Actor Alexey Chadov with his wife. Biography and personal life. In general, go and then tell me how it happened

Former spouses Alexey Chadov and Agniya Ditkovskite became the heroes of the new issue of OK! and talked about their relationship.

Photo: Valeria Zvezdochkina Agnia Ditkovskite and Alexey Chadov

Vadim Vernik: “Agniya Ditkovskite and Alexey Chadov came to our meeting, at my home, in a great mood. And looking at them, it’s hard to believe that they broke up a few years ago. But Agnia and Alexei are united by their common son Fyodor, and this is forever. New life experience made them more tolerant, wiser. Good example For others".

A Gnia, Lyosha, I’m very glad to see you together. It seems to me that in so many years that we have known each other, this is the first time I’ve seen you two together.

Alexey: Seriously? Ten years of such a crazy whirlwind romance? You missed everything. ( Laughs.) How come we haven’t all met together...

I don't understand it myself. But our meeting today - good sign. This suggests that life is a flexible thing, and this is its big advantage. As practice shows, there is no need to close any doors behind you...

Agnia: No way.

Alexey: One hundred percent. It may seem to you that you have closed some door for yourself and will never enter it again. But that's not true. Everything in life is much more fun. Everything has its time. The main thing is to approach decisions consciously. At the age of thirty, I consciously proposed to Agnia, and at twenty-five I was not yet ready for this, although many persuaded me to take this step.

“Many” - who is this?

Agnia: I don't know. ( Laughs.)

Alexey: Our mutual friends. They hinted that the relationship should move in a certain direction, that the next step was a proposal, which was quite logical and natural.

Agnia: I've been waiting for so many years! And it turns out that you were persuaded. ( Laughs.)

How long did you wait?

Agnia: How much? What year did we get married?

Alexey: In the twelfth. I had just turned thirty years old.

Agnia: And I’m twenty-three. I was so young. Time flies very quickly, you don’t even have time to realize it. In your heart, it’s like you’re still the same child, only different events happen, something happens to you, but you just can’t accept the fact that you’re growing up.

Alexey: You know, Vadim, but on the contrary, I began to notice that I was finally behaving like an adult in some ways.

How is it shown?

Alexey: This is, of course, largely due to the main event in my life. I got responsibility global scale- this is a son, a boy, a man, my heir, who needs to be raised, to whom a lot needs to be explained and told. I'm talking mainly about the spiritual, about family values. Educate good man- It's important for me.

Fedor is now three and a half years old. Are you already having some manly conversations with him?

Alexey: Of course. He now has the most interesting age- He constantly asks something and listens with great attention.

For example, he asks the question, why does dad come and go?

Agnia: You know, no. Firstly, we both come and go constantly, we work constantly. And as a matter of fact, I didn’t ask such questions as a child either.

Is this when your mother separated from your father?

Agnia: Yes. They both worked. Either mom is gone for a month, then suddenly mom returns. Well, this is such a gypsy life. Our children, unfortunately, are doomed to this. But we can take our son with us, for example.

Alexey: You, Vadim, say if he asks why dad comes and leaves. Firstly, my son spends a lot of time with me, and if I am free, I devote all my time to him. And secondly, it is important to understand that at his age, his mother is still more necessary and important. And this is felt, and I am completely calm about this. If you want to see your mother, please. As a boy, I understand him. Even at the age of thirteen, I asked: “Mom, lie with me, give me a massage.” This cannot be contradicted here under any circumstances.

And we build our relationship in such a way that the boy feels comfortable. We, of course, are adults, we will figure out what and how. We go on vacation together, and to some people this seems very strange.

Really weird. Three of us?

Agnia: Yes.

Alexey: Why is this actually strange? If I'm on vacation with my son, and he needs his mother, what should I do now - don't go on vacation with my son or something. ( Laughs.)

High relationships. And you, Agnia, are you also completely normal about such a vacation?

Agnia: Naturally. First of all, I feel very comfortable with Lyosha. He is the closest person to me, closer, probably, even to my friends. ( Laughs.) We don't strain each other.

When you were married, did you get stressed?

Agnia: No. But before we had some rights over each other, but now we don’t have these rights and it’s so convenient.

Alexey: Yeah, there is an opportunity to treat each other more respectfully. ( Laughs.)

Guys, it takes time, a lot of time, to come to such harmony.

Agnia: Of course.

Alexey: I had to go the whole way. And such a difficult one - many do not withstand these tests. Now I can say to myself that I have become quite strong. Certainly,

divorce is a little death. Breaking up is a serious process, especially when there is common child.

Agnia: We, like all young couples, separated several times to think about how to continue living. Separated after three years life together for about a year, then they got back together, then they broke up, got back together and immediately got married.

How many years were you married in the end?

Alexey: Three years.

Agnia: Something like three years is a fatal figure for us. ( Smiles.)

Lyosha, you say that you had to go a long way...

Alexey: We had Small child. I myself grew up without a father, and for me a complete family is most important factor. Therefore, in order to come to this easy and seemingly cheerful feast, like now at your home, Agnia and I went through a lot. I’ll tell you about myself: this situation has battered me, of course.

