Father Frost. An origin story for kids. The real story of Santa Claus

Ded Moroz (Morozko) - mighty Russian pagan god, a character in Russian legends, in Slavic legends - the personification of Russian winter frosts, a blacksmith who freezes water with ice, generously showering winter nature sparkling snowy silver, giving the joy of a winter festival, and if necessary, in difficult times, protecting Russians from advancing enemies with hitherto unprecedented winter colds freezing into the ice, from which iron begins to break.

Once upon a time, even before the advent of Christianity in Rus', our ancestors believed that the spirits of the dead protected their family, took care of the offspring of livestock and good weather. Therefore, to reward them for their care, people gave them gifts every winter. On the eve of the holiday, village youth put on masks, turned out their sheepskin coats and went from house to house, singing carols. (However, in different regions caroling had its own peculiarities.) The owners presented the carolers with food.
The meaning was precisely that the carolers represented the spirits of ancestors who received a reward for their tireless care of the living. Among the carolers there was often one “person” dressed more terribly than anyone else. As a rule, he was forbidden to speak. This was the oldest and most formidable spirit; he was often called simply Grandfather. It is quite possible that this is the prototype of the modern Santa Claus. Only today, of course, he has become kinder and does not come for gifts, but brings them himself. With the adoption of Christianity, pagan rituals were, of course, “abolished,” and therefore exist to this day. The carolers depict not the spirits of their ancestors, but heavenly messengers, which, you see, is practically the same thing. It’s already difficult to say who should be considered Grandfather, but there is still an “elder”.

According to another version, the “great-great-grandfather” of the modern Russian Father Frost was the hero of Russian folk tales Morozko or Moroz Red nose, master of weather, winter and frost. Initially, he was called Grandfather Treskun and was represented as a little old man with a long beard and a temper as harsh as Russian frosts. From November to March, Grandfather Treskun was the sovereign master on earth. Even the sun was afraid of him! He was married to a despicable person - Winter. Father Treskun or Father Frost was also identified with the first month of the year - mid-winter - January. The first month of the year is cold and cold - the king of frosts, the root of winter, its sovereign. It is strict, icy, icy, it’s time for snowmen. People also talk about January like this: fireman and jelly, snowman and cracker, fierce and fierce.

In Russian fairy tales, Father Frost is portrayed as an eccentric, strict, but fair spirit of winter. . Remember, for example, the fairy tale "Morozko". Morozko froze and froze the kind, hardworking girl, and then gave her a gift, but he froze the evil and lazy girl to death. Therefore, in order to avoid troubles, some northern peoples and now they appease old man Frost - on festive nights they throw cakes and meat over the threshold of their homes, pour out wine so that the spirit does not get angry, does not interfere with the hunt, or destroys the crops.

Santa Claus was represented as a gray-haired old man with a floor-length beard in a long thick fur coat, felt boots, a hat, mittens, and with a staff with which he froze people .
Under the influence of Christianity, which fought cruelly and bloodily against Slavic paganism (battle with religious competitors for profits), original image Snow Grandfather was distorted (like all the others Slavic gods), and Morozko began to be represented as an evil and cruel pagan deity, the Great Old Man of the North, the lord of icy cold and blizzards, who froze people. This was reflected in Nekrasov’s poem “Frost - Red Nose”, where Frost kills a poor young peasant widow in the forest, leaving her young children orphans.
As the influence of Christianity weakens in Russia late XIX- the beginning of the 20th century, the image of Morozko began to soften. Santa Claus first appeared at Christmas in 1910, but did not become widespread.

And here is that Santa Claus whom you and I are accustomed to seeing with early years Appeared already in Soviet times , after the rejection of the ideas of Christianity, was widespread new image Santa Claus: he appeared to children under New Year and gave gifts; this image was created by Soviet filmmakers in the 1930s.
And note that only our Father Frost comes to the holiday with his divine granddaughter - the Snow Maiden.
The modern collective image of Father Frost is based on the hagiography of St. Nicholas, as well as descriptions of the ancient Slavic deities Pozvizd (God of the Wind), Zimnik and Karachun.

