Musical director of Muz TV. General Director of MUZ-TV Arman Davletyarov: We are background television, and there is nothing wrong with that! Arman Davletyarov: biography

CEO channel "MUZ-TV" Arman Davletyarov has always been of interest to fans of his work. The MUZ-TV channel, headed by our hero for 19 years, is a recognized leader in television.

Arman Davletyarov, whose biography is inextricably linked with the MUZ-TV channel, does a lot for its development. He achieves everything on his own, without waiting for anyone's help. This cannot but inspire respect for a purposeful person. He is not afraid to be paradoxical and as open as possible, and all because he is confident in what he is doing and believes in his own strength.

Arman Davletyarov: biography

Our hero was born in a small Kazakh village in August 1970 in the very ordinary family. Arman Davletyarov, whose nationality is Kazakh, today lives in Moscow, but, according to him, is a patriot of Kazakhstan.

Study in the capital

Having successfully completed high school, Arman Davletyarov left for Moscow. He went to study at a vocational school, which he graduated with a degree in. Then he entered MISS. A year later he was drafted into the army. He served first in Hungary, and then in Baku.

In 1993, thanks to the A-Studio group, I met Murat Nasyrov. From then on, Arman began working in show business.

In 1995, Arman Davletyarov took over as head of the Media Star-Concert company. Thanks to her work today we know such music bands, How " Inveterate scammers", "Combination", "Dynamite", and performers Decl, Larisa Chernikova and many others.

The company created musical programms on RTR and MUZ-TV channels - “ Night life", "According to your letters", "Muz-Metel", "Muz-zone". With the participation of this company, which was headed by Arman, a tour of the famous concert hall“Russia” hosted the show program “We are together!”, the group “Vostok” toured the cities of Russia.

In 2000, Arman Davletyarov took the post of general director of the Media Star company. In this position he succeeded Mr.

Today he is the president of the company " Musical Unity"(since 2001).

In show business in Russia Davletyarov A.I. - the only producer representing Kazakhstan. He actively promoted the culture and artists of his homeland in our market - Batyrkhan Shukenov and Murat Nasyrov, who, unfortunately, are no longer alive.

Work in Kazakhstan

Despite the fact that Arman has lived in Moscow for many years, he does a lot for his native Kazakhstan. IN last years he organized and conducted Kazakhstan tours Russian stars. The experience gained during this period in the Russian market made it possible to attract touring activities artists foreign stage.

On the 10th anniversary of Kazakhstan, the company, relying on the support of the Government of the republic, brilliantly held music Festival In Astana. It was attended by popular artists, starting with Roza Rymbaeva and ending with the youngest, still little-known groups.

Social activity

Arman Davletyarov takes an active part in the public life of the country. He organized and conducted tours around the republics of the North Caucasus together with the Youth Unity company with the participation of Russian show business stars. The purpose of the action is to collect charitable assistance for children of Chechnya.

In addition, the company headed by A.I. Davletyarov took an active part in the Russian action, which was called “We continue history.” It was dedicated to the population census and was carried out in major cities of the country.

Arman Davletyarov and his family

Our hero didn’t have his own family too early. It is interesting that Armand was introduced to his future bride by his mother, who was very concerned that her son, by the age of thirty-three, had neither a family nor children.

It must be said that Arman Davletyarov respects Kazakh traditions, which is why he got married, following all the rules. As he himself explains, according to customs, he was supposed to marry only a girl from his clan.

Arman's family is called Tore. As ancient legends say, men of this clan are direct descendants of Genghis Khan, they choose wives only from the Torah.

Arman met his bride about a month after the relatives had already agreed on the wedding. These were real Kazakh shows. The young people talked after they were wooed. The bride turned out to be eleven years younger than Armand. When they met, she was twenty-two years old. After the matchmaking, she was very embarrassed, blushed and asked her future husband about how he saw their family life.

Before the wedding, there was another half-hour meeting in the presence of relatives, when the bride came to Moscow to buy a dress. Although everything was ready for the wedding, Arman had doubts. His bride seemed so fragile and vulnerable to him that he was afraid that he could ruin this girl’s life. Surprisingly, the future wife, having returned to Tashkent, decided that the wedding needed to be cancelled. Was terrible scandal. And yet the marriage took place.

