How to properly leave work. If the employer does not fire at his own request. Employee rights and dismissal scheme

From time to time, some people come to the idea that they need to change jobs. Sometimes the reason may not be that the job is bad, but that changes in life are simply needed. Gone are the days when a person could work in one place for his whole life and be satisfied, because there was no choice.

Now is the age of progress, when new types of activities are being developed, and everyone can try to choose among many different jobs. After all, the main thing is that work should bring pleasure and not be a heavy burden. We work to live, not live to work. Each sector in life should have its place. Remember, work is just an addition to everything else. Give her the allotted time without sacrificing something much more valuable, such as relaxation and family.

If the issue of dismissal is finally resolved, then how to quit your job correctly so that this change in life benefits everyone?

Why change jobs?

Check your motives. Some people quit just to... satisfy your ambitions. They believe that in the same place:

  • they are not appreciated good worker;
  • they are underpaid, but they deserve more;
  • They constantly find fault and demand a lot.

Often these problems arise due to employee's relationship. Many people allow themselves to be systematically late, fail to deliver work on time, or engage in extraneous activities. And it is clear that the attitude of the authorities is changing. After all, the employer pays for Good work, and not for beautiful eyes.

Maybe, there was a conflict, as a result of which the person decided to leave or circumstances simply changed. But if you still don’t like something, then leaving is not a way out of the situation. There is no need to run away from problems, they need to be solved. And there are no guarantees that everything will be your way in the new place. This doesn't happen! Change your attitude towards a situation or towards individual people, and this will make you feel much better. No one wants to be misunderstood as an irresponsible person who changes jobs like gloves.

If the problem is salary, why not go to the boss and explain everything as it is. After all, everyone is human and, perhaps, he will enter into your position and improve it. But to take such a step, you need to be a diligent worker and prove yourself well. Each work done must be paid accordingly.

All is decided…

If the above does not apply to this situation, then you should familiarize yourself with the Labor Code in order to find out how to properly quit your job.

Letter of resignation drawn up in writing and submitted to the boss. It must be signed by the supervisor and recorded in the ledger, if there is one. You should not inform your colleagues about your decision before talking with the employer, it is simply indecent. The boss deserves to be the first to know. In this conversation, it is necessary to follow the rules of good manners.

There is no need to talk about what you don’t like about this vacancy or, even worse, about your personal dislike for the manager. Break up amicably so that in the future you won’t be ashamed to look him in the eye. And remember, life is such a thing that everything can turn like a boomerang, and you still have to come face to face with your former employer.

It also depends on the relationship with the authorities under which article the entry will be made. work book, and this affects a lot. Even if the treatment really wasn’t the best, you still shouldn’t be like such people. You need to maintain your own dignity. After all, what makes a person beautiful is his inner qualities.

Dismissal process

After completing the application, the hardest part lies ahead. It’s worth preparing for such a conversation so that everything is under control. Think about how to respond if your boss starts offering new conditions, for example, a salary increase, vacation, or less workload. After all, no one wants to lose a good employee, and is ready to retain their staff by any means necessary.

If the dismissal is due to the appearance of a new job, then you will have to reject the above proposals and stand your ground. Thank your manager for good cooperation, this behavior will help maintain a positive opinion of yourself.

Notice is given two weeks before leaving, this is worth remembering. Sometimes this period is reduced by mutual agreement. Or it increases due to the fact that it is necessary to find and train a new employee. After all, such a decision may take the employer by surprise. Perhaps there is a need to finish a major project or catch up on other things. It will be better if there are no tails left behind you.

You have the opportunity to change your mind within 14 days. Some employees manipulate their bosses with such statements in order to raise their salaries. But if a person decides to leave, it’s worth doing so. After all, manipulation is a dishonest technique. The opinion in the team will immediately change, and it is already very difficult to regain the former respect.

The most common dismissal options

You can quit under various articles of the Labor Code, but it depends on future life. It's best to leave your job when there is an alternative. But if you are forced to leave without moving to another place, you need to consider the following points. There are two common options entries in the work book:

  1. Dismissal at your own request.

There is a significant difference between these two concepts. If you intend to register with the employment center after leaving your job and receive the unemployment payment required by law, it is better to resign by agreement of the parties. And you will receive compensation almost immediately upon accrual. And if you quit using the first option, you will have to wait a long time.

