Gabriella: voice from Brazil. "The Voice" Star Gabriella: My Husband Gives Me Freedom! — Show business in Russia and Brazil is very different

Participant fourth season show “The Voice” Gabriella da Silva underwent plastic surgery - she enlarged her buttocks and also reduced her stomach using liposuction with surgeon Seymur Aliyev. After the birth of two children, the singer’s roundness lost its former shape. For this reason, the Brazilian decided to go under the surgeon’s knife.

“I always thought that good plastic It’s only in Brazil, but no,” Gabriella shared with StarHit. – Once I saw a friend’s perfect belly. I asked if she had liposuction. She confirmed and recommended Russian doctor Seymur Aliyev. I decided not only to make my belly bigger, but also to enlarge my butt.”

After the operation, the singer lay for two days, only on her stomach, she was very ill. “The first week was very difficult,” says the singer. – My butt was huge after the operation, then the swelling went away, and now it’s round and neat. And my stomach became like that of an athlete. Everything turned out very beautifully and neatly. There are still bruises, but they are small. It was also difficult because after such a surgical intervention you cannot sit for two weeks. Just lie down. Throughout this time, weakness and discomfort were present. But I am very pleased with the result. Now I consider Russia a country of skilled craftsmen.”

Previously, Gabriella had already resorted to the services plastic surgery. The star does not hide the fact that she decided to intervene in order to change her breasts.

“It’s cool when it’s possible to correct deficiencies surgically,” the singer told StarHit. – In Brazil, breast enlargement is generally considered the norm, and no one hides it. Why not, if it adds charm to a woman and makes her more attractive.”

We also add that Gabriella always pays close attention to how she looks. To maintain her beauty, she regularly turns to cosmetologists, but chooses only those masters whom she can trust. She believes that every person is beautiful in their own way, and therefore their individuality should be emphasized.

Recall that Gabriella, a participant in the fourth season of the show “The Voice,” was born in Rio de Janeiro, where she later became famous singer. In 2008, the performer came to Moscow on tour, where she met her future husband, businessman Vitaly Chekulaev. Their romance developed so rapidly that in 2009 the lovers got married in Rio de Janeiro. And in 2010, the couple had a daughter. IN currently The TV star lives in Russia.

Gabriella(port. Gabriella; real name - Ana Lucia Gomez da Silva(port. Ana Lucia Gomez da Silva; born July 6, 1984, Rio de Janeiro) - Brazilian singer.



WITH early childhood participated in various television programs, shows and concerts.

At the age of 12 she performed throughout Rio de Janeiro as part of the group Adilson e a Gangue. A year later, one of the country's largest recording studios, PolyGram Records, signed a contract with the young performer, under which Gabriella performed and recorded with groups such as Banda Abada and Sinais do Tempo.

She gained her first experience on television at the age of 14, participating in international competition young performers Raul Gil (Record), where she was recognized as the best young singer of Rio de Janeiro. Starting at the age of 16, she took part in popular music shows on Brazilian television, namely A Cara do Rio (BAND), Festa na TV (CNT), Celeste Gomes (Canal 14 da NET), Canta e Danca (SBT), etc.

Adult years

At the age of 21, she already had live performances on the largest radio stations in Brazil: Radio Tupi FM, FM o Dia and Mania FM. Gabriella's concerts took place at the most famous and capacious concert venues Rio de Janeiro, such as Rio Sampa, Asa Branca, Luso Brasileiro, Beats House, Via show, Ilhas dos pescadores, Lonas Culturais and received positive reviews in the print publications “O extra”, “O dia”, “O povo” , "Jornal de madureira" and "Baladas". It was Gabriella who was invited to open the concert famous group Latin America Banda Eva, with whom two songs were performed as a duet. The concert was attended by more than 80,000 spectators. The triumphant show was followed by constant tours throughout Brazil (Sao Paulo, Minas Gerais, Espirito santo).