Family life

This is how Arman Davletyarov and his wife started life together. This is not to say that things were going smoothly from the very beginning. And this is not surprising - practically two strangers began to live under one roof. More than once the young people tried to break up. It seemed that they would not be able to build a relationship. In despair, they told each other: “We won’t succeed.”

The wife could not come to terms with Arman’s late returns from work, especially when his shirt was covered in lipstick and smelled of women’s perfume. He tried to explain that in show business everyone hugs and kisses when they meet. It was extremely stressful for my wife. Armand understood her confusion and decided that he did not want to torment this sweet and caring woman, and they needed to separate.

At that moment, Arman Davletyarov and his wife were on the verge of breaking up. But the wife turned out to be wiser in this situation. She offered to give the relationship another chance, for the sake of their parents, who, wishing them well, married them.

Feelings appeared gradually. A few months after the wedding, Arman felt the support and care of his wife for the first time. Then Arman's older brother died. Spouse own initiative stayed in the village with her husband’s grief-stricken mother. She cared for the unfortunate woman for several months.

Later, Arman Davletyarov ran for State Duma. He invested all his savings in this one and borrowed a lot of money. As a result, he did not get into the Duma and was left without funds, plus huge debts. Everyone turned their backs on him. Only his wife was nearby and supported.

The man was depressed. But even in this situation, the wife behaved wisely. She collected the remaining money and went with her husband to rest in Egypt. During the trip, he gained strength and returned with a feeling of great love for his wife. Soon the long-awaited event happened - the wife became pregnant. Thus began their happy period family life, which is still ongoing.

Today Arman believes that he has an ideal marriage. He is sure that he got the wisest, kindest and most gentle woman in the whole world. Arman and his wife have three wonderful sons, they are very happy.

In 1993 – graduated from Moscow University, Faculty of Law, specialty “lawyer”. The internship took place in the criminal investigation department at the Moscow police department.

In 1993, the A-Studio group introduced Murat Nasyrov to A.I. Davletyarov. This is how the work of A.I. Davletyarov began. in Russian show business.

In 1995 – Davletyarov A.I. headed the MediaStar-concert company.

Since 2000, he became the General Director of the entire production company “Media Star”, replacing Mr. Yu.Sh. Aizenshpis in this position.

From 2001 to the present – ​​President of the Musical Unity company.

The MediaStar company, headed by A.I. Davletyarov, opened creative path such groups as “Dirty Rotten Scoundrels”, “Dynamite”, “Combination”, as well as Larisa Chernikova, Decl, etc. She produced television programs on the RTR and MUZ-TV channels - “According to your letters”, “Night Life”, “ Muz-zone”, “Muz-Metel”, With the participation of the company “MEDIASTAR” headed by Davletyarov, the group “Smoky” toured in Russia, the show program “We are together!” was held at the State Central Concert Hall “Russia”, a tour of Russia and to the CIS countries of the “East” group “See you in La Manga.”

In Russian show business, Davletyarov A.I. is the only producer representing Kazakhstan and actively promoting Russian market Kazakh culture and Kazakh artists: Murat Nasyrov, Batyrkhan Shukenov.

On the territory of Kazakhstan over the past few years, Davletyarov A.I. tours of various Russian pop stars were organized and carried out, starting with young artists, including mega-stars Russian stage Philip Kirkorov, Alla Pugacheva. The experience gained in working in the Russian market made it possible to attract foreign pop artists to participate in work and tours: the group “Smoky”, Gypsy King.

Best of the day

The company's artists pay great attention to the Republic of Kazakhstan. They take an active part in all musical events Kazakhstan. To mark the 10th anniversary of the independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Musical Unity company, with the support of the Government of Kazakhstan, held a festival in Astana, “Kazakh Song of the Year,” where all the pop stars of Kazakhstan from Roza Rymbaeva to young groups also took part.

Currently, Mr. Davletyarov A.I. actively participates in the public life of Russia. Tours were organized and conducted North Caucasus together with the All-Russian Public organization“Youth Unity” and its leader Alexandra Burataeva with the participation of stars Russian stage, where charitable assistance was collected for children in Chechnya.

