Bolshoi Theater Dmitrichenko. Ballet dancer Pavel Dmitrichenko: biography, personal life, criminal case. You can't come on holidays

Pavel Dmitrichenko was born into a family of dancers - his parents performed at the State academic ensemble folk dance; It was at the behest of his parents that Pavel himself took up dancing. Dmitrichenko himself did not have a particular love for dancing as a child, but he indeed demonstrated quite good abilities.

After graduating from the Moscow Academy of Choreography, Pavel joined the troupe Bolshoi Theater. Initially, Dmitrichenko planned to stay at the Bolshoi – and in ballet in general – for at most two years; during these two years, however, Pavel managed to achieve quite impressive results and decided to stay on stage.

Young Dmitrichenko was called an extremely talented and promising dancer; he regularly received leading roles in fairly large and prestigious productions. By 2011, Dmitrichenko became, in fact, the leading soloist of the State Academic Bolshoi Theater.

V Bolshoi Dmitrichenko met the ballerina Angelina Vorontsova. There is no official confirmation of the numerous rumors about the alleged romance between them, however, many of the dancer’s acquaintances are inclined to believe that these rumors still had some basis.

Vorontsova’s career was not as good as Dmitrichenko’s; in 2009, the ballerina’s mentor, Ekaterina Maksimova, died, after which Angelina went “under the wing” of Nikolai Tsiskaridze. Alas, this cooperation did not produce much fruit; some are inclined to believe that Vorontsova could have achieved much more, speaking under the supervision of a female teacher. According to one version, it was the relatively low class demonstrated by Angelina in her last performances that became the reason for her conflict with Sergei Filin; another version says that Filin disliked Vorontsova back in 2009, when she refused

I want to join his troupe. One way or another, Vorontsova’s relationship with Filin did not work out somewhat.

Late in the evening of January 17, 2013, Sergei Filin was attacked - an unknown person threw acid in his face. Popular rumor almost immediately made Nikolai Tsiskaridze, who often criticized the management of the theater and was Vorontsova’s manager, the main suspect. Soon, however, the investigation established that on the evening of January 17, someone Yuri Zarutsky called Pavel Dmitrichenko from Filin’s house. Zarutsky had already been convicted several times and seemed quite a suitable candidate for carrying out this kind of assassination attempt. Later, the investigation turned its attention to another telephone interlocutor of Zarutsky - a certain Andrei Lipatov.

On the night of March 5-6, Zarutsky, Lipatov and Dmitrichenko were detained. All three confessed immediately; as it turned out, the first

actually carried out the attack, the second acted as its driver. Dmitrichenko admitted that he “ordered” Filin, although he made a reservation that the attack did not go as he planned. The most likely motive is considered to be resentment for Vorontsova being unfairly oppressed - acquaintances described Dmitrichenko as an extremely impulsive, temperamental person and quite capable of something of this kind solely for the sake of revenge alone.

Lawyers argue that Pavel Dmitrichenko has certain chances of avoiding imprisonment - with some effort, his lawyers can reduce the case to a less serious charge; What plays into their hands, first of all, is that the injuries Owl received were far from fatal. Pavel's ballet career, however, is over with almost one hundred percent probability - and no innate abilities will be able to return Dmitrichenko to the stage.

June 26, 2016, 10:28 pm

Pavel Dmitrichenko was born into a family of artists of the State Academic Folk Dance Ensemble under the direction of Igor Moiseev. In 2002 he graduated from the Moscow State Academy of Choreography in the class of teacher Igor Uksusnikov, after which he was accepted into the ballet troupe of the Bolshoi Theater. In 2004 he received a diploma from the International Ballet Competition in Rome (Italy). In 2005, he graduated from the Institute of Russian Theater with a degree in teacher-choreographer, class of Mikhail Lavrovsky.

