Dmitry Isaev actor personal life wife children. Inna Ginkevich: “The owl found this girl himself. On your own head. Who is Dmitry Isaev

Dmitry Isaeva is a famous Russian theater and film actor, one of the most handsome men in the film industry. During his career, he played in different films, funny and not very funny, dramatic and tearful, but he was always different, which is why his fans love him today.

The actor's talent is multifaceted; it seems that he can play any role, which Isaev has repeatedly proven in practice. The actor first gained fame from the TV series “Poor Nastya,” which was watched by many at one time, and now the actor successfully stars not only in TV series, but also in big movies, so he is very popular among TV viewers.

Height, weight, age. How old is Dmitry Isaev

A handsome man is already an idol for women, but the actor earned numerous fans not only with his attractive appearance, but also with his undeniable talent. Charismatic, open, characterful and cheerful, Dmitry attracted the attention of TV viewers from his first roles, and today users are actively interested in the actor’s personal life, his film work, hobbies and details of his private life. Fans are interested in literally everything about the actor, even his height, weight, age. How old is Dmitry Isaev, a popular question on women’s forums.

Today the actor is 45 years old, his height is 178 cm, and his weight is about 70 kg. The artist tries to keep himself in shape, plays sports, and eats right, so he has a lot to learn.

Biography and personal life of Dmitry Isaev

The actor was born in St. Petersburg in 1973. The future actor entered the acting course only the second time. The year in which he failed to pass the exams, the guy worked at the Comedians' Shelter, where he gained stage experience.

The biography and personal life of Dmitry Isaev is of great interest to fans, so the actor constantly gives interviews and participates in television shows.

Filmography: films starring Dmitry Isaev

After completing his studies, the actor begins to play in the Komissarzhevskaya Theater and at the same time act in films. The actor’s filmography begins with the film “Mistress Victory” in 2002.

Then the actor takes part in the film “Sea Knot”, starred in the series “Gangster Petersburg”, and begins to play in multi-part series. “Dear Masha Berezina” and “Poor Nastya” make the actor incredibly popular, and then worthy works come to him: a role in the film “War and Peace”, “Our Sins” and “Obsessed”.

Family and children of Dmitry Isaev

Such an interesting and prominent man as Dmitry, of course, enjoys great success among women. He was married three times during his life and has three children from different marriages. Two twin girls were born in marriage with Isaev’s first wife, in his second marriage the actor had no children, and the actor’s current wife gave birth to a boy.

The family and children of Dmitry Isaev were often offended by the actor, since he did not pay enough attention to them, but the artist still tries to take older girls on weekends and raises the children as best he can. “Dmitry Isaev photo with his wife and children” - this is how journalists attract the attention of the public, although the actor himself does not like to be photographed especially.

Son of Dmitry Isaev - Alexander Isaev

The son of Dmitry Isaev, Alexander Isaev, was born in 2014 in the actor’s third marriage. While the actor’s child is still very small, Dmitry already has high hopes for his son, if only because for a very long time he wanted his wife to give him a son.

When Oksana became pregnant, it was the best news for Isaev, the man was afraid that he would have a third girl. Despite the fact that the actor also loves his daughters very much, the girls live with the actor’s ex-wife, but Sasha is always nearby. Dmitry loves to tinker with his son. She reads him bedtime stories and teaches the child to be an honest and open person. The actor hopes that his son will choose a different profession.

Dmitry Isaev’s daughter – Polina Isaeva

In 1995, in the actor’s first marriage to Asya Shibarova, two twin girls were born. Dmitry Isaev’s daughter, Polina Isaeva, is already conquering the heights of cinema and acting in films, by the way, together with her sister. The girl first appeared in films in 2003, when she was only 12, and played in the film “Russian Ark.” Then, four years later, the film “Swing” was released, in which Polina also appeared, and in 2008 the film “The Age of Sagittarius” was released, where both sisters played twins.

Today Polina is studying at the Institute of Cinematography and plans to become a professional actress, while the girl does not act in films, but she really hopes in the future.

Dmitry Isaev’s daughter – Sofia Isaeva

The second eldest daughter of Dmitry Isaev, Sofia Isaeva, is interested in art, paintings and draws well. As a child, Sofa, like her father and sister, acted in films, but today the girl devotes more time to drawing. Sofia has been dating a young man for several years now, they have a long-distance relationship, the girl lives in St. Petersburg, and her lover, Oleg, is in America.

