Years according to the Chinese horoscope. Mysterious and sensible Scorpio. Year of the Fire Monkey

IN eastern countries To determine a person’s character traits, a horoscope is used, which represents 12 signs in the form of animals. Each of these animals is associated with a specific year and element. People born in the same year have similar temperaments and similar fates. Each sign corresponds to a specific element, which has its own characteristics. There are certain likes and dislikes between the elements and signs, based on which you can choose the right companion or life partner.

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      Zodiac signs by year of birth

      According to ancient Eastern legend, when Buddha left this world, he called all animals to say goodbye. 12 animals came, to whom he gave rule on Earth. In order to determine who should reveal the list of animals, the emperor of heaven arranged a competition for them: the animals had to reach the opposite bank of the river as quickly as possible. The Rat, realizing that it could not be equal to larger animals, asked the Bull to swim together, he agreed, and the Rat climbed onto his head. The bull is a very good swimmer, so he swam first, and that’s when the rat jumped to the opposite bank and was first. Therefore, the Rat is considered smart and cunning.

      • The table below shows zodiac signs by year of birth:

        Rat1948 1960 1972 1984 1996 2008 2020
        Bull1949 1961 1973 1985 1997 2009 2021
        Tiger1950 1962 1974 1986 1998 2010 2022
        Rabbit1951 1963 1975 1987 1999 2011 2023
        The Dragon1952 1964 1976 1988 2000 2012 2024
        Snake1953 1965 1977 1989 2001 2013 2025
        Horse1954 1966 1978 1990 2002 2014 2026
        Goat1955 1967 1979 1991 2003 2015 2027
        Monkey1956 1968 1980 1992 2004 2016 2028
        Rooster1957 1969 1981 1993 2005 2017 2029
        Dog1958 1970 1982 1994 2006 2018 2030
        Pig1959 1971 1983 1995 2007 2019 2031

        Characteristics of the elements

        If you go in order, the 12 signs of the zodiac start with the Rat, and then comes the Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, Pig. These signs are characterized not only by the animals to which the year corresponds, but also by the elements: Water, Metal, Fire, Wood, Earth. The general characteristics only give an approximate idea of ​​a person; to study each sign in more detail, you need to determine your element by year of birth. The figure below shows the annual elements of man:

        Yellow- Earth; white - Metal; blue - Water; green - Tree; red - Fire.


        • Element of Water. People of this element are very friendly, soft, generous, insightful, understanding, able to sympathize, but are prone to frivolity, depression and mood swings. They are distinguished by good patience and calmness, they will always listen to their interlocutor and give good advice, relying on your deep intuition. Because of their kindness and openness, Water people are susceptible to outside influences and dependent on other people. Outwardly, they are distinguished by their massive arms, wavy hair and big plump lips. They should monitor their weight, as excessive obesity can lead to infertility for them. They make good businessmen, artists and poets. The organs of the element are the kidneys and ears.
        • Element of Metal. Those born under the sign of Metal are determined, stable, romantic, lucky, straightforward and a little tough. They are great intellectuals, lovers of everything new and fighters for justice, they do not like it when people interfere in their affairs. They make good doctors, accountants, engineers or designers. They are naturally very kind and balanced, but sometimes hide their positive traits for the severity. Outwardly, such people have a straight nose, narrow lips and cheekbones. The organs of the element are the lungs.
        • Element of Fire. Such people are very decisive, devoted, actively achieve their goals, persistent, optimistic, but somewhat quick-tempered and stubborn. It is their temper that betrays this element; they are very sensitive and do not like compromises, they fight very fiercely for justice. They know how to set a goal and achieve it, despite any obstacles. They are very attractive to others and many are drawn to them. Those born under the sign of Fire have expressive cheekbones and noses, beautiful thick hair and a powerful physique. Ideal professions for fire signs are lawyers, politicians, teachers and speakers. The organs of the elements are blood and heart.
        • Element of Wood. Sociable, resourceful, patient, forgetful, with a share of pessimism, compassionate and good-natured. These people are very balanced and calm, rarely lose confidence in their abilities, and have a well-developed imagination. All their endeavors are usually successful, but they do not like to work alone, but prefer teams. They have a very high intelligence, which gives rise to innovative ideas, and are the most resilient element. The biggest disadvantage is wasteful spending vital energy. Appearance - thin, with expressive eyes and thin hands. Representatives of this element make good farmers, artists, tour guides, etc. The organs of the element are the liver and eyes.
        • Element of Earth. Peace-loving, practical, stable, hardy, logical, reserved, stubborn and conservative. They are practical people who set themselves specific goals and do them slowly. They make excellent architects, designers, lawyers and businessmen. People born under this sign have a strong physique, rough features and a deep voice. The organs of the element are the spleen and mouth.