At the Bolshoi Theater, Pavel Dmitrichenko rehearsed under the direction of Alexander Vetrov and Vasily Vorokhobko. He played the main roles, including:

Yashka ("Golden Age")

Evil Genius (" Swan Lake»)

Abderakhman ("Raymonda")

Spartak ("Spartak")

Jose (Carmen Suite)

Tybalt (Romeo and Juliet)

Hans (Giselle)

Ivan the Terrible (“Ivan the Terrible” was the first performer of the role when the ballet was revived in 2012)

Abderakhman ballet "Raymonda":

Pavel Dmitrichenko as Tsar Ivan IV in the ballet "Ivan the Terrible":

Ivan IV in the ballet "Ivan the Terrible":

Part of the Evil Genius in the ballet “Swan Lake”:

Part of Tybalt in the ballet "Romeo and Juliet":

Ballet "Romeo and Juliet" as Tybalt. Choir of Yu.N. Grigorovich
Photo by Irina Lepneva:

Pavel Dmitrichenko in the ballet "The Golden Age" - Tango:

Part of Spartacus in the ballet “Spartacus”:

Pas de Deux from the ballet "Corsair":

"Global Lagoon" Naomi Campbell watches Dmitrichenko dance:

Nikolai Tsiskaridze: “I can tell Dmitrichenko - Pasha, hold on!”

Pavel Dmitrichenko and Nikolai Tsiskaridze at the graduation party
Academy of Russian Ballet named after. A.Ya. Vaganova in the Kremlin. 06/22/2016.

“We must not forget that the victim and Pasha Dmitrichenko were in good relations»

“- I can’t help but ask about the fate of Pavel Dmitrichenko, who was accused of the assassination attempt on Sergei Filin in 2013 and was released a month ago.

I respect Pasha very much and treat him very well. And he said more than once, including at trial, that he did not believe and to this day I do not believe in his guilt. Yes, he came out, we saw each other, and my attitude towards him did not change one iota.

Did he come to see you in St. Petersburg?

No, I was in Moscow, we met. He expressed a desire to continue his dancing career. I supported him in this and advised him to go study, and he said that he was already studying.

But how realistic is it for him to return to his profession? After all, in three years the form has been lost. Why, for three years or a week the artist will not stand at the machine... you yourself know how the matter will end.

He says he was studying. And then, maybe he won’t be a classical dancer; he had wonderful character roles in his repertoire.

Since Pavel Dmitrichenko was convicted, does he have a chance to enter a serious theater or will the stigma of being a “jailster” not allow him?

By law, he does not have the right to hold positions in government agencies related to working with children. But in the rest he can do everything. Why not? The most unpleasant thing for me in this situation is that no one is interested in the wishes of the audience. A spectator asked me not to leave the Bolshoi - did anyone pay attention to this? It’s the same with Pasha... He has a huge number of fans, and these people want to see him in Bolshoi performances. Whether he will participate in them or not depends on the leadership. If he gets down to business wisely, he has both opportunity and potential.

Are you ready to help him?

How can I help him? I work in another city and I can only say “Pasha, hold on.” If you need any of my tutoring help, please do so.

Of course, I went to Pavel’s trial with my visor open and did not hide anything from anyone.

Still, the guy has a difficult fate. Even the girl left him, because of whom everything supposedly happened?

I repeat once again: this situation had nothing to do with the girl. We must not forget that the victim and Pasha were on good terms. The rest is journalistic fiction.

But she didn’t wait for him.

Why did she have to wait for him if he got married a year before she got married? They separated before all this mess. Don't confuse forks and bottles. It is Beaumarchais’s Figaro who says: “I am much better than my reputation.” How the whole situation was covered three years ago at the Bolshoi Theater - not everything was as it really was."

“Today I’m already dancing, which means I’m in good physical fitness, because without good preparation to dance one of the most difficult ballets- “Swan Lake” is impossible. How much effort and work it took me to return to my profession - this another story", he emphasized.

According to the ballet critic, the Bolshoi needs an artist like Dmitrichenko. “From an artistic and not a moral point of view, the possibility of a return arises only because there are very few performers for the roles he danced. In this sense, the theater really needs him. However, whether he can physically perform these roles should be looked at by practitioners ", noted Gordeeva. Let us remind you that former soloist known for his roles Evil genius in "Swan Lake", Spartacus and Ivan the Terrible.

