Gosha as a full name. Famous bearers of the name. George in different languages ​​of the world

The name Georgiy is a name ancient Greek origin, which came into the Russian language along with the adoption of Christianity in Rus'. This name was and remains one of the most revered names in Orthodox faith. Translated from Greek The meaning of the name Georgiy is “farmer”. This was one of the epithets of the main god of the Greek pantheon of gods - Zeus.

It is also worth noting that from the name Georgiy came such forms of the name as Egor and Yuri, which later became independent names. The appearance of these forms of the name is associated with the peculiarity of the phonetic apparatus Slavic languages. At the time of the transfer of the name Georgiy, the phonetic apparatus of these languages ​​could not fully convey the sound of the name, which in turn gave rise to modified forms of the name.

The meaning of the name George for a child

Georgy grows up as an obedient and quiet child. A boy with this name has been purposeful since childhood, which is very rare for children. He is quite reserved at this age, but this is more likely due to the fact that no one is particularly affectionate to him. Already in childhood George demands to be treated with respect. The boy does not accept stupid and unreasonable demands. Over time, he may develop an arrogant attitude towards others, so adults need to exercise some caution in this matter.

At school, Georgy usually does well. He doesn’t have a particular desire to study, but he studies very poorly; the boy considers it beneath his dignity. Georgy loves physical education, and especially competitions. Since childhood, he has been endowed with a considerable amount of vanity. You can also note his love for working with his hands. The boy is constantly constructing and inventing something. He enjoys visiting all kinds of technology-related clubs.

One can only envy George’s health. A child with this name has truly heroic health. In addition, the boy loves sports, and this has a positive effect on his physical condition. Georgy will be happy to go to the swimming section. Boxing and wrestling attract no less attention from the boy.

Short name Georgiy

Zhora, Zhorka, Zhorych, Hera, Gerka, Goga, Mountain, Gosha.

Diminutive pet names

Zhorik, Zhorzhik, Zhorochka, Zhorushka, Goshenka, Goshechka, Goshulya, Goshunya.

Children's middle names

Georgievich and Georgievna. Folk forms of abbreviation are Georgich and Georgichna.

Name George in English

IN English language The name Georgiy is written as George, but read as George.

Name Georgiy for international passport- GEORGII, according to the rules of machine transliteration adopted in Russia in 2006.

Translation of the name George into other languages

in Arabic - جرج
in Armenian - Գէորգ
in Belarusian - Georgiy
in Bulgarian - Georgi
in Hungarian - György
in Greek - Γεώργιος
in Georgian - გიორგი
in Danish - Jørgen
in Hebrew - יוגב (read as Yogev) and גיורא (read as Giora)
in Spanish - Jorge
in Italian - Giorgio
Latin spelling-Georgius
in German - Georg
in Norwegian - Jørgen
in Polish - Jerzy
in Portuguese - Jorge
in Romanian - Gheorghe
in Serbian - Georgije,
in Ukrainian - Georgiy
in French - Georges
in Swedish - Jörgen

Church name George(in the Orthodox faith) remains unchanged - George. This name is very revered in Orthodoxy.

Characteristics of the name Georgiy

The adult George is characterized by all the traits that he possessed as a child. He is still slightly withdrawn and cold-blooded. His serious attitude towards one’s own person often borders on a certain narcissism. Seriousness and thoroughness are probably the most noticeable traits in George. You can also note his decency. George's integrity is so noticeable that it attracts many people to him. He has many friends, but he treats them more as “useful” acquaintances. He hides it in every possible way, but Georgy does not like unprofitable friendships.

Georgy loves to work for pleasure. He will rarely go to work just for the money. Usually he combines hobbies and making money. Georgy loves to travel, which often makes him a sailor or pilot. Georgy is also inclined to choose romantic professions. May become an explorer or geologist. His self-image is similar to Jack London's characters.

George's family relationships usually go well. His marriage is successful, and his masculine attractiveness allows him to choose from many suitors. It can also be noted that in household matters Georgy is completely flexible. He can be stern and serious at work, but at home he completely relies on his beloved. However, in public, his family leadership should not be questioned. She loves her children, but raises them in strictness. She pays special attention to education when raising her.