        This is a very sociable, charming, straightforward sign with exquisite taste. Despite his outward friendliness, the Rat is very selfish, calculating, selfish and often uses manipulation techniques. She is inclined to accumulate money, as she loves wealth and acutely feels the need to protect her inner world, therefore often secretive. A very promising zodiac sign that achieves its goals through connections. He has very great ambition and organizational skills; if he does not spread himself thin on many things at the same time, he will achieve success in his endeavors.

        The Rat loves everything luxurious, is sensitive and vulnerable, but if you offend it, it will show aggression, stubbornness and can take revenge at the most unexpected moment. If you win the trust of the Rat, you can make a wonderful friend, because she is very kind to those she likes.


        Characterized by stability, solidity, perseverance, high intelligence and stubbornness. He is very independent and prudent, never interferes in other people's affairs and speaks only about what he knows well. The Ox is an excellent speaker, and also a very serious person (never rejoices without a reason). He is not only demanding of others, but also of himself, very balanced, reliable and is a leader in life.

        It is difficult to change his point of view, as he is stubborn and conservative, but if you provide clear logical information, there will be a chance to change his mind. Sometimes rude and cold-blooded, especially when he is not understood. He is very patient by nature, but he is almost impossible to control because he can get angry.


        Brave, decisive, does not like monotony, is not afraid of danger, has good intelligence and masculinity. He loves to be a leader in everything and hates to obey, he is reckless and easily takes risks. He has artistry and good imagination, and will easily follow a new, untested path. It is difficult for him to pacify his emotions and does not like it when flaws are found in him (he can show strong anger and resort to violence).

        Very romantic and passionate by nature, possessive and very jealous, but not always faithful, the Tiger has a strong need to pour out his soul.


        He is a model of elegance, good manners, kindness, calmness and prudence. He is very diplomatic, thinks very subtly and knows how to enjoy luxury. He really does not like innovations and any sudden events and confusion; for him, happiness is in peace, comfort and stability (by temperament he is most often phlegmatic). He is not distinguished by a brave heart, he tries to avoid difficulties, since the most valuable thing for him is personal comfort. They often do not get married (do not get married), and if this happens, they are indifferent to their family. They are very polite not only to relatives and friends, but also to enemies.

        The rabbit is very smart, can be very cunning and a skillful deceiver. He is very sensitive to criticism and tender in love, but is not very faithful, does not like scandals and intrusions into his personal life.

        The Dragon

        A very harmonious, lucky, but impulsive sign that often achieves wealth. A natural leader who has a lot of energy and self-confidence, but lacks open-mindedness. To feel happy, he must be the master of the situation; he loves various grandiose projects; he can be too boastful, but at the same time sincere.

        Dragons have very high intelligence and well-developed intuition. He is very demanding of his surroundings, he can always find some shortcomings, therefore he is constantly looking for the best. Is irritated, disappointed and angry because of his dissatisfaction. In a rage, he can hurt very badly, but he easily forgives, when he calms down, if he meets an opponent, he will fight to the last, showing courage. Very good friend, To wise advice worth listening to. In love he is very sincere, but a demanding lover.


        Very gifted and wise, deep thinker, with good manners and striving for beauty and sophistication. The Snake has natural grace, attracts people, has a good sense of humor and always strives for elegance. She is very secretive, does not reveal her secrets to anyone and mainly believes only in herself. She can be stubborn and straightforward, sometimes envious and allows herself to be drawn into a dishonest game. He waits long and coolly to bite, and does not hesitate to resort to hypocrisy. Despite being sociable, the Snake is very vulnerable, unreliable and easily becomes angry, which can be followed by revenge and even violence.

        Knows when to change her skin, is easy to learn, very jealous, strong possessive, loves to dominate her partner, but at the same time does not always remain faithful to him.


