What does the name Vsevolod mean? Translation of name in different languages. The meaning of the name Vsevolod among patrons and name day

Short form named after Vsevolod. Seva, Volodya, Vova, Vava, Vodya, Volya, Lodya, Vsevolodushka, Vseva.
Origin of the name Vsevolod. The name Vsevolod is Russian, Slavic, Orthodox.

The name Vsevolod is Slavic name, formed from 2 semantic parts: “vse-”, that is, “all”, and “volod-” (“to own”). Also “voloda” in the Old Church Slavonic language means “power”, and in modern Ukrainian this word has been transformed into the word “vlada”. Therefore, the name Vsevolod can be translated as “all-powerful,” “owning everything.” IN Orthodox calendar the name Vsevolod is identical to the name Gabriel.

As a child, Vsevolod was an easy-going boy. Teachers love him, and his peers respect him, but if you ask them why exactly, hardly anyone will explain to you. In fact, Vsevolod has the gift of persuasion. He uses it to achieve various goals, such as getting an excellent grade or having his play accepted by a peer.

Vsevolod is a balanced young man. He is patient and diligent, he can remarkably concentrate on the main thing, without being distracted by trifles. But he lacks the desire to be a leader; he may well feel comfortable in a supporting role, but only with the most important and respected one.

Vsevolod is quite cautious and rarely finds himself in dangerous and unpleasant situations. He is courageous and able to withstand adversity. Vsevolod is a strong man, but sometimes he doesn’t really want to win. He can be content with what he has. And it is enough for him simply to know that his ability to communicate will always come to his aid at the moment when it is needed.

For his wife, Vsevolod is looking for a woman with ambitions, but not exceeding his own understanding of their size. He likes to see in her a real housewife, prudent, smart, practical, but not forgetting that there should always be coziness and comfort in the house. Comfort in the family is very important for Vsevolod.

Vsevolod's name day

Famous people named Vsevolod

  • Vsevolod Vishnevsky (playwright, novelist, journalist)
  • Vsevolod Pudovkin (Soviet film director, film theorist)
  • Vsevolod Sanaev ( Soviet actor theater and cinema, National artist THE USSR)
  • Vsevolod Garshin (Russian writer and literary critic)
  • Vsevolod Bobrov (Soviet athlete and coach (ice hockey, football), Honored Master of Sports, Honored Coach of the USSR, Olympic champion)
  • Vsevolod the Big Nest (Prince of Vladimir, son of Yuri Dolgoruky (1154–1212))
  • Vsevolod Keldysh (scientist, one of the founders of the method of calculating reinforced concrete structures using limit states (1878–1965))
  • Vsevolod Krestovsky (writer (1840–1895))
  • Vsevolod Meyerhold (Russian and Soviet director, actor and teacher (1874–1940))
  • Vsevolod Roborovsky (Russian explorer of Central Asia)
  • Vsevolod Ovchinnikov (outstanding Soviet journalist and writer)
  • Vsevolod Burtsev (Russian scientist in the field of control systems and the theory of design of universal computers, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences)

Originally Slavic roots has the meaning of the name Vsevolod, and its interpretation is possible thanks to phonosemantic analysis.

This name was made up of two separate words “all” and “volod”, and from the ancient Slavic language where it came from, the word means “to own”.

Moreover, it was formed from the verb “voloda”, that is, “ruler”. We find confirmation in the language of modern Ukrainians, where “power” sounds like “Vlada”, and “ruler” sounds like “Volodar”.

If we talk about what the name Vsevolod means, it is “having power over everything, owning everything.”

Note that it cannot be found in the Saints; it has an identical meaning Orthodox name Gabriel, which is translated from Hebrew as “my strength is in God.”

Would you name your child this name?

This name contains greatness and enormous strength and is associated with heroic times. Kievan Rus, a great princely family.

No less interesting is the history of the name Vsevolod, which takes us back to pre-Christian times in the impenetrable and mysterious forests of Eastern Europe.

According to legend, its origins are connected with the tribes of giants who inhabited this region. They were distinguished by enormous strength, courage and bravery. At the head of the tribe was the bravest giant, Vsevolod.

The unusual origin of the name Vsevolod and unbridled energy make its owners strong and persistent people, whom no obstacle can stop.

It is in its power that a special secret lies, with it you can achieve absolute altitudes, but if it is not controlled, it will destroy everything in its path.

Name forms

Simple: Seva Full: VsevolodAntique: VsevolodAffectionate: Sevushka

As the history of many destinies testifies, in order for the crew with which Vsevolod moves through life to reach the heights of success, he cannot do without an intelligent and persistent navigator.

Taking into account the nature of the name Vsevolod, it is very difficult to imagine that its owners are devoid of ambition, simply go with the flow and are content with what fate sends them.