The mystery of the name George

George's secret may be his arrogance. He tries his best to hide it, but it still appears regularly. This unpleasant trait is especially noticeable if Georgy is able alcohol intoxication. More than once this feature brought negative results into the life of George.

Planet- Jupiter.

Zodiac sign- Sagittarius.

Totem animal- Eagle.

Name color- Blue.

Tree- Poplar.

Plant- Lily of the valley.

Stone- Sapphire.

Gosha is a diminutive form of the name Georgiy. This person is usually very ambitious and sometimes even arrogant. It is precisely in order to hide this that Georgies often prefer to be called by diminutive names - Zhora, Gosha. The full name is also somewhat obligatory. After all, what is the main association that people have when they hear the name George? Of course, Victorious!
Therefore, if there is any failure, Goshas often, not without reason, begin to fear ridicule. Like, how is it possible - Victorious, but he made a mistake!

George is a name whose meaning in translation from Greek is “farmer”. It is one of the additional names of Zeus. All Goshas are distinguished by their generosity and magnanimity. When communicating with people you know, you don’t mind gossiping sometimes. However, this one is not too good trait character is smoothed out by natural kindness and forbearance. Even with those people who treat Gosha unkindly, bearers of this name try to establish simply ironic relationships.

Gosha, full name ruled by the zodiac sign Sagittarius, shows strong character traits especially in troubled, transitional times. His actions can evoke emotions. Some will love him and some will hate him. In normal times, Georgy becomes invisible. People bearing this name are also distinguished by a tendency to be rude, especially in business.

However, they rarely achieve great success.

The point is that some inconstancy - distinguishing feature everyone Gosh. They change their occupation quite often. Gosha, whose full name is controlled, is also unusually prone to all sorts of adventures and is distinguished by his recklessness. Often Georgies are even at odds with the law. People with this name often have a sharp, resourceful mind and are cunning.

The origin of the name George, as mentioned above, is Greek. Literally, "georgos" means "cultivator of the land." Therefore, Ghosh is often distinguished by a certain down-to-earthness. Such people are often hampered by the constant contradiction between desires and real possibilities. In some cases, Georgies can drown their frustrations about this in wine. When drunk, they become very thoughtful, to such an extent that it sometimes even scares others.

Literally all Goshas, ​​thanks to their cheerful and gentle character, are very popular with women. However, in family life they are not always happy. The point here is just large selection. Often Gosha simply chooses what is “closer” and “brighter”, without thinking too much about the consequences. For George the best option there will be a cheerful, honest and easy-going life partner. These people cannot tolerate lies, even the most insignificant ones. However, after shouting and letting off steam, they calm down quickly enough.

Gosha, whose full name can also be abbreviated as Hera, Garya, Gorya, will never cross the line by opposing himself to his friends. He will respond to sincerity with sincerity. You can trust George, he knows how to listen to his interlocutor and keep secrets. However, he never displays his troubles and misfortunes. In the pictures above are the famous St. Georges (image

The mystery of the name oculus.ru

Georgiy- farmer (ancient Greek).
IN Ancient Rus' this name sounded like "Georgi" and combined two modern names- Georgy and Yuri. In ancient times there was a princely name, folk form name - Yegory. Currently, Georgiy is a rare name, especially in the countryside. In cities it is given somewhat more often - one or two per thousand.
Zodiac name: Sagittarius.
Planet: Jupiter.
Name color: green, white, blue and cyan.
Talisman stone: sapphire.
Auspicious plant: poplar, lily of the valley.
Patron name: White Eagle.
Happy day: Wednesday.
Happy time of year: autumn.
Main features: pride, generosity.