        The horse has a very lively mind, a large number of vital energy, passion and charm. She leaves her family early in search of various adventures. She is optimistic even in the most difficult situations in life, loves to be on the move and work physically. She has more talents than intellectuality, therefore, due to her sociability, she attracts smart people who help her achieve success. He likes to talk a lot, so he reveals other people's secrets. The horse makes sacrifices for others, always needs support and does not tolerate being ignored.

        She is selfish, but not jealous, possessive feelings are alien to her. Her interest in her partner can disappear as quickly as it appears, and impatience leads to collapse in love relationships.


        The Goat has a very gentle character, she is not touchy, gentle, kind and with a loving heart, is very fair, but indulges weaknesses and forgives too quickly. Sometimes the Goat analyzes the situation for a long time before making a decision; he loves nature and everything related to art. He is afraid of difficulties, so he often shifts responsibility to other people. To protect himself, he often resorts to help strong people. She cannot take initiative, she lacks leadership skills, but at the same time the Goat is a wonderful comrade and friend. He is a pessimist by nature, so he seeks peace in his dreams. She gets attached to people very easily, but does not seek depth in love, is fickle, she would like a strong partner who will protect her.


        She is very inventive, easily adapts to changes, and often makes grandiose plans. Thanks to her cunning and mobility, she is suitable for almost any type of activity. However, it also has negative qualities, such as strong belligerence, hot temper, aggressiveness, and one cannot rely on it. The Monkey is very confident, witty, sociable, hyper-reactive and friendly. Will never act without having effective plan, very diplomatic and knows how to develop strategies. Always takes on any opportunity to make a profit.

        She can do bad and good deeds with equal indifference if it is beneficial for her. She loves to study various sciences, but as soon as she realizes that she has studied everything, she immediately switches to something else. Thanks to the ability to adapt, he always easily overcomes various obstacles and difficulties.


        Bright, cheerful, sincere, does not like everyday life and routine, so he is constantly looking for something new and unusual. He has an inquisitive mind and lively intellect, is attractive and cocky. He is distinguished by his constant readiness to take action, organization and rigidity in his directness. He likes to seem like an extraordinary person and stands out with his bright image. The Rooster is prone to selfishness, stubbornness, denial of its own shortcomings, but emphasizing the shortcomings of other people. He often works for himself so as not to be subjected to other people's criticism. A true optimist, he will never give up in case of failure.

        A dog is the personification of honesty and devotion. Main traits: intelligence, conscientiousness, honesty, fairness, penchant for travel. The dog is always ready to lend a helping hand to his friends and loved ones, which often evokes a feeling of gratitude. Never makes hasty decisions, analyzes first. They are very quick-witted, but do not tolerate hypocrisy and various kinds of intrigue. Dogs weigh everything from a moral point of view and on this basis can become pessimists.

        Intuition is well developed, but it exaggerates danger as soon as it senses it, so it constantly worries about something. The dog cannot be called playful, as it takes life very seriously. He falls in love seriously and for a long time if, of course, he overcomes his pessimistic attitude.


        Character traits - honesty, simplicity, kindness, stinginess. People of this sign prefer to have fun, do not like snags in business and immediately begin to make decisions. This sign can be trusted, since the Pig is very decent and has a constant circle of friends. Pig likes big fun companies and feasts, has such bright qualities as naivety, sincerity and friendliness.

        A pig can become a victim of someone else's cunning, since it does not know how to say the word “no” to people. He loves money very much, but knows how to share it without any benefit for himself. If necessary, this sign will never miss its goal and sometimes you need to be extremely careful with it.

        Compatibility of zodiac signs

        The Chinese zodiac calendar involves dividing all zodiac signs by year of birth into triplets, which help to better understand the relationship between people. Each three is harmonious and compatible with each other, both in friendship and in love:

        Groups and elements Signs Characteristic
        1st (Water)Rat, Dragon, MonkeyThe Rat needs the self-confidence and determination of the Dragon, and the Dragon needs the dexterity and intelligence of the Rat and the cunning of the Monkey. All these animals are energetic, ambitious and enterprising.
        2nd (Tree)Snake, Rooster, BullThe diplomacy of the Snake and the self-confidence of the Ox help smooth out the explosive nature of the Rooster. In reaching heights, the Snake can be helped by determination and many good qualities Ox and Rooster, and the balanced Ox needs the brightness of the Rooster. Signs have high intelligence and great hard work
        3rd (Metal)Tiger, Horse, DogImpulsive, friendly, able to easily establish friendships. To achieve their goals, the Horse will be helped by the Dog’s ability to act and the Tiger’s energy and perseverance. The dog will help the Tiger balance his rudeness and toughness
        4th (Fire)Rabbit, Goat, PigThe Pig complements the Goat with its gentle, sensitive nature, and the Rabbit with its strategic thinking. The sensual nature of the Goat and the strategic thinking of the Rabbit complement the Pig. The defenseless Goat feels safe with the Rabbit. Signs are very gentle, modest, kind, sympathetic and caring

        Affiliate compatibility of signs

        The table below shows visual compatibility between animals:

        Human zodiac signs Compatible Happy Opposite Contraindicated Harmful
        RatBullDragon, MonkeyHorseRabbitGoat
        BullRatSnake, RoosterGoatGoat, DogHorse
        TigerPigHorse, DogSnakeSnake, MonkeySnake
        RabbitDogGoat, PigRatRatThe Dragon
        The DragonRoosterRat, MonkeyThe DragonThe DragonRabbit
        SnakeMonkeyBull, RoosterTigerTigerTiger
        HorseGoatTiger, DogHorseHorseBull
        GoatHorseRabbit, PigBullBull, DogRat
        MonkeySnakeRat, DragonTigerTiger, SnakePig
        RoosterThe DragonBull, SnakeRoosterRoosterDog
        DogRabbitTiger, HorseBullBull, GoatRooster
        PigTigerRabbit, GoatPigPigMonkey

        When choosing a partner for family life It is useful to take into account the compatibility of the signs according to the Eastern horoscope and date of birth.

| Eastern calendar

Eastern (Chinese) calendar of zodiac signs.

The Eastern calendar, which has been in effect for several thousand years in Vietnam, Kampuchea, China, Korea, Mongolia, Japan and some other Asian countries, was compiled during the time of the semi-legendary Emperor Huang Di in the middle of the third millennium BC. The Eastern calendar is a 60-year cyclical system. It is based on the astronomical cycles of the Sun, Earth, Moon, Jupiter and Saturn. The 60-year cycle includes the 12-year Jupiter and 30-year Saturn cycles. The most important thing for the life of nomads, and in those days the main peoples of the East were nomadic tribes, the 12-year period of Jupiter was considered. The ancient Chinese and Japanese believed that the normal motion of Jupiter brought benefits and virtues.
By dividing the path of Jupiter into twelve equal parts and giving each part the name of a specific animal, the peoples of Asia created the solar-Jupiter 12-year calendar cycle. Legend has it that all the animals were invited by Buddha to celebrate the first New Year. Buddha promised to give the animals a whole year, which would be named after them. Only 12 animals came to Buddha's invitation - a rat, a bull, a tiger, a rabbit, a dragon, a snake, a horse, a sheep, a monkey, a rooster, and a dog. The last one to come to meet Buddha was the pig.
According to another legend, Buddha called animals before leaving the earth. A rat, a bull, a tiger, a rabbit, a dragon, a snake, a horse, a sheep, a monkey, a rooster, a dog and a pig came to say goodbye to Buddha. The grateful Buddha gave these 12 animals one year of reign each.

The eastern calendar begins with the year of the rat and ends with the year of the pig. In the East, it is widely believed that these animals have the ability to impart certain traits to the one born in this year of the animal, both good and bad.
In sixty years, Jupiter makes five revolutions. This number corresponded to the worldview of Chinese natural philosophy. The number five was a symbol of the five elements of nature - wood, fire, metal (gold), water, earth, which correspond to color designations (blue, red, yellow, white, black).
The Chinese sexagenary was formed as a result of the combination of the duodecimal cycle (“earthly branches”), each year of which was assigned the name of an animal, and the decimal cycle of the “elements” (“heavenly branches”): five elements (wood, fire, earth, metal, water) , each of which corresponded to two cyclic signs representing masculine and feminine(therefore in Chinese calendar years go in a row, corresponding to different animals, but one element).

