The town's voice did not recognize his son. Daniil Gradsky: unexpected appearance in the “Voice” project. Daniil Aleksandrovich Gradsky: who became the son of a talented musician? A father to be proud of

The son of musician Alexander Gradsky performed at the “blind auditions” on the “Voice” project. Daniil performed the touching song Tears in heaven together with his friend Soslan. Singing young man touched Bilan and Pelageya, their chairs turned towards the stage almost immediately. Seeing a familiar face, Dima and Pelageya let out surprised exclamations. And when Alexander Gradsky saw his son on stage, he could not restrain himself and cursed: “Scoundrel.” Annoyance was quickly replaced by pride in his son. Bilan and Pelageya immediately began to argue about whose protection Daniel would choose. However, his decision surprised his mentors a lot.

According to Daniil, he decided to perform at the “blind audition” on the advice of Yuri Aksyuta, the music director of Channel One. Thus, he wanted to surprise his famous father. Gradsky did not like the performance.

“I’ll give you a surprise at home,” Alexander Borisovich threatened his son. “I didn’t turn around because I don’t need such a voice on the team.”

When Daniil Gradsky appeared on the stage of the television project “The Voice”, it was a real surprise for the entire cast of mentors, but it was a special surprise for his father Alexander Gradsky. This was the second prank pulled off by the show's writers to add some spice to the show.

Unexpected performances on the “Voice” project

The first such surprise on the project was the performance. Then none of the mentors turned to the TV presenter, who was straining his voice, but everyone appreciated the joke. And since then, they have probably been waiting for the next such trick. And they waited.

This time Daniil Gradsky demonstrated his vocal abilities to everyone. “The Voice” turned out to be the project where a young man, accustomed to singing karaoke songs, was able to sing on stage for the first time. A friend played along with him on guitar. Daniel behaved well, naturally and organically. He chose a wonderful, touching song by Eric Clapton called Tears in Heaven.

Revealed vocal abilities

Those who immediately recognized the son of Alexander Gradsky, the owner of great musical talent and a magnificent voice, in the face of the young man who appeared on stage, expected to hear from his son a reflection of his father’s talent. This is not to say that Daniil sang poorly, but he certainly did not demonstrate any special talent.

For this prank on the project, Daniil Gradsky chose a song that was very suitable for his quiet and soft voice. The young man’s efforts were appreciated by Pelageya and Dima Bilan, who pressed the button to make their chair turn towards him. Compared to the performance on Ivan Urgant’s project, Daniil Gradsky’s singing made a special impression. And most likely, precisely because his singing came from the heart.

Father's reaction to the speech

When, after finishing the song, he finally realized that for the last few minutes he had been hearing the voice of his own son and even singing along with him, he could not come to his senses. He told how they got together this morning, but his son didn’t say a word that he was heading to the same place as he. My father was perplexed why this had to be done and insistently asked Daniil Aleksandrovich Gradsky to get up from his chair in order to look decent on stage.

According to Daniil, today he will get a good beating from his father at home. However, he is sure that he will not be very indignant, since he performed this magnificent composition with dignity and very soulfully. Daniil Gradsky gave the impression of a modest and sweet man who respects his father.

How Daniil got on “The Voice”

It certainly wasn't his own idea. Knowing that the guy loves to sing in karaoke bars and has a pretty good voice, he was approached with a tempting offer to sing on the “Voice” project music director Channel One Yuri Aksyuta. Daniil took this as an opportunity to gain an interesting experience and please the audience with his sincere performance.

A few facts from life

From his marriage with his third wife, which lasted 23 long years, Alexander and Olga had a son, Daniil Gradsky. His biography begins on March 30, 1981. In 1986, his younger sister Maria was born, who later became a TV presenter. The marriage of Olga and Alexander Gradsky was unique: they lived in different houses and met very rarely.

Even in his youth, most likely, following the insistence of his father, Daniil received musical education. After graduating from school, he decided to connect his future with a completely different field. He chose to study at an accomplished businessman - this is what the son of a famous Russian musician and composer Daniil Gradsky. The personal life, presumably, of a 33-year-old young man man is walking in its own way. All that is known is that Daniil is not yet married and lives in his father’s house.

According to Alexander Gradsky himself, living together is not working out for them now. the best way. AND we're talking about not about the problem of the relationship between fathers and children, but about the relationship between the children, Daniel and Mary, with his new passion. Common-law wife Alexandra, model and actress Marina Kotashenko, is only a year older than Daniil. In September 2014, she gave him a son.

The relationship between Alexander Gradsky and a native of Ukraine has been going on for quite a long time and, apparently, is developing very successfully. But this, unfortunately, cannot be said about the relationship between Marina and Alexander’s two children. According to him, they can be described as tense but democratic.

A father to be proud of

Surely Daniil Gradsky was always proud of his father. After all, he was everyone’s favorite singer in the Soviet Union, and then in Russia. He has a huge number of lyrics and music for songs. He is rightfully considered the founder of Russian rock. Alexander Gradsky received the title of Honored Artist of Russia, was awarded the State Prize of the Russian Federation, and in 1999 received the title people's artist Russia.

