On the emblem of which dynasty is a red shield. Family heraldry is a rich heritage of the family. Jewish identity and attitude towards Zionism

There are few people on the globe who have not heard anything about the Rothschilds. Today, this surname has become a symbol of wealth. Where did these Rothschilds come from?

Descendants of a Jewish money changer

Mayer Amschel Rothschild, who was born in 1744 in Frankfurt am Main (Germany), is considered the ancestor of the dynasty of famous Jewish bankers Rothschilds. His father, money changer and jeweler Amschel Moses Bauer, was a trading partner of the House of Hesse. The emblem of his jewelry workshop depicted a golden Roman eagle on a red shield, so the workshop began to be called the "Red Shield" (in German - Rothschield). Mayer Amschel took this name as his surname.

The first Rothschild entered the banking business and succeeded in doing so. Paul Johnson in The History of the Jews writes that he managed to create a new type of international company that survived a series of Jewish pogroms, wars and revolutions.

Mayer Amschel's five sons - Amschel Mayer, Solomon Mayer, Nathan Mayer, Kalman Mayer and James Mayer - founded banks in the five largest cities in Europe: Paris, London, Vienna, Naples and Frankfurt am Main.

During the Napoleonic Wars, Nathan Mayer Rothschild financed the transportation of gold bars for the army of the Duke of Wellington, and also subsidized Britain's continental allies. In 1816, the Austrian emperor Franz II granted the Rothschilds a baronial title. The family has its own coat of arms, which depicts five arrows, symbolizing the five offspring of Amschel Mayer, by analogy with the text of the 126th biblical psalm: "As arrows in the hand of a strong man, then young sons." Below is the family motto in Latin: Concordia, Integritas, Industria ("Consent, Honesty, Diligence"). The British Rothschilds were received at the court of Queen Victoria.

The Rothschilds tried to keep the fortune within the family. They entered into marriages only for convenience and until the end of the 19th century entered into marriage alliances between distant relatives. Subsequently, they began to marry representatives of influential financial families in Europe, mostly of Jewish origin: Warburgs, Goldsmiths, Coens, Raphaels, Sassoons, Salomons.

The Rothschilds are walking the world

The Rothschild family made a significant contribution to the industrialization of Europe. It contributed to the construction of a network of railways in France, Belgium and Austria and the Suez Canal, financed the foundation of the De Beers concern, the Rio Tinto mining enterprise. During the Russo-Japanese War, the London Consortium issued Japanese war bonds worth 11.5 million (at 1907 prices).

By the beginning of the 20th century, the name Rothschild had become synonymous with wealth. The Rothschilds owned more than 40 family palaces, superior in luxury to the royal castles of Europe, and extensive collections of works of art. Among other things, the Rothschilds were actively involved in charity work.

At the beginning of World War II, the Rothschilds were forced to emigrate to the United States, as the persecution of Jews began. All their property was confiscated and looted by the Nazis. In 1999, the Austrian government returned a number of palaces to the family, as well as 250 pieces of art that ended up in the state museum.

Secret rulers of the world?

Since 2003, the Rothschild investment banks have been controlled by the Swiss-registered company Rothschild Continuation Holdings, headed by Baron David René de Rothschild. The family owns numerous vineyards, it has property not only in Europe but also in North and South America, South Africa and Australia.

At the end of 2010, Baron Benjamin Rothschild issued a statement that the Rothschild clan was not affected by

global financial crisis thanks to conservative business practices. “We got through it because our investment executives didn't want to invest in crazy things. The client knows that we will not speculate with his money,” the banker said.

It is believed that the Rothschilds are the richest people in the world. In 2012, their total wealth was estimated at 1.7 trillion US dollars (other estimates say more than 3.2 trillion).

Conspiracy theorists periodically show interest in the Rothschilds. For example, conspiracy theorists claim that representatives of this clan belong to the secret society of the Illuminati and control all the finances of the world, and are also the organizers of military conflicts between various powers.

Frankfurt am Main. Two branches of the Rothschilds - English (from Nathan) and French (from James) - lead their history to our time. Amschel Mayer, who lived in Frankfurt, died childless in 1855, the Neapolitan branch died out in the male line in 1901, in the female line in 1935, the Austrian branch died out in the male line in 1980, and the female line of the Austrian branch still exists.

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    remember we told you about one of the main nominees for our behind the scenes award against humanity today we decided to tell you about the next and no less successful person in this direction and his clan as a whole, and it seems to the Rothschild that this clan is so powerful and its influence is so great that it can even extinguish this screen and then crack slides on it, but before moving on to the story of the actions of this family and their ancestor, a little background information was born Mayer am Target in Frankfurt in 1744 his first bank, which was an antique shop where you could change money he founded in Frankfurt at the age of 27, the major married at the age of 17 only to a feast and subsequently five of their sons, namely Ansel salamon Nathan pocket Jacob continued his business in the largest financial centers of that time Frankfurt, Vienna, Paris, Naples and London, it was this five that put down their tenacious roots around the world, the major also had five daughters, Jeanette Isabella Babette Julie and Henrietta, whose husbands did not have the right to participate in the family business, but could only act as a labor force, further speaking, Rothschild myriam Chile and his criminal acts against humanity, it is worth talking about the actions of a whole clan consisting out of more than one hundred people, because family values ​​and missions of this kind unite hundreds of relatives into a single whole to this day, by the way, the Rothschild clan comes from the Khazars who worshiped the golden calf and seized the key economic levers of control in Europe for a long time today we want to show you the top 5 messi of the Rothschilds who changed history in favor of the Antichrist, and don’t let this religious term scare you, because this is the only way to call the plans that realize this family, it is so great that all the names and family ties that they specially and by the way carefully concealed and hide are extremely difficult to remember, but the essence is the same they Rothschilds and they have a common mission to create a Jewish state Do you know that it was the Rothschilds who invested millions of pounds in the colonization of Palestine? the ideas of Zionism of the world domination of the Jews, proclaimed by the founder of the world Zionist organization Theodor Herzl, subsequently decided the fate of the creation of the future Jewish state in the twentieth century, this mission is closely connected and the support of Hitler, we have already reported that the Rockefellers supported Hitler and the Rothschilds were also the financial force that stood behind the back of the Nazi True, they had their own plans, Hitler came to power with financial assistance through bank accounts in Great Britain, as well as through other banking organizations in England and America, for example, through the Kuhn Life and Bank, which was led by Paul Warburg, a representative of the Rothschild dynasty, it is also worth pointing out that the heart of Nazi military power was the association of chemical concerns by germany lg farben in america this conglomerate had its own branch one of the rectors of which was max warburg brother of paul warburg and accordingly again a representative of the rothschild dynasty during the two world wars the largest news agency in germany was owned by the rothschilds with their help they controlled the information flows from Germany to other countries, it was surprising that, against the background of the almost completely destroyed industrial enterprises of Germany, the factories of the Orban conglomerates did not suffer from massive air raids of, they were just lucky, as a result, Baron Rothschild financed both the Jewish colony in Palestine and the adobe election campaign to spread the worldwide banking the system is no secret to anyone that the Rothschild family since the time of Mayer am sewed for centuries slowly but surely established their central banks in every country in the world give them an incredible amount of wealth and power around 1815 this family conquered the English bank and expanded their control over the banks in in all countries of the world, the gia method was and is to this day to force the corrupt politicians of the country to receive huge loans that they will never be able to repay; therefore, non-regular customers are debtors of the Rothschilds. Another unpleasant moment is that when the head of state refuses to accept a loan, he often or deprives him the authorities either kill about one hundred and seventy-four banks of this family in our time, the only countries left in 2017 without a central bank owned or controlled by the Rothschild family were Cuba North Korea Iran Syria and now remember what today's political financial situation in these countries is a coincidence, I don’t think after instigating their unrest in the Arab countries of the Rothschild finally opened the way for the creation of central banks and destroyed many political