But of course, there are more serious stories when children really suffer, when parents categorically do not accept each other and their relatives are constantly fighting among themselves. There are many such examples.

Agnia: On the other hand, when is parting simple? When does it not bother you, when does it not touch you? Especially when you understand that there really was love, and, probably, it was so strong and real that, apparently, you will never experience anything like it again. I’m talking about myself now, about the emotions that I experienced with Lyosha. You know, when you meet a person and you don’t have questions like “who is he?”, “what is he?”, “how much does he earn?” You just met him, fell in love and walk hand in hand with him. This is a problem, probably, because now I am looking for no less emotions.

Alexey: Agnia, I’ll tell you honestly, I understand what you’re talking about. The level of our love was quite high, sometimes it even seemed that this was all impossible, that it just didn’t happen. Many, at the height of our feelings, envied us - it was impossible to hide. And of course, now that we are over thirty, it’s already very difficult to fall in love with someone like that. Especially men.

Now beautiful legs and beautiful eyes is no longer enough. If I fall in love now for real, I will fall in love first of all with inner world person.

Agnia, Lyosha, you feel each other so much, you understand each other. Or maybe it can still be glued?

Agnia: Honestly, I no longer renounce anything in this life. ( Laughs.)

Alexey: Everything is glued together fine. Our relationship is good, wonderful, human. I'm proud of Fedor's mother, she good mom, and she is growing in this title, so to speak. So we have a great relationship, the only thing is that we are like this American model families.

Agnia: Guest marriage?

Alexey: Something like that.

You separated three years ago, right?

Alexey: Yes.

Agnia: Number three again.

Lesha, do you have a new relationship now?

Alexey: Of course there is, a man should always have a relationship. ( Laughs.)

Agnia: ( Laughs.)

Alexey: I am the kind of person who needs a woman next to him like air.

Then I’ll ask another question: how does your friend feel about the fact that you go on vacation with your ex-wife?

Alexey: With understanding. ( Laughs.) I’m not doing this for myself. I have no interest in resting for myself at all. But for my son, for my family... I see how happy my son and mother are together, and I get great pleasure from it.

Now you have an understanding. And immediately after the divorce there was probably a period of great resentment towards each other.

Agnia: I don’t know how to be offended.

Alexey: By the way, I also don’t know how to hold grudges. Agnia: We, Vadim, talked to you even at the peak of our divorce with Lyosha. You must remember that I never said that Lyosha was bad. No matter what happens. But I'm a truth teller. ( Smiles.)

I’m still trying to understand what then became the reason for your separation?

Agnia: Complex issue. You know, we never fought...

Alexey: ...we didn’t sort things out. We had disagreements of a different nature; sometimes they were not entirely related to our personal relationships. There were always some outside influences anyway. Parents, friends, society - this is generally the norm. If we lived on an island like in the movie The Blue Lagoon, we would be happy. Lord God, us and nature.

Guys, an amazing thing happened: you were offered to unite again for the STS “Allies” project - to become presenters. Tell me, did this happen on time?

Alexey: You know, by this moment we were already communicating well, we had already become allies.

Agnia: Yes. Fatima, one of the producers of the show, said that on some website she saw a photo of us together with the headline “The couple united for the sake of the child” (we were on vacation together in Italy), and this was the slogan future program.

Tell us more about this project.

Agnia: The point is that divorced couples are fighting among themselves to earn ten million rubles for their children, which they can spend when the children turn eighteen. It's something like " The last hero", that is, there are quite severe physical tests here, which ex-husbands and the wives must go through together. Filming took place in Sri Lanka for three months.

Many arrived simply on terrible terms, literally hating each other; at first they couldn’t even see each other, let alone talk.

Alexey: In my opinion, this is a very original reality show. First of all, it is associated with real emotions; it cannot be played or imitated. It's interesting to watch. There were couples who lived together for more than ten years, then divorced, and now they meet again, in the name of the child, in these Spartan conditions to undergo tests that only close people can withstand. Moreover, their children remained in Russia and they could only communicate by phone according to a schedule. All the heroes are not actors, they do not know how to play to an audience. I've seen forty-year-old men cry. This, of course, costs a lot.

Why were they crying?

Agnia: We had meetings and conversations in the amphitheater. There were situations when, for example, a psychologist talked to a child of our participants in Russia and asked him to draw a picture of happiness. And then he showed this drawing to his parents, deciphered it, and it turned out that their child at seven years old was prone to suicide because of the relationships that existed in his family. Due to the fact that he was not allowed to communicate, for example, with one of his parents, due to the fact that relatives could not agree among themselves. And the child became a participant in this battle.

You also had a period when there was a struggle for a child.

Alexey: No.

Agnia: No.

Alexey: We had fears. I really made Agnia understand that for me my son is my whole life and if you try to take him away, nothing will come of it.

Agnia: And I thought that Lyosha wanted to take Fedya away from me, and I was terribly afraid of it.

Alexey: I would never do that in my life. We were both afraid of the same thing, really. We were immersed in these fears and simply did not hear each other.

