What character traits are characteristic of the maxim?

“Maksim Maksimych” is the second of five parts of M. Yu. Lermontov’s novel “A Hero of Our Time” (see its summary, brief analysis and full text).

Its content continues the first part (“Bela”). The nameless narrator and the elderly staff captain Maxim Maksimych, having met on a trip to the Caucasus, part for a short time on the way, but soon meet again at the same station. Having dined together, they suddenly see from the window how a dandy carriage, which apparently belongs to a rich man, drives into the yard. They learn from the footman who arrived with the stroller that its owner is the same Grigory Aleksandrovich Pechorin, about whom Maxim Maksimych spoke in the story “Bela”.

In anticipation of meeting with his old friend, Maxim Maksimych is very happy. The footman says that Pechorin stayed to have dinner and spend the night with Colonel N. Having given the footman eight hryvnia for vodka, Maxim Maksimych tells him to go and tell the owner that his friend and colleague is here. The old staff captain is so eager to see Pechorin quickly that he sits down to wait for him at the gate, believing that he will “come running now.”

Hero of our time. Maxim Maksimych. Audiobook.

But Pechorin still doesn’t come until late evening. Frustrated, Maxim Maksimych goes to bed in the same room as the narrator, and he hears the old man tossing and turning all night, unable to sleep.

In the morning, Maxim Maksimych goes on official business to the commandant, asking an acquaintance: “If Pechorin appears, send for me.” Soon Pechorin appears. The narrator sends for the departed staff captain, and he looks with interest at Pechorin, who, apparently not even remembering about Maxim Maksimych, is getting ready to leave. Of average height, healthy build, Pechorin is well and cleanly dressed, and has casual, aristocratic manners. However, some kind of nervous weakness is noticeable in his posture. There is something childish in the smile, but traces of early wrinkles are already imprinted on the face. His eyes do not laugh when he himself laughs, and only shine with a strange phosphorescent brilliance.

The narrator approaches Pechorin and reminds him: Maxim Maksimych wanted to see him. Pechorin is only now remembering the old man, who just at that moment appears on the other side of the square and runs as fast as he can, covered in sweat. Maxim Maksimych tries to hug Pechorin, but he only gives him his hand - friendly, but rather coldly. He briefly said that he was going to Persia and was about to get into the carriage.

Maxim Maksimych is surprised: are we really going to part without even talking? He reminds Pechorin about their previous common life in the fortress, about the kidnapped mountain woman Bela. Hearing about her, Pechorin turns a little pale - and hurries even more. Maxim Maksimych begs him to stay for at least a couple of hours, but Pechorin, lightly hugging him, sits in the stroller. The old man recalls: “Yes, I have your papers. What to do with them? With the words: “Whatever you want,” Pechorin leaves.

Maxim Maksimych is offended and annoyed. He walks nervously, tears appear in his eyes. Expresses: “I always said that there is no use in those who forget old friends!” The narrator asks what kind of papers Pechorin left him. The staff captain replies: “Some notes!” In response to the interlocutor’s request to give them back, he takes notebooks out of his suitcase, saying with contempt: “You can do with them what you want.”

The main character of the novel M. Yu. Lermontov “Hero of Our Time” - Grigory Aleksandrovich Pechorin. It is his destiny, destiny " extra person" is at the center of the story. In the first part of the work, we get to know Pechorin thanks to the story of Maxim Maksimych, included in the notes of a traveling officer. is both the hero of the work and the narrator. Lermontov himself gave great importance the development of this image, as evidenced by the sketch adjacent to the novel, entitled “Caucasian”:

  • “A Caucasian is a half-Russian, half-Asian creature; his inclination towards oriental customs takes precedence over him, but he is ashamed of it in front of strangers, that is, visitors from Russia. To him for the most part from thirty to forty-five years old; his face is tanned and slightly pockmarked; If he’s not a staff captain, then he’s certainly a major.” In the text of the novel, Lermontov limits himself to a cursory external characteristic Maxim Maksimych. The hero provides very meager information about himself: “I must tell you that I have no family; I haven’t heard from my father and mother for twelve years, and I didn’t think of getting a wife before - so now, you know, it doesn’t suit me...”