The Rothschild dynasty traces its history back to Mayer Amshel Rothschild. Mayer Amschel was born in 1744 in the Jewish quarter in Frankfurt am Main (Germany) in the family of money changer and jeweler Amschel Moses Bauer, a trading partner of the Hessian house. Mayer Amschel built a large banking business and established his empire by sending his five sons to European capitals.

Another important component of Mayer Rothschild's strategy, which became the key to future success, was the preservation of complete control over the business in the hands of family members. In 1906, the Jewish Encyclopedia noted: “The practice initiated by Rothschild of establishing several branches of a firm run by brothers in various financial centers was adopted by other Jewish financiers, such as Bischoffsheims, Pereires (Pereires (Engl.)), Seligmans (Seligmans (Engl.)) , Lazards (Lazard (English) ) and others, and these financiers, thanks to their reliability and financial experience, have gained the trust not only of their Jewish brethren, but of the entire financial community as a whole. Thus, in the middle and last quarter of the 19th century, Jewish financiers began to own a predominant share in international finance. This practice, similar to royal marriages, whereby members of one royal family marry members of another royal family, was later practiced by other business dynasties, such as the Du Pont family.

Mayer Rothschild carefully arranged marriages of convenience, including marriages between cousins ​​and second cousins, so that the accumulated wealth remained within the family and served the common cause. It was only at the end of the 19th century that almost all Rothschilds began to marry outside the family. For more than two hundred years, the Rothschilds have intermarried with many financial families in Europe (mostly Jewish). Among them: Warburgs, Goldsmiths, Coens, Raphaels, Sassoons, Salomons and others.

Sons of Mayer Rothschild:

  • Amschel Mayer Rothschild (1773-1855): Frankfurt am Main, eldest son, born 12 June 1773, 16 November 1793 married Eva Hanau. The coincidence of the names of father and son - Mayer Amschel and Amschel Mayer - was the cause of frequent confusion and created difficulties in studying documents. Amschel died on 6 December 1855 childless.
  • Solomon Mayer Rothschild (1774-1855): Vienna, second son, born September 9, 1774. On November 26, 1800, he married Caroline Stern, died on July 27, 1855.
  • Nathan Mayer Rothschild (1777-1836): London, third son, born September 16, 1777. He was married to Ganna Cohen. Nathan was considered the most talented of the Frankfurt Five, but he died before his brothers, on July 28, 1836.
  • Kalman Mayer Rothschild (1788-1855): Naples, fourth son, born April 24, 1788. On September 16, 1818 he married Adelheid Hertz. Died March 10, 1855.
  • Jacob (James Mayer Rothschild) (1792-1868): Paris, youngest son, born 15 May 1792, 11 July 1824 he married his niece, Betty Rothschild. Died November 15, 1868.

International large financial transactions

The elevation to the nobility occurred at the request of the Minister of Finance, Count Stadion. First, the title was given to Amschel, then Solomon. By this time, the brothers were at the head of the Frankfurt bill bank in Schönbrun. This happened on September 25, 1816, and on October 21, the brothers Jacob and Karl received the title. On March 25, 1817, a diploma of a nobleman was made for everyone. At the request of an adviser to the government of Lower Austria and court agent Sonleitner, a confidant of the four brothers, the diploma was awarded to each separately, since the brothers lived in four different countries. Nathan, who lives in England, was not mentioned in these documents.

Notable for assessing the activities of the Rothschilds was the fact that they, as Jews, were recorded in the diploma as money changers, while the financiers of the Christian faith were called bankers. Usually, court financiers soon after receiving the nobility sought the title of baron, so the Rothschilds also petitioned for this title. On September 29, 1822, their request was granted. Now, some members of the dynasty used the family prefix "de" or "von" (in the German version) Rothschild as an indication of aristocratic origin. Now Nathan was also included in the documents, who immediately became a baron. This time the five brothers were directly named as bankers. They were Austrian barons, "considering the merits rendered to the state", "with a respectful word, Your Honor." Once again, each of the five brothers received their own baronial diploma. Their coat of arms was adorned with the motto: Concordia, Integritas, Industria. (Consent. Honesty. Diligence.).

This motto fully expressed the unity of the brothers, their honesty and tireless zeal. But receiving the title of baron hardly meant for the five brothers an increase in their authority. There was no way Nathan could use this title in England. This was contrary to the English constitution, which did not allow the granting of titles of nobility to foreigners. But still, the elevation to the nobility changed the lifestyle of the Rothschilds. They acquired luxurious palaces, began to give magnificent dinners, which were attended by representatives of the aristocratic circles of many countries.

In 1885, Nathan Mayer Rothschild II (Eng.) ) (1840-1915), eldest son of Lionel de Rothschild (Eng.) ) (in turn, son of Nathan Rothschild), also known how Nathaniel, a member of the London branch of the dynasty, a hereditary baron, first became a lord. He was the first Jew to enter the House of Lords. It is generally accepted that from that moment on, the descendants of Nathan completely merged with the English elite.

The Rothschild family banking business was the founder of large international financial transactions during the industrialization of Europe, contributed to the construction of the railway network in France, Belgium and Austria, contributed to the financing of projects of great political significance, such as the Suez Canal (only the Rothschild banking house was able within a few hours to provide many tens of millions in cash to purchase shares in the Suez Canal).