But the attitude of the Russian Orthodox Church to Santa Claus is ambiguous, on the one hand, as a pagan deity and wizard (God of a different religion, which means a religious competitor, contrary to Christian teaching), and on the other hand, as an invincible Russian cultural tradition, which to fight is only to disgrace yourself and reveal your weakness
It is difficult to say unambiguously where the Russian Father Frost lives, since there are a lot of legends. Some claim that Santa Claus comes from North Pole, others say - from Lapland. Only one thing is clear, Santa Claus lives somewhere in the far North, where all year round winter.

But the most interesting thing is the Origin of Santa Claus
Imagine that in some countries local gnomes are considered the ancestors of Santa Claus. In others - medieval wandering jugglers who sang Christmas carols, or wandering sellers of children's toys. There is an opinion that among the relatives of Father Frost is the East Slavic spirit of cold Treskun, aka Studenets, Frost. The image of Santa Claus has evolved over centuries, and each nation has contributed something of its own to its history. But among the elder’s ancestors there was, it turns out, a very real person. In the 4th century, Archbishop Nicholas lived in the Turkish city of Myra. According to legend, it was very a kind person. So, one day he saved three daughters of a poor family by throwing bundles of gold through the window of their house. After the death of Nicholas, he was declared a saint. In the 11th century, the church where he was buried was robbed by Italian pirates. They stole the remains of the saint and took them to their homeland. The parishioners of the Church of St. Nicholas were outraged. erupted international scandal. This story caused so much noise that Nicholas became the object of veneration and worship of Christians from different countries of the world.

And yet Saint Nicholas is Ours kind Grandfather Frost, Santa Claus Holiday and Day of Honor of St. Nicholas All nations celebrate December 19. On December 19, it is customary to give gifts to children, because the saint himself did so. After the introduction of the new calendar, the saint began to come to children at Christmas, and then on New Year. Everywhere kind old man They call him differently, in England and America - Santa Claus, but here - Father Frost.

And this is what our traditional appearance of Santa Claus looks like, according to ancient mythology and symbolism :

Beard and hair - thick, gray (silver). These details of appearance, in addition to their “physiological” meaning (the old man is gray-haired), also have a huge symbolic character, denoting power, happiness, prosperity and wealth. Surprisingly, hair is the only detail of the appearance that has not undergone any significant changes over the millennia.
Shirt and pants - white, linen, decorated with white geometric patterns (symbol of purity). This detail was almost lost in modern idea about the suit. Performers of the role of Santa Claus and costume designers prefer to cover the performer's neck with a white scarf (which is acceptable). As a rule, they do not pay attention to the trousers or they are sewn in red to match the color of the fur coat ( terrible mistake!)
Fur coat- long (ankle-length or shin-length), always red, embroidered with silver (eight-pointed stars, geese, crosses and other traditional ornaments), trimmed with swan down. Some modern theatrical costumes, alas, they sin with experiments in the field color range and replacement of materials. Surely many people have seen a gray-haired wizard in a blue or green fur coat. If so, know that this is not Santa Claus, but one of his many “younger brothers.”". If the fur coat is short (the shin is exposed) or has pronounced buttons- in front of you is a costume of Santa Claus, Pere Noel or one of the foreign brothers-in-arms of Father Frost. But replacing swan down with white fur Although not desirable, it is still acceptable.
A cap- red, embroidered with silver and pearls. Trimmed with swan down (white fur) with a triangular cutout made on the front part (stylized horns). The shape of the hat is semi-oval (the round shape of the hat is traditional for Russian tsars,
Just remember the headdress of Ivan the Terrible). In addition to the imposing attitude to color described above, modern theatrical costume designers tried to diversify the decoration and shape of Santa Claus's headdress. The following “inaccuracies” are typical: replacement of pearls with glass diamonds and semi-precious stones (permissible), lack of a cutout behind the trim (not desirable, but very common), a hat of the correct semicircular shape (this is Vladimir Monomakh) or a cap (Santa Claus), a pompom (he same).