From 2012 to 2014, Alexander Gradsky participated as a mentor in the “Voice” project. Whether it was a coincidence or not, in all three seasons it was the participants who came under his tutelage who won.

Modest and calm Daniil Gradsky was lucky to have such a talented father. And although he did not follow the path of his parent, music is far from being a part of the young man’s life. last place. And you can be sure that his talented and purposeful father gave Daniel everything he needed to achieve success in any field.

IN next issue Kaliningrad resident Vadim Beloglazov took part in the “Voice” show on Channel One. Our fellow countryman chose the song “Mists” by Ukrainian singer Max Barskikh for the “Blind Auditions”. As it turns out, I was wrong.

Either the mentors didn’t like the song itself, or the way Vadim performed it... In a word, while he was singing, Bilan, Pelageya and Gradsky laughed and fooled around, pretending to be taxi drivers behind the wheel. Agutin sat sad. It’s good that Vadim himself didn’t see this. No one turned to the stage.

Horror. Why did you sing that? - Gradsky began when the performance ended.

What for? – Pelageya joined in.

Do you really like it, tell me honestly,” Gradsky asked. - Tell me honestly: “I adore this music. This is the best thing in the world! Your Mozart is some kind of ***! Chaikovsky - ***! You can’t listen to the Beatles at all, you can’t listen to Pelageya!” I'm not talking about Gradsky. Do you love it? You turn it on at 10 am and can’t part with this music?

A Kaliningrader performed Max Barsky's hit "Mists", but made a mistake Photo: First channel

It is worth noting that the show is not on live, and that’s all in the recording obscene words were beeped, although everyone understood their meaning.

But this was not enough for Gradsky. He began, with antics, to sing lines about “fogs-manas,” portraying a thieves chansonnier. Pelegea supported the artist here too. The duet turned out quite tavern-like.

The mentor's chair turned around, and Gradsky suddenly began... swearing Photo: First channel

Vadim himself, however, did not become embarrassed and found a way out of the situation - he began to dance. The guy smiled, although it was clear that everything that was happening was unpleasant for him.

I like Adele, Beyoncé. Of the Russians, I like Noskov, - Vadim began to sing an excerpt from the romance “Monotonous ones flash by, my days are still with the same pain...”, but at the end his voice broke - he took it too high, he overdid it.

Old man, you failed to show what you really love. But what you showed is that not only do we hate, you hate it yourself. But you’re a good guy, so go home,” summed up Alexander Gradsky.

Vadim, not paying attention to the criticism of the judges, began to dance Photo: First channel

Already behind the stage, Vadim was consoled by Dmitry Nagiyev.

It seems to me that now is the moment when you have not yet realized who you are in art. But you have such great data - your appearance, your voice - that as soon as you understand, as soon as you grab luck by the tail, everything will fall on track,” Nagiyev said. - Don’t fold your arms, keep punching!

He is our master of sports in billiards. But there was always singing, and at some point the singing overcame billiards. Now singing comes first,” says the mother of the aspiring artist.

Viewers' opinions were divided. Some people think that the guy really sang an already not so great song. Others support Vadim and wish him success.

After the broadcast unknown people Hundreds of messages have been written to me with words of support. But I don’t hold a grudge against Gradsky,” Vadim tells Komsomolskaya Pravda. - Yes, his statements were quite harsh. But it didn't offend me. The criticism was about the song, not about my vocals.

So the Barskikh artist suffered more here. I wanted to take famous song and remake it in my own way, sing it the way I see it. The judges did not turn around - it was their choice. For me, performing on Channel One is a huge success. I’ve been going to different castings for five years to get airtime. And I'm glad I went and performed.

Vadim does not intend to give up singing. Quite the contrary. He admitted that after the project he received many offers. He was even given two songs that he will soon record.

And in next year Vadim plans to take part in analogues of the show “The Voice” in Germany and Poland.

Vadim Beloglazov Fogs - Blind Auditions - Voice - Season 6.

Alexander's son Gradsky Daniil took part in a blind audition for the show “The Voice” on Channel One. None of the jury members, including Gradsky himself, were warned about the performance, of course. Famous father He didn’t appreciate the joke, saying that such voices were not needed on his team.

Daniil Gradsky performed Eric Clapton's song “Tears in heaven” from the stage. His friend Soslan accompanied him on guitar. The performance was more than touching. The camera continuously watched the reaction of jury member and father of the performer Alexander Gradsky. But the son’s voice did not impress the most demanding judge. But Pelageya and Dima Bilan turned to the guy. Of course, they immediately recognized the participant as their son famous family. Seeing their reaction, Gradsky became wary.

What? Again some kind of setup? - he asked. And he turned his chair around as soon as Daniel finished singing.

Well, jokers! I'll give you a surprise at home! – Alexander Gradsky clearly made it clear that he did not like such passages. - Yes, I didn’t turn around, because I don’t need such voices!

We don’t know whether Daniel was offended by his father’s reaction, but he refused to continue being in the project, saying that it would be dishonest towards the other participants. Let us remind you that this is not the first draw that the creators of the “Voice” project organize for the jury members, to the delight of the audience. Previously with the song “Turn Around.” However, the judges turned a deaf ear to his request - not one turned his chair towards the TV presenter.