Draw a picture of Children's Day step by step. The best pictures and postcards in honor of Children's Day. I. General provisions

June 1 - Children's Day. This is a holiday that has an international character and is celebrated in many countries. On this day, various events are held at the school and preschool educational institution:

  • Exhibitions,
  • conversations,
  • theme nights,
  • lessons,
  • children draw pictures,
  • preparing crafts.

However, before you conduct any conversations and activities with children, you should devote them in detail to the history of this holiday.

history of the holiday

The holiday dedicated to Children's Day has been around for a long time. Its history goes back to 1925, when it was customary to celebrate this day in Geneva for the first time. The fact is that it was at that time that a conference was held there on the issues of the prosperous life of children.

Another coincidence. It is on June 1 that the Chinese Consul General organizes a holiday for Chinese children in San Francisco called the Dragon Boat Festival that year. That is why we celebrate Children's Day on June 1st.

Later, when the Second World War was over, at the women's congress in Paris in 1949, women all over the world swore to keep the peace for the good of children. A year later, in 1950, this holiday took place.




Craft picture for World Children's Day

How should you celebrate?

Various children's festive events are timed to coincide with Children's Day. At school and kindergarten, teachers prepare in advance a plan of events, meetings, thematic lessons, concerts, children prepare illustrations, pictures. These are meetings, entertainment programs, concerts and more. Many celebrities hold charity events and concerts for Children's Day. This day is truly considered the day of the child.

Children's Day is a reminder to adults of the problems and dangers that lie in wait for the little inhabitants of the planet. In different parts of the Earth, these problems and threats can differ significantly. So, for Europeans, the impact of computer games on the weak children's psyche, early puberty has become a significant threat. In Asia, these "values" are viewed negatively. At the same time, Asia and Africa are suffering from epidemics that primarily affect children. The holiday is a reminder that children have equal rights with adults to life, to choose religion, education, recreation, that each of the adults was once a child and he also needed mutual understanding and kindness. On this day, it is customary to visit orphanages, orphanages, give gifts and souvenirs to children. Charitable institutions organize trips to the circus, to the theater, trips and excursions for children - everything that can warm and support the kids.

How is it carried out at school and kindergarten?

At school and preschool educational institution, a holiday dedicated to this day can be held in different ways. It all depends on what kind of plan the institution will draw up. This may be a self-prepared concert, visiting festive exhibitions, events, orphanages, etc. Particular attention in schools is given to class hours dedicated to this day. Teachers provide a plan for conducting such lessons in advance. In a preschool educational institution, a concert prepared by the pupils of an educational institution, pictures from which an exhibition can be made can be timed to coincide with Children's Day. If you do not have a clear plan on how to organize a lesson on this holiday, ask the children to draw something that they associate with childhood, with their parents. Such pictures will be interesting to consider for both adults and children. Also in the preschool educational institution, you can offer children pictures for coloring. They can have children, the planet, mom and dad, houses, etc. Pictures will help the children express their attitude to the holiday. In a preschool educational institution, it is advisable to spend a holiday on Children's Day together with parents.

The holiday plan Children's Day 2014 can be built based on the experience of previous years. Today, teachers and educators can find a huge amount of interesting materials: presentations, pictures, poems, songs, etc., which are applicable both in preschool and at school. The main thing is to convey to the children the idea that they are taken care of, that they can always find support and understanding in adults.

There are many holidays designed to remind people of some important events or phenomena. For this, international days dedicated to certain topics are established. June 1 is Children's Day and pictures with postcards, congratulatory inscriptions and other thematic focus are becoming very popular at this time.

After all, this is not just another “holiday for show”, but a day designed to remind us of the vulnerability of all children to the difficulties of life, adults and other things.

Postcard images

Naturally, on this topic it is impossible to do without the children themselves. Almost every photo or drawing contains babies of various ages. Here all the innocence and carelessness of this age is conveyed, so that everyone can, even for a moment, immerse themselves in the time that everyone had and gone forever.

Kids, from infancy to primary school age, will certainly remind you of the very essence of the holiday, so the pictures with them are universal and great for congratulations.

In addition to the children themselves, flowers often act as additional attributes as a symbol of beauty. They act as a decoration, not to mention the fact that few holidays are complete without them.

Children's Day cards may also contain small animals to draw a parallel between them. After all, they also cannot counteract the dangers they face in this world.

Plot themes

When a person sees an image on a postcard, all its elements add up to a certain plot. Some seek to show the happiness of children, where they are under parental care, while other postcards approach this issue from the other side. Some of them depict crying children.

The theme of friendship between children is also quite common. The kids holding hands around the globe perfectly symbolize the global nature of the holiday.