George of Amastrid, Bishop, March 6 (February 21).
George of Antioch (Pisidian), bishop, confessor, May 2 (April 19).
Georgy (Yuri) Vsevolodovich, Vladimirsky, Grand Duke, 17 (4) February.
Georgy Develtsky, Adrianople, bishop, martyr, February 4 (January 22).
George of Constantinople, Confessor, May 26 (13).
George I of Constantinople, Patriarch, August 31 (18).
Georgy Limniot (lake farmer), reverend, confessor, September 6 (August 24).
George II of Mytilene, bishop May 29 (16).
Georgy Mytilensky, Metropolitan, Confessor, April 20 (7). .
Georgy Novy, Serbian, Sofia, Bulgarian, martyr, June 8 (May 26).
Georgy Olegovich, Chernigov and Kiev, Grand Duke, June 18 (5), October 2 (September 19).
George of the Peloponnese, Malein, Rev., April 17 (4).
Georgy Svyatogorets, Iversky (Athos), ktitor, translator of Holy Scripture into Georgian, July 10 (June 27).
George Khozevit, Rev., January 21 (8).
Georgy Mstislav (baptized Georgy) Brave, Novgorod, prince, June 27 (14).
St. George the Victorious, Great Martyr, May 6 (April 23), November 16 (3), November 23 (10), December 9 (November 26). A warrior, during the persecution of Christians, declared himself a follower of Christ. He denounced the pagan king Diocletian and, after much torment, was beheaded in 308 in the city of Lydda, in Palestine. Georgy suffered the most terrible torture- he was stabbed with spears, forced to drink a cup of poison, he was stretched out on a wheel, boiled in a boiling vat, he was poured with molten lead and put into a molten copper bull. The people sincerely condoled George. Scenes of his martyrdom are often depicted in icons. The young warrior became one of the popular saints. He is the patron saint of several European cities, including Venice. Since 1922 he has been the patron saint of England. Saint George slaying a dragon with a spear is a symbol of the victory of the Christian faith over paganism. Thus, Patriarch Eusebius wrote to Emperor Constantine: “Now freedom has been restored, and by the providence of the almighty and all-good God the dragon has been crushed.” George the serpent fighter adorned the Russian state seal, the shield with St. George the Victorious was the coat of arms of Moscow. Since March 1535, a new Russian coin, minted at the behest of Elena Glinskaya, the mother of the future Ivan the Terrible, had an image of St. George on one side; people called it “kopeyka,” which gave the coin its name, “kopeyka,” which remained until recently. On the most popular and revered Russian military award among the people, the Cross of St. George, there is an image of St. George the Victorious.


From the very beginning, Saint George was revered as the patron saint of princes and their military exploits. Prince Yaroslav Vladimirovich (982-1054), in holy baptism George (Yuri) considered the saint of the same name to be his patron. After the victory over the Pechenegs, Yaroslav founded a monastery named after St. in 1037. George in Kyiv, and, as the chronicle says, “the commandment throughout Rus' is to celebrate the feast of St. George on the 23rd day of April and the 26th day of November.”
Since April 23, dew appears on the ground - it is George who unlocks the dew with a golden key and releases it onto the ground:
Yuri, getting up early,
Unlock the ground
Release the dew for the warm summer,
To a lush life,
To people's health.
George is the patron saint of nightingales. They arrive even before St. George’s Day, but they begin to sing clearly and loudly from this holiday.
On April 23, the cattle were released into the fields, the shepherd prayed to God: “Send, Almighty God, Saint George the Victorious with a flaming spear to preserve the counted cattle.”
Autumn George - lord of wolves; The beast will not touch any livestock without his permission - “What the wolf has in its teeth, George gave!”
On autumn St. George, snakes are birthday girls: they spare neither sinners nor saints, so you can’t go into the forest.
see also the names Yegory and Yuri.
The idea of ​​people's freedom was associated with Saint George: on the autumn day of Yuriev, a week before and a week after, serfs had the right to move from one landowner to another.


As a child, Georgy is a restless and bully, he loves to be in public all the time. He listens only to fair parents who respect his personality. He is squeamish and stubborn.

IN school age tries to stay away from his comrades, is somewhat withdrawn, arrogant, but carefully hides this last negative trait.