The role of Maxim Maksimych different in different parts of the novel. So, in the story “Bela” he is not represented so much actor as an attentive witness and a talented storyteller. This is Lermontov's amazing discovery: Maxim Maksimych is not only a witness to the event he is telling, but his personality is united with this event, as if Maxim Maksimych himself is his hero. The writer managed to look at the event through the eyes of an “old Caucasian” and tell this event in simple, rough, but always picturesque, always touching and stunning language. You should pay attention to the peculiarities of the speech of Maxim Maksimych, a simple and modest storyteller, in which the tradition of the tale manner characteristic of A. S. Pushkin’s “Tales of Belkin” is noticeable (“ Stationmaster"). In his speech, Maxim Maksimych actively uses expressions and phrases from military-professional terminology: “transport with provisions has arrived,” “girls and young guys stand in two ranks.” This same feature is emphasized by completely familiar local, “Caucasian” words and expressions that have come into use: peaceful prince, kunak, dzhigitovka, saklya, dukhanshchina, beshmet, gyaur, kalym, etc. Sometimes in your story Maxim Maksimych seems to find it difficult to remember any local Caucasian expression and replaces it with the corresponding Russian words: “The poor old man strums a three-string... I forgot how to say it... well, like our balalaika.” This originality of Maxim Maksimych’s speech manner is a direct expression of his attitude towards people, towards surrounding reality. The image of Maxim Maksimych outlined in the story “Bela” is revealed by the author in the story of the same name. Here he himself is the protagonist, and the author tells us about him.

In the story and the behavior of Maxim Maksimych, we see how different his perception of reality is from Pechorin’s views and attitude towards life. Central event story - the captivity of a young Circassian woman. Noteworthy is the fact that Maxim Maksimych initially has a negative attitude towards Pechorin’s act, but gradually his attitude changes. In the sketch “The Caucasian,” Lermontov noted that under the influence of the harsh Caucasian reality, old officers acquired a sober, prosaic outlook on life: “Cossack women do not seduce him, but at one time he dreamed of a captive Circassian woman, but now he has forgotten this almost impossible dream.” In the story of Bela’s kidnapping, told by Maxim Maksimych, Pechorin, it turns out, is fulfilling the “almost impossible dream” of every “Caucasian”, including, perhaps, Maksim Maksimych himself. This is also evidenced by the fact that he sympathizes with Pechorin, to whom for a long time unable to “tame” a rebellious captive,

Maxim Maksimych notes that he is used to her as own daughter. His memories are full of sympathy and sadness that Pechorin gradually became disillusioned with his love and began to move away from his beloved. Moreover, knowing Pechorin’s character, Maxim Maksimych tries to distract the girl from sad thoughts:

  • “Well, really, it’s funny to remember: I ran after her, like some kind of nanny.” After the angry Kazbek vilely kills the girl, Maxim Maksimych admits that if he were in Pechorin’s place, he would have died of grief. However, Pechorin is not the type to delve into suffering and enjoy it. “You know, more for the sake of decency, I wanted to console him; began to speak; he raised his head and laughed... A chill ran through my skin from this laughter...” - Maxim Maksimych shares his impressions with a random fellow traveler. Pechorin shattered all of Maxim Maksimych’s ideas about life.

Cold shine his eye reflected the cold brilliance of his soul. We are once again convinced of this in the episode of Maxim Maksimych’s meeting with Pechorin after a five-year separation. Maxim Maksimych is convinced that sad events of the past, memories of tragic incidents should bring people together, even if they separate for a long time, but Pechorin has a different opinion. Perhaps that is why he does not show much joy when he sees his old comrade. Moreover, he strives to avoid unpleasant memories and unpleasant conversations, but the poor old man was in such a hurry to see him that even “for the first time in his life, perhaps, he abandoned the work of the service for his own needs, to put it in paper language - and how he was awarded !” The final chord of the story, the author’s reflections, finally place emphasis on the characters’ characters:

  • “It’s sad to see when a young man loses his hopes and dreams... There is hope that he will replace old delusions with new ones, no less passing, but no less sweet... But how to replace them in the years of Maxim Maksimych? Involuntarily, the heart will harden and the soul will close.”

Thus By putting the story of Pechorin into the mouth of the “old Caucasian” Maxim Maksimych, Lermontov highlighted the tragic emptiness of Pechorin’s soul and at the same time contrasted him with the integral character of a Russian man, capable of understanding and sympathy for others. However, this does not indicate a clear contrast between these characters as negative and positive. Maxim Maksimych reflects the Russian character, with his inherent submission to fate. He obediently pulls the strap military service in the Caucasus and does not think about the purpose of its existence. In contrast, Pechorin is gripped by a spirit of protest, which is expressed in his contempt and hatred for humanity as a whole. And the more the reader gets to know Pechorin, the more he is imbued with respect and even sympathy.

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Maxim Maksimych performs two functions in the novel. Acts as a narrator and as a separate character. His name appears in several chapters: “Fatalist”, “Bela” and “Maksim Maksimych”. The image and characterization of Maxim Maksimych from the novel “Hero of Our Time” will show him as positive character, arousing sincere sympathy. His role is different. Each part of the work has its own. Staff Captain bright representative an era where the priority is courage, loyalty and service to the fatherland.