Agnia: Fears are born only when you cannot sit down and just talk to a person.

And this is the most important thing, that at some point you finally heard each other.

Agnia: Do you know how this happened? Lyosha invited me to participate in the play “Stranger 32”.

Alexey: My friend, producer Albert Moginov, and I conceived the idea of ​​a performance. The problem was the actress. Everyone who wanted to be invited was busy at that time, and the play had to be released in any case. And so we sat down one day - we were thinking, and suddenly Albert said: what if I propose to your ex-wife? I then thought it was good idea. Firstly, Agnia is suitable for this role, and secondly, it is a story about a young couple on the verge of divorce. In general, everything worked out. Agnia just had it free time, and she agreed.

Was it easy for you to work together amid this whole situation?

Agnia: No problem for me at all.

Alexey: By this time we had already gone through a lot. And it has always been easy for us to work together. And I won’t lie, I understood that Fedya would be able to go on tour with us and see mom and dad together. So in this sense I am a selfish person. ( Laughs.)

All clear. Tell me, do you already have new plans for a vacation with your son?

Alexey: Now we are thinking together. I just finished filming, I haven’t really seen Fedya for two and a half months. During all this time, I was at home three times, and then only on short visits. Now I’m back, my life has improved, and, of course, my son and I enjoy communicating.

Is someone helping you with Fedor?

Alexey: Now my mother helps me, and my brother often comes to visit us. Mom worked as an engineer for twenty-nine years, a year was not enough for her anniversary, but I “fired” her, I said, it’s time to work for the family. ( Smiles.) And now I’m building a separate house outside the city for my grandparents, they’re both approaching ninety.

Grandfather is looking forward to this moment and dreams of planting an apple tree there. He has lived all his life in a private house in Kazakhstan and is waiting for me to move them all to my place and for him and Fedya to plant an apple tree. This is, of course, so touching.

Of course you have a son happy man, caressed. But so many children grow up twitchy and nervous precisely because of the monstrous relationship between parents, when mom slanders dad and vice versa.

Alexey: And there is also clan enmity. It's not just mom and dad. This is the inability to call grandparents... And the child is always the victim. A child, of course, should know that his mother is the best, his father is the best, and together they are strong. Agnia and I really communicate quite closely, there are, of course, moments in which we cannot break the distance - this rather concerns some personal circumstances. But one way or another, we live at a very fast pace, children grow quickly, they need our presence and active participation, help.

Agnia: A child is like a clock. You can see from it how much time has passed.

Alexey: Fedor will go to school soon.

Guys, I'm very happy for you. I'm glad that you passed your difficult everyday exam with a solid A. I wish you and your son to go on a new trip together soon!

Alexey: In fact, now we are thinking about winter holidays. Last year I put Fedya on skis.

Agnia, do you also like skiing?

Agnia: No. I feel somewhat relaxed about winter too. I love skates, for me skates are romance.

Alexey: We are going to the end in the next few days, to a recreation center.

Together too?

Alexey: Yes. Why not.

Agnia: We can grab your girl too.

Alexey: Families will have to be friends ( Laughs), anyway. In general, it’s more fun this way. As one of my good friends said, there are never many women in the house.

In general, go and then tell us how it all happened.

Agnia: Definitely.

They are among the most popular actors in the Russian film industry. On the way to fame and the love of the audience, they had to go through many trials. As children, the boys lost their father early - he died at a construction site, where he worked part-time in his free time from studying at the institute.

Galina Petrovna Chadova, the mother of actors, in order to provide her sons with a decent childhood, left her job at a design institute and became a general laborer. She worked day and night, but still had barely enough money for food and clothing.

The Chadov brothers held on to each other, communicated closely and shared hobbies. They studied together acting in Moscow with teacher Vyacheslav Kozhikhin. It was he who instilled in young people a love of art and forced them to develop their acting skills.

Alexey Chadov even received his first trip to a foreign summer camp thanks to the performance on stage theater studio in the play "Little Red Riding Hood".

The Chadovs also danced and even taught small children, bringing additional money into the house, albeit small. IN student years This part-time job made life much easier for the brothers.

After school, Alexey entered VTU named after. M. S. Shchepkina for the course of Vladimir Seleznev. He was also joined by his brother, who had previously chosen the Shchukin School to study. The brothers graduated from the theater university together.

Actor's film career

Alexey Chadov played his first serious role while still a student. At the Shchepkinsky School they auditioned for roles in New film Alexey Balabanov, which were conducted by the STV television company. Several young actors were photographed for the casting; Lesha Chadov took part in the selection, not really hoping for luck.

For a theater institute student, it was a real happiness to get a key role at the beginning of his career. His partners were Sergei Bodrov Jr. and Ingeborga Dapkunaite. The high level of skill did not allow the young man to relax; he devoted a lot of time to preparing for the role.

Together with other actors, Chadov watched a documentary about the atrocities of Chechen militants against Russian soldiers. This is how Balabanov set his artists in the right mood.

The first role made Alexey Chadov famous. The painting “War” gained popularity in Russia and received main award Kinotavr Prize. In Canada, at a film festival, the work of Alexei Balabanov was also noted with positive reviews.

