Why do you dream about buying a new fur coat? Why do you dream about a fur coat? Natural fur coat in a dream according to Freud's Dream Book

If it’s summer outside, and the day before you didn’t buy a mink coat, then you should think carefully about its appearance in a dream. This part of the wardrobe has extremely contradictory interpretations, and only a dream book will help you understand exactly what such a dream means.

Controversial symbol

Unfortunately, the dream book does not have a clear interpretation of a mink coat. It can be both a symbol of good luck, prosperity and respect, and a sign of imminent marriage, as an indicator of internal constraint and excessive secrecy. Moreover, a traditional brown mink coat can be a clear indication of the time of fulfillment of a prophetic dream. Therefore, all cases must certainly be interpreted, taking into account all the details.

Time of completion

If you dreamed of a brown mink coat long before the season, then you should remember this dream in all its details. It may indicate that night events will become a reality in winter.

In addition, it is necessary to interpret the dream depending on the day on which it occurred. Why, for example, do you dream of a black mink coat from Sunday to Monday? Take care of your finances urgently, unexpected expenses await you and financial difficulties.

Did you wear a mink coat on Wednesday night? A break in family relationships awaits you. If from Wednesday to Thursday you bought and gave a fur coat to a loved one, then the dream book considers this a clear indication of prosperity and a cloudless life.

Internal state

If in a dream you bought a long mink coat, but you don’t really like her, then the dream book believes that in reality you are too modest and uptight. If your clothes turn out to be hot and uncomfortable, then you are paying too much attention to your own comfort.

If in a dream a mink coat is cozy and good-quality, then your soul is also warm and good. Shabby clothes symbolize constant unrest and anxiety, and also a dubious source of income. By the way, if you dreamed of a fur coat with a hood, then the dreamer feels completely protected or, on the contrary, is trying to hide something from the world.

According to Miller

But Miller’s dream book has a lot to say about this interesting opinion. He believes that a mink coat can be dreamed of by those who have inflated ambitions and are in no hurry to show their true colors. Such a dream is also a sign of pretense, lies and deception. Moreover, if you saw naked man in a long black fur coat, then Miller’s dream book advises to be wary of betrayal.

The following interpretations are more harmless. He believes that wearing fur clothes in a dream symbolizes a banal cold snap. If in night visions one of the relatives wore a fur coat, then, on the contrary, one should expect warmer weather.

Actions and manipulations

Perhaps the biggest role in the interpretation of dreams is played by the actions of the dreamer and other participants. If a woman dreamed that she was given a white mink coat, then the dream promises a quick acquaintance with a very interesting person and even marriage. You can judge the future by the appearance of the clothes; the more expensive and beautiful they are, the more successful the marriage will be.

Some may not be interested.

Seeing yourself dressed in a fur coat- something is preventing you from liberating yourself; perhaps this is due to some long-standing complex of yours - well, for example, you are uncomfortable having sex if you are not sure that no one and nothing will disturb you in the next couple of hours.

Aesop's Dream Book

Fur coat- this symbol means either pretense, or contentment, wealth. The sheepskin coat, a fur coat with the fur turned inside out, was very popular among the people, and rich people wore not only sheepskin coats, but also fur coats with luxurious collars.

Seeing yourself undressed in the middle of winter and looking at a display of fur coats- to disappointed hopes, to frustration, to vain efforts that will lead nowhere; to a mistake that you make because you misjudge the circumstances.

Seeing a person whom you confused with an animal because of a fur coat- you are too trusting and impressionable, do not rush to give free rein to your feelings, exercise your head more; do not trust your first impression and do not rush to express an opinion because you will be wrong; to the surprise.

Seeing a live fur coat- to surprise, a sharp change in circumstances.

Seeing a naked man in a fur coat- to illness, malaise; betrayal by those you trust; to change relationships with loved ones.

Seeing that in a dream dogs are tearing the fur coat that you are wearing- to a quarrel, troubles in which friends will be involved; to a conflict over a loved one.

Seeing a luxurious adult fur coat worn by a small child- a person will appear on your path who exaggerates his importance and thereby misleads others; You will have to communicate with a person who will surprise you with the inadequacy of his position.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Wearing a comfortable, warm fur coat in a dream- a sign of success in business and good relations with others.

Uncomfortable or too hot fur coat- suggests that you care too much about your well-being, and these worries and worries make your life very difficult.

Dream book for the whole family

If in a dream from Sunday to Monday you are given a beautiful and expensive fur coat - this promises you financial difficulties.

Covering yourself with a fur coat in a dream- to loneliness. But if you have such a dream from Friday to Saturday, a new interesting acquaintance awaits you.

A dream from Wednesday to Thursday in which you buy a fur coat for someone close to you- portends a comfortable and cloudless existence.

If you had a dream in which lint falls out of your fur coat- this portends discord in the family.

If you had such a dream from Tuesday to Wednesday- a break in relations with one of your relatives will follow.

Dream book for a bitch

If you had a bad dream:

Don't be upset - it's just a dream. Thanks to him for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Tell in open window: “Where there is night, there comes sleep. All the good things stay, all the bad things go.”

Open the tap and dream about flowing running water.

Wash your face three times with the words “Where water flows, sleep goes.”

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

Turn your bed linen inside out.

Don't tell anyone bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

A woman considers herself happy if her beloved man gives her a gift in the form of a fur coat. If you saw luxurious clothes in a dream, pay close attention to the plot you saw. The dream book recommends carefully considering what the dreamed new thing looked like. Why such a plot is dreamed largely depends on this.

Modern interpreter

The modern dream book believes that if a young girl saw a fur coat in her night dreams, this indicates the appearance of a wealthy admirer in her life. His moral qualities, most likely will be in second place, you will have to choose between financial well-being and sincerity.

If you dream of a fur coat that hinders your actions, then real life You may lose mobility, or the plot speaks of your inert lifestyle. You should reconsider your habits.

If you dreamed of a damaged fur coat, this is a symbol of illness. If it is too hot, this indicates a thirst for material well-being, which only brings nervous tension without changing the current situation.

If you dream of a light, comfortable, comfortable fur coat, then success and prosperity await you.

Universal dream book

If you had a dream in which you were looking at a display of fur coats in winter, but you yourself were undressed in the cold, then you should expect a series of troubles and failures, dissatisfaction own life and depression.

The universal dream book warns that if a child or another person was wearing a fur coat that was too large for him, this means that a person will appear in life who exaggerates his own importance.

If you dreamed that you were running or jumping while wearing this symbol luxurious life, then certain changes will occur.

