Waltz dance is easy. How to dance the Viennese Waltz - the most emotional dance

Before learning how to dance a waltz, you should understand that the waltz is not a separate dance, but common name several dances at once. This includes some ballroom and folk dances. Although, of course, in any waltz there is one common movement: a whole turn of three steps in each of 2 measures. At the same time, the waltz is far from a modern dance, but at the same time it is not forgotten, but sincerely respected by many couples. The waltz made its first impression in the 18th century, around the 80s, in the city of Vienna. Subsequently, the waltz became popular not only in Austria, but also in other countries, including Russia. The waltz is known for closed dance positions and served as the basis, model, example for many famous ballroom dances.

Despite the fact that the waltz is better known for closed positions, it can also be performed with open figures. By the way, the “open waltz” was extremely popular at the end of the 18th century in Italy. It is worth highlighting the waltz, which is danced quite quickly; this type of waltz is called the Viennese waltz. However, with such a variety of waltzes, special standards for this dance stand out at the international level. For example, at international competitions the waltz can be danced exclusively in a closed position.

How to learn to perform a waltz

Many people are interested in how to learn to dance the waltz. Really, what is needed for this? There are two options for learning the waltz: at home using video lessons, books and manuals, or with the help of a dance teacher. Of course, the second option is the simplest. You just need to enroll in a dance school with a waltz teacher, you can come alone or with your partner. Next, they will tell you what you need to bring to the lessons, how they will take place, how long it will take, and how much it will cost. In addition, a professional will always be watching over you, so you can learn to dance this dance faster, it will be easier for you, and your performance will not be lame.

If you want to learn how to perform a waltz at home, you must first prepare for learning. For this you will need: comfortable clothes and shoes, free space home, cleared of various small items, toys and other things. It is also necessary to stock up on the necessary educational sources. You can find many free or commercial video lessons on waltzing. To begin with, of course, you should take care of yourself, your breathing, endurance, etc. Only after full preparation It's worth starting to learn the waltz.

Learn to dance waltz dance

Learning to dance from text is difficult, but if you have already seen how the waltz is danced and you only have a few missing aspects of the dance, then this can be corrected by reading about the waltz. So, we learn to dance the waltz on our own - preparation.

  1. Warm up every day, stretch your muscles slightly so that nothing hinders you and your movements. Turn on music, for example, “Viennese Waltz” and start warming up, this will help not only prepare for dancing, but also get used to the music itself, get into the beat. Do not perform sharp steps, try to move smoothly, as if floating with the flow of a waltz.
  2. Learn as much as you can about waltzes such as the Viennese, Figured and French waltzes, as well as the Boston and Friendship waltzes. See how they are performed, what is the difference between them.
  3. Download a training video, you can hire a personal instructor or go to a dance studio.
  1. The waltz is performed by a couple: a man and a woman. Partners must trust each other. You need to mentally imagine a square in front of you,
  2. The man should touch his partner’s waist with his hand (the hand should lie lightly, without putting pressure on the woman), left hand stretch slightly, but do not strain, your hands should generally be in a calm state,
  3. The woman places her right hand on the man's left hand,
  4. The movements go against the clock hand relative to the leading waltz partner (most often men) and are counted “one-two-three, one-two-three”,
  5. Steps begin with the right foot forward, you need to end in the opposite direction, i.e. left foot back,
  6. It is important to remember that during the waltz only the first step can be large, the other two can be small, so you can move along the presented square.

Wedding Waltz

Many newlyweds, who have never danced before, want to know how to dance wedding waltz. Indeed, the wedding waltz is becoming increasingly popular in Russia. One time a wedding dance started with a waltz, then mixed with creative modern dances. Now there are problems with the creative part of the dance, everyone’s dances are the same, so the classic wedding waltz is becoming popular again. But how do you learn to dance it?