Interesting notes:

Having already completed his studies, Chadov played in the film “At a Nameless Height.” This is another war drama in which to the young actor got the role of Kolya Malakhov - a romantic and naive soldier who believes in the best and longs to live.

In the film “Games of Moths” Chadov showed for the first time the new possibilities of his talent, moving away from military themes. Critics spoke positively about his hero - a musician who risks his career due to connections with the criminal world. The film also starred Oksana Akinshina and Sergei Shnurov.

In 2004, Timur Bekmambetov filmed his cult project “ The night Watch" Alexey Chadov, who played the young vampire Kostya, after the release of the film, became one of the first echelon actors in Russia. A blockbuster of this level allowed the actor to meticulously choose the directors' proposals.

He searched interesting scenario and therefore gladly accepted the invitation to the film “9th Company” about the events of the Afghan war. The role of soldier Sparrow is one of the most notable in Alexei’s career.

In 2006, in addition to filming in “Day Watch”, Chadov also participated in the project “Live” by Alexander Veledinsky. He played the main role brother Andrey, and Alexey appeared in the guise of a priest.

In 2007, the famous music video director Alan Badoev directed the melodrama “Orange Love.” The main roles were played by Alexey Chadov and Olga Makeeva. An unusual story about love in a confined space, about the inevitability of life’s surprises, makes you think for a long time about what you see on the screen, and leaves a mark on the human soul.

From 2009 to 2013, he played one of the main roles in the trilogy “Love in big city». He played Artem, and his wife Vera Brezhneva. In 2017, Alexey Chadov starred in the action film “99% Dead.” In total, the actor’s list of works includes more than 30 roles. He starred with the most famous directors and worked with famous colleagues. Latest projects– “Viy”, “Hammer”, “B/W”.

In 2018, in the new comedy series, Alexey Chadov played main role together with . The premiere of the comedy about relationships against the backdrop of airplanes will be released at the end of March.

Personal life

In 2006 on the set of the film “Heat” Alexey Chadov met his future wife– Agnia Ditkovskite. The young actors quickly found mutual language and became the subject of discussion in the press and on television for a long time. The beautiful and passionate romance was briefly interrupted in 2007, but the lovers soon reconciled and got married in 2012.

In 2014, the couple had a son, Fedor. Despite a large number of happy photos, in 2015 Chadov and Ditkovskite announced a breakup. The divorce took place only in 2017, now the actors communicate as good friends. You can read more about their relationship.

On premiere show series “Flying Crew” in Moscow in the winter of 2018, Chadov presented his new lover– model Leysan Galimov. The actor did not leave the girl all evening, protecting her from attacks from curious journalists.

Filmography of Alexey Chadov

Year Movie Role
2002 War

Ivan Ermakov, sergeant

2003 Moth Games Kostya
2003 "American" (not completed)

Alexey Bolotov

2004 On a nameless height

Nikolai Malakhov, private, scout

2004 The night Watch
2004 December 32

Anton / Sergei Petrovich in his youth

2005 Second front Bykov
2005 9 Rota

Vladimir Vorobyov (“Sparrow”), private

2006 Serko

Cossack Dmitry Peshkov

2006 Day Watch

Kostya Saushkin, vampire, neighbor of Anton Gorodetsky

2006 Count of Montenegro

Andrey Istomin

2006 Alive

Peresvet, priest

2006 Heat Alexei
2007 Orange love

Alexey Chadov and his brother suddenly burst into Russian cinema and instantly became stars of the first magnitude. Such a rapid career start is very rare and lucky for every artist.

Behind short term V creative biography actor, masterpieces of cinema appeared - “War”, “Night Watch”, “Games of Moths” by Andrei Proshkin.

Childhood and youth

The childhood of brothers who were the same age can hardly be called cloudless and happy. Alexey Chadov was born in September 1981, when his brother Andrei was already growing up in the family. The family lived in the western district of Moscow - Solntsevo. The Chadovs’ mother, Galina Petrovna, was an engineer by training. My father studied at the institute and at the same time worked in construction. When the children were 5 and 6 years old, dad passed away: he died at a construction site.

Caring for her sons fell on the fragile shoulders of the mother. Alexey recalls that his mother worked around the clock, but at the same time difficult years they barely had enough money for food.

Already in childhood, the brothers, despite the difference in characters, became interested in acting. They attended a theater studio in Novo-Peredelkino, where they were taught acting by the talented teacher Vyacheslav Kozhikhin. At the age of 12, Chadov Jr., having played a hare in the play “Little Red Riding Hood” based on the work, was awarded a tourist trip to Antalya. This was his first trip abroad and a kind of “window to Europe”.

In addition to the theater studio, Alexey and his brother attended a choreographic club, which is why even today the artist’s figure, with a height of 176 cm, is distinguished by his slimness. Its weight does not exceed 72 kg. Having mastered perfectly dance art, the brothers themselves taught choreography in the children's studio. Later, Alexey Chadov worked as a bartender in a nightclub.