It is not enough to just wait for an offer from the employment center, but you need to look for suitable vacancies yourself. You can turn to friends, ask around relatives or acquaintances. It is also effective to place your resume on the Internet, this way you have a better chance of finding a suitable place, since everyone uses the Internet now. Look through advertisements in the newspaper from time to time.

But if a conflict arises with the employer, then there is no hope for a positive outcome. An employer can also fire you due to certain errors, which will reduce your chances of finding a good job. Therefore, it is necessary to part on a positive note. You can also ask letter of recommendation, where the boss will describe all the skills and character traits that affect professionalism.

After termination employment contract the employee is given a work book with a record and seal, a salary for last period time. If there are unused vacation days, you can take them or receive monetary compensation. But if the employer refuses to provide what is required by law, the employee can sue. After all, these are legal rights and cannot be violated.

Quitting a job is a very serious step, especially if a person has worked for a long time. It is necessary to weigh the pros and cons, because this new turn in life. It's worth thinking about whether new job satisfy all needs, both physical and emotional. If they promise a high salary, then the requirements will be appropriate. Some employers want their employees to devote themselves completely to work, without seeing any weekends or holidays. Remember folk saying- the quieter you go, the further you'll get.

Don't sacrifice your family for better earnings. After all, money is not more valuable than the people you love. With the wrong attitude you can lose everything. Many people decide to have a busy schedule in order to provide their children with everything this world offers. But children need love and attention, and no toys can replace this.

You need to be savvy in all matters and when it comes to dismissal!

If you have decided to change your job, it is important to comply with all formalities. One of them is mandatory service. Let's take a closer look at when the employer's demands are legitimate, and when they can be avoided and you can quit without working off.

Is it mandatory to work 2 weeks upon dismissal?

According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, an employee is obliged to notify management of his resignation 2 weeks before dismissal. During this time, the employer will be able to find a worthy candidate, and the worker will be able to transfer all matters in full. “Working off” assumes that the employee must notify of his resignation, pick up documents and receive all payments. Sometimes an employee cannot work mandatory period time. For example, if he wrote a statement and then went on sick leave for more than two weeks. The employer has no right to make any demands. The work period is not always two weeks; you can notify the employer 3 days in advance if:
    Not over probation, the employee has decided to quit or the employer is not satisfied with the professional qualities and skills of the candidate. The condition is met if the employment contract is concluded for a period of up to three months. It's about about seasonal work. The employee must notify the administration three days in advance; if the initiative comes from the company, then the notification must be given to the employee seven days in advance. The employment contract is concluded for a period not exceeding two months. Usually in such cases we are talking about liquidation or closure of the individual entrepreneur.
Persons holding management positions (chief accountant, manager) and sports coaches (if the contract is concluded for more than 4 months) are required to give a month's notice of their resignation. Based on the reasons for dismissal, the employment contract can be terminated on the day of application. This rule applies to the case when an employee leaves due to at will.

How to quickly quit without work, without a good reason

An employee is not required to work if management has violated the requirements of the Labor Code. Non-payment or delay of wages is not such. In such a situation, it is worth writing a complaint to the trade union or labor commission. The competent authority conducts an inspection based on the results of which a decision is made. If a violation is recorded, the employer will pay a fine. The best option is if the subordinate and the employer agree on dismissal by agreement of the parties. The Labor Code does not stipulate mandatory work-out or immediate termination of cooperation in such situations. The parties independently agree on the terms of the breakup labor relations. Even if things didn’t work out with the management a good relationship, you should not abandon this method of severing employment relations. As practice shows, not every director will want to tolerate an unpleasant person on the staff. Management often makes a big mistake if an employee leaves by agreement of the parties. They require a letter of resignation. This document is not needed, since the initiative can come from management. Employers are also trying to change the conditions of dismissal: they force them to submit a report, complete a series of assignments, or work for several days. These actions are also illegal.

Dismissal without working off according to the Labor Code - a list of cases when working off is not necessary

In Art. 81 of the Labor Code lists all exceptions to the general rule. An employee may not work the required period if:
    enrolled in a university or educational institution for a full-time bachelor's or master's degree; retires; violated the Labor Code, local acts on labor and collective agreement; he or his spouse moves to another city/country for work; changes place of residence medical indications; cares for a family member, child, or disabled person.