In 2009, Gabriella released the album Me Aceita (Accept me (as I am)) in Portuguese.

In August 2010 she participated in New Wave as a contestant, and in 2012 and 2013 she was already present as a guest.

In the summer of 2010, filming of the video clip for the first joint song Gabriella and Chris Powell "James Bond 00". The role of James Bond in the video was played by Russian fashion designer Igor Gulyaev. Filming the video took 4 shooting days and took place on 7 film sets. For the role of Gabriella, 6 images were specially developed. 4 cars were involved in the video total cost about 2 million dollars (Bentley GT Continental + Spyker C8 + Porsche Cayenne Mansory), as well as an exclusive hand-built motorcycle from the company “Fine Custom Mechanics”.

On December 30, 2010, Gabriella performed at the gala reception of the President of the Russian Federation at the State Kremlin Palace on the occasion of the New Year 2011. Her duet with Sergei Mazaev “Samba past love"was appreciated. After the performance, the singer was personally introduced to the President of the Russian Federation D.A. Medvedev.

In 2015, at the “blind” auditions, Gabriella performed the song Lambada and became a participant in the show “The Voice Season 4” in the team of rapper Basta. ..

Since 2015, Gabriella has been the face of the SnS brand.

In the summer of 2016, she presented to the public her line of fitness clothing, which is sewn according to the singer’s idea in Brazil.

In August 2016, Gabriella released the single “My Hero,” which premiered on the “Dom 2” program.

Now the singer is actively working on the release of her first Russian-language album.

Social activities and awards

In early 2006, Gabriella won first place in the annual music festival Music (Rio de Janeiro), beating more than 80 applicants. Her talent and efficiency have become known far beyond her homeland - since mid-2006, the singer has been touring all over the world, and at the same time taking part in major cultural and musical events Brazil.

On March 8, 2008, she was awarded the title and certificate of honorary citizen of Rio de Janeiro for her high contribution to the development of Brazilian culture. The document was handed over at an official presentation ceremony from the Government of Rio de Janeiro and entered into the city register.

On May 14, 2010, at the Ritz Carlton hotel during a forum of Russian and Brazilian entrepreneurs, the singer met the President of Brazil, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, who expressed gratitude to Gabriella for her assistance in bringing the countries of Russia and Brazil closer together. The singer was one of the ideologists and organizers dinner party in honor of the abolition of the visa regime between the two countries, which took place on June 23, 2010 in the Prado cafe, and became an unofficial ambassador of peace in Russia from Brazil.

Gabriella does charity work, but does not advertise it.

The singer is especially sensitive to her song dedicated to street children Crianas carentes (Street Children). The singer wrote it when she was still just a child. Subsequently, this composition became the anthem of all schools in Rio de Janeiro.

Currently, Gabriella has recorded it with Russian children from the famous “Republic KIDS” and presented it to the Russian public.

Personal life

In 2008, Gabriella came to Moscow on tour, where she met her future husband, businessman Vitaly Chekulaev. In 2009, a wedding took place in Rio de Janeiro.

In 2010, a daughter was born. According to Brazilian tradition, the child's surname must consist of the mother's and father's, so the daughter was named Gabriella Vitalievna Gomez da Silva Chekulaeva. Three years later, a son, Mikael Vitalievich Gomez da Silva Chekulaev, was born. Children speak three languages: Portuguese, Russian and English.

The Brazilian singer Gabriella is a spectacular and vibrant artist; in addition, not so long ago she was awarded the title “ honorable Sir"of the city of Rio de Janeiro with entry into the city book of honor and has repeatedly confirmed its title " Best Voice Rio de Janeiro".

For Russia, Gabriella presented her talent at the international competition " New wave", where she became a finalist.

On December 30, 2010, Gabriella performed at the gala reception of the President of the Russian Federation at the State Kremlin Palace on the occasion of the New Year 2011. Gabriella's duet with Sergei Mazaev "Samba of Past Love" was appreciated by the Government Russian Federation, and, of course, the President himself.