She added that there is nothing extraordinary in Pavel’s training at the theater. The fact is that large theaters with huge halls allow people who are not members of the troupe to attend their classes if they request it. For example, professional dancers who, by chance, find themselves in a foreign city. With Dmitrichenko, of course, the situation is a little different - he is in hometown, but from total flow thrown away, she explained.

Collective arrangement

Four years ago, when Dmitrichenko was accused of organizing the assassination attempt on Filin, the Bolshoi team disagreed. More than 300 people then signed a letter in support of their colleague. According to Anna Gordeeva, this is the majority.

“The judge made a decision on parole without notifying us of the meeting”

Recently, the court released the organizer of the attack on the Bolshoi Theater artistic director Sergei Filin - in 2013, acid was thrown in his face. Former dancer Pavel Dmitrichenko was released on parole (parole) - so he served half of his sentence (remember, the court first sentenced Dmitrichenko to 6 years, then cut it down to 5.5).

How Filin himself reacted to the decision of the servants of Themis, whether he forgave the enemy - MK correspondents found out.

Filin himself recently flew to Germany for another eye operation. Most of all, the dancer is upset about his health - after all, his vision has not been restored, despite several dozen operations. AND judgment, of course, did not bring joy. Moreover, it is seen as a violation of the rights to defense. Word from Filin’s lawyer Tatyana Stukalova:

We are aware that on April 29, Dmitrichenko’s application for parole was considered in court. Then the papers were recalled because they were filled out with violations. Filin urgently asked that this issue not be considered without his participation. However, we later learned that on May 18 the judge made a decision on parole without notifying us of the hearing - so we could not attend. Now we are finding out why the summons did not arrive, although the resolution states that both parties were notified. There is a violation of the rights to protect the victim. On Monday we filed an appeal about our disagreement with the parole. Dmitrichenko does not repent and has not admitted guilt. For us, this is a matter of threat to Owl’s life.

Dmitrichenko has so far avoided communicating with journalists. Although the ex-soloist left an enthusiastic message on his Facebook page: “Thank you to everyone who supported me! Yours kind hearts were a beacon of hope on a difficult road. Truth has triumphed over lies. An indisputable truth: whoever has the truth is the stronger. See you friends"

Let us note that Dmitrichenko managed to get married in prison. The chosen one was Yana Fadeeva, a stylist by profession.

Dmitrichenko once mentioned possible continuation dancer career. Is it possible? We called his colleague, Bolshoi Theater soloist Andrei Bolotin (he sympathized with Dmitrichenko during the trial):

- Did you see Pavel after leaving?

Not yet.

- Do you think he could return to his career? He's already 32...

On average, our career lasts up to 38 years; for some, it happens even later. So nothing is impossible. I don’t know whether he kept himself in shape or not...

- He sat for three years.

It all depends on desire and on Pavel’s physical condition. If you want, you can enter the form.

Other experts, however, hinted that Pavel gained some weight in prison and did not train regularly, but all this is a completely second question; and the first is that it’s unlikely that anyone will take him into their troupe now. After all, no one justified or whitewashed Dmitrichenko. He was simply released on parole, which probably could not have happened without some influence from an authoritative person. And therefore, for many, Pavel is still associated with the image of a criminal, which, however, will not prevent him from finding a job, even if not as a dancer, but in some profession related to art; fortunately, getting a second education is not a problem.

The Labor Code offers all Russians legal way resolution of any labor conflicts ─ contacting a representative organization at the place of work, consideration of the issue by a labor dispute commission, and then the court. Quite civilized, but Russia is a special country. The “black” spirit hovers and permeates the consciousness of even people far from crime, influencing their decisions and actions.

In January 2013, a shocking crime occurred in the capital. In the evening, near his house, acid was thrown in the face of the artistic director of the State Academic Bolshoi Theater Sergei Filin. The damage inflicted was not fatal, but the victim received a serious chemical burn to the retina.