It is clear that to learn the wedding waltz you need:

  • comfortable clothes and shoes, although at the wedding you will have to dance in less comfortable outfits, but you will rehearse this during the training process,
  • an understanding and patient partner who is ready to learn the waltz,
  • high-quality recording of a waltz, i.e. good music in 3/4 time,
  • good qualified dance specialist, waltz teacher.

So, the wedding waltz of the newlyweds:

  1. Take the starting position that we have already described (a man extends the woman’s right arm with his left hand): the man extends his left hand and holds the woman’s waist with his right hand, the woman puts her right hand on the man’s outstretched arm, and her left hand on the man’s shoulder. It is important to keep your back straight, straight, raise your head slightly to lift your chin, and turn to the side,
  2. In front of you, imagine a square along which you will make waltz movements around the perimeter. A man and a woman have their own sequence of steps that you need to remember,
  3. A man moves like this: right leg – forward, left leg – to the side, right leg – to the left, left leg – back, right leg – to the side, left leg – to the right. This is how you do a “walk around the square”,
  4. The woman moves like this: left leg – back, right leg – to the side, left leg – to the right, right leg – forward, left leg – to the side, right leg – to the left,
  5. The first steps are rehearsed to the beat of “one-two-three, one-two-three” and only then is he taught to the music and wearing shoes.

How to learn to dance the waltz?

Waltz: preparation

If you decide to self-teach, you can learn to dance the waltz using video lessons, which can be found in abundance on the famous YouTube.com website. But first you must undergo painstaking preparation, which includes the following basics:

  • Do warm-up movements every morning to improve your stretching.
  • To begin with, you can simply “warm up” your muscles, and then try to do the splits, touching the floor with your palms from a standing position.
  • Study all types of waltz - Boston, Viennese, figure, French, friendship waltz - determine the difference between style and step.
  • If you can't practice on your own, go to a dance studio.

Here, dance instructors will make you a professional from the basics.

Learn to dance the waltz

How to learn to dance the waltz at home or in the studio? The following requirements are met here:

  1. Two people should learn the waltz - a man and a woman.
  2. Chairs and other substitutes should not be used. They will not give a positive result.
  3. The woman places her left hand on her partner's shoulder, and the man lightly presses his partner to him, clasping her waist with his right hand.
  4. Free hands are extended to the side and closed - the lady puts her hand in her partner’s hand, as if showing her trust. Therefore, outstretched arms should not be tense - a soft bend at the elbow and lightness.

So, how to learn to dance the waltz at home or in a dance studio?

  1. Determine the opposite hand of the clock.
  2. Start your move by taking a step back from the woman (the man goes forward).
  3. The woman's left leg and the man's right take a step at the same time, also simultaneously turning 90 degrees relative to its original position.
  4. The second move is made in exactly the same way, but the partners change their legs - the man goes backward with his left leg, and the woman goes forward with her right.
  5. Thus, in 4 steps the pair should return to its original position.

Having studied the stroke technique, you can begin to work on ease and smoothness. This is where you start moving, moving around the room or studio. How to learn to dance the waltz at home? You need to listen to the music of your heart, learn to dance only with your loved one - this will help you open up to your partners and perform your first dance with a bang.

No wonder he is considered the king of dances. He is always present at all events, various receptions and, of course, at the graduation party. But unlike the last century, when being able to dance the waltz was a mandatory requirement for everyone, now not many girls and boys know this type dance. But everyone thinks about it sometime, because time High school prom It’s getting closer and closer, and there’s simply no time left to waste energy taking lessons from professionals. In this case, you can learn to dance the waltz yourself, at home.

First you need to look at the basic movements. Naturally, before you start learning to dance the waltz, you need someone who also wants to learn. Absolutely all movements occur on the count: one-two-three-time. This one is very important to remember because you need to maintain a good tempo when dancing. As for the rotation, if you look from the outside, it may seem somehow complicated and incomprehensible, but in fact the rotation occurs counterclockwise in a square. As for the steps, it is also worth noting a small nuance - for each corner simple square there are two small steps and one big one. This is very important to remember and keep in mind so as not to get confused.

