What to do with the old cross on the grave. Is it possible to change monuments on a grave?

How to visit a cemetery correctly? A question that worries many relatives of deceased people.

It turns out that in the old days there were beliefs that our great-grandmothers adhered to.

Traditionally, many superstitions are associated with cemeteries, which, by the way, are not groundless. Signs in a graveyard can warn of impending danger, so burials should be visited with the utmost caution. And the signs seen at the resting places must be treated carefully.
First of all, you need to remember - under no circumstances should you disturb the dead, this will lead to disaster. You shouldn’t come to them empty-handed either; bring sweets that you will leave at the grave.

In order not to “take” misfortune and misfortune from the cemetery into the house, psychics advise sticking to simple rules behavior.

Alexander Zhukov, psychic: “The very first thing is that you need to enter the cemetery correctly, so as not to leave your luck, happiness there, and most importantly, to “catch on” to various diseases.
You must enter the cemetery with with open hands , if you are carrying a bag, you should not hold it in your palm. It must be hung over the hand so that all fingers and hands are open.
This is done so that you don’t take anything with you, just the good things that are in your life today.”

At the same time, we should not forget about what can and cannot be said at the resting places. You can share your experiences with deceased relatives, but not complain, but rather share. However words should not cause envy or excessive pity: in both cases, the dead can “take” you to their place.
Remember to allow yourself you can only be open with a relative you trusted during your lifetime and with whom they were close.

There is such a sign: Whatever good you say on a grave will remain on it. A phrase like: “I feel so bad, I want to die...” can become fatal. The spirits of the cemetery may view this as a call to action.

In addition, we should not forget that not everyone can talk with the dead, or come to the cemetery.

Alexander Zhukov, psychic: “I’ll say right away - Pregnant women are not allowed in the cemetery! Not for a funeral, not for parent's day. Generally not possible. According to signs, the following events may occur:

The souls of the dead will take the soul of the unborn baby with them;
. An alien soul can inhabit an unborn child.

This sign has been preserved for a long time and was associated with high infant mortality and the danger of difficult childbirth in pregnant women. Now this sign is not so relevant, so treat it wisely.
If a pregnant woman needs to say goodbye to the deceased, or at the call of her heart to visit the graves of relatives, then she should wear something red, tie her hand with a red thread, or keep a piece of red cloth in her pocket.

And under no circumstances Children under 12 years old cannot be brought to the cemetery. This is very dangerous for the child’s health and his future. You can completely change the fate of a child! From a mystical point of view, the aura of children is very weak, and from penetration negative energy It is difficult for children to protect themselves.

It is forbidden coming to a funeral to say goodbye to one person, simultaneously visit the graves of other people buried nearby.

Violation of at least one of the rules may result in attraction large quantity negative information that, like a weight, will pull you to the ground.

Visiting a cemetery for remembrance

Undoubtedly, paying one’s last respects to the deceased and honoring his memory by attending the funeral is an indicator of the moral and ethical standards prescribed by society.

The cemetery is special place. It “connects” the world of the living and world of the dead . Therefore, it is necessary to treat him with respect and observe certain signs and rules of behavior so as not to anger the dead and not pay for your disrespect.

❧ You need to carefully prepare for visiting a cemetery, paying special attention to your clothing. Traditional colors are white and black. More than anything Black color is suitable for a cemetery, since it is considered a mourning color, a color symbolizing grief. If your wardrobe does not have items of suitable colors, you should choose clothes in muted tones.

❧ Legs must be covered. It is unacceptable to walk around the cemetery in open sandals or shoes high heels. The graveyard is a place where “dead” energy accumulates; the earth is especially heavily saturated with it. There is a saying: the dead attract the living. It can be regarded as a warning - cemetery soil, when it comes into contact with bare skin, has a negative effect on a person. First of all, the negative impact affects his health.

❧ At the cemetery before noon, after noon at church. It is better to visit deceased relatives before lunch, otherwise in the afternoon the spirits may play tricks on those who came.