The adult Georgy is outwardly handsome, naturally capable, creatively gifted, but he will flourish as a person only with favorable confluence circumstances. He needs to cultivate the will to fight for himself and bring fate to his side.

George is generous and magnanimous. He is self-confident and decisive. In the company of strangers he is cold and reserved, in his own circle he is cheerful, talkative, reads poetry, sings songs, in a word, “the life of the party.” It is difficult to make friends, he is devoted to them, expects the same from them, and if the smallest lie is discovered, he can break off all relationships. Georgy is attentive to people, knows how to listen, and keeps someone else’s secret. He treats individuals who dislike him with irony. He keeps his troubles and misfortunes to himself, without bothering others with them.

George's special responsibility in any job presupposes a successful career, most of all in the military, but also in medicine, science, and business. Georgy does an excellent job where a quick reaction is needed. He is attracted to professions associated with romance and adventure.

Georgy is an emotional and sexual person, and women are attracted to him by being passionate and easily aroused. Before marriage he has a lot love affairs. Married - an exemplary family man, does not strive for leadership, loves children. Georgy will be happy with Varvara, Vera, Galina, Natalya, Nina, Svetlana.

Surname: Georgievich, Georgievna.


Georgy Vasilyevich Sviridov (1915-1998) is a wonderful Russian composer and pianist. In 1932 he graduated music school in Kursk, in 1941 - the Leningrad Conservatory, where he studied with D. D. Shostakovich.

Sviridov made his debut in 1935. a cycle of romances based on poems by AS. Pushkin, which revealed character traits his individual style is bright melodicism, harmonious freshness. The composer's further works put him in line outstanding masters Russian music.

The main theme of Georgy Sviridov’s work is the Motherland, its historical destinies, the life of the people. In the largest epic works- the vocal-historical “Poem in Memory of Sergei Yesenin” (1956) and “Pathetic Oratorio” to the words of V. Mayakovsky (1959) shows the Russian people in crucial moment stories - before and during October revolution 1917, the theme of the complex historical fate of the Russian people in the 20th century is revealed.

Poetic paintings native land appear in the lyrical images of the "Little Triptych" for symphony orchestra 1966. The music, pure and transparent, is distinguished by that modest and deep beauty that captivates us in the thoughtful Russian song, in the soft poetry of the Russian landscape, in the austere architecture ancient buildings. Soft melody, almost verbal expressiveness string instruments in the first part of the "Triptych" brings this music closer to the sound of a real choir, it's like choral music without words. The second part is a powerful and majestic image with menacing bells brass instruments. In the third part, a wide boundless melody rushes freely and freely against the backdrop of ringing chords of harps and bells twinkling like stars.

"Wooden Rus'" is a small cantata for tenor, male choir and a symphony orchestra to the words of S. Yesenin (1964). In the center of the cantata - lyrical image a peasant youth composing a hymn to his native land.

Poetic pictures of the Motherland appear in numerous songs and choruses based on the words of Russian poets. In the "Spring Cantata" to the words of N. Nekrasov, in the vocal cycles "Slobodskaya Lyrics", words by A.A. Prokofiev (1938), “My Father is a Peasant”, words by S. Yesenin (1956), “Petersburg Songs”, words by A. Blok (1969) apt sketches of everyday life are given folk life, images ordinary people in all their wealth inner world and a variety of psychological states.

The theme of the Poet, his birth, fate, purpose is one of Sviridov’s leading themes, running through all of his vocal creativity. Sviridov revealed in a new way the appearance of many poets: Yesenin as a great national artist of the era, Blok as an epic poet and successor of the traditions of Nekrasov. Sviridov managed to find a musical equivalent to the innovative poetry of V.V. Mayakovsky, in which he heard not only the oratorical beginning and sharp marching rhythms, but also a wide cantilena of solemn hymns. one of the first Svirids “sang” the poetic speech of V. Khlebnikov “Young” (1965) and B. Pasternak “It’s Snowing” - a small cantata (1965), written for a women’s choir, in the third part of the work children’s voices enter, singing like a prophecy :

Don't sleep, don't sleep, artist,
Don't give in to sleep.
You are a hostage to eternity,
Captured by time!