Three-fingered gloves or mittens - white, embroidered with silver - a symbol of the purity and holiness of everything that he gives from his hands. Three-fingered- a symbol of belonging to the highest divine principle since the Neolithic. What symbolic meaning do modern red mittens carry is unknown
Belt - white with a red ornament (symbol of the connection between ancestors and descendants). Nowadays, it has been preserved as an element of costume, having completely lost its symbolic meaning and corresponding color scheme. It's a pity …
Shoes- silver or red, silver-embroidered boots with raised toes. The heel is slanted, small in size or completely absent. On a frosty day, Father Frost puts on white felt boots embroidered with silver. White color and silver are symbols of the moon, holiness, north, water and purity. It is by shoes that you can distinguish a real Santa Claus from a “fake” one. Dad Orosa will never go out to the public in boots or black boots! As a last resort, he will try to find red dancing boots or ordinary black felt boots (which is certainly not advisable).
Staff- crystal or silver “like crystal”. The handle is twisted and also has a silver-white color scheme. The staff is completed with a moon (a stylized image of the month) or a bull's head (a symbol of power, fertility and happiness).

And some more features of Santa Claus
1. Santa Claus wears a very warm hat with fur trim. Attention: no bombs or brushes!
2. Santa Claus's nose is usually red. (No bad analogies! It’s just VERY cold in the far north!) But the blue nose option is also allowed due to Grandfather’s snow-ice origin.
3. Santa Claus has a beard right down to the floor. White and fluffy like snow.
4. Grandfather Frost wears a long thick fur coat. Initially, quite a long time ago, the color of the fur coat was blue, cold, but under the influence of the red fur coats of its “European brothers” it changed to red. Although on this moment Both options are allowed.
5. Santa Claus hides his hands in huge mittens.
6. Santa Claus does not wear belts, but ties his fur coat with a sash (belt). In extreme cases, it is fastened with buttons.
7. Santa Claus prefers exclusively felt boots. And it’s not surprising, because at -50? C (usual northern air temperature) even the Snow Master’s feet will freeze in boots.
8. Santa Claus always carries a staff with him. Firstly, to make it easier to get through the snowdrifts. And secondly, according to legend, Father Frost, while still a “wild Morozko”, used this very staff to “freeze” people.
9. A bag of gifts is a later attribute of the Master of Winter. Many children believe that he is bottomless. In any case, Santa Claus never lets anyone near the bag, but takes gifts out of it himself. He does this without looking, but he always guesses who is waiting for what gift.
10. Santa Claus travels on foot, by air or on a sleigh pulled by a troika. He also loves to cross his native expanses on skis. There have been no recorded cases of deer being used.
11. The most important difference between the Russian Father Frost is his constant companion, his granddaughter Snegurochka. This is understandable: alone and in the far north, you can die of boredom! And it’s more fun with my granddaughter. P.S. And Santa Claus never wears glasses or smokes a pipe!
Snow Maiden, granddaughter of Father Frost
It should be noted that the Snow Maiden is purely Russian phenomenon. Not a single overseas character symbolizing the arrival of the new year has a companion. Only our Santa Claus is lucky.

This is how he is Dash Good Old Man Grandfather Frost Whom we look forward to every year and to whom we make wishes, believe in fairy tales and wait for a Miracle

None of us can imagine a New Year's holiday without the participation of its main characters - Grandfather Frost and his granddaughter Snegurochka. If you believe that Father Frost is a native Russian character whose main concern is new Year gifts, then you are very mistaken. In legends ancient Rus' There were similar figures: for example, the lord of the winter cold, Moroz, Morozko. It was believed that Frost wanders through the forests and knocks with his mighty staff, causing bitter frosts to begin in these places, rushing through the streets, which is why simple snow-frost patterns appear on the windows. Our ancestors imagined Moroz as an old man with a long gray beard. However, New Year's gifts were by no means Frost's main task. It was believed that all winter, from November to March, Frost had a lot to do, he carried his patrol through forests and fields, helping plants and animals adapt to the harsh, cold winter. We can find especially many prototypes of Grandfather in Russian folk tales: this is Morozko, Moroz Ivanovich, and Grandfather Studenets. However, these characters were not associated with the New Year celebrations. Their main concern is to help nature and people. Suffice it to recall the wonderful fairy tale “Twelve Months” by Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak.