In life, Vsevolod is always lucky, and for this he does not make any extra efforts. The secret of his success lies in his natural charisma and ability to find the right approach to a variety of people.

And, although high intelligence, wit, strong will, and talent form the basis of Vsevolod’s characteristics, they seem to be of secondary importance for him.

He lacks the motivation to strengthen his character and achieve more. At the same time, his natural abilities allow him to achieve success in whatever he decides to do.

At the same time, the owner of the name is painfully proud, demanding that his opinion be considered the only correct one. He is very interested in the impression he makes in society.

The truly extraordinary character of Vsevolod requires a particularly detailed interpretation.

To compose Full description, we must say about his phenomenal performance, perseverance and scrupulousness. He will cope with any task that is put in front of him.

A man who bears the name Vsevolod will always attract attention and, regardless of origin, inspire the impression of his exclusivity and nobility.

The owner of the name rarely gets into trouble, he knows how to predict the development of events, is always prudent and does not like to take risks. Moreover, his caution is dictated by prudence, and not cowardice.

To give full description Vsevolod, it is important to remember his stubbornness: it is unrealistic to convince or out-argue this person. He is also overly narcissistic and painfully tolerates even a hint of disrespect.

But this does not mean that he will be offended and withdraw into himself. He will harbor a grudge and will certainly take revenge on the offender.

The positive features of the name will be most fully manifested and the negative features of the name will be smoothed out if Vsevolod’s patronymic is Romanovich.

A name occupies an important place in the life of every person. Vsevolod - literally translated as “all-powerful.” The origin of the name is Slavic. Historians have not been able to reliably determine at what time it appeared in Rus'. It is assumed that only noble persons could wear it. Short form of the name Vsevolod: Seva, Sevochka, Vladenka. As a patronymic, the name takes the form: Vsevolodovna or Vsevolodovich.

Personality characteristics

Courage, calmness, poise - this is what the name Vsevolod means for a boy. Since childhood, he carefully analyzes everything, especially the actions of other people and his own. He always sticks to the chosen path. In the sphere of personal life, a number of features can be noted:

  • Love for one partner.
  • Family is the center of everything.
  • Appreciates old friends.
  • Carefully chooses new comrades.

WITH early years Seva will be distinguished by special tenacity. He will spare no effort to achieve his own goals. He will not disdain anything to achieve his plans. To build a career, he uses cunning schemes. But Vsevolod, born in winter, will be indifferent to his career. In life he will strive to subjugate people to his will. Always stands his ground, distrustful. Since childhood, he has a wide range of interests and is inquisitive by nature.

The meaning of the name Vsevolod for a boy also depends on what time of year he was born. Thus, summer Sevs are overly sensitive, patient, and grumpy. They like to give advice and are prudent. IN family life everything is complicated: the wife won’t find mutual language with my mother-in-law. In a couple, he will strive to take the leading role, and this will serve as the basis for conflicts. Understanding the importance of home and children in life will help save your marriage.

Vsevolod, born in winter, will be distinguished by his special authority. They are categorical, have their own opinion on every issue and always defend it. They do not accept help from anyone and distrust everyone.

Positive and negative sides

Calmness, poise, respect from others - this is what distinguishes the bearer of the name Vsevolod from the rest. The origin and meaning of the name includes a list of positive and negative characteristics personality. Vsevolod’s good qualities include:

  • Endurance.
  • Patience.
  • Durability.
  • The ability to win over.
  • The ability to insist on one's own.

Depression and loss of strength are unusual for him. He is not prone to reckless actions. Maintains internal balance. It's safe and calm to be around him. TO negative traits character may include slowness, low emotionality, and excessive seriousness. In severe cases, Seva may be indifferent to what is happening and to his fate. His life is smooth, without any special ups, downs, or goals.

Family and career

A name means a lot in a person's life. It not only determines the character of the bearer, but also lays the foundation for his career and family life. So Vsevolod will be popular with people of the opposite sex. Women will be attracted by qualities such as self-confidence, reliability, and determination. Seva himself will prefer ladies who are ambitious, different bad character and bright appearance. But having realized the true essence of his companion, he will leave her.

Thanks to his meticulousness he becomes an excellent lover. He will carefully study erotic literature and apply theory in practice. Seva is not limited by any conventions or prohibitions, preferring to try everything. Does not enter into intimate relationships without love. Marries early.

The ideal wife for him is quiet, calm, and able to create comfort in the home. She must be smart, practical, calculating. Required condition strong marriage: common hobbies. Seva may spend a long time looking for a life partner, as he is attracted to the wrong type.