I would also like to note, once again, that rotation in a waltz is one of the most important components. You should always turn to right side, and if you look from a purely mathematical point of view, then each turn consists of two half-turns, which are equal to one hundred and eighty degrees.

Now let's look at the steps. To begin the turn, you need to take one step forward with your right foot. It is very important to make a clockwise turn to the right. Next, you should take a step with your left foot, but at the same time continue to carry out the already started turn, after which the left foot should be placed on half-toes. And finally, the right foot should be placed next to the left, after which both feet should be placed on the full foot. This is the first part of the square you will make. To complete the second part, you need to do almost the same thing, only in reverse. That is, first you need to take a step back with your left foot, and this step needs to be taken diagonally and transfer all the weight to your left leg. After this, the right leg is transferred behind the heel of the left. Next, a turn is performed on half-toes, after which you need to start making a square again. At the same time, it is very important not to constantly forget to count “one-two-three-times”; without this, it will be very easy to get confused and lose the tempo, which is an equally important component of the waltz.

Waltz! And now the light couples are whirling, whirling, swiftly and smoothly passing one after another. You will start learning to dance, and you will become slimmer, more agile, and fit. You won’t touch corners and jambs... But this happens to you sometimes? Admit it! Your step will become light and springy, you will straighten your shoulders, and learn to hold your head straight.
Be sure to learn to dance, and we will help you.


To learn how to dance a waltz, it is enough to know two movements: a right turn and a “track”. The “track” is very easy to learn, so the most important thing is the turn. That's where we'll start. A full turn of the waltz (360 degrees) consists of two parts and is performed in two measures. The musical size of the waltz (one bar) is 3/4. This means that the rhythm of the waltz is a continuous repetition of the count: one, two, three; one, two, three... Before you start learning to dance in pairs, everyone must learn a waltz turn on their own.

(Count: "one, two, three")

Become the face of the movement, or, as they say, the line of dance. Place your feet in the third position, that is, the heel of the right foot is placed in the middle of the left foot and the toes are turned to the sides, as shown in the figure. This extended position of the legs is called eversion. In a waltz, the legs should be in an inverted position at all times.
So let's begin. Take a step with your right foot forward, starting to turn to the right (count: “one” – the first quarter), then step with your left foot, turn even more to the right, and now you are standing with your back along the line of dance (count: “two” – the second quarter), pull up right leg to the left in the third position (count: “three” – third quarter). This is a diagram of the first half of the turn.
Do this several times in a row, turning exactly 180 degrees each time. To turn this pattern into a half-twist waltz, rise to your toes on the second step and lower to your toes at the end of the third step onto the soles of both feet, ending the movement with a smooth, barely noticeable squat. All steps should be light and sliding.

(Count: "one, two, three")

You stand with your back along the dance line. Legs in third position. Take a step with your left foot to the side (count: “one” - first quarter), body weight on your left foot, no turn yet. Bring your right foot with the inside of the toe behind the heel of your left, that is, inverted (count: “two” - the second quarter), slowly turn on the half toes of both feet to the right, so that you are facing along the line of dance (count: "three" - the third quarter ). Check that the rotation should be 180 degrees. What we have now learned is the pattern for the second half of the turn.
Do this pattern again, but with the following conditions: the first step should go diagonally back and to the side (more to the side than back). At the same time, make sure that your left leg maintains an everted position. In the second step, bringing your right foot with your toe behind the heel of your left, place it close (but not close, otherwise you will not be able to turn), so that the turn without additional attachments ends in the third position.
In its final form, the turn is performed like this: you need to turn after the “skid” very smoothly, without any body effort, on your toes. Body weight is greater on the left leg. On the count of “three,” as in the first half of the turn, you should lower yourself from your half-toes and squat down slightly and gently.