But today's Grandfather Frost, that same New Year's character, has his own prototype. They consider him to be a man named Nicholas, who lived in the 3rd century AD on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea. According to legend, Nikolai came from a fairly rich family and happily helped the poor and needy, and also showed special care for the children. After his death, Nicholas was canonized and canonized.

There is a legend according to which Nikolai, quite by chance, overheard the complaints of one poor peasant, who had such a hard time that he was going to give away his daughters. The poor man was very sad, but did not see any way out, as he suffered from extreme poverty. Nikolai snuck into the peasant's house and stuffed a large bag of coins into the chimney. At that time, the stockings and shoes of the poor peasant's daughters were drying in the oven. Can you imagine the indescribable joy of the girls when the next morning they found their stockings and shoes filled to the brim with gold coins in the oven... Since then, in many European countries There was a custom to hide little surprises “from St. Nicholas” in stockings for your children. We have a tradition of hiding “Nicholas” gifts under the pillow. Children always look forward to such gifts and rejoice at them. However, gradually the tradition of giving gifts moved to Christmas in Western countries and to the New Year in the countries of the former Soviet Union. It is noteworthy that in most Western states New Year is a holiday less significant than Christmas. It is not celebrated on such a grand scale, nor is there a tradition of exchanging gifts on New Year's Eve. And some people don’t celebrate it at all.

In our country, on the contrary, New Year is considered the main holiday. And on this day, Father Frost and his assistant Snegurochka give gifts to all children New Year's surprises. It is known that it is very common among children to write so-called “letters to Santa Claus”, in which children promise to behave well and ask Santa Claus for what they want most at the moment.

It is known that in almost every country Frost is called differently. For the Americans and the British it is Santa Claus who comes at Christmas, in France it is Père Noel. In Finland - Jollupuk.

However, there is one feature that makes the Russian Father Frost stand out from the most advantageous side. Only he has a granddaughter and she is called Snegurochka. The Snow Maiden appeared at the end of the 19th century, thanks to A.N. Ostrovsky and his fairy tale "The Snow Maiden". However, in fairy tale of the same name The Snow Maiden acted as Frost's daughter. The Snow Maiden lived in the forest and came out to people, enchanted by the beautiful music she heard from them. Later famous philanthropist Savva Mamontov, fascinated by the image of the Snow Maiden, staged the play on the stage of his home theater.

Also, the following people had a hand in the image of the Snow Maiden: famous artists like M.A. Vrubel, N.K. Roerich, V.M. Vasnetsov. The famous Russian composer N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov dedicated an entire opera to this attractive fairy-tale character.

Nowadays, Father Frost and Snow Maiden are the favorites of all children. They are looking forward to the cherished moment when Father Frost and Snow Maiden will enter their house and give everyone long-awaited gifts.

Interesting things about Grandfather Frost. Story.

A small percentage of people know that Grandfather Frost became who he is because of the existence of a very specific and living prototype. In the 4th century, Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker (in Catholic and Lutheran versions - Saint Nicholas or Claus) lived and performed godly deeds in Asia Minor.

Grandfather Frost was originally an evil and cruel pagan deity, the Great Old Man of the North, the lord of icy cold and blizzards, who froze people, this was reflected in Nekrasov’s poem “Frost - the Red Nose”, where Frost kills a poor young peasant widow in the forest, leaving her young orphans children. Santa Claus first appeared at Christmas in 1910, but he did not become widespread.

In Soviet times, a new image was widespread: he appeared to children on New Year’s Eve and gave gifts; this image was created by Soviet filmmakers in the 1930s.

In December 1935, Stalin's comrade-in-arms, member of the Presidium of the USSR Central Executive Committee, Pavel Postyshev, published an article in the Pravda newspaper in which he proposed organizing a New Year celebration for children. A children's New Year's party was solemnly organized in Kharkov. Father Frost comes to the holiday with his granddaughter, the girl Snegurochka. The collective image of Grandfather Frost is based on the biography of St. Nicholas, as well as descriptions of the ancient Slavic deities Zimnik, Pozvezda, and Karochun.