The police, who began to unravel the case, had very different versions - from hooliganism to personal revenge on domestic grounds. As it turned out, the culprit was an ordinary industrial conflict. Bolshoi Theater artists are also hired workers, and labor disputes do not escape them. Only in this case did the eccentricity of the participants and the background of creative differences interfere with his decision.

Less than 2 months later, a squad of police arrived at the apartment of the Bolshoi Theater ballet dancer Pavel Dmitrichenko, where they searched and arrested the owner, taking him to a pre-trial detention center. He was accused of organizing a landmark crime.

Pavel Dmitrichenko is a hereditary dancer. His parents worked in the State Academic Folk Dance Ensemble under the direction of Igor Moiseev. He absorbed the rules of life and behavior in an artistic environment with his mother’s milk, but, as an adult, he preferred a different way of solving problems in relationships with managers. However, the problems arose not with him, but with him. common-law wife young ballerina Angelina Vorontsova.

Before joining the Bolshoi Theater troupe, Pavel Dmitrichenko went through a completely standard path for a ballet dancer - training at the Moscow Academy of Choreography. He appeared at the Bolshoi Theater in 2002 and became one of the most promising artists. In 2004, Dmitrichenko received a diploma from the International Ballet Competition in Rome. He danced parts in classical ballet performances"Swan Lake", "Romeo and Juliet", "Spartacus". The brightest page of it creative biography became the main role in the play “Ivan the Terrible”, which was resumed after a long break.

While still in his first year at the academy, he married a graduate of the same educational institution Olga Klypina. A successful start to an artistic career invariably arouses envy among colleagues who did not experience such a bright start. However, an evil whisper has always been inherent creative environment. Spiteful critics complained about the assistance that the relatives of his ballerina wife, quite authoritative and influential people in the Bolshoi Theater, could provide for his promotion. In any case, undoubtedly, nature did not deprive Pavel Dmitrichenko of talent and hard work. Not confining himself to one job on stage, the young man tried himself outside the walls of the Bolshoi Theater in business and did not give up his social work.

He traded shares on the stock exchange, organized an online store selling nutritional supplements, special creams and accessories for ballet dancers, and opened a beauty salon. He also worked part-time on the catwalk as a model. Despite his youth, the more experienced theater artists entrusted him with managing the dacha cooperative, in which they had plots, appointing him chairman. Pavel Dmitrichenko has clearly proven himself to be a very active person.

A fateful meeting took place within the walls of the theater, which so dramatically changed his fate. The young ballerina Angelina Vorontsova was accepted into the ballet troupe. First of all, his marriage with Olga Klypina ordered him to live long. Pavel Dmitrichenko and Angelina Vorontsova chose not to officially register their union, but they did not hide their close relationship from anyone.

The ballerina from Voronezh owed her appearance at the Bolshoi Theater to artistic director Sergei Filin, who invited her to Moscow. Soon, Vorontsova’s list of roles in ballet productions reached the unlucky number 13 and stalled. The spirit of competition has always hovered over the Bolshoi Theater, previously leading only to creative conflicts that split artists into warring camps. Angelina Vorontsova was considered a student of Nikolai Tsiskaridze, who at one time claimed the role of artistic director ballet troupe The Bolshoi Theater, but the then director of the Bolshoi Theater thought differently. He invited Sergei Filin to the theater and instructed him to do the ballet part.

Tsiskaridze and Filin know each other very well. Previously, they had never been seen to be hostile to each other. At least in public, but the decision of the theater administration led to the fact that supporters and opponents of both grandees appeared in the troupe ballet stage. Pavel Dmitrichenko and Angelina Vorontsova ended up in the Tsiskaridze camp.

In 2012, while on tour in Italy, Angelina gave an interview to the British Time magazine. In it she complained about hard life talent within the walls of the Bolshoi Theater is tiny wage, grueling tours, difficult behind-the-scenes struggle with the “primas” for the main roles. Maya Plisetskaya described something similar in her memoirs, recalling life at the Bolshoi Theater in the 50s. Nothing has changed. Time seemed to stand still. Vorontsova had the same conversations at home in the kitchen. Only instead of journalists, Pavel Dmitrichenko listened attentively to her. Prompted him to take decisive action another refusal administration in providing Vorontsova leading role in the ballet "La Bayadère". Unfair treatment to his friend, Dmitrichenko decided to eliminate him in a radical way.