Andrey, having graduated from school a year earlier, entered the Shchukin School. But then, when Alexey, having received his matriculation certificate, became a student at the VTU named after M. S. Shchepkin, he transferred to Shchepka. The Chadovs studied in the workshop of Vladimir Seleznev and graduated theater university simultaneously.


One day, representatives of the STV company, which produced new picture directed by Alexey Balabanov. The agents selected a few of the students and, after taking photographs, left. Alexey Chadov was also among the lucky ones. True, until recently he did not believe that he would be called to audition. Alexey Chadov found out that he had been approved for the role in the drama “War” only on the eve of his departure film crew to Kabardino-Balkaria.

Alexey Chadov in the film "War"

Upon arrival, the aspiring actor was even more surprised: as it turned out, his role was one of the key ones in the film. And he will be filming together with such cinema stars as.

The debut in the military drama brought Chadov his first great success and recognition, and not only in his homeland. At the film festival in Canada, where the film was shown, Alexey was awarded an award in the category " Best Actor" In Russia, the film was repeatedly nominated for “Nika” and “Golden Eagle”, and at “Kinotavr” Balabanov’s work won the main prize.

Alexey Chadov and Sergey Bodrov in the film "War"

The next work strengthened Alexey as one of the best young actors in Russia. He starred in the film “At a Nameless Height.” And again the military theme. Chadov's performance of his character Kolya Malakhov, a young soldier eager to live and love, no matter what, was loved by millions of television viewers.

In 2003, Alexey received an invitation to play the main character of Andrei Proshkin’s drama “The Moth Games”. The actor was able to move away from military themes and successfully switched to social drama. His hero, a young boy from the outback, an aspiring musician, is drawn into a criminal story that could ruin his future. Chadov pleasantly surprised film critics and viewers with the newly discovered facets of his talent.

Alexey Chadov in the film "Games of Moths"

In “Games of Moths” Alexey Chadov met the actress for the first time. He also played in the film.

After filming ended, the artist admitted that working on a new image was extremely interesting. The fact is that Alexey Chadov has loved and subtly felt music since childhood. He failed to get musical education, but he dreamed of at least playing a musician.

Alexey Chadov and Oksana Akinshina in the film "Games of Moths"

In 2004, Alexey firmly established himself as a star of Russian cinema. He accepted Timur Bekmambetov's offer and starred in the cult film "". It is noteworthy that before filming the blockbuster, the actor was not interested in reading science fiction and had not even heard who he was. The blockbuster “Night Watch” became the first high-budget domestic project filmed in the science fiction genre. It recouped its costs many times over and gathered an incredibly large audience.

Alexey Chadov in the film "Night Watch"

IN next year the talented Muscovite was waiting for another a pleasant surprise. He invited Alexey Chadov to his project ““. Drama about the millstone Afghan war, who ground thousands of inexperienced and young conscripts, also had resounding success. The actor got a character named Sparrow. He was lucky to film with young colleagues and others.

Alexey Chadov and Konstantin Kryukov in the film "Heat"

In 2006, Alexander Veledinsky’s mystical drama “Alive” was released, in which the actor’s older brother, Andrei Chadov, played the main role. Alexey got the role of a priest, also one of the key ones. It is noteworthy that the Chadov brothers are deeply religious people. Alexey has repeatedly admitted that faith occupies a huge place in his life. The artist regularly goes to church. He has his own confessor.

Alexey Chadov in the film "9th Company"

In the same year, the continuation of Bekmambetov’s mystical blockbuster “Day Watch” was released. Alexey Chadov again appeared in the image of the vampire Kostya Saushkin. According to the plot of the film, he had an affair with the witch Alisa Donnikova, whom she played. The sequel turned out to be no less successful than the first part.

Zhanna Friske and Alexey Chadov in the film "Day Watch"

Chadov’s filmography includes dozens of full-length films and TV series titles, including bright projects“Orange Love”, tragicomedy by Evgeny Shelyakin “B/W”, “Viy” by Oleg Stepchenko. Alexey went to the USA to film the film “Love in the City.” He shared his impressions of the trip and foreign photos with subscribers. "Twitter".

Alexey Chadov in the film "Love in the City"

In the year of Sochi Olympics Alexey became one of the participants in the sports drama “,” where he appeared in the role of a hockey player. They also tried on the images of athletes.

Viewers watched Nurbek Egen’s drama “Hammer” with Chadov in 2016. The film was about the famous mixed martial arts fighter, whose image was portrayed on screen by Alexey. Oksana Akinshina again became his partner. It is noteworthy that the actor spoke warmly about working together with his colleague. In an interview, he once admitted that this is the only artist with whom he is absolutely comfortable and easy to relate to. film set.

Alexey Chadov and Oksana Akinshina in the drama "Hammer"

Alexey Chadov is interested not only in the acting profession. In 2007, the artist first tried himself as a TV presenter. His author’s project “Pro-cinema” was released on MUZ-TV. And after filming the film “A Matter of Honor,” the leading actor decided to also become the director of a video for the soundtrack to the series.

Personal life

The artist’s relationships with girls have always attracted the attention of fans and reporters, especially since Alexei had really bright and high-profile romances in his personal life. His first companion was Oksana Akinshina, with whom they were brought together on the set.