❧ You can’t swear in a cemetery - all the swearing will remain on you. It's really, really true. Everything bad that is said in the cemetery falls on the shoulders of the one who spoke out. There can't even be other options here. In a cemetery you need to be especially careful both in statements and in deeds. In general, when staying in a cemetery, you need to be very careful. Attentiveness and politeness are qualities that the deceased greatly value. This is the very case when the idea that life does not end after death has special meaning. Therefore, it is necessary to show respect to those who have already left, otherwise they may punish.

❧ If you bring beautiful bouquet- this is great, just don’t neglect the recommendation to bring even number colors.
When throwing away withered flowers, you should replace them with new ones and explain to the deceased why this is being done.

❧ If when planting flowers, digging on the grave some strange things were discovered, foreign objects, we need to take them out of the cemetery and throw them away. Ideally, burn it, trying not to get caught in the smoke.
The things on the graves could have been left behind by sorcerers causing damage. By taking such an object, a person takes part of the damage upon himself.

❧ A week after Easter, it is customary to come to the cemetery to remember relatives and friends. Eating in a cemetery, or, as is very common among the Slavs, drinking strong (alcoholic) drinks is also prohibited.
It accumulates in the cemetery negative energy, this place is not conducive to fun, people come here with grief. Food absorbs all this, and after eating you can feel unhealthy.
The Christian Church also insists that funerals should not be held in the cemetery. The funeral feast at the cemetery dates back to pagan times, when after burial on the mounds they held funeral rites. Christianity does not support pagan traditions. Although debates about this custom are still ongoing among church theorists.
It’s better to give alms to the poor and visit a temple, order a memorial service for the deceased - this way of honoring the dead is more acceptable and spiritually useful.

❧ If you still adhere to the tradition of remembering the deceased with a glass of vodka at the grave, then remember only good things about them and drink without clinking glasses, so as not to transfer trouble from one house to another.

Signs at the cemetery

There are many signs about the cemetery. Even people who are deeply indifferent to superstitions try to adhere to them. That's just the way this place is. No one knows what the world of the dead may bring, so it is better to pay close attention to the signs.

❧Grave desecrators, cemetery thieves, face a sad fate, for they are haunted by evil fate.

❧ Stumble in a cemetery- not good. Even worse is to fall. Signs advise you to immediately leave the cemetery, wash yourself with holy water, cross yourself and read the Lord’s Prayer three times.
Believe me, it doesn’t matter to your soul where you remember it - in a cemetery or in a temple, or in a conversation with your family. The main thing is that you are sincere and that these memories have a light, kind shade.

❧ As already mentioned, there is a superstition that in the cemetery You can’t talk about the successes and achievements of your life and so as not to leave everything here.

❧ Also It is not allowed to count money in the cemetery, otherwise you may never see them again. If a bill is taken out of a wallet, or it even falls to the ground, it must be left at the grave of a relative or namesake in order to pay off possible poverty and premature death.

❧ Basically, any item that falls onto the cemetery ground no longer belongs to its living owner. You shouldn't pick it up. If the item is really necessary, you need to leave a donation to the deceased and the owner of the cemetery - a bottle of vodka and sweets.

❧ From the cemetery under no circumstances You can't bring any things home(this does not apply to sweets that children collect, since they commemorate all the dead with them). This will harm the one who took the things and the people who used them.
Do not take anything from the cemetery or bring it into the house, no matter how valuable it may be. According to signs, you will take this from the dead, and they will punish you with troubles and illnesses.
This item can cause harm not only to the person who brought this item home from the cemetery, but also to any other person who picks it up.

Important! Handkerchiefs with tears are also thrown away during funerals when burying the grave; they are not taken out of the cemetery!

❧ Don’t take pictures at the cemetery; you will remain surrounded negative energy in the picture, and who knows how it will affect your destiny.
Taking photos against the backdrop of many graves, you capture invisible world spirits of the departed and otherworldly entities, which will subsequently easily find their way to your home.

Sign of a broken tombstone

❧ A monument or cross fell down for no reason, it means that the soul of the deceased has not completed important matters for it, something is bothering it.