Not for anything similar character pagan deities gave rise to the behavior of Grandfather Frost - at first he collected sacrifices - he stole children and carried them away in a sack. However, over time - as it happens - everything changed, and under the influence Orthodox traditions Grandfather Frost grew better and began to give gifts to the children himself. This image was finalized in Soviet Russia: Grandfather Frost has become a symbol of the New Year celebration, replacing in the ideology of atheism the most beloved by children in pre-revolutionary Russia holiday of the Nativity of Christ. Professional holiday Santa Claus is celebrated every last Sunday in August.

How old is Santa Claus? When did Grandfather Frost appear?

Around the same time as the Christmas tree, Father Frost becomes a permanent character of the New Year's holiday, although the age of the fairy-tale grandfather has already exceeded a thousand years.

Until now, no one knows exactly where Santa Claus came to us from and who was his prototype. IN different countriesdifferent opinions. Some believe that Santa Claus is a descendant of local gnomes, others - medieval wandering jugglers, and still others - traveling toy sellers. But all these are just assumptions; in fact, it is very difficult to find out who Santa Claus is and where he came from.

At the end of the 1st millennium AD, the cult of Nicholas of Mir (from the name of one of the cities of Asia Minor - Mira) appeared among the peoples of the East - the patron saint of children, sailors, girls-brides and even thieves. For his good deeds and asceticism, Nicholas Mirsky was elevated to the rank of saint after his death. Remains of the saint and miracle worker for a long time were in one of the eastern churches, but in the 11th century the temple was robbed by Italian pirates, who stole the relics of the saint and transported them to Italy. For a long time, the parishioners could not come to their senses after such an atrocity and fervently prayed for the preservation of the remains of St. Nicholas.

From the East, the cult of the miracle worker later spread to the countries of Central and Western Europe. IN early middle ages On this holiday, the children did not even study. Saint Nikalaus - in Germany, Klaas - in Holland, Klaus - in England, in the form of an old man with a white beard, moved through the streets laughing behind his back on a white horse or donkey and gave gifts to children.

Over time, Santa Claus began to come with gifts for Christmas, which was celebrated on December 25. The clergy did not really like this, because the holiday was associated with the name of Christ. And then Christ himself, who was depicted, began to distribute gifts teenage girls in white clothes. But the people, accustomed to Nicholas the Wonderworker, could no longer imagine the New Year without this character. So the grandfather had a young companion. Both of these characters took root in Russia very quickly - after all, their prototypes had long existed in fairy tales, where they migrated from the ancient Slavic myths about Father Frost and the Snow Maiden. It is clear that Santa Claus is a mythical character.

Fans of holiday symbols decided that our Father Frost should have his own homeland. Veliky Ustyug, located in the north of the Vologda region, was declared the residence of the Russian Father Frost in December 1998.

It is believed that our Father Frost is a descendant of the East Slavic spirit of cold Treskun (Students, Moroz, Morozko, Karachun). Over time, the image of Santa Claus has changed. At first, the sacred character appeared in the form of an old man with a beard and felt boots; in one hand he carried a bag of gifts, in the other he held a staff. Such a Santa Claus gave gifts only to the most intelligent, obedient and well-mannered children, and “treated” the careless ones with a stick so that they would improve.

Gradually, Santa Claus turned into a kinder old man - he no longer beat children, but only frightened them with scary stories. Then Grandfather Frost became very kind - now he gives gifts to children and never scares them. The old man's staff became magical. With the help of this attribute, he saves all living things in severe frosts and shows the kids funny tricks. Now Father Frost also has a granddaughter, Snegurochka, who helps the old man deliver gifts and tell fairy tales.

The attire of Santa Claus, as well as his image, has undergone significant changes. At first the outfit looked like a cloak, then early XIX century, in Holland, Santa Claus was presented in the form of a slender chimney sweep, constantly smoking a pipe and cleaning chimneys in order to throw gifts there.

By the end of the 19th century, Father Frost had a red fur coat trimmed with fur, which he still wears to this day. The image of the modern Santa Claus was created by the Englishman Tenniel, who turned him into a fat, good-natured old man, only he called the wizard Santa Claus.

And it doesn’t matter that you no longer believe in Santa Claus, the main thing is that you absolutely cannot imagine the New Year without his funny jokes, dances and gifts that turn an ordinary day into a real holiday.