Appearance of the staff captain

Lermontov paid little attention to the appearance of the staff captain. An aged man. Looks 50. Hair is covered with gray. Tanned skin. Whiskered. The step is firm and confident. Energetic. Cheerful spirit. He has served in the Caucasus for many years.

“An officer’s coat without epaulettes and a Circassian shaggy hat. He seemed to be about fifty years old; dark color his face showed that he had long been familiar with the Transcaucasian sun, and his prematurely gray mustache did not match his firm gait and cheerful appearance ... "

Character traits

Friendliness. Maxim Maksimych reached out to people with all his heart. He knew how to be friends with them. A good-natured simpleton who did not know how to be cunning and hate. He endeared himself from the first minutes. For the first time seeing Pechorin, young and inexperienced in army affairs, he immediately accepted him as one of his own, not paying attention to ranks and social status. The first invited him to communicate without formalities, without demonstrating age superiority. During his last meeting with Grigory, he rejoiced at his old friend, like a little child. Having abandoned important matters, he waited for him all day in the hope that he would come in, talk to him, tell him about his affairs, but Pechorin did not deign to respect the old man.

Loyalty to service. Maxim Maksimych spent many years in the Caucasus mountains, paying off his military duty. Dedicated to his work. If help is needed or danger arises, he is able to quickly concentrate on the problem and, leading a squad, go to the enemy. Unpretentious. Able to adapt to any conditions. Managed to completely get rid of bad habit, giving up alcohol in the name of service. Because of her, I couldn’t start a family. There was not enough time for personal life. Knows how to find joy in little things. The monotonous life did not break him, making the character of the old warrior stronger and firmer;

Simplicity. Belinsky spoke clearly, naming Maxim Maksimych:

“a kind simpleton who does not suspect how deep and rich his nature is, how high and noble he is.”

The captain measures life by simple standards. He has a down-to-earth outlook on life. I did not receive an education.

“Where can we, uneducated old men, chase you!”

However, if close people get into trouble, the old warrior, without hesitation, rushes to their defense;

Kindness. Ready to selflessly help anyone and everyone. It doesn’t matter whether his friend is a person or a random passer-by who gets into trouble. He even accepted Bela as my own daughter, deeply worried about her and sympathizing, seeing how Pechorin treats her.

The role of the staff captain in the novel

In the novel, Lermontov tried to contrast Pechorin with Maxim Maksimych, whole and real, capable of understanding and compassion. Submitting to fate, he does not resist circumstances, taking them for granted. The purpose of existence is not important to him. He simply lives, fulfilling his military duty and completely devoting himself to his favorite work. This is his difference from Pechorin, searching for meaning life and not finding it. They are too different to compare. More likely, Maxim Maksimych is the hero of the novel, but in the positive sense of the word.

Maxim Maksimych - a positive hero

The characterization of Maxim Maksimych in Lermontov’s “Hero of Our Time” gives an answer to the question: was it possible to be different, not like Pechorin, in an era that befell both. If the attitude towards the main character of the novel among both readers and critics is, as a rule, negative, then Maxim Maksimych evokes unambiguous sympathy among everyone. For some, perhaps, it is he who is the real “hero of our time” who gave the name to the novel.

Character traits of Maxim Maksimych

Responsiveness and kindness

Maxim Maksimych has many positive qualities, which we begin to learn about literally from the first lines of the novel. He helps the author, acting as a traveler, deal with the Ossetians, who dishonestly did their job of transporting the cargo, and even began to demand money from him for vodka. Maxim Maksimych, an expert on the character of the mountaineers, who served in the Caucasus for many years (“I already know them, they won’t deceive me!”) shouted menacingly at them - and they fled. He knows a person for only a few minutes - and is already ready to come to his aid. More precisely, for him it is so natural that the question of choice - to help or not to help - is not even worth it.

The responsiveness and kindness of Maxim Maksimych in “A Hero of Our Time” will appear in other episodes. So, with all his heart, like his own daughter, he fell in love with Pechorin’s “captive of the Caucasus” Bela. He does everything possible to ease her fate: he consoles her, takes her for a walk, does not leave her one step before his death, and sees her off with dignity. last way, although she, in fact, was nothing to him. It cannot be compared with the consumerist attitude towards the poor girl Pechorin, through whose fault she became an orphan and lost her life.


One more positive quality Maxim Maksimych's strength is his ability to make friends. Although Pechorin was strikingly different from himself, he was young, “thin, white,” in a new uniform, who had not yet really seen service, Maxim Maksimych, who was the commandant of the fortress, immediately accepted him as an equal, without demonstrating his official and age superiority: “I took him by the hand and said: “Very glad, very glad. You will be a little bored... well, yes, you and I will live like friends... Yes, please, just call me Maksim Maksimych, and, please, why this full form? always come to me wearing a cap.” Pechorin will behave quite differently a few years later under chance meeting, causing bitter words from the old man: “What does he have in me? I’m not rich, I’m not an official, and I’m not his age at all...”