There are also forgotten, outdated signs that are believed only in the outback, in villages where modern morals have not yet reached. Thus, a sign of a broken tombstone a priori cannot promise anything pleasant and kind. If the monument deteriorated without human intervention, and did not suffer at the hands of vandals and looters, then in the near future there will be another dead person in the family of the deceased.

It doesn’t matter what kind of damage the burial place received: whether the cross simply broke, the gravestone or the pedestal itself cracked, or the ground subsided and a deep hole formed - every change threatens the relatives of the person lying here with another death. You can figure out who the old woman with the scythe will look at next time by determining which side the earth collapsed from:

  • from the southern side - a man will die;
  • the north side “fell” - a woman will die;
  • the eastern edge subsided - an elderly family member will die;
  • on the western side the earth has gone - death will take a small child.

❧ Suicides can only be remembered when a bird pecks at the grain scattered on their graves. A few grains of wheat are sprinkled on the grave of the suicide and they are watched from afar: if the bird does not peck those grains, then there is no need to remember the deceased, except on Saturdays of St. Demetrius and All Saints.

❧ If you know you will be visiting a cemetery, take water with you and When leaving, be sure to wash your hands and face, to remove negative energy.

❧ You should not drink water that flows from the water supply system located on the territory of the cemetery. It is used only for cleaning graves and monuments. You should stock up on drinking water at home before visiting the cemetery.

❧ Make sure when leaving that you do not forget anything at the cemetery, forgotten things are damaged.

❧ Always leave the cemetery the way you came. But when visiting the deceased, it is better to choose different roads, at least go around your own street and go to the house from the other side.

❧ Leaving the cemetery, You cannot turn back, even if you are called out or called. It is believed that deceased souls wander among the graves and do not realize that they no longer have a place in the world of the living. When a person turns around, the deceased soul may perceive this as an invitation to follow the living person. As a result, a visitor to the graveyard will bring a deceased person into his house, which can cause a lot of trouble to the inhabitants of the house.

❧ Also, signs say that after visiting the cemetery it is important to dry your feet thoroughly, so as not to damage your home with cemetery soil. This land can cause many health problems; it carries bad energy.

❧ After leaving the cemetery and coming home, it is important to properly warm your hands (even if they are not frozen)- hold in hot water, over the fire.
It is best to light a church candle with matches (only them) and warm your hands over it. Place the palms of your hands as close to the candle fire as you can bear. Move and “burn” the entire area of ​​​​your palms and fingers in this way.
After this, the candle cannot be blown out; carefully extinguish it with your fingers. This is done so that you don’t bring death into the house, don’t drag it on yourself, and don’t get sick.

❧ You cannot visit anyone after the funeral- you will bring death to the house of the person you visited. But it is advisable to wrap it somewhere public place before you return home. It is believed that the tradition of wakes in a dining room or cafe is a consequence of this sign.

Cat in the cemetery

It has long been known that the dead are able to transmit information through various animals: birds, cats, dogs. It is not for nothing that in the old days birds were considered the embodiment of those who had lost human bodies shower. But birds flying over a graveyard or a house where a dead person lies are not as dangerous as a cat, which, remember, was considered a mythical, sacred animal by the ancient Egyptians.

In the home where death occurred, pets were immediately removed and isolated so that the spirit of the deceased would not move in with his pet.

The appearance of a cat in a cemetery is interpreted as follows:

  • if a cat is lying on a grave or walking nearby, try to leave this place - most likely there is a strong anomalous zone, destroying a person’s aura;
  • if the cat is black, then perhaps the witch went out for a walk, or it is the rushing soul of a sinner;
  • White cat- the soul of a righteous person who has not completed his journey on earth warns of impending danger or illness;
  • if the cat just slipped past you in the cemetery - rest assured - it’s just someone’s spirit who came to look at a new friend, that is, at the one who is being buried.

In any case, treat the cat with respect - do not hit or drive it away, it is better to distract it from yourself (if it has followed you) with some kind of gift.

