DiCaprio and Kate Winslet are dating. Friendship between Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet in quotes and photographs. Three children from different husbands

Still from the movie "Titanic"

Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet first met in 1996 on the set of James Cameron's film Titanic. Who would have thought then that having played one of the most iconic couples in cinema, they would become close to each other in life, and would carry the friendship that arose on the set through the years and dozens of new roles.

In a 1998 interview, Winslet was asked what it was like to learn that DiCaprio would be her co-star. Even then, Leo was considered one of the main handsome men in Hollywood. “Oh yeah, that was weird. I thought that because of this it might be difficult to work, what if I, too, become one of his fans,” Winslet answered frankly and not without a smile. However, according to her, everything worked out - both Kate and Leo were very comfortable on the set, they understood each other perfectly and were fooling around all the time.

Despite the warm and friendly atmosphere on set, the filming of Titanic still became a great test for the entire team: seven months of grueling work in sometimes unbearable conditions seemed to test the strength of the young actors. They passed the test with flying colors, and the difficulties only strengthened their friendship.

Golden Globe, 1998

“We have a very strong connection, one that all my friends are jealous of. “Even if he’s a sex symbol for others, for me he’s just stupid old Leo,” explains Winslet, answering a question about a possible romantic relationship between the actors. “We are like a single mechanism, the parts of which support each other’s work,” Leo echoes Kate’s words about their relationship. Amazing tenderness, given the specific, if not destructive, atmosphere of Hollywood, where not only friendships, marriages do not last more than a year.

In 1998, Titanic was nominated for an Oscar and a Golden Globe. The film about doomed cross-class love made real stars out of our heroes within a year of its premiere. Now they have become A-list celebrities and the eyes of paparazzi and journalists around the world were focused on the couple Leo and Kate. Of course, as happens when a film couple achieves unprecedented success, the whole world started talking about the actors’ romance. Romance in movies always means romance in life in the eyes of fans. Their joint appearances on the red carpet were especially haunting. However, the appearance of DiCaprio and Winslet at the Golden Globes put everything in its place, according to at least, Leo tried to do this when tricky questions journalists responded that he and Kate were “just good old friends.”

Sam Mendes, Kate Winslet, Leonardo DiCaprio

On screen, the famous couple reunited in 2008, when Sam Mendes, Kate's then-husband, invited both of them to star in the drama film Revolutionary Road. Winslet and DiCaprio were again asked to play lovers, of course, not of the easiest fate. “We like working together. This is very natural for us. I love her, she's mine best friend“,” DiCaprio then commented on the collaboration with his longtime colleague.

Of course, getting such a couple in a film is the path to success. The names of these actors on the posters will guarantee queues at cinemas and box office gatherings, including on the awards field. Now both Oscar-winning actors themselves admitted that they adore working together.

For their performance in Revolutionary Road, both received a Golden Globe nomination. Moreover, that evening Kate took the figurine home. In her acceptance speech, she, of course, did not miss the opportunity to confess her love to her friend: “Leo, I’m so glad that I can stand here and say how much I love you, how much I’ve loved you for 13 years. I love you with all my heart, I really do.” DiCaprio from the audience sent air kisses to his beloved friend and, it seems, like Kate, could barely hold back his tears.

In 2012, Kate Winslet secretly married millionaire Ned Rocknroll. The ceremony was so secret that even the parents of the newlyweds were not invited to it, but our dear friend, Leo, was there, who led 37-year-old Winslet to the altar.

At the 88th Academy Awards, the two of them appeared together again - Winslet was nominated for “Best female role supporting role" for his role in the film "Steve Jobs", and DiCaprio was preparing to receive the award as best actor for "Survivor". They posed together on the red carpet and again talked about each other to journalists. “Leo is my closest friend, I want him to win, I will always support him,” ─ later, when DiCaprio finally received his coveted Oscar and rose from acceptance speech Winslet was filmed on stage crying with joy by cameras at the ceremony. The world immediately dubbed her reaction the most sincere and most correct.

Leo's victory was a victory for two: Winslet shared every minute of his triumph with him and, it seems, this was the most natural and correct gesture on her part. After all, that’s what friends do, they support us in any situation: be it many hours of filming in a pool that simulates a cold and merciless ocean, or a protracted victory speech at the Oscars.