After the performance, Gabriella was personally introduced to the President of the Russian Federation D. A. Medvedev. And for several years now, Gabriella has been a regular guest and participant in New Year’s receptions at the State
Kremlin Palace.

Gabriella's music has an undeniable temperament, its own heart and soul. Refined and at the same time understandable and close to everyone, Gabriella amazes with her creativity and personal energy, inspiring and delighting already 2 huge continents.

- Gabriella, tell us about yourself, how did the Brazilian singer stay to live and work in Russia?

Started her career in hometown Rio de Janeiro when I was 7 years old. At 12 she was already performing under the banner of the largest record company PolyGram. In Russia, I performed for the first time at the international competition “New Wave”, where I became a finalist and later continued my career in Russia.

On the one hand, this is very honorable and significant. On the other hand, this is a great responsibility, which does not give any room for error. I started singing on stage at the age of 7. I earned this title at the age of 23. My school was constant concerts. Vocational education I have no. My technique was formed during numerous performances. And, of course, I have hearing. But I know that my potential is much greater, so I will definitely continue to study. Although many people don’t believe that I never studied this professionally.

In my family, my aunt on my mother’s side was a professional singer. And my grandfather was a conductor. So I come from an artistic family.

- Yours the main objective– popularity, love of the public or just singing? Who is your most grateful audience?

My dream is public recognition! And most importantly, perform in front of a large audience. It is very important for me to always sing. If I don't sing for a month, I get depressed. After all, this is the only thing I know how to do and my audience is my oxygen.

Both children and adults - all those who like my work.

- What difficulties did you have to cope with in Russia?

At first it was very difficult for me due to my lack of knowledge of the Russian language. But for last couple Over the years I have become better at speaking Russian. And I can even quite safely participate in various television talk shows. Previously, this was unthinkable for me. Of course, the career of a singer is not the easiest profession. But I love my job and have been doing this since childhood. So any difficulties can be overcome.

- Gabriela, what attracts you to Russia?

I really like the culture and architecture of Russia. A very diverse and interesting people. I think Russian girls are the most beautiful!

- Now, looking back, do you regret staying in Russia?

I don't regret it at all. After all, I have a wonderful family and a job I love. What else is needed for happiness?)) Of course, at first it was very difficult for me in Russia, especially in winter. But, over time, I got used to it, I started working, made friends and felt at home! But I still miss my native Rio De Janeiro. Therefore, I try to fly to Brazil 1-2 times a year.

- Tell us how your personal life developed in Moscow? Tell us about your family?

I ended up here precisely because of my personal life. I could never imagine that I would live in Moscow. I met my future husband while touring Europe with a Brazilian show. And after 2 years no simple novel when we flew towards each other, crossing the floor globe, I moved to Moscow.

Today we have two wonderful children. Eldest daughter- Gabriella (5 years old) and son Mikael (2 years old). My mother often flies to Moscow to visit us, and we try to fly to Brazil with the whole family so that the children know about their second homeland.

- Do you have a hobby?

Trips. When there is something rare free time, I'm trying to go to some new place. It helps me to relax and gain strength.

- Who works on your style? What clothes do you prefer on stage and in everyday life?

Now I do my own style. Previously, I had a stylist Oleg Tarnopolsky, who taught me a lot. For this I am very grateful to him. I always choose a sexy and comfortable style. I can't wear low-soled shoes. Always only high heels. My stage costumes very bright and extravagant and very different from everyday clothes.

- Tell us what is happening in your life now, including your creative life?

Now I'm working on a Russian-language album. In the next month I will present my first work in Russian. This is a very sensual and emotional song called "Stop Me". And a little later I will have a very interesting duet With domestic performer. With whom exactly, I will leave it a secret for now.