If in a dream a person is in a very cold area and puts on a fur coat just to avoid freezing, then in reality he is very practical and sensible.

Buying it in a dream is a symbol of stiffness and constriction, self-doubt and the desire to demonstrate one’s importance.

The universal dream book believes that a fur coat made of expensive fur can be dreamed of by women who occupy an influential place in society.

Aesop's predictions

A description of why a fur coat is dreamed of is also found in Aesop’s interpreter. There are two meanings: either pretense, or wealth and prosperity. If in a dream you confuse a dressed person with an animal, this is evidence of your gullibility. Don't rush to reveal your feelings to strangers.

Dreaming of a naked man dressed in fur predicts illness, a change in relationships with family, or unexpected betrayal. If you dream that a child is wearing an adult’s fur coat, then the importance of the new person in your life will be too exaggerated by him.

The opinion of Freud and the Wanderer

Freud's dream book says that buying a fur coat is evidence of tightness in real life. Seeing yourself dressed is a sign of the presence of complexes and self-doubt, perhaps moral traumas coming from childhood.

The Wanderer's Dream Book believes that this can be a dream of a rich suitor for a woman and embezzlement for a man.

Various interpretations

The Russian folk interpreter believes that a fur coat means pretense and hypocrisy. If in a dream you saw a naked man in a fur coat, expect betrayal from someone close. If you dreamed that dogs were tearing fur, then you will become a participant in other people’s conflicts and quarrels.

Tsvetkov believes that if you dreamed of a similar plot, then you will have to quarrel with someone or go on a long journey.

The esoteric dream book presents a good-quality fur coat as a sign of wealth and prosperity. But don't boast about your financial success, this promises envy and the “evil eye” from others. A worn fur coat seen in a dream will bring unstable cash injections in reality.

Simon Kananita interprets what was dreamed in a dream as a promise of future wealth and success.


Why do you dream about Shuba?

Maly Velesov dream book

Fur coat - wealth, success / noise, quarrel, illness, lie, moving, forced travel; wear - a rich inheritance; put on at the wrong time - bad, sadness, grief; putting on yellow or white means illness; black - death.

Newest dream book

In a dream, why does Shuba dream?

A fur coat means waste made without taking into account one’s material capabilities.

Russian dream book

Fur coat - big noise, quarrel.

Symbolic dream book

Fur coat - this symbol means either pretense and inflated claims, or real satisfaction with one’s success.

Seeing a naked man in a fur coat in a dream means betrayal by those you trust, a change in relationships with loved ones.

Seeing that dogs are tearing the fur coat you are wearing means conflict and troubles in which others will be involved.

To see a fur coat for an adult put on a small child - you have met a person who has an inflated idea of ​​his own importance and thereby misleads you.

Dream Interpreter

Putting on a fur coat in winter means nothing, but in summer such a dream signifies sadness, grief and misfortune.

Modern dream book

Find out what it means if you dream about Fur coat?

Seeing a fur coat in a dream means that soon you will have everything to finally feel like a happy person.

If you dreamed that you were wearing an expensive fur coat, it means that fate has prepared an unpleasant surprise for you.

Seeing yourself in a dirty, torn fur coat means an improvement in your financial situation. Dangers and troubles will pass you by.

Buying a fur coat in a store in a dream means that you will have a warm relationship with your loved one. For a young girl, such a dream promises a wealthy admirer.

Dream book of the future

Fur coat - success and wealth; Trying on a fur coat means quick big money.

Dream interpretation horoscope

Buying a fur coat means good financial results for some business.

Dream book for the whole family

If in a dream from Sunday to Monday you are given a beautiful and expensive fur coat, this promises you financial difficulties.

Covering yourself with a fur coat in a dream means loneliness. But if you have such a dream from Friday to Saturday, a new interesting acquaintance awaits you.

A dream from Wednesday to Thursday, in which you buy a fur coat for someone close to you, portends a comfortable and cloudless existence.

If you had a dream in which lint falls out of your fur coat, this portends discord in the family.

If you had such a dream from Tuesday to Wednesday, a break in relations with one of your relatives will follow.

Dream book for a bitch

Fur coat - success and prosperity.

Natural, fashionable and expensive fur coat - a luxurious trip with a rich admirer.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Wearing a comfortable, warm fur coat in a dream is a sign of success in business and good relationships with others.

An uncomfortable or too hot fur coat suggests that you care too much about your well-being, and these experiences and worries make your life very difficult.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

An ermine fur coat on a young woman means meeting an interesting young man.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Seeing yourself wearing an ermine fur coat in a dream means a difficult situation in the family.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

An ermine fur coat - to victory over the enemy.

Dream Interpretation of Love Relationships

A dream in which you buy a fur coat means that you are too reserved. You rarely talk in the company of unfamiliar people, afraid to say something stupid.

If you dream that you are wearing a fur coat, this indicates that you lack liberation in sex. You may be experiencing an inferiority complex. Try to learn to love yourself for who you are.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Fur coat - success and wealth.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Interpretation of the dream: A fur coat according to the dream book?

Darling - a rich groom for a woman, a loss for a man.

Dream Interpretation Tarot

Fur coat - news.

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

I dreamed of a fur coat - wait for the weather to change.

If you dreamed that you were wearing a fur coat, it means it will get colder in the near future.

In a dream, one of your friends or relatives wears a fur coat - warming is expected in the near future.

You dreamed that you were buying or were given a fur coat - the weather will be clear and cold in the near future.

Selling or losing a fur coat means damp and cold weather.

If you dreamed that your fur coat was stolen, you will soon become very cold and may catch a cold.

If you dreamed that a moth ate your fur coat - in next year there will be warm summers and cold winters.

Freud's Dream Book

Buying a fur coat in a dream means you are too uptight, afraid to say too much about yourself in the presence of unfamiliar people. But at the same time, you forget that someone may not be interested in your personal life.

Seeing yourself dressed in a fur coat - something is preventing you from liberating yourself; perhaps this is due to some long-standing complex of yours - well, for example, you are uncomfortable having sex if you are not sure that no one and nothing will disturb you in the next couple of hours.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Fur coat - a big quarrel; forced road.

Aesop's Dream Book

Fur coat - this symbol means either pretense, or contentment, wealth. The sheepskin coat, a fur coat with the fur turned inside out, was very popular among the people, and rich people wore not only sheepskin coats, but also fur coats with luxurious collars.

Seeing yourself undressed in the middle of winter and looking at a display of fur coats means disappointed hopes, frustration, wasted efforts that will lead nowhere; to a mistake that you make because you misjudge the circumstances.