Pregnant women and mothers with a disabled child under 14 years of age are also excluded. In this case, a copy of the birth certificate, medical certificate or any other document confirming the child’s status is attached to the application. If we are talking about caring for a disabled family member, then the following can be attached as supporting documents:

    a certificate from the housing office about relatives living with you; copies of passports with the same registration; a copy of a medical report, and in the application state that the person needs your care.
The resignation letter should be certified in the office, and the document itself should be sent by mail with notification. If the response is an unreasonable refusal, you will have to go to court.

Resign of your own free will

The best way to quit your job without working is to use your accrued vacation days. Every officially employed citizen has the right to a certain number of days of paid leave. The minimum is two weeks, the maximum is 56 days. The employee writes a statement in which he indicates that he will resign immediately after the vacation. Since an application for leave must be written at least a month in advance, the requirements of the Labor Code are met. The advantage of this option is that the last day of work is considered the day of vacation for which the person receives money. During this time, you can look for a new place. If the vacation has not yet been used, but it is due, then the employee is paid compensation. This rule applies even to minors and pregnant women. If an employee has not rested for two years in a row, then he can take advantage of legal leave, and for the second one receive cash. It will not be possible to “take off” two vacations. If a person gets sick during the vacation period, then, if he has a sick leave certificate, the vacation can be postponed or extended for a few more days. The following have the right to take unpaid leave without giving reasons before dismissal:
    WWII veterans; working pensioners; disabled people; family members of military personnel.

Dismissal at the initiative of management

It often happens that staff are fired due to staff reductions. According to Art. 81 of the Labor Code, the employer must notify about this two months in advance and pay compensation. Some managers try to avoid this responsibility and force their subordinates to write statements on their own account. This is illegal and such dismissal can be challenged in court. Otherwise, the person is deprived of the right to receive double monetary compensation.

What documents will need to be presented?

The employee must write an application addressed to the employer. It should contain the following information:
    position and full name of the manager; position and full name of the authorized person; name of the employer, structural unit, if we are talking about a large enterprise.
If management accommodates a subordinate who does not have a valid reason for dismissal, then the latter needs to indicate in the application the wording “I ask you to dismiss me without working for 2 weeks...”. You should also list documents confirming the immediate dismissal. After the text, the date of the application, signature and initials must be indicated.

How to quit your job without working off - step-by-step instructions

If an employee does not have a good relationship with management or there is no good reason, it is quite difficult to quit without working, but it is possible. Let's take a closer look at the algorithm of actions. Make a decision to leave The first thing you need to do is make a firm decision to change your job. It is best to choose a new springboard for activity in advance than to go nowhere. Write a letter of resignation Write a statement according to the sample with the obligatory indication of the conditions for leaving without work. The document is drawn up in two copies. The first is transferred to the employer, and the second is certified in the office. It remains with the employee and in case of controversial situations it will serve as proof of compliance with the law.

Wait for management's decision During work for any reason, the employee is obliged to properly perform all his duties. In the event of an employee's absence from workplace for unjustified reasons, he can be fired under the article. Receive payments, vacation pay On the last day, you must pay the employee: pay your salary and vacation pay, if any. If the employer for some reason delays the payment of funds, then for all days of delay he must pay the average daily salary. If the employee took vacation, then the last working day is considered the last day of vacation. On this day, he must receive a full payment. In case of violation of the deadlines for receiving the calculation, the employee may request a pay slip, taking into account the accrued penalty. The latter is calculated using the following formula: Penalty = (0.003 * Central Bank refinancing rate) * (Salary + Vacation pay) This amount is accrued for each day of delay. If during the working period a worthy candidate for the position has not been found, the employee can cancel his application. Management has no right to interfere with him, since he has fulfilled all legal requirements. Pick up all the documents, labor documents, hand in the special. shape, etc. On the last day or several days before dismissal, the employee is given a bypass sheet. Is not mandatory document, but it is often used in large enterprises. An employee could interact with several departments. Therefore, the employer must be sure that the employee does not have any “debts” to the company. “Debt” means not only financial debt (for example, unused funds for reporting), but also other small business enterprises. It may not be returned work uniform, books from the library, a pass, etc. With a bypass sheet, employers are trying to “scare” the employee that he will not receive his payment. But these actions are not legal. Moreover, the employee’s obligation to complete the bypass sheet must be specified in the employment contract. Otherwise, its use is also not legal. A serious violation is refusal to hand over a work book. If such a situation occurs, then the employee must be compensated for damages for each day of retention, since the absence of a work book does not allow a person to get a job. The date of dismissal in the document must correspond to the day the book is issued in hand. If the document was not delivered on time, then you need to write an application for compensation and change the date of departure. If the employer refuses to comply with these conditions, then you can immediately go to court. The main thing is that no more than a month has passed since the dismissal. Otherwise, the statement of claim will be accepted only if there are good reasons for such a long delay, and management’s chances of winning in court will increase significantly. The employer is not responsible for violating the deadlines for receiving the book if the employee did not come for it, ignored management’s notification, or agreed to send the document by mail.