Can any of the children or adults imagine such a beloved and long-awaited New Year holiday without the most important guest, Grandfather Frost? All people wait with equal impatience for both of them. The capricious queen from the fairy tale “The Twelve Months” claimed that there would be no New Year until snowdrops were brought to her. But in reality, the New Year does not come until the most welcome guest - Grandfather Frost - comes to visit.

But what is the story of Father Frost and the Snow Maiden? How did Santa Claus and his granddaughter appear? Was he always a grandfather? Very young children are more interested in what gifts he has in his bag, and older children already want to know more about him and his companion.

The history of the appearance of Father Frost - the kind grandfather - goes far into the past; there is no clear opinion about who exactly became his prototype. There are several versions and legends that reveal the secret of the appearance of a magical character:

Lord of the cold

Similar characters appeared long ago in ancient Russian legends. People believed that the lord of the cold wandered through fields and forests, covering them with snow, knocking with his staff, freezing rivers and lakes, and drawing patterns. They called this Lord Frost, Grandfather Studenets, Morozko, Grandfather Treskun or Moroz Ivanovich. This gray-haired old man not only freezes, he also looks after nature, helping plants and animals survive the frosty winter. Morozko did not give children gifts or congratulate them on the New Year; his main task was to take care of nature.

Spirit of ancestors

Ancient people believed that spirits of the dead care for the living and protect nature. As a sign of gratitude, people performed a kind of ritual, depicting the spirit of the dead, and went from house to house. For this they received rewards from the owners. The oldest man among all the carolers portrayed a formidable spirit, for which he was called Grandfather. Probably, he could become the predecessor of Father Frost, with the difference that the participants in the ceremony received gifts, and Father Frost, on the contrary, brings them.

Ancient Varuna

In ancient rituals that occurred during the winter solstice, during Christmastide, when depicting the sun, it was customary to complete the drawing of its legs. This meant that now all roads were open to the sun. Now the sun begins its new journey in a circle, which increases daylight hours and frees nature from snow and ice. By analogy with the ancient Varuna, in Rus' this is facilitated by Father Frost, who also connects the world of the living and the dead and helps the souls of the dead return to Earth with rain or snow. It was from Varuna that the winter guest we know adopted the custom of judging people by their actions and rewarding them according to their deserts, being a strict and fair judge.

Evil Frost

There are several versions according to which the prototype of the dear Grandfathers were completely opposite characters. According to one legend, he is known as an evil and cruel deity, the lord of cold and blizzards, the Great Northern Elder, who freezes people, and one day freezes a young widow to death and leaves her children orphans. According to another version of the pagan peoples, Santa Claus received sacrifices on earth, stole small children and carried them away in his sack.

St Nicholas

According to one version, Santa Claus inherited many of his traits from real person, who lived before our era, the kind and selfless Nicholas. Living in abundance, he willingly helped those in need and those in trouble; he paid special attention to children. Everyone knows that Nikolai helped collect a dowry for the daughter of a poor peasant; he threw a bag of coins into the chimney, and the coins fell into the girl’s sock drying near the fireplace. This legend marked the beginning of the tradition of hiding surprises - "Nicholas" - in children's socks. For his kindness, Nicholas began to be called a saint. And in many countries the custom of giving gifts for the Christmas holidays has become established.

Image and clothes

Previously, Santa Claus was depicted in completely different clothes, which were radically different from the outfit we are used to. Now it’s hard to imagine that Santa Claus was once dressed in a raincoat. Then artists worked on grandpa’s image and outfit, and at the end of the 19th century he wore a red fur coat with white fur trim. Later, the image of a good-natured, fat old man with a gray beard characteristic of his age was created.

Now the grandfather known to us has the following special signs:

Hair and long beard to the floor(same in all collective images character) - thick, gray in color, symbolize power and happiness.

Shirt and pantswhite with the same snow-white pattern, symbolize purity. It is a mistake to dress grandfather in red trousers.

Fur coat– very long and exclusively red, trimmed with swan down and decorated with a silver pattern. A short sheepskin coat and fur coats of other colors belong to the wardrobe of grandfathers from other countries.