12 animals, 5 elements - hence the cycle of the eastern calendar is 60 years. This cycle begins with the Year of the Wood Rat and ends with the Year of the Water Pig. The next 60-year cycle of the eastern calendar began on February 2, 1984. Animal years repeat once every 12 years, and elements repeat every 10 years.
The choice of these planets when creating the eastern calendar is explained by the fact that the Sun influences the development of the human spirit, the Moon - on physical development bodies, Jupiter - governs the behavior of people in public life, and the planet Saturn forms individual characteristics person.

IN Lately In Russia, the eastern calendar is becoming increasingly popular. The Eastern New Year does not have a fixed date. New Year By eastern calendar occurs on the first new moon occurring in the zodiac sign Aquarius. The Sun enters the sign of Aquarius on January 20 or 21 and ends on February 18. Therefore, the New Year according to the eastern calendar begins from January 20 to February 18, at which time one fabulous animal passes the reins to another.

Eastern calendar signs.

Years of the animal according to the eastern calendar.

Animal name Years of birth of people, animal year according to the eastern calendar with
18. 02. 1912 02. 02. 1924 24. 01. 1936 10. 02. 1948 28. 01. 1960 15. 02. 1972 02. 02. 1984 19. 02. 1996 07. 02. 2008
06. 02. 1913 24. 01. 1925 11. 02. 1937 29. 01. 1949 15. 02. 1961 03. 02. 1973 20. 02. 1985 07. 02. 1997 26. 01. 2009
26. 01. 1914 02. 01. 1926 31. 01. 1938 17. 02. 1950 05. 02. 1962 23. 01. 1974 09. 02. 1986 28. 01. 1998 14. 02. 2010
14. 02. 1915 02. 02. 1927 19. 02. 1939 06. 02. 1951 25. 01. 1963 11. 02. 1975 29. 01. 1987 16. 02. 1999 03. 02. 2011
03. 02. 1916 23. 01. 1928 08. 02. 1940 27. 01. 1952 13. 02. 1964 31. 01. 1976 17. 02. 1988 05. 02. 2000 23. 01. 2012
27. 01. 1917 20. 02. 1929 27. 01. 1941 14. 02. 1953 02. 02. 1965 18. 02. 1977 06. 02. 1989 24. 01. 2001 10. 02. 2013
11. 02. 1918 30. 01. 1930 15. 02. 1942 03. 02. 1954 21. 01. 1966 07. 02. 1978 27. 01. 1990 12. 02. 2002 31. 01. 2014
01. 02. 1919 17. 02. 1931 05. 02. 1943 24. 01. 1955 09. 02. 1967 28. 01. 1979 15. 02. 1991 01. 02. 2003 10. 02. 2015
20. 02. 1920 06. 02. 1932 25. 01. 1944 12. 02. 1956 30. 01. 1968 16. 02. 1980 04. 02. 1992 22. 01. 2004 08. 02. 2016
08. 02. 1921 26. 01. 1933 13. 02. 1945 31. 01. 1957 17. 02. 1969 05. 02. 1981 23. 01. 1993 09. 02. 2005 28. 01. 2017
28. 01. 1922 14. 02. 1934 02. 02. 1946 18. 02. 1958 27. 01. 1970 25. 02. 1982 10. 02. 1994 29. 01. 2006 16. 02. 2018
16. 02. 1923 04. 02. 1935 22. 01. 1947 08. 02. 1959 27. 01. 1971 13. 02. 1983 31. 01. 1995 18. 02. 2007 05. 02. 2019

In Eastern countries, it is very common in which years are combined into twelve-year cycles, just as in the Western horoscope the year is divided into twelve zodiac constellations. Every year in the eastern calendar is named after an animal. People born this year are assigned the qualities inherent in this animal, according to life observations and Eastern mythology.
Every twelve years the cycle repeats and the animal returns, but it is no longer quite the same animal, because in full circle in the eastern horoscope there are five different Rats, Bulls, Tigers, etc. The animal remains, but it changes.

Elements of the signs of the eastern calendar.