Dmitry Isaev's ex-wife - Asya Shibarova

The actor first got married while still a student. It was a rash step, the young man saw Asya, fell head over heels in love, and didn’t even think about where they would live, what they would do, and where they would earn money. They studied at the same institute and played on the same stage, so there was no long grind. It was as if they had known each other all their lives and then just got married.

Dmitry Isaev's ex-wife, Asya Shibarova, is a talented actress of the St. Petersburg Theater; they were not married for long, and soon divorced. Isaev himself admits that their marriage was too sudden, so it did not last long. But journalists say that everything is much more prosaic: Dmitry simply fell in love again and left his wife for a new passion.

Dmitry Isaev's ex-wife - Inna Ginkevich

Dmitry Isaev's ex-wife is Inna Ginkevich, ballerina, prima of the Bolshoi Theater, choreographer and production designer. Dmitry fell in love with her wasp waist, and she fell in love with his bewitching smile. After some time, they got married, and a quiet family life began. She is always at rehearsals at the theater, and he is on set.

The couple didn’t see each other often, and after a year there wasn’t much to talk about in the evenings. After some time, Inna began to notice that her husband walked around absent-minded all the time, hid his phone and seemed not to hear her. A woman’s intuition never lies, and the actor’s second wife quickly realized that her husband was having an affair. They had no children, so Ginkevich did not forgive the betrayal and filed for divorce.

Dmitry Isaev's wife - Oksana Rozhok

Apparently, Isaev has a weakness for the thin figures of ballerinas, since his third wife also became a ballet prima. The current wife of Dmitry Isaev, Oksana Rozhok, met her future husband in the company of friends. She came to a party with friends, and Isaev was also there. They struck up a conversation, and in the evening Dmitry enthusiastically escorted his new acquaintance home. Soon they got married, and then the ballerina gave birth to Isaev’s son.

A few years ago, news appeared online that Dmitry was having an affair again, this time with actress Nonna Grishaeva. Journalists saw the actors together in a restaurant, and the situation was tense, since Nonna is also married. Soon, Dmitry’s wife, Oksana, gave an interview in which she denied rumors about her husband’s infidelity and said that everything was fine in their family.

Instagram and Wikipedia Dmitry Isaev

The actor is a very private person, and he does not like to communicate with the public, and Dmitry Isaev’s Instagram and Wikipedia do not exist. Despite the fact that many modern actors have dreamed of appearing on television since childhood, this is not about Dmitry. He grew up in an acting family, and saw enough of the downside of fame and publicity, so he never dreamed of a career as an artist, although as a child he had already starred in a film, playing little Mozart.

Since childhood, he was involved in athletics and went to music school, where he learned to play the violin. After graduating from school, Dmitry faces a difficult choice of future profession, and his parents advise the guy to try to enter the Institute of Performing Arts, because they see in Isaev the potential for acting on stage. Today we can say that the actor definitely made the right choice! Article found on

In his childhood dreams, he saw himself on stage with a violin in his hands, but fate decided otherwise. Dmitry Isaev took to the stage, but not as a violinist, but as an artist. His first serious film role made him popular and in demand. Today, the actor’s filmography includes five dozen roles in a variety of projects; he is full of strength and creative inspiration.

Dmitry Isaev became famous after the release of the series “Poor Nastya”, in which he became Tsarevich Alexander, and from an unknown actor he turned into a star.

Childhood and youth

Dmitry Isaev was born in Leningrad on January 23, 1973. The boy's parents were creative people and served in the BDT. They could devote a lot of time to the boy, worked with him, developed his talents. When Dima was only 3, he already read fluently, and at 6 he went to school. The boy was sent not to an ordinary high school, but to an elite one, where the grandchildren of the poet Pushkin once learned the wisdom of school. The school was sports-oriented, and all students, without exception, devoted a lot of time to sports. Dmitry began to actively engage in athletics. The boy's childhood hobby was music, so he was sent to a music school, where he learned the mystery of playing the violin.

After seventh grade, Isaev decided that his workload was too heavy and he needed to stop at one thing. Dmitry thought for a long time, and finally decided to study music. He became a student at the Music College named after. Rimsky-Korsakov, but soon realized that his passion for music was no longer as strong as it was at the beginning. Dmitry often argued with the teacher, and one day he simply quit his studies because he had disagreements with the teacher, who suggested one repertoire, and the guy wanted to play what he liked.