His neighbor at the dacha was Yuri Zarutsky, who had previously been convicted. It was he who undertook to eliminate Sergei Filin for a long time, but not forever. As a weapon of retaliation, Zarutsky chose battery electrolyte. For his participation in the action, he asked the ballet dancer for $1,500. He was driven to the meeting place with the victim by his acquaintance Andrei Lipatov, who makes his living as a “cab driver.” Dmitrichenko paid the driver for the trip smoking mixtures, for which he borrowed 3,000 rubles from one of his colleagues. It took the investigators no time or effort to quickly unravel the entire chain. The organizer and all participants in the attack were in their hands.

Sentence to Pavel Dmitrichenko

Pavel Dmitrichenko and his accomplices did not bother to agree among themselves about their actions in case of failure. Already at the trial, taught by their lawyers, they tried to change their testimony, but the attempt was unsuccessful. The court did not believe them. Pavel Dmitrichenko did not admit guilt in organizing an attack on Sergei Filin, which resulted in serious harm to his health. According to him, he told his friend a lot about the “lawlessness” being perpetrated by the administration of the Bolshoi Theater - abuses with granted grants, kickbacks from leading actors and other corrupt acts committed by Filin. Brought up on "concepts", Zarutsky, on his own initiative, proposed to "ban" the presumptuous ballet administrator. Dmitrichenko did not object.

The prosecutor's office asked the court for 9 years in prison for him. The Tagansky District Court issued a verdict ─ 6 years of strict regime. In March 2014, the Moscow City Court “knocked down” former artist ballet 6 months. After his conviction, he was fired from the theater. Pavel Dmitrichenko served his sentence in a colony Ryazan region. In May 2016, he walked out of her gates, being released on parole. It would seem that the story ends here, but...

Pavel Dmitrichenko - latest news

Fate separated all participants in the conflict different sides. Moreover, leaving them a chance to get together again at the Bolshoi Theater. Theater director Vladimir Urin allowed the name of Pavel Dmitrichenko to appear on the list of artists of the troupe only after the standard competitive selection. Former star After his release from ballet, he quickly gained the required shape, working hard at the barre. As a guest artist, he was even given the opportunity to dance on stage once.

Sergei Filin was treated abroad for a long time and underwent a lot of operations. He was unable to fully restore his vision. The administration of the Bolshoi Theater, represented by the new director Vladimir Urin, did not renew his contract. In 2016 he became artistic director Bolshoi Theater Youth Program. After the assassination attempt on Filin, ballerina Angelina Vorontsova moved to St. Petersburg in the summer of 2013, where she began rehearsals at the Mikhailovsky Theater. Her career and personal life were quite successful. She is regularly given leading roles. She married conductor Mikhail Tatarinov.

Pavel Dmitrichenko nevertheless turned out to be closest to the Bolshoi Theater of all the participants in the past conflict. This summer, theater artists elected him chairman of their primary trade union organization. This is not his first appearance as the head of the representative body of creative workers of the Bolshoi Theater. While he was in jail in the spring of 2013, colleagues from the ballet troupe also elected him as their trade union leader, giving him a mandate of their trust. Until now, many colleagues consider the charges of organizing the attack to be falsified and Dmitrichenko was innocently convicted.

There really was a conflict between the artists and the administration. The determination of the ballet avenger was highly appreciated by the team. They considered it a reliable way to counteract the actions of management. Then a prison sentence prevented Dmitrichenko from exercising his powers. Today he has been given a chance to truly prove himself in the public arena. Quite a few problems have accumulated. The opera troupe is dissatisfied with the administration's policy of constantly inviting performers from outside, thereby leaving the artists on staff without work and a salary worthy of their talents. Pavel Dmitrichenko is confident that he is able to resolve this conflict. Everyone hopes that this time he will find the method proposed by the Labor Code.