What to do if your boss won’t let you leave work without working for two weeks

If there are good reasons for dismissal without service, the employer does not have the right to deny this right to the employee. In practice, such situations occur frequently. In this case, it is better to contact the trade union or the Labor Commission. If an employee still wants to come to a peaceful solution, he can offer a replacement in his place. If the employer is satisfied with this option, the employment contract can be terminated on the day the application is signed. If it was not possible to reach a consensus, you will have to move to higher authorities. For example, to the labor inspectorate. This government agency accepts applications, both in person and by mail, at in electronic format. You need to “snitch” to the inspectorate of the region in which the company is registered. As a last resort, you should write an application to the court. The proceedings may last several months. If we are talking about self-defense of labor rights, then these measures will be justified. After a decision is made in favor of the plaintiff, the employer is obliged to reinstate former employee, calculate and pay him compensation for downtime.

The working world is a surprisingly small place. When you leave, you'll never know for sure who you'll be working with, who you'll have to ask for favors, or whether you'll ever need a recommendation from your former boss. And don't forget about gossip. If you leave a negative impression about yourself, there is a risk that people outside the company will find out about it.

How to quit correctly

Submit your resignation letter two weeks before leaving.

The working time may vary from company to company, but two weeks is the standard period. The employer needs time to prepare for the changes, complete the paperwork and start looking for a replacement for you.

Large firms can say goodbye to you on the same day. But managers of small companies may need a longer period. In this case, there is a risk of losing your temper, sending your bosses to hell and simply leaving.

Should not be doing that. Look at the situation from management's point of view. In addition, it is disrespectful towards other colleagues. After all, then they will be burdened with your work.

Tell your boss that you're leaving first, and then everyone else.

No matter how much you trust your friends, don't tell them about your decision. Don't post about him on social media. Your manager has the right to be the first to know about this.

It is better to provide this information during a personal meeting. If your boss works elsewhere, talk to him on the phone. You can only send an email if you both don’t have free time. But this is the worst option and it is better not to use it.

Prepare for a conversation with your boss

Before you break the news to your boss, answer a few questions.

  1. Do you have a plan of action that will mitigate the impact of your departure? Offer your boss specific ways to solve problems that arise as a result of dismissal.
  2. What will you do if you receive a counteroffer? Be prepared to be offered tempting terms to stay. Think in advance what these conditions might be. Would you stay for a big raise? For an extra week of vacation? If the conditions suit you, wait until they are confirmed in writing. If not, tell the manager that you really appreciate his offer, but you cannot refuse the new opportunities of another position.
  3. Are you ready, if necessary, to quit later than planned? You may be asked to stay for an additional week or two. Think in advance whether you agree to this.
  4. Are you ready to leave the same day you announce your decision? Can you pack up all your belongings and leave your work area immediately?

Speak briefly, confidently and with a smile

Don't beat around the bush. Get straight to the main point. If you have, having a good-natured conversation can be difficult.

Resist the urge to express everything that has accumulated.

Behave with dignity. Suddenly in the future your career paths will they cross paths again?

Thank your manager for working together. It is not necessary to talk about new position. It is enough to simply say that there you will have responsibilities that you have long wanted to perform.

Find out what you are entitled to upon dismissal

This may include additional payments and bonuses that are specified in the contract. The employee must also be paid compensation for unused vacation.

Write a letter of resignation

After talking with your superiors, you will most likely be asked to fill out. Do not write anything unnecessary: ​​the application does not need to describe in detail the reasons for your leaving.

Don't relax

After officially announcing your resignation, it is easy to forget about your responsibilities. But you still have two weeks ahead. If you don’t want to ruin your impression, don’t relax and finish what you started. After all, you will probably be remembered for these last weeks.

Do not start any new projects at this time. If you don't have time to complete something, tell your colleagues what stage the task is at. Leave hints for those who will do your work. Find out how you can help your colleagues.

Make sure everyone regrets your departure and remembers you with a smile.

