Yegor Druzhinin left “Dancing” for a new project “Everyone Dances. Everybody dance! For the education of taste

From March 19 on the air of the Russia-1 channel dance show “Everybody Dance!”. Filming of the first episodes took place at Mosfilm on March 5 and 6, 2017. The main prize of the project is 1 million rubles and the title of the best dance group in Russia.

Everyone dances - the jury and the presenters

The jury of the show “Everybody Dance!”: Alla Sigalova, Egor Druzhinin and Vladimir Derevyanko.

The hosts of the show “Everybody Dance!” — Olga Shelest and Evgeniy Papunaishvili

Everyone is dancing - participants

List of participants in the show “Everybody Dance!”:
from Krasnoyarsk ( artistic director Yulia Korobeynikova)
from Moscow (team leader Aslan Nyrov)
from Sevastopol (choreographer Yuri Slonchenko)
from Petrozavodsk (leader of the ensemble Vera Ivanovna Evgrafova)
from Novosibirsk (theater founder Daria Atrashkevich, choreographer Elena Yanovskaya)
from Ulan-Ude (theatre director Dandar Badluev, artistic director Zhargal Zhalsanov)
Russian ballet theater from Moscow (choreographer Tatyana Panteleeva)
(theater founder Vadim Elizarov, director Alexander Elizarov)
Formation team "Vera" from Tyumen (coach Alexey Sergeevich Litvinov)
from Belgorod (team founder Egor Titarenko, choreographer Ekaterina Zueva)
Dance ensemble "Kalinka" from Novokuznetsk (artistic director Vadim Konstantinov)

Everyone dances 8th edition 05/07/2017 FINAL and WINNERS

The order of performances of the groups: formation "Vera", Evolvers, The First Crew, Buryat Theater song and dance “Baikal”, Predatorz Crew, Song and Dance Ensemble of the Black Sea Fleet.

Nominees for victory: Egor Druzhinin chose Evolvers, Alla Sigalova - Buryat Song and Dance Theater "Baikal", Vladimir Derevyanko - formation "Vera".

Winner of the show “Everybody Dance!” — Buryat Song and Dance Theater “Baikal”.

Everyone dances episode 7 04/30/2017 SEMI-FINAL

The First Crew performed a Russian folk dance. The jury members lacked confidence and courage in the group’s performance. Jury scores: Vladimir Derevyanko - 8 points, Alla Sigalova - 8 points, Egor Druzhinin - 8 points. Total: 24 points.

Predatorz Crew surrendered to the power of experimental choreography. The jury liked the simple and clear language dance, but the group again did not go beyond the boundaries of its native genre. Jury scores: Vladimir Derevyanko - 9 points, Alla Sigalova - 9 points, Egor Druzhinin - 8 points. Total: 26 points.

Song and Dance Ensemble of the Black Sea Fleet We danced a rumba to Sevara’s song “I’m not there.” Yegor Druzhinin did not appreciate the additional spectacular elements in the dance. Otherwise, all members of the jury liked the performance. Jury scores: Vladimir Derevyanko - 9 points, Alla Sigalova - 10 points, Egor Druzhinin - 9 points. Total: 28 points.

Formation team "Vera" I tried myself in hip-hop and dancehall styles. Egor Druzhinin liked the choreography, but lacked energy and expression. Alla Sigalova's choreographic vocabulary seemed poor. Jury scores: Vladimir Derevyanko - 9 points, Alla Sigalova - 7 points, Egor Druzhinin - 8 points. Total: 24 points.

Dance ensemble "Kalinka" performed a foxtrot. Alla Sigalova and Yegor Druzhinin harshly criticized the performance, which had nothing to do with the declared style. Jury scores: Vladimir Derevyanko - 7 points, Alla Sigalova - 5 points, Egor Druzhinin - 7 points. Total: 19 points.

Buryat Song and Dance Theater "Baikal" tried ourselves in voguing style. Jury scores: Vladimir Derevyanko - 10 points, Alla Sigalova - 10 points, Egor Druzhinin - 10 points. Total: 30 points.

Evolvers performed a number in contemporary style. Alla Sigalova did not see the dance. Egor Druzhinin was not satisfied with the mistakes in the room. Jury scores: Vladimir Derevyanko - 9 points, Alla Sigalova - 7 points, Egor Druzhinin - 9 points. Total: 25 points.

Show “Everybody Dance!” left dance ensemble "Kalinka" from Novokuznetsk.