Sviridov significantly updated and partially transformed traditional vocal and vocal-symphonic genres, created his own varieties: a vocal-symphonic poem of an oratorio type, a multi-part chamber vocal poem, “Little Cantata”, choir concert without words.

Sviridov's style, firmly connected with the traditions of Russian classical music, extremely original. His music is distinguished by refined simplicity, national character of songs, brilliance and colorful orchestral color, strict selection and economy of expressive means.

George - a handsome, powerful personal male address who served in ancient Greece an epithet to the main mythological god Zeus. Hence his interpretation - “farmer”, because Zeus was considered the patron of the main human industry.

Origin of the name

Rus' went through a difficult history ancient Greek name Georgy. The meaning of the name and its fate received a new coloring and continuation in two diminutive forms, which have become independent male nicknames since 1930 - Yuri and Egor.

general characteristics

As a child, Zhorzhik is nimble and fidgety. He loves to bully his peers, proving that he is right. Being in his company is always fun and joyful; boring gatherings with a book or in front of the TV will seem like a downright waste of time to Goshenka.

It’s hard to find the little boy at home; while he’s still just a baby, he constantly points to his mother at the door or window so that she can go with him for a walk. Growing up a little, Goga already runs outside on her own, not forgetting to follow her parents’ instructions.

The boy loves his family, his parents are for him real example, he, like a sponge, absorbs their manners (especially his father, and if there is an older brother). Zhorochka will show diligence in her studies if she constantly receives approval and encouragement from adults.

Caregivers should also pay attention to the development creative potential guys - talents noticed in time can radically influence adult destiny George.

With women, everything works out for the bearer of a victorious name: he is sexy, visually attractive, active and easy-going. He chooses a wife to match himself, good-natured, cheerful, enthusiastic and optimistic. The couple will not be bored in marriage - they will inspire each other and bring the ideas proposed one by one to life.

Positive character traits

George's divine gift lies in his natural ability to win over his interlocutor. People come to him for advice, share problems, ask for support and help - and he gives all this to people selflessly.

The Mountain is generous, supportive and magnanimous, he knows how to forgive the weaknesses of others, but does not accept lies. Sensing his friend’s prevarication and hidden cunning, he will lead the deceiver to clean water and ends the relationship with him.

Negative traits

Among strangers, Georgy tries to become invisible and not attract everyone's attention. He is arrogant and selfish, sometimes closed and aloof; if he doesn’t like a person, he won’t communicate with him, even out of politeness.

He constantly needs a change of scenery, care and romance. Feeling his wife's cooling after the birth of the child, George may start an affair on the side to fill the void.

Zodiac sign

To be born in Sagittarius and receive the name George for a child means to find divine support and a happy destiny.
Almighty Jupiter will patronize the name.
A person compared to Zeus will feel a strong connection with the sky if he tries to wear clothes in blue tones.
Spend no expense on an amulet for little George - he will be protected by a precious sapphire.


Gosha, Gera, Goga, Georges, Geshenka, Georghik, Zhora, Gorik, Gerochka, Dahlia, Gerchik, Gogi, Dodik, Goshenka, Gosha, Egorka, Gorka, Goryunya.

Name options

Georges, Georg, George, Giordano, Herkava, Gogi, Gyurgi, Egory, Duke, Gerzi, Gaorzi, Gevorg, Jorge, Gyorgy, Jurgis, Eryan, Jerzy, Djura.

