Boastful turnip. The original meaning of the fairy tale about Turnip. The hidden meaning of Slavic fairy tales Turnip dessert with apples

The main characters of the fairy tale “Turnip” are a friendly family. The head of the family, grandfather, once planted turnips in the garden. And this root crop grew so huge that his grandfather could not pull it out of the ground when it was time to harvest. He first called his grandmother for help. But even the two of them could not remove the turnip. Then I had to call my granddaughter, then the dog Zhuchka, then the cat. And even such a large company was unable to pull the turnips out of the ground.

And only when the cat called the mouse did things move forward. Through joint efforts we managed to pull the turnip out of the ridge.

That's how it is summary fairy tales.

The main meaning of the fairy tale “Turnip” is that difficult things must be done together. When solving difficult problems, even the smallest help can make a difference. It would seem that a little mouse has a lot of strength? Just a little, but this little was enough to move the heavy turnip. The fairy tale teaches friendship and mutual assistance, as in family life and in public affairs.

In the fairy tale, I liked the grandfather who managed to grow such a large root vegetable that the whole family had to pull it out. I also liked the good relationships between the characters in the fairy tale. After all, in this fairy tale, the cat is not at all afraid of the dog, and the mouse willingly responded to the cat’s request to help pull out the turnip. The characters in the fairy tale can be called examples of a friendly family.

What proverbs fit the fairy tale “Turnip”?

You can't even pull a fish out of a pond without difficulty.
There is safety in numbers.
Where friendship is strong, things go well.

In a certain kingdom, a vegetable garden state, there lived vegetables.
They grew in garden beds. There were so many vegetables and various other greens here! And in the very center of the garden sat a large, strong turnip. She looked at everyone proudly, spreading her lush patterned leaves. “How beautiful I am! - the turnip boasted, - it was not for nothing that they put me in the most visible place. I'm so ripe, so tasty. And how my owners love me. Look how round and yellow I am, like the sun. No, I’m better than the sun!”
“Let me note that I look like the sun,” the sunflower intervened.
- Where did you see such a long stick near the sun? – the turnip quipped, “you’re just a pole with a flat head.”
The offended sunflower turned away its golden head, full, like a bowl, of black ripe seeds, so as not to see this braggart.
“Poor carrots, how thin and pale you are!” - exclaimed the turnip. And the carrots, who considered themselves beauties, blushed even more with indignation.
“Oh, peas, how fragile you are! Once - and overripe. And I sit quietly, fill myself with juice,” the turnip continued to boast. And the dissatisfied pea only twirled his antennae and regretted that he could not reach the turnip. He would have shown this rude woman how to behave.
But the turnip did not let up: “Poor cabbage - loose clothes. How she loves the rain! And where there is dampness, there are slugs. Oh, they'll eat her."
“We all love rain,” the cabbage puffed in response, “rain and sun are our friends.”
-Hey, cucumbers! - shouted the turnip, - you are so green, it means you haven’t ripened yet.
“No, we are ripe, we are ripe,” the cucumbers argued and became covered with pimples from such barbs.
The entire gardening kingdom was dissatisfied with the behavior of the boastful turnip.
Then the hostess came to the garden. She began carefully selecting vegetables for lunch. Walking around the beds, the woman cut a head of cabbage, pulled out beets and a couple of carrots, dug up a potato bush, then picked several fruits from a tomato bush, and from the greens she chose parsley, dill and green onions. She was about to leave, but, catching herself, she went up to the turnip and pulled it by its bushy tail. So the yellow and round one ended up at the very top.
It was hot in the kitchen. The broth was bubbling in the pan. The hostess took the vegetables out of the basket and began to prepare dinner. She deftly wielded a knife, cutting vegetables, and said: “What juicy cabbage!”
- So so so! - the knife assented.
- Wonderful carrot! And the beets ripened so quickly.
The hostess praised all the vegetables she picked up. The tomato was tender, and the potatoes were large, like piglets. The turnip lay in the basket and waited for its turn. The knife was already chopping the greens.
“Oh, what a flavor, the borscht turned out great,” the woman began to set the table.
-And what about me? - the turnip became worried.
The fluffy cat hovered near the stove, sniffed and rubbed against its owner’s legs. A buzzing fly flew into the window and began circling over the pan.
The family sat down to dinner. Nobody remembered about turnips. They didn't pay attention to her. And she lay aside with drooping leaves, no one needed, and she felt so ashamed of her boasting. “I’m not so bad,” thought the turnip, “just try me, and I won’t brag anymore.”
Lunch is over. The hostess went to the basket, pulled out a yellow tailed thing, cleaned it and cut it into pieces.
-But the turnip sat firmly in the ground, juicy, sweet, melting in your mouth. Who wants?
“I, I, I,” the children shouted.
The woman smiled back at them: “Eat to your health. Today is the festival of vegetables.”
And turnips grow in the garden every year, but they no longer show off.