Everyone dances episode 6 04/23/2017

Buryat Song and Dance Theater "Baikal" tried themselves in neoclassical ballet. All jury members praised the performance. Jury scores: Vladimir Derevyanko - 9 points, Alla Sigalova - 10 points, Egor Druzhinin - 8 points. Total: 27 points.

Song and Dance Ensemble of the Black Sea Fleet danced hip-hop to the song “The Ice Is Melting” by the Grib group. Yegor Druzhinin liked the production, but he lacked feeling in the dance. Vladimir Derevianko and Alla Sigalova liked the transformation. Jury scores: Vladimir Derevyanko - 8 points, Alla Sigalova - 9 points, Egor Druzhinin - 7 points. Total: 24 points

Formation team "Vera" chose the contemporary dance style to the song “Careless Whisper”. Alla Sigalova called the dance lifeless. Yegor Druzhinin was upset by the lack of individuality among the dancers. For Vladimir Derevyanko, this dance was the weakest of those that the team showed on the project. Jury scores: Vladimir Derevyanko - 8 points, Alla Sigalova - 6 points, Egor Druzhinin - 9 points. Total: 23 points.

Evolvers performed a parody of a Balkan dance. Yegor Druzhinin found the number chaotic. Alla Sigalova did not like the production itself. Jury scores: Vladimir Derevyanko - 8 points, Alla Sigalova - 5 points, Egor Druzhinin - 8 points. Total: 21 points.

Dance ensemble "Kalinka" danced the "March of the Tin Soldiers". Egor Druzhinin did not have enough synchronicity in the room. According to Alla Sigalova, the ensemble did not cope with the number. Jury scores: Vladimir Derevyanko - 7 points, Alla Sigalova - 5 points, Egor Druzhinin - 9 points. Total: 21 points.

The First Crew combined Lindy Hop and Electric Boogie to the song “Leisure Boogie”. All members of the jury liked the performance. Jury scores: Vladimir Derevyanko - 10 points, Alla Sigalova - 9 points, Egor Druzhinin - 10 points. Total: 29 points.

Predatorz Crew danced house. The jury members did not see the transformation. Jury scores: Vladimir Derevyanko - 8 points, Alla Sigalova - 8 points, Egor Druzhinin - 8 points. Total: 24 points.

Everyone dances episode 5 04/16/2017

Mayuri danced tango to Utesov’s song “Heart” (So many good girls). Yegor Druzhinin lacked drama, tension and tango. Alla Sigalova was not enough acting skills in the transformation from woman to man. Jury scores: Vladimir Derevyanko - 8 points, Alla Sigalova - 8 points, Egor Druzhinin - 8 points. Total: 24 points.

Evolvers showed a Japanese number in the style of "wacking". All members of the jury were delighted with the performance of the group. Jury scores: Vladimir Derevyanko - 10 points, Alla Sigalova - 10 points, Egor Druzhinin - 9 points. Total: 29 points.

Formation "Vera" demonstrated an army dance in the “stomp” style. Egor Druzhinin appreciated the coherence of the dance and rhythm. Alla Sigalova thought the number was “poor”. Jury scores: Vladimir Derevyanko - 10 points, Alla Sigalova - 8 points, Egor Druzhinin - 9 points. Total: 27 points.

Predatorz combined dance with capoeira. Vladimir Derevianko did not have enough elements of capoeira, the dance seemed “poor”. Jury scores: Vladimir Derevyanko - 8 points, Alla Sigalova - 9 points, Egor Druzhinin - 10 points. Total: 27 points.

Dance ensemble "Kalinka" performed a gypsy dance to the song “And the gypsy is coming” (Shaggy bumblebee for fragrant hops). Alla Sigalova did not see gypsy dance. Vladimir Derevyanko did not like the beginning of the number. Jury scores: Vladimir Derevyanko - 8 points, Alla Sigalova - 7 points, Egor Druzhinin - 9 points. Total: 24 points.

The First Crew danced contemporary to Iowa song"Same". Yegor Druzhinin criticized the team for choosing a style that differs little from their native one. Alla Sigalova liked the choreographic language of the performance. Jury scores: Vladimir Derevyanko - 9 points, Alla Sigalova - 10 points, Egor Druzhinin - 9 points. Total: 28 points.

Buryat Song and Dance Theater "Baikal" tried our hand at the power of popping. All members of the jury liked the performance and the transformation. Jury scores: Vladimir Derevyanko - 10 points, Alla Sigalova - 9 points, Egor Druzhinin - 7 points. Total: 26 points.