❧ A good sign for a person who has passed on to the next world and his relatives is finding an old, earlier burial with intact bones in a grave being prepared. An old belief says that the deceased in the afterlife will find consolation and will not bother his relatives, appearing to them in dreams and hallucinations.

Numerous signs and superstitions for the people present at the cemetery are full of secrets that the souls of the dead want to convey to them. Perhaps you have seen, while at the funeral ceremony of someone close, how astral body leaves the body shell that has become unnecessary. This happens at the moment when the first handful of earth touches the lid of the coffin. According to the sign, the soul takes off either laughing, or crying, grieving.
Based on materials from grimuar.ru, mystic-world.ru, charybary.ru

Cemeteries should be located south of the church; on the north side, only suicides and stillborn babies are buried.

The graves are dug in the direction from east to west, and the coffin with the body is laid with its feet facing east - according to legend, in order to make it easier to rise on Judgment Day.

Even if you don’t believe in omens, you shouldn’t violate the ethics of visiting places of grief... All rituals associated with the dead appeared for a reason and it’s not in vain that people cherish their traditions.

As it turned out, the question of how long it takes to place a monument on a grave after a funeral is asked by many people who have experienced loss loved one. Actually, there is nothing surprising here: one wants to fulfill one’s last duty to one’s deceased loved one correctly and with dignity, in compliance with all traditions and regulations. I decided to answer this question in detail, so to speak, with all the consequences, in order to resolve this dispute once and for all.

You can start with an equally frequently asked question:

Aneed toat allput a monument on the grave?

I’ll be honest: no matter how much I looked for any comprehensive information on this topic in Orthodox sources, I never found a clear answer to this question. I even consulted with my priest, saying, what are the instructions “from above” on this matter? The Holy Father said that a cross is auspicious, and if relatives want a monument, then the soul of the deceased will be grateful if there is an icon or a temple there. And as such, the church does not give instructions regarding the installation of a tombstone monument and the time when to erect it.

Another thing is the requirements. There are official regulations, according to which each burial must be marked. Moreover, it is not simply indicated that a person is buried at this place. The monument must be erected indicating the name of the deceased and the period of his life.

Don’t forget about traditions, because this is ours. cultural heritage. But according to them, the monument still needs to be erected after the funeral. And the portrait is desirable, and the farewell words, she is such a Russian soul - subtle and a little sentimental.

So, you’ve sorted out the question “to put it or not to put it” - put it up. This is necessary not only because higher authorities require it, but also to preserve memory for posterity, and first of all, for ourselves. You willy-nilly turn to a deceased person whom you loved and respected when you come to the grave, and no matter how strange it may sound now, a monument with such dear features on it helps to ease the soul. Now let's find out

When can a monument be erected after a funeral??

Immediately after the burial, a so-called temporary monument is erected - that is, a temporary monument. Most often, preference is given to a wooden cross: it is both lightweight and inexpensive. Funerals and all funeral services today are already expensive, so an inexpensive monument is a good solution.

A permanent monument can be safely erected a year after the funeral. The fact is that within a year the soil has time to be properly compacted, which means that you won’t have to watch the sad sight of a skewed stele or sagging pedestal. But this advice may not be strictly adhered to. For example, if a sad event occurred in the fall, then a monument can be placed on the grave six months later - in the spring. Over the winter, the soil usually settles sufficiently and there should be no problems with installing the tombstone.

There is another opinion that It’s better to erect a monument in two years, but it’s impossible before. The first time I came across such a recommendation was on an online forum. It was stated there that up to a year, and even more so within six months, the soil will not be compacted as it should be. Allegedly, the coffin must still collapse and all the voids must be filled. When I began to find out about this in more detail, it turned out (according to the assurance of a master from one rather large ritual office) that now such coffins that could quickly rot and form those voids that are dangerous for the monument are not being made, for which, in fact, the manufacturers thank you so much.

When people ask me why a monument cannot be erected before a year, it immediately becomes clear that the person is afraid of breaking some traditions or “unwritten laws.” But as you can see, there are no regulations on this matter. You can install it after 3-4 seasons, when the rains have passed, all the precipitation has fallen and dried up, so to speak, when the seasonal cycle has passed. And this is connected only with practical considerations. The church leaves this moment solely at the discretion of relatives, and this is good. After all, there are all sorts of situations: someone wants to arrange a grave as quickly as possible, while others decide to raise funds in order to build it, even if not immediately, but for centuries.