Joint pictures with animals and joyful pastime are the main motive here. Every parent in such things can notice their child. But on this day, one should remember not only about their children, but about all small defenseless human beings on the planet.

animated pictures

For the first time, you can look at an animated image for a long time without looking up from it. Unlike static ones, they attract much more attention. Animation highlights the inscriptions, adding movement to the background around them.

In addition, more objects are animated, creating the effect of movement. This kind of pictures provides indescribable beauty, so every year there are only more of them. A wide selection of images on our site will help you choose an electronic greeting card for everyone for every taste.

This is not the only day dedicated to children. There are also separate days for attention to African babies. In addition, there is also the "children's day", which is often confused with the day of protection.

It falls on November 20, so the difference in dates is significant. But still, June 1 is a more famous holiday. The decision to establish this day was recognized as early as 1949.

In many European countries and in America, campaigns are held on this day to protect unborn children. Anti-abortion people are demonstrating and doing their best to draw attention to this issue too.

Children are always beautiful
Who is thinner and who is fuller
Higher, lower and older
There are no strangers, bad children.

Children smell strange
With them it is better, life is brighter,
Let's stand together to protect
We are all children in the world.

little hands,
Round eyes,
you charm,
It is impossible not to love!

little feet,
Of the teeth, only two.
Walks around with you
By night head.

You are the beginning of life
Dear child!
little man
It is impossible not to love!

Today is Children's Day -
candy eaters,
The happiness of those who see in smartphones
And tablets. But no doubt

Gadgets are needed - mom!
You can be stubborn
And don't listen to advice
But unconditional love

Maternal, infinite
To be wrapped forever.
And everyone needs a folder,
To sometimes threaten with a slipper

And with a wide belt he scared,
Doing lessons together.
And, of course, brothers are needed,
And sisters need hugs

Homemade borscht, cozy home...
So let all the little ones
They grow up in strong families,
Tears of sorrow do not know!

Take care of your children
Don't scold them for being stupid.
The evil of your bad days
Never rip on them.

Don't be really angry with them.
Even if they are guilty
Nothing is more precious than tears
That from the cilia of relatives rolled down.

If fatigue knocks down,
There is no urine to cope with her,
Well, your son will come to you
Or the daughter will stretch out her hands,

Hug them tight.
Treasure children's affection.
This happiness is a short moment.
Hurry up to be happy!

After all, they will melt like snow in the spring,
These golden days will fly by,
And leave the hearth of the native
Your grown up children.

Flipping through the album
With photographs of childhood
Sadly remember the past
About the days we were together.

How will you want
At this time, return again
To sing a song to them,
Touch the cheeks with tender lips.

And while children's laughter is in the house,
Nowhere to go from toys
You are the happiest in the world
Please take care of your childhood!

Eduard Asadov

It should be noted that these actions are not directly related to the holiday and the activists are simply trying to find a well-known holiday similar in theme.

Olga Sbitneva

The kid draws on the pavement with crayons

Green grass and house.

Trees and sun paints with strokes

And joy flows all around.

There is a blue sky and a river with a ribbon,

Sedge, reeds on the banks.

A duck swims there, a sheep roams here.

So the world comes alive in dreams.

But too old people hurry by

And they are not up to children's daub-

They are more concerned about everyday life

And trample drawing they...

Here the sky over the fairy tale sadness darkens -

So the clouds thicken into darkness.

Trees and grass withered, turn pale ...

But, how patient the young magician!

Again the sky turns blue with its purity

And the river winds like a ribbon -

The kid corrected everything with crayon and hand,

What are friends with the dream so far.

So the long-awaited summer has come, everything around has become so bright and colorful!

1 June passed in our city competition of drawings on asphalt between preschool educational institutions of the district"Bright colors of summer" Children, girls and boys, with great pleasure "scratched" with multi-colored crayons on asphalt, investing in their drawings childish spontaneity, carelessness, positive and cheerfulness. Soon, bright marks appeared on the gray surface, and the magic crayons got smaller and smaller. In their drawings most often children portrayed: sun, rainbow, flowers, children. The children worked very hard, carefully coloring their drawings. No one was bored, everyone was busy with creativity.

Asphalt flourished wonderful amazing drawings, and soon resembled an art gallery, which everyone could visit. Then everything present at the holiday, children and adults looked with great interest drawings.

All works were awarded by the jury and each participant received a prize!

Then the holiday continued in the KIO Park, where a festive game program was prepared for the children.

We also took part in photo contest on the Internet and received diplomas.

June 1 - International Children's Day. Children's Day is not only a fun holiday for the children themselves, it is also a reminder to society of the need to protect children and their rights. Everyone should have a happy and safe childhood so that children can study, do what they love in a favorable, friendly environment and become wonderful parents and citizens of their country in the future.