Song and Dance Ensemble of the Black Sea Fleet showed a number in the style of a musical and Broadway jazz to the “March of the High-Rise Workers” (We are not stokers, not carpenters). Alla Sigalova did not see jazz. To Vladimir Derevyanko, the dance seemed unpolished. Jury scores: Vladimir Derevyanko - 8 points, Alla Sigalova - 6 points, Egor Druzhinin - 10 points. Total: 24 points.

Everyone dances episode 4 04/09/2017

Predatorz danced disco-funk with elements of party dance to Magickul's song "Mithun Chakraborty". Vladimir Derevyanko liked the energy of the performance, Yegor Druzhinin noted the problem with musicality. Jury scores: Vladimir Derevyanko - 9 points, Alla Sigalova - 8 points, Egor Druzhinin - 9 points. Total: 26 points.

Buryat Song and Dance Theater "Baikal" We tried our hand at contemporary music to Valeria’s song “I Let You Go.” Alla Sigalova and Yegor Druzhinin did not see the dance behind the outer shell. For Vladimir Derevyanko, the dance itself was not enough. Jury scores: Vladimir Derevyanko - 8 points, Alla Sigalova - 7 points, Egor Druzhinin - 8 points. Total: 23 points.

The First Crew performed dance number in afro, dancehall and house styles. Vladimir Derevyanko saw a stylistic change compared to other performances of the group. Alla Sigalova lacked primitive energy in dance. Yegor Druzhinin did not appreciate the risk the dancers took. Jury scores: Vladimir Derevyanko - 7 points, Alla Sigalova - 7 points, Egor Druzhinin - 9 points. Total: 23 points.

Evolvers danced experimental Viennese waltz. Yegor Druzhinin did not like the director's idea of ​​the dance, he liked the mood and mysticism of the number. Alla Sigalova did not see the waltz. Vladimir Derevyanko appreciated the originality of the idea. Jury scores: Vladimir Derevyanko - 10 points, Alla Sigalova - 8 points, Egor Druzhinin - 7 points. Total: 25 points.

Dance ensemble "Kalinka" changed the style to hip-hop to Monatik’s song “Circulating”. Alla Sigalova positively assessed the energy of the performance. Vladimir Derevyanko noted a problem with musicality. Yegor Druzhinin did not see hip-hop and drive in dance. Jury scores: Vladimir Derevyanko - 7 points, Alla Sigalova - 9 points, Egor Druzhinin - 7 points. Total: 23 points.

Mayuri reincarnated in cabaret style. Vladimir Derevyanko and Yegor Druzhinin did not have enough provocation and eroticism in the room. Alla Sigalova did not like the dancers’ excuses for changing the style and she also did not have enough feminine energy in the dance, which was typical for the group’s past performances. Jury scores: Vladimir Derevyanko - 8 points, Alla Sigalova - 6 points, Egor Druzhinin - 9 points. Total: 23 points.

Formation "Vera" changed beyond recognition in the style of Vogue. All members of the jury highly appreciated the performance and transformation of the team. Jury scores: Vladimir Derevyanko - 10 points, Alla Sigalova - 10 points, Egor Druzhinin - 9 points. Total: 29 points.

Exordium Dance Theater chose an unexpected style of round dance. The jury members did not see the logic in the dance. Alla Sigalova called the number nonsense. Jury scores: Vladimir Derevyanko - 7 points, Alla Sigalova - 6 points, Egor Druzhinin - 9 points. Total: 22 points.

Song and Dance Ensemble of the Black Sea Fleet performed boogie-woogie. Vladimir Derevyanko refrained from commenting. Egor Druzhinin and Alla Sigalova gave a verdict: the dance did not work out. Jury scores: Vladimir Derevyanko - 8 points, Alla Sigalova - 6 points, Egor Druzhinin - 8 points. Total: 22 points.

Everyone dances episode 3 04/02/2017

Formation "Vera" tried ourselves in folk dances under "Kalinka". Yegor Druzhinin lacked emotions. Jury scores: Vladimir Derevyanko - 8 points, Alla Sigalova - 10 points, Egor Druzhinin - 10 points. Total: 28 points.

The First Crew danced a rumba to the song “A Snowstorm Again” performed by Vladimir Kristovsky from the group Umaturman. Alla Sigalova did not see the dance, Egor Druzhinin did not see the meaning in the dance. Jury scores: Vladimir Derevyanko - 7 points, Alla Sigalova - 5 points, Egor Druzhinin - 7 points. Total: 19 points.