In 2006, Chadov met Lithuanian actress. The meeting took place on the set of the film “Heat”. Alexey and Agnia started dating. But in the same year, rumors broke out about the actor’s new romance. This time with the beauty with whom Chadov starred in the melodrama “The Irony of Love.” The couple played lovers very reliably. Then the artist dispelled rumors of betrayal, saying that he remained faithful to his beloved Agnia.

And in 2011, Alexey was spotted with Ukrainian performer, which represented Ukraine at Eurovision 2011. The couple recorded joint song, which was called “Freedom”.

Several years passed, and fate brought the actor together again with the Lithuanian beauty. This happened on the set of the series “A Matter of Honor”. Agnia Ditkovskite and Alexey Chadov began dating again, and in August 2012, the artist asked his lover for his hand in marriage. That same year they got married.

In the summer of 2014, his wife gave birth to Alexey’s first child, who was named Fedya. But a common child could not save the marriage of two creative natures. A year later, the couple announced their separation. The official divorce took place only in the summer of 2017. The corresponding decision was made by one of the Moscow magistrates' courts.

However, the ex-spouses decided to maintain friendly relations for the sake of their son. The separation does not prevent them from spending their holidays with Fedor, as the actor’s personal account on Instagram can eloquently tell. The son still has no idea about the marital status of his parents.

In 2018, the actors were offered to become TV presenters of a show on STS TV channel"Allies". The program's heroes are former spouses who unite to undergo extreme tests. Grand Prize– 10 million rubles. – should go to the child of the winners. The island of Sri Lanka was chosen as the location for the reality show.

Alexey Chadov now

The actor's repertoire continues to be replenished with interesting roles. 2017 for Alexey began with high-profile premiere drama "About Love". Together with and Chadov played love triangle.

Alexey Chadov in the film "About Love"

Soon, the crime series “99% Dead” was shown on the NTV channel with the participation of Alexey. The circumstances of the life of the main character Artyom, a successful businessman, change overnight after the intelligence services mistake him for a dangerous criminal. And in the comedy series “Captain Krutov’s Operetta,” Chadov appeared before the public in the role of an arrogant screen star who just can’t get into the image of a policeman.

Repeating his collaboration with director Marius Weisberg, Alexey became the leading actor in the comedy “Flying Crew,” which started airing on the STS channel in April 2018.

Alexey Chadov in the film "Flying Crew" in 2018


  • 2002 - “War”
  • 2003 - “Games of Moths”
  • 2003 - “At an unnamed height”
  • 2004 - “Night Watch”
  • 2005 - “9th Company”
  • 2006 - “Day Watch”
  • 2006 - “Live”
  • 2006 - “Heat”
  • 2009 - “Love in the City”
  • 2014 - “B&W”
  • 2016 - “Hammer”
  • 2017 – “About Love”
  • 2018 – “Flying Crew”

Andrey Alexandrovich Chadov born on May 22, 1980 on the outskirts of Moscow, in the Solntsevo district. When he was six years old, and his younger brother Alexei Chadov was five, their father died. My mother, an engineer by training, had to learn new professions in order to support her family.

Andrey studied at the theater studio, studied at art school. Has a secondary specialized choreographic education. After graduating from school, he worked as a teacher in a children's theater group.

First entered Theater school them. B.V. Shchukin, however, after studying there for a year, he transferred to the Higher Theater School named after M.S. Shchepkin (workshop Vladimir Seleznev), which he eventually graduated in 2003 along with his brother Alexei.

Andrey Chadov. Creative path

While still studying at drama school, in my second year, Andrey Chadov played the first film role - a supporting role in the melodrama by Ivan Solovov " Avalanche" However, he became famous in 2004 for his role in the film “Russian” by Alexander Veledinsky and work in a television series "Cadets", where Andrey played young Pyotr Todorovsky. Behind "Russian" Andrey received the Moscow Premiere festival prize in the category “Best Actor of a Competition Film.”

In 2005, Andrei played with his brother Alexei in the film “Alive”. This is his job received a lot of praise from critics and film experts. The actor himselfwas nominated for Best Actor at the award"Nika" for this picture.

Andrey’s filmography also includes Western film projects. So, in 2007 he played the German pilot Eric Lindt in the series "Heart of the Enemy", however, due to funding problems, work on the film was suspended. The film was released in 2008 "More Ben" based on the work of the same name by P. Tetersky and S. Sakin. He played one of the main roles in the film together with Andrey Ben Barnes, then a little-known actor. A year later, Barnes arrived at the premiere in London as a rising star.

For Andrey, it was an interesting international work experience. Moreover, the artist was approved based on one small photograph. According to the filmmakers, when they saw Chadov, they realized that this was a perfect fit for the role.

Another big one international project- “Slove.” Right in the heart " , where Andrey and his brother Alexey played together again. Then both appeared in the series “A Matter of Honor”. The Chadovs play brothers in it who avenge their parents, but choose different paths: one goes into crime, the other goes into law enforcement. The film was based on an Italian TV series. Work on the painting took a year.