Don't insult your ex-boss on social media

Some people post messages on social networks about how “glad they are to leave this hell and not see their tyrant boss anymore.” Don't be tempted, even if this is true. Maintain your dignity. The boss may not see this post, but other people will have an opinion about you.

Thank your colleagues and bid them a warm farewell

Don't lose touch with your colleagues. Notify us of your departure by e-mail or in the general chat. Have a farewell party. This great way remember with a smile everything that you have experienced together. You may have developed friendships with some people and want to see them outside of work.

According to the rules, familiar to everyone, you need to work for two weeks before quitting. This standard statement is not always true. There are situations when working out is not required, or may not occur for a number of reasons. Labor legislation explains how to quit a job without working off. Let's consider cases when an employee can quit without working at his own request, and when this is required by the current situation at the enterprise.

In what cases can you not work out

By resigning of your own free will, you can find a way not to work the two-week time required by law.

  1. Having written a letter of resignation of his own free will before going on vacation, the two weeks that the employee will be on vacation will be counted towards the required period of work;
  2. While on maternity leave, you can resign without leaving your vacation, and then you won’t have to work;
  3. You can also submit a letter of resignation while on sick leave; in this case, work off does not occur after the fact; the days of sick leave are taken into account in the two-week period of service.

In practice, there are situations when an employee resigns of his own free will due to non-payment of wages, although by law he must also work. IN in this case, you can use the provisions of Art. 142 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. That is, if wages are not paid for more than fifteen days in a row, the employee has every right write to the manager a statement that he is suspending work due to non-payment of wages. These applications can be submitted immediately, on the same day. One is about dismissal, and the second is about stopping work. At the same time, the employee may not go to work.

If, before the employee is dismissed, wage he is not paid, then he quits without working off, because the days of stoppage in work are counted as length of service, so working off is not necessary. And the employee will have to go to court for payment. The employer does not have the right to apply sanctions to such an employee. This article also establishes restrictions on which employees of enterprises and positions do not have the right to announce a work stoppage (for example, civil servants, firefighters, etc.).

In the event of illness of a relative, child, or other force majeure circumstances, dismissal without service is permitted. But only by agreement with the employer. If such an employee is denied dismissal without work, he has the right to appeal the manager’s decision to court.

How to write a letter of resignation without work

Article 80 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation regulates the ability of an employee to resign without working on a resignation letter. The application must be written in such a way that it contains the employee’s request to dismiss him on a certain date, without working off, with a mandatory indication of the reason for the release from working off.

Such reasons may be: retirement, enrollment in an educational institution, or if the employer violates the terms of the contract or the law. If an enterprise violates the law in relation to an employee, the employer is obliged to dismiss the employee on the day specified in the application. Due to established practice, good reasons for dismissal without service, serve:

  1. moving to another place of residence (to another area);
  2. moving to a new place of work of the husband (wife);
  3. if there is a medical certificate stating that it is impossible to work in the given area;
  4. if it is impossible to work in this position due to health reasons;
  5. caring for young children or sick relatives;
  6. if a pregnant woman wants to quit.

But again, it all depends on the agreements with the employer. Sometimes, if an employee has found another job, you can agree with the employer on dismissal without working, although getting a new position is not a direct reason not to work the allotted time.

There is also the possibility of not working if the employee quits not of his own free will, but by agreement with the employer. Then the work is not mandatory, and therefore the dismissal occurs by a certain agreement between the parties, the date.

Question: I want to quit my job, but they won’t let me go without working. I work on a rotational basis. Is it possible to quit without working for 2 weeks? What article is there on this matter in the labor code?

The official place of work, reflected in the work book, at some point may become an obstacle to the implementation of new plans or the implementation of some urgent matters. The reason for this may not be fatigue or a “harmful boss”, but anything. Sometimes you don’t want to leave your work team at all, but you need to quit.

Moreover, this needs to be done as soon as possible - quit without working for 2 weeks, which is obligatory Labor Code RF. This norm is regulated by Articles No. 77, 78 and 80, which give the employee the right to terminate the employment contract on his own initiative after a written request. You must notify your employer exactly two weeks before your desired date of departure.

Obviously, the very fact of writing such a statement does not give the employee the long-awaited freedom from the employer and he has those same mandatory two weeks of work ahead of him.

There are indeed ways to quit without completing the required period of service. Moreover, this does not require breaking the law or being “cunning” in any way. Everything is not so complicated, read and remember, this publication will give a comprehensive answer to this, for some, not just an important, but an urgent question.