The company, headed by A.I. Davletyarov, took an active part in All-Russian action“We continue the story” dedicated to the census and large gala concerts in all largest cities Russia with the campaign “Do I Know My Anthem” and “We Are United!”

Arman Davletyarov is the general director of the first national music channel MUZ-TV, which creative circles is called nothing more than " secret cardinal Russian show business" Coming from a people who, at the beginning of his career, managed to work as a loader and janitor, today he collaborates with the most popular and sought-after artists.

Childhood and youth

Arman Ilyubaevich Davletyarov was born on August 13, 1970 in the village of Tamar-Utkul, in Orenburg region. His parents, Kazakhs by nationality, were ordinary rural workers. The childhood of the future celebrity was spent in a warm and friendly family.

The first trip to the capital, which took place in 1984, became a landmark for the young man. On Red Square, the future producer saw, as if in reality, his dream, which had haunted him since childhood. In the vision, the boy imagined himself pushing off from the Kremlin star and flying upward. As the producer later described his biography in an interview, this memory became decisive in choosing a place of study and future life.

Arman graduated from school in his village, after which he went to Moscow to make his dream of becoming a lawyer come true. At first, Davletyarov entered an ordinary vocational school in the department where they trained joiners and carpenters.

First student years were difficult for Arman - hazing reigned in the hostel, so the young man saved himself by enrolling in all the studios, including the theater one. The young man’s organizational talent did not go unnoticed - Davletyarov headed the student council of the vocational school. Educational institution he graduated with honors.

The next choice was the Moscow Civil Engineering Institute. The strict laws of that time did not give the young man the opportunity to immediately become a lawyer, since he did not have a residence permit in the capital.

Arman Davletyarov in the program “My Story”

Arman failed to graduate from college: out of unhappy love, the young man decided to run away into the army. Since Davletyarov had a deferment, he also had to persuade the military commissar to take him. The future producer served first in Hungary, and then in Baku. Having repaid his debt to his homeland, Arman returned to the capital.

After the service, the opportunity arose to study at a law university, where Davletyarov entered. In addition to attending university, the young man worked hard.

After couples he worked in sales household appliances, worked as a loader at night and as a janitor in the morning. There was enough time and energy for everything, and the first money gave confidence in own strength. The producer remembers his years of study, as well as practice at the Moscow police department, as the brightest period of his life in the capital. Student Davletyarov completed his internship successfully, but did not work in his specialty.

The final decision was influenced by Arman's older brother, who worked as a lawyer. It was morally difficult for Davletyarov Sr. to defend not only honest citizens, but also scum, which he told Arman about. These words were remembered most by the future producer.

The path to the world of business was opened for the assertive young man by her patronage. Davletyarov's acquaintance with the group happened spontaneously. Then Arman asked for an autograph from the producer and singer. A couple of simple phrases, a few meetings, and now a strong relationship has begun. male friendship. It took a little time young man to get into the noisy world of the stage.

Already in 1995, Arman was appointed director of the Mediastar-Concert production group, and a few years later he took the post of general director of this concept. Already firmly on his feet, Arman Ilyubaevich decides to get another higher education. The producer received his chosen specialty “management psychology” at the Russian Academy civil service under the President of the Russian Federation. At the same institution, Davletyarov defended his doctoral dissertation in his specialty.

Arman Davletyarov in his youth

In the early 2000s, Davletyarov became the general director of the Media Star company and in the same year opened his own production company, Musical Unity. Over time, Arman also discovered his talent for writing. In 2011, the world saw the book “The History of Moscow Genghis Khan,” which fascinatingly described the life of the capital’s elite and revealed incredible connections Russian celebrities with Kazakhstan.

Since 2013, Arman Davletyarov has headed the famous music channel MUZ-TV.

A television

From his first years as a producer, Arman Davletyarov began to develop the musical talents of Kazakhstan. How true patriot, he is sure that in his homeland there are no people without talent. A bunch of music competitions, auditions and auditions paved the way for young performers. Thanks to the support of the producer, the popular Kazakh singer got the opportunity to perform on world stages.

Until now, Arman Davletyarov is the only producer on Russian television, which is engaged in the development of Kazakh culture and artists. Such devotion to the ethnic homeland deserves the highest praise.