The dynasty bought a huge piece of property in Mayfair, London. The main activities in which the Rothschilds invested include: Alliance Assurance (1824) (now Royal & SunAlliance (English)); Chemin de Fer du Nord (English) (1845); Rio Tinto Group (1873); Société Le Nickel (1880) (now Eramet); and Imétal (1962) (now Imerys (English)). The Rothschilds financed the founding of De Beers, as well as Cecil Rhodes' expedition to Africa and the establishment of a colony in Rhodesia. From the late 1880s onwards, the family controlled the Rio Tinto mining operation. The Japanese government approached the London and Paris offices for funding during the Russo-Japanese War. The London consortium issued Japanese war bonds worth £11.5 million (at 1907 prices).

After an impressive huge success, the Rothschild name became synonymous with wealth. The family became famous for its art collections, family palaces, and philanthropy. By the end of the century, the family owned, or built, at the very least, more than 41 palaces, comparable or even superior in luxury to the richest royal families. In 1909, British Prime Minister David Lloyd George claimed that Lord Nathan Mayer Rothschild II was the most powerful man in Britain. In 1901, due to the absence of a male heir, the Frankfurt House closed its doors after more than a century of operation. Only in 1989 did the Rothschilds return to Frankfurt, when N M Rothschild & Sons(British Investment Branch) and Bank Rothschild AG (Swiss Branch) opened a representative office there.

Rothschild dynasty in France

There are two French branches of the Rothschild dynasty. The first branch was founded by Mayer Amschel Rothschild's youngest son, James Mayer Rothschild, who established de Rothschild Frères in Paris. A devotee of the Napoleonic Wars, he played a major role in financing the railroads and mining operations that helped to establish France as an industrial power. James's sons, Gustave de Rothschild and Alphonse James de Rothschild, continued the banking tradition and became guarantors of the $5 billion reparations demanded by the occupying Prussian army during the Franco-Prussian War in the 1870s.

Subsequent generations of this branch of the Rothschild dynasty became a major force in international investment banking. Another son of James Mayer Rothschild, Edmond de Rothschild (1845-1934) was a great fan of charity and the arts, a prominent supporter of Zionism. His grandson, Baron Edmond Adolphe de Rothschild, founded the LCF Rothschild Group, a private bank, in 1953. Since 1997 it has been headed by Baron Benjamin de Rothschild. The group has assets of €100 billion and many wineries in France (Château Clarke (English) , Château des Laurets (English) ), Australia and South Africa.

The second French branch of the dynasty was founded by Nathaniel de Rothschild (1812-1870). Born in London, he was the fourth son of the founder of the British branch of the dynasty, Nathan Mayer Rothschild. In 1850, Nathaniel moved to Paris, apparently to work with his uncle, James Mayer. However, in 1853 Nathaniel purchased Château Brane Mouton, a Pauillac vineyard in the Gironde department. Nathaniel renamed the estate Château Mouton Rothschild and the name became one of the most famous brands in the world. In 1868, Nathaniel's uncle, James Mayer Rothschild, purchased the nearby Chateau Lafite vineyard.

Solomon Mayer Rothschild founded his bank in Vienna in 1820. Austrian banker Albert von Salomon Rothschild bought the right to name the asteroid (250) Bettina, discovered on September 3, 1885 by the Austrian astronomer Johann Palisa at the Vienna Observatory in honor of his wife, Baroness Bettina von Rothschild, for £50. However, the crisis of 1929 brought problems. Baron Ludwig von Rothschild Louis von Rothschild tried to save Creditanstalt, Austria's largest bank. But at the beginning of the Second World War, the Rothschilds were forced to emigrate to the United States, avoiding the Holocaust. All the palaces of the Rothschilds, distinguished by their exceptional size, huge collections of paintings, armor, tapestries and statues, were confiscated and looted by the Nazis. After the end of World War II, the Rothschilds returned to Europe. In 1999, the Austrian government agreed to return to the Rothschilds a number of palaces and 250 art objects confiscated by the Nazis and donated to a state museum.

Rothschild dynasty in Naples

Bank C M de Rothschild & Figli lent money to the Papal Provinces, various kings of Naples, the Dukes of Parma and the Grand Dukes of Tuscany. The Rothschild family worked not far from. However, in 1830, Naples, following Spain, gradually moved away from issuing traditional bonds, which began to affect the growth of banks and profitability. The political unification of Italy (Risorgimento) in 1861, followed by the decline of the Italian aristocracy, who were the main clients of the Rothschilds, eventually led to the closure of the Bank of Naples, due to falling profits, lack of growth and their forecast for sustainable development in the long term.

Jewish identity and attitude towards Zionism

Only a few Rothschilds supported Zionism and the creation of a Jewish state in Palestine. Most of the Rothschilds were skeptical about this idea and even believed that the establishment of a Jewish state would lead to an increase in anti-Semitism in Europe. In 1917, Walter Rothschild received the Balfour Declaration to the Zionist Federation, which stated the British government's commitment to establishing a national home for the Jewish people in Palestine. Later, Lord Victor Rothschild was against giving asylum or even helping Jewish refugees during the Holocaust.

After the death of James Jacob Rothschild in 1868, Alphonse, his eldest son, who took over the family bank, was most active in supporting the issue of the Land of Israel. The Rothschild family records say that during the 1870s the family donated about 500,000 francs annually on behalf of the Eastern Jews to the World Jewish Union. Baron Edmond James de Rothschild, the youngest son of James Jacob de Rothschild, was the head of the first settlement in Palestine at Rishon LeZion and bought from the Ottoman landowner the parts of the land that currently constitute Israel. In 1924, he established the Palestine Jewish Colonization Society (PICA) in Palestine, which acquired over 125,000 acres (22.36 km²) of land, and founded ventures. Tel Aviv has a street named after him, Rothschild Boulevard, as well as many other areas in Israel where he helped with construction, such as Metula, Zikhron Yaakov, Rishon Lezion, and Rosh Pinna. Boulogne-Billancourt Park in Paris, Edmond Rothschild Park (Parc Edmond de Rothschild) is also named after him. The Rothschilds also played a significant role in establishing the infrastructure of the Israeli government. James funded the construction of the Knesset as a gift to the Jewish State, and the Israeli Supreme Court building was donated to Israel by Dorothy de Rothschild. Outside the Presidential Room, a letter from Mr. Rothschild to the then Prime Minister Shimon Peres is displayed, in which he expressed his desire to sponsor the construction of a new building of the Supreme Court.

Baron Benjamin da Rothschild, representative of the Swiss branch of the dynasty, was interviewed by Ga-Aretz in 2010, in which he said that he supported the peace process: "I understand that this is a difficult matter, mainly because of fanatics and extremists - and I have mean both sides. I think there are fanatics in Israel... Usually I don't talk to politicians. One day I spoke with Netanyahu and another time I met with the Israeli finance minister. But the less I interact with politicians, the better I feel.” Regarding his religious affiliation, he stated that he tries to be impartial: “We do business with many countries, including Arab ... My eldest daughter's lover is from Saudi Arabia. He's a good guy and if she wants to marry him, I won't mind."