Everyone has read the fairy tale about the turnip, but has everyone tried the original Russian product, which once (before the widespread use of potatoes) served as the basis of the diet of our ancestors?.. Now that very steamed turnip, the simpler of which nothing can be simpler, is a real exotic, especially for city residents. Meanwhile, turnip is a very healthy root vegetable.

Turnip roots contain a lot of vitamin C, contain vitamins A, B1, B2, B5, PP, manganese, iron, sodium, iodine, etc. Turnips also contain a very rare element, glucoraphanin, which has a strong anti-cancer effect. Turnips contain a lot of sulfur salts, which disinfect the blood and have an anti-infective effect, help with bronchitis and even skin diseases of various origins. Turnip green leaves are rich in vitamins A, C, K, calcium and folic acid, and also contain a large number of lutein. In a word, the fabulous turnip is a treasure trove useful substances and real dietary product, since there are very few calories in it. By the way, do you know which turnip is the most delicious? Small and round!

You can introduce turnips into your baby’s diet from six to seven months. Like zucchini, pumpkin or broccoli, turnips are easily digestible and do not cause allergies. The carbohydrates contained in turnips are a good prevention of constipation and intestinal discomfort. Vitamin C helps strengthen the child’s immunity and helps absorb iron from food, which is necessary for the development of the child’s brain. Zinc also helps with brain and immune system development. Like any complementary food, turnips need to be introduced, observing the reaction.

Turnip dishes for children: recipes

Turnip puree for babies (first feeding)

Wash the turnip, clean it, cut it into small pieces and boil until soft in a small amount of water or steam. Grind. There is no need to add salt or oil, but a little breast milk or mixtures will make turnip puree more attractive to the baby. Fast, simple and tasty. Later, turnips can be added to mashed zucchini, pumpkin, potatoes, broccoli, carrots, etc.

Steamed turnips

For those who can already boast of having teeth, you can prepare the legendary steamed turnips. To do this, the turnip needs to be washed, peeled, cut, placed in a fireproof form (ideally a clay pot), covered with a lid and sent to “steam” in the oven at a temperature of 160-180 degrees for 40-60 minutes. Of course, once upon a time, steamed turnips were cooked in a Russian oven at the same heat that remained after baking bread. But the oven will not let you down, try it. You need to understand the real taste of turnips!

If you don’t like the classic steamed turnips, you can pour the chopped turnips with milk, add butter and a little salt (some people add chopped carrots, zucchini, potatoes, it turns out to be a stew). And also in the oven for 45 minutes. Very tasty.

Children one and a half to two years old can be given raw turnips. Or add to soup, stew, porridge.

Turnip salad

Turnip salad is very easy to prepare. Wash the turnips, peel them, and grate them on a fine grater. If desired, add grated carrots, an apple or a boiled egg. You can refill vegetable oil or sour cream. Salt to taste.

Turnip and apple dessert

A turnip dish can also be sweet. Take equal parts of peeled turnips and apples, cut into cubes and simmer with butter until soft. Sugar and raisins (or other dried fruits) to taste. Serve very tasty with sour cream or cream.

Semolina porridge with turnips for kids

Take one medium potato, a small carrot, half a turnip. We wash and peel the vegetables, chop them, put everything in a saucepan and cook until soft in a small amount of water. Wipe the vegetables and add to the freshly cooked semolina porridge, mix. And don’t forget about butter, which, as you know, won’t spoil the porridge.

Millet porridge with turnips

Millet porridge with turnips is prepared in almost the same way as with pumpkin, best of all - in pots in the oven. Turnips need to be cut into cubes, mixed with millet cereal, put in pots, add a little butter. Salt and sugar to taste. Then pour boiling water or hot milk, cover with a lid and simmer in the oven until the liquid is completely absorbed. After turning off the oven, it is advisable to let the porridge stand until the oven cools down. Millet porridge with turnips turns out crumbly and aromatic.

What fairy tale do parents read to their child first? Well, of course, Turnip. Russian folk tale about the heroic vegetable and the grandfather’s family, including the pets who pulled out the turnip, is probably known to all children. But here’s the question: why is this simple fable so attractive to children? Why is it one of the first fairy tales you read?

I think the whole point is that this fairy tale is permeated with one idea - the extraction of a miracle turnip from the ground)) The child quickly remembers the heroes of the story and the sequence of actions, and the text of the fairy tale, consisting of endless repetitions of a chain of gardeners extracting turnips, is very simple. Repeat who pulled until you list everyone, that’s the whole story. It is also surprising that in the fairy tale about the turnip there is no saying “once upon a time.” Grandfather immediately got down to business and planted a turnip. It is also interesting that in the original source (a folklore collection by A.N. Afanasyev) among the turnip-getting heroes there are a twig and several legs. What are these legs and why are there five of them? - those are still questions.