To see a person whom you have confused with an animal because of a fur coat - you are too trusting and impressionable, do not rush to give free rein to your feelings, exercise your head more; do not trust your first impression and do not rush to express an opinion because you will be wrong; to the surprise.

Seeing a living fur coat is a sign of surprise, a sudden change in circumstances.

Seeing a naked person in a fur coat means illness, malaise; betrayal by those you trust; to change relationships with loved ones.

To see that in a dream dogs are tearing the fur coat that you are wearing - to a quarrel, troubles in which friends will be involved; to a conflict over a loved one.

To see a luxurious adult fur coat worn by a small child - a person will appear on your path who exaggerates his importance and thereby misleads others; You will have to communicate with a person who will surprise you with the inadequacy of his position.

Ukrainian dream book

A fur coat in a dream means a big quarrel, a scandal.

Esoteric dream book

A good, warm fur coat means stable material well-being. Even if she is yours in reality.

Chic, very expensive - don’t boast about your well-being, this will cause someone’s envy and the “evil eye”.

Shabby, old - very uneven financial position: sometimes empty, sometimes thick.

Online dream book

Meaning of the dream: Fur coat according to the dream book?

A fur coat symbolizes that you are very close to achieving your cherished success.

It was shabby - you will gradually be able to strengthen your financial situation.

If you acquired it in a dream, it means you will live in harmony and love.

Stole a fur coat - there is a risk that you will be struck by colds

It was spoiled by moths - all events will turn out to be predictable for you.

According to the dream book, a new fur coat promises you well-being and prosperity, you will live in luxury and abundance.

If a fur coat is white in a dream, this promises you material gain, rapid enrichment, but at the same time a deterioration in family relationships.

If you dreamed of a black fur coat, this promises you material well-being and mutual understanding with loved ones, your chosen one will treat you with great love and will never stoop to betrayal.

A mink coat in a dream portends positive changes in your life that will happen very soon, especially with regard to trade and financial transactions and, in general, any matters and new projects related to your business.

Trying on a fur coat in a dream - you will finally be able to achieve almost all of your goals at the same time, and you will be able to rest on your laurels, enjoying your happiness and luck.

A dream in which you buy a fur coat means that you are trying to provide as little information as possible about yourself, naively believing that for someone your biography may be of great importance.

If your fur coat was stolen in a dream, there is a high probability of suffering losses in real life, so be careful and do not let your guard down.

If your fur coat is gray in a dream, it means that your business is not going well right now. in the best possible way, and your poor physical health or depression is to blame. .

A red fur coat in a dream warns of possible troubles due to the meanness and deceit of people from your inner circle. Your position will be extremely unstable.

If you are wearing someone else's fur coat, there is a high probability of following a path that is not your own, living to please others or with an eye on someone else's lifestyle.

If you dream of a shabby, torn fur coat, your troubles will soon end and your financial situation will stabilize.

If you dreamed of a worn out and old fur coat, you may be waylaid serious problems material nature, try to do everything possible to prevent them, otherwise the consequences could be dire.

If you dreamed that you were given a fur coat, it promises you prosperity and luck in all your undertakings, a lucky streak will begin very soon and will never end.

If you received it as a present, something will happen that will surprise you immensely and puzzle you in a good way.

Wearing a fur coat in a dream means your home will be full, you will live in luxury and prosperity, and love and mutual respect will reign between family members.

A dream in which you lost your fur coat foreshadows a change in weather conditions; it will be very cold and damp, which will cause you a lot of discomfort.


Why does Shuba dream, dream book does it mean to see Shuba in a dream?

Pastor Loff's Dream Book

Why do you dream about Shuba in a dream?

According to the dream book, to see a Fur coat - This symbol means either pretense and inflated claims or real satisfaction with one’s success. Seeing a naked man in a fur coat in a dream means betrayal by those you trust, a change in relationships with loved ones. If you dreamed that dogs were tearing the fur coat you were wearing, this dream foreshadows conflict and troubles in which others will be involved. If you saw a fur coat for an adult put on a small child, this dream indicates that you have met a person who has an inflated idea of ​​his own importance and thereby misleads you, as the dream book predictor reports.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Evdokia

Why do you dream about Shuba in a dream?

Seeing a fur coat in a dream means - a fur coat is a big quarrel, but also success in business, wealth, this is how such a dream is interpreted according to the dream book.

Tulup - peace and luck, prosperity.

Freud's Dream Book

Why does Fur coat dream according to the dream book?

To see a fur coat in a dream - A dream in which you buy a fur coat indicates that you are too reserved. You rarely talk in the company of unfamiliar people, afraid to say something stupid. If you dream that you are wearing a fur coat, this indicates that you lack liberation in sex. You may be experiencing an inferiority complex. Try to learn to love yourself the way you are, as the dream book predicts.

Ancient dream book

Seeing Fur Coat in a dream:

Fur coat - If you dreamed that you were buying a fur coat, then in reality you are too uptight, afraid to say too much about yourself in the presence of unfamiliar people. Don't forget that your personal life may be of interest to some, but not to others. Be more relaxed, but don't talk too much. Seeing yourself dressed in a fur coat in a dream is a sign that something is preventing you from liberating yourself. This is probably due to some long-standing complex of yours - for example, you don’t - - It’s comfortable to make love if you’re not sure that no one and nothing will disturb you in the near future

Modern dream book

According to Shuba’s dream book, what does a dream mean:

Seeing a Fur Coat in a dream - If you bought a fur coat in a dream - in reality you are too shy, especially in the presence of unfamiliar people. If you saw yourself dressed in a fur coat - something is preventing you from liberating yourself. Perhaps you have some complexes that you need to get rid of.

Summer dream book

Why see Shuba in a dream?

Interpretation of the dream: Fur coat - Trying on a fur coat means having very significant expenses.

Ermine coat - Seeing an ermine coat on oneself in a dream means a disastrous situation in the family.

Astrakhan - Buy an astrakhan fur coat in a dream - you won’t see it in reality.

Tulup - A difficult test lies ahead.

Autumn dream book

Why see Shuba in a dream?

Why do you dream of a fur coat - Trying on a fur coat means trying to get money to start a new profitable business, this is how the dream book interprets the dream you had.

Raccoon coat - Seeing yourself in a dream wearing a rich raccoon coat means poverty.

Astrakhan - Seeing something made from astrakhan on yourself in a dream means buying a fur coat from astrakhan.

Tulup - Poverty is on the doorstep.

Spring dream book

Why see Shuba in a dream?