Modern business

Since the end of the 19th century, the Rothschild dynasty has maintained a low profile, donating many of their famous estates, as well as a large amount of art, to charity, while maintaining anonymity regarding the size of their fortune, and avoiding the display of conspicuous luxury. The Rothschild dynasty once had the largest private collection of art in the world, and much of the art in the world's public museums donated by the Rothschilds is, in family tradition, donated anonymously.

Since 2003, the Rothschild investment banks have been controlled by Rothschild Continuation Holdings, a Swiss registered holding company (chaired by Baron David René de Rothschild), which in turn is controlled by Concordia BV, a German registered parent holding company. Rothschild et Cie Banque controls the Rothschild banking business in France and continental Europe, while Rothschilds Continuation Holdings AG controls a number of Rothschild banks elsewhere, including N M Rothschild & Sons in London. 20% of Rothschild Continuation Holdings AG was sold in 2005 to Jardine Strategic, a subsidiary of Jardine, Matheson & Co. (English) in Hong Kong. In November 2008, Rabobank Group, the leading investment and commercial bank in the Netherlands, acquired 7.5% of Rothschild Continuation Holdings AG and Rabobank, and the Rothschilds entered into an agreement to collaborate on M&A advisory and Equity Capital Markets in the food and agribusiness sectors. It is believed that these actions are aimed at helping Rothschild Continuation Holdings AG access a wider pool of capital, increasing their presence in East Asian markets.

Paris Orleans S.A., an investment banking and holding company founded in 1838 and registered in France, has over 2,000 employees. The company has offices in France, Great Britain, Channel Islands, Switzerland, North America, Asia, Australia. The company's board of directors includes Eric and Robert de Rothschild and Count Philippe de Nicolay. London-based investment bank N M Rothschild &Sons makes a significant share of the business as M&A (mergers and acquisitions) advisors. 2006 it was ranked second in the UK M&A (mergers and acquisitions) with a total turnover of 104.9 billion US dollars. .

One member of the Paris (non-wine) branch, Edmond Adolphe de Rothschild, founded the Geneva-based LCF Rothschild Group with assets of €100 billion, which is currently spread to 15 countries around the world. Although this group is mainly involved in finance, specializes in asset management and banking for the wealthy (private banking), it is also involved in agriculture, luxury hotels and yacht racing. The LCF Rothschild Group's Committee is currently chaired by Benjamin de Rothschild, son of Baron Edmond. Among others, the banks of the Rothschild dynasty include Compagnie Financière Edmond de Rothschild (English) , RIT Capital Partners , St James's Place Capital, Banque privée Edmond de Rothschild (English) , La Compagnie Benjamin de Rothschild S.A. and COGIFRANCE.

Throughout the 19th century, the Rothschilds controlled Rio Tinto, and to this day, the Rothschilds and Rio Tinto maintain a close business relationship. The Rothschild family also owns many vineyards: they have properties in France including Château Clarke, Château de Ferrières, Château des Fontaines, Château Lafite, Château de Laversine, Château des Laurets, Château Malmaison, Château de Montvillargenne, Château Mouton Rothschild, Château de la Muette, Château Rothschild d'Armainvilliers, Château Rothschild, Boulogne-Billancourt, also in North America, South America, South Africa and Australia.

Rothschilds in culture

In France, the word "Rothschild" during the 19th and 20th centuries became a household word. So they called the rich, prone to luxury, but not active in business.

He is also repeatedly mentioned in Fyodor Dostoevsky's book "Teenager", where the main character Arkady cherishes the main "idea" of his whole life - to become richer than the named descendant of Rothschild.

The Rothschild story has been featured in a number of films. In 1934, the film "The House of Rothschild" ("The House of Rothschild") was filmed in Hollywood, telling about the life of Mayer Amschel Rothschild. Excerpts from this film were included in the documentary propaganda film Der ewige Jude (The Eternal Jew) and another German film Die Rothschilds (Rothschilds), also known as Aktien auf Waterloo (Action at Waterloo) ), taken by Eric Vasniek in 1940. A Broadway musical entitled "The Rothschilds" shows the history of the family before 1818 to the Illuminati, controls all the world's wealth and financial institutions, or encourages wars between governments. Considering these and similar views, the historian Niall Ferguson wrote: "As we have seen, however, wars tend to affect the price of existing bonds negatively, because of the increased risk that the debtor state may not repay the debt in the event of the conquest or loss of territory. . By the middle of the 19th century, the Rothschilds had moved from trading to wealth management, carefully looking after their own vast portfolio of government bonds. Now, having made money, they are more likely to lose money than to earn in the event of a conflict ... "

family heraldry.

18 century. On one of the streets in the Jewish quarter of Frankfurt am Main, there is a jewelry workshop of money changer Angel Moses Bauer.

When passers-by asked local antique dealers how to find Bauer's jewelry shop, they usually referred to two words: "Red Shield".

The fact is that on the facade of the building where the workshop was located, there was an emblem depicting a golden eagle on a red shield.

In 1743, Bauer had a son, Mayer Amschel. He inherited his father's shop, but, like most German Jews, he did not have a family name. Mayer decided to take a surname from the name of the emblem - "Red Shield" or "Rotschield". Thus began the famous Rothschild dynasty. A modest Jewish jeweler turned into a famous banker, and then his five sons continued the business. In 1816, the Rothschilds received a baronial title and entered the highest noble society.

The main image of the Rothschild coat of arms to this day is a red shield and five arrows connected together by a chain. The key to this symbol is in a quote from the biblical psalm - "Like arrows in the hands of a strong man, then young sons." The five arrows represent the unity of the sons of Rothschild. The coat of arms also bears the motto of the family - "Concordia, Integritas, Industria" ("Consent, Honesty, Diligence").

Legendary family. Legendary story. . One man created the dynasty, its values. He laid the foundation for the creation of a family coat of arms, in which he invested what he valued and what he considered fundamental for his family. His father's business is the Red Shield jewelry workshop, which gave the family a famous surname, and its future - five sons, five arrows in his hand. And the descendants of Mayer Rothschild cherish this heritage, are proud of their surname and family coat of arms. It is an unbreakable bond between past and future generations.

There are many such stories. Not only famous families have the privilege of proudly demonstrating to the world the family motto. Today it is available to everyone. Is your family any less remarkable than the Rothschild family? Yes, you may not be the heirs of a billion-dollar fortune, you may not have a title of nobility and a well-known surname, but this does not detract from the dignity of any kind. Indeed, each family has its own traditions, the history of ancestors is sometimes more legendary than that of eminent personalities.

Family heraldry is a rich heritage of the family.