A cap– red, without tassels or pom-poms, trimmed with swan down, decorated with pearls and silver patterns, with a triangular neckline at the front.

Mittens– always white, not red, decorated with a silver pattern, symbolize purity.

Belt– white with a red pattern, symbolizing the unity of past and present.

Shoes- felt boots or red or silver boots.

Staff– has a twisted silver handle, with a bull’s head or a month on the top, which symbolizes fertility and power, the staff can freeze naughty children and helps to move through snowdrifts.

Bag– bottomless, full of gifts, always red.

Who is Snegurochka?

If with the appearance of Grandfather Frost everything is very complicated and confusing, then the story of his granddaughter Snegurochka is known - this is the heroine of the New Year's play, which was so loved by the audience that her image has been popular for more than a hundred years. Although there was an image of a girl in a white fur coat before, it existed in folklore and this girl’s name was Snezhevinochka, Snow Maiden. Her name comes from the word “snow,” because this girl was born from snow.

Sometimes she is depicted as a young girl, sometimes as a little girl, because there is a version that the Snow Maiden is the daughter of Grandfather Frost, but we know her as the granddaughter of a fairy-tale grandfather.

Be that as it may, no one can do without her. children's party, it is she who helps the children call Santa Claus for the holiday, it is she who is his constant companion and assistant.

On holiday

During the holiday, Father Frost manages to visit every house, but he does not invite anyone to visit him, so no one knows his exact address. People who believe in magic suggest that his home is far in the North, in a land of ice and eternal winter. Many believe that grandfather may well live at the North Pole or that his home is in Lapland. Santa Claus will feel comfortable in any country where winter reigns all year round.

Grandfather comes to visit on a sled flying through the air, drawn by three horses; he can also come on skis or on foot. If someone had to see him on the reindeer, keep in mind that this is Santa in front of you.

Father Frost comes to the children with Snegurochka, who is his granddaughter. Her clothes are snow-white, with silver ornaments, and on her head she wears a crown with 8 rays. The image of the Snow Maiden is very close to children; she takes an active part in New Year's games and competitions and helps children call Grandfather Frost for the holiday.

The appearance and character of Santa Claus were collected from many good and evil, real and fictional characters. Having passed long haul, he appeared before us as a symbol of power, goodness, justice and holiness. A meeting with him marks the beginning of a new period in the life of a person and the entire planet, in which there will be only good, kind and the best.

There is no doubt that the most favorite characters of the New Year holiday are Father Frost and Snow Maiden. The image of Father Frost in Russian folklore has evolved over many centuries. Historians are inclined to believe that the prototype of our Father Frost was the East Slavic spirit of cold Treskun, or, as he was also called, Studenets. The character of ancient fairy tales Morozko is more like our Father Frost, in later versions - Moroz Ivanovich, Moroz Yelkich. This is the Spirit of Winter - strict, sometimes angry, grumpy, but fair. To good people favors and bestows, and can freeze the bad ones with his magic staff. By the 1880s in public consciousness a certain character appeared with a bag of gifts near the Christmas tree. True, they called him differently: the Christmas old man, the Christmas grandfather, or simply the Christmas tree grandfather. In literary adaptation, Moroz Ivanovich appeared in 1840 in the collection “Children's Tales of Grandfather Iriney” by V.F. Odoevsky. This kind gray-haired old man gifts the Needlewoman for Good work“a handful of silver coins,” and teaches Sloth a lesson by giving her an icicle instead of silver. In Nekrasov’s poem “Red Nose Frost” main character evil, who loves to “freeze the blood in the veins and freeze the brain in the head.” In children's poetry of the late 19th century, Father Frost - good wizard. By the beginning of the twentieth century, the image of Father Frost as a kind giver of Christmas trees and gifts was finally established. Traditionally, Father Frost is dressed in a long, ankle-length red fur coat trimmed with white fur. At first his fur coat was blue (indicating the northern, cold origin of the character); on pre-revolutionary postcards you can also find a white Santa Claus. Nowadays, Santa Claus most often comes in a red suit. His hat is semi-oval to match his fur coat. The children's favorite has mittens on his hands. In one hand he holds a staff and in the other a bag of gifts.