According to the dream book Fur coat, what does it mean in a dream - Fur coat - trying on a fur coat means good money.

Dream Interpretation Ermine coat - An ermine coat on a young woman means meeting an interesting young man.

An ermine fur coat - to victory over the enemy.

A raccoon coat - to your friend’s conceit.

Karakul - to a rich, prosperous life.

Tulup - there will be hope for a better future.


Trying on clothes according to the dream book

Shopping in a dream is considered a harbinger of the prospect of gaining new experience or knowledge, and also promises profit or financial influence. The explanation in dream books about why one dreams of trying on clothes is related to the emotional mood of the sleeping person, his ability to adapt to changes and innovations.

Wardrobe items

According to dream books, you need to interpret what you dream about trying on clothes based on the item of clothing you dreamed about. Thus, trying on a blouse or skirt warns against excessive curiosity and frivolity.

Trying on in a dream Wedding Dress either the veil promises an acquaintance with a wealthy or influential person, or it foretells the imminent receipt of an inheritance. I dreamed that I had to put on ordinary things in front of the mirror, decorated with embroidery or beads - fortunately, increased well-being; choosing new branded items - to a quarrel.

Trying on underwear in a store foreshadows in the dream book a showdown with your significant other. Try to control your emotions in public and do everything possible to ensure that the details of your conversation do not become public knowledge.

The new dream book explains why you dream of putting outerwear on yourself as a subconscious desire to protect yourself from public opinion. Throwing a coat over your shoulders denotes a favorable period for developing your abilities, promotions, and financial investments. According to the dream book, trying on a fur coat in a dream means the support of an influential person.

Condition and color of things

Putting on someone else's skirt in a dream foreshadows an unpleasant story, due to which there will be a need to move your place of work. I dreamed that I had a chance to change into a beautiful new dress, which means that in reality a pleasant acquaintance with a young man will occur.

Trying on dirty, torn or defective clothes means unforeseen events that can cause loss of reputation. Black - to bad news, quarrels; white - to joy and prosperity; green - fortunately in the personal sphere; red - for a romantic date, love adventure; blue - you can completely rely on your friends; orange - count on quick improvement financial situation.

In a dream, buy or try on clothes Pink colour in the store, the dream book speaks of an inflated opinion of one’s own successes. The dream of choosing a black wardrobe item in a dream calls for the dream book to be vigilant and cautious when communicating with unfamiliar people.


Trying on new clothes in a store means lack of self-confidence and a desire to change something in your appearance. Showing off in front of the mirror in someone else’s things or a friend’s new clothes speaks of the dreamer’s subconscious envy of the character’s successes, and her boyfriend’s jealousy of her.

According to Dr. Freud, dressing up in other people's clothes in a dream is explained by the fact that the sleeping person underestimates attractiveness own body. If you dreamed that you had to buy clothes without trying them on, it means that you are surrounded by reliable people and are dealing with decent business partners.

Buying a jacket is a sign of a promotion; trying on clothes before purchasing means you are overcome by doubts about your competence in a work matter; if the new thing turns out to be torn or dirty, be vigilant with your work colleagues.


Trying on a beautiful new fur coat

Dream Interpretation Trying on a beautiful new fur coat dreamed of why you dream about trying on a beautiful new fur coat? To select a dream interpretation, enter keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get online interpretation dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Trying on a beautiful new fur coat in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Fur coat

Dream Interpretation - Fur coat

Dream Interpretation - Fur coat

Dream Interpretation - Fur coat

Dream Interpretation - Fur coat

Dream Interpretation - Fur coat

Dream Interpretation - Fur coat

Dream Interpretation - Fur coat

Dream Interpretation - Fur coat

Dream Interpretation - Fur coat

A spoiled fur coat is a disease.


Trying on an expensive fur coat

Dream Interpretation Trying on an expensive fur coat dreamed of why you dream about trying on an expensive fur coat? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Trying on an expensive fur coat in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Buy an expensive fur coat

This dream promises wealth and honor

Dream Interpretation - Fur coat

This symbol means either pretense, or contentment, wealth. The sheepskin coat, a fur coat with the fur turned inside out, was very popular among the people, and rich people wore not only sheepskin coats, but also fur coats with luxurious collars.

Seeing yourself undressed in the middle of winter and looking at a display of fur coats means disappointed hopes, frustration, wasted efforts that will lead nowhere; to a mistake that you make because you incorrectly assess the circumstances.

To see a person whom you have confused with an animal because of a fur coat - you are too trusting and impressionable, do not rush to give free rein to your feelings, exercise your head more; do not trust your first impression and do not rush to express an opinion because you will be wrong; to the surprise.

Seeing a living fur coat is a sign of surprise, a sudden change in circumstances.

Seeing a naked person in a fur coat means illness, malaise; betrayal by those you trust; to change relationships with loved ones.

To see that in a dream dogs are tearing the fur coat that you are wearing - to a quarrel, troubles in which friends will be involved; to a conflict over a loved one.

To see a luxurious adult fur coat worn by a small child - a person will appear on your path who exaggerates his importance and thereby misleads others; you will communicate with a person who will surprise you with the inadequacy of the position held.

Dream Interpretation - Fur coat

Fur coat - this symbol means either pretense and inflated claims, or real satisfaction with one’s success. Seeing a naked man in a fur coat in a dream means betrayal by those you trust, and a change in relationships with loved ones. Seeing that dogs are tearing the fur coat you are wearing means conflict and troubles in which others will be involved. To see a fur coat for an adult put on a small child, you have met a person who has an inflated idea of ​​his own importance and thereby misleads you.

Dream Interpretation - Fur coat

If in a dream from Sunday to Monday you are given a beautiful and expensive fur coat, this promises you financial difficulties.

Covering yourself with a fur coat in a dream means loneliness. But if you have such a dream from Friday to Saturday, a new interesting acquaintance awaits you.

A dream from Wednesday to Thursday, in which you buy a fur coat for someone close, foreshadows a comfortable and cloudless existence.

If you had a dream in which lint falls out of your fur coat, this foreshadows discord in the family. If you had such a dream from Tuesday to Wednesday, a break in relations with one of your relatives will follow.

Dream Interpretation - Fur coat

Fur coat - a fur coat in a dream - a big quarrel, a scandal. "fur coat - you'll go to new house" - noise - happiness, joy.

Dream Interpretation - Fur coat

Fur coat - Buying a fur coat in a dream means you are too uptight, you are afraid to say too much about yourself in the presence of unfamiliar people. But at the same time, you forget that someone may not be interested in your personal life.