Mayuri showed a hip-hop number to a song Open Kids ft. Quest Pistols Show “Coolest of all”. Egor Druzhinin did not see the amplitude, Vladimir Derevyanko and Alla Sigalova liked the transformation. Jury scores: Vladimir Derevyanko - 10 points, Alla Sigalova - 9 points, Egor Druzhinin - 7 points. Total: 26 points.

Buryat Song and Dance Theater "Baikal" performed a stylized Chinese dance. The jury appreciated the contrast, style, etc. Jury scores: Vladimir Derevyanko - 9 points, Alla Sigalova - 10 points, Egor Druzhinin - 8 points. Total: 27 points.

Dance ensemble "Kalinka" tried my hand at Latin American dances to the song “Number 23” by Ivan Dorn. The jury liked the number. Jury scores: Vladimir Derevyanko - 7 points, Alla Sigalova - 7 points, Egor Druzhinin - 7 points. Total: 21 points.

Evolvers danced Ukrainian dance hopak Yegor Druzhinin found the dance funny, Vladimir Derevyanko lacked naturalness, Alla Sigalova was touched by the performance. Jury scores: Vladimir Derevyanko - 9 points, Alla Sigalova - 9 points, Egor Druzhinin - 9 points. Total: 27 points.

Exordium Dance Theater performed the Charleston. Alla Sigalova did not have enough of the team's signature tricks. Jury scores: Vladimir Derevyanko - 9 points, Alla Sigalova - 7 points, Egor Druzhinin - 8 points. Total: 24 points.

Sevastopol academic theater dance demonstrated modern dance to the song “Time” by Freddie Mercury. Alla Sigalova appreciated the attempt to change, but the dance itself was only a distant echo of Bejart's original choreography. Yegor Druzhinin did not like the performance. Jury scores: Vladimir Derevyanko - 7 points, Alla Sigalova - 5 points, Egor Druzhinin - 8 points. Total: 20 points.

Predatorz danced jazz in the form of Ostap Bender to the song of Ostap Bender performed by Andrei Mironov. Yegor Druzhinin found the number unmusical and inaccurate. Jury scores: Vladimir Derevyanko - 8 points, Alla Sigalova - 7 points, Egor Druzhinin - 7 points. Total: 22 points.

Song and Dance Ensemble of the Black Sea Fleet performed Argentine tango. Alla Sigalova did not see tango, only a great desire to reincarnate. Jury scores: Vladimir Derevyanko - 9 points, Alla Sigalova - 7 points, Egor Druzhinin - 8 points. Total: 24 points.

Show “Everybody Dance!” left Sevastopol Academic Dance Theater.

Everyone Dances Episode 2 03/26/2017

We tried our hand at flamenco style. All jury members praised the performance. Jury scores: Vladimir Derevyanko - 8 points, Alla Sigalova - 10 points, Egor Druzhinin - 9 points. Total: 27 points.

We danced sirtaki to the song “Sirtaki” by Philip Kirkorov. Alla Sigalova did not see the dance; the performance seemed short to Yegor Druzhinin. Jury scores: Vladimir Derevyanko - 7 points, Alla Sigalova - 5 points, Egor Druzhinin - 8 points. Total: 20 points.

The Sevastopol Academic Dance Theater reincarnated as Indian disco dancers. The transformation seemed weak to Alla Sigalova and Vladimir Derevyanko. Jury scores: Vladimir Derevyanko - 6 points, Alla Sigalova - 6 points, Egor Druzhinin - 7 points. Total: 19 points.

The dance ensemble "Kalinka" performed a dance with katanas in images from Quentin Tarantino's film "Kill Bill". Alla Sigalova did not see the transformation, Yegor Druzhinin did not see the dance, Vladimir Derevyanko did not see the emotions. Jury scores: Vladimir Derevyanko - 7 points, Alla Sigalova - 5 points, Egor Druzhinin - 7 points. Total: 19 points.

The Buryat Song and Dance Theater "Baikal" danced the Viennese waltz. The jury members highly appreciated the dance transformation. Jury scores: Vladimir Derevyanko - 8 points, Alla Sigalova - 9 points, Egor Druzhinin - 10 points. Total: 27 points.