The image of the Snow Maiden also took shape in the 19th century. In 1860, G.P. Danilevsky published a poetic version of a Russian folk tale about a revived snow girl. The official date of birth of the Snow Maiden was 1873, when A.N. Ostrovsky transferred this folk tale in his own way in the play “The Snow Maiden”. So the Kostroma region began to be considered the birthplace of the winter beauty, where on the Shchelykovo estate the writer came up with new story For old fairy tale. In 1874, “The Snow Maiden” was published in “Bulletin of Europe”, then an opera appeared, the music for which was written by N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov. It is interesting that upon first reading, Ostrovsky’s poetic dramatic tale did not inspire the composer. Five years later, in the winter of 1879, Rimsky-Korsakov “read The Snow Maiden again” and clearly saw its amazing beauty. I immediately wanted to write an opera based on this plot, and as I thought about this intention, I felt more and more in love with Ostrovsky’s fairy tale. The attraction to ancient Russian customs and pagan pantheism that had gradually manifested itself in me now flared up bright flame. Wasn't there for me best story, there were no better ones for me poetic images“There was no better kingdom of the Berendeys with their wonderful king than Snegurochka, Lel or Vesna...” The first performance of The Snow Maiden took place on January 29, 1882 at the Mariinsky Theater during a benefit performance of the Russian Opera Choir. Soon “The Snow Maiden” was staged in Moscow, in Russkaya private opera S.I. Mamontov, and in 1893 - in Bolshoi Theater. The opera was a huge success.

The image of the Snow Maiden both as a daughter and as a granddaughter of Frost was developed in the nursery and adult literature, V fine arts. But precisely thanks to a beautiful fairy tale Ostrovsky, the Snow Maiden fell in love with many and soon became the constant companion of Father Frost. Only them family ties Over time, she underwent some changes - from a daughter she turned into a granddaughter, but she did not lose her charm because of this. Appearance The Snow Maiden was created thanks to three great artists: Vasnetsov, Vrubel and Roerich. It was in their paintings that the Snow Maiden “found” her famous outfits: a light sundress and a headband; a long white snow robe, lined with ermine, a small fur coat. Before the revolution, the Snow Maiden never acted as a presenter at the Christmas tree festival.

In the twenties of the last century, the country embarked on the path of combating “religious prejudices.” Since 1929, all church holidays. The Christmas day off became a working day, but “secret” Christmas trees were sometimes held. Santa Claus has become “a product of the anti-people activities of capitalists” and “religious trash.” The Christmas tree holiday was allowed again only on New Year's Eve 1936, after Stalin uttered a significant phrase: “Life has become good, comrades. Life has become more fun." Christmas tree, having lost its religious context, became a symbol of the holiday happy childhood in our country. From that time on, Santa Claus was fully restored to his rights. Soviet Grandfather Frost brought bags with the same gifts for all the children. In 1937, Father Frost and the Snow Maiden first appeared together at the Christmas tree celebration in the Moscow House of Unions. The Snow Maiden became Father Frost's permanent companion, helping him in everything (the tradition was broken only in the 1960s, when the Snow Maiden's place on the Kremlin Christmas tree was taken several times by an astronaut). So then it happened: a girl, sometimes older, sometimes younger, with or without pigtails, wearing a kokoshnik or a hat, sometimes surrounded by little animals, sometimes singing, sometimes dancing. She asks questions to Santa Claus, leads round dances with the children, and helps distribute gifts. For many years now, Father Frost and the Snow Maiden have been decorating any New Year's celebration, either corporate party or a children's party. These fairy-tale heroes are an integral part of the New Year, just like a beautifully decorated Christmas tree and gifts.

Not so long ago Russian Grandfather Moroz got his own residence. It is located in Veliky Ustyug, in the Vologda region. By the new year 2006, the estate of Father Frost was opened in Moscow, in Kuzminki Park. In November 2006, the Snow Maiden's tower opened in Kuzminki. The wooden two-story tower was designed by Kostroma architects in the “onion” style. Inside, on the first floor, there is a spinning wheel for the Snow Maiden-craftswoman. On the second floor there is an exhibition of gifts from children. These are drawings, clay crafts, snowflakes and other souvenirs dedicated to the New Year.