It was necessary to decide something with the institute, and Dmitry asked his parents, with whom the guy had a trusting relationship, for advice. He was not going to enter the theater school, because he saw how hard it was for his family, knew all the pitfalls of this life, and did not want to repeat their fate at all.

Isaev even thought about trying himself in medicine, and almost took the documents to one of the medical universities, but then a sharp turn happened in his life.

One day he was talking with his girlfriend, who was already starting a successful career as an actress, and shared with her his doubts about entering a university. The girl literally forcibly dragged him to the theater, citing the fact that he had talent and there was no point in burying it in the ground. Dmitry listened and went to the exams at LGITM, but he couldn’t cope with the tests and failed history. The next year turned out to be more successful for the guy, and he entered a theater university.

It was easy for Dmitry to study, he quickly became friends with his classmates and teachers, his abilities surprised everyone. His mentor Vladimir Petrov predicted a great future for him; he saw that the guy was undoubtedly talented and would achieve a lot if he wanted. Dmitry was used to living under maximum stress, so studying alone was not enough for him - the young man decided to earn extra money - he got a job in a fitness center as a trainer, then a massage therapist, then even got the position of store director. His biography also includes work on television and radio stations as a presenter.

Films and theater

Dmitry Isaev made his theater debut as a fourteen-year-old teenager. He was taken to the "Comedian's Shelter" theater, which was directed by Yuri Tomashevsky. The guy was involved in many productions. After he received a diploma from LGITMiK, he continued to appear on the stage of this theater, while simultaneously participating in performances at the Komissarzhevskaya Theater. A few years later, he chose this theater and left the Comedian's Shelter.

Dmitry's debut in cinematography took place at school age. Isaev could be seen in the film “Debussy, or Mademoiselle Shu-Shu”, in which he played little Mozart. Then there was a very long break in the career of a film artist; there were no roles for him, and he didn’t really want to be on the set. Isaev loved theater more than cinema.

After the film “Lady Victory” appeared in Isaev’s filmography, in which he became Slava, the actor dramatically changed his attitude towards the art of cinema. They began to invite him to filming, and Dmitry agreed, even though the roles were episodic. It was in such roles that he could be seen in the films “Gangster Petersburg”, “Streets of Broken Lanterns”, “Mongoose”, “Chronicle of Love”. There were already enough films, but Isaev still remained an unknown actor.

Fame came to Dmitry Isaev after the release of the series “Poor Nastya”; he became very recognizable and beloved. In this picture he became Tsarevich Alexander, and after that he woke up famous. The actor had difficulty getting used to this role, because for the first time he was offered a “soap” image. The role of the main character went to. The series was about the former serf Nastya, who was freed by the baron and raised as his own daughter. Over the course of one hundred episodes, viewers followed the twists and turns in the fate of the young girl and her entourage.

After this, Isaev was invited to the films “Sins of the Fathers”, “Return of the Prodigal Pope”, “Quartet for Two”. Dmitry became a very popular actor; he was invited to several projects at the same time. Sometimes he simply had to be torn between three or four paintings annually.

In 2007, Dmitry Isaev was offered a job in the film “War and Peace”, where he became Nikolai Rostov.

Notable works of the last period were the paintings “Not a Couple”, “The Road Home”, “An Unimagined Life”.

Dmitry Isaev became very popular in cinema, but was in no hurry to part with the theater. He began to have significant roles, such as the Master in The Master and Margarita. Isaev, together with the theater troupe, traveled with this production to almost all the cities of his vast homeland, where the halls were full.

Personal life

In the personal life of Dmitry Isaev, everything is just as seething and seething as in his professional activities. He gained the title of a famous womanizer, whom women love very much. Periodically, reports appear in the press about Dmitry's new novels.

Dmitry first saw his first wife Asya Shibarova while studying at LGITMiK. She was also an actress, the young people got married and soon twins were born into the family - daughters Polina and Sofia. The girls' creative inclinations manifested themselves very early, and they already have several successful works in cinema.

Photo: Dmitry Isaev with his wife

The second time Dmitry married ballerina Inna Ginkevich, the marriage with whom lasted six years. With Inna's help, the actor got out of his creative crisis and quit drinking alcohol. According to journalists, their marriage broke up due to Dmitry’s betrayal. He began an affair with Inna’s friend, Oksana Rozhok, also a former ballerina. Inna and Oksana were friends for twenty years, and were not only friends, but also colleagues.