Stand facing the line of dance, feet in third position. Make the first half of the turn (1st measure – count: “one, two, three”). You find yourself with your back along the line of dance. Continue turning to the right, performing the second half of the turn you just learned. So you have returned to the starting position (2nd measure – count: “one, two, three”). Now you can start all over again: the first half, the second, the first again, etc. Practice well. First, about thirty times, make the turn very slowly, counting, then faster, even faster.


And this is indeed true at first. Because the mistakes and insecurities of one are transferred to the other, and you get lost.
Pair up for a waltz. The girl should stand with her face along the line of dance, the boy with his back. This means that the girl will start the waltz with her right foot forward (from the first half of the turn), the boy starts with his left foot to the side (from the second half of the turn). Then the girl dances the second half of the turn, the boy the first, etc. All the time, they simultaneously perform different halves of the turn.
Don't try to spin at a fast pace right away.
Pay special attention to whether you place your foot inverted in the first step of the second half of the turn and whether the first step from the right foot is shortened in the first half.
Remember that when twirling in a waltz, you must always move forward along the line of the dance. And to do this, for each beat you must turn exactly 180 degrees. The division of the waltz turn into two halves is purely arbitrary and should not affect the smooth and continuous nature of the dance.


You can't dance a waltz by only spinning in one direction. This is both tiring and makes the dance monotonous.
This is where the “path” is needed.
Stand one at a time, facing along the dance line and march to the music of the waltz, taking one step for each count (every quarter). This is unusual, but not difficult if you listen to the music carefully.
Go through it again, but now on half toes. The knees are pulled up, but not tense. The steps are small.
Now try, on every third count, to gently lower yourself from the half-toes of your forward foot to your entire foot. At the moment when you lower yourself from your half toes, the other leg is simultaneously brought forward.
The “track” is performed easily and smoothly. One “track” of the waltz takes three counts (“one, two, three” – one measure). Be careful not to take a big step at first. All steps of the "track" are the same in size. In pairs, the partner most often makes the path, stepping back and starting with the left foot, the partner moves forward and starts with the right foot.
At first, it is best to structure the entire dance like this: combine two full turns of the waltz (four measures) and four measures of the “track”. In the future, you will spin more and move to the “track” less often. For example, it is convenient to combine twelve rotation cycles and four track cycles.
Well, how to turn left? Exactly the same as to the right. The same rules apply, but, of course, you start on the other foot and turn left. However, my advice is not to rush into a left turn. Move on to it only when you have learned how to circle to the right well.
You are probably also wondering how to avoid dizziness. The most important thing is habit, but there is also a little secret: do not look around while dancing, much less at the floor or ceiling. Look only forward along the line of dance.
So, dance the waltz!


Imagine a square. During training, you will need to slide along this square in the rhythm of a waltz. It will be later, when you have already mastered the basic principles, you will be able to spin, and on initial stage try to move in a square.

The main step of the waltz is an extension step. It is simple to perform: one-two-three, one-two-three. One - step forward with your right foot, two - put your left foot in place, three - again your right foot - in place. When moving backwards: once – the left leg, two – we put the right one, and in place. Three - the left one is in place. The more often you repeat these movements, the better it will turn out. Remember: only the first step is big, the second and third are small, subtle.

When moving back, the left leg must be moved back with a precise movement.

The movement in the dance goes counterclockwise, starting with the right foot - forward and ending with the left - back.

The man places the lady's left hand in the dance and her right hand. The girl puts her hand on her shoulder. Your arms should be light, half-bent, not tense. Be sure to keep your back straight and smile.
By practicing every day, you will easily master the art of the waltz and will surprise your friends and guests at the holiday more than once by performing this wonderful one.


Waltz - most popular ballroom dance. Waltz is often used as a general name for ballroom and folk dances in 3/4 time signature and is performed primarily in a closed position. The most common figure in a waltz is full turn in two measures with three steps each.