One more thing. Sometimes the time when it is necessary to erect a monument, it is in the winter. But in this case you will have to wait, and that will be right. If the soil is frozen, even the most experienced installer will not be able to install the tombstone efficiently, and in the spring he will have to “shove up the consequences” of such a hasty installation. And in cemeteries, as far as I know, no one will issue permission for installation in winter.

And one last thing. Many modern companies that sell monuments and, as a rule, install them, offer to place a tombstone directly on the day of the funeral. To be honest, it’s hard to believe that a block of stone weighing several tons can be installed in loose soil without consequences, but see for yourself. If you are given at least a year warranty for such an installation, why not? By at least, you won’t have to replace the stele with your own money. But my advice to you is to take your time. Let this be a balanced decision, calmly discussed within the family circle and not imposed by anyone.

Believers often wonder Is it possible to change monuments on a grave ? The reasons for wanting to replace a memorial may vary. From a religious point of view, there are no contradictions to this action. The only thing that representatives of Orthodoxy and Islam recommend to adhere to is to bury relatives in cemeteries that correspond to their faith.

Religions deny signs, so if you want to dismantle the stele, you should not worry about negative consequences. The deceased, on the contrary, would appreciate attention to their burial place, modernization and putting things in order at the burial site.

Installing a monument is such a responsible, painstaking and expensive process for many that people prefer to spend money once, installing a high-quality memorial.

If the ritual workshop they choose performs its work professionally, then the memorial products can last not only for decades, but even for centuries.

Reasons for replacing the monument

The desire to save money or bad luck sometimes pits clients against unscrupulous contractors who perform installation work poorly, creating a weak foundation, poorly fixing the frame, and so on. In this case, the monument falls or stands at an angle and requires its dismantling, and subsequently: installation of a new product, or an existing one, if it is not damaged.

The presence of small cracks is also an indicator of poor-quality installation. A product with cracks is unsuitable for use or must be reconstructed in a ritual workshop. Otherwise, there is no guarantee that soon you will not have to dismantle the monument again.

One of the mistakes made by some stelae buyers is installing the products themselves. Without the proper skills and experience, not everyone is able to successfully carry out all the work on installing expensive tombstones. Clients have to look for options Is it possible to change the monument on the grave faster and cheaper, but it also requires time and additional costs. As a result, the costs of all work on installing the monument can significantly exceed the installation of the product by professionals from the workshop in the first place.

Signs, superstitions and instructions of the Church about crosses on the grave.

The symbol of Christ's crucifixion - the cross - has been shrouded in a mysterious shroud of riddles, secrets and superstitions since ancient times. Many of these signs have taken on a religious form since Christianity spread throughout the world, choosing the cross as its symbol.

According to religious dogmas, death is an important, turning point event in the life of every person. Moreover, monks and elders call life preparation for death, since it is with the end of “earthly affairs” that the soul meets the Lord. Therefore, it is not surprising that so many different religious instructions and instructions are associated with the burial rite. A very important one is the installation of a cross on the grave of a deceased Christian.

The cross is a shrine that is revered and arouses reverence among all Christians. And in this regard, when installing it on a grave, some practical questions may arise, caused by the fear of offending a sacred symbol, thereby incurring divine wrath.

How to install a cross on a grave?

Based on the traditions of Orthodox Christianity, the grave is positioned in such a way that the head of the deceased is directed to the west and the legs to the east. According to biblical accounts, this is how Jesus was buried.

A tombstone cross is placed at the feet of the deceased, so that at the moment when the soul leaves its last refuge, she could see the holy symbol of forgiveness in front of her and offer prayers before it. Catholic traditions require placing a cross above your head. It is believed that when leaving the earth, the soul kisses the crucifix, expressing its submission and devotion to Christian teaching.

What to do with the old cross?