Before this, Oksana had already been married twice, but was unable to create a strong relationship. Inna said that Oksana never shone with talent, she simply danced in the corps de ballet, and therefore she had nothing to lose professionally. She could have calmly left ballet and devoted herself to her family, but Grinevich could not afford such luxury. Inna believes that the actor’s third marriage did not bring him much happiness, because soon after the marriage he started drinking again.

Inna Grinevich is completely confident that Oksana used some kind of magical ritual to attract a man. She spoke about this in the program “Let Them Talk,” in which she participated after her divorce from Dmitry Isaev.

Dmitry divorced Inna, and hastened to formalize his relationship with his new chosen one, Oksana Rozhok. They not only officially got married, but also went through a church wedding ceremony. In June 2014 they became the parents of their son Alexander.

Dmitry Isaev continues to maintain his image as Don Juan, because reports about his new novel have again appeared in the press. This time the object of his love was an actress who is eleven years older than him. Journalists are sure that young people are in love not only in a joint theater production, but also in reality. They are involved in the play “Warsaw Melody”, the script of which was written specifically for Grishaeva. Oksana did not react in any way to these publications in the media, probably in order to save the family.

Nonna was offered to choose her own partner, and she chose Isaev. They were seen together more than once in a piquant situation behind the scenes.

Dmitry Isaev is in no hurry to comment on this issue; he does not react in any way to the rumors and speculations of the sharks. The actor is happy in his family, rejoices at his son’s success and enjoys working in the theater.

Dmitry Isaev does not flaunt his personal life. He does not have a single account on the Internet, so you can only look at photos and find out news about your favorite artist from official publications.

Dmitry Isaev now

In 2016, the actor was invited to film the series “Provocateur”, in which he became Colonel Viktor Kamov, an active fighter against corruption. His hero is a real Robin Hood of our time, he is a freelance employee of the department, and commits an act of revenge on those who cannot be reached through legal means.

Also in 2016, he was offered to play the central character in the film “Napoleon and Josephine.” And again he starred in tandem with Elena Korikova, his partner in the film “Poor Nastya.”

In 2017, the actor could be seen in the film “The Young Lady and the Hooligan,” based on the novel by writer Tatyana Polyakova. He got the main character Mikhail Shalnov, who was released from the pre-trial detention center. The man comes home, and there another “surprise” awaits him - a corpse in a pool of blood. He understands perfectly well that he could be arrested again, and with the help of his former sister-in-law, he tries to get rid of the corpse. The man decided to hide it in the trunk of a car, but unknown people stole his car the same day.

Selected filmography

  • "Poor Nastya"
  • "Lady Victory"
  • "Sins of the Fathers"
  • "War and Peace"
  • "Chances of Fate"
  • "Obsessed"
  • "Vow of silence"
  • "Sect"
  • "The Last Victim"
  • "The flowers of Evil"
  • "Provocateur"
  • "The Young Lady and the Hooligan"

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Childhood and family of Dmitry Isaev

Dmitry Isaev was born into a family of actors from the famous BDT in St. Petersburg on January 23, 1973. Until the 6th grade, he did well in his studies, but then he gave up somewhat, since no one really watched him. In parallel with his schooling, Dmitry also studied music. He took violin class. Also, until the seventh grade, he actively took part in sports competitions for schoolchildren in athletics.

University admission

Initially, the future famous actor, knowing the severity of such a profession, did not plan to associate himself with the theater. But thanks to actress Olga Volkova, he attempted to become a student of L.G.I.T.M.i. and K. But Isaev did not pass on the first try. Therefore, for the next year I worked at the “Shelter of Comedians”, and then entered the chosen institute on the course of Vladimir Viktorovich Petrov.

Before graduation, Dmitry Isaev married for the first time. In that marriage, twin daughters were born, named Sonya and Polina. But just 3 years later he was already divorced.

Theatrical career of actor Dmitry Isaev

After studying, Dmitry Isaev initially returned to the Comedians' Shelter. And only after some time he moved to the famous theater. Komissarzhevskaya.

His first performance was “She Defies.” He also played the roles of Zhadov in “Profitable Place”, Doni in “These Free Dogs”, Pitus in “The Laugh of the Lobster”, Iorgen Tesman in “GedaGabler”. After moving to another cultural institution, he was given the roles of Mezhuev in “Chichikov” and Louis Lamar in “French Things.”