The eastern calendar assumes the presence of certain colors corresponding to each element. The elements change in the following order: Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water. Thus, the cycle repeats itself completely after 60 years.
You can determine your element by the last digit of your year of birth:

“4” or “5” - Wood (color green, blue)
“6” or “7” - Fire (color red, pink)
“8” or “9” - Earth (color yellow, lemon, ocher)
“0” or “1” - Metal (white)
“2” or “3” - Water (color black, blue)

Each of the elements slightly changes the animal representing the year, giving it a unique shade. For example, the Fire Goat is active, active, possessing creative abilities, differs from the Earth Goat - a reserved, dry realist, busy with earthly, practical matters.
you can use Eastern horoscope to improve mutual understanding with your family, loved ones and friends, identifying their signs and elements, and therefore understanding the deep essence and motives of actions. Animal signs will help determine the prospects of relationships between people (friendships, love or business).
It's better to start with general characteristics animal sign.
Even more accurate data can be obtained by determining the animal sign of the hour of birth. According to Chinese astrology, the day is divided into 12 periods, each of which corresponds to a specific animal sign. This means that a person born at the hour of any animal will have the traits of that sign. Here are the correspondences between birth times and animal signs:

23.00 - 01.00 - Rat time
01.00 - 03.00 - Ox time
03.00 - 05.00 - Tiger time
05.00 - 07.00 - Rabbit time
07.00 - 09.00 - Dragon time
09.00 - 11.00 - Snake time
11.00 - 13.00 - Horse time
13.00 - 15.00 - Sheep time
15.00 - 17.00 - Monkey time
17.00 - 19.00 - Rooster time
19.00 - 21.00 - Dog time
21.00 - 23.00 - Boar time

Eastern calendar signs.

Chinese astrologers divide all animal signs into four groups (three in each). It is generally accepted that people born under the same group of signs have similar characteristics that determine the way they think, which ultimately allows them to get along well with each other, support each other and get along together. This does not mean at all that they have the same character or actions, it’s just that the innate characteristics of their personalities successfully complement each other and contribute to the development of best sides other people from the same group. It has been noticed that partnerships, friendships and especially marriages between those born under the signs of the same group are the most successful.

Competitors- , And . All these signs are very keen on competition and decisive action. Rats need the Dragon's self-confidence and courage, because... extremely unsure of themselves. In turn, the Dragon can be too direct and sometimes simply needs the ingenuity of the Rat or even the cunning of the Monkey. The latter highly value the intelligence of the Rat and the enthusiasm of the Dragon.
Intellectuals- , And . People belonging to these signs are great pragmatists, strong personalities, often endowed with great abilities, self-confident, purposeful and decisive. Among them are thinkers and seers. The Ox is constant and firm, but he is favorably influenced by the brightness of the Rooster and the charm and dexterity of the Snake. The directness of the Rooster is balanced by the diplomatic Snake or the self-confident Bull, and the Snake, with all its ambition, can reach great heights if it is assisted by the Bull or the Rooster.
Independent- , And . These people are emotional, impulsive, restless and extremely principled - a kind of "free spirits" of the Chinese zodiac. The Horse is a born strategist, but to make anything a reality it needs a decisive Dog or an impulsive Tiger. He can also give vent to the Horse’s restlessness, while only the Dog can calm it down. The Tiger will also benefit from communicating with the Dog - her constant good nature will keep him from being excessively cruel.
Diplomats- (Cat), and . People of these signs are reserved, simple-minded, not great intellectuals, and are not attracted to risk. But they are modest and responsive, sociable and sensitive, tenderly care for each other and are always happy to do something nice. The Rabbit's insight balances the Sheep's generosity, and the latter needs the sense of priorities that the Rabbit gives her. The power of the Pig complements the forgiving nature of the Sheep and the strategic thinking of the Rabbit.

The signs of the eastern calendar are often depicted in a circle in a certain order, sometimes compass directions are marked on it. Looking at such a circle, it is not difficult to notice that each sign is directly opposite the other sign. These are antagonistic signs, and they are considered completely incompatible! There are six such pairs, and within each pair an astrological conflict invariably develops. The causes of these conflicts lie deep in the nature of people born under opposite signs; they are involuntary and manifest themselves mainly in how they react to surrounding reality and other people. These are the pairs:

The validity of these observations is also confirmed by the fact that in China, parents, as a rule, do not approve of children marrying people 6 years older or younger. They are well aware that in such a union conflicts and insoluble problems will certainly arise, and therefore in love it is very dangerous to ignore this incompatibility. Another thing is friendship, which in most cases is not harmed by astrological conflicts, because friends usually don't live together. In business, however, incompatibility can also be a hindrance, because completely different people in this case, they are forced to spend a large amount of time side by side every day.
Do not despair if the results of the analysis of relationships according to the eastern horoscope are disappointing; pay attention to the signs and elements corresponding to the month and hour of birth, because under their influence characteristics A person's personality can both weaken and strengthen.
In China they say that if the fate destined for a person from above cannot be changed, then his lot can be improved. They believe in the unity of "tian", "ti" and "zhen" (heaven, earth and man), meaning that the two components of a happy fate - earthly luck and human (the third is heavenly luck) - are in the hands of the person himself.