Helpful advice

Waltz is the most romantic couples dance. That is why every self-respecting person should be able to dance the waltz. If you're eager to learn how to waltz yourself, you'll have to come to terms with the fact that you'll need patience. The main thing is not to lose perseverance and train.

Waltz infiltrated social balls at the end of the eighteenth century. Since then, it has hardly gone out of fashion. More and more new variants are appearing. There are quite a few dance schools, where they teach how to perform different types waltzes. But master the basic movements to dance this beautiful dance on prom or a wedding, you can try it yourself.

You will need

  • - player with speakers;
  • - recordings of different waltzes;
  • - mirror;
  • - partner.


Listen to different ones. Pay attention to the rhythm. Waltz They can be fast or slow, but almost all of them are written in three-beat time. Five-beat waltzes are also known in academic music, but mainly ballet dancers dance to such music. Mark the strengths and weak beats. Try clapping the rhythm by making a loud clap on the downbeat and two quiet ones on the downbeat.

Learn the waltz step. This can be done without a partner and even without music at first. On the count of “one,” step forward with your right foot. On the count of two, step sideways with your left foot. On the count of three, step your right foot. In the next figure, the direction of movement changes. On the count of “one”, take a step back with your right foot, on “two” - with your right foot to the side, on “three” - move your left foot.

Learn to perform a waltz step to music. Choose a slow version of this dance to start with. When you bring the step to automaticity. Don't forget to control yourself in front of a large mirror.

Try dancing with a partner. Waltz Most often it is performed in a closed position, that is, the partners stand facing each other. Get into the correct position. The right hand is located just below the partner’s left shoulder blade. His left hand is almost at a right angle to his torso and at such a height that his partner's right hand is in his hand. The woman holds her left hand on her partner's right shoulder. The partner looks over her partner's right shoulder.

Learn to act in concert and in different directions. Try to fulfill your roles clearly. The man begins to move forward with his right leg, backward and with his left. Usually pairs move in a circle counterclockwise. Even the most simple form This dance looks very beautiful if the steps are performed correctly and confidently.

Try other types of this dance. If you have several friends who also love this dance, dance the figure waltz together. It includes several waltz turns, solos and several transitions. This dance is constantly evolving, so it is not forbidden to invent your own figures.

Video on the topic


  • Figured waltz in 2019
  • Waltz lessons in 2019

Anyone can learn to dance beautifully. To do this, you need to decide on the type of dance, carve out some free time and start training regularly.


First of all, you need to decide on a style. If you want to dance well in clubs and discos, then they will suit you club dancing. If you want to move gracefully and drive people crazy, learn strip dancing. If you like motifs and smoothly enchanting movements, oriental dances will suit you. Enjoy watching dance shows on TV and dream of learning to dance as a couple - ballroom or Latin American dances. And if you are a true extreme sportsman at heart, then you should learn breakdancing.

For your first dance lessons you will need comfortable sportswear and... If you feel that dancing is really what you need, you can think about special costumes for each direction. For example, for oriental dances you will need special ones with decorations, which I open; for strip dancing, special ones for high heels and erotic clothing.

But most the best option There will be classes with an instructor. Nowadays, there are many sports centers open in everyone, where they teach different kinds dancing. They will help you choose suitable style, and the trainer’s recommendations will help you master all the movements without mistakes. Dance classes are held in groups, as well as individually - it all depends on your desire and financial capabilities.

Constantly hone your skills - dance at parties and clubs. Dancing is not only a great opportunity to keep your body in good shape, but also a source good mood and new acquaintances.

Video on the topic

Dances are different, but they have one thing in common - the movements characteristic of a particular dance. It is through learning standard dance movements that you can learn how to dance it, and quite quickly. One One of the most beautiful waltzes is the waltz. It is through his example that we will analyze how to learn to dance in one day. Of course, if you have a good sense of tact and hearing, training will take less time.