In the modern world, the issue of childhood safety is very acute. And the current social situation is aggravated every year, this is not a problem of one specific country, this is a problem of the world community. Every year there are more and more vehicles on the roads, the number of drivers who do not comply with the speed limit is multiplying, with the growth of poverty, the growth of crime, fraud and the number of antisocial personalities is increasing, and this is only part of the dangers that lie in wait for a child on the street, add to this the dangers in the Internet.

The task of adults is not only to protect the child, but also to prepare him for a meeting with various dangers, with dangerous life situations. After all, as you know: "Forewarned is forearmed." Adults will not be able to be with the child all the time, so he must be able to help himself in a difficult situation on his own, and he can do this if he knows about the existing dangers, learns to recognize and avoid them. Both the kindergarten and the school should certainly promote safe lifestyle skills, but the parental position and the views of mom and dad on safety rules are of the greatest importance for the child. Do not save your time, explain to your child how to behave correctly in different life situations, what is good and what is bad. After all, saving your time, you can lose the most precious thing - a happy and safe childhood of your children!

We congratulate all children on the holiday and invite you to take part inInternational creative competition dedicated to Children's Day "Happy and safe childhood".

Creative works on the following topics are accepted for the competition:
"June 1 - Children's Day"
"My Happy Childhood"
"Our friendly family"
“I can do everything! I can do everything! I sculpt, draw and sing!”
"I love reading poetry"
"What a Wonderful World"
"Safe Road"
"Safe Internet"
"Childhood without danger"
Free theme for creativity

Send your drawings, crafts, photographs, poems, stories, presentations, videos and other works on the topic of childhood, childhood fantasies, dreams from childhood, Children's Day, traffic rules and safe behavior of children on the street, careful handling of fire, safe behavior at home, in nature and in other dangerous situations.

The order of the Competition:

Acceptance of work fromMay 05 to June 20, 2019 inclusive.

Determination of winners from 21 to 24 June 2019.

Publication of the competition resultsJune 25, 2019.

Diplomas in electronic form are sent to the participants within a month after summarizing the results (when paying for the diploma in electronic form).
Diplomas in paper form are sent to the participants within one or two months after summarizing the results (when paying for the diploma in paper form).

Purpose and Objectives of the Competition:

    Consolidation of knowledge of the rules of the road and the rules of safe behavior on the street;

    Formation and consolidation of skills of careful handling of fire, consolidation of knowledge about the causes and consequences of careless handling of fire;

    Consolidation of the rules of safe behavior in everyday life and in nature;

    Consolidation of knowledge and rules of behavior in dangerous situations;

    Creation of conditions for self-realization of children;

    Identification and support of gifted and talented children;

    Promoting the development of the intellectual and environmental potential of the child's personality;

    Education in children of love for creativity, beauty, art;

    Education of artistic and aesthetic attitude to art;

    Introducing children to cultural values;

    Stimulation of the cognitive interests of the child;

    Development of artistic and visual abilities;

    Assistance in advanced training of teachers of institutions of any type that develop children of preschool and school age; identifying creatively working teachers and creating conditions for their self-realization.

    Encouraging children, teachers to participate in network projects;

    Encouragement of children, teachers.

    Providing participants with the opportunity to compete on a scale that goes beyond the institution and region within the framework of a remote competition.


Children aged 1.5 to 18 years:

    pupils of preschool institutions of any type in the Russian Federation and foreign countries;

    students of grades 1-11 of educational institutions of any type in the Russian Federation and foreign countries (schools, lyceums, gymnasiums);

    students of art schools, institutions of additional education for children;

    children not attending educational institutions.


    students of schools, technical schools, colleges, universities, etc.

    preschool teachers, teachers of schools and gymnasiums, teachers of additional education, teachers of schools, technical schools, colleges, lyceums, universities and other teachers working with children, adolescents, youth living in Russia and outside the country.

Competition nominations:

    "Decorative and applied art" (to the competition of crafts for Children's Dayphoto and video materials are accepted, which depict (s) crafts that correspond to the subject).

    "Family Art" (photos and video materials are accepted for the competition, which depict (s) any crafts, drawings, postcards and other joint works made together with parents).

    "Our Culinary Masterpiece" (photos showing culinary masterpieces prepared together in honor of the holiday are accepted for the competition).

    "Drawing" (photos or scanned copies of drawings on the theme of the competition are accepted for the drawing competition for Children's Day).

    "Poster" (presentations and photographs of the poster of your class, group, team, or individual poster are accepted for the competition)

    "Wall newspaper" (presentations and photographs of the wall newspaper of your class, group, team, or individual wall newspaper are accepted for the competition).