When we look at old photographs, grandfather's medals, diplomas from our parents, we always wonder what stories are connected with this, I want to know what our family lived and breathed many years ago. values ​​and ideals. Ups and downs. Turning points and exploits. Because every family has its own feats - small and big. Our fathers, grandfathers and great-grandfathers - whom we cherish, and ours personally - whom our descendants will cherish.

You can put it all together and create the coat of arms of your family by contacting the heraldry for help. You create the basis - what exactly you would like to express in your coat of arms, and heraldry embody it professionally. After all, heraldry is a separate science that has its own terminology, requirements and rules. You need to be a qualified specialist to take into account all the nuances and create exactly what you need, taking into account the specifics of the heraldic business.

And, soon, yours, or dishes, furniture, interior items, your diary, even clothes and jewelry. The options are huge. Not all the Rothschilds and Rockefellers flaunt their family coats of arms! We, too, are not born with a bast.


Coat of arms of the Barons Rothschild


ROTHSCHILD (Rothschild), a family of bankers, financial magnates and philanthropists. For more than a century and a half, the surname Rothschild was, both for Jews and non-Jews, including anti-Semites, a common noun - a symbol of Jewish wealth and power. The surname Rothschild is derived from the German words `rot schild` - `red shield`. Such a shield adorned the house of Yitzhak Elkhanan (died 1585), a small dealer in ancient coins and medals, in the Jewish quarter of Frankfurt am Main. Although his grandson left this house, he and other descendants continued to bear the surname Rothschild.

Mayer Anshel Rothschild -

founder the Rothschild dynasty.

The founder of the banking house Mayer Anshel Rothschild (1744, Frankfurt am Main, - 1812, ibid.) at first did not differ from his ancestor in status or occupation; Acquaintance with the German aristocrat, a passionate collector of old coins, General von Estorf, opened Mayer Anshel Rothschild access to the palace of one of the richest European monarchs of that time, Landgrave Wilhelm IX of Hesse-Kassel.

Mayer Anshel Rothschild disposed of the multi-million dollar fortune entrusted to him at the time of the hasty flight of the Landgraves to Prague from the Napoleonic troops (mainly by providing large loans to the Danish and other European monarchs) in such a way that he not only preserved it, but also significantly increased it, while laying the foundations of his own fortune.

Sons of Mayer Anshel

The Rothschild family was turned into a powerful financial clan by the five sons of Mayer Anshel: Anshel Mayer Rothschild (1773, Frankfurt am Main, - 1855, ibid.); Shlomo Mayer Rothschild (1774, Frankfurt am Main, - 1855, Vienna); Nathan Mayer Rothschild (1777, Frankfurt am Main, - 1836, ibid.); Karl Mayer Rothschild (1778, Frankfurt am Main - 1855, Naples) and James Jacob Mayer Rothschild (1792, Frankfurt am Main - 1868, Paris). It was they who created and headed the five largest European countries - Germany, Austria, England, Italy and France - banking houses, which during their lifetime became the main creditors of monarchs and governments.

The brothers, completely uneducated in the European sense, at first even with difficulty speaking the languages ​​​​of the countries where they settled, quickly achieved a multiple increase in their fortune, won key positions in the main European capital markets and, as a result, got the opportunity to indirectly influence political events in the European continent. Representatives of the Rothschild family boldly mastered the new sectors of the economy created by the industrial revolution (in particular, railway construction and the production of non-ferrous metals in many European countries, including Russia, Asia and even Latin America).

Ancestral home of the Rothschilds

on a Jewish street in Frankfurt

The Austrian emperor granted the five brothers a title of nobility, and then a baronial title (both of which were later recognized by other European monarchs). The sons of Mayer Anshel gave their children and grandchildren an excellent education, which allowed them to take root in the upper strata of society in their countries. Major events of the Rothschild family were the election in 1847 of the son of Nathan Mayer, Baron Lionel Nathan Rothschild (1808-1879), to the House of Commons, and in 1885 the grandson of the founder of the English house of Rothschild, Nathaniel Rothschild (1840-1915), to the House lords.

Characteristically, from the end of the 19th century. - early 20th century some members of the Rothschild family began to prefer science, literature, art, state and social activities to financial and commercial interests, and often achieved success in these areas (including election to the Royal Society of London). Family members, who traditionally continued to be engaged in finance and other types of business, increasingly combined them with a passion for collecting paintings, sculptures, works of applied art, porcelain, rare books, etc.

At present, only the English and French branches of the Rothschild family exist. The Italian branch of the Rothschild family lost financial and commercial importance after the death of its founder, Karl Mayer Rothschild; the German one ceased to exist with the death of Anshel Mayer's heir, Wilhelm Karl Rothschild (1828-1901); Austrian - under Louis Nathaniel Rothschild (1882-1955) in 1938 after the Anschluss of Austria by Nazi Germany. The surviving two branches, although lost in the first decades of the 20th century. their leadership in the financial world, still remain a very influential force in it.

Family treethe Rothschild family

Members of the Rothschild family never forgot that they were Jews and, albeit for different reasons, always attached great importance to this. For the first generations of the Rothschilds, a combination of loyalty to their Jewishness and a pragmatic attitude towards their co-religionists, free from any sentimentality, remained typical. They strictly adhered to Mayer Anshel Rothschild's command not to renounce the faith of their ancestors under any circumstances, although they had to overcome many additional obstacles to success because of this.

None of them accepted Christianity, did not marry a non-Jew (marriages between cousins ​​and cousins, uncles and nieces, etc., were very common among them); female members of the Rothschild family, if they married Christians (as a rule, with representatives of the most aristocratic families), usually retained their religion (for example, Hannah Rothschild / 1851-90 /, granddaughter of the founder of the London branch of the family, who joined in 1878 in marriage to Lord A. F. Rosebery, future British Prime Minister). The Rothschilds also intermarried with representatives of the largest banking houses in Europe, in particular, Eduard Rothschild (1868-1949) was married to the daughter of Matilda Fuld, granddaughter of Baron E. Gunzburg.

The descendants of Mayer Anshel Rothschild were invariably guided by another covenant received from him - in all their relationships with people (except family), they put profit and financial success above all else. Although the interests of the Jews were not indifferent to them, preference, as a rule, was given to opportunities for further enrichment. Thus, during the Napoleonic wars, the founder of the family and his five sons accurately foresaw great benefits in remaining loyal to the European monarchs - the enemies of Napoleon I, who did not hide their intention to cancel the Jewish equality declared by the French emperor.

On the coat of arms Rothschild depicted five arrows,

symbolizing the five sons of Mayer Rothschild,

referring to Psalm 127:"Like arrows in the hands of a warrior."

Below, the family motto is written on the coat of arms, in Latin:

Concordia, Integritas, Industria (Consent, Honesty, Diligence).