The main step is the extension step. It is quite simple: one-two-three, one-two-three and so on. On “one” you step forward with your right foot, on “two” your left foot is placed and in place, on “three” - your right foot is again and in place. When moving backwards, the order is as follows: on “one” - the left foot, on “two” the right foot is placed and in place, on “three” - the left foot and on the spot. These movements need to be repeated more often each time. Your big step is only the first. The other two are subtle.

Moving backwards, move your left leg back with a precise movement. First slide with the ball of your foot, then move to the toe, slide again with the ball of your foot and move to the entire foot.

By practicing the movements over and over again, you will finally achieve perfection. In one day You are unlikely to be able to skillfully master the dance, but you will certainly have time to learn the basics of dance.

Video on the topic

Helpful advice

If you want to learn how to dance any other dance, learn the basic characteristic movement first. It will be much easier for you to improve your skills by mastering the basic movements.

Many people think that it is necessary to have special abilities for dancing, otherwise simple movement can't handle it. In fact, dancing was not originally the preserve of the elite. It’s not for nothing that there is such a thing as “ folk dance"Everyone can master the basic principles of dance; this does not require any special talents or a highly qualified teacher.


Dance patterns can be found anywhere: in special books and magazines, in brochures that come with discs and cassettes with dance music, on the Internet, finally. Training on schemes It will take you, quite possibly, more time than in the courses, but this is not at all required condition. And yet, prepare in advance that you will have to overcome many difficulties yourself, without the advice of experienced masters.

First, understand the circuit itself. The scheme is not easy. It contains certain symbols that require decoding, thinking, and understanding. Most likely, you will first have to learn the system of special symbols that are used in your scheme, and then the steps and movements according to it. That is, first you need to think with your head, and then use your legs and arms.

When you read the diagram, mentally imagine what this or that step mentioned in it should be. Only after this proceed directly to working out the movements. Take your time and don't get angry if you don't understand something or if something doesn't work out for you. Irritability is your worst enemy, as is laziness. You don't have a strict teacher who will give you a timely scolding. You find yourself in a “your own teacher” situation, so try to live up to the role you take on.

Dance is not just a collection of steps and swings. Every dance has basic steps and those movements that are included at a more advanced stage. Don’t expect that when you start studying Irish, you will immediately start to reach the ceiling and that your hands will be, as they should be, pressed to your body. Yes, this is not necessary: ​​first practice just steps, leg movements, direction. “Where will we direct our steps” - that’s what’s most important to you at this stage.

If you want to master the art of performing a particular dance to the fullest, then one will probably not be enough for you. Therefore, immediately acquire video recordings, more detailed instructions, and later take a course: it won’t teach you everything a dancer needs to know, but it may well show you the basic movements, thanks to which you further training Dancing will be much easier for you.

Viennese waltz traces its history back to the XII-XIII centuries. The birthplace of Viennese waltz but Bavaria is considered, and the dance is called “Viennese” only because it gained its popularity at the beginning of the 19th century to the music of the great Strauss in Vienna. The dance is performed similarly to the usual slow dance waltz y, but at a much faster tempo - 60 beats per minute. Viennese waltz today at balls, weddings, festivals and competitions. How to learn to dance Viennese waltz?


Any dance class should begin with a warm-up. Warm up your muscles before learning the movements special exercises, which will then be useful to you in . Place your feet together. Rise up onto your toes and lower yourself without fully resting on your heels. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, rise on your tiptoes and do the so-called rolls: rise on your toes, using either your left or right leg as your supporting leg - thereby you will seem to sway from side to side.

After you have warmed up well, you can proceed directly to the movements of the Viennese waltz A. It is important to remember that waltz usually counterclockwise. At the beginning of the dance, the partner stands in the direction of the dance line, turning his face to the center of the hall. The partner stands with her back to the center of the hall. The dancers' backs are straight, their heads are raised. The partner's head is gracefully thrown back and slightly turned to the side.

Viennese movements waltz a - these are, first of all, steps. These are the ones that need to be mastered first. Partner starts