pay high price for your salvation.

Should we believe Vanga's predictions?

The Bulgarian clairvoyant has fans and ill-wishers. Some consider her a man of God, others argue that she gave out information that the authorities allowed her to say. Many of Vanga’s judgments are vague and quite difficult to decipher. There are no specific names, dates, or places. Her statements can be attributed to many events.

The trouble is that many of Vanga’s words are falsifications. Her predictions were used in political games and speculation.

Whether to believe the soothsayer or not, each person decides for himself. All that is known is that many of her predictions came true. As for World War 3, confirmation has not yet been received. You should not take all the words of a clairvoyant seriously.

The only thing left to do is wait. If things brew between powers serious conflict, the information will spread instantly. In this case, all states must be prepared for military action.

In May 2015, the famous American billionaire George Soros said literally the following: “If there is a clash between China and a US military ally such as Japan, it is not an exaggeration to say that we will be on the verge of a third world war.”

Soon, similar judgments were made by the Commander-in-Chief of NATO Allied Forces in Brunsum (Netherlands), Hans-Lothar Domroese.

These statements coincide in meaning with the predictions of Western prophets made in the 1950-1970s and concerning 2016 and beyond.

Moreover, in the prophecies of clairvoyants, as in Soros’s forecast, Russia is assigned the role of “China’s flank ally” invading Europe. We mention these prophecies as a kind of paranormal artifact, illustrating the inescapable fear of the West of the “unpredictable Russian bear.”

The world has reached a dangerous point, this is obvious to everyone who is interested in news of international politics. The psychic who predicted Trump’s victory also thinks so. He told us when the Third World War would begin.

Portuguese psychic and mystic Horatio Villegas, who predicted Trump's election victory back in 2015, said that there is less than a month left before the outbreak of World War III. In his opinion, a nuclear war cannot be avoided, and the recent American strike on Syria is its harbinger, Express reports.

According to Villegas, nuclear war with the participation of the USA, Russia, North Korea and China may begin on May 13, since on this day a hundred years ago the appearance of the Virgin Mary took place in the Portuguese city of Fatima. The inhabitants of the planet need to “be on alert” until October 2017, says the psychic, this is an “extremely explosive” period.

Villegas is confident that World War III will be short-lived and will end before the end of the year.

According to the medium, the reason global cataclysm conflicts arising around Syria and North Korea. Villegas warns that people should be prepared for a war between May 13 and October 13, 2017, which "will end in great devastation, shock and death."

The date of the end of the war is also not accidental - on October 13, 1917, Maria allegedly also appeared in Fatima, warning that “the war is coming to an end, and the soldiers will soon return to their homes.”

Vanga's prophecy about the Third World War

During the current tense geopolitical situation in the world, many people began to suspect that the entire world community was “sliding” into the abyss, which could turn out to be the Third World War. This also confirms Vanga’s prophecy about big war which will come from the East. It is for this reason that more and more often citizens began to look for the answer in prophecies, especially those people who actually managed to prove the veracity of their judgments.

Among the prophecies of the future Third World War, there are several that are quite comparable with each other and give a fairly specific picture of events. Pope Francis said World War III has “already begun, in part.” But since modern hybrid war is, first of all, an information war, a war for people’s consciousness, many did not notice this fact. Strange as it may seem, the weakest point in the prophecies is exact dates forecasts.

Prophecies about World War 3 say that it will come from the East

Wang did not ignore the issue of the outbreak of the Third World War, many of whose predictions came true after her death. According to her prophecy, World War III was supposed to begin in 2010. That did not happen. However, it is worth carefully reading her predictions and it becomes clear that not all the conditions for the outbreak of war have been met. And again, Vanga says that the Third World War will come from the East.

The beginning of the Third World War in prophecies

The Third World War, according to the predictions of the seers, will begin in late summer or autumn (September, October). The Muslims will attack unexpectedly and come from the East. Based on the information available in the prophecies, the main military actions will take place on the territory of Western Europe. In many cases, the visions of Alois Irlmayer largely coincide with the predictions of Nostradamus and other prophecies, so it can be assumed that they are not a figment of the author’s imagination.

Famous prophecies about World War III using nuclear weapons

IN Lately The topic of World War III is actively discussed on television and on the Internet. The prophecy of a global war was given in the works of Nostradamus, the Mayan calendars, Vanga spoke about it, this war was also mentioned in the Bible. Many predictions of the Third World War said that it was supposed to start in 2010. The quatrains of Nostradamus contain information that in November 2010 the Third World War could begin between Western Europe and the USA.