Still from the film Revolutionary Road (2008)

Golden Globe, 2009

Sam Mendes, Kate Winslet, Leonardo DiCaprio (2009)

Screen Actors Guild Award (2016)

At the end of August, Leonardo's villa in Saint-Tropez seemed to turn into film set sequel to the film Titanic. Only Leo and his partner Kate Winslet had less clothes, it was tropical heat, and the heated water in the pool did not threaten them with any trouble. 41-year-old Kate arrived in France to participate in a charity evening for the Leonardo Environmental Foundation. The 42-year-old gentleman gallantly invited her to share his shelter, table and side of the pool. The half-naked couple sunbathed, fooled around, and hugged to the delight of the paparazzi. However, two circumstances prevent us from believing that the “romance of the century” is unfolding before our eyes with a twenty-year delay: Kate is married, and Leo has just shown the public new lover– 23-year-old German model Lorena Rae.

Girl from the North

Lorena joined Leonardo's retinue in May, shortly after his split from Nina Agdal. The actor had been dating the Danish model since May 2016 and seemed very interested, but then the inexorable time intervened. Nina turned 25 years old - the age at which Leo begins to regard his girlfriends as ancient old ladies, give them a seat in transport and transfer them across the road somewhere away from him.

Having ended the relationship, Leonardo usually announces an open casting. This spring, he gathered a cheerful flock of models on his yacht off the coast of Monaco. Among them was Lorena, but the reporters didn't even bother to identify her. Based on Leo's experience of observing his predilections, the dark-haired girl is almost certainly an outsider, brought on board to set off the blondes.

However, in July, Lorena received an offer to join another sea voyage - this time near Saint-Tropez. And in August, Leo took her on a traditional bike ride around New York. This has long been a rite of passage, because a girl who cannot ride a bicycle has no business being around an actor, no matter how beautiful she may be in all other respects. True, Lorena made a mistake. Getting ready for a walk, she dressed for Leonardo, but she should have dressed for the bicycle. But the girl somehow coped with the difficulties of pedaling in a little black dress. The next meeting already resembled a real date: first, the potential lovers went to an exhibition contemporary art, and then had lunch at a restaurant on Fifth Avenue.

“They were very affectionate with each other,” eyewitnesses reported.

Of course, this caused a surge of interest in the life and work of the young German model. Lorena comes from Diepholz in Lower Saxony. She achieved success in her homeland, working with the labels s.Oliver, Thomas Sabo, Hugo Boss. I met with Oliver Huising, a football player from a third league club. Deciding to try her luck in America, Lorena was forced to change real name Rap because in English language this word means "rape". If Leonardo really became interested in her, we can assume that Lorena’s luck smiled.

Natural attraction

Kate Winslet, for her part, remains Leonardo's girlfriend longer than all of his models combined. "Leo has feelings for her deep feelings from the first meeting on the set of “Titanic,” say the actor’s friends. - Then he called her herself beautiful woman which he had seen. This state of affairs continues to this day. Ask Leo which actress was his favorite to kiss on camera, and he will answer: “Kate Winslet.” With none of his passions did he have such emotional and intellectual intimacy as with Kate.”

Leo and Kate are constantly in touch. When she was filming the drama “The Mountain Between Us,” she kept sending a friend a photo of her cold-bitten face and received dozens of frightened emojis in response. Meanwhile, her husband Ned Rocknroll worked as an errand boy, carrying his wife warm blankets and a thermos with tea. Leonardo is ready to confirm that Kate occupies a special place in his life.

“There was always a natural attraction between us,” he says. – We are getting older, wiser, but fundamentally we remain the same as we were 20 years ago. We are excited and amused by the same things. Kate doesn't allow me to be arrogant and "give" great artist, even when I want it.”

The film about the disaster was released in 1997 and made the young duo mega-popular // Photo: Still from the film


October 5 Hollywood actress Kate Winslet turned 42 years old. The day before, she answered reporters to one of the most troubling questions from her fans: did she and DiCaprio have romantic relationship? The actors have said more than once that they have been friends for 20 years, but no one believes that they are beautiful people had no sympathy for each other.

I remember very well how we celebrated my 21st birthday - perhaps due to the fact that I then ate too much cake. At the time, Leo was about to turn 22. I'll be 42 soon and he'll be 43, and it's just crazy. On the set of Titanic in 1997, Leo and I worked side by side for seven months, and we were very young at the time. And, fortunately, we were very lucky in this: we never attracted each other in romantically. I know it's disappointing. But there really was nothing between us. Although we still tease each other.

The actress also said that she often sees DiCaprio and even spends weekends together, and her children are crazy about “Uncle Leo.”