In parallel with this Andrey Chadov worked on the TV series “Provocateur”, where he has a vivid role as an undercover agent who constantly changes images and masks. The film, which was first presented in February 2016 in the Baltics, also stars Anastasia Zavorotnyuk, Tatyana Arntgolts, Daniil Spivakovsky and other domestic stars.

In 2014, Chadov played one of the leading roles in the detective series “The Batagami Case,” where the famous Hollywood actor Mark Dacascos (“Showdown in Manila”, “ Drive», « The Crying Killer", "Brotherhood of the Wolf", " Killer instinct»).

The actor also got a role in the fantasy action film “Mafia: Game of Survival” (2016), directed by Sarik Andreasyan, which takes place in the distant future, where a TV game called “Mafia” has become the most popular all over the world. Andrei also starred in the crime drama “Escape for a Dream,” consisting of three short stories. Denis Kosyakov, Vladimir Vdovichenkov, Miroslava Karpovich, Zoya Kaidanovskaya, Alexey Fateev, etc. also played in the film, presented to the public on November 30, 2015 as part of the 98th Russian International Film Market.

In 2017 Andrey Chadov tried on a new role, acting not only as an actor, but also as a producer of a crime drama " Rake”, which tells the story of a young accountant who finds himself in the world of an underground casino.

Prize for best actor at the Moscow Premiere festival for the film “Russian”. Nomination for Best Actor at the Nika Award for the film Alive (2007). Prize for Best Actor in the film “Live” at the MTV Awards (2007). Award of the FSB of Russia for the film “Quiet Outpost” (2011). Nomination "Acting". Prize "Best Actor" (film "Quiet Outpost") of the XIX International Children's Film Festival " Scarlet Sails in Artek" (2011).

Andrey Chadov. Personal life

Andrey Chadov does not advertise his personal life, so various rumors about his affairs with this or that girl have not been confirmed by the artist himself. However, it is known that he has experience of quite long-term relationships. So, for five years, from 2005 to 2010, he met with Russian star musicals, singer and actress Svetlana Svetikova (“Gloss”, “ Love is not show business», « New Year's SMS", etc.).

Throughout life true friend Andrey is his brother Alexey Chadov (“War”, “Height 89”, “Moth Games”, “Street Racers”, “Hammer”).

Andrey Chadov: The kind of relationship we have with my brother requires permanent job above oneself. It is important to be able to support loved one at the right moment and be there when it is most needed. What does it mean to me? best friend"? If I didn’t have a brother, I could call someone like that, but that’s how it is with me.

Andrey Chadov. Filmography

  • Actor
  • Rake (2017), Kirill
  • I will love you, okay? (2017) Sergey
  • We won't say goodbye (2017)
Andrey Aleksandrovich Chadov – popular Russian actor, who performed many bright and interesting roles. Older brother of Alexei Chadov. The most bright roles actor – cadet Petya Glushchenko (TV series “Cadets”), former soldier Kir (“Alive”), Alexander Nazarov (“A Matter of Honor”), Keshi (“Perfect Couple”), undercover agent Anton Karpov (“Provocateur”), Katya Gruzdeva’s lover (“Shameless”).

Childhood of Andrey Chadov

The future actor Andrei Chadov was born on May 22, 1980 into an ordinary Moscow family. A year later he had a younger brother, Alexey. The boys' father, Alexander Chadov, died early - Andrey was only 6 years old. The head of the family received higher education and worked part-time at a construction site. One working day, an accident occurred - a concrete slab fell on him. The children did not understand well what was happening. Andrei remembers asking his mother who would now help him with his drawings (the boys’ father was a good artist).

After Alexander's death, a lot changed in the family. The family moved to the disadvantaged Solntsevo district. Mom, Galina Petrovna Chadova, an engineer by training, was forced to work as a salesperson, and subsequently completed accounting courses. All this was alien to her and did not bring happiness. The boys missed their father terribly, their joint walks in Izmailovsky Park, toys that Alexander loved to make (once he even assembled bicycles for his sons).

Because of the deplorable financial condition brothers with early years We were looking for ways to make money: we washed cars, once we sold a brand new TV remote found in a trash bin to a second-hand store and bought winter boots with the proceeds.

Andrei Chadov, like his brother Alexey, spent a lot of time in various sections and circles. IN early age he was actively interested in dancing (the actor has a choreographic education), as well as classes in children's drama theater, where brothers about ten years old disappeared after school. But, unlike the younger Chadov, Andrei did not immediately realize that he wanted to connect his life with acting - he liked choreography more.

After graduation high school Andrey became a dance teacher for juniors age groups. It turned out well. A year later, when Alexey graduated from school, they decided to enter theater school together. Andrey submitted documents to the Theater School named after. Shchukina, Alexey - to the Shchepkinsky School. After the first year, Andrei transferred to his brother, to the workshop of Vladimir Prokhorovich Seleznev. “We took people to our course at Shchuka with a reserve. It turned out that the most talented began to “eat up” the less gifted. I couldn’t do that, so I transferred to Shchepkinskoye. I’m still grateful to Vladimir Prokhorovich for accepting me,” Andrey recalled.