Whatever it was, the fairy tale about the turnip remains popular among children and unforgettable for parents. Read the turnip to your kids, ask them to repeat who pulled the turnip from the ground, train your child’s memory and speech. Happy reading!


My grandfather planted a turnip in the garden.

Grow, says the turnip, big and strong. The turnip has grown enormously. The grandfather came to the garden and began to pull the turnip out of the ground: he pulled and pulled, but he couldn’t pull it out.
The grandfather went to call the grandmother for help. Grandma grabs grandpa, grandpa grabs the turnip, they pull and pull, but they just can’t pull the turnip out.

The grandmother called her granddaughter for help. The granddaughter stood for the grandmother, the grandmother for the grandfather, and the grandfather for the turnip: they pulled and pulled, but they could not pull the turnip out.

The granddaughter called the dog Zhuchka. They began to drag the turnip together. The bug is for the granddaughter, the granddaughter for the grandmother, the grandmother for the grandfather, and the grandfather for the turnip: they pull and pull, but they can’t pull it out.

The dog Zhuchka ran to call the cat Murka for help. Together they began to pull the turnip out of the ground. Murka for Zhuchka, Zhuchka for her granddaughter, granddaughter for her grandmother, grandmother for her grandfather, and grandfather pulls the turnip, but cannot pull it out.

Murka ran and called the mouse. They all began to pull the turnip out of the ground together. Mouse for Murka, Murka for Zhuchka, Zhuchka for granddaughter, granddaughter for grandmother, grandmother for grandfather, and grandfather for turnip.

Oh! They pulled out the turnip.

I am participating in the marathon of Russian fairy tales. I’ve already written about 100,500 times boundless love son to books. We mostly read poems and nursery rhymes. But there is one fairy tale that we have been reading since 3 months. - "Turnip". I've been reading it for a year!!! Every day. Honestly, I got tired of it and put the book away. Recently I got it again. Miroslav was incredibly happy) so glad that we read “Turnip” 9 times in a row! (I counted). Well, time for this book from Miroslav increased attention, and mom wants variety, then we need to make a theater) We played out this fairy tale with the help of cards that depict the characters. Grandma and grandpa from puzzle books (7 dwarfs), turnip from "The World on the Palm". Granddaughter, bug, mouse, cat - these are muttering and imitating cards from “We Speak from the Cradle.” It was interesting) I depicted how the grandfather pulled out a turnip, how the grandmother ran to the rescue, how the granddaughter grabbed onto the grandmother. And then I asked Miroslav to give me the following characters. He gave everyone) a dog, a cat, and a mouse, and even voiced everyone) except the mouse (this little one, tailed, is not given to my son yet. Now we read “Turnip” every day, it’s better than 9 times in a row). I remembered one incident. I’m 20, my friends and I are at a club, we’re already going out and getting ready to hail a taxi. We asked those who were “on duty” there, everyone asked for 600-800 rubles (usually it cost 400 rubles) from Sukharevskaya to VDNKh. There was no Yandex taxi then, so my friend went out to “vote”. She asked me: “Len, how long will it take you to go?” And I jokingly: “For 100₽!” After 5 minutes the car was caught and the driver agreed to take me for 100 rubles. We are driving, and he asks me. “Do you know the fairy tale “Turnip?” It’s 4 am, I’m with by a stranger, in his car I discuss the hidden meaning of the fairy tale🙄 . I thought that the point was to help each other, to achieve a goal through joint efforts. He told me that there are 2 versions of the fairy tale. Christian "Turnip" and Slavic. In the last one, there are 9 characters, not 7. There is also a mother and father. The original meaning of a fairy tale is a connection with the family, ancestral memory.


Grandfather - wisdom (the oldest and wisest planted a turnip - the property of the Family)

Grandma - symbolizes home, traditions, economy;

Father is protection and support;

Mother - love and care;

Granddaughter - offspring;

Bug - prosperity in the Family (to maintain wealth, get a dog);

Cat - peace, good atmosphere;

Mouse - welfare (mice live where there is excess food);

turnip - hidden wisdom, Roots of the Family.

Christians removed the Mother and Father for two reasons:

1 - Christians have a septenary system of perception, so the fairy tale was reduced to 7 elements, just as the week was shortened from 9 to 7 days (the Slavs have a circular or ninefold system).

2 - for Christians, protection and support is the Church, and love and care is Christ (for the Slavs, protection and support is the Father, love and care is the Mother).

I don’t know how true this is) I don’t think that Christians sat and pressed delete to delete their mother and father. But there really is such a version. After talking with the taxi driver, I Googled it. He and I talked about a lot of other things, about gender, about marriage, about children. I got there for 100₽, but I got out of the car so loaded... it would have been better to go for 800₽ 😂