However, Mayer Anshel Rothschild at the end of his life, when it did not harm the financial interests of the family, obtained the consent of Archbishop K.-T. Dahlberg, Prince Primate and President of the Confederation of the Rhine, created under the protectorate of Napoleon, to provide civil equality to the Jews. The position of the members of the Rothschild family remained the same after the Napoleonic wars, when anti-Jewish legislation was fully or partially restored in most European countries, and a wave of mass anti-Jewish demonstrations swept through many of them.

The business relations of the Rothschilds with European monarchs and governments depended little on the attitude of those towards their Jewish subjects, but where this could not harm the financial interests of the family, the Rothschilds were ready to demonstrate an interest in the fate of their co-religionists. Thus, in 1815, they facilitated the trip of a Jewish delegation to the Congress of Vienna, hoping in vain to convince its participants to adopt a declaration on the civil equality of Jews in their countries. In 1819, the brothers (especially James Jacob Rothschild) themselves and through business partners just as unsuccessfully persuaded the ministers of the newly created German Confederation that it was in their own interests to stop and continue to prevent violence against the Jews (see Hep-hep; also Israel - the people in the diaspora. New time: before the completion of emancipation; from the 18th century to 1880).

Karl Mayer Rothschild

Around the same time, Karl Mayer Rothschild in Italy was trying to condition a large loan to the Pope on his assistance in abolishing the Jewish ghetto in the Italian capital. Acts of this kind were not alien to representatives of the third and subsequent generations of the Rothschild family (for example, in 1878, the Rothschilds contributed to the inclusion of the Jewish question on the agenda of the Berlin Congress, which adopted a decision that remained mostly on paper on the civil equality of Jewish minorities in Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia and Croatia), but they were not usually active fighters for the rights of the Jews.

For themselves, as a rule, they managed to achieve a special status: in 1842, the head of the Austrian banking house, Shlomo Mayer Rothschild, received the right to own real estate in Vienna, who before that (despite the enormous services rendered to members of the Habsburg imperial family, close relations with the all-powerful chancellor K. Metternich, noble rank and title of baron) lived with his family in the hotel "Roman Emperor" for more than 20 years.

The Rothschilds persisted in the struggle for Jewish equality mainly when they could only achieve their own goals in this way. Thus, in 1847, when Lionel Nathan Rothschild (see above) was unable to take his seat in the House of Commons because of the need to take an oath on the gospel, the Rothschild family launched a stubborn campaign for the abolition of this rule and in 1858 achieved a repeal, which allowed Lionel Nathan Rothschild, who once again won the election, to take an oath on the Hebrew Bible.

Over time, the Rothschild family was less and less able to combine loyalty to their own Jewishness with an unwillingness to take even the smallest risk in protecting the interests of their persecuted people. This contradiction was exacerbated by the fact that the wealth, connections and influence of the descendants of Nathan Mayer Rothschild in England and James Jacob Mayer Rothschild in France made them the actual leaders of the Jewish community, sometimes formally they were part of its governing bodies: for example, Lionel Rothschild and his brother Nathaniel Rothschild in 1812-70 - to the Board of Deputies, Nathaniel also to the Joint Committee on Foreign Affairs of the Jewish Community; Alphonse Rothschild (1827-1905) was president of the French Consistory Central from 1869.

The English and, especially, the French Rothschilds, who did not publicly react to the Dreyfus affair, although they secretly provided all possible support to the Dreyfusards, could no longer but express their attitude to the events of the late 19th century. - early 20th century in Russia - bloody Jewish pogroms inspired by the authorities and government policy aimed at worsening the already disenfranchised position of the Jews.

Thus, Baron Alphonse Rothschild (see above), the head of the Rothschild Frere bank in Paris, who had close business ties with the government (Ministry of Finance) of Russia, responded to the wave of Jewish pogroms of the 1880s. announced the termination of all financial relations with this country. In May 1891, his bank announced its refusal to fulfill an agreement signed a month earlier to provide Russia with a loan of 320 million francs.

This decision, unprecedented in the financial world, caused numerous rumors in European capitals - not everyone reacted with confidence to the official statement of the bank, in which this step was presented as a reaction to the decree of Emperor Alexander III to evict Jews from Moscow, since information about this decree appeared in the newspapers at the end of March of the same year, when the loan agreement had not yet been signed.

The French and English Rothschilds (Baron Gustav de Rothschild, 1829-1911, and Lord Nathaniel Rothschild, 1840-1915) reacted in the same way to the pogroms in Russia in 1905: they took part in organizing financial assistance to the victims of the pogroms (each of them donated for this purpose ten thousand pounds sterling) and even made sure that the collected funds were delivered to Russia through their London bank. This was motivated by the desire to prevent the use of donations for radical purposes, which would give additional food for accusations of Jewish bankers in financing the Russian revolution.

At the same time, they obstructed attempts by Jewish leaders in their countries to organize mass public protest campaigns against officially fomented anti-Semitism in Russia, arguing that this would provoke even greater hatred of Jews in Russian ruling circles. Members of the Rothschild family did not remain indifferent to the suffering of the Jews of Germany after the establishment of the Nazi regime there.

Already in the autumn of 1933 in London, Yvonne Rothschild (1899-1977), wife of Anthony Rothschild (1887-1961), founded the Society for the Aid to Jewish Women and Children in Germany; in Paris, Robert Rothschild (1880-1946) and his wife Nellie Rothschild (1886-1945) actively participated in the creation of the Fund for Relief of Jewish Refugees from Germany; in the same years, Miriam Rothschild (1908-2005) took care of Jewish children who arrived in England from Germany, and James Rothschild (1896-1984) moved a Jewish orphanage (more than 20 boys aged 5-15 years and the director of the orphanage with his family ) from Frankfurt am Main to England and gave them their own home.

Lord Victor Rothschild (1910-1990) in The Times (November 19, 1938) appealed to the British public to take seriously the threat posed by Nazi Germany to Western democracy and all its values ​​(during the Second World War, Victor Rothschild, a well-known scholar -biologist, contributed to the victory over Nazi Germany, in particular, he served in military intelligence).

The unity, wealth and influence of the Rothschild family has long been used, not without success, by international anti-Semitism to prove the thesis about the desire of the Jews for world domination and the enslavement of the peoples that give them shelter. Already in the 1820s. anti-Semitic cartoons appear in the newspapers of several European countries, depicting the Rothschilds as spiders sucking blood from Europe, or robbers holding European monarchs by the throat. In the anti-Semitic pamphlets of the time, the Rothschilds are referred to as "Kings of the Bankers and Bankers of Kings", "Kings of the Jews and Jews of Kings", or "Jewish Kings and Royal Jews".

From the end of the first half of the 19th century. reference to the Jewish origin of the Rothschilds becomes a favorite device of French anti-Semites. So, in 1846, when, just three weeks after the start of operation of the railway built by the Rothschild company, a catastrophe occurred that claimed 37 human lives, the anti-Semitic pamphlet “The History of Rothschild I, King of the Jews” enjoyed considerable success, in which the incident was blamed not so much the Rothschilds themselves, how much to the innate Jewish arrogance and cynicism towards the French.