It's spicy that friends played married couple in the film Revolutionary Road, directed by Winslet's then-husband Sam Mendes. The actress admitted that she felt awkward playing bed scenes with DiCaprio in front of his own husband.


By the way, in one of her early interviews, Winslet did blab about how DiCaprio flirted with her on the set of Titanic. According to her, the actor was a little in love with her then:

Leo and I spent every day in cold water for 6-7 hours, so after filming we took the habit of warming up together in a hot bath. One of these days Leo said to me: “It’s so strange, we’re playing love scenes, so many takes, and after filming we have nothing.” I didn’t let him finish: “No, don’t even think about it, we won’t be able to take this seriously!” Then he sniffled, stood up, looked at the floor, there were my high-heeled shoes. “I’ll borrow it,” Leo said matter-of-factly. I was speechless. Without waiting for an answer, he put on his shoes and asked: “Well, should I leave?”


Many fans of this acting couple believe that DiCaprio is still single for only one reason - he is still in love with Kate. The stars themselves make fun of these rumors. Kate is now in her third marriage - the actress is married to millionaire Ned Rocknroll.

0 October 3, 2017, 6:15 pm

Since the film "" starring and starring was released, their fans have not stopped gossiping about the "romance" of the actors. They themselves have already said a hundred times that there is nothing and never has been between them except friendship, but many still refuse to believe it, citing the stars’ too-tender relationship (they even vacation together!).

With how much love they talk about each other, how they look at each other, how they support each other - many fans are convinced that “just friends” cannot behave like that. Kate and Leo do not agree with this opinion, and the other day the 41-year-old actress again tried to convince the public that she is connected with DiCaprio.

Leo and I filmed Titanic for seven months straight, which was very intense work. We were very young at that time. Luckily, we never wanted each other. Sorry - I know it's annoying to hear this. But it's true! There was never anything between us! We just constantly teased each other, which, by the way, we still do to this day.

- Kate said during the British talk show Lorraine Kelly, which the actress visited as part of the promotional tour for the new film with her participation, "" (The Mountain Between Us).

However, in the program Winslet talked more about new picture, and all about the same “Titanic”, which changed her life so dramatically:

It's great that another generation also loves this film. The coolest thing about Titanic for me is that people still watch it. I often hear the following from my children, their friends and friends of their friends: “You know, what I love most about Titanic is the moment when you say this.” And then they quote something from the movie that I thought I had completely forgotten! I am always surprised: “God, are these really my words?!” And they continue: “And then Jack did this, and Rose did this...”. I'm just at a loss, how can I answer this? I feel terribly old because they weren't even born when I was filming Titanic!

— the actress admitted.

Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet in the movie "Titanic"

Winslet has spoken more than once about how much this James Cameron film, which began her touching friendship with Leonardo DiCaprio, means to her, but still, even after so many years and despite the fact that the actors are happy with other people, fans stars continue to believe that these two were made for each other after all.


Photo Gettyimages.ru/stills from the films "Titanic" and "Revolutionary Road"

Photo: Legion-Media

As you know, the friendship between Kate and Leo began almost 20 years ago, during their filming in the film “Titanic” in 1997

Interest in this duet as a couple does not fade. They are filming together, their explicit scenes they don’t give a single chance to doubt that there is something more than just friendship between the actors. Everyone (even the couple’s close friends) blames Leo for Kate’s divorces, saying that the actress is frank and close with him like no one else. In addition, Leo's gift (a ring) after the end of filming Revolutionary Road (2008) also caused a lot of noise. It's hard to say whether the actors are acting or just flirting with the public and the press.

Or maybe this is really an example of friendship between a man and a woman. Perhaps the lack of official status of the couple is the key to their relationship. In any case, it is a great happiness to find someone close to you in spirit.

Winslet told Vogue magazine: “He knows me better than anyone else in the world. Most friendships between people begin with cheeky jokes/kisses or hidden flirting. But Leo and me? No. He is my “emotional” rock. I don't know what the hell I would do without him. We literally grew up together. And during every big event in life we ​​were each other’s support.”

Kate also said that Leo helped her mentally during her divorce from her husband, Sam Mendes. The actress insists that her relationship with this charismatic Hollywood guy is proof that not all friendships between men and women are based on sexual attraction.

Leonardo "returned" Kate's praise by saying that "their closeness comes from growing up together in the violent/dangerous film industry."

We invite you to watch some wonderful videos about the relationships of the actors, which were made by their fans: