Psychics. Deliverance with a candle and prayer. Ritual using melt water

Damage is the conscious, deliberate infliction of harm on a specific person. If envy stifles or you want to take revenge on an enemy for something, then a person damages him, not, it seems to me, fully realizing what he is taking on and how it will turn out for him in the future. There are often cases when a person causes damage or is simply carried away by practical black magic, and his children and even grandchildren pay for this. No one has the right to interfere in the fate of another person and ruin his life in every possible way, especially such in a terrible way.

Signs of damage - how to recognize

There are many types of damage. Each of them affects a person differently and, accordingly, the signs of damage may also differ. If you have several of the following symptoms, even though your health is fine, then you may be damaged.

1. There may be major problems with sleep. Frequent insomnia leads to malaise, a constant feeling of weakness and drowsiness. Apathy appears, the person does not want to do anything, he does not even have the strength to get out of bed, let alone go to work or do household chores. It seems that you want to sleep, but as soon as your head touches the pillow, this feeling goes away and you can spend the whole night looking at the ceiling or counting jumping sheep in your head.

2. You began to notice how the person who is most dear to you suddenly began to move away from you. It is important not to confuse this with something else. It may not be a matter of damage at all, but when everything was great yesterday, and the next day it seemed to have been replaced, then it’s really worth thinking about.

3. Signs of serious illnesses began to appear, but during examinations, diagnostics and all tests, nothing was found, and the state of health was deteriorating more and more. This is one of the most basic signs of damage, because it can change not so much your physical condition, but affect your mental one and it will seem to you that your whole body hurts, but this is just a deception to drive you crazy and make you worry and nervous and worry.

4. Obsessive bad thoughts appear, the fear of death and the fear that something bad will suddenly happen to you or one of your relatives overwhelms you. It begins to seem as if someone else's voice is heard in your head, pushing you to do a bad deed or do something to yourself. This makes you doubt your balance. Hallucinations appear, and you will increasingly begin to confuse fiction with reality.

5. If you have a cat or, better yet, a dog at home, you will notice how they change their attitude towards you. They feel a person very subtly, his mood and are even able to see what is hidden from human gaze. The cat will begin to be wary of you and will hiss and run away if you want to pet it. The dog may show aggression towards you, of course, because your beloved owner has suddenly become different, and the dog will not like it.

6. You will feel like your luck has left you. Even in the simplest daily tasks you will fail. Everything will fall out of your hands, break, and you will become more absent-minded and clumsy. If luck has never been on your side, then you will not notice this symptom. The contrast is clearly visible when you were born under lucky star, and then, at one moment, everything suddenly began to go downhill. Absolutely everything can’t be bad. If this is so, then there was definitely some damage involved.

7. Self-esteem decreases and it begins to seem as if there is no uglier person in the world than you. Suddenly it appears out of nowhere strong feeling lack of self-confidence and disgust will arise for everything that you previously liked about yourself. Again, there are people who, in principle, suffer from low self-esteem, so they simply will not notice this symptom.

8. Depression begins, and it seems as if no one in this world needs you. I want to give up everything at once and go somewhere or commit suicide. A person will suddenly alienate all his relatives and stop communicating even with his closest friends. You will want to close yourself off and just be silent. Anyone who starts a conversation on any topic will be immediately rejected and the conversation will be interrupted.

9. If you touch a person who has been damaged by a cross or some object blessed with holy water, he will have a burning sensation in that place and redness will appear, as during an allergy. Suddenly there is a desire to take off pectoral cross, if you have one, and remove the icons away.

10. It will seem that the room you are in smells unpleasant, but after interviewing the other people who are there with you, you will understand that only you smell this smell, and in fact it does not exist. These unpleasant odors will follow you everywhere. Even freshly prepared food will seem to smell bad. Because of this, you will lose your appetite, because you won’t want to eat when you don’t like the smell of even the most attractive-looking food.

How to find out who caused the damage and is it even possible?

Yes, this is possible. The question involuntarily begs: why know who damaged you? In order to stop communicating with this person forever, because he may be someone with whom you are close. Just imagine what feelings he has for you, since he is ready to commit such meanness.

There are rituals that can even tell you the name of the one who caused the damage, or bring him into your house so that he himself does not understand how he ended up there. But don't rush to resort to magical help. There are other ways. First, sit down and think about who could do this. Analyze with whom Lately your relationship has deteriorated and remember if you have done anything bad to anyone. If nothing comes to mind, then ask the opinion of those you trust. From the outside they see much more than you and can accurately point out the person who could spoil you. But, do not forget that friends, and even relatives, are under suspicion of in this case. Perhaps some of them have some hidden motives to do you bad, which you are not even aware of.

One of the easiest ways to find out who caused the damage is fortune telling using the wax of a church candle. Take one such candle, light it and wait until it burns down. Take the wax that remains from it and boil it over low heat for a couple of minutes. Pour the wax onto a flat, large white plate with the words: “I pour the wax onto the plate, now I know the name of my enemy.” Now wait until the wax hardens completely and take a closer look at the resulting picture. Ideally, the wax should form the first few letters of the name of the one who damaged you. If you don’t see any letters, then just look at the picture more carefully. She may remind you of something that will somehow be connected with the person who damaged you.

How to remove damage

For those who do not know how to remove damage at home and believe that in this matter you only need to contact specialists, the following information will be informative. Absolutely anyone can remove the damage from themselves and help someone with it, unless it is a pregnant woman. You just need to follow all the rules and then, of course, everything will work out the first time.

The most effective prayer from corruption is the prayer “Our Father”. It must be used when performing any of the rituals to remove damage. If you are not a Christian and believe in another god or are an atheist, then instead of “Our Father” you need to say words that characterize something bright and good. Can you just list everything? good qualities that a person can have or name everything that you would wish for yourself. Saying these words, you need to baptize yourself with a lit church candle. Such a simple ritual serves a shining example on how to remove damage from yourself. It will not only remove it, but also strengthen your biofield and help it recover more quickly from the harm caused to you.

Ordinary prayer will not save you from corruption unless it is accompanied by certain actions. That is why, if you are not completely sure that you know how to remove damage, then it is better not to take it on, contact a specialist or a person who is interested in practical white magic.

How to remove damage at home using a wax doll

For this ritual you will need a large candle, Golden ring, a gold chain, a piece of black fabric and a photograph of you, which shows only you. The ritual must be performed at night in the light full moon. This ritual is not the most best example on how to remove the damage from yourself, because it can be difficult for someone who is doing this for the first time.

Light a candle and burn your photo in its flame. There is no need to throw away the ashes. Collect it carefully and place it in a small plate. Now wait until your candle burns out completely. When this happens, collect the wax left from it and mix it with the ashes of your photo. Make a small doll from ashes and wax and put a gold ring on her head. It symbolizes a crown that drives away all bad things from your person. Cross your doll three times and name your full name. Next, proceed very carefully and carefully, because you are in your hands. You need to wrap it around your doll's waist gold chain and say the following: “This golden belt is saturated with the light of the moon, it will remove damage, drive away evil.” Now smear the doll's face with your saliva and blood. The effect will be better if the blood is menstrual. Wrap the doll in black cloth and hide it in this secret place where no one can find her. After the symptoms of damage have disappeared, it should be destroyed. If you want to keep the ring and chain, then consecrate them in the church and you can continue to use them.

How to remove egg damage

As an example, I will provide you with the simplest, but really working method of removing damage from a person using an ordinary chicken egg. I immediately draw your attention to the fact that the egg must be homemade and fresh. You cannot use one that has been stored in the refrigerator for some time. So how to remove damage from eggs?

Undress completely, let your hair down, take an egg and “roll” it over your body from your head to your toes. Do this as carefully as possible so that it does not break. Read the “Our Father” prayer at the same time. After the egg has “bypassed” your entire body, you need to go outside and, having dug a small hole under the nearest tree, bury the egg there. Go home without looking back.

How to remove damage to death

If you realize that you have been hexed to death, you should not immediately panic and go to draw up a will. If you know how to remove damage to death, then you can not only remove it from yourself, but also help another person in this.

The ritual is very simple to perform. You will need a pack of regular salt that you eat. Bless it in church (the pack of salt must be open). At night, go outside and get as far away from your house as possible. Find a place where no one will see or disturb you. Light seven candles around you, place them in a circle, undress and sit in the center of the circle with a pack of salt. Sprinkle yourself with it and read the Our Father. When you finish, get dressed and go home without taking the candles with you or extinguishing them.

This ritual will not only remove damage from you, but will also protect you from repeating the situation in the near future.

Damage is a scary word for many, which is associated with an endless series of misfortunes and illnesses. Yes, this is true, but not everything is as scary as it is described. You just need to identify the damage in time and immediately carry out a ritual to remove it. Be attentive to yourself and your relatives. If you notice symptoms, do not hesitate. I wish you happiness and good luck, may no damage be able to ruin your life.

Why do people think about how to remove damage and the evil eye? Sometimes an unkind look or words stranger They influence the other person’s mood in such a way that everything starts to fall out of their hands. People are capable of unwittingly or under the influence of negative emotions to violate the good mood of their interlocutor. What to say when envy or resentment forces them to do this on purpose? Sometimes the hatred towards an acquaintance is so strong that the negativity spreads to his family.

It is not necessary to cast spells and perform rituals to ruin the life of an unwanted person. It is enough to wish him harm from the bottom of your heart, and, unfortunately, harm will most likely be done. Household damage or the evil eye is a common phenomenon that is difficult to resist. How to remove the evil eye if you are sure that your enemy brought it on his rival or his house? First you need to understand the meaning of the word “damage” itself and the consequences it carries.

For centuries, damage has been called magic ritual, aimed at causing harm to the health and well-being of a person by sending him negative energy.

People turned to sorcerers and witches to read special prayers and curse the enemy and his relatives. U different nations The rituals differed significantly, but their meaning remained the same.

In Africa, shamans made a Voodoo doll, personifying the target person, and manipulated it. In Europe, they more often used hair, the blood of an enemy, or charmed his personal belongings.

The most terrible thing is damage to death, which can actually lead to the death of the damned. If a ritual is performed by a strong magician, he can seriously damage a person’s energy field, which leads to illness and depression.

Unlike damage, the evil eye does not require special witchcraft influences. Negative feelings and thoughts that contain sincere hatred lead to it.

Signs of damage to a person and family

In the bustle of everyday events, people have lost the habit of listening to intuition and often brush aside the signs and even physical ailments it sends. This is a fundamentally wrong approach. If something is not going well, you should stop and analyze what is happening.

Particular attention should be paid to the following bleak symptoms:

  • causeless occurrence of apathy and loss of strength;
  • diseases that cannot be treated and cause difficulties in making a diagnosis;
  • quarrels with relatives and friends;
  • problems at work up to dismissal;
  • pet aggression;
  • unexplained fears and phobias;
  • attractiveness bad habits and/or loss of control over them;
  • nightmares.

Of course, all unpleasant incidents can only be an unfortunate coincidence. Everyone has bad days, but if you are catastrophically unlucky... for a long time or life has changed dramatically for the worse, you need to find out the reasons for this and take action.

It is believed that a person will be able to overcome the “black” conspiracy if he understands exactly how he was damaged. This is possible if he finds strange things in the house, like a stuck needle or a bag of earth.

Damage can affect many aspects of life: love, marriage, family, health and luck. If serious problems arise often and out of nowhere, it’s worth thinking about the machinations of ill-wishers.

Using wax

One of known methods One way to remove damage yourself is to use candle wax. It will also allow you to determine whether it was induced or failures were caused by the wrong actions of the person himself.

Before sunrise you need to collect in a bucket cold water from a well, drawing it in the direction from west to east, or from a river against its flow. At this moment the following conspiracy is supposed to be pronounced: “Ancestors-grandfathers! Allow water to be collected from all evil spirits, from all evil witchcraft, from all creatures, from all pains, for good health (person’s name). Goy! Glory!"

You need to carry the water straight home, without looking back. The ceremony is performed before sunrise or after sunset. Having poured water into a basin, you need to lower it into it silver product to disinfect. Then, having melted the wax, slowly pour it into the water and examine the resulting figures.

If it is smooth or frozen in light waves, the energy is pure. Loops indicate hereditary damage, and knobby pyramids and figures with sharp corners- about the damage caused to a given person.

In some cases, one casting is enough to remove it. You can check this by repeating the procedure. When the wax hardens in the same form, casting is carried out with the prayer “Our Father” being said while the wax is melting and “The Life-Giving Cross” in the process of pouring it into water.

You cannot remove damage on Sunday, fasting and church holidays. For men, the ceremony is carried out on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays, and for women - on Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays.

Using a chicken egg

The egg is considered a mystical product. In magic it is associated with the human soul, and ancient scientists believed that the creation of the world began with it. It contains many nutrients, but most importantly protein raw egg Reacts sensitively to disturbances in the human energy field.

After reading the “Our Father” three times, you need to break it into a jar of water and leave it at the head of the bed overnight. In the morning, the unclouded substance will demonstrate the absence of spoilage. If the white becomes cloudy, unfortunately, a harmful effect has been caused.

By taking 5-10 eggs, you can remove damage from a person. It is better to carry out the actions with an assistant, since the negative must be removed from every centimeter of the body. The ritual is performed before sunrise during the waning moon in a spacious room with an open window.

You need to light a church candle in front of the icon and sit in front of it, thinking about getting rid of damage. You should start rolling out from the head, taking the egg in your hand and slowly moving it clockwise over your head. Then repeat the same manipulations with the neck and shoulders. The egg in the right hand is drawn down from the shoulder to the foot. As soon as the egg becomes heavy, it is put aside, a new one is taken and the ritual continues.

Used eggs are broken and poured into a container filled with water. After this, they take it outside and bury the contents along with the shell in a secluded place. Upon completion, say the words: “Holy Land, created by God, take away the dirty slander, the bad damage, the terrible disease. Amen!"

After the first cleansing, a person will have the feeling that a heavy burden has been lifted from his shoulders. However, the ritual must be repeated every day for a week.

With salt

An effective and fairly simple method for removing spoilage at home is using salt. The same as in the ritual with chicken egg, you can determine the presence of negativity by throwing it into a glass with spring water a pinch of salt and leaving it at the head of the bed overnight. If the water becomes cloudy or changes color, it should be purified. Best time for him - on the waning moon.

A bowl with clean water. Three handfuls of salt are placed on it and they begin to heat it up. You need to stir the salt counterclockwise with a knife and at the same time read the spell 6 times: “Salt is white and pure, cleanse me (person’s name) from damage, evil eyes, love spells, spells, spells, slander on water, on food, on the wind, in the back, in the eyes. From the old and the old woman, from the young and the young, from the father and mother. Let it be so".

Scoop up water three times with your hands and splash it on your face so that it drips onto the salt. During the process they say: “Water-sister, you get caught in the heat, you disappear in the heat. This way, damage and evil eyes, love spells and lapels, conspiracies, slander on water, on food, in the wind, in the back, in the eyes will disappear. From the old and the old woman, from the young and the young, from the father and mother. Let it be so".

Then the salt is poured into water, and this solution is poured into the ground under the tree. In parting I should say: “Water, flow with white salt, and black spoil, and everything rotten with (person’s name). Yes, right down to the root. Yes, drink the root, drink the water, and take away the white salt, and the spoil will be black. Let it be so. Let it be so. Let it be so".

Using a pendulum

Determining the presence of damage with a pendulum is carried out on the young moon. It is a thread tied to one end silver ring without stones. You will also need a sheet of paper, a pencil, vegetable oil, a brush and church wax candles.

On a piece of paper, they schematically draw the figure of a person from whom the damage is being removed, without clothes. The word “no” is written to the left of it, and “yes” to the right. When reading the Lord's Prayer, they take a little vegetable oil and the drawn man is baptized three times.

Then, with a brush dipped in oil, they draw crosses on his forehead, stomach and shoulders, saying: “ I call you a servant of God (name of person). Today you will be for her. All her sores are your sores, all her troubles are your troubles, all her thoughts are your thoughts. Don’t hide anything, tell the whole truth, don’t bend your soul, don’t lie a word.”

4 candles are placed and lit in the corners of the table. On forefinger right hand wind a thread with a ring tied to it and read: “I’m not starting it for fun, not for idle curiosity, but to know all this for sure. Forgive me, Son of God Jesus Christ, Ever-Virgin Mary, seraphim and cherubim, angels and archangels, all holy wonderworkers, apostles and equals to the apostles, forgive me my sins and teach me life.”

Place the elbow of your right hand on the table and hold the pendulum over the word “yes.” You should ask him out loud whether he will tell the truth today. The "yes" sign is determined by the movement of the pendulum back and forth. If it stays in place or moves in a circle, it means no. The question will have to be repeated the next day until the answer is yes. Then they ask the question: “Is there damage to the person?” If the answer is negative, the pendulum is thanked, the sheet with the drawing is burned, and the ashes are thrown into the street.

If the answer is positive, the pendulum is held over the part of the body where the disease is concentrated and the following is said: “I remove the evil eye and damage, all the blackness, all the pain, all the pain, all the misfortunes (with the name of the body area) of the servant of God (name).” After confirmation from the pendulum that the damage has been removed, it is thanked, and the leaf is burned and the ashes are scattered.

First, nine burnt matches are thrown one after another into a small plate of running water. Each subsequent one is set on fire from the previous one and they say: “Not the ninth, not the eighth...” and so on until the end. If at least one of the matches stands vertically in the water, there is damage to the person. Its strength depends on the number of matches in this position.

Fire, like water, perfectly removes the consequences of negative influences. 12 matches are taken out of the new box, a wax candle is lit and placed on the table next to a white container without drawings. Knife with wooden handle cut off the heads with sulfur from the matches, put them in a plate and set them on fire from the candle flame.

At the same time they say: “Burn, smoke, burn the black eye. You are ashes, and to me (name of person), the world is bright. So and not otherwise.” Matches without heads are laid out around the candle and, looking at the flame, they read: “Oh my god! Wipe away from me or (person's name), twelve Silences, twelve stones, twelve ailments, twelve fatty, bone, crowbar, vein and half-vein! Keys and locks - into the water, fire - up the mountain! To your glory, Dazhbozhe, exactly!”

Next, with your left hand, you lift the matches one by one, light them and put them in a container with ashes from the burnt heads with sulfur. After the ritual is over, she is carried out and left at the X-shaped intersection, saying: “What is taken away is what is cursed. No return! Truly!

Through prayers

In Christianity, turning to sorcerers and causing damage is equated to turning to the devil. This is a terrible sin. The person on whom it was sent needs to attend church and, with the help of prayers, get rid of negative energy.

After 7 days of strict fasting, you can read a prayer to Jesus Christ while standing next to running water. The prayer is said once. Its effect will be the stronger the more people wants to get rid of damage.

By destroying the lining

Sometimes the actions of enemies make you think about how to remove damage from yourself and your home if strange objects - pads - were found on the threshold or in the home itself. They could be a bag of earth or salt, stuck pins or discarded rubber bands.

Some sorcerers pour earth from a cemetery onto the threshold or throw in the corpse of a mouse or other small animal. Made for these items strong conspiracy, and under no circumstances should you take them with your hands. The lining must be taken to a deserted place and burned to the ground. The sooner you can detect it and get rid of it, the less harm it will cause.

“Knot damage” is induced by tying earth or small objects from the cemetery into a new handkerchief. Such a lining should be thrown into the river with the words: “You, river, flow, take the lining-laying-laying with you. Leak, float, return his burden to the owner.”

Reading the Lord's Prayer and lighting a candle will help cleanse the house. church candle, with which you need to go around all the rooms. In places where the candle is about to crack or the wax on it turns black, it is worth staying longer.

Other methods

Some people, suspecting damage to themselves, turn to psychics. Not all of them are true professionals, therefore, having decided to take such a step, it is better to ask friends and acquaintances who have used his services about the “magician”.

You can remove the evil eye from yourself with the help of energy cleansing. First of all, you need to sincerely forgive the person who caused trouble. Revenge on him will not improve the situation. Next, everyone chooses a suitable method of cleansing for themselves: prayers, playing sports or hobbies, going on an exciting trip. Positive emotions burn out negativity.

How to protect yourself from the evil eye and damage

Christians attend churches and wear a church cross around their necks. They are confident in the protection of God. Many people put the faces of saints and written prayers in a case and carry them in a bag.

Famous sorcerers make and speak with their own hands protective amulets. If you believe in their power, they will help in case of dangerous exposure. Various talismans carved from semi-precious stones are also popular.

An ancient method, known to everyone without exception, is to insert a pin from the inside of the clothing, head down. Our ancestors considered it very effective.

The person’s kindness and absence of evil thoughts will weaken or nullify the evil influence. Negative energy will not linger near him, and the evil eye and damage will not stick.

You should not tell others about your successes and achievements. They can give rise to envy, and an acquaintance will unwittingly spoil the energy field, thinking badly about the interlocutor in their hearts.

Help and care correct karma. By showing them towards others, a person will not only gain friends, but also get rid of negativity.


In order not to think about how to remove the damage, it is worth remembering that there are embittered and disappointed people in the world. They may not show their feelings, but this will not change the situation. If being around someone is uncomfortable and uncomfortable, there is no point in continuing communication. It will not bring anything good, because it is almost impossible to change a person’s views and opinions.

Fortunately, there are many “bright” individuals around who will be happy to have friendly relations and will always support you in difficult situations. The world is not without good people, says the proverb. You need to have a positive attitude yourself. It attracts only happiness and good luck.

My name is Julia Jenny Norman, and I am an author of articles and books. I cooperate with the publishing houses "OLMA-PRESS" and "AST", as well as with glossy magazines. Currently helping to promote projects virtual reality. I have European roots, but most I spent my life in Moscow. There are many museums and exhibitions here that charge you with positivity and give inspiration. IN free time I study French medieval dances. I am interested in any information about that era. I offer you articles that can captivate you with a new hobby or simply give you pleasant moments. You need to dream about something beautiful, then it will come true!

Removing the damage yourself or getting rid of the evil eye at home will not be difficult. To remove damage and the evil eye, just select the desired magical ritual and follow all the instructions exactly.

Sometimes, completely unconsciously, we explain all our failures and bad luck as damage or the evil eye. This is usually done as a joke. But in every joke, as they say, there is a grain of joke, and the rest is true.

The evil eye and damage have scientific explanation. And the science that studies energy-information exchange is called eniology. It is believed that thought is material.

And if positive thoughts are not just pleasant for a person, but also have a beneficial effect on his well-being and the people around him, then hostile and negative thoughts are a real blow that can pierce a person’s energy shell, leaving a hole in it.

This kind of hole is not in the best possible way affects a person’s condition, his well-being and sensations. There are many magical ways to remove damage and the evil eye yourself, at home.

However, first, you need to understand the difference between these negative influences, and only then look for signs of damage to a person or the effect of the evil eye.

Distinguishing between two strong negative influences

Damage and the evil eye belong to black magic. The main difference between them is their intentionality. If damage is caused to someone specifically with the help of a black ritual, then the evil eye is created unconsciously and can be done by a person who has too strong energy.

Damage is most often caused to the following areas of a person’s life:

  • health;
  • happiness;
  • death;
  • luck or luck;
  • loneliness.

The evil eye is usually most noticeable in the area that the “evil eye” person envied. Even if it is believed that these two effects are quite strong, you can remove them yourself.

How to remove damage and the evil eye - rites and rituals

Ritual with salt

You can independently remove the evil eye and damage at home using ordinary salt.

The strong energy of this product allows you to get rid of negative influence pretty quickly.

The ritual must be performed for seven days in a row; under no circumstances should you miss a single day.

To remove any negative impact, the “spoiled” person must hold salt in his hands and read the following plot:

“Save me, save me, white salt, pure salt!

You need to repeat the words of the spell three times, after which this salt should be thrown away as far as possible from the house. Relief usually occurs after two to three days of performing the ritual.

However, it is best to do it for seven days. This way the result will be fixed and the evil eye will go away forever.

Ritual for water

You can remove damage and get rid of the evil eye yourself using water.

To perform this ritual, it is best to collect spring or holy church water. If this is not possible, then you can use rainwater.

In addition to water, you will need three matches from a new box. The ritual should be done on the waning moon, but if this is not possible, then give preference to Sunday.

At noon, water is poured into the jar and the spell is read on it:

“Clean water, pure blood, save and preserve the servant of God (name of the corrupted one)
From the evil eye, from a bad hour, from the hated and bad.

After reading the plot, the water is baptized three times with a burning match, and the burned part of it is broken off into the water. This ritual is repeated with each of the three matches. Now the patient needs to be sprinkled with this water and given to drink several times a day. It will be possible to remove the damage and remove the evil eye after several sessions.

Ritual at the crossroads

This ritual will help get rid of damage and the evil eye, but you can only remove the negative impact from yourself. For the ritual you will need four coins of medium denomination white. At dawn, with coins you need to go to a deserted intersection, where a conspiracy is read on each side:

“I’m reading a conspiracy against damage and the evil eye, for every line.
Black devils, take everything bad from me, take it away,
In dark forests, in deep rivers, in distant distances.
So that health and strength return, luck and luck return.
I didn’t come to you empty-handed, here’s some coins,
Yes, help me.

After reading the plot, you need to throw one of the coins in the direction in which the ritual was read.

Everything is repeated with each side separately. You can remove the damage and the evil eye almost immediately, relief will come the next day. However, if a very serious curse was being created or damage was done to death, you will have to repeat the ritual twice more.

Get rid of black magic done by a professional magician, or remove the dark influence energetically strong man It will be a little more difficult on your own. But if you believe in the result, then everything will definitely stabilize.

Birch ritual

To remove magical influence negative character and get rid of the evil eye and damage, you can do a ritual on a birch tree. It is performed at dawn. On a street where there is no one, you need to find a birch tree and read the spell on it:

“White birch, beautiful birch. Everyone envy and admire her.
She is not afraid of wind, rain, slush, or thunderstorms.
So that I wouldn’t be so afraid of anything, and that everything that was bad would go nowhere.

The plot is repeated three times, after which you need to leave without looking back. If you don’t feel better the next day, repeat the ritual several more times. Sometimes it may take time to remove damage and get rid of the evil eye.

Ritual for bread

You can get rid of the negative black influence by performing a ritual with bread. To complete this, you will need a piece of black bread, on which the plot is read:

“Heaven is my father, earth is my mother, bread is the breadwinner and the main helper.
Help, take the evil eye away from me.
Give me wisdom, but not cunning.

You need to repeat the words three times, after which, in order to get rid of damage or remove the evil eye, you need to eat bread. Depending on the strength of the impact, you may have to repeat the ritual.

As can be seen from what is described above, removing damage and the evil eye on your own is not so difficult. It is very important to believe in a positive resolution to your situation and the power of a magical ritual.

Any impact is based on faith in its effectiveness!

So, if you do the ritual without hoping for a result, you will not be able to remove the negative impact. Carefully follow all the wishes and instructions of the ritual, and happiness and prosperity will return to your life.

The birth of an article with such a title was not due to chance. Many letters arrive in the mail with cries and pleas for help. But when it comes to paying for our services, many who want to get rid of their auric and life problems disappear, believing that they have the right to force another person to work absolutely free of charge.

Yes, imagine, helping other people is also work. And it’s very strange that someone thinks that the presence of some magical abilities and talent should not be paid. For some reason, the work of an artist, poet and writer, and that same artist, is paid. This is not even worth asking. And specific assistance in difficult situations, according to some, should be provided free of charge.

Are you ready to work for free?

I'll remove the damage for free

This happens often on the Internet today. Yes, a tempting offer. Why not turn if your field there, corrupted by years of unrighteous life, lies, insults, lack of humility and many other moments that attract negative programs, will be cleaned and restored. And they won’t charge anything for this, as they write about it, but only a certain amount for consumables. Why not turn to someone who, without payment, free of charge, is ready to take responsibility for everything and save you from suffering?

There are several possible answers as to why you shouldn’t apply for free damage removal:

  • I’ll remove the damage for free – is it really that free? In fact, you will be asked to reimburse the costs of the materials used for the ritual. And this is far from a hundred or a thousand rubles. Therefore, in principle, where they offer to rent for free negative program, but with the payment for consumables, they essentially charge you the same tariff.
  • It is impossible to remove damage for free. Because between the esoteric psychic (whoever he is: a magician, sorcerer, master of cosmoenergetics, shaman, bioenergeticist or Reiki master) and the client, an energy channel-corridor is built, which can only be closed by monetary settlement. They didn’t pay the esotericist money, which means they left this channel open. And according to open channel Energy, health, well-being, and career will leave you. It’s not for nothing that they say that it’s free – the devil pays. And the demon appears not because of the esoteric practitioner, but because of the client who did not pay for the work. In fact, in the end, you will be forced to pay for the work - but what price the demon will take for it, and how long it will last, is also unknown. What about grandmothers, you say. — They treat “conditionally” free of charge. How can they be satisfied with what they bring for “treatment”?

Yes, there is such a category of “psychics” - healers, midwives, healers who heal with spells and prayers. As a rule, these are esotericists of small strength who will never take on the task of removing damage. To treat a baby’s hernia or a fright, “speak” is welcome. But they cannot cope with more serious problems. Their services, of course, also cost money, but they don’t charge much (sometimes even in food, although there are extremely few of those left).

Why do they charge little? Yes, because they understand that they are not given the opportunity to change much, and they simply cannot take more for their services, for they were appointed from above to work off their own sins, otherwise they will not be allowed into the kingdom of heaven. The gift-obligation is revealed, as a rule, after 40-45, or even after 50, even if it is inherited. And in full height They begin to help people already at retirement age, that is, having financial support from the state.

The first step to changing the state of the biofield and the state of affairs is diagnosing damage. That is, you should not do something and try to remove it if the presence has not yet been determined negative impact. Why look for a black cat in a dark but empty room. Although according to...

  • We remove damage for free. This can only be offered by unprofessionals and scammers who, under the guise of work, can sell you cheap amulets for a lot of money. Maybe we will tell you a secret, or maybe you understand it yourself, that there are no amulets that are 100% protective. That is, amulets, amulets and other elements of protection themselves have a place. But they cannot work endlessly. This is also a question of energy and the ability of amulets to accumulate it (and far from positive). Sooner or later (and as practice shows, this is at most three to six months) an amulet of any strength becomes an ordinary trinket, which is best to get rid of as soon as possible. Otherwise, all the negativity accumulated by the amulet will affect your field in a far from positive way.
  • I'll remove the damage for free. Another category of persons can promise this. They seriously engage in magic, and the blackest kind at that. The price of their strength is human souls, which they “buy” with offers to provide some services for free. Would you like to get to such an esotericist? Hardly. But if you apply for free initially, you will never know that the magician will take your soul for his help.

How to remove damage, evil eye or other negative program for free?

In fact, there is a way to do this at no cost to you. He is the only one and represents independent work over your field. If you still have strength and some knowledge in this area, if you know for sure that you have a destructive program running, you can try to get rid of it yourself. There are several ways to remove damage yourself. But we consider only two to be the most effective:

  • Technique 77 eggs. Only fresh eggs are needed from domestic chicken, which were not in the refrigerator. First, we fast for 7 days, after which we begin the ritual. Before going to bed, take a church candle, one egg and a cup of water (preferably a half-liter jar half filled with water). Light a candle, read Psalm 90 seven times, break an egg into a cup or jar of water, put out the candle, put the cup at the head of your head and go to bed. The next morning, pour it out of the jar into the toilet or somewhere where people don’t go. Repeat the ritual 76 more times.
  • Technology 77 cases. The point is to do 77 unusual and non-repetitive things for 77 days that will help change your life. Things should not be repeated not only within one day, but also at least within one week, that is, seven days. At first glance, this is very difficult. But if you think through everything in advance and write down things in advance for several days, or even better for all 77 days, then you can easily avoid repetitions. By the way, not only some global actions are suitable as actions. If it’s unusual for you to eat with your left hand, eat with a fork and knife, or something similar, then you can write them down as unusual and non-repetitive tasks.

Whether the damage is lifted or not, you will also feel it yourself (there should be physical relief and an improvement in life). But this is not the main thing. You need to contact specialists so that they can provide you with protection.

Very often, the cause of failures, failure to achieve goals, constant disappointments, illnesses, misfortunes can be a specific magical effect or curse that is sent to a person or his family, a substitution of essence.

Damage exists and has a destructive effect, regardless of whether a person believes or not believes in it. Just as radiation is invisible and destructive, damage quickly and inevitably spoils life and health.

Damage should not be confused with the evil eye. The evil eye is a slight, voluntary or involuntary, defeat of the subtle body of one person to another. Envy, mistrust, desire for a person to fail, this is also essentially an evil eye. The evil eye usually goes away on its own within a few days if the person has a strong enough energy immunity.

Damage is always done deliberately. Either independently by a person who has the capabilities and knowledge necessary to carry it out, or through an order to a person who knows how to do damage. Those. it is always a deliberate action on which money, time and energy are spent.

Corruption is essentially a forcible introduction into thin body a person of alien and negative energy in any of its manifestations.

Damage can be done to the death of a person, to health, to business, to loneliness (the seal of loneliness), to unmarriage (the crown of celibacy), to potency in men and to many other areas of life.

It is very rare that a “well-aimed hit” is diagnosed when, for example, a spell is cast on poverty and only this aspect of a person’s life suffers. Usually, corrupt energy quickly and “successfully” affects other areas of a person’s life, growing in him like mold.

In this case, not only a person’s life is destroyed, but also his health. Things fall Apart.

Love spell damage, the so-called love spell, is very common. A love spell is a forcibly implanted attraction of one person to another. Moreover, the customer of the love spell can be a third person, not necessarily the one for whom the love spell is ordered. And a love spell is not necessary love theme, very often use, for example, business or political love spells to create the desired chain of “connected” people.

Before planting a love spell, like any other forced direction of a person’s way of thinking and choice, the victim is weakened. Which in itself is already damage. And then they set the “direction of movement”. The consequence will be severe destruction of a person’s personality and health.

For example, bewitched men are very often nervous, aggressive, drinkers, and have problematic potency.

In my practice, a situation very often occurs when the customer of a love spell takes care of the desired man (or woman) and a lighter version of the love spell is placed on him, but damage falls on his (her) half with all its might in order to get the opponent out of the way.

A curse is very close in its destructive effect on a person’s life to damage.

The main difference between a curse and damage is that, firstly, a curse is not of a ritual nature; it is cursed in a state of strong emotional state, as they say “with all my heart,” and secondly, a curse is often applied to generations of people (tribal).

The strongest curse can be cast by the most a common person. If the Higher Powers consider his anger and claim against the offender to be fair and justified, they will skip the curse. And the offender alone or with generations of his descendants will cruelly pay for the insult.

If a person curses others unreasonably, out of malice, he himself will suffer.

In human energy there may be a so-called subdivision. When the essence itself various types by the will of a person or with the “help” of other people, they penetrate into a person’s energy.
An entity always lives at the expense of a person’s energy, while he has no energy for anything, nothing in life goes well, sometimes a rational entity replaces the human mind with its mind. In this situation, it may seem that one person is with you, and a second later a completely different one, the person changes radically, then returns again to the previous state. This is a sign that a rational essence lives in a person.
Irina diagnoses and removes energy negativity at any distance. It doesn’t matter at all whether the person is in front of Irina or many hundreds of kilometers away. There is no distance for energy.
When removing energy negativity remotely, it is advisable for the person to remain indoors for an hour and not perform actions that require concentration. There may be slight dizziness, heaviness in the legs... These symptoms pass very quickly, within 15-20 minutes.
It is necessary to remove damage, a curse, or pull out an entity when moving in. Energy negativity, like mold, grows in a person and begins to devour energy. And if the energy system is not in order, a person will experience undesirable events in life and suffer from health problems.
You need to understand that recovery after the removal of damage, a curse or a settlement does not happen immediately. After removing the tumor, a wound is formed, a hole in the human physical body, and it is necessary to stitch it up, connect all systems: nerve fibers, bone and muscle tissue so that the human physical body functions normally, and give time for recovery. Also, after removing energy negativity, an energy hole (energy wound) is formed. It is very important not only to cleanse the person, but also to close this hole and restore the integrity of the person’s energy shell. Fill it and harmonize it in such a way that a person’s physical health and life events improve in all aspects. In order for life to be fulfilling and bring joy.
The recovery period does not happen instantly; it requires some time period - sometimes a week, sometimes a month, and maybe up to a year, depending on how badly the person was affected.
Extremely important positive thinking after removing the energy negativity. This significantly speeds up the recovery process; a lot depends on the person himself. Irina works with energy, but if a person continues to think negatively, this can significantly slow down the recovery process.