New prophecy about the beginning of World War III

Today, more and more prophecies are appearing on the topic of World War III, and it’s up to you to believe in them or not. Of course, there are fictitious predictions, because many publications are trying to catch the information wave of popularity with the help of sensations. At the same time, it cannot be denied that World War 3 is indeed possible in the coming years, given the tense situation in the geopolitical arena. And mutual threats between leading countries about the use of nuclear weapons also instill fear of the possibility of an impending military conflict.

John Titor's World War III prophecy in 2016

John Titor's World War III prophecy is from a time when we were all so innocent, which was less than 15 years ago, just before things started to change. And the legend of John Titor's prophecies about the Third World War in 2016 persists partly because no one has ever declared himself its creator. Since the mystery has not been solved, the legend continues. The danger of a global conflict, the threshold of the Third World War and a possible nuclear exchange of strikes “into radioactive dust” is no longer science fiction

Predictions about World War III

From von Werdenberg's predictions for 2016-2017, the Third World War will be heralded by the military coming to power in Moscow, and the Third World War itself, which will begin shortly after, will last two years, as a result of which the Earth's population will be reduced to 600 million. In May 2016, the famous American billionaire George Soros said literally the following: “If there is a clash between China and a US military ally such as Japan, it is not an exaggeration to say that we will be on the verge of World War III.”

The Third World War in the predictions of Orthodox elders

"Russia will be saved Processions of the Cross"- Reverend Elder Seraphim of Sarov. The inevitable Third World War, how is salvation? “The elders pray very much for there to be a war, and after the war there will be famine. And if there is no war, then it will be bad, everyone will die. The war will not be long, but still many will be saved, and if not, then no one will be saved.” Elder Christopher (1996). On the southwestern borders of Russia, outbreaks of the Third World War began to flare up. Whether or not these “small outbreaks” will develop into the active phase of the Third World War in the near future worries every citizen of Russia?!

World War III predicted by Nostradamus for 2016

In 1998, the Panorama publishing house published a translation of Manfred Dimde’s book “Nostradamus. Predictions: a new reading." In it, the author claimed that he had found the key to the famous predictions of the French soothsayer and offered his own interpretations of all his quatrains. It's interesting what this book said regarding 2016 and World War III. Here are the texts and interpretations of Nostradamus related to 2016 and the Third World War (Century X, quatrain 15).

Psychic Vafa Cleo predicted World War III in 2008

Could anyone have imagined two years ago that Russia would find itself in confrontation with neighboring Ukraine? That in 2014 the world will not only pay tribute to those who died in the Great Patriotic War, but also fear the outbreak of the Third World War? By the way, we were warned. All this was predicted by the winner of the third season of the “Battle of Psychics,” Iranian seer Mehdi Ebrahimi Vafa Cleo in 2008, five years ago, the site learned. This is what psychic Vafa Cleo said at the end of 2008...

Alexander Lazarev deciphered Nostradamus' predictions about World War III

Alexander Lazarev: I read a lot of books, dedicated to the book“Prediction” of Nostradamus, but did not see any attempts in them scientific research. Nostradamus continued the Bible. Her text became the basis of the book “Predictions”. The word "Apocalypse" is Greek. It means “revelations”, that is, nothing catastrophic, although this is exactly what he called his book about “ Last Judgment» John the Theologian. Indeed, Nostradamus gave an interpretation of the “Revelation of John”, and dedicated about a third of all written quatrains to them. Central to this chain is quatrain 10.72, where the prophet said: “The Third World War has already begun.” The starting point is the US-NATO war in Kosovo in March 1999.

Scientists and researchers of Vanga’s prophecies have calculated that about 80% of her prophecies come true. But it seems to me that the calculation here is incorrect. Most likely everything will come true for her 100%. And 20% are those that are impossible to understand. This was the case, for example, with Vanga’s prophecy that Kursk would be under water. In the 90s they laughed and swaggered at him. Until the submarine Kursk really sank.

In this post I want to talk about one of Vanga’s prophecies about the Third World War, which I personally read about in the 90s. Today, however, I specifically found it on the Internet. This is actually what I would like to discuss. Because, in my opinion, it is just beginning to come true. So, the text of the prophecy:

..."Soon the ANCIENT TEACHING will come into the world....

They ask me: “Will this time come soon?”

No, not soon... – SYRIA HAS NOT FALLEN YET!

There is an ancient teaching.

It will spread throughout the world.

