The artist Rinat paints paintings blindly. Incredible video: a blind artist paints amazing pictures. Dolphin playing the violin

At first glance, the paintings presented in this article do not seem worth paying special attention to. The thing that can make you take a closer look at them is the story of their author, the blind Kharkov artist Dmitry Didorenko.

Dmitry was not blind from birth: he lost his sight when he was blown up by an old German mine while searching for the remains of soldiers missing in World War II. Before this, Didorenko was already known as an artist, but the tragedy that happened dashed all his hopes for the future. To get Dmitry out of depression, one of his friends suggested organizing an exhibition of the artist’s old works. It was this event that pushed our hero to take up his brush again - he wanted to prove that he was still an artist, even if he had lost his sight. At first, his works bore little resemblance to paintings, but many hours of practice yielded results: Dmitry began to draw again.

“When I first saw the works of Dmitry Didorenko, I felt ashamed of how often we complain about life and its injustice towards us,” says Valentina Myzgina, director of the Kharkov Art Museum. “After all, all this time we continue to see the world around us, and Dmitry cannot see it, but does not complain, but works.”

The artist admits that the subjects of his paintings come to him on their own, sometimes even in dreams, and he just has to choose the best ones from them. And the most important thing for him is to see the results of his work, no matter how paradoxical it may sound: “I see what I draw as clearly and legibly as others. The only difference is that I don’t use my eyes, but use my heart.”

In fact, in the world, you can be endlessly surprised by many things, even without being an impressionable person. Esfer Armagan- one of many phenomena that caused a reaction of impression among a large audience. And his strong point, no matter how ironic it may sound, is his blindness. Armagan creates a world in his paintings without seeing the real world. Blind Turkish artist, which continues to this day to tell the outside world about its “internal empires.”

It is difficult to answer whether the delight in his paintings could be so strong if they belonged to a sighted person, since, at first glance, these works are similar to children’s drawings - they are very sincere and simple, both in subject matter and technically.
The case is truly unique. Esfer is blind from birth and knows about the world. in which he was born and lives, only from the words of those around him and thanks to the sensations that remained with him. The value of his paintings, first of all, is that they act as a guide between blind and seeing eyes. These are peculiar images of inner vision, insights that emerged from the darkness.

It is not easy for Armagan to paint; usually, this process occurs in stages. The artist first applies the background color to the entire area of ​​the future painting and waits for it to dry. Then a pattern is applied to this soil using a sharpened peg. Afterwards, the artist checks by feeling whether he was able to realize the intended image. If the desired has come true, Esfer begins coloring. His main tools are his own fingers and gouache.

There is no mysticism in such creativity, but a beautiful mystery is always present. Blind photographers, sculptors, directors, designers are like a cook with a lifelong chronic runny nose. They exist and wait for attention, quietly and modestly.

Artist mixing paints John Bramblitt compares himself to a cook who adds the right amount of ingredients to a dish exactly according to the recipe. And all because Joan cannot see what the result of his efforts is. He blind, but he paints pictures by feeling by touch what colors he uses and how he puts his strokes.

John Bramblitt is a talented artist who doesn't know what his paintings look like. He lost his sight due to epilepsy, symptoms of the disease first appeared at age 11, and by the age of 30 he could no longer see. It seemed that life had lost its meaning, because all dreams turned out to be untenable, and plans for the future were destroyed. The artist recalls that he had severe depression, and he did not see a way out of this state.

It took John Bramblitt a year to overcome despair. He decided for himself that he would find a way to paint, no matter what the cost, and he actually learned to work with paints, applying strokes so that they were perceptible to the touch. According to John himself, his first drawing was completely clumsy, but the very fact that he was able to connect disparate lines together and create a complete image instilled faith in him. It was a spark of hope in the dark world of his despair.

Since then, the artist has been improving his skills, and today his collection includes many bright, dynamic paintings that arouse admiration among viewers. Joan Bramblitt lives in Denton (Texas, USA), he is well known not only in America, but also abroad.

When starting work, the artist first thinks out the composition in detail in his mind. John Bramblitt also selects materials especially: he claims that different colors of oil paints have different consistencies. For example, white paint is thick and resembles toothpaste, while black paint is thinner. In addition, the tubes in the workshop are labeled in Braille, so John can know which color he is holding in his hands.

The talented master has been painting for more than 10 years; over the years, he has been repeatedly talked about in the press, and he has received awards at various competitions and exhibitions. And John Bramblitt himself admits that to some extent he is even grateful to fate for being blind. Having begun to fight the disease, he discovered real talent in himself, managed to self-actualize and find a purpose in life.

A similar story happened with Kharkov resident Dmitry Didorenko. The only difference is that he became blind after being blown up by a German mine from World War II. The world coming to life on his canvases is another revelation. See for yourself by looking.