For right-wing, conservative anti-Semites (for example, E. Drumont, see Anti-Semitism), the Rothschilds are a symbol and embodiment of Jewish dominance in France, a secret stronghold of the radicals and revolutionaries that are destroying it. The theorist of anarchism, the anti-Semite P. Proudhon, saw in the Rothschilds the personification of the capitalist essence of the entire Jewish nation, the creator and supporter of the most inhuman bourgeois system of exploitation of the working people.

The name Rothschild is associated with a wave of anti-Semitism that swept France in the early 1880s. due to the bankruptcy of the Rothschilds' rival, the Catholic bank General Union, created by E. Bontu "to combat the dominance of Jewish capital", and the loss of thousands of his depositors of their savings (not only the Rothschilds were accused, but Jews in general as "foreigners plotting against Christianity and all of France). Later, the name Rothschild was turned into the most sinister character in the racially anti-Semitic mythology of National Socialism.

The attitude towards the Rothschilds in the Jewish people itself was far from unambiguous. In the image of the Rothschilds that has developed in Jewish folklore, admiration for the wealth, power and luxurious life of fellow believers was combined with a considerable amount of plebeian irony in relation to the swagger and arrogance of the rich and to their own absurd dreams of being in their place. This folklore image appears in the works of Shalom Aleichem, numerous anecdotes, parables, sayings, folk songs, etc.

The more complex attitude towards the Rothschilds of the socially and politically active sections of the Jews became especially evident in the twenty years between 1881 and 1901, when a wave of Jewish emigrants from Eastern Europe poured into Western Europe. Sincerely wishing or considering himself obliged to help the crowds of these destitute and needy Jews (Lord Nathaniel Rothschild, for example, as a member of the royal commission created in 1909, designed to limit the further influx of emigrants to Great Britain, selflessly fought to ensure that the restrictions imposed were as little as possible related to Jews), the Rothschilds came across a generally sharply critical attitude towards themselves on the part of Jewish immigrants.

For the majority of them, the Rothschilds' aim to promote the speedy naturalization, social and cultural acclimatization of newly arriving Jews in Western society turned out to be unacceptable. This attitude was unanimously, albeit for different reasons, rejected by the three main groups of immigrant Jews: natives of urban and small-town ghettos, who freely spoke only in Yiddish, strictly followed religious precepts and strove to preserve this way of life in the new conditions; hardened by persecution and humiliation in the countries where they lived, radical elements who joined the ranks of left-wing extremist parties and organizations and advocated the revolutionary overthrow of Western state and public institutions; Zionists, who saw in such an attitude a direct path to assimilation.

The sharp and impassioned denunciations of the activists of all these immigrant groups against the Rothschilds and other "smug and selfish Jews" who are only interested in their own profits often differed little from the attacks from the anti-Semites. The Rothschilds reacted painfully to this criticism, but at the same time, according to many, they gave good reasons for it. In particular, the nationally oriented circles of Jewry did not forgive the Rothschilds for their sharply negative attitude towards Zionism.

Like other wealthy Jews, the Rothschilds did not refuse to support the presence of their orthodox co-religionists in Jerusalem, where back in the 1850s. James Jacob Rothschild and his wife Betty founded a hospital for the poor, and in the 1860s. with the money of the London Rothschilds, the still existing school for girls named after Evelina de Rothschild was opened there (in memory of the daughter of Lionel Rothschild, who died untimely shortly after the wedding).

The situation was different with political Zionism, in which the Rothschilds from the very beginning saw a threat to all their life principles and guidelines. Based on their own experience, they believed that Jews could and should successfully integrate in the countries where their fate had thrown them, and that the idea of ​​​​creating a sovereign Jewish state in Eretz Israel and mass resettlement of Jews there would not fail to be used by anti-Semites and racists as proof of the validity of their statements. about the ineradicable separatism and alienation of the Jews to the European peoples.

The Rothschilds even accused the Zionists of giving anti-Semites grounds to demand the complete expulsion or at least every encouragement for the emigration of Jews from Europe. The long rejection of Zionism by the Rothschild family also had a purely pragmatic basis - seeing in it nothing but groundless projecting, they did not want to associate their name with an "adventure" that would certainly end in financial bankruptcy and political scandal. In this regard, all the other Rothschilds were greatly worried about the position and activities of Edmond de Rothschild, who, while remaining in opposition to political Zionism for a long time, still refused to publicly condemn him.

It was only after the First World War and the collapse of the Ottoman Empire that certain members of the Rothschild family began to treat Zionism more favorably, when its political goals ceased to look completely fantastic in their eyes. Even the second Lord Rothschild, Nathaniel, in the last months of his life changed his inflexible assimilatory position to an almost pro-Zionist one.

For some time, his son Lionel Walter, Lord Rothschild (1868-1937), was very actively involved in the activities of the Zionist organization of Great Britain, to whom, as the most prominent Jew in the country, he addressed his letter outlining the obligation of the British government to promote the creation of a Jewish national home in Palestine, the Minister of Foreign Affairs A. Balfour.

Even the creation of the State of Israel in 1948 and the numerous wars in which it had to defend its existence, arousing great interest and sympathy among most members of the Rothschild family, did not turn them into supporters of Zionism. Baron Guy de Rothschild (1909-2007), author of the best-selling autobiographical book Against Luck (1983), seemed to express the general feelings of the members of this family when he admitted that Israel was not their country, its banner was not theirs. banner, but that the courage and military prowess of the Israelites filled their hearts with pride, made them less vulnerable to hostile attacks, brought the release of some important part of their "I". These feelings stimulate in some members of the Rothschild family the desire to participate in the construction of the Jewish state.

Thus, Victor Rothschild (see above), who did not consider himself a Zionist, actively supported Israel in the field of science (he was a member of the Board of Trustees of the Weizmann Research Institute and the Hebrew University in Jerusalem), attracted British public opinion to the side of Israel and , according to rumors, contributed to the formation of Israeli intelligence (attacks on him for this in the English press contained allusions to his lack of loyalty to the British fatherland).

Rothschild Park in Israel

In the field of economics and finance, the great-grandson and namesake of the "father of the Jewish Yishuv", Baron Edmond de Rothschild (1926-97), who financed the construction of the country's first oil pipeline from the Red to the Mediterranean Sea and one of the first chemical plants, was especially distinguished State Bank of Israel (Bank Israel) and some other projects.

The well-known and widely advertised philanthropic activities of the Rothschild family are by no means limited to Israel - they, as in the past, donate large sums not only to Jewish, but also to non-Jewish hospitals, schools, kindergartens, orphanages, cultural and scientific foundations, etc. ., wanting to show that they are both good Jews and good French and English.