Seeing yourself dressed in a fur coat - something is preventing you from liberating yourself; perhaps this is due to some long-standing complex of yours - well, for example, you are uncomfortable having sex if you are not sure that no one and nothing will disturb you in the next couple of hours.

Dream Interpretation - Fur coat

If you dreamed that you bought a fur coat (you are planning to do this, you are looking for a fur coat that you like), in the near future you will not have problems with finances. To make this period last as long as possible, hide a coin under the carpet every day for a week.

If you dreamed that you were sewing a fur coat (or ripping it apart, tearing it), get ready for your relationship with one of your relatives or friends to deteriorate. To prevent this from happening, burn a family photo on the next full moon.

Dream Interpretation - Fur coat

seeing or wearing a fur coat in a dream during your season (i.e. winter) portends goodness and wealth. Wearing a fur coat in the summer means sadness.

Dream Interpretation - Fur coat

If you bought a fur coat in a dream - in reality you are too shy, especially in the presence of unfamiliar people.

If you saw yourself dressed in a fur coat - something is preventing you from liberating yourself. Perhaps you have some complexes that you need to get rid of.

Dream Interpretation - Fur coat

Wearing a comfortable, warm fur coat is a sign of success in business and good relationships with others.

An uncomfortable or too hot fur coat: suggests that you care too much about your well-being, and these worries and worries make your life very difficult.


Sheepskin coat to measure

Dream Interpretation Sheepskin coat to measure dreamed of why you dream of trying on a sheepskin coat? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see trying on a sheepskin coat in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Fur coat

This symbol means either pretense, or contentment, wealth. The sheepskin coat, a fur coat with the fur turned inside out, was very popular among the people, and rich people wore not only sheepskin coats, but also fur coats with luxurious collars.

Seeing yourself undressed in the middle of winter and looking at a display of fur coats means disappointed hopes, frustration, wasted efforts that will lead nowhere; to a mistake that you make because you incorrectly assess the circumstances.

To see a person whom you have confused with an animal because of a fur coat - you are too trusting and impressionable, do not rush to give free rein to your feelings, exercise your head more; do not trust your first impression and do not rush to express an opinion because you will be wrong; to the surprise.

Seeing a living fur coat is a sign of surprise, a sudden change in circumstances.

Seeing a naked person in a fur coat means illness, malaise; betrayal by those you trust; to change relationships with loved ones.

To see that in a dream dogs are tearing the fur coat that you are wearing - to a quarrel, troubles in which friends will be involved; to a conflict over a loved one.

To see a luxurious adult fur coat worn by a small child - a person will appear on your path who exaggerates his importance and thereby misleads others; you will communicate with a person who will surprise you with the inadequacy of the position held.

Dream Interpretation - Fur coat

Fur coat - this symbol means either pretense and inflated claims, or real satisfaction with one’s success. Seeing a naked man in a fur coat in a dream means betrayal by those you trust, and a change in relationships with loved ones. Seeing that dogs are tearing the fur coat you are wearing means conflict and troubles in which others will be involved. To see a fur coat for an adult put on a small child, you have met a person who has an inflated idea of ​​his own importance and thereby misleads you.

Dream Interpretation - Fur coat

If in a dream from Sunday to Monday you are given a beautiful and expensive fur coat, this promises you financial difficulties.

Covering yourself with a fur coat in a dream means loneliness. But if you have such a dream from Friday to Saturday, a new interesting acquaintance awaits you.

A dream from Wednesday to Thursday, in which you buy a fur coat for someone close, foreshadows a comfortable and cloudless existence.

If you had a dream in which lint falls out of your fur coat, this foreshadows discord in the family. If you had such a dream from Tuesday to Wednesday, a break in relations with one of your relatives will follow.

Dream Interpretation - Fur coat

Fur coat - a fur coat in a dream - a big quarrel, a scandal. “a fur coat - you will move to a new house” - noise - happiness, joy.

Dream Interpretation - Fur coat

Fur coat - Buying a fur coat in a dream means you are too uptight, you are afraid to say too much about yourself in the presence of unfamiliar people. But at the same time, you forget that someone may not be interested in your personal life.

Seeing yourself dressed in a fur coat - something is preventing you from liberating yourself; perhaps this is due to some long-standing complex of yours - well, for example, you are uncomfortable having sex if you are not sure that no one and nothing will disturb you in the next couple of hours.

Dream Interpretation - Fur coat

If you dreamed that you bought a fur coat (you are planning to do this, you are looking for a fur coat that you like), in the near future you will not have problems with finances. To make this period last as long as possible, hide a coin under the carpet every day for a week.

If you dreamed that you were sewing a fur coat (or ripping it apart, tearing it), get ready for your relationship with one of your relatives or friends to deteriorate. To prevent this from happening, burn a family photo on the next full moon.

Dream Interpretation - Fur coat

seeing or wearing a fur coat in a dream during your season (i.e. winter) portends goodness and wealth. Wearing a fur coat in the summer means sadness.

Dream Interpretation - Fur coat

If you bought a fur coat in a dream - in reality you are too shy, especially in the presence of unfamiliar people.

If you saw yourself dressed in a fur coat - something is preventing you from liberating yourself. Perhaps you have some complexes that you need to get rid of.

Dream Interpretation - Fur coat

Wearing a comfortable, warm fur coat is a sign of success in business and good relationships with others.

An uncomfortable or too hot fur coat: suggests that you care too much about your well-being, and these worries and worries make your life very difficult.

Dream Interpretation - Fur coat

Fur coat - loss of mobility / harm from inertia and laziness, voluptuousness / life among dreams.

A spoiled fur coat is a disease.


Trying on a new fur coat

Dream Interpretation - Beautiful fur coat

What you will remember for a long time made an impression (fur coat, cut). But you won’t continue the relationship, it’s not yours (I poured it out, I never brew like that in my life.). There seems to be a mismatch of characters.

Dream Interpretation - Losing a fur coat, worms in the eyes

Perhaps something remains from the time when you studied at the institute - you lost some part of yourself there. Perhaps it was self-confidence. You may not immediately understand what exactly you forgot. Then perhaps you let go of whatever caused that loss. Perhaps it is poor judgment or insularity. Try to remember that time. Even if it is not related to the institute, it can relate to any event that made you feel lost. You need to look deep within yourself and then perhaps you will have a chance to heal. Take care of yourself.