True love overcomes all obstacles - ignorance of local customs, language and distances. “Domashny Ochag” talked about love and family with “The Voice” show participant Gabriella and her husband Vitaly.

Vitaly: I saw Gabriella on stage in a restaurant. Arrived in Moscow brazilian show, there are thirty-seven people on stage, everything is very beautiful, and suddenly she comes out and starts singing. At that moment everything inside me turned upside down.

True, when her partner started singing, I decided that they were a couple, well, people can’t sing like that if they don’t love each other! Okay, I think I’ll come over after the speech and just say thank you. They stood together on the street. I walked up and started speaking in English, but Gabriella didn’t understand. Then this guy, Nerish, gets involved, and very quickly, at some points in his speech, I begin to suspect that he is of little interest to women, he is from a different category of men. It turned out, indeed, that he was just her friend and partner.

Gabriella then, like many foreigners, was afraid of Russians, thinking that they were aggressive and dangerous. And when I invited her to ride around Moscow, she took Nerish with her. As a translator and as a bodyguard. For three weeks he rode with us everywhere, then he got tired of it and said: enough, let’s do it ourselves, I have my own cultural program. In these three weeks I learned 30 Portuguese words. Gabriella showed objects on her fingers and named them, but it was difficult with intangible words. And yet, soon we began to real romance. Interesting: before that, it had never occurred to me to introduce my parents to my friend. And a week after meeting Gabriella, I wanted to show her to my family. It was summer, everyone was at the dacha, both grandparents. I called and warned that I was coming with very exotic friends. Of course, the relatives did not expect it and they were shocked, but rather of a joyful nature. My mother was crazy about Gabriella from the first minutes, not knowing the language, they somehow began to communicate...

Gabriella: I was afraid to get to know each other, but all my apprehensions and fears went away instantly. His family immediately hugged me, accepted me, and I felt absolutely comfortable with them.

Vitaly: Yes, and in a month she had to fly home. I remember well how we walked through the airport, I saw her off. Gabriella then looked completely exotic - searing black hair, bright clothes, a typical Brazilian. I look at her and hear inside everything that my friends told me: “Vital, you are no longer a little naive boy, she will fly away to her place in Rio de Janeiro, she has her own life, family, she is a singer, and you are a serious person and so far away in Moscow... Well, yes, we indulged for two months, like a holiday romance, but you have no future...” And suddenly I feel hurt to the point of tears: how is there no future?! Fuck you all! I don't want it to be now last time when I see her. She flew away, and we began a period of daily calls on Skype and by phone, with crazy bills. Then I couldn’t stand it and flew to Brazil.

Nerish also warned me: if you have serious plans for Gabriella, you will face a big problem called “her mother.” Gabriela has four sisters, she is the fifth, youngest, and her mother loves her madly!

Gabriella: Yes, my mother was very worried when we first started dating. But she never forbade me anything, she only supported me and this time she said: “Daughter, if you love me, I agree.” Then she met Vitaly, saw that he was a serious person, from a good family, and calmed down.

Vitaly: That time I said I loved her. He asked: “Please come with me to Moscow.” She arrived. And three months later she ran away...

Gabriella: It was very difficult for me during these three months, there was real depression. I don’t speak Russian, I have no friends, I have no work - I didn’t sing at that time, I’m sitting at home, I can’t even watch TV, because I don’t understand anything. We only communicate with my mother on the phone, that’s all. Yes, we went out somewhere with Vitaly, but he sat down with friends and seemed to forget about me, talking only to them. It was very lonely.

Vitaly: I didn't think about it! And then she says: I need to fly to my mother for two weeks. She deceived me because then she already knew that she did not want to return. And she flew away. Two weeks pass, I call to find out when to get tickets, and she says: “I won’t be back.”

Gabriella: I told him everything I was going through, how bad I felt. He called for two months, we talked, but I still couldn’t say whether I’d come back... And then he arrived again.