Formation "Vera" showed ballroom dancing(Latin). All members of the jury did not see the transformation. Jury scores: Vladimir Derevyanko - 7 points, Alla Sigalova - 8 points, Egor Druzhinin - 8 points. Total: 23 points.

They showed breakdancing. Vladimir Derevyanko liked the idea of ​​the dance, Alla Sigalova did not see the dance. Jury scores: Vladimir Derevyanko - 9 points, Alla Sigalova - 7 points, Egor Druzhinin - 8 points. Total: 24 points.

The Russian Ballet Theater danced jazz to the song “Call me, call.” Yegor Druzhinin did not see integrity in the room. Jury scores: Vladimir Derevyanko - 6 points, Alla Sigalova - 2 points, Egor Druzhinin - 5 points. Total: 13 points.

The Song and Dance Ensemble of the Black Sea Fleet danced a tap dance - an Irish jig. The jury members really liked the transformation. Jury scores: Vladimir Derevyanko - 8 points, Alla Sigalova - 9 points, Egor Druzhinin - 9 points. Total: 26 points.

They showed a pop-acrobatic performance to the song “Beautiful Far Away.” The jury members did not see the transformation. Jury scores: Vladimir Derevyanko - 7 points, Alla Sigalova - 7 points, Egor Druzhinin - 7 points. Total: 21 points.

We danced lezginka with support Soso Pavliashvili. The jury members did not see Lezginka in the dance. Jury scores: Vladimir Derevyanko - 8 points, Alla Sigalova - 7 points, Egor Druzhinin - 8 points. Total: 23 points.

Show “Everybody Dance!” left Russian Ballet Theater.

Everyone dances 1 episode 03/19/2017

In the first episode of “Everybody Dance!” the participants performed in their native styles. Order of performances:

  1. Formation "Vera" from Tyumen.
  2. Dance ensemble "Kalinka" from Novokuznetsk.
  3. The Sevastopol Academic Dance Theater performed to Igor Talkov’s song “Summer Rain” performed by Larisa Dolina.
  4. Evolvers from Krasnoyarsk. They performed a dance number to Zemfira’s song “We Are Breaking” in the style of experimental choreography.
  5. The Exordium Dance Theater from Novosibirsk demonstrated a dance and circus act.
  6. The Russian Ballet Theater from Moscow performed a performance to Sia’s song “Chandelier” using images from the video for this song.
  7. The Buryat Song and Dance Theater “Baikal” from Ulan-Ude showed a number from the play “The Spirit of Ancestors”.
  8. Predatorz from Moscow,
  9. The First Crew from Belgorod performed to the OneRepublic song “Let’s Hurt Tonight”
  10. Ensemble Indian dance“Mayuri” from Petrozavodsk performed the traditional a wedding dance, performed during a bachelorette party to the song "Nimura".
  11. The song and dance ensemble of the Black Sea Fleet from Sevastopol danced “Yablochko”.

There is very little time left to wait, because at 18:00 on the Rossiya TV channel on March 19, a true element will rage - here rhythm, movement, dance, beauty and music will merge together. On the main dance floor of the country, every participant in the show knows that there are no boundaries in dance, both in space and time.

Evaluate the best teams countries will have authoritative jury members, which included: Alla Sigalova (actress, choreographer and honored artist Russian Federation), (theater and film actor, choreographer and director), as well as Vladimir Derevyanko (ballet dancer). The hosts of the project were Olga Shelest and Evgeniy Papunaishvili.

Project jury



The dance marathon will amaze viewers with the professionalism of the participants. You will personally be able to witness this action. Participants will present dances that will make you want to dance and will excite the whole country.

Every week, super teams of dancers will compete for Grand Prize show million rubles and the title of the best dance team in the Russian Federation. Participants of the project “Dance” will present everything different styles, the number of participants will shock all viewers. The task of the performers is to present their style, let it be ballroom dancing, hip-hop, contemporary, flamenco, breakdancing, etc.

In fact, each participant will need to skillfully transform into the intended image, overcome challenges, and prove that all genre boundaries are nothing more than just a convention.

Filming of the first episodes took place at Mosfilm studio in early March 2017. The project format was adapted to our country. As for the American analogue of the show, in this case, 20 people who passed the casting of the project compete for 16 weeks.

The list of participants in the Russian version of “Everybody Dance” will be known soon, among them are Predatorz Crew from Moscow, Evolvers from Krasnoyarsk, Buryat Song and Dance Theater “Baikal” and many other talented groups.