At work, Vsevolod is a careerist. In the chosen field, he will strive to achieve heights. He can work in the scientific and research field. You can find many mathematicians and physicists with this name. The most difficult thing will be to achieve success in the business sphere. He will not ask for help, preferring to achieve everything on his own. Relies on his perseverance and hard work. You shouldn't expect success from an early age. The effort will pay off in middle age. The bearer of the name will always be held in high esteem by his superiors. He will be respected by his colleagues. He is not without certain psychic abilities, but prefers not to show them.

The lack of direction in life will cause torment. Therefore, Vsevolod needs to clearly know what goal he is going towards. All his activities should bring him closer to a certain result, then Seva will receive true pleasure from his work. This applies to any hobbies. In sports he achieves high results. He approaches financial issues thoroughly, preferring to spend money wisely.

Attention, TODAY only!

You should pay special attention, first of all, to the quality of the items you purchase. Preference should be given to clothing that is simple and strict style, wearable, comfortable and discreet. The main thing is to look correct and neat. And dressing “like you’re going to a ball” doesn’t suit you at all. Your appearance number is “Four.” The practicality of the “two” is reflected, among other things, in her manner of dressing. You should pay special attention, first of all, to the quality of the items you purchase. Preference should be given to clothing of a simple and strict style, wearable, comfortable and discreet. The main thing is to look correct and neat. And dressing “like you’re going to a ball” doesn’t suit you at all.

Compatibility of the name Seva, manifestation in love

Seva, your self-sufficiency makes you a person for whom love is not a “life necessity.” You are extremely picky in any connections, be it friendship or closer relationships. In both cases, the partner must meet your ideal criteria absolutely, otherwise you can easily do without him. But if you still find a person who fits the “bar” you set, then you surrender to the feeling completely, selflessly and recklessly, which can be a pleasant surprise for your partner, misled by your external closeness and aloofness.


You are a “closed” person. All aspirations and desires are focused on one’s own personality. Therefore, when making any decision, you tend to choose what will most contribute to your growth and improvement. And each such choice increases the distance between you and the world around you.

Over time, this “shell” becomes thicker, and the possibility of “coming out” becomes more and more unrealistic. But even the strongest shell may one day fail to withstand external pressure and burst. And then, despite all your outstanding abilities, you will find yourself defenseless, like a newly hatched chick.

Neither intelligence nor theoretical knowledge, no matter how significant they are, cannot replace the ability to communicate with people, the skill of “interpenetration”, without which life is impossible.

Try to learn to view your individual qualities not as a product that can be “sold”, but as a tool for working in a team. Self-respect, of course, is “worth a lot,” but the affection of others is not a trifle.

  • Male name
  • Meaning and origin of the name Vsevolod: This name Slavic origin means "Omnipotent", "Owner of everything".
  • Energy named after Vsevolod: Optimism, resilience, prudence

Strangely, the energy of this name is in dissonance with its specific meaning- it does not imply so much power of character that if Vsevolod has influence on people, it is solely due to his ability to persuade. However, it is quite possible that our distant ancestors put exactly this meaning into this name, expressing their dream of an ideal ruler whose power is built not on violence, but on respect and love.

This name endows its bearer with perseverance, patience, and calm courage. His energy is gentle, but firm, it exudes balanced optimism, and these are precisely the qualities that are most easily transmitted to other people. In fact, it is difficult to make a fighter out of a person; it is very easy to break down due to excessive self-confidence and the desire for superiority when meeting the resistance of others, but balance and optimism do not cause rejection in anyone. Thus, both Vsevolod himself and the majority of those around him perceive this name positively, which often opens many doors for Seva to his life path. This is further enhanced by the relative rarity of the name.

At the same time, unlike many other optimistic names, the name Vsevolod encourages concentration and self-absorption, and this can be a significant plus! Moreover, it has little inclination towards pedantry. Usually Vsevolods grow up to be very diligent people; They study well, rarely get into trouble, enjoy the love of teachers, but do not strive to be favorites and therefore do not lose authority among their comrades. Most often, similar tendencies remain with them even in adult life, providing a good career and a strong family.

In a word, the name Vsevolod is very favorable for quiet life and this is where its main drawback lies. Without experiencing deep passions and all-consuming desires, it won’t take long to lose your bearings in life. Often Vsevolod begins to suffer from the absence main goal and some exciting dream, without which all efforts sooner or later lose their meaning. This is a very significant point, and Seva’s parents should pay attention to it, because if the name itself does not contain clear aspirations, then it is extremely necessary to instill in him an interest in something in childhood. The stronger and more worthy this interest is, the more chances Vsevolod has to live a full, eventful life. Vsevolod himself can be wished not to be afraid of risky actions and to a greater extent treat life as a rather exciting game. Rest assured, with the start of the game both interest and healthy excitement will come, and your best qualities will definitely help you achieve success!

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