Historical figures

280 – 303 – Christian saint, great martyr George the Victorious.
842 – 867 – Byzantine monk-chronicler George Amartol.
1685 – 1759 – German, English composer George Handel.
1866 – 1949 – mystical philosopher of Greek-Armenian origin George Gurdjieff.
1877 – 1968 – Russian circus athlete, wrestler Georg Hackenschmidt.
1903 – 1993 – beloved “Kashchei” of Soviet cinema, actor Georgy Millyar.
1903 – 1950 – British writer George Orwell.
1908 – 1961 – Russian scientist, academician Georgy Aleksadrov.
1908 – 1980 – Soviet tenor Georgy Vinogradov.
1915 – 2005 – actor, Soviet National artist Georgy Zhzhenov.
1917 – 2001 – Soviet actor, People's Artist Georgy Vitsin.
1920 – 1975 – Estonian actor, singer Georg Ots.
1926 – 1997 – WWII participant, Soviet actor Georgy Yumatov.
Born 1930 - Soviet, Russian film director Georgy Danelia.
Born 1943 – British singer, musician, director George Harrison.
Born 1944 – creator “ Star Wars”, director, screenwriter George Lucas.
Born 1948 – Soviet artist, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation Georgy Martirosyan.
Born 1960 – Ukrainian director, actor, comedian Georgy Deliev.
Born 1961 - American film actor, director, screenwriter George Clooney.
Born 1963 – Ukrainian political, statesman Georgy Tuka.
Born 1963 - British singer George Michael.
Born 1971 – Russian actor, directed by Georgy Dronov.
Born 1981 – Georgian politician, parliamentarian Giorgi Vashadze.
Born 1998 – Ukrainian football player Georgy Arabidze.

Name day

January 11, 21, 30
04, 10, 17, 24, 27 February
06, 23, 24 March
05, 17, 18, 20 April
02, 06, 10, 26, 29 May
08, 19, 27 June
03, 13, 31 August
06 September
October 15
November 10, 16
December 09, 31.


The name George is of ancient Greek origin. The root word is "georgos". This word is translated as “cultivator of the land,” or saying in simple language, "farmer". By the way, it is one of the many epithets of the name of God Zeus, who protects agriculture and more...

The male name Georgy has been incredibly popular in Russia and the CIS countries for several decades, although it has existed ten times longer. It has strong energy and good compatibility with most modern Russian female names...

Popularity: The name Georgy is listed in positions 34-36 in the ranking of the most popular male names and, according to statistics, accounts for as many as 8-10 boys out of 1000 newborns.

Conversational options: Garik, Grief, Zhora, Zhorik

Modern English analogues: Georges, George, Georg, Jorge

Meaning and interpretation of the name

The meaning of the name George, according to experts, is capable of endowing its bearer with a unique character in all respects and a rather bright future. In addition, there is an opinion that this name promises its bearers such traits as high self-esteem and pride, self-sufficiency, pride, integrity, and inability to listen to an opponent during disputes. It would seem that there is nothing unusual, but all together these traits form a man with a complex character.

On the one hand, Georgy is a pretty good person who respects other people and tries not to cause problems for anyone. But on the other hand, he is very conflicted. And the reason is not that he likes to make trouble. The reason is primarily that he has difficulty accepting other people's opinions. Although, again, there are exceptions among bearers of this name...

Advantages and positive features: purposeful, courageous, decisive, knows how to properly present himself to society, systematic and calculating, never commits rash acts. On the one hand, he is principled and correct, but on the other, he is too emotional.

Georgy has a bad attitude towards people with similar characters, to those who do not have their own point of view, to those who are unfair and untrue, unreliable and irresponsible. And Georgy will probably avoid communicating with people who are not responsible for their words - this is very important for him.

The name Georgiy is a derived form of many Russian male modern names. Among their huge number are even such people as Yegor and Yuri.

Character of the name Georgiy

The nature of the name Georgiy is such that it promises the bearer of this variation a lot good qualities, among a huge list of which there is kindness, and justice, and integrity, and self-confidence, and self-sufficiency, and honesty, and openness, and energy, and activity. But the character of such a boy is usually endowed with a number of shortcomings, which, however, are not manifested in every George - among such shortcomings are uncompromisingness, cockiness, self-will, independence, love of freedom, pride, inflated self-esteem, and selfishness. On the other hand, his character is quite predictable, it is quite easy to predict how Georgy will behave in a given situation, in this he is predictable, and he never violates his principles. Another important point– the character of the guy who received the name George at birth is a man devoted to himself and his friends, never betraying or lying for the sake of self-interest, even despite the fact that he has a twist in the form of self-interest as such.