The first episode will introduce viewers to the native genres of eleven groups and a star jury, but in the second the real struggle will begin.

Teams represent different cities Russia, these are Sevastopol and Petrozavodsk, Novokuznetsk, Ulan-Ude, and many others.

All performances will be evaluated by respected judges. At the end of the issue, the results will be summed up, and the first results of the teams will appear in the standings. Participants who score a minimum of points will be nominated for a nomination. Only those who receive more votes from viewers will remain in the project.

Every new release is the embodiment of the brave and bright numbers , participation of stars and a lot of emotions. Guests of “Everybody Dance” we will see Soso Pavliashvili, Philip Kirkorov, Larisa Dolina and many others. But the most important thing is that we will witness the incredible talents of the country’s dance groups, admire their talent, and make sure that everyone can dance!

14:57 27.01.2017

Is nine years a lot or a little? For humans - a stage, for guinea pigs or budgies - whole life, and for a television show on Ukrainian television - an era. Especially if we're talking about about the project “Everybody Dance!” - a project that became more than just a show and changed the lives of millions of viewers.

Yesterday the STB TV channel announced sad news - Ukrainian adaptation of the format So You Think You Can Dance leaves us with nine wonderful seasons and closes. On December 30, 2016, the spotlights above the stage of the “Everybody Dance!” project went out in last time. To console myself, I began to review individual issues of the project and realized how much beauty it brought into our lives.

Let's all remember together why we loved “Everybody Dance!” and why we will miss him. And if I forget something, offer your versions.

For proving that everyone can dance

“Everybody dance!” - a show in which the finalists seemed to have conquered all the heights of skill, and we will talk about this later. But the castings were open to everyone - from graduates ballet school, which any troupe will now take, to self-taught people who studied dance moves from master classes from YouTube, and guys who literally learned to dance in the streets. Or, for example, in a taxi:

The culmination was the visit and a unique master class by Sarah Paddy Jones, an 81-year-old professional dancer from the UK who began dancing at the age of 69 when she was widowed.

But for me personally, the most convincing was Dmitry Tankovich, who did not dance, but during the nine years spent on the same stage with the masters of choreography, he himself learned something.

For popularizing dances in the country

Project “Everyone Dance!” not only proved that everyone can dance, in theory: over the past ten years, dozens of dance schools have opened in Ukraine, and thousands of new students have come to them, solely because they were inspired by what they saw in the show.

For teaching me not to give up

Every year, television viewers were clearly shown that the main thing is not to give up. And, if you follow this principle, even a person with a disability can be a baller:

If you knock on doors, they will definitely open. How they opened up to the winner of the third season, Sasha Gerashchenko, who was able to pass the casting for the project only on the third attempt, the winner fourth season Vasily Kozar, who also needed three failures before success found him, or the super finalist of season 9 Bogdan Urkhov, for whom the project “Everybody Dance!” submitted after many years of attempts and failures.

For the education of taste

Few shows have been so serious about educating their viewer's taste and understanding of art. Without condescension towards non-professionals and without any sense of superiority, the project “Everybody Dance!” was able to explain to those of his viewers who were not previously interested in dancing what the difference is between ballroom and folk, between contemporary, jazz and modern, between hip-hop, break and krump.

No genres or styles - even the most unusual and so far formally unrecognized - passed by the show and were left behind. Sometimes even the judges learned from the participants:

For serious work with participants

It's not that the other projects don't take their contestants lightly. But only “Everybody dance!” organized many master classes for the participants - not only for the final twenty, but also for the hundreds of dancers selected during the season.

Over the years of the project's existence, its participants could learn from the following professionals: Emmy Award winners Tabitha and Napoleon Dumo, Sonia Taye, Thais Diorio and Mandy Moore (permanent choreographer of the American So You Think You Can Dance), director of the cult films "Step Up" Christopher Scott , TOKYO - American choreographer who has worked on the production of the best concert shows world stars and judge of season 9.

Maybe this is what made the next point possible?

For the fact that after the show the careers of the participants did not end

Sometimes a talent show really becomes a “springboard” that launches the gifted, but earlier unknown people into business. But only “Everybody dance!” managed to make dozens of its finalists really successful in the profession.

« In each season we discovered dance stars, our participants, after participating in the project, became full-fledged choreographers of both our project and other dance television shows in the CIS and Europe, soloists of various theaters and shows, and opened their own dance studios throughout the country. They actively work with our and foreign artists. Many went to work abroad", the producers of the project told me. If you need specifics, I have them.