Having learned that an old friend will be passing through the town where he himself is staying, Maxim Maksimych waits all night for Pechorin to return from visiting to see him. For the first time in his life, he gives up important things to meet a friend.

Devotion to duty

The image of Maxim Maksimych in “Hero of Our Time” is also characterized by his loyalty to his official duty. He honestly fulfills his duties, has refused to drink alcohol in order to always be on guard, and has been under bullets more than once. Due to his service, he was unable to start a family. Unlike Pechorin, boredom did not break him. Although he had to endure much more monotony. In Chechnya, he “stood for ten years... in a fortress with a company, at Kamenny Ford.”

However, the sense of duty, the need to defend the borders of the Fatherland is what keeps him in this world.


Maxim Maksimych approaches life with his own simple standards. He knows what he doesn't know educated Pechorin. Knows how to determine the upcoming weather, is well acquainted with customs local residents, learned Tatar language. But he doesn’t like “metaphysical debates.” When asked by Pechorin what he thinks about predestination, Maxim Maksimych replies: “This is a rather tricky thing” and then begins to talk about specific things - the properties of Asian weapons. In the same way, he does not understand Pechorin’s mental tossing. For him he is “strange”.

The meaning of the image of Maxim Maksimych

Maxim Maksimych in the novel “A Hero of Our Time” is in a certain way opposed to Pechorin. But, obviously, the author did this not in order to divide them into “white” and “black,” but in order to show that they are different. And if Maxim Maksimych, with his simple outlook on life, calmly accepts the conditions in which he finds himself, then Pechorin, with his subtle mental organization and high intelligence, cannot be satisfied with such circumstances. He rushes about in the atmosphere of the “Nikolaev reaction”, when any free action is nipped in the bud, and cannot find a worthy occupation for himself. So to say that Maxim Maksimych is better than Pechorin would be wrong. Although you can find an opportunity to do good deeds and help people like him at any time.

Work test

Maxim Maksimych in Lermontov’s novel “A Hero of Our Time” has a kind and sympathetic character. This is an impressionable nature, capable of maintaining affection for people all its life. This character trait of his is already manifested in the fact that he was very offended by Pechorin’s cold and tense behavior during their chance meeting. After all, he loved him like his own son.

And yet Maxim Maksimovich remained faithful to him to the end. And he loved Bela with all his heart and was very sorry that the girl died. But at the same time, Maxim Maksimych understood well that Pechorin would have abandoned her anyway, and this would have been much worse than death for a free mountain woman. Maxim Maksimych was a man of a broad and open soul. In addition, Maxim Maksimych well understood the customs and traditions of the mountaineers, which were completely alien to the Russian people, and he believed that if you live among people of another nation, you should know and respect their opinions, their customs and mentality. That’s why he spoke about the murder of Bella’s father by Kazbich: “Of course, in their opinion, he was absolutely right.” So Maxim Maksimovich was a person capable of loving and forgiving passionately. Rare qualities at any time!

Unusually, a person who had been apart for many years carried a warm emotional attitude towards an almost casual comrade, and after that she was capable of anything for the sake of friendship. It is precisely such people who now illuminate the lives of those around them with a good, soft, heartfelt light, help to understand what is good and what is bad, to realize and correct their mistakes in time. At all times there were quite a few such people; they were often ordinary people, had neither wealth nor national fame, rarely held high positions and were noted for outstanding feats. This is quite understandable, because everything they had, all their vital energy they gave it to their friends just to make it at least a little easier for them.

Unfortunately, people like Maxim Maksimych live with an open soul, so they constantly worry about their friends, but they worry no less when they are pushed away former friends. Unfortunately, it is quite easy to mortally offend such people, and to offend them unconsciously, and for them this will result in great mental pain and the offended person will be more worried than the one who offended him.

On the other hand, as sad as it may sound, people like Maxim Maksimych are very weak. They are weak in relationships with people and I believe that in our cruel times, Maxim Maksimovich constantly suffered from the insults of others and from their misunderstanding. And even during Pechorin’s time it wasn’t much easier for him.

Maxim Maksimych could tell his friends the unpleasant truth right to their faces, and behind their backs, he said only good things about them. He could scold his friend, looking him in the eyes, and at the same time he was worried more than this friend. Maxim Maksimovich never talked about himself, but even so it was clear that, first of all, he was sincere and a kind person. He is one of those “first people we meet” that fate sends us, who usually so easily dispel our worries with a simple parable, story or just a word, and thus help us a lot!