On the other hand, all of the above is only a theory, because character largely depends on a bunch of additional factors, under the influence of which it can change, both for the better and for the worse. Factors influencing character include parental upbringing, the influence of the energy of the zodiac sign and even the time of year of birth...

Early childhood

The early childhood of the boy, whose parents decided to choose the male name Georgiy at birth, is filled with emotions and quarrels with peers the same age. Georgiy has extremely complex nature, he is principled beyond his age, reasonable, emotional, active, energetic, independent and self-sufficient, it is unrealistic to argue with him, he ends any argument only when the interlocutor admits that he is right. At all, difficult child, even in childhood - but this boy also has many good qualities. Thus, the meaning endows the bearer of this name form with such virtues as justice, honesty, planning, prudence, hard work and sociability. Sociability is a completely separate trait of a guy named Georgy, and it would be worth paying special attention to - the fact is that Georgy cannot live even an hour without communication, and it doesn’t matter who he communicates with, what he talks about, and whether communication is more of an argument than a regular conversation. Parents will have a hard time with him - the meaning of this name rewards the boy with an intolerable character and too violent blood, that is, this boy never calms down and is ready to argue on any topic even with his parents, even to the point of a quarrel. But he is ideal as a friend and comrade, and will never, under any circumstances, commit betrayal, and this absolutely deserves respect...


The teenage period of a boy, over whom the meaning of the name George protects, is one of the most difficult life stages the guy named this way. The fact is that it is here that his nature as such begins to take shape, and it is here that he begins to have incredible problems in communicating with his peers due to his difficult nature and reluctance to accept anyone’s point of view. This boy has too high self-esteem and too much self-confidence, it is almost impossible to convince him of anything, he never gives in and is ready to argue over any little thing even where he is clearly wrong - all this complicates life for him, and for everyone around him, and in In the end, it may turn out that this boy has practically no friends. But the meaning of this name also bestows such an important feature as an analytical mindset - thanks to it, Georgy easily analyzes his actions and what is happening around him, and moreover, he knows how to draw conclusions by analyzing his mistakes. As for studying, everything is simple here - the meaning endows the boy named with this name form with many talents and an excellent mindset, he can easily delve into any topic and study any subject, but all this requires one simple factor, which is interest. If the subject is taught in an interesting way, then Georgy will teach it and will definitely succeed in it.

Grown man

Having reached maturity, Georgy is usually a different person, completely different from the teenager he once was. He no longer argues over any little thing, he is still ready to defend his point of view, but only where one hundred percent is right, he is reasonable, systematic, purposeful, hardworking, friendly and devoted to his own moral principles, never acts ugly, always protects people from his environment and is ready to help at any time. Friends are very important to him, for them he is a wall, but he also has shortcomings. One of these shortcomings is the inability to see the bad in people - he sees only the good, and in general, meaning endows him with exclusively idealistic views. On the other hand, he can turn from a friend into a vindictive and very aggressive interlocutor, but the reason for this can only be two factors, one of which is a lie, and the other, betrayal. Cheerful, eloquent, sociable, principled, but always ready to compromise, honest and kind, respectable and friendly, courteous and attentive - these are the virtues that meaning bestows, and for which he should be valued as a person. One more thing - he can turn into a selfish person at any moment. The reason is his predisposition to the desire to get rich, moreover, this desire is sometimes so strong that it irritates even himself...

The interaction of the character of George with the seasons

Spring is a boy who received the name George at birth and was born under the auspices of the spring season, he is always cheerful, cheerful, sociable and charming man, growing up to be a real gentleman. His only drawback is his inability to understand people - he often calls friends those he shouldn’t, and makes mistakes in assessing people.

Leto is a summer guy by origin of soul and nature, a unique personality. He is open, polite, courteous and charming, knows how to maintain conversation topics, easily communicates with people of all types, is not shy, but is distrustful of unfamiliar people. His only problem is that his mood is too changeable and he has difficulty controlling his emotions, especially in moments of anger.