On the day of the funeral, an ordinary wooden cross is placed on the grave. This is done not only for religious reasons, but also for practical ones: the wooden structure is quite light in weight (compared, for example, with stone tombstones), and therefore its installation will not interfere with the natural subsidence and compaction of the soil at the burial site.

But when the time comes to install a new, permanent headstone, the cross is dismantled and the question arises of what to do with it. It is really impossible to throw away a shrine in the trash, as this is a sign of disrespect. It is recommended to burn a wooden cross if it is not needed. If such a need arises, you should ask the cemetery administration where this can be done. As a rule, each graveyard has places for such needs.

If the cross is well preserved, it can be given to a workshop or even sold. According to clergy, there is nothing forbidden or shameful in installing an old crucifix. In addition, an old tombstone can become the personification of the deceased’s non-covetousness, his meekness and lack of desire for material, earthly goods.

What to do if the cross is askew or has fallen?

Due to bad weather, a tombstone, especially a temporary one made of lightweight material and installed without a solid foundation, can become askew or even fall. If the crucifix is ​​lopsided, it should be corrected, a dense earthen mound should be made and it should be compacted well. The cross should stand straight on the grave.

There are two opinions about fallen crosses, but they agree that this is an unfavorable sign. Some argue that a toppled tombstone can simply be reinstalled, but with a better installation this time. According to others, fallen cross should be burned and a new one installed in its place. Be that as it may, the Church recommends ordering a prayer service for the repose or lighting a candle if this happened at the grave of your loved one.

Signs and superstitions

Many people associate various superstitions with grave crosses. They cast fortunes on them, remove and damage them, cast love spells and conspiracies. Orthodox Church disapproves of such rituals; they are called pagan. The Holy Fathers assert that if you notice unkind signs associated with tombstone crosses, as if someone wants to bring trouble upon you, you should not be afraid and take it too seriously. You need to strengthen your faith, go to church, pray, take holy communion, then no misfortunes will be able to touch you or your family.

One way or another, many different signs and religious requirements are associated with crosses. To bury a loved one, thoroughly observing the instructions of the Church, is commendable, good wish, however, if faith lives in the heart and sincere prayers for the deceased come from the depths of the soul, then you should not be afraid of making small mistakes associated with the installation of a tombstone cross.

Immediately after the burial, a Christian cross is placed on the grave. Until the erection of the monument, the installed cross remains at the burial site, but after the relatives make a final decision on the improvement of the grave, the question arises of where to put the cross after the installation of the monument. There are a number of clear recommendations regarding this situation.

Where to put the cross after installing the monument

It is worth noting that for a comprehensive understanding of the information below, it is advisable to have basic knowledge about the Christian faith, for example, to know

First of all, it is necessary to clarify what cannot be done with a grave cross.

  • The cross cannot be thrown away after installing the monument.

The Christian cross is a symbol eternal life, a reminder of Christ’s sacrifice for the salvation of mankind. Therefore, throwing a cross into a landfill is a grave sin.

  • You can't sell the cross

As stated above, the cross is a symbol of eternal life, so its use as a product is unacceptable.

Depending on the type of material used, the cross will need to be disassembled and buried in a tombstone, while a wooden cross will need to be burned.

A metal or granite cross is usually dismantled and buried on the grave. The wooden cross is burned and the ashes are scattered in a cross shape over the grave.

A worthy act would be to give a well-preserved cross to a low-income family that needs funds to organize the funeral of a loved one.

If there is a temple on the territory of the cemetery, one of the options for where to put the cross after installing the monument is to take it to the temple. Accordingly, in the future such a cross can be given to people in need.

It is also worth knowing that you cannot put any inscriptions on the cross. This includes the dates of birth and death of the deceased. In order to place information about the deceased, a small plate with dated information and other data about the deceased is installed on the side of the grave opposite the cross. In this case different sides installations of the cross and monument symbolize spiritual and material life.

Also, when installing a monument, you need to make sure that there is an image of a cross on it.

Thus, the requirements regarding where to place the cross after installing the monument cannot be called extensive or difficult to implement.

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