More than once on the territory of Kazakhstan were held concert tours world-famous stars, and all thanks to the assistance of Arman Ilyubaevich. Davletyarov did not bypass anyone talented musician. Under his patronage, the world heard the groups “Dynamite”, and.

An incredible number of tours and concerts, various promotions and flash mobs in which the company participates, and assistance in conducting tours. It would seem that there is nothing special about this, but there are few producers who are as interested in the media development of the country. Under his leadership, the MUZ-TV channel acquired a high level of development. Celebrity TV presenters, fashionable and modern musical works, new video clips and bright videos make the channel in demand and popular.

In addition, the channel has recently launched an exciting show, “Live with Craig David.” IN live world celebrity demonstrates to the audience different sides own life. For Russian music lovers, this practice has become a real revelation. The high level of work and quality of the music provided gave Davletyarov’s production group the opportunity to work with some foreign groups, for example, Gipsy Kings.

Social activity

Davletyarov does not ignore social life countries. He helped conduct charity tours and concerts in the North Caucasus, participated in the patriotic events “We must continue history” and “Do I know my anthem.”

The MUZ-TV channel has established a prestigious award “MUZ-TV Award”, which takes place at the Olimpiysky sports complex. Every year the show attracts millions of viewers and hundreds of artists, both high-level and beginners, who have clearly declared themselves.

World-famous singers and musicians perform at the award ceremony -,

The guy devoted himself entirely to work and personal development. This continued until the star’s mother got tired of waiting for her grandchildren. She turned to her son with a proposal to independently look for a bride worthy of her family. A short search ended successfully. Future wife The producer turned out to be 11 years younger than Arman. At first they even opposed the wedding. But joint forces two families nevertheless contributed to the wedding taking place.

Married life was far from cloudless, but the Davletyarov couple successfully coped with all adversities. It’s interesting that in the producer’s family everyone communicates with each other exclusively using “you”. According to Arman, this approach has a positive effect on the life of the family and completely eliminates scandals.

Now the producer’s family has five children – four sons and one daughter. The older ones are already going to school, the girl was born in 2016 in a Miami clinic, and the youngest boy was born in October 2018 in Moscow. According to Davletyarov, many acquaintances are surprised when they hear that all the heirs were born in the same marriage. Photos of his children and wife decorate Arman's pages.

The general director of the MUZ TV channel, Arman Davletyarov, shared great news with his microblog subscribers on Valentine's Day - on the eve of this holiday, February 13, he became a father for the fourth time. The wife of a 45-year-old top manager gave birth to his long-awaited daughter. Before this, the couple only had boyfriends. There are three of them in the star family. The sons of Arman Davletyarov and his wife are 10, 8 and 5 years old.

A happy father of many children published a photo with a newborn baby in his arms, signing: “A long-awaited daughter was born in our family! We are happy!" Under the post in short term Hundreds of comments appeared. Arman Davletyarov is congratulated on the birth of his heiress in two languages ​​- Russian and Kazakh. “This is just wonderful! Congratulations! Health to mom, baby and your whole family!”, “Three sons and a sweet daughter - everything is according to the script”, “Congratulations on the birth of the princess!”, “Arman, accept congratulations from Astana. This is great. May your kids be healthy and happy,” write subscribers of Arman Davletyarov’s microblog on Instagram.

Her parents have not yet disclosed the name of their little heiress. According to some reports, the daughter of Arman Davletyarov and his wife was born in one of the clinics in Miami. In the same place where Kristina Orbakaite and other stars of Russian show business gave birth to their children. The newborn baby is 52 centimeters tall and weighs 3,030 grams.

Let us note that for Lately several at once famous men became fathers, and not for the first time. At the end of January he became a dad four times famous actor Andrey Merzlikin. The artist and his wife had a son, whose name the couple has not yet announced to the public. IN last days In January, the young wife of the 58-year-old star of the series “Streets of Broken Lanterns,” Alexander Polovtsev, gave birth to a son. For the actor, the newborn boy, born a little earlier than doctors predicted, became the second child. Last weekend, congratulations on the addition to the family were received by the lead singer of the group “Disco Accident” Alexey Ryzhov. A girl was born into the family of the performer and his young wife, who became Ryzhov’s second child. The star has a son from his first marriage, with whom he spends quite a lot of time.