Actor career

Soon after graduating from school, Andrei Chadov starred in an advertisement for “Fint” chocolate bars, popular in the 90s, together with Vyacheslav Manucharov and Maria Shalaeva. It's about about a video where two teenagers ask a friend whether she likes dark or fair boys, and she puts them in their place with the phrase “I like smart ones, but that’s okay for you.”

Andrei Chadov had a chance to appear on the silver screen for the first time in 2001, in his second year at college. It was a small role in the melodrama “Avalanche” by Ivan Solovov, based on the story “A Pile of Blue Stones” by Victoria Tokareva. From the first films, two clear directions emerged: one part of his acting work was inextricably linked with the theme of war and the soldier’s lot; the other consisted mainly of melodramas.

Continuing to improve his talent, Andrei Chadov continued his studies, and after receiving his diploma he appeared in two more films - “Ashes of the Phoenix” and “Russian” (both films were released in 2004). For the last of these films, the actor received his first cinematic award - the Prize for Best Actor, awarded to the actor by the jury of the Moscow Award festival.

At this time, Alexey had already loudly declared himself thanks to Alexey Balabanov’s military drama “War”, starred in “Night Watch” by Timur Bekmambetov and “Night Moths” together with Oksana Akinshina. But Andrei’s popularity was not far off. In the same 2004, he received the role of Pyotr Glushchenko from the mini-series “Cadets”. On behalf of his hero, the story was told about the cadets of the artillery school, very young boys who were being prepared for the fate of “cannon fodder” back in 1942. In 2005, the Chadov brothers starred together (their first collaboration) in the heart-warming drama Alive. Andrey played Cyrus, a veteran of the Chechen campaign who lost his leg and all his friends in the war. He perfectly conveyed the torment of the soul of a young soldier who became disabled “both physically and mentally,” and all his attempts to improve his life take place against the backdrop of soul-searching and thoughts that everything could have been different. Alexey played the priest Peresvet in the film. The role of Kira brought Andrey an MTV-Russia award in the Best Actor category.

Soon, Andrei Chadov’s filmography began to rapidly expand with new remarkable roles. So, he appeared in the series “The Captain's Children”, played the main role in the British tragicomedy “Bigger than Ben” (about how two Muscovites conquered London), then, together with Yuri Kolokolnikov, starred in the independent drama “Open Space”.

The following can be classified as “military”: late works Andrey Chadov as “SLOVE: Right in the Heart”, “Heart of the Enemy”, “Quiet Outpost” (all of these tapes were released in 2011). Melodramas with his participation also enjoyed success with viewers: such as “20 Years Without Love”, “You Had a Loved One”, and the series “Bonfire in the Snow”.

In 2013, the series “A Matter of Honor” was released on television - another remarkable collaboration of the Chadov brothers, where Agniya Ditkovskite and Pavel Priluchny also appeared. This is the story of two brothers with different characters: Ivan (Alexey Chadov) was used to achieving everything at any cost, and Alexander (Andrey Chadov) found an outlet in his studies. Their father's store is burned down, after which the head of the family commits suicide. Obsessed with the idea of ​​revenge, the brothers decide to take revenge on their offenders in different ways - Ivan plunges into the world of crime, and Alexander becomes a lawyer.

Fans of the elder Chadov’s acting talent also fell in love with the film “The Ideal Couple,” a melodrama about the attempt of athlete Zoya (Anna Ukolova) to make ideal husband from the bachelor Kesha, whose role was played by Chadov.

Project "Living Memory". Andrey Chadov reads a military letter

In 2016, Chadov appeared in the role of Anton, both an undercover agent of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and a modern Robin Hood, who punishes powerful of the world this.

Personal life of Andrey Chadov

Andrei Chadov, like many other celebrities, tries to carefully hide the details of his personal life. Therefore, there is not much information about his novels in the media.

Andrei Chadov's first serious love is Nadya Doroshina, whom he met at prom At school. They dated for about a year. At the institute, Andrei began an affair with classmate Lyubov Zaitseva (an actress known for the TV series “Four Tankmen and a Dog” and “Sins of the Fathers”). Their relationship lasted four years, until Andrei one day accidentally met Nadya again. The girl already had a divorce and a child behind her, but Andrei decided to give their love one more chance. But after a year and a half, the couple separated.

For a long time the actor was silent about amorous affairs. In 2006, it became known about his affair with Star Factory-3 participant Sveta Svetikova. The girl was a participant in the “Big Races” project, like Alexey Chadov. It was he who introduced Sveta to Andrey. They were seized by an insane passion, the lovers practically never parted.

As Sveta recalled, at some point their relationship began to resemble a disease. She was forced to be with Andrei 24 hours a day, follow his crazy daily routine - stay up until dawn, get up at 5 in the morning. Health problems began and constant visits to hospitals began. Chadov demanded that his beloved always be nearby. But the main thing is that Sveta has lost the incentive to advance her career itself. In the end, she realized that this could not continue. The decision to break up was not easy for her, and after the breakup she plunged into severe depression.