New books will be published about him, and they will be read everywhere on Earth.

This will be the "Fire Bible". The day will come when all religions will disappear!

Only this teaching will remain.

It will cover the Earth with white color - and thanks to it, people will be saved.

A new teaching will come from Rus'. She will be the first to cleanse herself.

The White Brotherhood will spread throughout Rus' and go all over the world.

This will happen in 20 years... it won't happen before.

In 20 years you will reap your first big harvest."

For greater clarity, it is worth explaining. That Vanga's prophecy about World War III was recorded in 1978. In addition, the possibility of inaccurate translation should not be discounted; Vanga had a rather rare dialect, even for Bulgaria. But, nevertheless, I will try to imagine what it is about. And thus, understand what we can expect in the near future.

It’s clear that in the 80s and 90s this all seemed like complete nonsense; nothing threatened Syria globally. But now this no longer seems like nonsense, because the conflict in the Middle East threatens today or tomorrow to escalate into the Third World War with the use of nuclear weapons.

As far as can be judged, Vanga claimed that with the fall of Syria the revival of Russia would begin. Moreover, as far as one can understand, not just a revival, but a REVIVAL, despite everything that we see now, Russia will not just be one of the first. And country number 1. Apparently, even more powerful than the deceased USSR. How can this happen, and what kind of teaching are we talking about?

I see the following sequence of events. After the defeat of Syria, WAR will begin and hordes of Islamists will pour in two directions into Russia and Europe. And apparently, both there and there are successful.

In Europe, Muslims will sweep away everything. Apparently the Pope will be killed. It’s not for nothing that they say that the next Pope is the last. By the way, this is also indicated by the third Fatima prophecy, which was not published for almost 100 years. Here is his text:

"After the two parts that I have already explained to you, to the left of the Mother of God and a little above we saw an Angel with a flaming sword in his left hand; the sword flared up with tongues of flame that looked as if they wanted to set the whole world on fire; but they went out in the radiance that The Mother of God radiated in the direction of the Angel from her right hand. Pointing to the ground with his right hand, the Angel shouted in a loud voice"Payback!, Payback!, Payback!" And we saw the infinite light of God, “something similar to how people look in a mirror when they pass in front of it.” A priest dressed in White "we thought he was the Holy Father. Other Bishops, priests, religious men and women climbed up the steep mountain, at the top of which was a large Cross of rough-hewn balsa tree trunks with bark; before reaching the top, The Holy Father has reached the top he has passed by big city, half in ruins with a trembling, stumbling gait, suffering from pain and sorrow, he prayed for the souls of the dead he met on his way; having reached the top of the mountain on his knees, at the foot of the great Cross he was killed by a group of soldiers who shot bullets and arrows at him, and at the same time in the same way other Bishops, Priests, religious men and women and various worldly people different ranks and positions. Under the two arms of the Cross there were two Angels each with crystal jugs in their hands in which they collected the blood of the Martyrs and sprinkled this blood on the souls who followed God."

I think this describes the execution of the entire papal curia. Apart from convinced Islamists, I no longer see anyone who could commit such a crime.

Many will say that this is nonsense, and European armies will easily disperse the wild Islamists if only they raise their heads. But I invite everyone to think about the question: do we know how many Islamists are already in European armies? For example, in French or German. I think the percentage of Muslim soldiers should be much higher than the percentage of Muslims in the population of these countries. In general, according to the prophecy of both Vanga and the Virgin Mary in Fatima, Europe is doomed (I remember many prophets talking about this, and futurologists too).

But in Russia, it will be somewhat different. At first, the Islamists will be successful. Their success will lead to the collapse of power and force the people to unite. But in order for people to unite, an ideology is needed. No one will shed blood for budget drinkers. Then, apparently, the Vedic teaching will serve as the basis for the unity of Russia. For those who don’t know, I inform you that it is represented by the Rodnovers. This is precisely what came from India; our Vedas reconstructed it according to Indian Ayurveda. Well, there’s no need to even talk about antiquity - it’s older than Christianity. Why Vanga mistook these people for the white brotherhood is easy to guess if you look at the clothes that followers of the Vedic teachings usually wear. By the way, the Vedists have the same worship of fire and occupy one of the key places.

Well, then I think, everyone has already guessed how the war will go. And as many times before, the Russians will carry the Vedistic religion throughout the world on their bayonets. Europe will be liberated. After which, apparently, no one will restore the papal throne.

This is where I see the course of the current Third World War, if you believe the generally accepted prophets.