Vitaly: I was in shock, I couldn’t believe that she had deceived me. All my life I’ve been used to controlling everything, but she just did it her way! But during the time when I demanded a return date from her, I rethought a lot, and how a man grew during this time. I heard what was bothering her, I had time to analyze my mistakes and come to her as a different person. On that visit, I realized that I wanted to propose. I just felt like I might lose her, and I was very afraid of it.

We sailed on a big boat - with Gabriella, her mother and my friends, who then flew with me to Brazil for company. The music was playing, I took the microphone and asked for her hand in front of everyone. Everyone clapped, it was very touching. And six months later, there, in Rio de Janeiro, we had a wedding. I told her then: “I give you my man’s word that we will take care of your career, you will sing.”

Gabriella: I didn’t think about a career, I just had to sing, I’ve been singing since I was seven, this is my life. I am lucky that Vitaly not only understands that this is important for me, but also helps. I tell him all the time: “Thank you for being like this. good husband" His parents raised him that way. And he is also a very good dad.

Vitaly: The daughter is six years old, the son is three years old. They speak three languages: we communicate with each other in Portuguese, with the children in Portuguese and Russian, and our nanny is Filipino and speaks excellent English, so English is almost native to the children.

When my daughter was born, I really didn’t want to be present at the birth, but I had to - the doctor needed a translator. Then I chose a position so as not to see anything, rested my head against the wall and, without looking, translated what I heard. This is how our little Gabriella was born. It was the same with my son, although my wife already spoke decent Russian, but with me she felt calmer.

It was funny when we registered our daughter at the registry office. They ask: “What surname will the girl have?” I say: “Chekulaeva, of course.” And suddenly the wife starts crying. What's happened? It turns out that according to their traditions, the surname should consist of the mother’s and father’s, and if I don’t want the mother’s, it means I don’t love my wife. So our children became Gabriella Vitalievna Gomez da Silva Chekulaeva and Mikael Vitalievich Gomez da Silva Chekulaev. I never thought that feelings could become stronger over the years. But that’s how it worked out for us. I love my wife more now than in the early years.

Gabriella: He and I are very similar, we are halves. Of course, we fight sometimes, I’m temperamental, and he’s temperamental, although he doesn’t admit it. They used to shout - both in Portuguese and Russian. Now we have become wiser and quieter, as soon as the wave begins, we try to relax. We believe in positive and negative energy. Whatever you feel is how it will work. If one of us is sad and gives up, the other one says: look to tomorrow, everything will be fine! Indeed, everything is going well.

Vitaly: When we were just planning how we would build her career as a singer, those same friends of mine said: “Vitalya, Vitalya... Well, where are you going, what kind of show business! There, millions need to be poured in constantly, and it is unknown whether there will be a result!” Now look what a wonderful result we have!

I fell in love with her when I saw her on stage and heard her sing. And her dream became my dream. I believed in her, and when you love and believe, everything works out.

Singer Gabriella moved from Brazil to Moscow six years ago. In an interview with OK! she talked about what she misses most about Russia and what beauty standards are accepted in her homeland.

Photo: DR

Gabriella learned what a stage was at the age of seven. The talented girl was invited to participate in concerts and television programs; at the age of twelve she performed with her own group, and at fourteen she won a competition for young performers in Rio de Janeiro. A couple of years later she was already filling entire stadiums and participating in various music shows. In short, the girl managed to become famous throughout Brazil even before she came of age. Gabriella became known to Russian audiences after the New Wave competition, in which the bright Latina reached the finals. However, winning a competition is not a sufficient reason to move to another country. According to the singer, main reason Her move to Russia was the love she met in Moscow. As time has shown, Gabriella made the right choice - her career in Russia began to gain momentum: the song “Samba of Past Love,” performed in a duet with Sergei Mazaev at a New Year’s concert at the State Kremlin Palace, was remembered by Dmitry Medvedev, who at that time was the President of the Russian Federation. Since then, Gabriella has become a regular participant in New Year's receptions in the Kremlin.