Dream Interpretation - A deceased woman puts a fur coat on another person

In the neighboring yard, Relatives say goodbye to the deceased young Girl - symbolizes the acquired age and spiritual experience of the Dreamer, the current appearance Dreamer. The late Mom tries on a fox fur coat on the living Kuma in front of the Mirror - a symbolic reflection of the hidden emotional sphere, pent-up desires (The Dreamer peeks from the Street famous women- the current emotional capabilities of the Dreamer, hidden behind a mature appearance). There's a guy sitting on the window from the street domestic cat, which has never been allowed on the Street before - symbolizes the control of conscious experience over emotional manifestations (emotions / contacts).

Dear Tamra. Your dream may promise meeting a new gentleman, not just a romantic date, but with serious intentions; in the future, this relationship can lead to marriage. Wrapping comfortable foot wraps around your feet is a way of organizing your life, taking care of your comfort. Such a relationship will be very convenient for you. Brown color foot wraps - mean a stable relationship. Black patent leather boots - dramatic changes in life, new husband. Good luck to you in the new year!

Dream Interpretation - Foot wraps and new boots

Shoes in a dream symbolize a man. Foot wraps can mean two things - that the relationship will be unusual in many ways, not the same as you are used to, and secondly, the soldiers wrapped foot wraps so as not to knock their legs during campaigns, there will be something in this man from which he needs protection. In short, take precautions.

Dream Interpretation - Foot wraps and new boots

Perhaps the dream tells you that you will take on a new business, or you will have new things to do, which you will take on with confidence in their implementation. Good luck.

To dream of a bag is a sign of indignation, but this is her dream, her indignation over something, and not yours, even though she dreamed of you.

Dream Interpretation - My friend dreamed that I had a new expensive bag

The dream has nothing to do with you. Information for her. Your friend needs freedom and change (1400=1+4-5), but in this, as in many other things, she will be hindered by feelings of envy.

Dream Interpretation - Gates, new curtains

This dream foreshadows new experiences for her, they will relate to well-being. Most likely she will wonder how she can live without financial support husband in case of divorce

Dream Interpretation - New tooth

You spend a lot of energy on the problems that surround you, waste a lot of time on trifles, trying to change something that can be done without your help. Your efforts in this direction will not be noticed. Reconsider your affairs or try something new for you.


Trying on a deceased person's fur coat

Dream Interpretation - Fur coat

Fur coat - loss of mobility / harm from inertia and laziness, voluptuousness / life among dreams.

A spoiled fur coat is a disease.

Dream Interpretation - Fur coat

A dream in which you buy a fur coat suggests that you are too reserved.

You rarely talk in the company of unfamiliar people, afraid to say something stupid.

If you dream that you are wearing a fur coat, this indicates that you lack liberation in sex.

You may be experiencing an inferiority complex.

Try to learn to love yourself for who you are.

Dream Interpretation - Deceased

To see deceased relatives, friends or loved ones - the fulfillment of secret desires / help in a difficult situation / your desire to receive support, longing for the warmth of relationships, for loved ones / change in weather or very coldy begin.

But if the deceased kisses, calls, leads, or you yourself follow in his wake - serious illness and troubles / death.

It's even worse to give them money, food, clothes, etc. - serious illness / danger to life.

Give a photo to a dead person - the person in the portrait will die.

Taking something from a deceased person in a dream means happiness, wealth.

Congratulating him is a good deed.

Those who long to see him are poorly remembered.

Talking to a deceased friend in a dream is important news.

Everything that the deceased says in a dream is true, “ambassadors of the future.”

Seeing a portrait of the deceased is spiritual help in material need.

Seeing both deceased parents together is happiness and wealth.

Mother - with her appearance most often warns against rash actions.

Father - warns against something that you will later be ashamed of.

A deceased grandfather or grandmother appears in a dream before significant ceremonies.

A deceased brother is fortunate.

A deceased sister means an unclear, uncertain future.

Sleeping with a dead husband is a nuisance

Dream Interpretation - People who died in reality (appeared in a dream)

Those people who no longer exist in reality continue to live (exist!) in our consciousness. IN folk superstition“seeing dead people in a dream means a change in weather.” And there is some truth in this, as a result of sharp changes in atmospheric pressure in the image of loved ones of the dead, either phantoms of deceased acquaintances or lucifags from non-physical dimensions of the earth’s noosphere most easily penetrate into the dreams of people in order to study, contact and influence the sleeper. The essence of the latter can be clarified using special techniques only in lucid dreams. And since the energy of the Lucifags is alien (non-human), it is quite easy to determine their arrival. And although lucifags very often “hide” under the images of our loved ones, loved ones who have passed on to another world, when meeting with supposedly our dead relatives, instead of joy, for some reason we experience special discomfort, strong excitement and even fear! However, what saves us from making direct destructive energetic contact with genuine representatives of underground infernal spaces is the lack of full-fledged daytime consciousness, i.e., unawareness that, together with the high-speed action of our body, is our spiritual protection from them. However, quite often we may see “genuine”, “real” bodysuits of close people who once lived with us. In this case, contact with them is accompanied by fundamentally different states and moods. These moods are more trusting, intimate, intimate and benevolent. In this case, from deceased relatives we can receive good parting words, a warning, a message about future events, and real spiritual-energy support and protection (especially if the deceased were Christian believers during their lifetime). In other cases, dead people in a dream represent our own projections, showing the so-called “unfinished gestalt” - an unfinished relationship with a given person. Such non-physically ongoing relationships are expressed by the need for reconciliation, love, intimacy, understanding, and resolution of past conflicts. As a result, such meetings become healing and are expressed by feelings of sadness, guilt, regret, repentance and spiritual cleansing.

Dream Interpretation - Fur coat

Fur coat - Good quality, warm - for stable material well-being. (Even if she is yours in reality). Chic, very expensive - don’t boast about your well-being, this will cause someone’s envy and the “evil eye”. Shabby, old - a very uneven financial situation: sometimes empty, sometimes dense.

Dream Interpretation - Fur coat

Fur coat - success and wealth.

Dream Interpretation - Fur coat

Trying on a fur coat means trying to get money to start a new profitable business.

Dream Interpretation - Fur coat

Trying on a fur coat means good money.

Dream Interpretation - Fur coat

Trying on a fur coat is a very significant expense.

Dream Interpretation - Fur coat

Putting on a fur coat means nothing in winter; in summer such a dream is a harbinger of trouble.

A fur coat is perhaps every woman’s dream! Each one dreams of possessing it, and sometimes so strongly that she already sees the object of her desire in a dream. Do you think you will become its lucky owner? If you are in Lately If you haven’t noticed such an obsession in yourself, don’t rush to rejoice. Most likely, the dream was not intended to announce an acquisition. But then why dream of a fur coat?

in winter similar dream With more likely will be meaningless, and in the summer it will predict sadness and disappointment.