Rights and obligations of an employee upon dismissal

First, a little more theory. The term of service - 14 days - is counted not from the moment the resignation letter is written (and, what is important, signed by the manager!), but starting from next day. You only need to count calendar days, regardless of the number of work shifts in this period.

Legal dismissal after three days of service

Certain categories of workers are not subject to this obligation and may be required to be dismissed within three days. These include company employees undergoing a probationary period (Article 71 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). The same list also includes specialists with whom only a temporary (Article 292 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) or seasonal (Article 296 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) contract was concluded, the duration of which is limited to two months. Representatives of these categories of employees have the right to leave work in the company three days after notifying the manager of this desire.

But force majeure happens and time cannot be turned back, so what to do?

Do not neglect the opportunity to talk with management about early resignation. The employer has the right to fire without requiring work. Article 77 mentioned above allows the contract to be terminated by agreement of both parties at any time.

This version is very real for an employee of a small private company if he does not need to complete a certain amount of work. If you have direct access to the person making such decisions, then it is worth talking directly. A one-on-one conversation, in which the employee can explain the reasons for an early separation, can evoke understanding from the manager, who will meet the employee halfway. Once you have received a signature on your resignation letter of your own free will, you can begin to say goodbye to your colleagues and forget the way to the office the next morning.

However, what to do when it is necessary to quit without working for two weeks, but the management does not want to delve into the essence and enter into the position of the employee? The so-called special circumstances. You will need to describe them in the application and be prepared to provide evidence or documentary evidence. Here you must also indicate the desired period of dismissal. If the employee’s demand remains unanswered after filing such an application, he can go to court.

Other cases and "special circumstances" for instant dismissal

Applicants have the right to early termination of the work process educational institutions. This fact must be confirmed by a certificate of admission issued by the university. People who have reached retirement age, as well as currently working pensioners and disabled people are allowed to resign without service.

Conflict situation with the employer due to his violation of the Labor Code and other regulations describing the norms labor law, abuse of authority and other unlawful actions is another weighty argument that obliges the employer to terminate the contract within a period convenient for the employee.

It is worth focusing on cases of delayed wages, non-compliance with deadlines for vacation pay (no later than three days before the start of the vacation), lack of a properly equipped workplace - all this can become arguments for terminating the contract on the day that the employee himself indicates in the application.

Article 80 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation will tell you more about the reasons for early dismissal described above. It also describes the possibilities of resigning quickly in connection with other cases. However, any list of all possible circumstances that may be valid reasons for dismissing an employee within the period desired by him is not given in the Labor Code. Here, the guideline will be by-laws and established practice, which considers the following options to be respectful:

  • It is possible to quit without working for various reasons related to circumstances in the family or personal life. The laws allow such possibilities, but they will have to be documented, which may cause difficulties.
  • The reason for an early termination of work may be the relocation of a spouse for an extended period of time to another region or country. A common case is a long business trip of a husband or wife, entailing the relocation of the entire family. This is a very compelling reason that may be asked to be documented.
  • Undoubtedly, the legislation considers all cases of deterioration in the employee’s health to be valid, which entail the need to leave the given region with confirmation of this fact by a medical report. An illness that prevents an employee from performing his official duties is also included in the list of cases that do not require two weeks of work.
  • Having children will help you quit as quickly as possible. We are talking about families with children and adolescents under 14 years of age. Any parent can demand early termination of an employment contract large family having three or more dependent children under 16 years of age. Or the children in such a family have not reached their 18th birthday, provided that they are all students of general education institutions.
  • A good reason is caring for a disabled child or a sick family member, as well as a disabled person of the 1st group, which, as you might guess, must be confirmed by a medical report.
  • Pregnant women are exempt from compulsory service.

Vacation instead of work

Finally, having unused vacation days will allow you to avoid being present at work on days of required work. If a written application for such leave is agreed upon, the last day of legal rest may become the day of dismissal.

Court or peace?

What to do if suitable options are found that, according to the Labor Code, allow you to quit without working a two-week period, but management insists on this need? Going to court would be the right step. At the same time, you should not expect that the process will go quickly; it usually lasts up to several months. It makes sense to look for ways to peacefully resolve the issue or to work out the required period. And as an option, offer yourself a replacement.

As you can see, there are ways to quit quickly, and there are many of them; the best option would be to plan the proposed changes and dismissal on general terms.