Eprussi Rothschild Museum on the French Riviera

The contribution to many areas of Israeli life by the Rothschild Foundation, established in 1957 by Dorothy Rothschild (1895-1988), wife of James Armand Rothschild (1878-1957), is noticeable: educational television was created in the country with its funds, the Open University was founded and a number of departments in other universities (for example, the Institute for Advanced Study and the Center for Adult Education at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, the Faculty of Nursing at Tel Aviv University), a Music Center has been built in the Jerusalem district of Mishkenot Shaananim, exhibitions and expositions are organized in the Israel Museum, equipped with modern equipment new hospitals, nursing homes for the disabled, student scholarships, Rothschild Prizes for achievements in the exact sciences, and much more. The ballet ensemble that bears her name, created in 1964 at the expense of Baroness Bat-Sheva Rothschild (1914-99), enjoys great popularity in the country and abroad.

In subsequent years, there was a certain cooling of the Rothschild family towards the State of Israel, both due to the increasing departure of some of its members from the Jews (for example, the current Lord Rothschild Nathaniel Charles / was born in 1936 / converted to Christianity and is married to a non-Jewish woman), and due to frequent disagreement of the government circles of the country with their advice and recommendations. However, a number of facts testify that the members of the Rothschild family did not refuse to participate in the life of the Jewish state. Thus, the new building of the Supreme Court of Israel was built at the expense of the Rothschild Foundation (1992).


The ancestor of the Rothschild dynasty, Angel Moses Bauer, owned a jewelry workshop, the emblem of which depicted a golden Roman eagle on a red shield. Over time, the workshop began to be called the "Red Shield", and this name - Rothschield - was adopted as a surname by his son, Mayer Amschel, who later founded the banking house.

The Rothschild family was turned into a powerful financial clan by his five sons: Amschel Mayer, Solomon Mayer, Nathan Mayer, Kalman Mayer, James Mayer. We will introduce you to them today.

The Rothschild coat of arms features five arrows symbolizing Mayer Rothschild's five sons, referring to Psalm 126: "Like arrows in the hands of a warrior." Below the coat of arms is written the family motto, in Latin, Concordia, Integritas, Industria (Consent, Honesty, Diligence).

The coat of arms of the Rothschilds depicts 5 arrows - 5 sons of Mayer

Amschel Mayer Rothschild

Amschel Mayer - the eldest son of the founder of the Rothschild dynasty

Before you is a representative of the German branch of the Rothschild financial dynasty. Not much is known about him: he was the second child and eldest son of the founder of the dynasty. After the death of his father in 1812, Amschel Mayer became head of a bank in Frankfurt am Main. In documents, the names of father and son - Mayer Amschel and Amschel Mayer - were often confused. Only upon closer and more detailed study was it possible to establish which of them is meant. Amschel Mayer died childless, and the management of the banking house passed to his nephews.

Solomon Mayer Rothschild

Solomon Rothschild - 1st Jew to become an honorary citizen of Austria

Founder of the Austrian branch of the Rothschild financial dynasty. In 1817, his brother James Mayer Rothschild opened the bank de Rothschild Frères in Paris, where Solomon became its shareholder. Having a financial education and many years of experience, in 1820 he went to Austria to formalize the existing interests of the family in financing projects of the Austrian government, where in the capital he founded the S M von Rothschild bank, which began to finance the Nordbahn railway company, the first Austrian railway, and various capital-intensive government enterprises. Under the leadership of Solomon Rothschild, the Austrian bank became a great success and began to play an important role in the development of the Austrian economy. In recognition of his services to Austria, in 1822 Solomon Mayer Rothschild was admitted to the Austrian nobility and received the hereditary title of baron from the hands of Emperor Franz II. In 1843, he was the first Jew to become an honorary citizen of Austria.

Nathan Mayer Rothschild

Nathan Rothschild made £40 million from news

Here is the founder of the English branch of the Rothschilds. Nathan Rothschild's most successful business began in 1814, when the British government engaged his bank to finance a military campaign against Napoleon. Large sums of gold were transferred from England to Marshal Wellington and the Allies through the brothers' banks. The Rothschilds were ideally suited to move huge amounts of money in troubled Europe, relieving clients of the risks of transporting money and late payments.

Genius example: at the beginning of the battle, the advantage was on the side of Napoleon, and observers reported to London that he was winning. But the Prussian corps arrived in time to help the British troops, under the leadership of Wellington, and the Allies won. Nathan Rothschild's courier watched the battle and saw how Napoleon fled to Brussels, which later played an important role: he reported this to his superiors. Everyone was convinced that Wellington had lost the battle. Then Rothschild began to sell his shares on the stock exchange. After him, everyone began to sell. As a result, the prices of securities fell almost to zero. At this point, Rothschild agents were buying up shares on the cheap, and on June 21, at 11 pm, Wellington's adjutant delivered a Marshal's report to the government: "Napoleon is defeated." Thus, Nathan Rothschild made £40 million from this news ( for that money - it's a crazy amount).

Kalman (Karl) Mayer von Rothschild

Karl Rothschild had a reputation for being the least gifted of the five brothers

This is the founder of the Naples branch of the Rothschild financial dynasty. He became known under the name Karl through relatives from the English branch; gained experience in his father's business and lived with his parents until the age of 29. In 1821, the occupation of Naples by the Austrian army opened up new business opportunities for the Rothschild family. As a result, Charles was sent to Naples, where he founded the bank C M de Rothschild & Figli as a representative of the parent bank. Despite having a reputation for being the least gifted of the five brothers, he proved himself in Naples to be a strong financier and very capable in developing all-important business connections. So Charles established good business relations with the Minister of Finance of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, after which his bank became dominant in Naples. After the success of Charles, the Rothschild banking house was represented in all the major capitals of Europe and gained significant influence and advantage over its competitors.

In January 1832, he, a Jewish banker, received the ribbon and star of the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of Saint George from the new Pope Gregory XVI.

James Mayer Rothschild

The younger generation of Rothschilds calls James "The Great Baron"

James is the youngest of the sons. In 1812, he was only an agent for Brother Nathan in Paris, but over time he delved deeper into the financial affairs of the family bank. James proved to be the most successful in business, and after the death of his brother Nathan in 1836, he takes over the leadership of the Rothschild business. He ushered his brothers and nephews into the "era of the industrial revolution". In the thirties and forties of the XIX century, James finances very large investment projects: the construction of a railway network around Paris and in the north of France. His bank helped the National Bank of France overcome the monetary crisis by providing enough gold to cover the money being issued. The younger generation of Rothschilds calls him the "Great Baron".

For a quarter of a century, James became the second richest man in France, only the king's fortune was greater.