Acting career of Dmitry Isaev, filmography

Dmitry had his first experience of filming in his childhood. Then he got the role of little Mozart in one of the French films. After college, for several years the actor was not invited to filming and his destiny was exclusively in the theater.

His debut film in 2002 was Kirill Kapitsa’s “Madam Victory,” where he was invited thanks to his former classmate Tatyana Kalganova. There he was given the role of swimmer Slava, who, despite excellent results during the training period, failed at competitions. During the same period, he also starred in the film “Sea Knot” in the role of Eugene.

Dmitry Isaev in the program “Current Interview”

The year 2003 was marked by four films at once. The first is the 6th film from the series “Gangster Petersburg”, where Vladik played. The second is “Poor Nastya,” where he depicted Tsarevich Alexander. The third is “Mongoose”, where she got the role of a football player. And the fourth is the role of operative Pakhomov in “Streets of Broken Lanterns.”

In 2004-2005, Dmitry Isaev was less popular. During this time, he was given roles in only 3 films - Volkov Pyotr Sergeevich in “Sins of the Fathers”, violinist Evgeniy Abramov in “Dear Masha Berezina” and Major George Andestend in “Happy Birthday, Queen!”.

In 2006, Dmitry Isaev starred in two more films. One of them is “The Return of the Prodigal Pope” (the role of Alexei), the second is “From Flame and Light” (the role of Prince Alexander Vasilchikov).

In 2007, Dmitry Isaev got his first big role - Nikolai Rostov in the film “War and Peace”. At the same time, he also starred in the role of Vadim in “Quartet for Two,” Kostya in “Full Breath,” and Lekha’s stepfather in “Can you hear me?”

2008 is marked in Dmitry’s biography with such films as “Sand Rain” (the role of Igor Zorin), “Our Sins” (the role of Sergei), “Bluebeard” (the role of Philip) and “Vacities of Fate” (the role of Anton, Dasha’s husband). In 2009, he participated in only one film, “Obsessed,” as a Dubrovnik lawyer.

Dmitry Isaev

In 2010, Dmitry Isaev’s acting success returned again, and with it his roles. Then he starred in “Hear My Heart,” “Captain Gordeev” and “Solo on a Minefield.”

Dmitry Isaev currently

2011 was also extremely successful for Dmitry Isaev. Then the roles of Georgy in “Vow of Silence”, Igor in “Prediction”, Max Orlov in “Terminal”, Olenin in “Pushkin”, Sergei in “House on the Edge”, Sukhanov in “Evidence”, Sergei in “Cobweb” were added to his list Indian Summer”, Sergei Paratov in “Dowry” and Daniil “Sect”.

2012-2013 continued a successful period in the actor’s career. Then he was able to star in “Wild 3” as Konstantin Sergeevich, “Each for Himself” as Igor, “Give Me Sunday” as Mikhail, “1812. Ulan Ballad" in the role of Alexander I and "The Last Sacrifice" (his hero is Alexey).

Personal life of Dmitry Isaev

Actor Dmitry Isaev has already been married three times. His first wife was Asya Shibareva, with whom he has two daughters. The second is Inna Ginkevich, ballerina. The third is Oksana Rozhok, a former ballerina.

The media is currently silent about Dmitry Isaev’s relationship, but it can be assumed that given his existing popularity as an actor, there is definitely no end to his fans and those who want to become his wife.

Dmitry has more than once proven himself to be an outstanding actor both on the theater stage and as heroes in films completely different in genre and focus. He was able to initially declare his talent and is not shy about any roles, devoting himself completely to filming. Therefore, we can confidently expect many more heroes in his performance in the future. And, perhaps, he will receive prestigious film acting awards.

Dmitry Isaev, popular Russian theater and film actor. Over his years in cinema, he played many roles known to us, both positive characters and negative ones. His talent is limitless and multifaceted.

But fame was brought to him by the historical series “Poor Nastya,” where he played the role of Tsarevich Alexander. This role was a good start for his future career. It was for this series that he was remembered and loved by many of his fans. This person knows how to perfectly fit into any character and will play it flawlessly. Ego hard work can be envied.

Height, weight, age. How old is Dmitry Isaev

Every lover of Dmitry’s work is interested in knowing everything about him, even the smallest details of his life, especially the female half. The following questions often appear on the Internet: height, weight, age. How old is Dmitry Isaev known to every fan of his. Today the actor is 44 years old. Dmitry's height is 178 centimeters, the actor weighs 70 kilograms. He carefully monitors his body and physical condition, and is in excellent athletic shape. This is proven by his photo, and he himself does not hide it.