It is necessary to pay attention to the details and plot of the dream: under what circumstances it was received, length, condition (new or old), what fur it is made of, its color, even the surrounding environment matters.

Why do you dream about a fur coat?

Interpretations of dream books are sometimes contradictory.

Most interpretations of dream books say: a fur coat signifies luxury, prosperity and positive results. However, it can also predict troubles, high claims and even changes in the weather.

Who dreamed of a fur coat

  • Men rarely read dream books, but if you are one of them and a fur coat appeared in your dream, and even with patches, be on your guard. Consider spending and prepare for financial losses.
  • A married woman accepting a fur coat as a gift is bad; most likely, your spouse is cheating, or it may represent your fear of losing your soulmate.
  • If you are a young unmarried lady who received a fur coat as a present in a dream, expect a marriage proposal.

Appearance and condition of the fur coat

According to the dream book, a good fur coat is a sign of luxury, prosperity, and prosperity, especially when it is floor-length and has long fur.

  • If you dreamed that fur fell out of a new fur coat, this meant ruin. Be careful in making decisions, assess your strengths adequately and remember that after the white stripe there is a black one.
  • A worn fur coat such as a sheepskin coat - expect unstable financial flows.
  • It is better not to show off in an ancient or worthless fur coat in a dream - it means you will feel unwell.
  • A grimy and torn fur coat warns that you need to save your energy. You won’t be able to earn a decent amount of money quickly. There is a great possibility of family squabbles and divorce.
  • Expect strife in the family if in a dream you darn a useless fur coat or throw it away.

Type of fur

  • Cheburashka fur coat made of eco-fur - in life there will be a place for hypocrisy and disappointments, which the dreamer will soon encounter. You overly idealize people and become very disappointed when they do something inappropriate.
  • A red fox coat will make you dissemble and get out of life’s difficult ups and downs, and participate in scams.
  • A mink coat prophesies idleness, laziness and idleness - the main thing is to know when to stop.
  • An arctic fox coat means that a showdown with an old enemy will end in your victory.
  • A raccoon coat is a harbinger of poverty.
  • An astrakhan fur coat means that you will soon buy an astrakhan fur coat in reality.
  • Mouton sheepskin coat - you can even brag about your health.
  • Rabbits are not only valuable fur, but a rabbit fur coat in your dreams characterizes you as a cowardly, cowardly person.

What color fur coat did you see in your dream?

  • Black and long warns - plan your budget wisely to avoid unnecessary unforeseen expenses.
  • A rare animal - a coat of sky-blue fur! This is a warning - do not be overly simple-minded, so as not to suffer as a consequence from intricate plots and intrigues.
  • A snow-white, beautiful and expensive fur coat promises the same rich, luxurious and serene life.
  • A brown mink coat means the same thing as a white one, plus consistency and regularity.
  • Take care of your nerves, they do not recover if you dreamed of a gray fur coat.
  • An unexpected addition to your wallet will be anticipated by a creative fur item of unusual color.

Dreaming of a long fur coat

A long mink coat looks royal and is an excellent omen - the trip will be successful. But only if it fits.

It is believed that if you dream of a long mink coat, this signals an upcoming promotion or career advancement.

The shortened version in some publications is interpreted as an unfavorable sign.

I dreamed of an expensive fur coat

A luxurious, expensive fur coat usually dreams of prosperity. But if its price exceeds your capabilities, an unpleasant surprise is likely, you will find yourself in an awkward and unpleasant, and most importantly, unpreventable situation.

Wearing a fur coat according to the dream book

You need to look at who is wearing the fur coat and what it is like. Sad news, failures, squabbles await you if you dreamed that you were putting it on yourself.

  • If your fur coat is too small and restricts movement, you need to rethink your habits. Perhaps you lead a sedentary lifestyle, which warns you that you need to increase your activity.
  • But if the fur coat is on time, comfortable and convenient, expect prosperity and success.
  • You, as a generous person, gave a fur product and began to put it on another person - both of you will not need anything.

If you don’t buy it, at least try it on

Trying on fur coats in a dream good sign about the imminent appearance of a good cash flow, a profitable business.

  • The product did not fit and you did not buy it - you will receive only a small profit or miss a good chance.
  • If you have lost a fur coat you just purchased, you should not invest money in dubious, unreliable campaigns and deals, there is a high probability of failure. Double check the details!
  • After trying it on in a dream, you buy a fur coat, which means you won’t experience financial problems. To consolidate well-being in real life, you can hide a coin under a rug. This needs to be done daily, one at a time, for a week.

Why do you dream of walking in a fur coat?

You will receive a long-awaited increase in salary, a bonus, or an increase in income in some other way - a dream where you walk around in a beautiful fur coat that you like will tell you about this. Your efforts in business will be appreciated.

The fur coat is beautiful, but alien

A child dressed in a fur coat or a person for whom it is clearly too big - most likely, a person will appear in life whose importance is clearly exaggerated by himself.

Maybe you are burdened by some accomplished deed? Then that’s why you dreamed that you put on a fur coat from someone else’s shoulder.

Who did you see wearing a fur coat in a dream?

  • If a fur coat is worn by another person in a dream, you can count on protection and help soon. But if this is a close relative or girlfriend, there is a high probability of betrayal on that side.
  • You are wearing a fur coat, it is too hot, you are sweating, you know, this is a vain desire material goods. You will get nothing but a nervous breakdown; you cannot change the situation.
  • A fur coat in a window means you are outside and it’s bitterly cold, most likely you lack comfort and warmth. If it’s not cold outside, then meet depression and blues.

If you dream about a lot of fur coats

How many fur coats have you seen in your dreams? A bunch of them and none of them fit, can’t decide, trying one after another? Then the dream shows that it would be nice to work on increasing faith in yourself, your strength and raising your self-esteem, because... It's clearly underestimated.

Dream Interpretation: fur coat stolen

As in reality, this does not promise anything positive.

Be extremely careful, moderate expenses and unplanned expenses that can aggravate the situation.

  • This dream portends a decrease in profits, leakage Money, some kind of loss due to your excessive self-confidence.
  • At times, the theft of a fur coat means the appearance of a rival love front. Either yours workplace a colleague is applying.

Opinion of popular dream books

Let's look at the interpretations of dreams about fur coats in the most famous dream books.