Age eastern calendar by year horoscope.

First Life - Rooster (baby)
Second life - MONKEY (1-3 years)
Third life - GOAT (from 3 to 7 years)
Fourth Life - HORSE (7-12 years old)
Fifth life - BULL (12-17 years old)
Sixth life - RAT (17-24 years)
Seventh life - BOAR (24 - 31 years old)
Eighth life - DOG (31-42-)
Ninth Life - SNAKE (42-54)
Tenth life - DRAGON (55-70 years)
Eleventh life - CAT (70 - 85 years old)
Twelfth Life - TIGER (death)

The Eastern Zodiac calendar in China is called "Sheng Xiao" (literally - "resemble birth"). Unlike widely famous zodiac with the symbols of Aries-Pisces, the Chinese horoscope is compiled not according to the solar, but according to the lunar calendar. The eastern horoscope consists of 12 animals, each of which “rules” for a whole year.

But not everything is so simple in the Chinese horoscope! Each of the twelve animals corresponds in turn to one of the five elements: wood, earth, fire, water and metal. That is why the eastern horoscope has a very long cycle - 60 years (12 animals * 5 elements).

What practical benefits does the Chinese Zodiac have? In the East they believe that a horoscope has a significant impact on a person’s character. Some even try to “guess” the conception and birth of a child by the time of the influence of one or another zodiac sign. You can also calculate the compatibility characteristics according to the eastern horoscope - in friendship, in love or in marriage.

Chinese Zodiac Signs

Each of the sacred animals has its own disposition, personal characteristics and characteristics. According to legend, it was these 12 beings who came to Buddha when the Enlightened One was preparing to leave this world...

Rat. Her credo is wisdom. The rat is not used to acting rashly; it always chooses the best way to achieve the set goal. If necessary, she knows how to wait, because the Rat knows for sure that her patience will pay off handsomely! .

Bull. His main trait is hard work. Some people are looking for easy ways and quick money, but for the Ox, a stable income and a confident position achieved through their own efforts are preferable. The love of hard work makes this representative of the Eastern Zodiac an excellent assistant and faithful comrade. .

Tiger. His motto is courage. If decisive action and courage are required, then you need to turn to the Tiger, because he is not lacking in these qualities! Tigers delight others with their confidence and “natural” grace, which will be of great help to them in love affairs. .

Cat/Rabbit. His credo is discretion. In this life, it is not always possible to push through the gap. Some people will try to punch a wall with their forehead, while more resourceful people will look for a workaround. TO last category This is exactly what Cat/Rabbit refers to. Representatives of this sign are very cautious, but they are also capable of showing will and determination. .

The Dragon. His main trait is strength. The wise and mysterious Dragon personifies universal power. This mythological creature is most often depicted as a Guardian - of gold, palaces, other material assets, or even the existing world order. The dragon is distinguished by colossal power and the ability to control himself and those around him. .

Snake. Her credo is flexibility. The ability to adapt to circumstances helps not only to survive, but also to achieve success in almost any field. It may seem that the Snake adapts to those around him, but in fact, she imperceptibly changes the world to suit herself. .

Horse. Her motto is swiftness. If the work requires quick execution, then it should be entrusted to the Horse. Representatives of this sign of the eastern horoscope are fast, responsible and efficient. Prompt completion of assigned tasks will not negatively affect the quality of work. .

Goat/Sheep. Its principle is communication skills. The ability to establish social contacts can be considered one of the key skills modern man. It is simply unprofitable to be in isolation, because teamwork helps to achieve the desired goal much faster. In terms of communication skills, those born in the year of the Goat (Sheep) have no problems. .

Monkey. Her credo is changeability. As paradoxical as it may sound, consistency also has its downsides. First of all, constancy makes life predictable and brings boredom into it. The Monkey, on the contrary, always strives for chaos and changeability. It enlivens life, fills it with bright, new colors. .