Biography and personal life of Dmitry Isaev

The actor was born in the glorious city of Leningrad. Dmitry's family are creative people. His parents were also actors, they tried their best to instill in Dima a love of art, which they did very well. Dima was a very developed child; reading at three years old is the highest praise, and at six he studied at a special school where Pushkin’s grandchildren themselves studied. This school had a sports focus, so Dima has been involved in sports since childhood; at that time he chose athletics. In fact, Dmitry loved music very much, and combined general school with music school, he played the violin.

After the guy graduated from seven classes, he realized that he could not cope with such a load, and he was faced with a choice, sports or music. Without hesitation for a long time, the young man chooses music. But at the moment of admission, Dmitry began to realize that his passion for art was slowly fading away. As a teenager, Dima had a hard time coping with discipline. He had a complex and stubborn character. Due to the fact that he did not agree with the teacher’s opinion, he decided to leave the school.

The biography and personal life of Dmitry Isaev is very eventful.

Soon Dmitry faced the choice of a higher educational institution. Dima decided to completely trust the choice of his parents. His only condition was not to become an actor. During his life, he had seen enough of the harsh everyday life of an actor, and he did not want to experience the same thing. And at one point, he decides to devote himself to medicine, to become a surgeon. The guy had a friend who was an aspiring actress, and she took care of Dima and prepared him for the acting life. She persuaded him to apply to the theater, Dima applied, but only got in the second time.

His student years were easy. He found a common language with the teacher, and all subjects were given to him with ease. During his studies, he worked in all sorts of jobs, life tormented him, and he was even a store director for a short time. He also tried himself as a presenter.

Dima became an actor at a very young age.

He played his very first film role as a child, young Mozart. Afterwards he had no film roles for a long time.

Filmography: films starring Dmitry Isaev

Filmography: “Lady Victory”, “Gangster Petersburg”, “Streets of Broken Lanterns”, “Poor Nastya”. The role in “Poor Nastya” became a breakthrough for him; the actor got everything he wanted. Although the role itself was not easy for him, he did not like soap roles, but he played it flawlessly. This is what brought him fame, he gave it his all.

The actor’s personal life is very eventful. He is considered a ladies' man who is popular with women. Articles about his new novels often appear in the press. Dmitry had three official marriages, and he has three children.

Family and children of Dmitry Isaev

Dmitry has three children, from two marriages, two daughters from his first, and a son from his third marriage. He has no children in his second marriage.

Despite all the rumors, Dmitry now has a full-fledged family, his wife Oksana and son Sasha. Despite all the problems, the family and children of Dmitry Isaev do not hold a grudge against each other.

Dmitry carefully hides his life, tries not to show it. Often on the Internet you can see headlines “Dmitry Isaev photo with his wife and children”, yes they exist, but there are very few of them. He doesn't like to show off his life.

Son of Dmitry Isaev - Alexander

Dima has a son from his third marriage, Sashenka. He desperately wanted a son, an heir, and Oksana gave birth to him. The son of Dmitry Isaev, Alexander, is still small and is just beginning to explore this world, but Dmitry has high hopes for him, and is confident that in the future he will become his successor and follow in his father’s footsteps. But time will tell and put everything in its place. In the meantime, he lives and enjoys his family, his wife and son. Perhaps he will have more children in this marriage. It was very important for Dima that he have an heir, although he also loves his daughters.

Dmitry Isaev's daughter - Polina

From the first marriage of the girls Polina and Sofia. While Dmitry’s son is just discovering the world, Dmitry Isaev’s daughter, Polina, is already acting in films. She appeared on the screen in several films, and in one even with her sister. Dmitry is very proud of his daughter, and is very glad that the children followed in the footsteps of their parents, and is very hopeful for their bright future in cinema, and in life in general. He loves his daughters madly, and believes that they will succeed, and he will personally help them in life. But for now they are doing great without him, they are growing up as independent and talented girls.

Dmitry Isaev's daughter - Sofia

Just like Polina, the girl was born from the actor’s first marriage. Since both her father and mother are actors, the girl decided not to deviate from this path, and together with her sister she is actively involved in acting. They really like it, and it works out. Dmitry Isaev’s daughter, Sofia, like Polina, is actively starting to act in films. They are confident that dad will support them in all their endeavors. And it is so, Dmitry is very proud of his girls, and tries in every possible way to help them. He believes that it is his responsibility to bring the children into the world. Despite his relationship with his wives, children are very important to him.