Why did you dream about a fur coat: Freud’s dream book

Wearing a fur coat characterizes you as a person who is unable to relax and unwind. The reason for this could be childhood mental turmoil or complexes. You buy a fur coat - this symbolizes your excessive tightness in an unfamiliar society, timidity and constraint in the thirst to show your authority.

Tsvetkov's opinion

Tsvetkov's dream book interprets a dream about a fur coat as the likelihood of an unwanted journey or a serious quarrel.

Seeing a fur coat in a dream according to Aesop

Aesop's predictions claim that a change in relationships with family and friends, betrayal or illness may foreshadow a dream where you see a fur coat on another person, especially if he is wearing nothing else besides a fur coat.

Modern dream book

A modern dream interpreter predicts a serious lack of money for quite a long time if you are presented with a presentable mink coat. This is especially true when the dream occurred on Monday night. Losing appearance fur coat - to parting.

The Wanderer's Interpretation

The Wanderer's Dream Book by T. Smirnov provides a lot of information on dreams that is not found in other sources. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that the interpretations of dreams were verified by the author personally, from his own experience. Regarding our topic, a fairly diverse interpretation is given there. A dream about a fur coat is both a sign of prosperity and poverty. For the male representatives there is loss, and for the woman there is a rich, promising groom.

Don’t be upset if the interpretation of your particular dream is not to your liking, don’t take it too seriously! It's just a dream. Positive thinking– our main assistant! Whatever happens, everything is for the best, even if sometimes it seems that it is not so. Have a good mood!

Very often people do not perceive some details of a dream because they consider them insignificant. This is considered a serious mistake, since even such a wardrobe item as a fur coat can tell a lot about the dreamer’s future. Of course, in order to correctly interpret a dream, you should remember all the details and, based on this, carry out full analysis what he saw. So, why do you dream about a fur coat?

Freud's Dream Book

A dream in which the sleeper buys a fur coat in a specialized store indicates his tightness, shyness in the presence of strangers. As a result of this character trait, the sleeper cannot fully reveal his talent and show himself in all his glory. What else does Freud say about such a dream? A mink coat means a successful trip, a fox coat means the appearance of a cunning two-faced person surrounded by a sleeping person, an arctic fox coat means a suitor. Seeing yourself dressed in a beautiful, expensive fur coat means that the dreamer cannot relax; this is probably due to a long-standing complex.

Esoteric dream book

Why do you dream about a fur coat? A good, warm doha predicts material well-being, stability in business and personal life. A chic fur coat worn by the dreamer means that in real life he is too proud of his wealth. This should not be done, since such behavior can cause the envy of a “black” person. Seeing in a dream a fur coat of poor quality, the fur of which falls off with every touch, means instability of the financial situation, as they say, sometimes it’s thick, sometimes it’s empty.

Ukrainian dream book

Why do you dream about a fur coat? According to the authors of this publication, such a dream is a harbinger of a major quarrel, a family scandal. Wearing a fur coat in a dream means moving to a new home. For the young ones unmarried girls this vision may portend an imminent wedding.

Ancient Russian dream book

The creators of this dream book are confident that in order to correctly decipher what a fur coat is meant for in a dream, one should take into account the time of year when it was dreamed of. In winter, to see a fur coat - empty, nothing meaningful sign. If the dream appeared in the summer, it means that troubles and misfortunes await the sleeper.

Family dream book

If on the night from Sunday to Monday a person dreams that he is being given a magnificent, expensive fur coat, then this is a contradictory sign, since in reality he will face financial difficulties. If a sleeper covers himself with a fur coat in a dream, then this is a harbinger of loneliness. However, if you saw something like this from Friday to Saturday, then you should expect something new. interesting acquaintance, which will radically change the life of the sleeper. A dream in which the sleeper buys a fur item for one of his relatives, especially if it happened from Wednesday to Thursday, promises an unusually happy, cloudless future. It is at this time that it is recommended to start new projects, since they are sure to succeed. Trying on a fur coat in a dream, but not buying it, is a sign that apparent well-being is actually a deception. If in a dream, lint begins to fall out of a fur coat that is beautiful at first glance, it means that the dreamer’s family boat has cracked, scandals and quarrels with loved ones await him. Moreover, if you see something like this from Tuesday to Wednesday, it means that the dreamer is about to break up with one of his close relatives, possibly a divorce, which will be accompanied by a major scandal.

Aesop's Dream Book

A fur coat, according to the authors of this publication, is a sign not only of wealth, but also of pretense and duplicity. Seeing yourself looking at a window display in winter fur products- to frustration, unfulfilled hopes, vain efforts that did not allow achieving results. Also, this dream may mean that the dreamer made a big mistake because he underestimated the enemy and did not delve into the materials of the case. If a person sleeping in a dream, because of a large fur coat, confuses a person with an animal, then this indicates his impressionability and gullibility. Interpreters recommend giving less vent to feelings and not rushing to make decisions. Dreaming of a “living” fur coat means a sudden change in circumstances, unexpected events. A dream in which a naked person is covered with a fur coat portends serious illness. In some cases, this vision indicates the duplicity of the sleeping person’s friends, so you should not reveal your soul too much to strangers. If in a dream a pack of dogs attacked a sleeping person and began to tear the fur coat he was wearing, it means that a conflict will soon occur in which the sleeping person’s friends will be involved.

A luxurious adult fur coat worn by a child can be dreamed of when a person appears on the sleeper’s path, exaggerating his own importance, thereby misleading those around him. In addition, such a dream may indicate that the sleeper will have to communicate with a person who will surprise him with the inadequacy of his position; perhaps he will occupy high position, which is actually unworthy.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

If in a dream someone throws a fur coat over the shoulders of the sleeping person, it means that some person will be able to help him in solving difficult issues concerning financial activities, it may also indicate a successful deal or foreshadow a rich groom. A beautiful, warm fur coat with shiny black pile portends financial stability. After such a dream, the sleeper can be sure that no disasters will disturb his well-being. An outwardly strange fur coat, for example, a mink with a very long pile, may be dreamed of when money unexpectedly “comes” to the sleeper, perhaps it will be a bonus for work done or the return of an old debt that the dreamer has already forgotten about. If the dreamer dreams of wearing a fur coat in the warm season, it means that quarrels and scandals await him, which will affect the material side of the matter. The dream in which lint falls out of a fur coat has the same meaning. A shaggy, ugly fur coat worn by a person familiar to the dreamer indicates his quarrelsomeness. The dreamer will probably soon quarrel with him, and the quarrel will be accompanied by undeserved accusations and groundless criticism of the sleeper. A white fur coat means sadness, unpleasant news, a black fur coat means joyful events.