Evgeny Kot became a choreographer-director of the main talent shows of STB, a soloist of the show “Baron Munchausen”, “ Vartovi mriy", Mariam Turkmenbaeva - lead singer of the group Quest Pistols, for a long time worked in Los Angeles , Alexander Leshchenko became the choreographer of the ballet “Foresight” and actively collaborates with show business stars, Oleg Zhezhel became a member of the KOZAKY group, Nikolay Boychenko - choreographer of “Everybody Dance!” and founder of the ballet DARTS DANCE PROJECT, Alexander Ostanin opened his dance school in Odessa, worked abroad, became a multiple world and European champion in step dance. And these are only the participants of the first season!

Natalya Ligai was a soloist in the show “Baron Munchausen”, together with her husband Roman Gorbach she worked as a choreographer for “Everybody Dance!” for 5 seasons, and now choreographs television dance shows Abroad. Evgeniy Karyakin - leading choreographer, actively works abroad. Sergey Zmeek and Katya Bukhtiyarova became a couple on the project, and have been working together as choreographers for seven years. Ilona Gvozdeva opened her dance studio. Alexander Gerashchenko works as a dancer abroad. Chisato Ishikawa became a soloist of the Opera and Ballet Theater in Poland. Vasily Kozar is considered the leading choreographer of the CIS, staging shows on television in neighboring countries and Europe. Anatoly Sachivko became a music video director, director and producer of artist videos; one of his recent works is Jamala’s video “1944”. Katya Belyavskaya became a choreographer for television projects.

By the way, I can’t help but remember another reason for the success of the participants and why we will miss the show so much.

For the rigor and high professional standards of Tatyana Denisova

Frankly, I still get goosebumps when I remember how after the first castings the time came for a test from Tatyana Denisova with her ballet master class. And the participants themselves feared her critical opinion - always harsh, but to the point and constructive - most of all. Whoever it didn't break, it definitely made better.

And for the work of her stylist

Photos are worth a thousand words.

For the unearthly productions of Radu Poklitaru

Those of us who are lucky to live in cities with a population of over a million (especially in Kyiv), and have the opportunity to see new theatrical performances Often, the name Radu Poklitaru has been known for a long time.

But only thanks to the STB project its space modern choreography, his unique approach to music and dance became known in all corners of the country. And in general, Radu himself will say everything for me:

For the huge heart of Alexey Litvinov

Even after Alexey was forced to leave the project due to a serious illness, his humanity and ability to see talent in everyone remained in the show forever.

For the nuggets

All participants of “Everybody Dance!” are equal. But some are still more equal than others - unique, talented, incomparable and unlike anyone else nuggets will forever remain in our memory.

Vova Rakov

Tolik Sachivko

Alexander Volkov

Mihai Ungureanu

Ekaterina Belyavskaya

Rodion Farkhshatov

and many others...

For revealing Dmitry Tankovich and Liliya Rebrik to us

Until “Everybody Dance!” Lilia played in the theater and TV series, and also reported on the weather. Dmitry - worked on television in Belarus and was known to Ukrainians only from KVN. Can you imagine how impoverished our television would be without a project that discovered the talent of its presenters? big shows? I don't even want to think about that!

For Konstantin Tomilchenko

Before the project “Everybody Dance!” Konstantin toured Europe and did a little production in Ukraine. And if those distant 10 years ago, the STB TV channel had not thought of calling him as a choreographer for the X-Factor project, and also creative producer and chief choreographer of the “Everyone Dance!” project, it is likely that Konstantin Tomilchenko would not have existed in Ukraine. And if he were in some Belgium. Or Canada. Or Australia.

During the start of the third season of “Everybody Dance!” Konstantin began creating the first unique 3D show “Baron Munchausen” with project graduates. In total, over 9 years of work on the show, Tomilchenko created more than 50 productions - and supervised hundreds more as the leading choreographer. Also in all his performances

Tatyana Denisova is a talented dancer and choreographer, founder of a successful creative team JB Ballet, jury member and mentor of the “Everyone Dance” and “Dancing on TNT” projects.

Childhood and adolescence

The future dancer was born into an ordinary and very far from creative family of a sailor and a teacher. kindergarten. When Tanya was two years old, her father was transferred to Sevastopol. There the girl took up rhythmic gymnastics, and at the age of eight she began attending a choreographic studio for ballet class. Soon dancing became the main meaning of her life. Even at home, putting on her mother’s veil and turning on her favorite song “Ballet” performed by Alla Pugacheva, she imagined herself dancing on the stage of the Bolshoi Theater.