Autumn is the three autumn months and their meaning is capable of giving birth to a boy who is interesting, diversified, intelligent, talented, romantic and with an excellent imagination. This type easily penetrates into any society, is a welcome guest in any company and easily makes contact. But it also has a minus, and in this case it lies in the love of freedom.

Winter - and the winter boy has a complex and unpredictable character. He is a romantic and a diplomat, he easily makes new acquaintances, never argues over trifles, and in any dispute, if one happens, he gives arguments, and does not just shout, as they say, excitedly. But it is unrealistic to predict what his mood will be in the next minute, his mood and character itself are too unpredictable.

The fate of the name Georgiy

The fate of the name is the most mysterious and theoretical factor, however, arousing interest among researchers even today. As for our specific case, everything is simple here - the fate of the name George in love, marriage and relationships with representatives of the opposite sex is such that it requires a long search for a soul mate and a large number of separations according to the most various reasons. Among the main reasons may be betrayal, infidelity on the part of a woman, and isolation of passion...

Georgy himself is cheerful and sociable, although a little shy, and will look for an exclusively sociable and sociable girl, but his fate is such that all his passions will be too liberated, which Georgy himself will never tolerate. He also hates greed, so his soulmate should be a generous and kind girl.

But if you look at what George’s fate is, but from the other side, then everything falls into place. Thus, fate presupposes that this picky and principled man will eventually become real, an exemplary father and an exemplary family man, which in itself is quite a rarity. Although, again, fate is too theoretical a factor, and therefore it is not a fact that everything will be as written above.

Love and marriage

Georgy has an attractive appearance, a light and cheerful character, he has an excellent sense of humor and a positive outlook on life. No wonder it's swirling around him big number fans However, he can be somewhat indecisive in the company of ladies, so he cannot boast of a huge number of novels.

Early marriages for men named George are quite likely, although only a few of them are not doomed to failure. But families created at a more mature age will be happy and strong. Georgies love and value their wives and are ready to pamper and cherish them, perform romantic acts for their sake and act as heroes.

For Georgy, his wife’s appearance is not so important, rather than her character traits. His chosen one should be an optimistic, cheerful and easy-going girl with a big open and kind heart.

For the bearer of the name George, it is important that his wife loves him with the same devotion and dedication as he loves her. If necessary, she should be ready to follow him anywhere, thereby confirming the strength of her love.

George as Father

Children for a man named George play a very important role in life. He approaches fatherhood with all responsibility and has a child only when he is really ready for it. He loves the baby very much from the moment he was born. He does not shift all the responsibilities of a young parent onto the shoulders of his wife, but readily shares them with her. Taking out the stroller, going for groceries or diapers, rocking the baby to sleep or changing his diaper is a completely familiar thing for him. He is happy to buy various educational toys for the baby from the very cradle.

As the children get older, Georgy provides them with regular new experiences and emotions, loving to spend time with them. He would be happy to go fishing with his son, and to the zoo with his daughter. He enjoys going to the water park or trying out new rides with the whole family.

He also takes part in the educational process on an equal basis with his mother, because he understands that every child needs the support of each parent. It teaches children hard work, independence and respect for others.

Compatible with female names

Ideal, according to researchers, is the compatibility of the name Georgy with women named by such variations as Galina, Dina, Larisa, Clara and Renata. If you marry one of these ladies, there will be a high chance of a truly long-lasting and happy marriage. In such a marriage, each half will be moderately happy.

With a woman named Lyudmila, Tamila, Natalya, Olga or Anna, Georgy will also be able to build an ideal relationship, but here’s the thing about marriage. So it’s difficult to judge here, because in these cases love can be accompanied by destructive jealousy, suspicion, and other frightening factors.

And with Agnes, Martha, Lilia and Rimma, many astrologers do not recommend that a man named George build love. In such a union there may be an initial incompatibility of characters and astrological symbols.