Dmitry Isaev's ex-wife - Asya Shibarova

Almost before graduating from theater, young Dmitry married for the first time the actress Asya Shibarova, who was his classmate. It seems that everything started out like in a fairy tale, but this marriage did not last long. Dima could not live with his wife all his life. But, whatever it was, the couple had twins Polina and Sofia. The parents are raising them together; Dmitry Isaev’s ex-wife, Asya Shibarova, maintains friendly relations with her ex-husband for the sake of their daughters. Dmitry loves them madly and is proud that they followed in his footsteps.

Dmitry Isaev's ex-wife - Inna Ginkevich

The actor's other half was a ballerina. Inna appeared in his life at the most difficult moment. He experienced stagnation in his career and personal life. She became a muse for him, which inspired him to great deeds. Dmitry Isaev's ex-wife, Inna Ginkevich, became a support for him, she took him away from alcohol, supported him in all his endeavors. All this help helped Dmitry get back on his feet. He started getting good film offers. His career took off rapidly. But this marriage also broke up six years later. The actor did not have children in this marriage.

Dmitry Isaev's wife - Oksana Rozhok

Dmitry is now married to former ballerina Oksana Rozhok. She was a friend of the second wife, so they had known her for a very long time. But they got together a year after his divorce from his wife. They somehow met at mutual friends’ place, and their romance began there. They signed and even got married. Dmitry Isaev's wife, Oksana Rozhok, gave birth to his son. The couple is very happy, they are raising a son, whom Dmitry so wanted. We hope that this marriage will be strong and last a lifetime. And the son will not be alone, but there will also be brothers or sisters.

Instagram and Wikipedia Dmitry Isaev

This whole network is not for Dmitry. He doesn't like to trumpet himself to the whole world, as other actors like to do. Instagram and Wikipedia Dmitry Isaev does not exist. There is not one open page in his name. He can only be seen in photographs of his colleagues. He is not involved in distributing blogs and pages, he is not interested in this. He believes that one must live in the real world, and not in the virtual one, and does not recommend putting one’s life on display. Because personal things should always be kept secret.

The ex-wife of actor Dmitry Isaev, Inna Ginkevich, admitted that she doubts his paternity.

The story of the divorce of Inna Ginkevich and Dmitry Isaev has haunted admirers of their talent for many years. They seemed like an ideal couple, she is a world-famous ballerina, he is a famous actor, the favorite of all women. According to her, she did everything to save this marriage, but at some point a point of no return came, after which their relationship ended.

They say that the reason for the divorce was Ginkevich’s friend, ballerina Oksana Rozhok, who took the man away from the family. Inna neither confirmed nor denied this information. Boris Korchevnikov asked the ballerina about the current relationship between Isaev and Rozhok, noting that she gave birth to his child.

« This is the next program about DNA. So invite them and find out whose child it is, what kind of child it is. I can't talk about it"- said Ginkevich.

She recalls with a smile her breakup with the famous actor and says that now everything is fine in her personal life. True, Ginkevich is not going to get married again, because he does not believe that a stamp in a passport is the key to a good relationship. After all, marriage did not save her marriage to Isaev, to whom her social life was alien.

« He said: “I need to breathe oxygen, I went to St. Petersburg.” I asked: “Will you come back?”, to which I received the answer: “We probably need to separate.” “I reached a point of no return, he returned, and I felt that I wanted to make peace, but I did not give such an opportunity,”- recalls Ginkevich.

According to her, when they came to receive an application for divorce, at the registry office the stunned actor suddenly asked her: “Why do I need this?” Inna continued to treat her ex-husband well and for some time even took care of her affairs, because before that she was considered his producer. But after some time, she found out that he lived with her best friend, Oksana Rozhok, and her first husband told her about it.
« Andrey calls me and says: “How is Ksyukha? Is everything all right with her? Isaev lives at her house!” She did everything I didn’t do - they got married, quit her job"- recalls Inna.

On the air of the program “The Fate of a Man,” the ballerina admits that she would never do this, because there is a “female code of honor.” She was friends with her for 20 years, raised children together, ate from the same plate. " There can be many men, but only one girlfriend", says Ginkevich.