Exercises for slender legs from Tatyana Denisova

Therefore, as soon as such an opportunity presented itself, the young ballerina overcame a huge competition and entered the best choreographic school in the country - the Academy named after A.Ya. Vaganova in St. Petersburg. True, Tatyana did not manage to graduate (the family moved to Kyiv), but studying at this prestigious institution gave Denisova a unique base, thanks to which she was later able to achieve dizzying success.


In Ukraine, Denisova entered the Kiev Institute of Culture in the choreographic department. While still a student, the 21-year-old girl organized her first dance group, which soon became famous not only in Kyiv, but throughout Ukraine. At the same time, she taught choreography at a circus school, where she was noticed by foreign impresarios.

Tatyana received a tempting offer to work with her ballet “JB” in Germany and did not miss this chance. For seven years she created original dance shows and circus acts in Europe and established herself as a talented choreographer and an outstanding creative person.

In 2009, Tatyana was offered to become a jury member and mentor in the Ukrainian talent show “Everybody Dance” along with Francisco Gomez, Alexey Litvinov and Vladislav Yama. For several seasons, Denisova, in the company of outstanding Ukrainian choreographers, decided the fate of the project participants.

"Everybody dance". Choreography by Tatyana Denisova

In 2016, the last, ninth season of the show was shown, after which it was announced that it would be closed. In the same year, Tatyana Denisova appeared as a guest choreographer in a similar Russian project “Dancing on TNT”.

Personal life of Tatyana Denisova

Denisova’s first husband, with whom she gave birth to her first child Lev in 2009, was circus acrobat Ilya Strakhov.

In 2011, Denisova left him for singer Alexander Krivoshapko, whom she met at the finals of the X Factor show. The young artist charmed the flighty beauty, and, despite the twelve-year age difference, the lovers soon got married.

Three years of them family relationships resembled a battlefield - they quarreled and made up, threw mud at each other and came together again. In 2013, the couple officially ended their relationship, and since then Tatyana has been trying to hide her personal life from the general public.

Tatyana Denisova now

In 2017, Tatyana Denisova became a full-fledged mentor and member of the jury of “Dancing on TNT” instead of the one who dropped out

Year of issue : 2008-2016
A country : Ukraine
Genre : TV show, TV show
Duration : 9 seasons
Translation : Russian, Ukrainian (Original)

Director : STB
Cast : Liliya Rebrik, Dmitry Tankovich, Vlad Yama, Francisco Gomez, Tatiana Denisova, Radu Poklitaru

Description of the Series : The show “Everybody Dance” is the Ukrainian version of the English project “So You Tnink You Can Dance”. The rating of this show is extremely high, and in many countries up to 40% of the population watches the program. On Ukrainian television, the “Everybody Dance” project started on September 12, 2008 and since then it has occupied the highest positions in the TV program ratings. Almost anyone who knows how to dance can become a participant in the program. Castings for the project are held in all major cities of Ukraine, where a jury selects the best 150 from hundreds of applicants. See the most popular television project“Everybody Dance” on the STB channel. You can also watch all episodes of the show online on our website.

In the first season of the project, qualifying stages were held in Kyiv, Lvov, Odessa and Donetsk. Based on the results of the casting, 100 young talents were selected who advanced to the second stage of the show and were able to take part in competitions organized in Yalta. Of the hundred selected participants, only 20 remained in Yalta. The selected dancers were divided into pairs and each pair, by drawing lots, received its own style, in which I was supposed to dance. The dances were choreographed by experienced choreographers from all over Ukraine.

Each round of the competition consisted of one transfer, as a result of which one couple was eliminated from the competition. The rest moved on. The dancers' success was determined in part by audience voting, and partly by the decision of the project judges. However, soon the organizers of the program decided that the fate of the dancers would be determined solely by television viewers. At the end of the show, the last four dancers remained.

The performances of the applicants were judged as follows: famous personalities, like Francisco Gomez, Alexander Bobik, Alexey Litvinov and Vladislav Yama.

To win, participants must master all styles - from polka to hip-hop, explains STB Marketing Director Ruslan Tereshchenko. - At the same time, we’ll find out what is more difficult - paso doble or breakdancing, and whether street dancers can master the Viennese waltz. Therefore, each participant will be able to reveal themselves to the maximum.