    "Master Class" (master classes on the topic of the competition are accepted for the competition in the form of text documents or presentations, accompanied by photographs, video materials).

    "lapbook" (photos of ready-made lapbooks on the topic of the contest are accepted (at least 3 photos that clearly show the contents of the folder, photos can be combined in a document such as Word or presentation, a description of the contents of the folder in free form MUST go to work).

    "Theme Corner" (photographs of thematic corners equipped with information materials on the topic of the competition, its works, possibly with drawings, crafts of students or pupils, posters, books with works, etc. are accepted for the competition).

    "Literary creativity" (Any creatively executed and designed works telling about the holiday, including poems, songs, stories, are accepted for the competition).

    "Expressive reading" (audio recordings, video materials of expressive reading of poetry and prose by heart are accepted for the competition of readers).

    "Theatrical Art" (video materials of monologues, stage groups, sketches, fragments of a performance on the theme of the competition are accepted for the competition).

    "Vocal and musical art" (audio recordings, video materials of soloists, musical groups (ensembles, groups, orchestras, choirs, etc.), dance groups, young composers and performers corresponding to the theme of the competition are accepted for the competition).

    "Presentation" (presentations made by you that correspond to the topic are accepted for the competition).

    "Movie" (video materials corresponding to the topic are accepted for the competition).

    "Cartoon" (drawn, plasticine, computer, etc. cartoons shot by you are accepted for the competition).

    "Photo"(Interesting, unusual photos corresponding to the topic are accepted for the competition).

    "World peace" (presentations, photographs, drawings and stories on the theme of peace, life on earth are accepted for the competition).

    "Creativity without limits" (free nomination, in which presentations, photographs, drawings, stories, any materials on the theme of the competition and creativity are accepted for the competition).

How to apply for the competition:


The registration fee includes: participation + diploma in electronic form.
The registration fee depends on the number of participants:

From 1 to 9 people (works) - 70 rubles, 70 rubles

From 10 people (works) - 60 rublesfor each participant in each nomination, 60 rubles for the diploma of work manager

You can pay using a receipt, you can download a receipt Also, payment can be made to the Yandex.Money electronic wallet 410012112592773 - Business card link for transfers (with this payment method, indicate the date, exact time of payment and amount in the application - the exact time of payment can be taken from SMS).

About awarding participants:

According to the results of the evaluation of the competitive works of the Portal of the Educational Center "The Way of Knowledge", winners (I, II, III place in each nomination) and prize-winners (laureates, diplomats) will be determined. The Portal's decision is final and not subject to comment. The winners and prize-winners of the competition receive a personal Diploma as a final document. Participants who are not included in the number of winners receive a nominal Diploma of the participant as a final document.

Teachers, educators, parents, having paid their organizational fee, can receive their own nominal diploma for leadership in the performance of work.

Also, teachers who organized the participation in the competition of 5 or more children (who received Diplomas), regardless of the results of the competition, receive a Letter of Appreciation with the wording "for active participation in the International Competition", which is sent to the e-mail specified in the Application, along with diplomas. All diplomas comply with the Federal State Educational Standards and attestation of teachers.

Diplomas in electronic form are sent to participants within a month from the date of publication of the competition results to the email addresses specified in the applications.
Diplomas in paper form are sent to participants within two months from the date of publication of the competition results to the addresses indicated in the applications.

Diplomas are sent to participants free of charge.

Inna Uzyanova

June 1 is celebrated in many countries of the world child protection. This is one of the most beloved holidays, which is revered by many nations. On the first day of summer, there are usually discussions on the topic of rights and well-being children, broadcast children's TV programs, sports competitions are arranged in the DC. Various competitions, events, performances are held. Children for the holiday make interesting crafts and drawings. Day child protection- a kind and bright holiday, so we decided to decorate the group with the children of the preparatory group " suns". The sun symbolizes warmth, joy, love! And as the song says - "Let it always be Sun, blue skies and peace on our earth!"

For work we need:

1. A4 white sheet of paper

2. Color pencils, felt-tip pens, markers.

3. Simple pencil

5. Color. paper

Scissors, glue

Circle the child's fingers in a circle to make Sun. Outline with a red marker (felt-tip pen, inside with an eraser we erase the extra contours.

Draw the face of the sun(as fantasy requires)

Coloring sun and sky. pencils. Now we need to decorate our sun wreath of flowers. To do this, we need a square of at least 5cm, I made 6cm each.

Square color fold paper diagonally (to make a triangle) three times, draw a petal and cut it out, unfold our flower and glue on Sun. The number of flowers is arbitrary, depending on what size you will cut the flowers. The ends of the flowers can be curled with scissors. In the same way, we cut out the leaves and glue them, I also drew lines on the leaves with a felt-tip pen. Our the drawing is ready.