As far as I know, Gabriella is your stage name. And her real name is Ana Lucia. How are you addressed in Everyday life?

Gabriella. When I started working in Russia, I realized that Anna is a very popular name here. And then I decided to take a pseudonym. In general, I always loved this name, I even named my daughter that.

You already have two children. Did you somehow get back in shape after giving birth, or do you have a genetically good figure?

Yes, I also have a son, he is now two years old. I am a singer, I perform on stage, so, of course, I have to work on myself. No one will forgive you for cellulite just because you are a mother of two children. I do fitness and dance, I don’t eat bread, I drink a lot of water. True, I can’t give up meat and in general I really like to eat delicious food.

Do you miss any products that you cannot buy in our stores?

I especially miss black beans, which are used to prepare one of Brazil's national dishes, feijoada. At home we eat it every day, but here we can’t cook it.

Beans are a fairly high-calorie product...

Yes, but here’s what’s surprising: in Brazil I lose weight, even if I eat beans every day, but in Moscow I always gain weight. By the way, this happens not only to me, but also to many of my Brazilian friends living in Russia. I think this is due to the climatic conditions: it’s hot there, and we really like to walk. It’s mostly cold here, and people mostly travel by car. Apparently the metabolism is slowing down.

I can’t help but ask about a currently fashionable product - acai berries, whose homeland is Brazil. Do you eat them yourself?

Certainly! But they are very high in calories. In Brazil, they are consumed mainly by athletes, as these berries help build mass. I try to eat less of them, although they are very tasty.

Do you think women in Russia and Brazil take care of their appearance differently?

In Russia, women take great care of themselves; you have a lot of slim and fit women. We love women in their bodies, so the vast majority of girls have prominent breasts and butts. ( Smiling.) Brazilians, like Russians, take care of their bodies: they go to cosmetologists, massage therapists, and love sports. Men, by the way, cannot imagine life without football on the beach. We like to be close to nature.

Since we're talking about walks outdoors, tell me, do you think about sunscreen while in Russia?

I never even thought about them at home. ( Laughs.) In Russia, I actively use only moisturizing cream, three to four times a day - I have very dry skin.

Which cream is your favorite?

The one that comes to hand. I don’t remember names and don’t understand brands at all!

And if some brand offered you an advertising contract, would you accept?

Yes, sure! Especially if it is some kind of skin care product - face masks or something anti-cellulite. ( Smiling.)

I heard that in Brazil, many parents give their daughters... silicone breasts when they reach adulthood.

Is this an inexpensive procedure?

It all depends on the clinic and the professionalism of the doctor. Prices vary greatly, but it's definitely not worth saving. In general, in Brazil they do such operations very well, I think there are few dissatisfied people. I recently changed my implants: firstly, ten years have already passed since I got them, and secondly, after giving birth they became very hard.

I looked through the statistics: Brazil is one of the leading countries in the production of nail polishes. Is love for bright manicures and pedicures in your blood?

This is the easiest way to change yourself almost every day: repaint your nails and your mood improves. Besides most years, we wear open shoes - apparently, that’s why we “consume” polishes in such large quantities.

  • Waterproof mascara Haute & Naughty Mascara, M.A.C.
  • Lip gloss Dazzleglass (Sugarrimmed), M.A.C.
  • Eyeliner Smolder, M.A.C.
  • Lip gloss Aqualumière Gloss (91 Tutu), Chanel
  • Pressed pigment (Jet Couture), M.A.C.
  • Eyeshadow Les 4 Ombres (Tissé Rhapsodie), Chanel
  • Absolut Repair Lipidium Shampoo, L’Oréal Professionnel
  • Conditioner Absolut Repair Lipidium, L’Oréal Professionnel
  • Bronzing powder Bronzing Powder (Matte Bronze), M.A.C.
  • Diorskin Airflash Spray Foundation, Dior