Rooster. His motto is consistency. This is the complete opposite of the Monkey. If his flighty neighbor is capable of creating chaos “out of nothing,” then the Rooster strives for stability. He will want to “put everything in order,” because it is more pleasant for him to live in an orderly world. The Rooster is a good analyst who knows how to build cause-and-effect relationships. .

Dog. Her credo is loyalty. The trust of people whom the Dog sympathizes with is of paramount importance to it. In return, she expects the same loyalty. Those born in the year of Dogs absolutely do not tolerate duplicity or attempts to play a double game. .

Pig/Boar. Her motto is friendliness. The Pig knows how to find the “key” to the person with whom she is communicating. Would you say this is the ideal quality for a spy? But no! The pig is honest and frank, she is simply not capable of finding out and sniffing out anything. Friendliness is her natural trait, which helps her get along with people. .

Eastern horoscope by year - table

Unlike conventional tables, this module can calculate which sign is under control Chinese Zodiac located any year you are interested in! Perhaps you are wondering what chinese year the first flight into space, the founding of the UN or, for example, the birth of Buddha? Or do you want to know which animal will rule the year 2020, 2040 or even the year 3000? To do this, you just need to click on the “previous” or “next” link!


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The Eastern zodiac is represented by twelve zodiac signs, each of which belongs to a specific animal. According to the most popular legend, only these dozen brave men were able to cross the cold wide river to appear before the Buddha. Buddha called all the animals to him, but they only got there. Rat , Bull , Tiger , Rabbit , The Dragon , Snake , Horse , Goat , Monkey , Rooster , Dog , Pig. Each animal received a gift of a year, in accordance with the cycle of Jupiter's revolution.

In accordance with lunar calendar, which is taken as a basis in the east, the year begins not on January 1, but on the first new moon after January 21. Thus, the beginning of the new year according to the eastern calendar is celebrated from January 21 to February 20. Those born during this period need to calculate their year especially carefully.

The eastern horoscope consists of 12 zodiac signs and 5 elements - Fire, Earth, Metal, Water, Wood. They make up a 60-year calendar cycle, which always opens the year of the Rat of the wood element and closes the year of the Pig of the water element. The current 60-year cycle began in 1984 with the Rat of the wood element and will end in 2044 with the Pig of the water element.

The combination of an animal and an element does not define a person born in a certain year standard set character trait. The Eastern horoscope, unlike the Western one, determines a person’s capabilities, while the Western one describes his intentions and goals. Thus, the eastern horoscope helps to understand the orientation of each person’s spiritual needs, style of expression and ways of interacting with others and the world as a whole.

Elements of the Chinese horoscope

Each element gives the sign special qualities, each element has its own color. Fire Release– this is the color red and the qualities of courage and selfishness, invention and curiosity. Earth Element– this is yellow (brown) color and the qualities of practicality and passivity, as well as reliability and sensuality. Metal Element- This White color and the qualities of originality and willpower, kindness, determination and intelligence. Water Element– is the color black and the qualities of intuition and creativity, dynamism and sociability. Wood Element– this is the green (blue) color and the qualities of individualism, compassion and inertia. The emotions of the elements are defined as follows: fire is joy; the earth is reflection; metal is rage and passion; water is fears; the tree is sadness.

The principles of yin and yang

In addition to the elements, every animal eastern zodiac expresses the masculine principle Ian or feminine principle Yin. The Yang principle personifies the masculine, active principle, the desire for creative development and exploration of new opportunities. The Yin principle personifies the feminine, passive principle, the ability to accept and preserve, select the most valuable and create a tradition. The yang years include odd numbers - Rat, Tiger, Dragon, Horse, Monkey, Dog. Yin years include even ones - Ox, Rabbit, Snake (yin/yang), Goat (Sheep), Rooster, Pig.

Compatibility of Eastern zodiac signs

Between themselves, the animal signs of the eastern zodiac form four triplets related compatibility. From a psychological point of view, this compatibility corresponds to the four types of temperament.

1. Rat, Dragon and Monkey are open signs

2. Ox, Snake and Rooster are closed signs

3. Tiger, Horse and Dog are strong-willed signs

4. Rabbit, Goat (Sheep) and Pig (Boar) are creative signs.

Animals of the zodiac belonging to the same trinity interact well with each other at all levels of life - from friendship and love to partnership and career.